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Previous Thread: >>10972443

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Where to buy
>GSC Online Shop - some figmas only are available through their online shop
>Amiami - usual place for buying, to some people, shipping is a bit higher due to packaging
>Hobby Link Japan shipping is usual lower, but their prices are a bit higher, private warehaouse is available
>Hobby Search Japan - items stay in stock the longest
>Mandarake - search figma or フィグマ
>eBay/Amazon - only if you hate having too much money. Avoid bootlegs, you can spot them as 'Chinese version'
>http://jungle-scs.co.jp/ - Seems like you can fine some good deals here
>Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection for any offer/deal

Here's a link to the buyfag guide list of shops:
If you're getting into the hobby, there's plenty of other useful information to find on the wiki.

In case someone is interested in the printable backdrops/dioramas & other papercraft stuff that Max Factory have in the download section of their site:
here is a back up, Enjoy!

Short illustrated posing guide by Max Factory
>http://ameblo.jp/figma/entry-11564427757.html (in moonrunes)
The S shape is always good advice though. The basic idea is that straight lines tend to look stiff.

Tomytec's 1 inch scale section (1/12 stuff, little armory, vehicles and others)

For 3rd party accesories/diorama pieces just look for 1/12 stuff (for other scales just ask in the thread)
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>Release schedule: (your favorite will probably get delayed)

>Arcueid Brunestud + DX Ver.
>Nice Nature

>Femto + Femto: Birth of the Hawk of Darkness ver.
>Chisato Nishikigi & Takina Inoue (single & set)
>Female Body (Mika) with Mini Skirt Chinese Dress Outfit (White/Black)

>Void and figFIX Ub
>Shiroko Sunaookami

>Slan & Conrad
>Gawr Gura
>Racing Miku 2023 ver.

>La+ Darknesss

>Kyouyama Kazusa
>Jigokuraku Gabimaru

>Dead Space Isaac Clarke
>Veronica Sweetheart
>Takanashi Kiara
>Gridman (Universe Fighter)

January 2025
>Raging Wolf
>Nakayama Kinni-kun
>The Milkmaid by Vermeer
>Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.
>Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.

February 2025
>Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.
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>The following release dates have been confirmed:

>Shipping out from the 8th of May 2024:
Arcueid Brunestud + DX Ver.

>Shipping out from the 23rd of May 2024:
Nice Nature

>The following products have had their release dates changed:
None so far
Oh I remember this one, it was a good figure
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Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.

Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.

The Milkmaid by Vermeer

Nakayama Kinni-kun


Gridman (Universe Fighter)



Takanashi Kiara

Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.

Veronica Sweetheart

Raging Wolf

Jigokuraku Gabimaru


Dead Space Isaac Clarke


Kyouyama Kazusa

La+ Darknesss

Shiroko Sunaookami


Racing Miku 2023 ver.

Gawr Gura
Cute picture! I use her as a water trainer with pokemon
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>Reposting from the previous thread

LittleArmory is making male versions of their Tactical Gloves

Armed JK Variants Reviews

Mona Lisa Review

Sumire Uesaka Review

Wonfes 38 Gallery

Review of JSDF soldier

In hand pics of a few of the latest releases and some older figures

Gold Ship Review

Flazzard Review

Titoria review
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Good Smile Company website renewal (https://www.goodsmile.com/en) is complete
The new website combines the main site and the shop into one, you must reset your password to access the new shop.
Orders done in the old shop will be processed through the old website.

