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The new chaos theory rex has a mechanical flywheel creating the animatronic effect instead of a battery. It’s pretty cool.
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You press a plunger on it’s back to rotate the motor.
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Then the wheel pivots around the other wheel to make the head and jaw move up and down.
Awesome, so if I remove the batteries to stop the annoying sounds the function will still work perfectly? That's great. Never thought I'd buy a third mattel Rex(after Hammond and the rubber red rex) but here we are.
BBTS is taking forever getting the Nanmu JP3 raptors in, are they still in stock on some other sites?
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These specific figures will haunt me until my dying days, I swear to god. But I'm still determined to get them for my own sake.
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They basically put one of these inside a T rex. It feels really good to press it.
Target has the Mamenchisaurus for 50% off this week, brings it to 33 bucks.
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I want it
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still missing the left leg but this guy is pretty dope.
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Looks awesome, will get. I hope the classic 93 line isn't over.

The new Zabu is cool just wish it wasn't a BAF and Came with Ka Zar and Shanna. Are we gettin a new Shanna?
any more announced or just this one and the initial first wave?
>any more announced or just this one and the initial first wave?
From what I've heard this set is the last release for 2024, which imo is insane. I don't know if it will continue next year?
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Hammond Collection Giga and Theri.
I took hope it's not over, but I doubt it.
Also wish we were getting a new Shanna but no way it happens. Honestly shocked we got one as good as we did as an exclusive way back when.

There's the first wave of 4, the nedry/bike set that just came out(the weakest of the bunch imo), and this upcoming set.

I agree it's wild that they haven't gone all in on this line, it's far better than anything else from a design perspective.

There's two releases from the new sub series "Jurassic World Reimagined" scheduled for target later in the year, the JP fansites/Instagrams are posturing that it's more 93 classic esque crazy toy designs, but using characters/dinos from Jurassic World.
I've seen Therizinosaurus figures with articulated arms but I don't think I've ever seen one with articulated fingers before (aside from, like, the LEGO one).
When are we getting JP2 Rex?
Yeah September, October, & November are unaccounted for slots basically preorders for 2025 sets already could be Hammond, Legacy, or 93 Classic or all 3 looking to release in late 2024 or early 2025.
Oh and a reminder next year is already the Next BiG FiLm For JuRaSsIC WorLD 4(still wondering who green lit the film after the pure dumpster fire of Fallen Kingdom and Dominion. Literally worse than Transformers and JP3.
Shouldn't the Therizinosaurus be a little bigger?
Also any hope for an updated "Rexy" model that looks better than the first one?
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Official Becklespinax toy reveal.
And I'm still left wondering. Why Becklespinax? Not only is it a junior synonym of Altispinax but they also have Concavenator right there to use.
Yeah not sure if it's a better concept or should've been kept static but it's probably the very first JP Theropod or Dinosaur perid made with functional fingers/digits which is sorta historical lol.
Yeah I never got the HC rex cause the whole thing looked cursed and off and I have no regrets.
This is probably the best looking and closest replication that stays true to the original Kenner line instead of just being a silly repaint yes some are just slightly retooled but this seems the most faithful to the Kenner inspiration imo.
Order from Lana time if they're still up.
>Also wish we were getting a new Shanna but no way it happens.
Is it because she's scantily clad? Seriously?

>When are we getting JP2 Rex?
Don't know if we're getting Buck. Would be nice.

>Shouldn't the Therizinosaurus be a little bigger?
Those are two pictures of each figure I shopped together for one image, so don't consider these the scale of the figures compared to each other in real life. Theri may be larger.

>Also any hope for an updated "Rexy" model that looks better than the first one?
Sorry I don't know.
Easily the most bizarre rex ever made and that's a lot coming from mattel.>>11002739
Yeah it's made to be a major role in the show but so is the Allosaurus but this is 100% better than the hideous Allo remake they should have just retooled the already accurate Dominion Allo. Trying to track one down was too damn busy during the clearance at Walmart to snag one
Yes, no way current hasbro touches Shanna.

