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Now that's what I call strange fruit.
Which is the best Spawn figure in terms of articulation?
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>It's a "/toy/ doesn't understand the source material for figures they buy" episode
Lol. Reminds of of that guy that flipped out when he heard Constantine was gay.
He's not 100% gay. He's bi.
>lynched al simmons
He's what?
Gay gay or gay? I wouldnt be shocked if he were bi curious by the end of the vertigo series but i never read that far ibto the series. The ennis and dillon stuff was great, better than preacher.
How does that help?
It's a weird thing to make a toy of. It's like having a figure of Superman bent over for "russian torture" as depicted in Superman Red & Blue.
yeah man, waiting for that batmans parents being gunned down in an alley figure set btw awesome reference haha
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In an early issue Constantine offhandedly mentions occasionally having boyfriends, issue 51. Nothing really came of this and most people forgot until the last 10 years
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>crime alley playset..for toddlers!
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That would be kino. But McFarlane doesn't do cool stuff like that anymore.
In some stories, isn't it implied that Bruce is the reason they took the detour in the alley?
serious question, why havent we got these as figs yet?!?!?!
This feels like kind of a fucked up thing to do with a black character though
Hey, that could be a factor at play. Spawn is a pretty fucked up story, so invoking the imagery of a black heelspawn lynched could have been a desired one.

>How does this help?
It's... The source material... Literally what the figure (or more accurately, the sculpture) is supposed to depict. It's the same thing, but in a different media. How hard is it to understand that?
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The comic that toy/cover is based on has Spawn turning a kkk member into a black man, who gets hanged at the end of the story.
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>also part of The Meat line
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>it's a "/toy/ forgets Mcfarlane used to do stuff like this and sell it in stores" episode
why the fuck is this so funny
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The Transformers equivalent of this is hilarious too, they made at least two figures of Optimus's dead body. To make things funnier, the Takara release named it "CONVOY SLEEP MODE". Like y'know, he isn't dead, he's just a lil sleepy
Black Heart Spawn. 19 OPA that are well-concealed so the figure isn't visually butchered with ugly joints.
Okay but Spawn should look like pic related >>10999014. Where's his dessicated cape and ripped costume. OP pic is just lazy.
The toy
>actual alleyway is about three square inches at most
that's a pretty big alley for this playset actually
kino. isnt there also some starwars figure that explodes and dies or some shit from one of the movies
>we will never get sculpts and paint as good as this again
There was a general grievous that exploded, as well as a jango fett with magnet connection for his head, to enable a Jedi to decapitate him.
i swear i remember it looking like some table mixed with body horror but was allegedly a bootleg
I fucking have always loved the "Tortured Souls" figures ever since I saw them as a kid.
You have issues.
Anakin being put in the Vader suit?
>It's... The source material... Literally what the figure (or more accurately, the sculpture) is supposed to depict.
shame it's literally inaccurate
OP pic is just lazy.
Well it's McFarlane shit
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Actually, it turns into a rocket launcher.
You might be thinking of the Doctor Who Casandra/Destroyed Casandra figures.
They have articulation, retard.
I had this. I wonder where it went...
Barely. How do you play with them?
they're still figures you retard. what do you think "figure" means?
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>retards who are seeing this for the first time screeching about the missing cape even though it includes the cape
Bruce wanted to watch a movie/Zorro, his father suggested the detour through the alley to take a walk
This is one of the least offensive things a fucking leaf has done.
Shame your literally retarded.
Pretty sure genociding the injuns were the least offensive one
>this retard truly believe that looks like >>10999014
prove it, retard
>I d-don't have an argument b-but I want to win!!
>why doesn't the hard plastic physical object look like a drawing on my screen reeeeeeee
Exact, why McFarlane is this incompetent?
Ok retard that complained about a feature that was indeed included.
Gb2 the party, underage
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Not even McFarlane has the balls to be what he was in the 90s. He doesn't want to get cancelled by a bunch of rainbow-hairs that don't even but his shit anyway, and doesn't want a bunch of wokester calling hs family and saying "DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE MARRIED TO HITLER?"
Ah Tortured Souls, the "I'll build my own Hellraiser with blackjack and hooker!" of the McFarlane toy lore...
>blackjack and hooker

Now that's an epic little meme right there.
>just 19 POA
Jesus fuck
Wholesome six inch kino display?
>It's a "autist nerd doesn't understands moral and that you shouldn't haunt kids with nightmare fuel R rated toys " episode
"Won't someone PLEASE think of the children!?"
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Based icon moment
She enjoyed it btw.
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jesus christ
Wait, Todd is Canadian?
he has sex with men for pleasure
and relationships with women
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>zoomers don't know about Billy Kincaid
reminds me of this
The cartoon did this better desu.
The cartoon was pure kino. I wish it had new seasons past the first 3. Just get Keith David to record all of his lines now before he croaks.
What did the cartoon do with Kincaid?
On the topic of weird WTF toys that apparently exists: Bukkake McQueen.
It had Violator just shoot him which was lame so idk why these anons say it was better
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>the delusions of the right

Don't you remember his "serial killer" bullshit? He doesn't want to make women at all but the WB license & his stockholders force him to. When left to his choices he wants to only make conservative white men with no talent.

>they used to be cool... live long enough to become the villain, I suppose
>Don't you remember his "serial killer" bullshit?
You mean an obvious joke that you can't comprehend due to your crippling autism?
I still hate this version of Ozzy they went with.
You couldn't have pedos be killed like that in media anymore
I miss when Todd used to make cool toys
It just looks like a superior 3D render of the source material.
It is missing the cape. If you weren't a fucker newbie zoomer you'd know about it.

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