Remember to ignore the shitposters trying to derail the thread

And fuck the autosage
Where’d that cooler come from?
I got my DX Arcueid figma. She's neat but damn, they fucked up skirt at the connection side that wires are sticking out, her connetion where you change skirt is loose enought that her legs can just fell down if you're messing with her too much. The ab crunch looks fine but that's just my opinion. Otherwise she's very solid.
>they fucked up skirt at the connection side that wires are sticking out
Just push the inside the cloth, that's what I did. And yes, the connection is loose but a good push really helps.
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Is it delusional of me to hope Holo will get a figma, or is Spicy Wolf too oldfag-pleasing (and not a vtuber or gacha) for them now?
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you knoe
>Just push the inside the cloth
Well I did just that when I got her out of the box. I just wanted to point that out because even tho it's hidden issue it still is an issue.
Expect nothing.
Would you rather light novel/new anime Holo or old anime Holo?
>imblynig you'd get anything other than [current thing]
The only possibility is new Holo, due to recency bias. It’s not being made by Madhouse so the animation of mundane stuff probably won’t give it the Frieren popularity, so unless it gets extremely popular the only reason it would get a figma would lean heavily on older buyers or GSM execs having a nostalgia boner.
SHF Holo it is
McFarlane Holo
Fukno Poop Holo for you.
MOTU Korbo

I wish but probably not because fucking Konami
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Konami would definitely be up for it
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All the girls have really nice designs but even in a weird case were Konami let them make figs, MF will make Shiro and nothing more
exactly why would konami ever allow figma when they have their own brand of figures, dumb pedo
prove it, bitch
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Built an AA12, will probably build another kit tonight.
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Any word on the grapevine regarding EMMI's release date? It's already late into May so I'm wondering if there's still a chance if it's going to stay within the month.
>berserkshitposter now back to trolling in the figma thread after getting btfo in the shf thread

Still waiting on your figma post with a message and your dogshit defective guts you disgusting fat retard.
This retard has been shilling his dogshit shfs here for 2 years every day and brandwarring non stop only for them to end up worse than figma LMAOOOOOO
the shortest time between announcement and release is around 7 days.so if they don't announce it by next friday it's getting pushed
He's been going around all day yesterday crying everywhere. Expect him to see in the nendo thread next
I have NEVER gotten a new releasing to send out by ANYBODY before at least the 20th.
why this fag still here?
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>have said fag filtered
>anon's being another fag for quoting-without-(you)-ing the other fag, thinking he's a smart fag
Thanks for letting me know both you fags are still around. Ass.
Wow, the degenerate pedophile statue degenracy is still up, mods confirmed discord groomers
Are Megumin's boots supposed to be different lengths?
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kek, faggot
and how is this figma related?
how are those chunky little cOOMs you get for little girls relevant?
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kek, sound like he's mad
Is that a Tenga
Was Tanya always this pretty what the hell?
Also threads derailed already for fucks sake, way too many schizo spammers from reddit/discuck on this board.
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btw if any is curious about why they haven't been receiving the Newsletter from Goodsmile, I emailed them and they said it hasn't restarted publication yet with the renewal. Just thought I'd say because I thought there was something wrong with my settings not registering.
such sex
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How is yours?
an articulated figure can never look that good
but can move
Oh, I've got this fig on the way now, found her cheap on surugaya
s-shut up
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Anyone else who owns Warspite, is she also this pinkish for you? It looks really good but shes the only Figma I have with such nice pigmentation.
emmi is kill, isnt it?
It is if monday stays quiet
I know I'm late as fuck to asking but did anyone pick up Raidou a few months ago? Really tempted to replace the D-arts but inhand pics or videos of him are so scarce, does he suffer from the cape dyeing thing I seen people talking about last thread?
It is an upgrade for sure but at the current price point? Fuck no, not worth it. I have it without the cape and will never use the cloak since i have never had a figma cloth item not bleed and leave the most distracting mark ever. Unless your wallet is bleeding money, spend that money on something else since you already have a raidou figure.
Do you mean his retail price wasn't worth it or has he skyrocketed in the states? Over here you can still get him for MSRP
Isnt worth msrp i mean.
is Eris as bad as people say?
worse! she's a vegan
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mine is fine but I've seen more people here have loose joints than not
that's pretty much her main problem
the price for what you get is the other but luckily she's on sale in a lot of places
Her bowtie thing falls off mine, her bicep swivel doesnt fit into her arm properly and her hips are super loose. She still looks good and is fun to put in action poses though. I gave mine a big drill hammer from one of the old nanoha figmas and it suits her well
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>Tfw got Arthur, Merlin and Mordred
>Forever nagging at me that I can't complete the collection

