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I use ebay a lot for my gunpla and Star Wars collection. I notice some new type of retard scam. You order something but the retard seller never send it. He even gives you a tracking number that never moves. What you lose is time by wasting weeks to get a refund from ebay. Some people just want to see the world burn.
Not moving tracking numbers I had too but the package arrived anyway. Maybe its just a bug with the delivery service.
I had some faggot send me an open bag then claimed my figure must've been stolen. Haven't bought a single thing since.
That's one of the oldest scams in the book. If the tracking number doesn't show any update like a week after they claim it was mailed, just contact ebay and they usually send my refund quick. If the seller is lying and the tracking doesn't update after a week and the buyer keeps waiting and believing the BS, that's on the buyer for being an idiot and waiting too long to file a claim with ebay.
Apparently all these scams methods share the same shit that the price was awful low
Can you literally not read retard, this shit only happens on accounts with very low feedback. If you're buying a suspiciously cheap brand new mint in box toy from a guy with 7 feedback and 3 of it is bad that's 100% on you.
They use bots or a full mafia web gang to have good feedback and all says the same comments
I'm never using second chance offers again. Nobody ever takes it
Why do seller get mad at customers for not asking questions before buying when they themselves say they frequently ignore question because customers who ask questions are trouble/waste of time?
>see auction
>good price, 6 days left to go
>already like 15 bids
What is the reason for this, why not wait until the last day?
New scam? People have been doing that shit for years, normally Chinese sellers
You have to check newest feedback too. Even if a seller has a 98% rating, the 2% bad ones could be all negative.
I am guessing to scare people away or you actually have aggressive bidders. Some people also don't understand how it works so they keep increasing the bid immediately. You can check the bidders % win, most of the time those people just bid on something early and hope they win it for cheap.
Most buyers are retards. I won't answer a question if it is something that is already answered in the item description (most of the time, buyers don't even read the description anymore anyway), so if you're being especially stupid, why should I bother?

If it is a legitimate question then that is fine. I'd rather clear up any confusion or issues before the person wants to bid or buy or whatever.
By the way, is anyone experiencing an issue where the buttons on ebay don't work? Like the Buy It Now button won't let me click it, just lets me highlight the text 'Buy it Now'. Very weird.
Well then, that's definitely the seller being a retard in that instance.

What I have seen lately is they just give you a tracking number that is legit in your general area from their local carrier that was signed for.

Ebay's system will close out your complaint as delivered. You then need to reopen and hope you get someone there at Ebay with more than 5 brain cells and bit of comprehension.

seller - Signed for and delivered you ahve it
me - wasn't delivered to me
seller - Is signed for go pick it up thank you.
Ebay - Was signed for issue is closed.

Someone at the USPS was nice and told me the street it was 'delivered' to.

So on the second reopening.
Eventually i got someone at ebay that understood I lived in a house, not a business with a front office/receptionist located 5 miles from my house.
fuck china
>selling figure on eBay
>reasonable price, not suspiciously cheap but still beating out competition
>no activity for weeks
>look at sold listings to see if I priced wrong
>people buying listings that are more expensive than mine as recently as a few days ago
What the fuck? This isn't some super expensive figure that people would go out of their way to manipulate the market, and mine isn't priced so cheap that people would be scared it's a bootleg. I have a perfect seller rating and I use all the same keywords and data as the people selling.
What the fuck am I doing wrong?
You're not Chinese. eBay has prioritized Chinese listings for over a decade. What's worse, fees there are a fraction of what we pay here, so they're fucking US sellers basically just to fuck them.
Nope. These are US sellers just like me.
Is shipping cost the same? Did you use the same keywords and categories?
Sometimes (most of the time) eBay does this 'smart' thing when searching for results by limiting what category is shown. For example, if I searched 'Mothra' it will post results under the 'Godzilla' category instead of 'All Categories'. It is stupid and annoying, but it may just be that people aren't seeing your listing.
I use free shipping. I already mentioned in my post that I used the same keywords and categories.
Just do an item not received case if they don't respond to messages.

Also your post makes you sound ESL or underage.
Are you posting good pictures? Sometimes if a seller uses a stock image I dismiss them nearly all of the time. They have to show the actual product and have clear pictures. They also have to have either a 99% or better rating. Anything below that I investigate the bad reviews and make a decision to risk it or not.
>what the fuck am I doing wrong?

nothing, we're in a recession. I've been selling botique stuff on ebay since 2006, I'm 70% down over the past 2 years month by month, everyone is broke.
While that's true, eBay pulls alot of fuckery with its algorithm.

When I resumed selling back in 2012, after my trial period was over, it was very obvious that I was being artificially limited. I was allowed to make 5 sales or $300 each month. If I hit either 3 days in, tough shit, nothing until the next month.

