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diy backdrops edition

-Batman vs Bane 2 pack preorder still up at Game Stop and MTS (for now)
-Tim Drake Robin preorders still up at Game Stop (for now)
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack projected to be warming the pegs come summer
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers waves hitting stores
-Ed McGuinness Superman, Longbow Hunters Green Arrow, and Ray Palmer Atom preorders sold out
>new Batmobile

Previous: >>10998382
>Zatlit thread
We need an actual good OP.
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Piss off this works for me

How long until Todd can make real Marvel figures?
>Fleischer Superman finally gets a new fig
>Super Powers
>faggy doll cape
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lol what makes you think you'll be able to get any
have fun with the three minute preorder windows newfriend :)
I've never had a problem ordering a Todd figure
oh you will
you really fuckin will
Are you threatening me you little bitch? I collect and shoot guns as my other primary hobby because I don't know what primary means!
Remember to stack your ammo bro
>Bringing up shit from the other thread
You're not even replying to me stupid.
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>I've never had a problem ordering a Todd figure
I know, I was pretending to be you to make a silly reply to the other silly guy. It's called "fun".
Hey guys I'm retarded laugh lmao
thats right bitch
eat shit, preferably plastic shit
Well, at least you admit I live in your head rent free.
I don't think anyone really pays to be a memory in someone's head, but whatever makes you feel better anon. :)
That's a weird, backwards way to agree with me, but I appreciate it I guess.
I was agreeing, I was more pointing out it was silly to say because nobody does. It wasn't backwards at all, you just have weird confrontational issues lol.
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Post your toys and ask each other out for a play date already, faggots.
If the cape didn't cover his entire neck and lower skull I might consider but it looks like dollar store trash as is
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this shit is worse than the arguing
I've tried but he gets mad whenever I bring new toys over.
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New Frontier chads keep winning. Imagine having to settle for something like >>11006465
It's a fun $10 toy bro
Don't worry faggot your getting him on the earth 2 buck along with kingdom come
I accept your concession
>New Frontier
Super gay
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supes really needs a updated mold like the batman ones had though, especially the head. its been documented the older tooling doesnt scale well with the new ones at all
Already have the old Alex Ross Kingdom Come and the New Frontier Darwyn Cooke figures. Don't need to wait for Todd to release a half painted $40 figure with a fucked up face.
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Gotta get every penny out of those molds
that ones kinda cool too, its ok to like more than one figure
why cant we get a batman like the one on the right in the 7in line
Not if one is sculpted to capture the artist's style and the other figure is a Super Powers figure. No, absolutely not, that's just pathetic hoarder mentality.
Soon. It would just be grey and black knightfall with a painted bat.
so do plastic ones you annoying faggot
No, it'll be the giant TDKR chest emblem on the Knighfall body
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Todd's far better at statues than he is at action figures anyways.
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heres ur big boy figure no one will question your toughness with this sitting on your desk
Admittedly he really is. I just ordered one of his old Belit figures to repaint. All the in hand pics I’ve seen look rough but the sculpt has a lot of energy and detail. If he invests in badass paint apps those Marvel statues might be sick.
The early 2000s hotwheels tin version has the sharpest sculpt detail and best paint aps. min was in a basement flood and lost its hood and some of the sheen to its paint but its still one of the best. keep note its slightly to big and heavy for hotwheels tracks though but not as big as the new standalone ones. 2nd would be bandais retro high speed one since you can pull it back and it moves and has gold hubcaps which i always though suited this car very nicely
not toys. rule 1
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I realized theres a giant typo on the back of this after i took that picture. see if you can figure it out lmao. (forever batmobile btw)
I can see Todd's face
forever batmobile

they put the wrong card label on it
those movies were too garbage for me to remember the details or which car was which

