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What’s on the workbench, /toy/?

Sculpts, castings, 3D prints, dioramas, mods, kitbashes, and repaint are all welcome!

Post WIPs, finished projects, ideas, techniques, ask for advice, and most of all, have fun!

-Invest in a rotary tool such as a dremel for sanding/sculpting, especially a flexible extension tip.
-Pin vises for drilling holes can be found at hobby stores like Hobby Lobby and are great for making peg holes.
-For soft, flexible parts get Sugru silicone putty and Oyumaru
-Hardware epoxy putties such as Waterweld, KwikWood, and PlasticWeld are similar to milliput, greenstuff, and apoxie, can be cheaper some times, and can be found at local hardware stores such as Lowes, Ace, and Home Depot.
-Bootleg figures make great custom-fodder, especially if the legit figures are pricey.
-Body-chan/kun, Figma Archetype He/She, Romankey x Cowl, and Sozai-chan/kun are great base bodies for import-style human characters.
-For 3D models to use for editing, the following sites are good to bookmark:
cgtrader.com (free and purchasable models)
cults3d.com (free and purchasable models)
models-resource.com (FREE 3D game models)
turbosquid.com (free and purchasable models)
grabcad.com (free and purchasable models)
renderhub.com (free and purchasable models)
That orange print guy is the best
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Reposting from the /tfg/, making Sureshock as a Polynian style non-transforming but super-poseable (I hope) figure. This screenshot isn't terribly flattering, but should give you the basic idea of what I'm doing. I'm giving her a big powerlinx port on her backpack too.
what kind of joints will you use?
>those drawn together doll
when did those get shared? they look amazing
Hobby Base. I have tonnes of them and they're very similar to the ones Polynians use. The hips are the same style of 12mm "sphere hinges" for instance.
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Ok...hear me out bros.
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Also anybody has an idea how I could articulate the wings? I can just glue them on the back but... feel like it's a waste. I could make it with some kind of big joint maybe but I dunno where I would get one.
Any guides for weathering cloth?
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Actually I figured it out. I'm gonna hotglue a lego technic piece to the wing. Just need to pick and get one that would look nice.
who are the blue people?
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Working on a 1/6 cyberpunk girl OC. I’m debating whether I should give her futuristic guns or leave her as a civilian.
WTF. Please don't. Use some proper super glue, apoxie, putty or a combination. Unless this is like your first custom, then go ahead with hot glue and may as well get those cheap $1 Apple Barrel paints from the craft store too
I'd think hot glue was better? Whats the difference? I got proper plastic glue around actually...
Do both, this is America dammit.
did you make the clothes yourself?

Also a question to the thread. Which sewing machine should I buy for toy clothes? Also want to make a fumo maybe.
I'm thinking maybe a P90? Only problem is the Alita body I'm using doesn't come with trigger hands.
Nope. Purchased them from Aliexpress.
A friend of mine just got a very high end 3d printer and said he'd be willing to let me use it if I pay for the material I use when printing. What's the best way to go about commissioning someone to 3d model some ideas for statues I want?
Anyone have a template for a six/seven inch scale pizza box to print out and fold together? If so would you have to print it out a certain size to get it to look right? I figure picture paper would work best right?
Looks good!
Great idea! Put a screw through the hinge points with a drywall screw casing in between. Pop it in the back through some holes and tighten it up with some silicone or something. Glue on some knees from a cheap old he-man to hide the mechanism. Swivel and hinge.
Is that an Evil Eye from FF11?
Been working on a Roadbuster kit, it uses the Siege Hound OSKO.
I ordered an older McFarlane to repaint. What should I use to seal the gaps? Also looking for a tutorial for painting statues with a brush, especially skin tones.
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And done!
Nice work!
First time doing a custom? Hot Glue is the cheapest shit there is, and not too strong either. Plastic glue is usually pretty weak and for ABS to ABS connections like model kits. Use proper super glue. But if you were seriously considering using hot glue, the type of glue will be the least of your worries making this custom I think.
sand/dremel, then apoxie over those areas. Sand smooth with super fine grit paper, then paint.
Contemplating getting an FDM printer for more "functional" parts (joints etc). Would I be better off using PETG or ABS? My understanding is PETG has mostly replaced ABS as it's easier to print with and actually slightly more durable.
My understanding is that ABS lost popularity a while ago because other materials have caught up or surpassed it in terms of properties. Though I hear it's pretty cheap now as a result.
no I'll do super glue then. Thanks anon. Guess I'll save a few bucks not buying a gluegun now.
Aight, good to know, that basically confirms what I thought. Thanks anon!
I’ve been building my first 30MS kit and second kit overall, just trying to learn how to build while making fewer mistakes than last time. I’m already getting a lot better at not leaving stress marks, but a lot of that is down to the new tools, I think.
Any channels or tutorials for custom hair sculpts on statues?
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I think next time I will remove the wire part, narrow the cape a little and glue it on the back.
There’s no going back now
What's the best upper body for pic rel? Needs the round soulders and not a lot of details. Using GI Joe Classified for legs
Is there a way to buy those joints in bulk? Not a fan of the $12 packs that come with like 20 little joints.
Honestly the cheapest I've found 'em is on Hobby Search, a single sprue is usually dirt cheap, especially at the moment with the weak Yen. You used to be able to buy giga-cheap bulk packs of Figma and Revoltech joints off eBay but they seem to have vanished.
Okay... hear me out, bros...
(never liked the red stuff on Grungy.)
(never liked the 4 different suits, just wanted the "clear canopy" ones).
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And freakishly enough, went on eBay the other week to start collecting the stuff needed to do this, and some fucker out there ALREADY had the same idea, a full-canopied Grungy lol. I already swapped the red lens ones out for the dark bluish gray ones... just need to repaint with a ton of purple. The eye area was cut from a neon "power" symbol in a cheap pack of neon pop culture stickers off aliexpress.
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Okay... hear me out, bros...
i'm looking for some big hands, like around the size of SAS kenshiro for something i'm working on. does anyone have any recs other than just getting an SAS kenshiro to harvest for parts?
forgot to mention left and right pointing hands would be a huge bonus as well. SAS kenshiro would be perfect except for the price
just use the most recent ML Hercules
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So I have the Selects Immortal Hulk and I want it to look more like MvC2 Hulk like pic related. MvC2 Hulk seems to have a somewhat smaller head than the base Selects so maybe size isn't a big issue. Though I assume a Marvel Legends head would still look too small. Are there any heads that would work to give me this look? I could try a 3d printed one but my painting skills are ass. I don't mind giving that a shot though if the head looks great and isn't too expensive. Any ideas? I've looked around online and the only 3d printed head I've seen that's MvC2 styled is for Marvel Legends.