I think it's far more likely, in fact I'm surprised it hasn't already happened, that some other company like Loose Collector releases a barely clothed jungle girl character like, well, Jungle girl, or Cavewoman, or Sheena, or any of the countless other hot cavegirl clones that had some comics come out between the 50s-2000s
>Yes, no way current hasbro touches Shanna.
But Ka Zar in loin cloth is fine of course. Reminds me of how everyone wants a new BS Slave Leia but hasbro won't go near her. I hate this political climate so much.
These are all really neat!
I want a Hammond JP3 Spino and a JP2 Trex. Did they ever make a Hammond Indoraptor or Indominus?
Yeah it's dumb, it really should have been Concavenator.
I guess it'll be Blue and the Indominus, they're the main Jurassic World dinos. Maybe something with the Mosasaurus ?
If they have balls - and leakers are right about it being an extension of Kenner esque rips- they'll use Jurassic world's genetic splicing dino hybrid themes to finally release an ultimasaurus stand in.
I really wish they would stop bloating every new project with random Z-list dinosaurs nobody gives a shit about except for modern paleo-autists.
Not every new thing needs a brand new dinosaur. There are plenty already.
>There are plenty already.
buy those then
It's not a matter of buying shit.
more new dinosaurs is cool
Not really.
>in the dino toys thread
>doesn't want more dino toys
kys retard
I was talking in general, retard. New dinosaurs for the sake of new dinosaurs isn't cool or interesting, it's just spam to make idiots like you buy more plastic.
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>isn't cool or interesting
why are you here if you hate dinosaurs you dumb faggot?
I'm here specifically to upset you and it's working.
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>Did they ever make a Hammond Indoraptor or Indominus?
Not yet, although the Super Posable Indoraptor is technically the prototype for the Amber and Hammond Collections regarding articulation so I guess you could say kinda for Indo.

>more new dinosaurs is cool
Agreed, I would like to see some really unique designs.
Is that indoraptor in 1/18 scale?
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though unlikely I would have to see the jeep with the cancelled series 2 paint job
I would love more crazy jp vehicles.
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Hammond Collection Fallen Kingdom Claire and Delta
And here's the Behind the Gates Video
I hope they remake the JP1 and JP3 raptors because those suck but Blue and Delta look very nice
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>saw a box of chaos theory dinos at walmart that had a sign that said "do not sell before june 2024" and i was too much of a pussy cuck bitch to ask the employees to open it on the off chance they realize that they would get in trouble and id be banned from my local walmart
I fucking despise street dates
we aren't it
Why don't I ever see human figures?
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Really loving the Blood Knight. Still waiting for my BBTS to ship my White Queen so that I can have them together.
Mines had the display out, it was filled with the new trex, I went Monday
can it stand on its own?
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The paint deco is so much better looking than the BOTM figures. I like my Alectrosaurus, but the blue and yellow spots look so unnatural with how thick and sloppily they are applied
I like BOTM figures but their paint is very childish, i don't know how else to describe it
Can I post my funko pop dinosaurs here?
I really don't get why David is so averse to adding washes to his figures.
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I think part of it is because they are too busy. Each additional layer looks sloppier and more noticeable that no attempts to blend the colors were made. My Daspletosaurus looks solid. The face looks a little sloppy where the yellows meet the red, but the rest of the figure drifts from pale yellow to dark red looks mostly natural. In contrast, lythonax's spots and stripes look atrocious, like they're just slapped on the figure, which sucks, because the prototype looked so much better with its paint apps. https://creative-beast.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/IMG_6714.jpg
I don't see why not. I'm pretty sure I've posted my Funko Giganotosaurus on these threads once or twice.
David's been (slowly) improving despite the fact that so many BOTM fans have been playing down every criticism of the line, so I have hope that he'll eventually get a handle on the paint apps, especially now that he has actual competition from Nanmu.
>Really loving the Blood Knight. Still waiting for my BBTS to ship my White Queen so that I can have them together.

