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What’s the appeal of Cowboy/Wild West toys?
Colonization and expanding frontiers is based even if the collective west has been conditioned to be ashamed of it.
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lost legacy
amerimutts have no culture and their "history" mostly contains boring shit like piligrims and indians.
Wild West+guns+train robbery is the only time when they had some fun.

Imagine - while europe has tons of stuff to remember, americans feeling nostalgic about the time when they had to own a gun to survive.
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I want it if I like the IP
>americans feeling nostalgic about the time when they had to own a gun to survive.
but that's all the time, specially in highschool ;)
We should have moon bases and on the way to colonizing Mars by now.
Exoplanets? More like white ethnoplanets.
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Where's the card with "wholesome hunka chunka transgirl boner chungus?"
I'd buy a ton of those Dime Novel Legends if they were the heteronormative 1/12 scale.
Are knights still popular in Europe? I'm pretty sure they aren't.
Cowboys didn't exist, it's literally american fan fiction. Just a bunch of poor ranchers which exist all over the world. Cowboys are boomer cosplayers
Cowboy is a state of mind.
What exactly do you think a cowboy is?
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I dunno, pardner. They just look cool, I tell ya hwat. Shuddup, Dale.
Just like the Crusades and Vietnam War, it's about the mythology. Also the cool aesthetic. And killing savage cannibalistic natives.
Deus Vult, Get Some, and Yippee Ki-Yay Motherfucker.
"Cowboy" Is in a sense a catch-all term for the varying types of those who lived in that wild time. Rangers, Gunslingers, Rustlers, Outlaws, etc.
A Ranger is probably the more apt comparison to a Knight or Samurai, especially when some of the best gunfighters were soldiers, in some ways, they were western ronin. Even then, that doesn't encompass the whole of a cowboy.

What makes a cowboy appealing is that is of no class or caste, you just are.

Hats be nice too.
Oh shit, it's a different one! I couldn't remember where I saw this pic posted, but I found this one, and thought they were all the same. Well, whatever, foreign fag will rage with envy all the same.

Forgot to give my take; the appeal of cowboys is the romanticization of a time in history where justice was a revolver, and your own steady nerves. It was dangerous, but rewarding. Very similar to the romanticization of pirates and ninjas; in reality, they were harsh, and reluctant jobs, but the idea of dedication to the art of the shadows to fight injustice, or collecting gold while sailing the open seas in swashbuckling adventures, is spectacular.
Never noticed the old super-deformed aesthetic of those toys. I just watched the cartoon and game
some poor nigga who spent his life working to herd someone else's property
gunslingers definitely existed
sorry your countries history is lame
we waz kangz
Yeah US history is pretty lame you got me there anon
whatever you say eurofag
>No no no I was wrong let me double down to protect my gay western fanfictions
Only boomers and retards care about "cowboys", everyone else recognizes what the fuck the gilded age really was.
kys faggot
I want a bunch of these to create a western display but they are kinda expensive
too expensive for the scale to be sure
>imagine being American and hating the only things that make your country interesting
They appeal to homosexuals and/or those with zero imagination. Many prefer their action figures firmly stuck in reality. Collecting things like this and toys of accountants, businessmen, and police officers.
>retard thinks a gunslinger and an accountant are comparable. obviously from a country thats never had either.
5th generation burger my dude.
Figures of random looking men are exactly as I wrote. Boring AF. Regardless of their little outfits,
sorry you have such shit imagination or interest in history. life must be pretty boring
>5th generation burger my dude
this is how the left takes over. fragile whites hate themselves and their own history
>fragile whites
many such cases
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What a fucking shame, at this point asians are promoting more white culture than the west itself by featuring beautiful caucasians in their gacha games/anime, recreating European cities and cosplays as maids and bavarians.
The west instead seems convinced liberal globohomo democracy is their true culture and is trying to force this shit trash down the throats of the very same asians celebrating real white culture.
>a Nazi German little girl perfectly represents Americans
Its not just Americans that has lost their way, all those of European descent have. America used to have heavy German heritage but its now less than 50% white.
history is not a meme or some folktale it happened and the left can't confirm that to the current narrative
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It's a shame, really. The line is actually fleshed out and has a few dioramas (I saw a listing for a bar and something else on Amazon), but the price is a huge turn off. If you want an alternative I recommend Playmobil's western line; it's more expansive and cheaper.
I’ll give you that. Hadn’t thought of this being a reason of interest.
I’m pretty far off from the left and don’t hate our history. I was solely taking about the figures themselves.
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they're cool
I wouldn't mind the price at the scale if they had better articulation. I understand why they have to be more expensive then Hiya 1/18 figures since they have much smaller production runs, but their articulation is so limiting, they can't hold rifles well at all.
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>Cowboy figures that can’t hold their guns properly.

