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Lego mocs and moc discussion
cool post your mocs, but this will never be the lego general
You’re right, it’s not lego general
It’s the lego MOC general, I can see where you would be confused
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How goes it today fellas?
yes especially when you tried to hijack the lego general
why can’t you just post your mocs in there anyways?
Cool moc bro!
Cool moc bro!
This is me.
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Pretty good dude!
That brown plate in the back looks like he dropped a turd lol
cool mocs bros
I can see the stop-motion
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Actually not a bad MOC, even if you don’t support it, there’s some good building techniques going on here.
Why is being black and brown gay? How did they get lumped into being gay?
buying a bunch of the same figure is a moc now?
Always has been.
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Army building is not a MOC, take it to /lg/
I’m gonna have to steal that crosswalk idea
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it's nice to have a place just for us
Haha nice village people reference!
cool moc bro!
Why would you have these saved?
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what do you mean it's my moc? I thought that's what this thread is for?
Some advice anon, I’d give that sailor in the front a one sided face. It’s a little creepy seeing another face on his back like Quill.
Why do you only have modulars?
you don’t moc your own buildings for your fag city?
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Did the sails as if they were rolled up, just gotta add some details to the inside
Are you saying that you’re one of these two then?
I see your MOC got featured in an article! Nice work anon!
>begging anons in /lg/ to post their mocs here
Lol. What a faggot loser.
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nice ship here's mine
You should post this in /lg/, they love this kind of shit
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yeah I'm thinking this thread is soul
How big is this moc? Looks cool.
ever since you showed up to shitpost because you’re upset about the splitting of the threads, it’s been a real downer
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you don't like mocs?
>He's never seen Buck Breaking
now that's one cool moc!
who knew there were so many gay anons who just needed a safe space to shine. you did good work op
It’s just one anon, he’s so upset about the split thread he has to sperg out and post his gay mocs, it’s pretty sad really
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I think it's quite delightful. nta btw
Nobody has anything again gayfags. We’d just prefer if you don’t just flood the image limit but it’s okay if you want to post cool mocs… we’d just prefer they were your own I imagine. Further proving why a split is needed. I’d rather see 500 posts with fags in rainbows if they’re unique than 50 posts about Lego dreamzzz.
This gives me evil dead vibes got any more?
it's from clash of the titans dumbass
Ah so it is! Should have put an owl in there so I could tell. Still got more?
Can you prove these are your mocs,
Cause I’m having trouble believing you
what are those hull pieces from?
Durmstrang ship. They also come in white and red from a juniors pirate ship.
It's just a bunch of modular buildings coated in flags.

>Nobody has anything again gayfags.

Speak for yourself, bootlicker.
At least one of the guys who mocs is super cool and he’s a gayfag but still a cool guy. I literally don’t care what someone does with their dick but I do care if they’re abusing kids and unfortunately legit gays get lumped in with trannys and the rest. Some faggot probably spent a lot of time on those queer pride mocs… not the faggot that posted them trying to derail a thread… again but some homo spent lots of time on it good for them. I just don’t know anon I know homos that are just fine but I’m also well aware and disgusted by the grooming behavior and overall shift to faggotry over the last few years. I swear there weren’t this many troons before I could have just been insulated.

These MOCs are child abuse. They promote sexual topics and themes to children who are far too young to be thinking about them.
giant batcave moc i was working on. ive since condensed it a bit since it felt too spread out
I’ll agree that children shouldn’t see this but in the hypothetical if that fag posted it here and only here it’d be fine because this isn’t a site for children. I am also disgusted with the public display and subsequent “news” about it. We’ll probably both bet band but it’s a good discussion. It’s hard for me to see the change but I’d say 2017-2019 Lego really went through a shift and then the awful afol craze kicked in right after.
heres version 2, i made it smaller but more dense and vertical. feedback appreciated
Gotta do something with the baseplates that blue is distracting. Overall fucking awesome I like the three levels but I also like it spread out more like >>10967328
maybe space it out, keep the height, and get rid of that blue?

