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Discuss all things Street Sharks here.

First wave of the new figs will be released on June 1.

Previous thread: >>10967862
You made me think review samples were sent out.
Will they be released in retail stores or just collectible shops/online
Some journos received review copies from Mattel but no videos of them yet.

huh that actually looks JAWESOME

i hated those 3d-renders and thought i wont be buying...but these textured real-life plastic on photos look like late 90s TMNT figures!

holy fuck im excited
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I see a guy on ebay who has them in stock, but for $50 shipped. I wanna say they could be out as soon as next month if BBTS doesn't do their usual delay to the next month BS.

I also saw someone on youtube with a ripster, but he's an nrfb twat.
>June 1st

Oh fuck, I was expecting July at the earliest. Jawesome.
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There's conflicting info about the release date. Some sites say June, some say July, and some even say October? I choose to believe this email that several people got when they preordered while accidentally thinking it was an in-stock item, the seller says there's a strict ship out date of June 1st as decreed by Mattel. We'll see.
Is there a reason we need a general for toys that arent out yet?
they look promising
OP is obsessed and would whine about wanting Matty to do Street Sharks all the time in /motu/. We don't want them back
>We don't want them back
I do. I hate the current state of MOTU. I'm just waiting for the them revive/ruin 2002 already.
I don’t see why not. If people can spam up this board with Retroblasting threads, why can’t we have one that’s actually related to toys?

The 30th line isn’t out yet but there’s a vintage line and Extreme Dinosaurs (both of which have cool stuff like unreleased figures).

Street Sharks and MOTU are like apples and oranges. I don’t see how Street Sharks would be a replacement for it.
>Is there a reason we need a general for toys that arent out yet?
fuck off retard
I want an extreme dinosaurus update so much
People can talk about the old versions of the toys here too. We've always had occasional Street Sharks threads.

Not the same OP as the last thread. He didn't make a new one so I did. There's more than one of us on the board who likes SS...
Maybe Wave 2. Or 3 if there is one.

September is when they announce all the rest of the anniversary stuff. So...whatever they show there, maybe.
Moby Lick and Slammu better be in there. Those were always the best ones.
Is the new line exact reproductions of the old line or are they different?
More articulated like MOTU Origins, same rubber torso jaw action like old
>price on night fighters still going bananas

God fucking damn I knew i should have completed my collection sooner. Im a vehicle, couple of accessories and two NFs short
we might get some unreleased stuff

One of the websites that got review samples posted video of Ripster and Jab’s gimmicks.

I think I realized why some people thought the early photos of Ripster looked off. They made his pupils too small. But the final figure has pupils more like the vintage toy.
i cant wait for these to hit stores
glad to see ridge getting posted. should we allow beast lab to be discussed in these threads too?
Looks like they’re doing a Streex Funko. I don’t have to go on a rant about Pops (most people on this board have done it before, we all know they’re shit) but it probably means that Mattel’s going to license out the Sharks to other companies.

Here’s hoping the inevitable comic has good art. Does anyone remember that weird unofficial comic from a few years back with Webtoon looking art and black Dr. Piranoid?
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inb4 we that line completes before Mattel does
Guesses on when a new show is coming out?
I'm betting by SDCC where they can unveal the trailer.
Would if I saw him on Amazon or at Target because he's not a bobblehead
DAMN anons
i think this time i will actually buy a funkopop. It looks pretty cool
They’ll probably at least be showing off the comic and the rest of the line (maybe even characters beyond the first two waves like Slobster or Moby Lick).

I hope they do Killamari at some point. Considering how they handled Mantenna in Origins, Killamari with articulated arms and legs would be insane.

I want him and Mecha Shark the most.
>it probably means that Mattel’s going to license out the Sharks to other companies
Not necessarily. Pretty much everything on earth gets a Funko Pop at some point so it doesn't really mean anything
i had the same reaction. im still stuck in a state of disbelief over these fuckers' return. the pops will get a free ride this time. still need to fet those bootleg legos...
I’m sure they’ll at least get the basics. Shirts, comics, a few trinkets (like maybe they’ll do world smallest figures like with MOTU and Transformers), and so on.

It’s true that most series get Funkos but Street Sharks didn’t get any until its 30th anniversary. So its safe to assume that they’re gonna have more Sharks merch for the anniversary.

Yeah same, been waiting for this toyline to return for years and there’s been a bunch of let downs and false starts (like with Storm Collectibles teasing that they’re gonna do Street Sharks and especially those disappointing Mattel Creations figures that were 75 bucks).
idk what this series is about, but these figures look kinda cool.
im glad someone else still remembers the storm blueballing. makes you wonder how far they even got to begin with if they were that quick to post the teaser before deleting the post. in terms of output for the 30th Im expecting they'll cover the same ground masters did. pretty much everything you mentioned in addition to licensing the sharks out and making their own sister lines to accompany the new figures. Im really hoping the sharks get an eternia minis or mega construx styled line.
A new line of mini figures would be great. The closest thing we have are those Hot Wheels figures and those go for 25 bucks loose.