and that's not a typo
>97 was 40 years ago
its a missprint forever was 95 bro. just because the movie sucked doesnt mean the forever batmobile isnt kino
a typo is a spelling mistake and that techno bdsm penis batmobile isnt cool
No one stinks your cool plastic cape guy
good job
theres ur typo faggot. good lord youre insurrerable
you have a (you) hoarding problem my dude
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Idk, kinda neat. Its not exactly what id enjoy.
I dont even have beetle and id grab this. Wish it had cuffed boots, just because. >>11006488
Im sure this is in the multiverse and ill wait for it.
Crazy how Todd used to make stuff like >>11006523 >>11006582 >>11001098
and now the best Spider-Man he can make, the Spider-Man he’s been telling the world he deserves to be allowed to make, the Spider-Man toy from the guy who calls himself the best Spider-Man artist ever, looks like >>11005957
I get why this trash exists, it’s for funko collectors filling shelves >>11006483
I miss old Todd so much bros
But that Spider-Man looks better than both of the female figures you posted? That mannish face on the first one kills it and both have sloppy paint jobs.
You can buy cake decorations that look better than Todd’s Spider-Man
Let's see
post it
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Get it while you can if you want it
Hope some of you saw and were able to get him. If not and you still want it bookmark and check a couple times a day. Always comes back in stock eventually and order off Amazon beats paying the import fees.
mcfarlane is better
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... that cape can't be removed, can it?
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>import fees
Does anyone pay this? And after taxes my AmiAmi Bane costs the same and will be here months sooner.
McFarlane statues are no longer like this
>no alt head

Heres hoping it comes with one. Not that I dont like the omega beams, but options are always nice
Those are some really ugly joint cuts. Crazy how they still can't make them look good after this long when other companies can.
>when other companies can.

Hasbroke nakes ugly wait cutd
This looks great but for christ sake why remove the ball jointed wrist and ankles? those were the one thing mcfarlane got right, balljoints are infinitely better than just one way hinges.
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he's got one
>This looks great but for christ sake why remove the ball jointed wrist and ankles?
Megafigs don't have ball joints
These people don't actually buy the toys, anon.
If Todd had done more of this from the start, the DC line wouldn't be the joke it is today
then what the fuck is anti monitor?
A regular multiverse figure they charged $40 for
>no good Batman figures ever
mafex knightfall is coming
No it isn’t
I'm coming
Isn't it kinda tall though?
Aren't you kinda short?
for you
... yes.
Looks pretty good but that thing is gonna be a statue basically.
Statue Chads.. we won
solid gOLD news there, anon
The SHIELD 3-pack is a pretty good get. Sharon Carter's body can easily be an alt Black Widow Body. The original Headsculpt is great for Sue Storm.

Loads of guns, gun hands and effects too. Only useless figure for me is Dum Dum Duggan because I only wanted Nick Fury and Sharon.
Okay well go tell the Marvel thread that.
First I've hard about this. Interesting. Too bad the DC statues look horrifying and are like eighteen inches tall.
statue fags will eat anything up so its no big deal
don't you see, its all connected. The prophecy will come true and the todd father will unite DC and Marvel, and then a new age of (non)action figures will rise!
>DC statues look horrifying and are like eighteen inches tall.
not even close you retard
Any word on that Batman Forever Batmobile?
Too sassy for regular release.
ive been saying it for years the fins are too big and considered to sharp and large for demoestic sales, the 2000s mattel battmobile killed all pointy things basically and i dont think todd knew that when i made his comment in the interview
>2000s mattel battmobile
I like how they had no faith in the tumbler to sell it widely and so are keeping it in 2 stores only as exclusives. And frankly it'd probably be better to have just put out the black tumbler in both Amazon and MTS because I dont see how anyone wants the camo one
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a kid fell on it and got stabbed so got recalled and theres a limit to how big the fins can be now. in this pic u can see they shaved the fins down a bit but the og ones have them pointing straight up
keep note this only applies for figure scales so you'll see hotwheels sized ones still being sold
is that zipline batman?
hell yeah
i hated zipline batman. this board used to cum for that figure when the Super Heroes Batman was a million times better
Nice glad they included it
I collect the original super powers line, and I haven't seen any of these figures that actually match the style or feel of those toys right.

shit's too clean. Sculpts should honestly be a tad softer, and they gotta ditch the only matte paint. The originals all have a shine to them.