Also, cool picture. Cowboys and dinosaurs should be together more often.
>Ranchers herding cattle all day is the most interesting part of US History
Shut the fuck up Boomer
kys fag
why are boomers so thin skinned that calling their little cowboy toys gets them so easily mad
Yeah you mad as fuck
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>boomer posts a self portrait
I love how mad you are that you keep refreshing and responding so quick to prove my point
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cool picture
I suspect that if you don't understand then you don't like Firefly either.
Or Western movies, or the Mandelorian, or Samurai films.
I would be happy with a 1/18 Major Matt Mason and Co.
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They existed. But a higher majority were black
and also badasses like Bass Reeves and Nat Love.
And also Canadian Lawman like Sam Steele.
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Yup looks like girl is a perfect representation
>you don't like Firefly either.
>Western movies
>the Mandelorian
I’ve hate this show since day one.
>Samurai films
Apparently you are, and here I cast no dispersion on your race and sexual preference someone Slim Pickins would refer to as a "lily white faggot."
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>yeah I'm pretty much too cool for everything
I bet they don't like "music" either
I literally never said or implied that.
There are a lot of great western movies, novels, comics, ect out there and it is pretty fun setting in general. I wish there were more western toys out there.
I almost got into Dime Novel Legends but I couldn't really justify starting a 1:18th shelf.
Man, these really miss the appeal of the original toys. It's like the opposite of the new Street Sharks toys.
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bro i would love a western horror line but we all know that it would be monkey pawed hard
They have some creepy stuff on the way from Chicken Fried.
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Wish they got better toys.
Boomers were the first generation to start hating Cowboys.
Ask your parents (grandparents) what they think of John Wayne, they'd start seething.
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They are going for figures that are accurate to the cartoon
My guy boomers hate clowns because of John Wayne, but so does everyone else because of all the rape/murders
John Marian Wayne
A little bitch posing as a manly man.
Sucked government dick during the witch hunts.

John Wayne Gacey.
Dressed like a clown.
Ice cream man.
Mass Murderer.

They are different people pimple head.
Chill it was a joke
I think this is a far better design idea than all this smooth-brained "retro"
I skipped Chicken Fried as I was (then) waiting for Planet Green Valley astronauts.
the "normal" figures are going for about 2 times more than the original estimates and the astronauts won't be seen till doomsday.
Sorry. Been dealing with idiots all day.
Honestly I laughed when I read it first.
John Wayne being the standard for westerns really kind of ruined cowboys for a few generations. I thought of westerns as lame old person bullshit until Red Dead Redemption came out and I actually started digging into spaghetti westerns and shit like that.
I still can't stand most of his movies outside of True Grit and even then I like the Cohen brothers remake better.
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I know 1/6 isn’t super popular here, but Kaustik plastic made really good figures of them.
jeezus christ is it all children here now?
I am 30. Westerns were not at all popular when I was growing up. Closest thing to a popular western I personally experienced at the time was Wild Wild West which doesn't count for obvious reasons. Other than that my experience with the genre was suffering through Wayne movies any time I visited my great grandma.
The dude couldn't act for shit and most of his movies are terrible.
go watch more marvel slop retard.
I don't watch Marvel slop, pilgrim. I just like westerns that are actually good. How elderly are you where you are taking John Wayne slander personally?
A Quiet Man is possibly one of his best.
The other tolerable one is Angel and the Bad Man.
War wagon is good - well for the "War Wagon"
Waynes worst movie is actually the Green Berets I can deal with the westerns but this one is so full of jingoistic bullshit it chokes.
Sea Bees is also okay.
But I (like Bogart) dislike the man.
The 1970's were the change to "introspective" and critical westerns.
They only have begun to become "Westerns" again.
- Preference wise some of the ones I like are Silverado, In the Valley of Violence, Young Guns (but not the 2nd one) The Cowboys (Wayne dies n it) , Posse, Gunless, Bone Tomahawk,
and some t.v. stuff like Wild, Wild West (which ranges in tone from spooky to silly to serious. Have Gun will Travel, Maverick (love it) , and the Rifleman.
I like classic revenge stories, myth and and the supernatural so literature-wise am a fan of the Holmes on the Range series - in which 2 brother cowpokes solve crimes,
and Joe Landsdale's stuff... be it his supernatural preacher to Nat Love.
as well as the book of (weirdly enough) the guy who created Lost Skeleton of Cadavera
Anyone ITT like Lego’s Western stuff? I hate Yellow skins so the Lone Ranger line was the best in my opinion. There is also the sole Mega Construx train robbery set.
Those were the bread-and-butter of my Lego sets growing up in the 90s, the second-place being the Adventurers a.k.a Johnny Thunder (the knock-off Indiana Jones line). I agree that Big Chief Rattlesnake and the other Sioux should have been the bronzed tone Lego used for the Comanches in the Lone Ranger line. Other than that (and the out-of-place totem poles), that was a fun theme.
>Americans crying because guilt
>Europeans crying because ???
Cowboy movies are cool kys
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Have Gun Will Travel and The Rifleman are my favorite western shows. If there was a cowboy figure dressed in all black, could paint a thin mustache on him and say he’s Paladin. Lucas McCain is a bit more visually generic I think.
I'd like nothing more than a good 1/12 line of wild west figures. Too bad there is nothing out there.
You just know they fuck after eating those beans
>sloperino is cool
we're talking about toys here
I actuality looked at my Coinbase account and apparently I am cash poor and bit rich.
I have no idea which / if any toystores online that take em though.
I'd like to get a couple of these guys and some joytoy marines if I could.

I'm about 1/2 Way through Wild Wild West and find it's simply bananas about 40% of the time.
But what I really want is to put together a gunslinger preacher and the brothers from Holmes on the range.
I want a Rawhide Kid as well. (no homo)
I came across a copy of a comic with him and a "Living Totem" and this other story where the sheriffs silver star kills a werewolf.
good shit.
they seem to have mostly been passed by, I imagine they were big in the 70s and 80s

Not really.
I remeber the 70's had the "Best of the West" figures / dolls and they were like 8 or 12.
Chicken Fried toys sell well but for all purposes they are a small company.
A larger company producing a similar line might over-produce but I think Chicken Fried Toys could increase sales volume a but more.
what's the best John Wayne action figure ?

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