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I was in Walmart yesterday and i was seeing how good the $10 figures from other companies look but then hasbro has these stupid 5 poa figures that will sit on the racks for months and don’t even get me started on Jada, practically outdoing every company including some imports
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Jakks is the king
I mean, Hasbro themselves does make good figures for around the ten dollar mark. It’s just that they do 5POA slop because boomers eat it up.
Just different priorities and profit margins from different companies. Hasbro wants to squeeze every bit of money from consumers, banking on the power of the IP, while other companies are trying to attract customers to buy their products.
When are these set to come out?
I’ve never seen those figures cost more than $11. Where are you getting $15 from?
Retail for the line is 9.99-10.99. You might be thinking of the Ultimate Legends line featuring Demon Slayer. The higher price is mostly due to the accessory count and more detailed deco.
Lmao the Hasbro employee deleted his post, do some research next time before you spout incorrect garbage.
I bought that 10 BotW Zelda and put her head on a hobbybase light flesh female. I now have a nude Zelda that only cost 25 bucks total.
OP, licensing fees/costs have aMASSIVE factor in this too which you completely gloss over. Major IPs like Marvel and Star Wars have massive royalties that are paid in tens of millions. Where small licenses like Dragonball, TMNT, etc probably have a much much cheaper royalty rate.

Hasbro is definitely greedy and cheap as fuck, but there's way more factors at play than that.
To his point, even Hasbro isn't consistent with it. Their Marvel Epic Heroes have like 9poa, meanwhile the Star Wars versions have only 5 yet cost the same. It's retarded. They obviously cut articulation because they fear it would eat into sales for TVC if they had "good enough" articulation so they release an inferior product on purpose.
It's apples to oranges though. Both brands probably have very different licensing costs and production timelines. Maybe Lucasfilm takes way longer and is more strict when approving stuff which makes design time drag out? Maybe the license for Lucasfilm shit is a shorter period and they have a saller amoutn of time to make up their licensing fees they paid? Maybe (very likely) The Star Wars stuff sells worse than the Marvel stuff so the price is to account for that too. There's just too many factors to compare a line from one IP to another IP
these are gonna pegwarm like crazy.
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Post pic?
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Good. It'd be no more an eyesore than Mutant Mayhem
from my experience none of the cheap dc or hasbro stuff sells until it's discounted to under $10. the 97 epic heroes line hung around for months and then got cleaned up in a week when they dropped the price down to 8 and 7 bucks. the 12.99 price tag they put on the "deluxe" epic heroes is absurd.
okay I’m thinking BASED
what brand is that skelly?
Her head also fits on Manatee bodies
NTA but looks like the 6" Boss Fight Hacks one
Yeah it's the Boss Fight 1/12 Skeleton Barbarian. I just took off all the armor and cut a little bit of plastic under the neck peg to give him a bit of head tilt. It's weird they didn't think to leave space for him to do it since it would have been simple to just not sculpt the extra bone edges. I might pick up the cowboy one cause he looks kinda neat.
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Doesn't look too bad, thanks!
Nah, didn't feel like dealing with aftermarket. Plus I heard it wasn't much better than this boss studio one so I just went with it.
I've actually really warmed up to Mutant Mayhem stuff. The designs look way better as an action figure. I still think Donatello with glasses is stupid though.
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I love that I can get an action figure as messed up and asymmetrical as this nowadays.
You underestimate Mexicans love for the Simpsons
I kinda want this just for the accessories.
Not if they're $10
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I got both and the Bossfight one is a far better toy in almost every aspect. The Fwoosh one has a nice wash and some interesting alt heads, but I'd settle for a more....bare bones...paint scheme in exchange for the incredible amount of gear and weapons the BFS ones come with. They're also more solid and move a bit more naturally.

The Fwoosh skeleton isn't "bad" per-se, but rather there are far better options on the market right now so it's very much overshadowed. If it ever gets a deep clearance like the Ninja figures had, it'd be more worth grabbing a few though.
When was the last time this was even discussed? toys are priced the way they are because. TMNT's are $10 because they deliver what they do but still use those terrible thigh joints. ML's are better because thigh ball joints, but at $15 more. and so forth
S.H. REDDIT is shitting up /toy/
I like how to out OP as a redditor you have to take a bullet and also admit you yourself were using the site. Thank you, your sacrifice will not be in vain
Kek GOT EM!!!!!
I personally don't give a fuck if you use reddit as a /toy/fag as long as the discussion is based around toys. 4chan isn't some secret haven. The Internet has become smaller since smartphones became a thing. You're all newfags so stop thinking you're somehow better than each other.
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>reddit tourist exposed himself even more
S.H. REDDIT at it again
Can you at least make it S.H. Redditarts I feel like that works better
You are below the age of 25
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pick your poison
I don't understand the point of asking this. If he's curious about the set why doesn't he just look up one of the many reviews?
That tracks. Every review I've seen it's been sent to them.
It's an ad, anon
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Just to post his dogshit picture and farm karma ofcourse


