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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast/scale model car general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives - Evil Ryu (SDCC), Alt Player 2 Ryu (Paulmartstore)

Street Fighter UNKNOWNS
Alt Player 2 Chun Li
Alt Player 2 Fei Long
Violent Ken (will most likely be SDCC like Evil Ryu but not known for sure)

Megaman Figures
Wave 1 - Mega Man, Ice Man, Fire Man
Wave 2 - Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Elec Man, Cut Man

Food Mascots
Franken Berry
Count Chocula
Boo Berry
Chester Cheetah
Sorry, didn’t realize we had gotten knocked off the board already. How’s everyone enjoying their Bisons and Dhalsims?
Bison would be an awesome custom helldiver
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> How’s everyone enjoying their Bisons and Dhalsims?
I'll tell you in September. We only just got our Ken stock here.
the ryu angry head is bad. reminds me of the shitty playdoh animation in robot chicken.
I don't recommend their frankenstein figure, the extra articulation is wasted on him and fucks up the sculpt more than it adds, also because of the way the shoulders jut out he can't really get into that proper arms forward pose. just pay a little more and get the neca if you need frank.
I feel like all of wave one's heads are passable but wave two is a massive improvement.
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damn, another op pic, nice
honestly can't wait for sagat and the eventual honda.
wonder how much more expensive the large figures will be. I know blanka and sagat are labeled as deluxe.
Wow we're all so impressed.
Nah. UK. Sucks to find them here, even with online retailers.
I heard that they're using a new factory now.
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Ahh. Its like that here in canada especially edmonton.

But for the rest of you guys whats happening here. Ive had fei long for less than a day and the "paint" or something is peeling off the flame effect. Just got up and came into my office, and looked and ita all ghey and stuff.
Mine was like that when I opened it. Paint on such rubber probably isn't ideal.
just got my ken. cool figure, really like the headsculpt, but the execution of the arms is leaving a lot to be desired. Getting him into the shoryuken pose and the arms just aren't able to sell it. too short, too skinny, bicep area of the arm is tiny. it feels like the opposite problem of gorilla arms.
Someone might've stuck it up their ass while you were away from the office.
Pre-orders for Mega Man wave 2 go up on Monday
Is it just me or does he look better than the wave 1 version?
The gritting teeth head without the lining made it look cheap.
Do you think we'll get them before summer or after summer?
>they didn't change the eyes from the official complete works art
lmao these fucking retards. figure ruined.
also hyper bomb recolor over Proto Man or item 2 Mega Man. can they get more pathetic?
Cammy when?
When I saw the Complete Works art appear for every Robotmaster they put in Smash Bros, I knew those old images would outlive us all.
>figure ruined.
Yah, in the bin. I guess I'll wait for the next action figures of these two in ten years if I'm lucky.
I really do dig these street fighter figures but one thing that drives me insane about them is never finding them in stores so I have to order them online and then get figures with fucking terrible face paint problems. They need to fix this shit or my love for the line is going to fall. I know I can easily contact customer service and get a new heads but why does it have to be this way? They need better quality control.
Kek Chun-Li getting a pat on the head.
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Couldn’t find much more information about it besides “spring festival edition”, guess we’ll see what it ends up being
Orange Ryu and Cobra Kai Ken when
hi, slowpoke
she's a good girl after all
we already got orange ryu
paintjob on the rubber parts is really bad, chips of just rubbing it vigorously not even scratching it. unless you keep your figs in a static pose permanently it's not going to last.
>How’s everyone enjoying their Bisons and Dhalsims?
Bison is amazing i mean should be obvious but well worth the money dont have dhalsim yet.
They want the wave with cammy to come out before the years end.
Funny, the first 3 figures shown up where I live like 2 months ago and now they're on sale. Too bad I don't collect Street Fighter.
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I like how they're giving him unique faces for each upgrade, makes each version unique. If only the faceplates were switchable instead of being connected to the heads. Then we could swap faces with figures.
The first two games look like people in pajamas they should have skipped to MM3.
I had that happen, sort of, to one of mine, too. Tried to get rid of the stickiness and left it submerged in soapy water - on the window sill, for way too long. Got it replaced and had the chance to compare new vs old (the old one was used) and... directly comparing them I didn't norice much of a difference after all. Either way, I store my figures in bags and I just put this in a separate bag. So far, no paint came off that I can tell, but even at the best of times the colors are sorta washed out.
those arms are going to look especially weak on guile if they end up using the same buck like the prototype figure they showed.
>If only the faceplates were switchable instead of being connected to the heads.
I thought the same thing. It's a missed opportunity. I still probably wouldn't get every Mega Man variant or even most of them, but I'd get a couple.
>they should have skipped to MM3.
I wonder if they'll burn out on og MM and go to the X Series with the animals.
>I still probably wouldn't get every Mega Man variant or even most of them, but I'd get a couple.
Yeah same. I'll get the ones I really like but ya can only get so many color variants.
I don't expect to see preorders to go up until mid-summer. Yeah I know that other anon said Monday but Jada dragged with dicks on the last set of preorders too. I swear it's like that slant is casting them one at a time in his bathtub or something.
>Jada dragged with dicks
WTF. I mean "dragged their dicks." Jada has got to be the slowest company I've seen in a long time. There are Kickstarters that delivery quicker.
any update/rumor on Rainbow Mika
>There are Kickstarters that delivery quicker.
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these figures would benefit immensely from toe articulation, so many of the poses from the games are nearly impossible because of flat feet.
The next wave of preorders potentially being Cammy has me anxious
Definitely. It was one of the first things I noticed when I was playing around with Fei Long.
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I only have Fei Long right now and it'd be a slipper slope to just collect everyone. I think I'll just go with characters I like or have particularly interesting designs or I think would be fun to play with. Of this bunch I'm leaning towards these 3 for now.
Update on this, potential target exclusive?
I have seen a few China/HK websites that seem to have her up for preorder but not sure I’d trust those just yet.
What a deal. It costs the same as every other figure but it includes an entire TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER TIGER
Sagat, Blanka, t hawk and E Honda are deluxe, they will be between 30 and 40.
Someone destroyed that prototype's diaper

probably Balrog too

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