The picture shows them in what looks like a Walmart. It's clearly a public retail space that will have children around whatever store it is. The sign behind them might be referencing a library manager but it's a bit too blurry.

More compact with verticality sounds more interesting to me. Not bad.
thank you. if i wanna do much more im gonna have to make a big bricklink order so im just tempted to make some cool 1 baseplate dioramas of specific areas like the batcomputer and take some cool photos of them. i did something similar with a supercomputer room before and enjoyed it
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I don’t know how much of a purist you are but if you can swing by a dollar tree and grab a dozen baseplates for $15.
yea i bought a bunch of cheap grey ones on amazon for this moc because i only had a bunch off moon crater baseplates in grey. baseplates are the only thing i dont mind uses non lego branded versions of
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Arctic has always been a favorite of mine
Not gonna lie I like that and I’ll probably get some of those space bitches.
I’ve had bricks hammered down on these for two weeks and let the kid play to see how they hold up. If they haven’t broken or snapped the bricks on them in a month I’m gonna make a comfy little setup.
Picked up the set with the mammoth because I wanted the mammoth the rest of the set was neater than I thought it would be
Gotcha, I was thinking it was a junior piece
There's also a middle/extension section, but if I iirc correctly it's only available in the white and rew.
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Oh hey that's my moc. Thanks for using it as the thumbnail image, here's another one of my Wild West buildings
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Here's the interior
I like the political bribe setup in one of your mocs and the details are super impressive. Real talk and don’t be freaked out how do you all these and have space if you’re mobile and have limited space? I’m asking more like how do you moc in limited spaces with such detail and what do you do with them after?
The lego ideas designer program one looks better imo
that's fair enough, this was made in one day mostly with parts I already had.

Oh yeah outside the bank, haha thanks. As for space, well I really don't have much space. I display these wild west builds at various conventions around the UK so while I'm not working on them they stay in large containers in the corner of a room. For the time being I have overtaken the dining room table as my mocing space, but soon I plan on moving it to a spare room once I've had a chance to clear out all the unneeded shit in there.
I like this :)
damn i got mogged hard
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Guess I haven't posted this one here yet;


Got together with a couple of mates to make a combined train layout. My part is going to have a container crane and yard. First thing to get fully done is a diesel shunter. Getting the Powered Up stuff into a train was quite a puzzle.

If you want to build your own, there are free instructions: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-175076/Mahj/df06-aposematic
It’s an all sound sweet moc. Except for the mini dolls and the color scheme
found this cissy male
I realized this was the real thread yesterday but didn't have anything to post. Adding the sun to this little guy really sealed the deal I think.
It's just a colour.
What moc means?
my own creation
It refers to anything you build that is your own design rather than following the instructions to build an official set
Where did you get the colour-reversed Blacktron torso?
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed it -- it just happened to be Lego's first explicitly 18+ sets coinciding with the events of 2020 . . . I wish they'd make better playsets (when's the last time we got something that lives up to early 2010s playsets?) instead of these dust-collector AFOL sets.
I got it from some flea market with a bunch of other figs, it’s bootleg torso, but looks cool, so I use it
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Fiddled with this a little more today. I feel like I have ideas for the structure on the island but not the parts to do much.
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Taking an assessment of my ground forces. Still a lot of work to do, but getting closer to the end. Finally figured out how to add ECM pods to my Guardians without making a dedicated unit. Need to work on the communication package for the missile equipped units.
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blacktron and curved pieces looks very wrong
Building big does require a lot of parts,
Do you have any other sets you can break down and scavenge for parts?
The dock looks great! Love the two levels
Hope that pirate wench’s little food stand gets more business

Nothing that I want to break down.
nobody would inhabit or build on an island without fresh water. just food for thought.
Can’t make an omelet, without cracking a few eggs anon,
you must sacrifice sets for your art
Don't need water when you have rum
Finished the legs for my crabs-cavator. The top is based on the jackhammer vehicle from the city volcano subtheme, just with more detail and color coordination.
That's a MOC? It passes well for a real set.