I should be the ideal sort of customer for these, but they are all so off.
wow this board sure hates fucking toys.
dont fuck your toys, anon
Half the posts don't buy toys
>i hated zipline batman
bro its almost the same as the one you posted. youre just being a heckler because muh cape
no it's not? are you fucking with me lol
this is basically a 6in Titan Heroes figure lol
so what the hell do you even want to talk about if you hate everything so much
are you okay?
hes not here to talk about anything he just heckles every one and kills convo. let the thread die until he goes away
>these figures are the same
>no theyre not
lol, lmao. keep samefagging tho.
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Best McFarlane of 2022 for under 10 bucks.
WANT. But is there an alt head?
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someone really likes that image
Could you imagine the joy in your life to come here just to have the same argument day after day after day? Must be nice.
The statues that were shown so far have looked great tho
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Pre ordered muff toys not knightmare batman
Now i'll have to wait just a few years to acutally get it
You don't need that.
humans like routine, i can see some finding comfort in it. i still chuckle seeing that one guy post his memes about "heckin' awesome 6 inch figures" etc
I'm impressed, for a McFarlane figure. I've been looking for a good Darkseid figure, I think I'll hold out for this one!
I ordered the 3rd last Doomsday preorder from Target. Percentage chances of it being canceled?
I might actually get this.
This is going to be marketed as a Deluxe Megafigure and cost 49.99, isn't it?
When did Darkseid have a cape?
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Thanks. No, really.
Kek maybe if its 4 bucks yea
No you won't.
If I see it on clearance...
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Nice man tits
Somis there no alt head without the Omega Beams? If not, hard pass for me. I'm not the biggest fan of the cape, bright blue, and lack of skirt either.
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Whew. Ok, I'll get him then I guess. No guarantee I'll get a version with the specifics I want so I'll bite for this. Too bad it's gonna sell out in seconds, do we know when it's going up?
see ya when it's $150 aftermarket and youre crying you cant get one
You didn't read the rest of the thread did you?
reading is for homos, but im glad i could change their opinion.
The big D is kinda dumb.
Big retard
you dont have to introduce yourself, our posts are anonymous
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This might be the first Mcfarlane DC figure I respect.
I don't want it. But I respect it.
I mean it is what it is. but there's also no reason it shouldn't be removable.
It isn't removable. The Sonichu medallion is embedded in his chest.
It's his 80s Super Powers look. Not what I would have personally wanted either. He's actually had a bunch of different looks in the comics.
Outskilled by the retro toy, lol
We don't know if the back of Todd's Darkseid is painted yet, either.
I just checked cause this didn't seem right.
My Swamp Thing definitely has them.
So he can sell another version without the cape.
These people dont buy toys anon.
>t. toyless bitch
More destruction of the sculpt
>Still can't do knees right
house style
>What's your house style, McFarlane Toys?
-Well we make figures with ugly cut out knees and elbows that no one thinks look good.
So are we getting some new gods too?

Is the hal vs dawnbreaker set decent? I just want hal and for $20ish its tempting, might grab cassandra too since im not seeing red tornado and wave rider is long gone.
>So are we getting some new gods too?
seems like a bad move unless he wants more pegwarmer megafigs
more like letting the chink factories do it
Isn't DC making some New Gods movie or was that cancelled after Eternals crashed and burned? I stopped following their movies half a decade ago. Last project I checked in on was JJ Abrams' black Superman movie to make sure that was still in development hell.
Saw those pictures from the James Gunn movie and they told me I can skip over this new cinematic universe reboot.
Not sure if there are enough hardcore DC collectors to warrant dedicated waves for characters most people might recognize from a couple episodes of Justice League.
The Hal/Kilowog set is nicer.
They're sort of obscure, I wouldn't bet on it. Maybe Mister Miracle.
Is there a hal/killowog set? Ive seen the kyle/kilowog and it looks great but hal/dawn breaker is on sale. Ive got alan scott, vampire hal and parallax so i thought this a nice chance to expand my collection for cheap.
Yeah, they are. Mister miracle and orion i could see. Maybe a granny goodness, or big barda is too much to ask for. Barda hasnt had a new figure in what feels like a decade, mattel made one iirc.
Crap. It's Kyle I mean. Sorry.
Mister Miracle I could see fudged on the Alan Scott buck.
- DC MCF Cyborg (DC Rebirth)
- DC MCF Commander Steel (JSA)(Gold Label)
- DC MCF Red Hood (Modern)
- DC MCF Sinestro (Parallax Armor)
- DC MCF Batman (Superman World's Finest)
- DC MCF Dick Grayson as Batman
- DC MCF Collector Edition Batman (Dark Knight Returns)(Battle Damage)(Blue)
- DC MCF Collector Edition Huntress
- DC MCF Collector Edition Green Lantern (Green Lantern Corps)
- DC MCF Collector Edition Jonah Hex & The General 2-PK (Gold Label)
what would you have preferred?
DC Multiverse - Batman: Knightfall - 7" Batman Action Figure (Black/Grey) is back up on Amazon US

