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I never see threads for wrestling figs. So here's one. Enjoy. What's your figure of the year so far? What are you looking forward to? Picrel. Can't wait for one of the best Eddies ever.
So far im really excited for terry gordy, hoping i find a star dust one day. Have you seen the ultimate charlotte flair? Its uhm, not attractive.
Anyone know where I can get a good Batista for customization purposes?
Matches real Charlotte flair then lmao
Women's figures still got quite a way to go. Ultimate Asuka and Bianca and Elite 79 Io Shirai are pretty cool though.
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I just picked up Ultimate Yoko, Captain Lou, and Summerslam Lex. Looking forward to this Legends Kurt and Harlem Heat the most.
Do Hulk Hogan and Macho man exist in the style of these newer toys?
"Hollywood" Hulk Hogan does.
The yellow and red one does too.
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I'm not a wrestling fan at all but this is neat.
Look up Ultimate Edition Macho Man and Ultimate Edition Hulk Hogan. Both have multiple releases in that line with different attires.
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There's an Ultimate but it's one of the more expensive ones.
Thank you anons.
They're rereleasing this one in June.
Oh, he has hair.
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Got the 70s 4pack in the mail. Pretty fun figures, really enjoy Billy and Gorilla. Didnt care for the Ali, so he’ll probably hit ebay soon. My Harley has a weird mold error on the face and will try and contact Mattel about it. The NWA and WWWF titles are great though
That is a nice asuka.
Anyone familiar with the aew figures? I never hear them mentioned on the pw general threads here.
I own a few. They often don't have the greatest face scans, some even look terrible. And they're very behind, just recently they put out a Toni Storm figure with her debut attire. There's maybe two to three waves per line per year. I kinda gave up on AEW figs.
I've got Pentagon Jr. He's cool.
I got Owen Hart and Luminaries Jericho for my Golden Era collection. Not a big fan of the face scans like >>10998741said but I got them cheap and it's nice to have them on the shelf.
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I’m most excited for these two stooges, need to fill out the tag division in the modern era fig fed im building
they were directly responsible for mattel stepping their game up after over a decade of stagnant trash. the walmart exclusive cm punk was the best wrestling figure of last year. the regular releases aren't really great and the people at jazwares make some incredibly braindead decisions when it comes to design and engineering.
Found the new Ultimate Bret Hart at Walmart

Pre-ordered two Ultimate Mankinds from Walmart. I'll get that Eddie when it's up again.

Pre-ordered the Ultimate Outsiders set from Ringsidecollectibles and since they were getting another run of Elite Paul Bearers in the same month I ordered one of those and the Survivor Series Undertaker Ultimate as well.
I keep seeing the same peg warmers. Ive seen a few i want but i never have the spare cash to get them when i see them. I thought darby and danhausen looked good but i missed out. Definitley on the list to order though.
Ive got evil uno and hikari. Uno is sturdy af but the knee pads just kill his range of movement. I like the figure though, thought the pack of cards was fun. >>10998947
The regular or supreme edition? Really wish, once again, i had spare cash to pick up one for opening. I love the flexibilty of mattel figures, so im assuming the cm punk figure is more along those lines?

I just dont think aew needs a toy line, atleast not a mass retail line. These arent household names or faces, aew doest have the baked in audience of wwe where you can cast a wide net and sell merch of any type. The wrestlers just dont jump out at you as designs for toys either. Some can, stu grayson or luchasaurus or brian cage and hikaru shida definitly caught my eye but the rest? , as a toy collector or wrestling fan, id just pass by aew to find what looks the coolest or just hits me in the memory gut. Blah blah, aew yoyline is as bloated as the wrestling roster which is filled with alot of talent most people are not aware of.
>sorry, im kinda stoned and like wrestling
>The wrestlers just dont jump out at you as designs for toys either.
I agree with this, but I think that applies to a lot of wrestling figures. FTR and the Imperium guys in >>10998938 are some examples of ones that don't look interesting to me at all.
I'm trying to make a custom Axel Stone with WWE figs...any recommendations?
the supreme edition. i was happy just to finally have a punk who could actually do the go to sleep taunt and cross his arms in a convincing x. i've waited so long for that.
I hate Walmart exclusives with a burning passion. I'm from europe so there's no Walmart here. And Walmart.com doesn't ship to europe. So I have to rely entirely on ebay scalpers....
There was a recent British Bulldog BAF, look into that first. Has the jeans and the physique, not sure about the gloves and head
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Not sure about the head though. Might want a Marvel or DC character.
I've got a bunch. There's good and bad. Same as Mattel with WWE - some look great, some are funky as. I've cobbled together a decent roster from the past few years (for me, AEW peaked in 2022).