Bros.. how useless would it be to hope that the other Round Table knights get figures too?
I got the sitting Bedivere figure since it matched the scale fairly well enough too but man I want to have them all.
>hips are super loose
try tissue paper
>Bros.. how useless would it be to hope that the other Round Table knights get figures too?
Dude, don't do this to yourself. The line is dead, the sooner you accept this, the sooner you'll get well. Take that from a Stay/Nightfag
Its the drop down thats loose so I'm not sure if tissue will help with this one. Will give it a go but its not too urgent. The arm is the more annoying one since it actually fully falls off
I’ve been looking into the various gachas since Figma seems to be heading towards that and vtubers for the future. I’m now realizing they picked one of the weakest designs for Nikke.
GSC always picks the most neutered and inoffensive JK designs from any IP and if they have no choice but to make a coomer character from a coomer franchise, they will usually choose the youngest looking girls and never any of the mature or more athletic designs. Alice is popular but very braindead vanilla. Anis would of been a better choice as the pure coomer character and, any one of Brid, Rapi Snow White, Nihilister, Poli or Rapunzel would of been more interesting recognisable characters to make over Alice.
I really miss Kancolle Figma because there was a clear distinction between the jk characters, the adult characters and the westerners and Max Factory was compelled to do characters from all three categories.
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Why not Lancelot?
i played nikke for a year and a half and thats just not true alice is the best design in this slop
I want Max Factory to make one of the blondes or anyone who looks more adult and athletic for the next one.
I say Liter take it or leave it
Is Shinobu the only actual lolifig figma has made thus far? Their Tanya looks adult woman.
I've got Marnie and Gloria and they're both very sexy and funny
Surely one of the smallest.
But would you count figs from CCS and Nanoha?
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It's not fair, bro..

>Why not Lancelot?
I forgot to mention him, but I have him too, actually. I just wish the scale wasn't so much noticeably bigger, it triggers my autism. I've been wanting to paint him white and gold for Saberlot's colors but I don't know if I trust myself enough to not fuck that up.
What I wouldn't give for a figure of Tristan, Percival and Chadgravain though.
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They haven't even completed the stay night cast after 16 years, why would you even believe for a second there's a chance of them releasing all the Knights of the Round Table? There was no chance when the Fate figma line was still alive, much less now.
Henrietta, Anzu, Kokkoro
>Marnie and Gloria
>But would you count figs from CCS and Nanoha?
>>Marnie and Gloria
They're like 12 though
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When the game has you fight actual little kids, your protags aren't those.
>A 12 year old isnt a loli because you fight a 6 year old
With that logic a game with a 6yo protag can't be a loli if you fight a 3yo girl at any point.
JCs are called lolis everywhere you're being silly
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and picrel is 18yo and she is an actual loli unlike the pokegrills
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It's a bodytype, not an age.
That's like calling Asuka and Rei lolis. It's retarded.
Yes, I agree this >>11000091 anon is retarded
B..but not cute and funny?
Thats actually quite a lot of kani figures. Weird that they didnt make Alice one but thats likely due to the Figma styles line being lazy.
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Yeah I agree they look 12 and are 12.
Idk are you seeing imaginary boobs and hips or something whats going on here
>Cute and funny Figma Styles Alice, Little Red and Match girl never
Why MF hate money this much?
Yeah, Kobayashi-san is my favorite loli
>"you're retarded!"
>unironically thinks kobayashi and marnie look the same age
>look that same age