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you posting the image just proves my point. I bet you didn't even know you could just toggle it and had to edit it yourself kek
You need to take a break dude
you literally posted on cooldown and took almost 10 minutes to edit your post. You are as reddit as they come
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take your meds
Seek help
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>more samefagging
epic reddit moment
I appreciate you guys editing these screen shots to cover for me, but there's really no need to hide, every single person he mentioned there is just me
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those are samefags btw
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>redditor gets exposed
>starts samefagging
>samefagging gets exposed
>starts melting
every time. Anyway thats why you gatekeep these retards
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I like what Jakks has been doing lately but who the fuck do they think is gonna buy this for $10?
Its funny how he outed himself >>10993091 I wonder what the strategy there was kek
What's wrong with it? It's in scale with the rest of that line. You saying you'd rather a large and out of scale Aiai? They went out of their way to pack like 14-16 POA in that little guy too.
I understand that $10 toys should be $5 but we aren't going to get anything for that anymore so $10 is acceptable especially when their other offerings are worth the $10
It's so obvious. Wait until they discord raid this thread and report every post calling him out like they do in the SHF thread. I bet a thousand bucks you can find every picture posted in the shf thread on reddit. They shit up all other threads while they shill their dead and defective line. Just look how hard the damage control was with the beserk figures ahahahaha
Damn this dude is actually mentally ill
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Remember the thread calling shredditarts out? I do. Anon was right all along.
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>berserk figure
I just pretend it's some lanky monster knight from dark souls. I seriously regret paying so much for such a bad figure but at least I got a Huge as fuck dragonslayer. Gotta find a better angle and retake the picture properly. Will probably resell it once the model kit comes out.
Obviously from a collector's standpoint Hasbro is a ripoff but when I was a kid I wanted Star Wars figures that were a bit bigger and these seem to fit the bill. But for that price range the lack of paint is atrocious.
I'd buy that for $10 but I REALLY like Super Monkey Ball.
damn this figma looks ass, you should resell it.
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I could have swore I posted this here, but I don't see it so I must have imagined it.

This is a candy tin of a Pac-Man arcade cabinet. It's 3 and ¾ inches tall, so it works really well for figures like GI Joe or Star Wars. It's a great toy/accessory for It's price of $3.50
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i picked up the Altered Beast one recently, it's pretty good. wish it came with claw hands tho.
Thats an shf...
I know it's just a 10$ figure but the diaphragm joint sucks, if you're gonna include a point articulation do it right.
only functional use is a swivel, no side to side or crunch, and it's much uglier than a basic waist cut.
Sadly, he's closed-fisted most of the time in the game. But I feel you, still
Nah I'm pretty sure thats a figma demon souls fig.
But thats a good figure. Whats this trolling supposed to achieve? You don't even own either. Are you one of those SHF thread schizos?
I would if it was his classic look
just ignore that pathetic attention whore who doesn't buy toys
Unfortunately the only ones gatekeeping niche boards are newjeets and Nguyens. Also unfortunately they are the ones destroying more popular boards as well. Especially the Pakis Bengalis constantly shitposting on /int/ to bait Indians.
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Shut the fuck up retards.
>light flesh female
I thought you mistyped female fleshlight

Think I'm gonna go out and buy another Zelda...
too late
You paid 120 bucks for 10 bucks fig, and you call people retarded?

Dunno about that, but the Werewolf is easily worth it.

Well, a jaw hinge would have been nice, but oh well.
I take issue when these plebbit tourists clearly seen 4chan as a place to be unfunnily retarded zoomers because they watched too many youtube reads anon greentext videos.
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>Hasbro loyalists gladly swallow whatever shit their masters shovel their way & you wonder why they continue to shovel out shit instead of quality
The irony is that Reddit is such a shitshow no one can use the place anymore. expect a permaban without reason given if you make a mod mad. 4chins & wheelchairchan are overrun by /pol/ faggots but Reddit has accounts so they can control the free-speech crushing a bit easier. And no you do not have freeze peach here, Reddit or anywhere else online, it's an illusion at best.
I did.
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It's pretty neat
They use cheaper designs with less pieces and worse articulation schemas like pins and single jointed elbows, and some use ancient hips from the 1980s.
I bought it, he's got more articulation than you'd think and he stands in the ball while it rotates, it's the closest thing to an "action" I've seen in an action figure in a while
Pinless is such a meme.
I wouldn't buy any of those figures. But they are priced appropriately, I guess.
nonsensical post, OP wasn't comparing these figures to marvel legends.
How would you all fix the company?
>licensing fees/costs have aMASSIVE factor in this too which you completely gloss over. Major IPs like Marvel and Star Wars have massive royalties that are paid in tens of millions
You'd have a point, if we already didn't have a hundred thousand different toylines since 1980 proving that no matter the property, toys have always been similarly priced. Sometimes other lines were more expensive, despite having less articulation.

nevermind the Star Wars property has been in a decline since 2016 and hasbro has renewed the license at least 2 times since then. This has given Hasbro multiple chances to renegotiate a better price given how horrible the market is for Star Wars now.

Also, i just went to a Target i rarely go to the other day and they still had Han Solo movie figures on their shelves. 2018 toys in 2024.
To be fair, that movie wasn't very good.
buy up a bunch of nostalgic popculture licenses and do figure waves in the marvel legends style. this will stand out from neca in price and the streamlined toy quality of legends. the cost of the licenses will be made up for by the relative lack of pegwarmers given the intense demand by collectors. this will buy hasbro massive goodwill with both consumers and retailers.
Hasbro is already stretched way too thin. If anything, they need to lose licenses so their existing stuff can be better.

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