With both Mattel WWE and Jazwares AEW, the biggest issue is distribution. Some figures are insanely easy to get everywhere, whereas others are blink and you missed it and prepare to pay for it. But.... the upshot is they release a lot of the same guys over and over so if you're patient you don't have to pay stupid money.

Asuka was a classic example in WWE - had some early NXT figures that were so so, then had a literally perfect Network Spotlight version of her then look... that went for insane $$.

Then her next look Elite hit and she was easy to get. The current Ultimate is her recent look and looks amazing.

Mattel has a real knack of doing some amazing figures with the odd "what the hell were they smoking" thrown in. Don't listen to the person criticizing Ultimate Charlotte - it's a great look and great figure. Ultimate Becky Lynch though... doesn't even look like her. Great figure but face is someone else!

It's weird how they do that every so often, almost deliberately.
I'm interested in the set mainly for those 3 but man, they really take the piss:
- Harley looks great, classic NWA look, title belt looks great (if somewhat unfinished paint wise)
- I can handle another Superstar, especially as he comes with a WWWE belt.
- Gorilla... lazy on the upper torso being painted on clothing. My biggest pet peeve to not go with sculpted.
- Have zero desire for the Ali figure... apparently he was the reason the set got the green light though, so guess I can't complain too much.
It is a really sweet package, but i think the standard was well done too.
The distro can be wild, i can go get a cart full of ultimate jeff hardys while ultimate roman came and went.
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I started a wrestling collection recently. Pleasantly surprised at the quality. I was able to get a lot of older figures at toy shows and fb marketplace for good prices. There are some exceptions like LoD and Demolition. Hoping that Zombie Sailor's 6" line does well and they sign talent that Mattel can't.
What line is that in the pic? They kinda remind me of storm collectibles.
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Zombie Sailor Toys. They have done some retro figures and are branching off into 6". No word on prices or preorders for them yet.
Whats the best ring for an Elite collection?
The Matty Creations ones. Actual scale to the figures, quality materials. Just pick your theme. If not that, the metal one for 100 green backs or so from ringside.

Major Bendies announced Road Warriors for June with removable pads
What's the best referee?
when does ultimate mankind come out?
I think Mattel just made 2~3 different BAF refs
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By gawhd, he’s going for the change in weather
Will never stop being a fan of JR/Lawler doing RAW is WAR
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I look forward to The Outsiders
Hope Nash looks better than he does in this pic though
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Would also be cool to see an official ultimate sting but who knows if we will ever see that. But like they say in wrestling "never say never"
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I want that Brian Pillman, would be cool to see this faction but probably wont, cuz of Owen
Isn't Sting getting an AEW figure any time now as a WM exclusive? One of those large sets with multiple options like Cody got
I guess that will have to do but I want WCW Sting
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Maybe they can do a pack with the eras of Sting since his sons walked out as Surfer Sting and Wolf Pack Sting
>Sting figure with a sting mask
This has to have been done before, right?
Idk, its a fun call back to wcw nitro though.
Imagine a world where they did like an hour podcast once a week. Id listen to them ramble.
Itll never happen but id enjoy a owen, i got worked by the nugget stuff as a kid.
Estimated to arrive in September
How bad do we think Powertown Wrestling is doing with the TNA line-up at $50 a pop?
Not great, i mean whale collectors will be in but for most i cant see it. But maybe some japanese guys dig the line and it takes off, still trying to grasp the toy and wrestling and wrestling toys intersection. Most people just buy a shirt or somethimg right? Does tna have that rabid a fanbase who would pay a ppv price for a toy?
I don't think so. Maybe if Don West was still alive to shill it. They've got a passionate fanbase, but they don't throw a lot of money at it and honestly they really burned a shitload of buzz earlier this year. The only upside they've got is everyone in the wave is still there.
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Saved these fellas from the thrift store today, no clothes or gear but for $3 idc. They had alot of wwe basics and i almost got an aj styles but he was broken upon further inspection. Nothing really ote worthy in the pile, an omos a rey a rock (modern) basically what they didnt sell at a yard sale type of roster. Really wish i could find some old wwf vhs, thatd be an awesome night.
Uhhh, wrong board?
dumb bot
>Really wish i could find some old wwf vhs, thatd be an awesome night.
Actual tapes, can't help you out, but there is this if you feel like downloading stuff.

