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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>10971063

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

>Places to get army men:
https://bmctoys.com/ and https://victorybuy.com/
Lots of good pictures last thread. Good to see we’re all still soldiering on despite the mods’ best attempts to kill us.
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They weren't made for such terrain it seems.
Anon have these? I was looking for licensed army men after seeing Commander Buzz from the last thread and came this. They look kinda big.
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They have 'em with red lids too? Cool.
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They're a little bit bigger than typical army men but not excessively so.
Thanks for the reference image. I had no idea that the lids acted as dugouts.
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Been a bit of a fun trend with some army men sets, the round green one on the left also comes in blue with a set of mini naval vessels and aircraft.
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Yellow color notwithstanding I like this one best, the round pillbox has a twin-machine gun turret built into it.
That mech is sick.
While on my quest to find licensed army men I found out McFarlane made not one, but two lines of Halo figures that fit the description. Like most Halo lines I think it was pretty Spartan heavy but I’m certain.
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Very reminiscent of the Star Wars Battle Packs Unleashed from about 15 years ago now, my brother collected a bunch and they fought with distinction in more than a few campaigns. There were also proper Star Wars army men around the time of The Force Awakens, a couple of anons have shared them here in the past.
they don't seem like they would stand upright too well without constantly falling over
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The day of reckoning at last. The old Tan fortifications barely stand out on the ridge, heavily overgrown since they were pushed out of the sector by the early spring Green offensive. From the base of the ridge they seem abandoned, a minor obstacle before the pending assault. But the Greens know better; under cover of darkness scouts crept right up to the wire and could detect no lack of activity from sentries on duty, reserves bivouacked nearby, picks and shovels clanging on stones. The assault is coming none too soon - the Greys are defense in depth masters.
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The first platoons file forward in silence, each face an expression of grim determination. Every soldier understands the consequences of failure - recon images of the obliterated Tan base were passed around in the hours before mustering for the attack. Order are clear: take the fortifications and drive the Greys out of the region.
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Through a logistical miracle the Greens have managed to assemble a significant armored force, including a rare super heavy tank. Its presence alone gives the rank and file confidence in their success, knowing one of these beasts was a crucial factor in their earlier victory over the Tans. Intel on enemy strength is almost non-existent, though at least some armor is expected.
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The minutes tick down, the troops are getting anxious. The air is strangely still, not even a chirping bird to disturb the eerie silence...
Yeah, Star Wars Command.
The second McFarlane army men remedied that. Halo Micro Ops
I got a few of those on deep discount from Superstore, guess they never really took off.
Kino story and pictures. Nice to see some of the other colours get some action.
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As the final seconds count down to zero, the stillness is finally broken by idling tank engines roaring to life, tracks clanking as the metal beasts lurch forward. The dull thuds of hundreds of pairs of boots adds to the noise as the first wave advances at a brisk pace.
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All along the starting line, mortar and grenade launcher teams set up to provide the only fire support available. The Green wave edges forward, closer and closer to the forbidding structures of the Grey fortifications, still seemingly devoid of life.
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A lone tower juts from the centre of the fortified line, a silent stockade of sandbags and lumber. The point men of the first wave continue to advance steadily, growing more anxious as the defensive wire line appears out of the overgrown wilderness before them, still with no signs of the enemy ahead.
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The scale is all F*cked up you're supposed to use the tiny tank in front to make it look bigger and the bigger tank in the back to make it look to scale.
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Anyone else actually plan on painting their army men?
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It is meant to be a super heavy tank, see >>11007714
>scale and army men
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It was never going to be a walkover and the Greens know it. All long the line, grey heads pop up, rifle and machine gun barrels poke through loopholes and overtop sandbag walls, field guns are run into position.
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From slit trenches, camouflaged bivouacs and underground bunkers of still-setting concrete the Grey troops pour into the fortifications, precise and almost mechanical in their every movement. It is unusual for Greys to show much emotion in the early stages of battle. Once the fight is thickest however, the trademark ruthless fierceness sets in and anyone unlucky enough to be in their path rarely lives to tell of it. The Grey soldiers grit their teeth, sight their guns, and almost by instinct unleash a simultaneous storm of fire at the oncoming Green tide.
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The whole ridge suddenly comes alive with the noise of death-dealing. Green men from one end to the other keel over from the impact of bullets and shrapnel; a Green tank is flipped backwards by a direct anti-tank shell hit; tracers of burp gun fire weave across and among the ranks, setting off sparks and screams from impacts on metal and plastic flesh.
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Mortar rounds explode among the Greens bringing up the rear of the first wave, the relative safety of their greater distance from the enemy brutally shattered by shock and jagged splinters. From the throats of the Greens a great battle cry rises as if unleashed by the sudden carnage all around , the men gripping their weapons tight and charging into the hellstorm.
I have a terrible feeling..
But then there's that damned big bird.
Lightryear is a hell of a pilot.
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my clumsy ass foot has been edited out.
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Stuffed with machine guns, the tower wreaks havoc on the advancing Greens across its killing zone; the super heavy tank commander orders his metal monster to line up the offending structure and silence it. The roar of its main gun briefly blots out all other sounds of battle...
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The top half of the tower flies apart in a spray of shredded sandbags and Grey soldiers, drawing a hoarse cheer from those Greens pinned down by its fire mere moments ago. The celebration is short-lived - a sniper's bullet rips into the skull of the tank commander, throwing its crew into confusion as reinforcing Grey infantry climb atop the remnants of the tower and blaze away.
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Near the centre of the assault a Green tank has a tread knocked out by anti-tank gunfire; seconds later a follow-up round jams the turret with barrel pointed skyward uselessly, the fighting machine now little more than a heavy obstacle for the second wave armor cautiously creeping forward. The Greens, having accepted that casualties would be fearsome, throw in more platoons to reinforce the badly depleted vanguard.
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All along the starting line to the rear of the attack, grenade launcher and mortar teams sit tight, anxiously waiting for coordinates to lay down punishing fire missions at key sections of the fortified line. Aside from a fragmentation round or two every other minute to keep Grey heads down, they've had little to do as their forward observers still struggle to get into position and set up shots.
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The second wave platoons pick their way gingerly through shell craters and over the wretched bodies of their fallen comrades, some hitching rides on their accompanying armor as they press forward to carry the attack through the wire. The lead tanks crunch into the jagged strands and flatten the fence into the dirt, Green soldiers sheltering to either side ready for the gaps to open up. Others keep up a heavy covering fire towards the fortified line ahead, some rounds finding their mark, others forcing heads to stay low and guns to fire wildly.
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A captain in the second wave climbs aboard the halted super heavy tank, rallies its crew back into focus and directs it to advance again, crashing into the barbed wire, bringing its many weapons to bear on enemy targets in all directions.
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Sensing the decisive phase of the battle before them the Green generals commit their reserves to the fray, advancing alongside light armored vehicles intended for the inevitable pursuit of the routed foes. With the wire breached and Green troops pouring through to lob grenades over the walls of the fortified line and Grey defensive fire seeming to be thinning, the men can almost taste their hard-earned victory.