>those giant fuckoff missiles
They've been stealing Ice Planet tech again, those bastards.
As a gay man i have zero desire to build or play in gay lego city, yes i get its their own moc but its lame af. I want a world safe enough for gays to happily play with comfy classic lego themes without having to think about the nessecity for a pride parade.
I've been trying to find the instructions for those troop deployment vehicles forever.
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>As a gay
>N worder USA
Based Hideo
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Just got done with a bot build inspired by the Nod Redeemer from Kane's Wrath.
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I want to build custom LEGO houses for the Animal Crossing characters that don’t have any, but I’m too fucking stupid to figure out how to make different furniture and props from scratch. (Except for some obvious ones like a golden scorpion.)

What would work for things like the lion head?
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A lion head
Too bad they don’t come in white.
Weird that I can’t find anything based on the western zodiac.
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This one? I can break down the build when I get home after work.
Want to post decontructions of everything?
Sweet. I've seen it on a couple of other sites and assumed it was a rebrickable thing. I need a transport vehicle for my guys.
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From behind
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My WIP castle on a Paradisa baseplate. Waiting on some more tan parts to finish.
Very nice anon what’s the reason for the sand color?
Nice! Never seen duck knights before, those are pretty cute
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Hmmm. Not real enough. I nominate gay bar anon to build a better float for the pride parade. If they’re going to build it, it should be realistic.
You mean they never even asked if you wanted to be included ? How rude.
Not one hotdog piece visible. Try again
No Chima figs. Why you hate furries?
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> Chima
> Not Vidiyo


You. I like you.
based and unholy abomination pilled
I really respect your continued creativity.
Thanks, I just wanted a change from the same old grey walls. I've got plans to use white areas in the upper storeys and a green roof.
I'm working on. Converting an old batman tanker truck into a Blacktron weaponized APC/Mobile base. I have a bunch of stuff on order from Bricklink like trans neon green grate pieces for the top, printed computer console slopes, white tiles for up top, and a different trans neon green cockpit windshield.

Any constructive criticism for this build? I'm kind of happy with how it's shaping up.
I mean it’s okay, but what are you going to do with it? Collect dust?
>what are you going to do with it? Collect dust?
Of course not. Me and some of my best pals are going go drive it on a cross country adventure getting into all sorts of whacky hijinks and making friends along the way. Isn't that what everyone does with their Lego MOCs?
they don't really look like blacktron even with the color scheme. too much bulk and new parts take away what makes blacktron 2 unique. when moccing older themes use inspiration from older sets
>new parts take away what makes blacktron 2 unique. when moccing older themes use inspiration from older sets
That's a good point. I really think it's the front jet portion. I'll probably make it less curved and more angular. I also think the temporary bubble cockpit is throwing off the look a lot. I have this piece en route from Bricklink
No I just lick the dust off to strengthen my lungs
Is that mcfarlane figures in the background? I’m disappointed anon.
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>not liking goofy Bizzard and Captain Carrot
Sorry anon, I think I'm disappointed in you now. Though I freely admit the Batzarro is kind of shit, but Bizarro needed a partner for symmetry/my autism's sake.
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Some moc of ruined shrine to old god in fantasy/medieval setting that ive made some time ago.
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Rejuvinated Wylla set one of her hideouts inside the main chamber.
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Cat with parkinson for the scale.
>Why you hate furries?
Presumably he's met some.
>only specific flag outside the standard rainbow is the trans one
>no bi, pan, lesbian, nonbinary etc
>half the regular rainbow flags are the tacky woke one with ethnicity bits and half a trans flag crammed up its ass
>the “MOC” itself looks to mostly be actual sets with some basic parade float builds buried under all the rainbow crap
It genuinely would’ve been cool if they actually put effort into it, but it’s blatantly just a publicity stunt or something
>multiple flag types
>only one of which is the goyslop expanded rainbow
>and the lesbian flag is the pink-dominant one that pisses off twitter retards
Genuinely based
>Friends railway
>smol switcher locomotive
This is the coolest thing I have ever seen.
very nice anon. looks better than the DND set
game show host
Great job nailing the ruined / crumbling tower look.