>2) likelihood of sell outs of non exclusives? Can’t find Hal Jordan green lantern anywhere and he’s one of the best looking figures in the line IMO.
Macy's/Toy's R Us had him for the longest time until about two-four weeks ago. I regret I didn't get him when he was on sale but I was trying to score more miles credit for my frequent flyer plan and lost out. Macy's is worth checking out because you can free shipping once you hit $25 (or 3 of these) and they don't mark them up, and some of their sales can be used on toys, and if you only want one and there's a store local to you, they will do free ship to store no matter the amount of the sale.

Game Stop still has them and a store near you might still have it in stock, otherwise you would need to order and they require $75 in purchases before they do free shipping. Go to an actual store and ask them to search the local stock, versus trusting their website, which sucks ass as far as the search goes.

Good luck!
I actually bought that one because it did look decent and for a PVC statue looked fine, and paying $30 (I got mine on sale) for a PVC was also fine.

I prefer the old porcelain ones but the sculpts really are no 'worse' - the other PVC statues I saw in person were also fine for PVC statues. They essentially are taking the place of the Diamond Select Gallery Series once Diamond had their hissy fit and refused to try to license more DC stuff once they lost the contract for the floppy distribution.

No one else is doing anything in this price point so what can you do?

I have a spare one of these, new in box for sale, anon.
This is just the figure they sold with a 'sticker' looking different logo stuck on him for the shield.

Essentially pointless.
Its not in Gunn's lineup so it likely doesn't exist anymore
So will Jonah Hex come with guns?
Nice tip, anon. I have the Hush version but I’m not happy with his grasping claw hands and the yellow oval symbol is my definitive version. Less than $25 feels like the old days.
How do you pop the head off a Todd figure without breaking it?
>DC MCF Cyborg (DC Rebirth)
>DC MCF Batman (Superman World's Finest)
>DC MCF Dick Grayson as Batman
Depends on the look and if they have wired capes
>DC MCF Collector Edition Green Lantern (Green Lantern Corps)
Get fucked classic fags
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i grabbed one yesterday for $14 thanks to the target sale. wasn't going to bother since i have the blue one, but for $14 i figured why not
>- DC MCF Batman (Superman World's Finest)
>- DC MCF Dick Grayson as Batman
>- DC MCF Collector Edition Huntress
>- DC MCF Collector Edition Jonah Hex & The General 2-PK (Gold Label)
Might be cool
Nice. I was holding off on buying him because I saw a Keaton figure in person and the rim of the logo wasn't painted but now I'm more satisfied with the upgrade. Abd the belt actually looks yellow instead of muddy green.
I did go ahead and order the hal/dawnbreaker set, cheaper than silver age hal.
Nice, some good accessories in that one. The Endless Winter Jon Stewart is pretty neat also. Older version is good if you want a bigass gun.
Repainted Eradicator’s head tonight. Anyone know a good metallic red like McFarlane used for the Action Comics 1000 figure’s shield?
That picture reminds me that I need to 3D print a new shaft for Steel's hammer.
Looks a whole lot better than that godawful Mezco 1/12 that one faggot kept dicksucking way back. I'm sure it'll cost even less, props to McFarlane.
It’s so bad. I thought he was in a weird spot where heat flows but figures with lightsabers and spears in the same spot don’t have the same drooping problem.
Nice job on the repaint, he looks great.
Thanks! I picked up an old Belit figure from Todd’s Conan line to test out some techniques on a bigger canvas than minis let me play with and wanted to take a break to knock out Eradicator’s head in a couple minutes.
I’m really tempted to go through and add things like metal to plain yellow belts on characters like Robin and this Batman >>11009911 when he arrives.
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>DC MCF Dick Grayson as Batman
Knightfall reuse with new belt, head and wired cloth cap with painted on emblem
The Frank Quitely phase was really ugly.
>DC MCF Batman (Superman World's Finest)
Knightfall reuse with new belt, head and wired cloth cap with painted on oval emblem
Quitely's art always looks like mashed potatoes.
must be awful going through life with no taste like that
That sounds fantastic. If they make that Supes also with a wired cape that would make a great duo. They could also make the Robin and Supergirl from the same story.
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>Look Robin a faggot
I've seen worse
Too iconic. If Todd made those versions he wouldn’t be able to tease people along
I suspect we'll get that version of Superman on the page punchers buck. All to necessary retooling exists except cuffless arms.
>Makes the head shit
It's that easy
i just want any imports to make these figs. quitely batman and robin were the best.
Bruce should've stayed dead.
You guys have no taste.
So this is what ordering mcfarlanes from amazon is like. Figures released like a month ago saying they're not shipping for a few more months. What the fuck happened to Todd's distribution?
>triggers people who have shit taste
Ambush Bug and Booster Gold won't sell even on sale at 16 bucks. Quite a bad sign
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>DC MCF Sinestro (Parallax Armor)
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Worked out better than I thought.
Is that a mafex neck piece?
How's he scale?
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Yup, Mafex neck piece, random Legends fists. This was the nearest Batman I had.
Well you just sold me on tombstone
Hope you can find him for a good price, I got him for $15 yesterday on Amazon. At full price I'd still say he's worth it for the body, but it was nice getting him cheap. Maybe Target still has the special going.
scales even better with the Knightfall body
Do you have the Bruce Wayne head that came with hush?
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No, but I have Hush Superman, assuming they're similar in size.
Oh, shut the fuck up already. Everybody knows Quietly's a master at layouts, visual storytelling and everything pertaining to comics except figure drawing. He's great, but his art's ugly. Get over it.
It's a really thin body, and I don't remember that shirt but mine is boxed up right now and I'm not going to dig it out.