Thought police please go.
sorry, "have the same bodytype"
my sides!
Guys, guys. All the Figma girls are lolis because loli is a fancy word for animuh girl just like tomboy, tsundere and shogun
>That's like calling Asuka and Rei lolis. It's retarded.
The concept of lolicon was popularized in Japan due to Rei though
prove it
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The fuck is this thread even. How are you all so excited over loli but dont even know the loli aesthetic/movement in anime originated from 70s shoujo manga and its magical girl subgenre. This is how I can tell you are all zoomers. The loli genre used to be a containment zone for degenerate otaku so they wouldnt shit up every other anime subgenre but the flood gates have long since been broken down; in part by Evangelion making it economically viable mainstream to now make every show about coomer underage bait.
>B..but not cute and funny
Cute + funny = cunny
Loli technically isn't a Japanese word at all it's ackshually an abbreviation of a Spanish given name
Ackshually it's an abreviation of a diminutive. Lola - Lolita - Loli.
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you knoe?
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I knoe
A Chaika would actually be cool
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i knoe
I forget her name but top middle got a nendo at least.
so much cuteness and funniness
E.M.M.I has been listed as in-stock item.
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What if World Masterpiece Theater figma?
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I'm assuming most people who see his posts just ignore and report them, how does he remained unbanned? What power does he hold? How deep does his influence go? How many are in his thrall?
Imagine all the cute and funny figures we could get if Miyazaki were dead...

great taste
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The only Marnie figure merch in existence...
so the pathetic attention whore who doesn't buy toys is this boring

>t.doesn't own a single figma
At this point even the loli goonposting was a refreshing change of pace compared to the brandwarfagging figmaless schizos
Just filter/ignore them. I cannot post my figmas until Saturday so I cannot push this thread back on track right now.
It’s only a matter of time…
figma will literally be a dead line by then
anyone here know if the doomslayer bootleg weapons are alright? The chainsaw and big gun look cool
If they're dirtcheap. just get them.
If you just want the accessoirs just get
Super Action Stuff Casket of Cruelty Action Figure Accessory Set
it has a chainsaw too and some cool effects
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figma will outlive all lines thanks to chinese modding market and it's parts being compatible with romankey bodies (also works on bring arts btw). Meanwhile shf gets already better bootlegs than originals. The new age of toys is upon us.
I got this fmostly for the blood effects and most of the weapons are too big for figma.

>figma being compatible with romankey
It is pretty based Figma and old Revoltechs have universal joints across their entire lineup
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Welp, my luck finally ran out. Been collecting Figma for 12 years since Griffith and haven't had any breaks other than Golden Age Guts' stand peg snapping after years of holding him up in a jumping pose. Yesterday was my first break and it completely ruined my day. The joint itself wasn't stiff or anything, it just abruptly snapped while I was trying to plug in the gun holding hand. Fortunately, since I bought it directly from GSC, I contacted them once I stopped seething and they got back to me earlier today about sending a replacement arm. Great customer service. As far as detaching the broken arm from the shoulder joint, dipping it in hot water first should do the trick, right?
You should be able to just pull it out with enough force no problemo but do as you see fit.
I dont think he has the leverage to do that with the peg buried inside her upper arm.
Ive heard people use heated toothpicks to stab into the broken peg and pull it out or drill/bore it out with a dremel but Ive never had a breakage like this yet.
Maybe this figure was just a little old. My Reimu tried to murderize Suika off the shelf but miraculously nothing broke off Suika despite the 2 metre fall.
I think he means the whole arm. Honestly I can't see shit in this picture so I'm not sure anymore
Im pretty sure the peg broke off inside the upper arm even if you cant really tell from the pic. The peg still stuck in the forearm can just brute forced out as you suggested. In fact they dont even need to send anon an arm assembly, just the broken joint piece. Alternatively if anon cant drill out the broken peg, he is better off getting an entire replacement right arm.
if the shoulder joint is pegged into the bicep then just pull it off the shoulder
I don't think you need to pull the whole arm off the socket because GSC might not send you a replacement from hand to shoulder
I requested a replacement for my figma XC3 mio like last month and they sent me an arm from wrist to bicep
>Emmi still as pre order on ami
is she kill or not for the month?
Sorry for the shitty pic, guys. My phone's old as hell and I took it when my hands were still a bit jittery from stress. I sent GSC some slightly better ones, but they're over 4MB. Peg broke off in the upper arm like >>11003822 mentioned.