Who's the elite shadow guy with the scythe?
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Does anyone have experience removing paint from a Lego piece?
Don't use solvents, they'll make the plastic cloudy. Mask off the teeth with masking tape and rub off the lip with a sharp eraser point. Don't rub so hard that you're buffing the plastic because it'll change the texture. Just rub hard enough for the print to begin fading and keep at it until it's gone.
Paint or printing? I don't know how to remove paint, but you can literally remove printing with a pencil eraser.
yeah I meant the lip printing on this head.
use an eraser. it works.

cut the eraser if its too big to get to the edges
thanks anons
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Some moc of ruined shrine to old god in fantasy/medieval setting that ive made some time ago.
Thx anon, he's a spirit bounded to wyllas will, hes a black phantom and silent executor, sadly i dont have black plate (and no plate is not an option since hes got old police torso because I dont have plain black one).
Reply got fucked, thx anon, i dont dig new dnd set that much likewise. Still I would like more fantasy races minifigs (like lizardfolk). I posted dracolich that I did few years ago out of the fossils set >>10974829
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>As a gay man i have zero desire to build or play in gay lego city
Idk as a gay man i think living in gay city is pretty based.
Heteros live in hetero-populated cities all the time.
When i build my stuff - 90% of my characters are gay.
I think you might be overdoing it a little
unironically yes
But >>10969741
Is right and clearly a decent dude.
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>isn't gay like full of pedophiles and aids?
Gays usually attracted to masculinity (so to men from 30+).
Aids usually come from narcotics driven places like sea towns of america or something like that but i'm not sure so i won't be judging lol.
>I think you might be overdoing it a little
yeah i think i post these to "bait" but lego threads and anons usually quite cool. I should stop doing that because i'm no different from waifig/minidoll-obsessed anons i guess.
>sea towns of america
Seashore towns. or how those called.
*jason and the argonauts
>I should stop doing that because i'm no different from waifig/minidoll-obsessed anons i guess.

I genuinely put effort into mocs and do this too. I don't see a problem. Post good pics and mocs and you're golden man.

Also that Owl build reminds me a lot of the owls in that Cornkidz 64 game.
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I just remembered I made this abomination years and years ago even though I eroneously swore I'd never participate in making Pepe live one day longer on this fucking website.
I'm sorry.
Oh yeah, you like mocs? Rotate EVERY apple. I'll wait.
You replied in the wrong thread anon I’m back here. >>10975495
You really are slipping mate I’m worried. Quit being so lazy and go make some more mixel abominations Sid.
Why not post something you made yourself instead of continuing to feud with somebody who clearly doesn't give a shit
If he didn’t give a shit why’d he post that and quote me and use the red apples? Starting shit here and the general just to start shit huh snowflake?
your deranged
Great contribution.
>quote me
>use the red apples
if I remember the opinion I appreciated most was that the green apple looked more undeveloped and aesthetically pleasing, which is what I also believed before making an alternate version to better reference a fucking meme, and a fully grown God Emperor Aphantasia, Duke of Rotating Apples has been an idea in my head before you even started bitching. are you seriously trying to take some sort of deranged credit for someone else's bricks, over a topic NOBODY would ever dwell on, while arguing I'm the attention seeking whore? You care more about my posts than I do, which is fucking insane.
This is your home btw >>10974126 Please seethe silently or perhaps consider not caring so much.
I really dig this Purate scene going
What are those duck knights?