Thanks. We found a working vcr so ive been on a memory lane type vibe lately, kinda had a memory jolt of being 10 watching the wwf home videos at my griends house. Ill bookmark the link.
>shredded HTM
The idea of Honky with abs is strange.
Most probably never remove the jumpsuit he comes with
I couldnt find any of their gear, also htm has MEMPHIS across his butt. We thought it was a sign to move back home but nah, just a nice design touch.
is mankind exclusive to a store or will i be ble to find him on amazon/bbts etc?
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I hope the Monday Night Wars line is selling well and we get some deep cuts. WCW ones especially.
Id be in on that, if alex wright was included. Glaciar, mortis, wrath, the yetay etc, so is mnw like a sub line or something? I figured it was a themed wave.
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Pretty sure it's a sub line exclusive to Walmart. Elites and Ultimates. Exclusives are annoying but I hope it has a long run like the Target Legends.
I haven't bought a wrestling toy in decades but this I would buy. Should come with a DDP head.
Huh, well ill have to keep an eye out.
this foley doesn't look as good as the elite with a molded shirt. cloth goods can make figures toe the doll line and this one crosses it in my onion
What if Chris Benoit came out and revealed it was all scripted and he his wife and kid were fine and started wrestling again. And then boom! Owen heart descends gracefully from the rafters to announce a new tag team? Never forget what we lost.
What's under the shirt? Does he have his mid90s gear?
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Yooooo! I cant tell you how rare superstars is in my area, so to actually just find doink and andre was quite exciting. I had to leave the awa hulk behind, but i got doink and thats what matters.
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I know this is a Mattel thread, but I got my first Jazwares for a better Keith Lee. Pretty good compared to Elites. Im booking a FWF style fed, which has been pretty fun
How do you guys follow when these things come out? Where do you buy them? I saw my nigga Stacks from NXT has a new figure coming out. I don't collect these things, but I'm a Stacks fan.
What are all the different WWE lines that Mattel is putting out now? Which ones are worth collecting?
So for your standard 7” you got basics, elites and ultimates. All the same scale, just more articulation and accesories as the price goes up. Elites are the gold standard IMO, good variety of wrastlers and a good bang for your buck. But even with Elites, most major retailers have exclusive sublines, like Target does Legends, which focus on older/retro guys. Walmart just started their Monday Night Wars, which focuses on that era of WWE/WCW. Its good to start with the guys you really like and go from there.
Anything NWO/WCW this year! Stoked for the DDPs and Harlem Heat. Need a Big Poppa Pump!
HH got re-issued with a new tan, but it's burnt shit. I've been trying to custom a few more members because Matty doesn't seem to cover this era much anymore.

Plus WWE Superstars (MOTU Origins) which has been more Rock n Wrestling/New Generation eras but they're doing occasional Attitude stuff.
I want more NXT figures. I want Andre Chase and Duke Hudson.

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