When they introduced promoted listings, I balked at paying even more, so sales started to slide and eventually went right over a cliff. As often as I receive (and accept) "best offer" solicitations as a buyer, it never worked for me as a seller. By the time they shut off my account for not joining Mangled Payments in 2020 or 2021, I was making maybe 1 sale per quarter at best.

Real shame Mercari looks like it's going to implode. I was going to try there before they upper their fees to be on par with eBay. Now with them pushing fees in the buyer's face, I don't see making many sales there if I signed up. Just have to stick with in-person shows and the like I guess.
ditto RE: mercari, I signed up in 2019, made a few sales here and there, now I average less than 1 a month.
I only use it to offload cheap/loose/used stuff too since that's what the ads kind of lean into. Last sale on there for me was Jan.
This is not new. Welcome to using eBay you underage tranny.
>Not moving tracking numbers
>even gives you a tracking number
What this means is that the Seller purchases a mailing label from EB; THAT generates the tracking number.

EB sends you the bullshit meaningless email telling you that "your item has shipped" when it might not even been boxed up.

Allegedly they penalize sellers for (supposedly) one of two things: (a) not shipping within XX days of your credit card/PP account being charged or (b) not shipping within XX days of SELLER buying the label.

However, most Storefronts have learned that buying their postage gives you lax oversight, so they do that. I bought two used loosed toys from some Mom seller that she posted and then lost track of it, she was nice and I would prefer the toys over the refund so I gave her plenty of time, but in the meantime the stupid site kept saying they were shipped to me, when in fact they weren't. About three months later, after pestering her more in the second and third month and politely asking her to make sure she looked (it ran over the holidays so I cut her slack between Black Friday and Christmas, but once January rolled around I said 'please confirm you have them within ten days' then followed that up in twenty, and finally asked her to refund the full amount and gave her a neutral review that just said I never got the items but she refunded the sale price/fees.

You take a picture of the item, the box, etc. and make a claim. I got a damaged package which damaged the box - since this was a statute, I do want the box for moving but also if I ever re-sell it, and a damaged box reduced the resale value, so I asked for a partial discount and got the full amount refunded, because the Seller ended up making a claim to the post office for the entire amount.

So if you got fucked over, it's on you, son.
>customers who ask questions are trouble/waste of time?
Some sellers are assholes, you can tell easily and right away. I look at their feedback. There's nothing that only exists as a one of a kind that is forcing me to deal with an Asshole Tool of a seller.

>already answered in the item description
When I post loose toys, I always make sure to pose them in multiple angles, and state that none of the joints are loose or tight, etc. Five times out of ten, some anons post one picture, maybe two. Many of them pose them on a table or leaning against a wall.

Two of my common, copypasta questions is 'will this stand by itself if you put it on a shelf without leaning it against something' and 'how are the joints, too loose? too tight? will it articulate as intended from the factory?'

I often get wives or mom's telling me they will check with their 'husband/boyfriend/children' and confirm some of my questions, that's fine, but I've also had an asshole block me as being 'too much of a hassle' who will probably give me a negative review' or 'make a claim against me.'

Which is bullshit, I wouldn't bid on a toy with loose joints so I would never had been able to review it, and tight joints at least tells me I will need to warm up the toy to get it to work. I just want to know what I am bidding on in comparison to the universe of what's out there.

Again, there's rarely such a thing as a rare one of a kind item that I have to put up with nonsense from a seller who wants to just unload garbage he won't dump on a thrift store, garage sale or flea market.

I would agree with most of this, their algorithm sucks but I'm not trying to make a living at it, just unloading excess crap I got in lots and duplicates, and stuff I no longer want.

I agree with this but anon said he had 100% feedback. He just might not have enough reviews even if say the 3 he has are all positive.
My pictures are good.

I'm not complaining because I can't sell. I'm complaining because someone chose a more expensive listing over mine.

I have a couple dozen reviews. All I can think is maybe it's because I only ship to the US while this other guy ships internationally from the US. I guess it could've been someone from another country that bought it.
My mom always buys shit on eBay and she said prices are way down and the same items that were expensive last year are cheaper this year
My sales were on an upturn lately and took a hard nosedive the last couple weeks. What gives sellersisters? Thanks for reading my eBayer blog
>I have a couple dozen reviews
Probably this, unless the other sellers have similar numbers. I'd rather pay $27 to the seller with 3000 99.3% positive feedback than pay $20 to the seller with 35 100% positive feedback. The former is clearly doing this as a business and has a lot more experience, whereas the latter is probably someone just clearing out space and it's more of gamble on whether you'll get a poorly packaged product or even outright scammed.
I've been thinking about downsizing my collection and selling off 30-50 figures. I've never sold anything on ebay before, only bought from there. Is it still the best option for someone in my situation or would you recommend selling through a different site? Also, what sort of steps should I take to avoid scammed? I've heard stories of people making bogus refund claims like saying they got the wrong item or a damaged item and then sending back a different figure after getting refunded.
That's why you record yourself packaging the figure, and dropping it off. Also good feedback, I think Ebay usually takes the side of a seller who has mostly good feedback. In addition, you need to learn to intimidate your buyers
>In addition, you need to learn to intimidate your buyers
How so?
In all my time selling, I have never had anybody send the item back and scam me. I've seen some people who've experienced it and they just phoned up and hounded eBay about it and supplied video of themselves opening it and finding the wrong item. Ebay has sided with them seemingly every time. I've had to deal with issuing refunds because the retarded post office lost an international item, however.