I love your castle and it's dope looking on that base plate
This is a KINO display. Looks like the perfect set for a Conan figure to raid and steal a jewl out of.
One will fight alongside you. The rest are sent to kill you. Who's got your back?
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watch out these goofy builds might trigger less capable mocers
definitely taking tall2d2
The one on the left.
Middle and right one have retarded proportions and thus would have problems moving.
Pretty long reply for someone who doesn’t care. I think you’re just mad someone finally called you on your bullshit. Recycling ideas from a failed line ten years ago or poppin heads off duplo doesn’t make you unique cool or kino it just shows how far this place has fallen. Here, I found your instruction manual. I love the departure from the norm with the Star Wars slop and some shitty arms you’ve used 20 times but at least it’s different.
>seethe silently or perhaps consider not caring so much.
Forgot the pic! What a heckin doofus of me!
>called you on your bullshit
post mocs
have you ever built anything without the instructions anon? those minifigures you posted sure were impressive
Right?! Like taking the hair off a new cmf cripple and putting it on new cmf spaceman with the same stupid teeth he’s used a hundred times before is so cool! God why don’t you two just suck each other’s cocks and get it over with?
Coastal cities? Can confirm I live near one everyone talks shit about
Make big hands mine
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Made a batch of micoscale space fighters and ships, trying to brainstorm designs that might look good as a minifig scale ship. Any that (you) like?
Thanks Anon, they're custom torso and shield stickers I printed. I can post the designs if you want.
wtf set this guy off?
Just some fag crying for attention.
Grey on the left with the yellow transparent cockpit.
Same, would be cool to see it in minifigure scale.
meltdown-anon still at it lol
>barely any MOC's>Most of the thread is people complaining about the alphabet mafia, trolling, and taking obvious bait
This truly is a shitty offshoot of /lg/...

Personally, I like the blur one on the right and Grey one on the left. They all look pretty cook though.
better than the faggot pedo shit
I'm almost done with my Blacktron APC/Mobile Command Center.
it does look better with that windshield.
Thanks. I took the advice I got here and avoided the bubble windshield.
i like everything except the treads aren't big enough, feel like they need to be like 2x as big and meaty
It could use a little more white and maybe some opaque lime green highlights. This looks like a Blacktron I vehicle but with green instead of yellow.
>opaque lime green
It is a lot of solid straight black and very contained white so I get why they think it needs some more spice. Lime might not be the salt of choice
Someone help me out here- I want a good selection of pieces to throw together for little mecha, and general microscale builds. Are there any readily available kits with good pieces for that sort of thing?
>motorcade driving past a Books depository
Anything you get retail is going to be 100x the cost of going on FB marketplace and getting a 50lb bin for $20, and the bin is going to have years of variety. Start there, build a collection, and then fill in the gaps with retail sets.
Yea, I'd like the treads to be bigger, but if they were any meatier, they'd interfere with how the back opens (I tried it). I wouldn't mind them being a bit longer, but I'd have to order another set of treads from Bricklink and I really don't feel like spending more money.

>opaque lime green highlights
You mean trans neon green?
The bulk suggestion is good. If you want pieces for little mechas and stuff from retail sets then I've found small creator creature sets to be very useful. They have a bunch of joints and small pieces for details. Like 31128 (dolphin and turtle) or the 31145 dragon looks good too
Please don't bully the robo-penguins
Based setup
This, but wash the pieces after buying. Just detergent and water in a bucket is enough.
Okay, that looks rad. Is that a mech suit for the ice planet penguin?
those dreams noodle pieces look like shit
I bet your kids love your toys.
We can’t stop here
This made me chuckle heartily
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Thanks anon

>Is that a mech suit for the ice planet penguin?
Yea. It was a pain in the ass to make, but it only fits the penguin.