You're probably right, but I'm a bit paranoid after this so I think I'll use some heat to be on the safe side if it needs to be removed.

Yeah, I saw a video where a guy used a thumbtack with heat/hot water to remove some broken figma Miku joints, so that'll be what I attempt first over the dremel if it comes to it.

I guess I better hold off to see what exactly they send me. How long did it take for your replacement to reach you?
>2025 feb
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Ooooh they knew exactly what they were doing. This is going to be my first vtumor figure...gonna buy it just to place marnies head on it.
Is that supposed to be a legally distinct Venom hoody?
It's supposed to be an orca theme
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Got Marnie, which goes well with my Gloria. But otherwise I don't know what to collect now. I managed to got nearly all the figmas I wanted off of my list(Shinobu, TP Link, Gloria + Marnie, Nadeshiko, etc), so I'm kinda satisfied with my current figma collection. Maybe I should collect the Fire Emblem figma line? I seen Corrin and Lucina go for good deals on Mercari. Or maybe grab SS & LBW Link to complete the Zelda set before the TotK figmas come out next year.
I might have to go back to collecting S.H Figuarts if I don't know what else to buy.
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how about you clean your room first anon..
If you're satisfied with your (cunny) collection thats fine. what kanifigs have figuarts made? Precure?
My room is clean, its just that my dresser is a bit messy because I was moving some stuff around, hence why Tidus is laying in the background.
Yeah. There's also Cardcaptor Sakura, Chibi-Moon, and young Bulma & Chi-Chi from the OG DB line.
La+, Gura and GT pan is the few upcoming excluding cone gura and la+ it's still fine to hunt for your backlog.
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You forgot,
>Limited Release

So might as well go for the extra face, because it's full price.
NTA but la+ and gura's arms are ugly
Don't know how you seemed to miss it but this whole threads been going on and on about the cunny. You're complaining to the wrong person, closest thing to cunnyfig I own is Suika.
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You all need to bitch less about words and brands, and post more figma instead.

Shipping out from the 29th of May 2024:
- Good Smile Company - figma E.M.M.I.
I really need some more ankle joints for Romankey, the original one I got’s feet just snapped off instantly, so it’s good they included extras, but now I’m a bit paranoid about swapping them back..
What I know is that people like you who feel confronted by mere mention of anime lolis are usually repressed pedos.
I don't like loli but I'm not going to sperg out over it or shy away from memes surrounding it.
>Turkey Tom
>Joshua moon
Are we supposed to know or care who these faggots are?
>kiwi farms
Oh, that explains it. Just as bad as r*ddit.
>all those smol details
this will be a QC nightmare with the paint apps, isn't it?
>no lily
I don't even watch her, but she is far too cute for me not to get. Her design is a weird hodge podge of shit that just works.
I hope not, but as long as the plaid skirt and ribbons are done right, I should be able to fix anything else that is sloppy. Not that I should have to, but I've seen less complex decos be sloppy in recent years.
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That bend...

Why not a figma?
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God, they really are regressing.
Oh, it's the fucking plamatea.
Still lazy as fuck, as we know they can make plamo joints.
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>figma is dying
>just get plamatea, bro
>see this
hello, is there anyone in the thread who own the Mori Calliope figma? i want to get her for customisation reasons and i wanna know if you can take off her skirt somehow? or if not, is there a way to cut it off?
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I forgot she even released.