Me too anon, BK and WQ are amazing figures, I may get a couple to have a pack. I already did that with the Amber Collection some time ago when they were cheap to triple up on but man these new ones are just too good not to. I've heard Nanmu is going to do JP and TLW versions too.
excuse me, what chaos theory toys?
Damn, once looks like Elvis, other looks like a vegas impersonator. I cant wait for the JP1 raptors.
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Very cool figs man, Inspired me to post mine.
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I kneel before your vastly superior painting skills, anon.
They're from Netflix show that comes out this friday
I can agree with that, i feel he doesn't know when a color scheme is done and just keeps adding and adding colors.
For example i think the mentioned lythronax would look much better if it was just yellow with black spots and the reddish throat, but the minty green sploches it has are pretty ugly in my opinion
What crocodile is that?
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I definitely think the Amber Collection Raptors could have been better, but they're still a $25 toy being compared to a $50 toy. Even though the upcoming Giga and Theri look like Mattel's best figures yet, they still aren't going to compare to the deco and detail quality of the Namu figures whenever they do them since (assuming Namu sticks to 1/35 scale for their large dinos like they are doing with Carno) they will be between $80 and $120 bucks.

And these are some of the better looking figures.. The raptors are abysmal and many of the ceratopsians are way sloppier too. I have no idea why people like this line. Bad articulation engineering and awful paint. It's been 8 years and were at like 100 figures at this point.
I get that developing new articulation schemes can be challenging but man, it's like they don't even test them out and put them through the paces before going into full production.
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I don't remember that one being on InGen's list
How does that— or how does it work.
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>The raptors are abysmal and many of the ceratopsians are way sloppier too.
I like my ceratopaians, but I absolutely agree about the raptors. I only have one of the 1/6 velociraptors and it looks just bad. The blue on its snout and eyes looks nothibg like box art or the paint master.
>this point.
I get that developing new articulation schemes can be challenging but man, it's like they don't even test them out and put them through the paces before going into full production.
It is particularly annoying, because people have pointed out the problems early in development and David has waited until multiple waves deep into a line to patch them. Nanmu did the segmented neck on their first figure, and we arent getting it in the BOTC line until Dilo and Carno
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the sabertooth figure looks pretty great
And how much did that raptor cost compared to the nanmu one?
probably very similar
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Before shipping the BOTM raptor wad $3 more than the Nanmu raptor. After shipping it was $13, since Lanatime does free shipping while David charges $10
Utah's lookin good
Cheers brother, I love the green hue on yours. What counts is that we have our Bucks, Mattels Gatesgate campaign notwithstanding...BTW are you doing the articualted feet on your buck or the static kind?
The Bandai one that was like $300

That being said, Mattel could make a few minor changes that would make a HUGE difference, i.e. proportioned feet and adding sharp teeth.
Kinda wish I was in a position to collect a gang of dinos like your gregarious bastards you have there.