>I bet your kids love your toys
They don't, really. The only things they'll mess around with are my Lego, especially my Friends sets. They never break anything though.
Haha nice stuff anon
I genuinely despise how much they use them in the sets. It doesn't make for good figures and it combined with the big printed pieces makes the builds look so shitty.
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>It doesn't make for good figures
Personally, I think the noodle legs look pretty good depending on the mech. The arms...yea, not so much now that I'm looking at it...
did you just get into Lego this year? all you have is shit new parts in classic color schemes? kek
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>did you just get into Lego this year
No, I've been into Lego since the early 90's. Problem is that I lost 90% of my old collection back in 2002 to a massive flood, and only managed to salvage my favorite sets. Picrel is some of what I have left. I have another box with Aquazone, Insectoid, and more old school Space Police stuff, but I really don't feel like digging around for it. I also have very limited space in my collection room, so I tend to box up old stuff, then build new things to replace it.
Don't reply to the shitposter.
>my friends sets
Jesus Christ. I’m glad you’ll have something to do when your kids never call.
Just like LEGO should to look like
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True, I know the rules about not feeding trolls. But it entertains me just as much as it entertains them. It also gives me an excuse to take pictures of my Lego that would otherwise be collecting dust.

>not liking friends
Yea... I guess I'll have fun building Lego while my kids are out living their lives. Sounds like a fate worse than death I suppose.
I got nothing against friends other than I hate mini dolls. Honestly, the sets I’ve gotten for my kid are pretty playable most of the time. I should have been more specific. Your kids aren’t going to call because they’re YOUR friends sets and YOUR toys and you don’t seem to understand why children wouldn’t want to play with all that plastic you put behind glass. I hope your wife’s boyfriend treats them better.
>YOUR friends sets and YOUR toys
Where do you think you are??
check out this sick new leak bros
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>Your kids aren’t going to call because they’re YOUR friends sets and YOUR toys and you don’t seem to understand why children wouldn’t want to play with all that plastic you put behind glass.
Yea, I don't think you really though out what you typed there. I said they play around with whatever toys they want, but they only WANT to play with the friends sets. Also, I hate mini dolls too. But I keep them around because my kids like them so much.

>I hope your wife’s boyfriend treats them better.
Yea, he's a great guy.
You can see the literal dust all over those. Is that a general mayhem I see? Is this 2016?
Grey one has a nice form factor, yellow one looks like a small delivery truck. The larger gold one is pretty neat.

He cute.
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I don’t like z blob’s face, so I deconstructed the builds I had that used him and made this dude
Anyone ever been in a LUG before? I'm thinking of checking out the one near me, the theme of the month is Star wars though sadly
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I found out that Legoland Japan has a creative workshop at the hotel that has the mini squid surfer as an option. I reversed engineered it. It is my favorite ride there. Not the surfer one but the actual sub one. Exploded view for building purposes.
Does the motor still work in your ufo set?
Name your sleep paralysis demon and I will construct a duplo effigy for you to fight it
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I ordered parts for an M-Tron tank from Bricklink over a week ago, and the seller only just now shipped it. In the meantime, I made a little Mtron repair buggy.

No, it stopped working years ago

That M-Tron is dope dude. I love the littke repair arms.

I'm torn between M-Tron and Blacktron 2 as my favorite Space theme, but both rock so hard
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how original anon! one hecken big thumbs up from this dood
Glad you like it anon! I hope it brightens up your day!
>I love the littke repair arms.
Thanks. I'm trying to figure out good ways to use them in MOCs. I'm sure someone more creative than me will figure out hoe to use them in mechs and tanks and shit. Also, I prefer Blacktron 2 to Mtron, but I'll always be a sucker for Ice Planet and Aquazone.
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>create new MOC general
>anon posts his MOCs
>decide to be a dick about him posting MOCs in the MOC general

So what exactly is this general supposed to be? Do we not post the shit we're making with Lego?
I was clearly being a dick about the dust collection bro. I’m guessing like me most of us are just waiting for the dust to settle back down again.
>talk shit about the anon's kids
>make fun if him for using newer pieces
>be sarcastic to someone actually giving him a compliment
>"But t-the dust didn't settle bro!"

