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Anthony cumstains

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/A7H2E8L02zw?si=u8vHcA-xWB7MlsgP
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Only good reviewer. Sexy too.
He's forever my GOAT. I genuinely can't stand all these fake overly positive and optimistic reviewers that are too shit-scared to criticize companies. They'll constantly get you to spend and waste your money on complete garbage.
Oh look this same thread AGAIN!

I'm convinced the person making all these same threads is a singular person. He's insanely autistic.
A thread died for this.
Not really. Mods nuked two of Necanon's threads, Furfag General and TMNT General, so literally nothing of value was lost.
Nearly forgot.
Anthony's Cumstains.
I started that phrase
I love anthony. He's a really cool guy and isn't afraid of anything or anyone. Especially not fat neckbeard shills who can't handle the truth about their dogshit toys.
He doesn't know you exist anon. He's not going to suck your dick.
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Several anons have been upset when they come to this thread and nobody has posted it.
I will carry the torch.
I will not let this meme die.
Probably a shitty one
No, you're just a dumb, wrong faggot again.
Hey CC, sorry you got outed as a pedo
You're doing God's work anon.
New anthony review up. https://youtu.be/7jXEWGLZ9GU?si=_2wAVgtBcsUy7ysc
God this general is useless, fake anthony fans
Buy an ad
anthony cum(((stein)))
Yeah hopefully we can pool enough together as anthony fans to advertise this general or something
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I don't care for G I WHO. Posting actual kino
True anthony fans love all his reviews you charlatan!!
UGH! Fine... watching it now...
Is Storm Collectibles is favorite company? He very rarely has anything bad to say about them and seems to be pretty happy with the majority of their releases. If that's the case, why does this board dislike Storm so much?
Well storm very rarely makes actually bad figures and if you own one you know they feel really fucking nice to hold and play with due to the weight and all. He reviewed Juri quite fair and called out the design issues. The only issue storm really has is that they fail to make the female figures as good as the male ones. Mostly due to dumb design decicions in the waist region jet stil juri is thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink as fuck dude. I might actually buy her if she goes on sale.
huh? I’ve never seen anyone here dislike storm collectibles. It just rarely gets posted here to be honest, if it does it’s in the shonen general and such. Storm just has obscure licenses that don’t fit any of the generals here.
I've actually got some of their Street Fighter stuff and I think they're of a much higher quality than Mafex, SHF and othet imports at the $100 price point. I just always notice people on this board shitting on them which always confused me, thought it was a meme at first. I do agree about the female figures, Taki's body came out weird looking. She looks a bit pudgy and doesn't have a nice shaped abdomen area.
can someone give the lowdown on anthony's supposed figure line?
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rival collectibles
line he's been working on the side for the past 4 years,
trying to make figures within the $40 to $60 dollar range
Comprised mainly of a self described ninja/cyborg/90s aesthetic
>past 4 years
Its almost been 8 years that we know of. I think its safe to say it wont launch, Odious got a fig before this and that guy didnt start until 4 yrs ago.
whaaaaaaaaaat the fuck is that berserk figure lmao
Nah, i did
Not to mention that the anatomy of these figures is awful
It looks fine. It's just that nobody will buy that slop since nobody really want unlicensed OCs in that price range. I mean look at snail shell. What do halfassed robo ninjas have to offer in comparison? Dude should just focus on his youtube channel and be happy with what he got.
i am lgtb and he exude
masculinity and sex appeal
like no other toy reviewer
he have chiseled jawline
very very sexy
yes very much so
Shut the fuck up
his wrist are not thin like pencil
and his forearm are very muscular
with hair across to tease the eye
i watch every video he upload
even without interest in the review toy
just to hear his dulcet tone
his deep voice make him
best toy review channel by far
highly recommend
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Anthony aint got shit on these.
guys look like backup dancers
I give that figure a 10/10
bad comparison
coomers love snail shell, it fills a gap in the market
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thin skinned bitch.
Random ratings, complains too much, obnoxious voice and tries to act like a chad but endup sounding like an autistic whiny faggot. I can forgive all of that.

What I can't forgive is how little of the figure he shows and how spastic he is when comes to articulation, he never pushes them to the limit so we can't have an actual idea of the range, the 360 at the beginning of the video is fine but everything else is a mess.
Man you'd really hate most other reviews on youtube as they do even worse a job. What reviewers actually do a good job of showing range? I've yet to find a single one.
I do. That's why I prefer to discuss man-dolls with my schizo friends in some spanish beer making mailbox club instead of watching faggots on youtube.
>he never pushes them to the limit so we can't have an actual idea of the range
be more specific, in every single video he does full arm and leg bends.
I hope you get the worst possible cancer there is because you deserve it...
Nta but and example would be any figure with a 'rubbery diaper' that isn't NECA, he barely pushes at all and says "that's all the range it gets". He does this notably with Storm Collectibles (sometimes) and McFarlane.
If he pushes it further it'll rip.
In one of his latest reviews, he complained someone shat on him for making unfunny jokes, and he said he would continue them just to spite that one person. He really sounds like a women sometimes.
>If he pushes it further it'll rip.
It won't... Look at any other review of those exact same figures.
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>He really sounds like a women sometimes.
He sounds like a bitch, and tries too hard to present himself as a badass. His a 40yo faggot doing toy reviews, c'mon. Also I don't care about negative reviews but at least be consistent.
didn't he have a video where he was showing off his mysterymeat unoptimized build ar 15 so everyone could see how macho his jock persona is while he indulges in his plastic crack so it doesn't seem so nerdy? i tried to find it but maybe he took it down because he got paranoid about people knowing what he's got
Why is this allowed to stay up every time?
Anthonyscustoms puts asses in the seats, that’s why. He’s a draw, get it?
because it's the only reviewer thats honest
>t.mad and jelly
more like Anthony's cumstains amirite
i think that's just you projecting your obvious insecurities onto him
he sounds fine to be i don't know what you're blabbering about.
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The “Kubrick Stare" is one of Stanley Kubrick's most recognizable directorial techniques, a method of shot composition where a character stares at the camera with a forward tilt, to convey to the audience that the character in question is at the peak of their derangement.
He looks like a high school gym teacher
He's definitely a meat gazer.
>all review and no play makes anthony a dull boy
That Ice man looked really bad, like Marvel Legends bad, especially with the lower arms and legs being clear but the upper arms and legs as well as the torso being painted blue clear. Totally doesn't gel. All of it should've been blue.
he’s the undisputed king of /toy/.
I thought that was Michael French.

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