But not all is as it seems - at either end of the line the ground trembles ever so slightly; the shadowy outlines of Grey soldiers flitting about in the overgrown fortifications hint that their numbers remain considerable; a soft hum seems to fill the air, barely perceptible at first but steadily rising to a distressingly loud buzz...
oh no.....
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You guys might be into this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHzA2s46fUs
Themes to films I watch while playing with my toy soldiers...

WWII to present...

Civil War and Wild West

Pirates and fantasy
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The pale blue-white sky is suddenly pockmarked by a half-dozen grey specs, growing rapidly in size as the buzzing draws all eyes to the coming menace...
What paint is needed to even pull this off?

Is someone capping these?
Cuttroat Island is a personal pleasure. - despite it being a theatrical bomb.
I prefer to think it was 10 years before it's time.
I also enjoy the Long Kiss Goodnight.
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The de facto super heavy tank commander screams a warning down to the crew as he frantically tries to get the turret-mounted machine gun into action; already the hull shudders from the impacts of minigun rounds as the nearest Grey helicopter zeroes in on them.
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Everywhere the ground is kicked up in sprays of dirt and pieces of Green soldiers as the copters unleash a storm of multibarreled hell upon the attackers, antitank missiles streak from hull-mounted tubes to blow turrets off tanks. And amidst all the mayhem the ground at either end of the line continues to vibrate, considerably more so on the right as an ominous Grey shape appears through the tall grass...
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A gargantuan super heavy Grey tank slowly lumbers into view, brushing aside the fortified line as it were a toy, a horde of Grey infantry streaming out alongside to break the Green assault.
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On the left a similar Grey counterattack pours from the fortifications,largely hidden from view by the bulk of the now-immobilized Green super heavy, its treads shattered in several places by rocket impacts. Green men scramble to find what cover they can from the angels of death hovering above, with even the dubious shelter of a Humvee being preferable to the open killing ground.
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Back on the right, the Grey behemoth rolls forward inexorably, almost casually crushing a Green tank beneath its treads as the doomed fighting machine tries in vain to back away. Green soldiers who mere minutes before were on the verge of triumph find themselves starting to panic; men who bravely faced the bullet streams of the fortified line now scream in terror and turn their backs to the oncoming Greys, the beginnings of a rout taking shape as the Green commanders look on helplessly.
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A lucky rocket sends a Grey gunhip spiralling out of control, swiftly replaced by its wingman as the onslaught proceeds. Green radiomen scream for air support, artillery support, anything at all - but their cries go in vain as the strangely calm and collected voices on other the end smoothly order them to hold at all costs.
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Increasingly isolated and cut off from safe retreat by the merciless helicopter foes above, pockets of Green troops resign themselves to a last stand, plunging deep within themselves for the courage to face the inevitable end as the Greys draw ever nearer.
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A lone Green soldier breaks cover in a desperate dash for the rear, his comrades shouting a warning he never hears, drowned out by the roaring buzz of a Grey hornet swooping down for a very personal kill...
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To be continued...
Indeed it was ahead of its time. Likewise, Wild West stuff is a pleasure for me besides pirates and Medieval fantasy stuff. It's still fun to listen to stereotypical American Indian musical riffs while playing out wagon train battles and Custer's Last Stand.
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>it ain't me starts playing
I raise you this...
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You know, I wouldn’t say things are going that poorly for the Greens. Normally it is expected to take three times the loss as the defender when on offense; I don’t think it’s there yet. They should be fine as long as the Greys don’t have anymore tricks up their sleeves.
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Superficially yes, it's a reasonable take with the information at hand. There are mitigating factors however:
>the Green assault is a desperate shoestring affair with what units were able to be brought to the front quickly, thus reserves are basically non-existent
>the threat of Grey weapons of mass destruction is what prompted the attack and any kind of setback is likely to result in catastrophic consequences for the Greens
>local Grey air superiority
Right before the last sequences of images the Greens collapsing - most of their armor was crippled or destroyed, squads and platoons isolated, the Grey gunships picking off their mortar and grenade launcher units at leisure, the entire defending garrison of the fortified line surging forward with strong armored support... it's literally moments away from being a Green Pickett's Charge in terms of military disasters.
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Getting a little meta here but halfway through I literally ran out of Green troops heh, had to run inside for reinforcements but even those were running out fast by the end of it.
It’s cool that you thought about it. I play EU and HOI III so I only really think about troop numbers, terrain, and attrition over a long period of time.
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Makes sense. I'm more of a Red Alert/C&C/EndWar player myself heh. I have vague ideas about the overall strategic picture but I like to leave it ambiguous in case I want to take things in a different direction.
Just remember Voltaire.
The 3 things you need in an effective fighting force.
infantry, cavalry, and artillery.
Throw that together and there you go.
A fully loaded assault chopper and a troop carrier full of Bad Mothers fulfills these requirements.
It's like "must haves" when baking.
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Voltaire had never heard of guided missiles.
That’s smart.
Calvary doesn’t really help in the mountains.
Guided missiles are artillery.
he *had* heard of rockets.