What the fuck does that even mean?
i like the mocs I was just making fun of this fag
>torn between M-Tron and Blacktron 2 as my favorite hekin Space theme, but both rock so hard
Where do you think you are? I’m talking about the lg vs moc dust up. Me pointing out all the cases in dudes setup is well within bounds. And part of mocs is play he’s clearly the only one putting things together and no one is actually touching a majority of that plastic. If he has kids they’re losing out by having a father who cares more about his own toys than theirs.
Is a great example of well thought out and executed moc. Two replies. My guess is most of you just didn’t get it. Not my moc but I appreciate it.
>If he has kids they’re losing out by having a father who cares more about his own toys than theirs.
I'm the guy you're talking about. At first I thought it was just friendly trolling, but now I'm guessing it's just bitter projection. The fact that you think I'm a bad dad because I build MOCs is wild. Those mental gymnastics are strong. My kids and I play with Lego all the time, and they even mess around with my MOCs when they want. They just prefer the Friends stuff. Again, the fact that you're building out this elaborate narrative in your head based on a picture if my MOC in an MOC general is weird.
Does the friends space suit fit on regular minifigures?
I’m still referring to all those figures behind your lame “moc” asshat. If you have spent more on your kid’s toys than your own I’ll eat every Lego I own. When I shit out the result it will still be more creative.
Before >>10981089
Asks, I’m shitting on you because you clearly care more about your own waifu obsessions and showing off to fags on a mongolian basket weaving forum than playing with your kids. If you even have kids.
I'm sorry your parents neglected you, anon.
It’s okay your mom was there to comfort me. I have to take valtrex now though so it’s a wash.
I hope you're trolling, but I can't help but believe this is some genuine projection. Holy shit anon, your childhood must have sucked so bad, kekvvrd
Your mom gave me the clap but it cleared up.
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Okay, so your issue is that you're upset because you (incorrectly) assume I've spent more on toys than I have my kids. Your crafted this narrative from action figures in display cases in the background if an MOC I posted. You're also upset that I have my action figures in display cases because...I guess I should have them sprawled on the floor so my kids (who aren't interested in them because they prefer barbies, baby dolls, and girly shit) can just grab what they want whenever they want. And because of this imaginary narrative your crafted about me and my family based, again, off the background of an MOC pic with toys in the background (on a toy forum), you're hell bent on believing I'm a shitty dad? Either you're a master troll, or have some serious mental issues. Either way, thank you for letting me know what rustles your jimmies. I will now make it a point to spam pictures of my lame, uncreative MOCs with the background being different angles of my collection room, just because I know it'll give you flashbacks of your shitty childhood trauma and make you sperg out.

Sadly, no

Get help bro, you sound hella crazy
>When I shit out the result it will still be more creative.
this I gotta see
Looks like a Bionicle critter.

Anybody know what set introduced that part? It's a new one on me.
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Always gotta be one fag to fag up a good thread,
Instead of arguing about pointless shit, either ignore, report, or post mocs
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>Anybody know what set introduced that part? It's a new one on me.
It's from the new CMF series 26
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My boyfriend bought this friends set of a botanical garden. It's real cool, but I hate the minidolls. I want to buy some City figures or something to put in their place, so I think maybe next month I will drive to the Lego Store out of town and do a build a minifigures thing to fill the set out with proper Lego people
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Meanwhile, last weekend I built a MOC inspired by the Noodle Shop Creator 3in1. A while back I built all 3 models from that set abd I really liked the main build, bit also loved the small arcade. I decided to expand the footprint of the main build and turned the upstairs in to a full arcade. I'm really happy with how it looks.