It's the 15% buyers fee you have to be wary of(they take a small percentage of the shipping as well.)
Question: if a item i brought its suppossed to have reached my home 2 weeks ago but it has not reached yet, so i ask ebay for a refund, where ebay gets the money for the refund?
>new scam
>literally something that has been happening for 20 years
how does it feel to be such a retarded faggot? you also have shit taste in toys
Back before they took over payments, you had to win potentially three disputes. One with eBay, one with PayPal, and one with the credit card issuer.

I won my only such dispute on eBay but lost one on Amazon. They claimed it wasn't delivered, even though tracking showed it was. That buyer refused to communicate with me, doing each step in the Amazon process right on schedule, as if they were a pro at their grift.

>It's the 15% buyers fee you have to be wary of(they take a small percentage of the shipping as well.)

They take 15% of the shipping too. It's actually 15% of the item plus shipping plus sales tax. That's why, unless you overestimate shipping, your fees can actually be anywhere between 20% and 25%.
>That's why, unless you overestimate shipping, your fees can actually be anywhere between 20% and 25%.
the price you charge for shipping doesn't alter the fee percentage..
>retarded scam
No but considering you either don't get or don't get to keep the money for shipping or tax, the fee logically shifts to the item in a cost/benefit analysis.

>You have a $10 item that costs $10 ship.
>It sells for $21.20 ($20 plus tax on $20).
>eBay shifts $1.20 to its tax fund.
>eBay sends you $16.82 ($20 minus 15% of $21.20).
>You spend $10 on shipping (per my state assumption).
>You now have $6.82 of a $10 sale.
Is the cost of selling _really_ 15%? Or is it 31%?

You may not think about it if you're just dumping old junk for whatever you can get. But if you were selling to make money, you'd better know how high of a hurdle you really have to jump.
it's a final value fee. yes, ebay is fucking you, no, it doesn't matter how you slice it, the final value fee is a percentage of the total price the buyer paid. yes, you are retarded.
>poorfag toy renter confirmed
>toy renter
is that what it's called when you buy my listing for 700% mark up for some faggy figure then I take my profits and buy actually cool stuff?
I know I won't win so I bid the most I'd spend right away and hope it starts a bidding war and whatever faggot wins ends up really feeling it.
I highly doubt you're selling anything with a 700% markup.
i've done even higher. the fact you think that is shocking in this hobby reveals that it is actually you who is the poorfag
Reading is fundamental. I highly doubt _you're_ selling anything with a 700% markup.

Not paying late tax isn't being a poorfag, you bottom feeding Rossite.
>reddit spacing
>poor fag
>low IQ
>back pedaling
how many more boxes of cringe do you have checked off? let me guess-you're a gay furry to boot
I hope sellers get fucking scammed, you bastard cunts.
First of all shipping is getting fucking retarded. I know it's gone up but 20 dollars for a single figure shipped using by the cheapest method available at the post office? Get the FUCK out of here. Especially comic sellers who charge 10+ dollars to ship a single comic. Hell, half the time shipping costs more than the comic I'm buying.
And then you have the pieces of shit who just fucking ghost you if you win an auction for too cheap. No communication, no response, I have to sit with my thumb up my ass until I'm allowed to file a complaint with ebay, and then I have to wait even longer as they give you time to respond, but you don't, and then I finally get my fucking refund.
I pretty much NEVER had any problems until the last few years.

Also it fucking sucks looking for shit, so many "I KNOW WHAT I GOT" faggots clogging up the search results with shit priced sometimes double or more what recent sold listings are.
And then there is actually finding what you're looking for. Type in an exact name. AN EXACT FUCKING NAME. And eBay shows you just completely, COMPLETELY unrelated stuff. It's really fucking bad with comics too.
I've gotten to the point where I'll just click on the first one I see and then scroll down to the bottom of the page where it will (probably) show you different listings for it.
EBay tongue my anus.
Hey don’t think we hope you don’t get scammed too while you’re at it looking for rock bottom basement deals. It’s not my fault that I have to sell a $25 figure for about $35 or more to break even. You went to the storefront with the greatest selection and highest fees and you had better expect to pay for the fucking privilege. Shop on taobao or something if you want a deal.
familiar with capitalism?
typical black expecting his gibs to expand to everything, including ebayers selling action figures
Stop embarrassing yourself you needledicked wonder.

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