There were so many blue ball moments for Street Sharks. The Storm Collectibles tweet, those M.U.S.C.L.E. figures showing up at Five Below, that weird unofficial comic that tried to get the trademark for Street Sharks only to fail and fade into obscurity, and especially the Mattel Creations line (kinda amazing that they made 3 concept figures for art that wasn’t publicly available and for a line with 3 infamous unreleased figures).
>that weird unofficial comic that tried to get the trademark for Street Sharks only to fail and fade into obscurity
i have vivid recollections of all the other examples but this one. first I even hear of it to tell you the truth. if you have any pics I'd love to see them. I cant believe somebody tried pulling a battle beasts on mattel lol. speaking of street sharks comics, would you buy a series of black eyed repaints based off the archie comic or would you consider that too niche? also are there any other turtles clones you want to see make a comeback? at this point Im pretty much certain Extreme Dinosaurs is along for the ride with Street Sharks. I wont hold my breath for something like Captain Simian though.
So when this fails like Max Steel and MotU, what does Mattel have left? Major Matt Mason? Big Jim? Mighty Max? Literally nothing marketable. Can't do their ace the hole, Dino Riders, because of Jurassic Park.
A few years back, this company said they had the trademark to Street Sharks and were making a comic. They made posts on their social media acting like Street Sharks was making a a big comeback
but they only did one issue. Also, it was pretty bad (the art is very Webtoon looking and ugly).

Later on, their trademark was suspended and they stopped talking about the comic altogether.


Those Archie sharks look cool but that run didn’t last too long. They’re probably going to do the Series 2 repaints at least.

Another person from Cali got them early. My guess is that they might be showing up at the Mattel Store.
Hatter and some of the others buy them early from eBay from Asia, maybe the Matty store on rare chance like the Snake Mountain set.. Actually Hatter was probably sent review copies like a few others before even watching it
Ok, I watched it. He went to Frank & Son's. That place used to be cool but nowadays it's assholes looking up an eBay price before they offer to sell it to you for the same cost...
They already have Jurassic Park, why not?

Hell, do some crossovers.
JP is a more marketable name and evidently, Universal doesn't want it to happen.
I mean, the massive head actually works in its favor for once, since it's totally the correct proportion for the character. Aside for the souless black eyes (which also kinda work if you're going for a realistic shark look), he could pass as a normal Street Sharks figure.
I've said this before, but it seems the only good Funkos are the ones of non-human characters - the recent Godzilla and Shimo were decent as well (Though Kong and Skar King were as shit as normal Pops).
>Doesn't show the articulation at all, the main updated thing
>Seems unable to believe that several figures can have completely different sculpts and tries to see mold reuse where there's obviously none
Does this guy only collect Marvel Legends/ninja turtles/ MOTU?
Why only Streex, though? Weird decision to not at least release the core 4 all together
they probably have the brothers ready to go but prioritize streex because (1.) he's the most marketable of the four and (2.) the easiest sell normalfags and kids.
could be. alot of those other lines heavily focus on reuse after all. even MOTU is guilty of that much. at this point its weird to see a line go against that grain.
corpos cant tolerate pesky old competition these days. shame too because JP × ED or Dino Riders would both be easy sells. I can imagine JP Dino Riders dressing up their sauropods like circus elephants for instance.
is there more from this comic?
Pulsar, Gre-Gory, Rock'em Sock'em Robots (which already has a movie in development), and their flagship boy's line Hot Wheels (also with a movie in development)
Because they know it would do better than Jurassic Slop.
forgot to note, mattel also has
>Barney (with a movie in development)
>Thomas the Tank Engine (another reboot in development)
>Captain Power
>Computer Warriors
>Food Fighters
to name a few other properties. Mattel, just like Hasbro, has no shortage of established IP, the problem they have is the same as the whole of hollywood. they cant be fucked to get their IP right. the media they make for these toylines sucks hard nowadays and thus marketing to today's kids fails time and again. They've got a closet full of golden geese and they're killing and eating them one by one
>Computer Warriors
Man, I wanted to get into that line so bad, but it's a fucking nightmare to find in Euroland and/or expensive.

I used to have one of the boards and the clock but I bet mom's already chucked those. They weren't in the best shape anyway.
Same. I'm down to buy that or a George Floyd funco pop.
His name resonates more with Pop collectors since it matches the state of their underwear.
if we do get some kind of hollywood revival for the series I really do hope diesel either makes a cameo or gets some significant role in the film
>INB4 Diesel gets casted as Dr Piranoid
it really deserved better. they dont seem as coveted stateside but they certainly are rare. really though I dont know what's kept Mattel from reviving some of those other brands. after trash pack and tmnt's success I would have thought food fighters were primed for a return. then there's the whole matter of secret wars and shogun warriors. both toylines mattel had hands in that are synonymous with their brands but they dont own any of the characters from. Atleast with gre-gory and crusher along with their other monster toys they could be teamed up into a makeshift monster line up. you really cant do that with just the shogun warriors names or the secret wars figure format.
Streex is on Amazon

Mother fucking Food Fighters, of course.
>up for order on Walmart's website
>30 bucks
Da fuck?
Did you not see the PAULMARTSTORE zShop notice?
Those are third party sellers, not direct from WM.

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