Another thing I'm curious about is if cutting away some plastic from the pecs would let this figure get more range for his arms together for clapping or strangling. It may look bad or not give it any range at all so I'm curious what you regular customizers think.
Tried looking for any "Professor Hulk" themed figures?
I just looked for Hulk in general. Trying that out real quick gives a lot of MCU hits but not comic ones. I'll try tossing toybiz and such around to see what pops up though. Not a bad idea. The Selects Hulk is 9.5-9.75 inches so if I can find an existing head hopefully it'll match that size. I don't mind trying to paint one but the only head I liked the look of I haven't gotten a response back from the seller yet about size.
Anybody ever worked with cotton balls? Made a cloud nimbus for my monkey king figure that came out pretty well but I can tell it's gonna be a dust magnet. Would hitting it with clear topcoat be retarded idea?
any updates on the dagoth ur?
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I dyed and repainted a ko g1 menasor, still figuring out a good side trailer sticker for him :/ I don’t really want him to be a cybertron or a destron but maybe just a cute robot fren
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Can’t believe it’s time to paint and finish this guy finally. It was so much pain finding the right ingredients and sculpting
>superclear uv matte sprayed some figures last year
>looked great
>now they frosted and chipped in various places where they’ve been posed
I sure was retarded. Currently soaking them off in isopropyl soup. Anybody ever coated a figure in matte and had it not start frosting or chipping eventually, or should I just save it for faces/small accessories and more static shit?
This looks fucking great, anon. He looks like a fren.
Who is a person I could commission to create a custom 3D head sculpt to print of an anime character.
Looks great
Yes. They all have different wives.
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i'm getting down into the final stages of making a custom/kitbash and i think i wound up sacrificing too much accuracy for ease of construction. should i throw it away and start over? pic related was going to be bobobo but at this point his chest and shoulders are way too big, his collar is weird, and his neck is too small. i spent a few weeks trying to figure out how to get his perfectly circular shoulders to articulate before i eventually just took them off of an anime heroes franky. i imagine the chest is too big because i started with it, so i didn't have anything else to compare it to
holy shit dude
Pretty happy with how the eyes look compared to the factory version
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Get the Kamiyasu sanding sponges. Thank me later.
Leveling thinner has retarder in it makes a smoother (and glossier) coat, as the name implies. Mr. Color and Mr. Hobby are usually used to distinguish between their super great yet super toxic lacquer line vs. the less toxic line. Check the label. What paint are you using?
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Thank you :}}
It looks pretty SUUUUUUPEEEERRRRRR so far.
I doom-spiraled and pitched it, I will live with this shame forever
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It’s okay, anon, we all do this. Here’s one I’m going to half finish then put away in shame after I burn out or ruin it somehow.

Just gotta wait for the bootleg Yujiros.
You don’t need any of these thinners then.
First off are you sure the hair is painted an not molded in that color? From memory, most Figma have hair parts that are both painted and also parts molded in the color. I would just spray pink or white surfacer on all the hair then paint from there. You never need to remove paint unless you have so much built up paint that it’s a problem, or the paint is damaged. What you do need is a consistent base tone between the bangs pieces, main hair etc. to work on, and since you want it pink you need your undercoat to be light. What do you mean by repaint in clear pink? Because clear paints are for shading over a base color, or tinting actually clear pieces (like Gundam beam sabers, windshields etc.). What’s the figure?
You’re better off putting the hair pieces in a silicone mold and casting in clear pink resin, the hair is usually just coloured plastic with shading added.
I am fairly sure that one has her main hair molded in blue plastic, and her bangs are a slightly softer material that’s painted. In any case, if you can get Mr. Surfacer in pink, that is a good base. I like the Lascivous line a lot, it has a good anime character pale pink. If you don’t have an airbrush, you can get Mr. Surfacer pink in a spray can.
Get a cheap aliexpress battery handheld airbrush, it won’t last particularly long but you’ll get what you need from it. Look up miniature painting tutorials for how to thin paints for airbrushing smoothly.
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In that case personally I would use whatever spray on primer you can find (or just mail order) in white or light grey. Then a can of pink paint, or I guess brush on the pink. What do you have access to? You can get Mr. Surfacer in any SEA country/Asia and NA and Europe. Not sure about SA or elsewhere.
I am fan of the stupidly named but very excellent Stynylrez brush on primer and you can get that off Amazon here in a dozen colors. The last bro tip I have is that pink or red work well over yellow as well. Whatever you do, don’t put pink on top of dark grey or black.
Here is red over yellow. The yellow undercoat gives it a vibrance and intensity. Notice what bad masking leads to btw ;_;
Gentlemen, he is complete.
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It…it’s beautiful!
holy shit dude. Can you make a guide how you did it? How tall is he?

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