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Whats a good way to sell toys when i have too many of them? Should i do a yard sale or open a shop at a flea market or what? I dont expect to get much for them either btw i just want them gone
Donate them or throw them in the trash
Tell me what toys you have and I'll see if I want any
/bst/ is an option.
Sorry no offense but i dont really wanna deal with the hassle and paranoia of selling them online
>throw them in the trash
if I can't have it no one can
Well I'm not gonna help you then.
Flea market is your best bet.
Are they cheap old kids toys or stuff that someone might pay money for? If you think people would actually want the stuff then you can throw them up on whatever local buy sell site is popular where you live and see if anyone bites.
Kids stuff, give them to an op-shop or something.
Adult stuff, hahah forever a cloud of shame around you.
>hassle and paranoia of selling them online
Is there anyone here who isn't severely mentally retarded? Anyone?
No, including you
Yard sale if you want them gone with the lowest effort. You can post on craigslist, or probably get a bit more money with more effort selling on reddit, mercari, and ebay.
>I dont expect to get much for them either btw i just want them gone
Donate them.
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Im not retarded, am i cautious about the idea of selling my stuff on 4chan.org? Yeah. Not op btw, just wanna dump some power ranger stuff.
How many items? Is it like 20 or more like 100 to 200?
If its like 20, could try throwing them up online like Facebook marketplace or other sites.
If its like 100+ items,:
If you have the option for a yard sale, that is probably best. Flea market/convention would be good too, as long as the fees aren't high. I'm personally trying to get set-up with a booth at a toy convention. I have A LOT of $5 things and a handful of $20 to $40 items, so I'd think it would work out. I would assume most people would be open to spending $5 at a toy convention than buying it online (due to shipping costs being about the same price as the item itself, plus sales fees).
Yeah im seriously considering doing a yard sale if anything
Unless they're all tossed in a box labeled "$20 for entire box," the flea market is infinitely better. With a yard sale, you're trying to bring people to you. With a flea market, you're going where people already go.

Trust me on this. Unless you're somewhere that yard sales are a big deal, like Ohio or a planned community, you'll move more of your stuff over two Saturdays at a flea market than 10 weekends in front of your house.
this guy gets it
Absolute waste of time. Throw the shit up on eBay for $1 each starting bid with sub $10 shipping and anything that sells you sell, anything that doesn't you throw out.
First of all, it's good you're not expecting to make money from this hobby. Scalpers are retards that make less than what it costs to store their shit.

Clean your toys so it doesn't smell/feel like cum. Now price your toys according to sentimental value and put them out therevand offer bundle discounts to move your less desired shit.
Ive purchased stuff from the bst and have outright received an extra figure along with the one I purchased. I got the very Rita in that set from someone here and the guy threw in an extra Putty and all it's accessories with her.
I agree with this.

You might want to look around for someone else who has something comparable to sell (e.g. comics, genre DVDs or something else - or maybe two someones and split the costs of the flea market, plus have someone to chat with and keep each other company during).

I also think if it's not a lot and has minimal resell value, this >>11001249, just not to Goodwill as they will simply turn around and list that crap on EB; give it to church related thrift or something local.
Local hospital probably has a children’s ward that takes toy donations.
You're probably not going to sell them period at a flea market or yard sale. Stuff like this is niche. Plus you run the risk of someone you know coming across you and wondering why you have a bunch of Power Rangers shit for sale.

Another option is if you have a local toy store they usually take trade ins. They're going to rip you off but you can probably get something you've been looking for out of the trade.
Yeah i oughta try them, local game store isnt interested in them. Im not asking much.
I'm planning on listing mine on eBay and Craigslist for pickup at my front door only (prob give a discount for this specifically). Won't have to deal with the hassle of shipping or doing much at all, really.
My favorite option if you're looking to downsize, is to know other collectors who are into the same weird shit as you are, and sell/trade with them.

I used to sell a lot online, and through that met a number of other local collectors when they came for a pickup. Now, when I want to get rid of something, I can reach out to someone who I know might be interested. Makes it relatively painless.
Bst is the worst. No one is interested in shit thats not some obscure jap figure with a long ass name. Ebay is dead and FB marketplace takes a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time to get any traction or interest. I don’t have any experience with fleas but might try that next what is there to lose?
I sold most of my Star Wars and DC toys in BST with no issues. I frequently see people buying shit like Transformers, GI joe and Kaiju shit too. Sometimes it's the obscure jap figs that sit in BST and sometimes it isn't. And eBay still works just fine, you just have to charge people more than you would in the BST because of fees. It sounds like you're just complaining desu man. If you wanted them gone, you'd do it.
Come on, don't do that. If you must dispose of them give them some local kids or something. Let others enjoy them.
Would absolutely be interested in possibly buying your power rangers figures
MOST of the BST is okay, sometimes you run into spegs and autists and scammers but for the most part we're all just the same retarded toyfags out to have a good time and enjoy our plastic crack.
If there are secondhand collector stores near you, call them up and see if they buy collections. They'll probably lowball you, but it will get rid of it all in one go. Plus you know that other collectors will be buying them and have an appreciation for them. You could also take them to a pawn shop, but if they're willing to take them, they'll probably give you next to nothing.
Other than that you can donate them, just be careful donating them to charity shops that are religious backed, they occasionally have policies that prevent them from selling certain items and have to dispose of them. I volunteered for one for a while and every time we got Nerf guns they had to be through into a dumpster because the charity didn't want us selling "guns" I even offered to take them and donate them to another shop that I knew would sell them and wasn't allowed because we weren't allowed to "support other charities."
The only way to high-volume get rid of stuff without selling online is a comic store. They won't pay a lot though. Goodwill? Spend your gas money to give shit away to a garbage company, sure, great idea. Yard sale? NO ONE is going to pay you top dollar for Figma, they expect shit for a quarter to $2 at most. It will attract poor people. Craigslist? If you love in a heavily-populated area, maybe. If you do not then expect assholes to demand you drive an hour to meet them to sell a $5 item at you own expense of $20 for the gas. They rarely come to you & will not pay you for gas. That's if some crybaby shit doesn't report your ad because the price offends him or the person who agreed to buy doesn't just change their mind & decides that telling you they don't want it is not proper etiuquette(have literally had someone scream at me & call me "insane" because I called them out for ghosting me & failing to have the fucking balls to tell me they did not want it. This shit is why craigslisters sometimes ask to be shot)
Start up a website selling blind boxes, distribute toys among the boxes, and if you get more orders than you have toys then fill the other boxes with rocks painted with batman symbols and shit. Call it something quirky like LootQuarry.

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