Major props to BOTM for not making the smilodon striped/ tiger-like. Do you guys think the Build a figure Marvel Legends Smilodon will be hard to come-by on ebay?
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While we're on the topic of beasts of the Mesozoic, it looks like there's a sale going on until the 27th on the official site.
Not only that, but the Chasmosaurus is finally being restocked (the thing notoriously sold out quickly originally and has been insanely hard to track down ever since), and is included in the sale:
>Marvel smilodon
Hard? No. Expensive? Probably. It's one of the only build a figures to have appeal outside of what it actually is supposed to be (ie some obscure marvel character) vs some very specific suited superhero character. It's also one of the build a figures you are guaranteed to never see again(though I could see the majority of the mold going to gijoe if it hasn't already, I don't keep up).
Regardless, if you want it just get it. There's bound to be plenty.
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>BTW are you doing the articualted feet on your buck or the static kind?
that was an older pic, I posted by mistake. I went with the articulated feet for my Buck
>That being said, Mattel could make a few minor changes that would make a HUGE difference, i.e. proportioned feet and adding sharp teeth
yeah, if the Amber collection had the better feet and teeth of the new Delta HC Raptor I would have army built with them instead of just buying only the Male JP3 and the Tiger Raptor
Just finished watching Chaos Theory and I really want some good figures of the atrioraptor team.
Its refreshing to have a squad of evil dinosaurs that dont get killed the first time they're shone
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>evil dinosaurs
>evil dinosaurs
antagonist dinosaurs
>Named Ghost
>white with glowing red eyes
>howled at a full moon
>killed at least 3-4 people throughout the season
>owner is an albino with a whistle
Yeah naw evil
Don't they all die in JW Dominion? I know Ghost is the one that falls off the plane when chasing Chris Pratt, and I think the other two were killed while the plane was taxiing on the runway.
As per the director and universal it was mentioned all 4 atrioraptors survived Dominion.
Figure Red will be introduced next season to up the anty
There's no such thing as Jurassic World canon
Yes there is,you may not like it, because the movies are shit, but that doesnt mean it doesnt exist
I think the worst issue was/is just how buried in the JW websites the connections to the previous movies are.
>nothing but info about the dinosaurs saved from Isla Nublar
>then had to add in the anklyosaurs were imported from Sorna
>now that TLW and 3 are canon to JW they had to explain where all the dinosaurs not on the OG ingen list came from
>Wu and Ingen snuck back onto Sorna after TLW to hurry and make new dinosaurs just because all the countries were threatening to do a ban on resurrecting extinct animals after the Trex rampage in San Fran but Masrai was interested in buying ingen and making a new park
>oh the pteradons that escaped at the end of 3, Hoskins hunted them down and killed them in Vegas
>at one point was canon Hoskins and ingen mercs killed the Spino when getting all the dinosaurs from Sorna for the new park, then changed to it was moved to that other island in camp cretaceous, no idea now what's what
>Buck and Doe Mia until suddenly appearing at the end of Dominion, completely defeating the purpose the >gigga was the dominant predator in the Biosyn valley
Really shit show all around
No there isn't, anything can be retconned at any moment, never forget "Quilliam" is the JP3 raptor's official name just because Colin redditor saw it on twitter
Segisaurus toy when?
literally never
Will David ever have the BALLS to make a 33 inch long Spinosaurus?
Is the Guanlong and Lystrosaurus two pack already out in the US? Im Europoor so ill even have to wait longer now.
So those actually have poa? All the ones I see look like just statues
Those are Mattel Hammond Collection Tyrannosaurs with custom Heads, Feet and paint jobs.
I rather he had the balls to do a scaly dilo instead
Ah OK thanks I'll stick to my 20 buck dinos
Based, Jurassic Park ended with 3.0
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So why did he not appear anywhere in Chaos Theory when it seems like he's slated to appear?
Also how do you feel about it compared to the other Mattel toy (or JWE2)?
WHEN, NANMU?! (and that JP Rex too)
I just got them at a Walmart in the US today! They must have been pretty fresh out. I almost missed them (walked right by them on my first pass). The Lystrosaurus is super neat, love that Mattel made him!
it's slightly better, overall has better proportions. on the other hand, I hate that retarded action wheel
I know the rubber on the AC raptor tails was terrible, but what about the JP3 pteranodon? Have the wings held up?
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>bunch of new jurassic world chaos theory toys were supposed to come out today
>only one store got some new strike attacks, no new danger packs at any store even tho they were the ones i wanted the most
I fucking hate big retail stores like walmart and target, theyre a bunch of lazy fucks that wont even get anything new out even the day of the street date is broken. I fucking hate these bastards i hope they all go out of business's and they probably will when they stubbornly refuse to stock any new merch
have some patience jfc
Since they got rid of department managers what 4 years ago now toys is treated like a red headed stepchild 10 1/2 months out of the year at walmart.
Shit shows up when shit shows up.
Mine are super inconsistent with stocking. I am >>11014573 and I was super shocked to see them at the store. They are almost always out of stock or shelf warming with stuff three waves ago. May be worth trying a further away walmart too.
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Probably a few months since tge just showed off the paintmaster for the Carno
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shit this looks fucking amazing
I'm so glad we have mattel for pretty nice cheaper SA dinos and nanmu now making nicer higher end ones. I never have to deal with shitty Beasts of the Mesozoic again.
Are theri and giga already out or is it just for reviewers?
Carno/Theri size range Triceratops remake when
Is that the demon style carno from the films?
Imo they could release it as the TLW edition trike that tore through the tent and was yeeting trucks and camp equipment when Harding and van owen loosed them on Ingen hunters camp.
Seems like it, even has the broke horn
Tho if i remember correctly, the underside should be more gray than tan
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Very cool
first marvel legends I had to buy in years. luckily the figures are easy to sell.
Too bad this motherfucker is >$100 on ebay. Are the figures needed to build him hard to find? What are the figures? Might be better buying the lot.
how long does it usually take for nanmu to start pre-orders after showing paintmasters? If not for these threads the posable raptors would have gone under my radar
im stupid
hammond carno NEVER appeared on my local amazon so I am fucked
It looks good, but not $100 good. I'm just gonna be content with the BOTC Smilodons
You'll still be spending over $100 on Marvel figures.
Based Smilo, might go that route also. Shame that the mouth doesnt articulate though :/
Any of you faggots gonna get this based boy? I've never heard of the dude that makes this Jurassic Justin.
That allosaurus looks fucking terrible but the Smilodon and Deinonychus look great
How much is it? looks like one of those shitty 300 dollar 3D printed figures
Me no no.