Emphasis on "guided", rocket artillery of the day was about as accurate as the smoothbore muskets of the day. Tell Voltaire about a "cannon" that can fire straight into the air and have its shot impact directly on the enemy commander's HQ two miles away and he'll probably rethink his bit of wisdom.
Again. I don't see why this is an issue.

Troops are always needed. be they for a "show of force" , policing an area or for "hearts and minds"
Horse translates into mobility.
be it a tank Blitz, hussars, or dropping power armored troopers on a planet. Mobility and doctrinal flexibility.
And Artillery - when you need to reach further than you can physically do so. (which is exactly what you are using as an example)
You need combined forces.
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Fair enough, matter of semantics. Von Clausewitz's friction makes it even more basic anyway - whoever can endure more friction will win.
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Where did you get that flag? I read in a review that Amazon forced them to be removed from a bucket of Civil War Era army men I was eying.
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It came with the set, bought them from ToySoldiersDepot years ago. Looks like they still have one (I got a larger set that included rail fences but they're out of stock):
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Flight 556 anon here, work has been a bitch but I'm back to dive into this thread before it goes.
And also getting all the necessary items for the first couple of photo shoots. Enjoy a couple of test photos for the soldiers night lighting.
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I like to think there are just different sized people in the army men brigades for different purposes (normal sized for infantry, small for vehicles, giants for show) and they get along regardless of stature.
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Always remember kids... better dead than red!
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Scale size matters Lieutenant Tan.
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Looks really cool. I love it when light is played with.
>have amazon gift card
>decide to browse for army men playsets
>going through various options, looking at pics
>usually just all the items included and them having a battle, sometimes they have kids playing with them
>until I stumbled into pic related
>got sad bc I dont have a qt onee san to play army men with me
anyways, I got 35 burgers to blaze. anyone have a recommend? Im looking mainly for vehicles & accessories/structures
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Some of the blatantly shopped pics for those listings crack me up, suspicious of that one cuz the "battle map" hangs over the edge of the table with stuff overtop that corner yet somehow is perfectly flat... anyway this one's a good buy:
>the "battle map" hangs over the edge of the table with stuff overtop that corner yet somehow is perfectly flat
lmao. it was probably reused from a board game, like a checkers board or something
>anyway this one's a good buy:
appreciate it, but I already have this one. it is bretty good tho, would recommend to anyone that doesnt have it
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Nah it's a paper or plastic accessory included with the set, have a small collection from over the years. If you look at the hand "holding" the jet you can see how it's supposedly laying right on the mat but somehow also slightly overtop the one jeep that is supposed to be a 3D object... but I digress. Yeah not much to find on Amazon these days outside of all those samey Chinese sets. If you're so inclined here's a decent tank you could get:
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Working treads, elevating gun, turret with ratchet rotation and fits in well with standard troops.
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Ok I gotta harp on it a little more. Compare with the other "play" pic on the listing - notice how the layout of all the stuff on both maps is identical, save for a couple very minor changes and a few objects visibly shopped in on the right pic. The dream is dead, I'm afraid.

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