Please excuse any dust. I just cleaned the Ceiling fan this morning.
>Animated Stunticons
You're okay anon
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I have a racing game, a fighting game and a claw machine upstairs. Downstairs is noodleshop. Added a bunch to the street and expanded things out. One of my favorite things was making the newspaper pile by tge trash and lamp light and also the fun AC unit on roof with glass ceiling.
This looks cool. Do you have a Lego City or neighborhood setup? Or is that just a one off?
What I said was you spend more on your own toys than you have on toys for your kids.
>I guess I should have them sprawled out on the floor
Yes. Toys should be played with. I don’t doubt the kids seem uninterested because you’ve made it completely inaccessible and clear they aren’t allowed.
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Based life coach senpai. Now, tell me about how I can become a more effective leader for my small business using the conclusions you're able to draw about me from this picture if my lame MOC
The natural lighting is a clear indicator of your need to please others, and the overreliance on trans pink elements speaks to your deep seated hatred of your father. You should install a Kombucha keg in the employee kitchen but withhold privileges from the new hires and initiate 401k bonuses for the top performers on Penis Inspection Day.
Do you not have Bricklink? The BAM seems like a terrible way to up your city's population.
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>The natural lighting is a clear indicator of your need to please others, and the overreliance on trans pink elements speaks to your deep seated hatred of your father.
Fuck...this guy is good. I do resent my father because he hates that I'm a people pleaser. And I've been meaning to reward my top penis inspectors, but wasn't sure how to do it (I was going to give them a pizza party). Bonuses it is!
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No real city, but I put it next to my Comic Book shop MOC and pretend they are cross street from each other. I also have the Creator 3in1 House on that dresser so I guess it's across the street from them. The Creator sets are my favorite because I love alt builds and they make for good MOC parts.
This little guy looks great anon!
yo, that dude looks rad, I love the crystalized aesthetic
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You are now under the protection of Helena, the Beatrice-Eater.
I'm gonna eventually finish more of these. I have a stack of prototypes and the most promising is a pirate/shipwreck themed one with a skeleton ribcage and an anchor for an arm.
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Thanks, I pulled him out of storage to fix him up a bit.

Appreciate it. I made him to go with some of the crystallized ninjago stuff.

This looks awesome, and I slept through thr night without Beatrice waking me up. Form and function! Seriously though, that's actually a good build. Never saw someone do good MOCs with Duplo.

Based Aquazone. Now do an aquashark.
Do you guys consider torsion beam suspension to be an illegal building technique?
I'm not sure what you're talking about sorry anon
It can exist in a few forms but it always will involve some sort of stressed compliant member.

I have seen it implemented in LEGO before, usually a longer axle piece is used, and the orientation can vary depending. Basically the axle is twisted along its length to take up bumps. Usually not a ton and a very long axle is used, but it does use twisting of an axle to achieve the suspension.

Have you ever put two large wheels on a long axle and gently counter rotated them and let them spring back? That spring back action is what ultimately becomes the spring in a Lego cars suspension system.

Similar setups also include using plates as leaf springs, whereby the plates get flexed like bridging a deck of cards.

Is this illegal? It stresses the parts but usually the vehicles are light enough that at rest the parts are not deformed out of their normal orientation, though I imagine over a long time of playing with the same model in the same configuration, eventually they might fatigue. I don't know.

Maybe such a vehicle constantly switches between legal and illegal depending on if it's traversing a bump.
OH, thanks. Well I think the main worry is the wearing out thing you mentioned. If you keep it like that for long enough it will probably bend the pieces, but I'd say it's technically "legal" because it doesn't actively put the pieces under pressure.
>Maybe such a vehicle constantly switches between legal and illegal depending on if it's traversing a bump.
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>and for dessert, Alejandro has prepared an illegally delicious torsion bean suspension!
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>Is a great example of well thought out and executed moc. Two replies. My guess is most of you just didn’t get it. Not my moc but I appreciate it.

Thanks anon, I made this back in 2013 with that old lego designer program for pc you could download back then, then ordered all the individual parts for it. I guess nowadays with new parts I could make it even more faithful to the original (Maybe I could even get some custom minifigures for the characters), but I love it just the way it is.
Should have added two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of Budweiser, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.
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Did someone say sharks?

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