>i wanna know if you can take off her skirt somehow?
Since someone else already repainted her, I imagine you'll just have to pop the waist off and then you can remove it. If it'll look good without? Probably not.
the character im making has tight pants so thats why i need to remove her skirt :')
if she looks silly without it il work that around with clay, somehow
thank you!
hoooooooooooooooly kino
Does the new global site only do pre-orders and not carry in-stock items?
Does anyone have one of the bootleg Figma Skyward Sword or TP Links? I want a traditional Link figure but not 100+ dollars want one. I have the 10 dollar BotW Link and he's not bad, but not great either. I figure maybe a bootleg even if poor in comparison to the original would be better than this BotW one from Walmart. Also they'd come with accessories I could use with the BotW one like shield, sword, and whatever other weapons it comes with.
Jesus fuck, this is like 90s level engineering.
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This guy is really growing on me
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I'm still too lazy to build his bike...
Dude wants to sell this Tracer 85 bucks.
Is it a good deal? Can I get a better price since it's a old figma.
I wouldn't buy her at all.
I've seen her cheaper
Good to see you are having some fun with him.
Honestly I like the design, sci-fi delivery guy.
But having no connection to the game and Figma being as expensive as they are, not justifiable purchase. Sadly.
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they don't have many items in stock, i guess they'll put up more if there's a sale of old stock
Is Overwatch still popular? Thought that shit was dead
I don't have one, but I remember some dude on youtube ("D stars" and im sure theres others) would review these bootleg figures and they usually are all complete shit that just breaks apart coming out of the package. For me personally i think its just a complete waste of money and id just rather have the shelf space it'd take up be free. watching one of those vids should give you an idea if that product would be an acceptable use of your funds.
I'd like to say no but the reality is that it has more players than tf2 on steam if you substract all the bots. So it's like here and there right now. Nobody really wants the toys though it seems. I myself hate blizzard but can't stop eyeing unlicensed chink toys like the illidan or the orcs.
is ded as fuck. That doesn't mean figma Tracer lost her amazing ass. 80$ is still too much
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Got Falslander Ronin finally. Shes pure Kino
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>That doesn't mean figma Tracer lost her amazing ass.
The PUP certainly didn't.
Are you supposed to remove the head or is it supposed to just fit the hood?
you have to remove the head to remove his collar, then it plugs into the hood.
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i rarely preorder. Can someone tell me when the preorder window for the Link ToTK DX figma closes?
Fuck off pedophile, also po ends tomorrow, the 29th, jst.
I will defeat her in combat and claim that hat as my own.
You get triggered by the weirdest shit, anon.
Get some help.
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convince me I need Maho and Erika
you can use yukari's face plates on erika
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Because you're supposed to buy them all.
Oh, no, I don't collect Panzer grills, but I need one of them for a possible (secret) custom, but if it doesn't works I need reasons to accept them as part of my collection
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Theyre cute Nazi girls, what more reason do you need?
If you didn't get the Overwatch figmas during the multiple years every store clearanced them, it's not worth getting them now. This is not a late tax admonishment but a caution that you should move on.
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Who wins between Lanzer and Ronin 1v1. That is assuming they dont start just scissoring halfway through the battle. How does the battle play out?
They form an alliance and fight against the ninja turtles in your shelves.
If you don't wonder woman will run off with them
Least she wont run off with them to Disney.
It's just your pic or Mah's panties are shorter?
Figma panties are flexible, Im sure they're identical but the panties are posed ridden up for Maho.
Have the Peko and Darjeeling set and their pantsus are the same.
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Damn, that box is biiiiig
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At least other companies are trying.
>3x the price of SAC figma
Sabers have class advantage over Lancers+glorious Nippon steel folded over 1000 times. Complete Ronin victory.
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So, E.M.M.I. pics started dropping. The shipping will cost a lot here, the size of the box is too much. There ain't as many accessories to fill the spare space in the packaging.
Show the tray for how much space they've wasted.
Inflation and the rarity of 1/12 Motoko figures. Pretty scummy of them to take advantage of the situation. I find it funny Figma Motoko used goes for same price. Also no one ever posts 2045 Motoko in these threads.
2045 is a nice figure, but guess the old imagery still wins people's hearts.
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it's because the series it's based on is cursed
updooted! epic chungus keanu!
>colossal box
>ems, dhl or fedex only for sure
kinda want to cancel...
p5 joker is getting a rerelease, but it's another exclusive sale so you'll have to pay the full illegal gaijin tax
looks like shit
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Now we just need fucking Raven Beak.
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holy scale....
I'm glad I passed on this.
the seamlines on the limbs are atrocious.
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I got my E.M.M.I. She’s a big one.
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The fingers have a lot of movement to them. And the toes have a wide enough footprint to keep her upright.
Interesting stand.
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Yeah the X is an interesting choice. Despite not having a face the fingers are great for conveying expressions.
How is he as a figure?
His torso and neck articulation leave a lot to be desired. Otherwise he's pretty good.
I never get this meme is from a game or something?
I'm trying to remember was Raven Beak taller than an EMMI? Because if he gets a figma, I wonder where he'll scale compared to the EMMI.
Going by the in game model maybe a bit taller, unless E.M.M.I fully stretches out. But I doubt we’ll get any more Dread stuff, the game came out two and a half years ago.
We get this giant hunk of literally who, but no fucking Heracles after 20 goddamn years.
Fatefags truly are blursed. Simultaneously the most successful and most blueballing line Figma ever had.
Heracles' legs would have more plastic than the entirety of EMMI
its the first character from metroid besides samus we get. there is a reason
they did metroid tho
I wasn't looking for logical reasons as for why Heracles hasn't happened, only more people to grab pitchforks. So grab a fork or move one punk.