Looks more screen accurate (to the JW version) than the mattel ones.
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>want fragilis because I like the head more
>it's got a horrid fucking paintjob compared to jimmadseni
This fucking sucks man.
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Anons i just found that they made a hammon Brachio
it's AMAZING but
>rubber neck
wait no no no NO!
this is a terrible idea
And i know what i'm talking about. 15+ years late there will be shit ton of hammond brachios with shitty rotten ruined necks
why did they do that.
oh my god
sch a fantastic figure ruined

I had an experience with multiple rubber toys within these years and saw the condition of other such toys from other collectors
If it makes you feel better, it is made of really hard and strong rubber. A segmented neck would have been much better tho
even the strong rubber will rot away eventually.
This toy is a ticking bomb and it's impossible to have it for a long time period. even in a box that was never opened.
idk all my kenner toys are still doing good and some are 30 years old
>kenner toys
This isn’t Kenner this is the problem.
>these guys ship in october while wave 1 of the kickstarter ships in december
What the fuck?
Has anyone gotten the giga and theri?
anybody has this?
i love how goofy this one looks
I find it funny how fucking MATTEL TOYS are willing to experiment with funky feather placements nowadays and they apparently made the promo image have the colors be even worse??
I still hate this thing's stumpy fucking legs though.
i call it midgetraptor. it looks so tiny and stocky-stubby.
how the fuck it could be dangerous even with thise claws...
Looks like a wolverine-theropod hybrid. Honey badger kinda shit.
>articulation on the dilo
I'm finally interested in your shit again David. This kind of posing should have been possible with all the previous figures. I want to like my figures much more than I do, but they're so stiff. What's the point when they're basically statutes with 4 poses?
If they’re gonna put feathers, then dont make them obvious ripoffs of existing species. This figure is decent for that reason. Its uncreative to take an extinct creature and just give it a modern paintjob and feather placement.
Is it worth $150+?
I was able to sell the figures to make it worth it but no I wouldn't pay $150 for it.
I just got mine at the store. BUT be sure to check it out before opening it. Apparently there are QC issues with some of them, so best to check them out in stores if you see them before buying. I just saw this video after buying it.
Did yours come with any issues?
I don't think so, except the joints felt really stiff. I guess that's more of a good thing versus being loose.
I did hear that Crimson Commander is a pedophile.

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