Also, i don't think the amount of plastic would be that crazy would it? a bit more, sure, but not insanely so.
EMMI has the triple segmented leg, fuckoff long arms, pretty decently sized torso and head.
When you look at >>11014222 specifically, That's already well over double the plastic of samus, who is on the larger end for a regular human(oid) design. Herc would be beefier but also doesn't need to be as tall.

Yes, but counter point. I don't play Metroid, thus EMMI is a literal who.
And so, we should have got Herc instead. Simple as.
>waaahhh I'm a fatefag that loves big muscular men
>why isn't this this line that exploits waifu fags and makes occasionally cool robots making MY DREAM FIGURE

Get over yourself. The last time there was a big burly Figma it was The Hulk and he shelf warmed. Actual gay faggot muscle worshipers like you are not a big enough demographic to sell to.
The mistake was thinking Japan cares about Marvel as much as Fate.
Good Smile, Max Factory, and FREEing only care about cashing out on waifufags. For every FATE character you start screeching about they'll turn and say "so you like FATE? Have a another Saber!"
>Verification not required
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Bro, they didn't even make Illya who falls into their niche and has a spinoff with several seasons and movies, and you're surprised they didn't make Basaka? I mean, I agree you'd think they'd have done the original FSN servants by now, but if they couldn't even get around to Illya and Medea, there was no hope for Herc, Cursed Arm, and Regend.
I have 3 of her because she's literally so cheap on when she went on sale. The leg joints are kinda loose, and it's a bit hard to make her head look straight because of the hair (don't even bother making her look slightly up.

Other than that, she's petty good.
As the other guy pointed out, of course hulk shelf warmed, nobody wanted that. At least Herc is from something massively popular with Japs. Or at least was, its past its prime somewhat now.
I honestly always figured they'd do a 2 in 1 pack with Illya to make it an easier sell, as I doubt there's that many that wouldn't want both if both could be gotten.
Also you may be retarded if you are taking my posts so seriously.

Nah im not surprised anymore at this point about Herc, its been sadly accepted many years ago. But a slight fresh level of 'why' popped up when seeing how big EMMI is, given that is at least one reason why they may have not made Herc.
But yeah, no Illya iss also always a huge surprise, far beyond Herc. Especially given that they finally made a Sakura. She's the final main heroine (sorry Taiga), and as you say even has the multiple season spinoff. So at least that version of her seemed like an obvious choice.
I don't get the retardation of MF to not make a single Illya in the whole Fate line...
No wonder is ded now.
Especially after milking Prisma so dry.
Got the nendo petit of that that came with the manga.
next one

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