I'm actually debating selling it off since I found a WWE body for a steal that's a better looking muscular body in a suit that I might use as a Clark Kent if I can head swap a good face on it.
>wrote more than everyone else combined
looks like you need to get over it, tastelet
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>Everybody knows Quietly's a master at layouts, visual storytelling and everything pertaining to comics
Oh look, a retard.
All of that is art.

Do you only have a problem with how he draws faces?

Also, i always mix him up with Steve Dillon, because he's another amazing artist who can't draw faces for shit.
>Also, i always mix him up with Steve Dillon,
after a lifetime of unbelievably stupid posts, this might be your absolute dumbest, subby.
So you don't have taste. Got it.

Did you post this thinking you were cool or something? If you're mixing up Steve Dillon and Frank Quietly, you're legitimately retarded.
>DC MCF Sinestro (Parallax Armor)
>DC MCF Collector Edition Batman (Dark Knight Returns)(Battle Damage)(Blue)
i am going to cum
agreed, it must be a british thing
I'm talking about names, since they're both artists that get a lot of hate because of their faces.

Art style is obviously noticeable.
Doesn't really help you look less retarded.
That head is massive on that body.
He stores big plans in his big brain
Thats the jon im planning on getting, the gun would help to express his time in the military. Added cassandra cain too, seems like shes pretty good.
Ambush bug is kinda like the atom or animal man imo, you can tell me that its them but the figures just look cheap and lazy.
No one knows who Ambush bug is and it's not the traditional costume for Booster.
they already sold the traditional costume for booster gold. Does this mean they're basically almost out of hot high selling characters that aren't tied to a movie?
They released that Joker robot build a figure separately. I think so.
Darkseid took too long to sell out. Worried for the future of the line, bros.
When did he go up, I missed it? I was mowing my lawn.
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>mowing my lawn
>Between 9am-12pm
Personally I wait until about 7pm
Also you only have yourself to blame this time
I think Todd made too many. This is going to peg warm hard.
Oh it went up at 9am? Damn, I was showering. Oh well, I don't collect Multiverse anyway so meh.
Is it coming to retail because if it does it probably will. Most of the megafigs that come out shelfwarm at my Targets. I still have an Anti Monitor sitting at one and a Nekron at another.
Hot take: never pay more than 30 dollars for a mcfarlane action figure, they just aren't worth it, I don't care how much plastic is present. If anything more plastic jut means they turn into a storage issue later
>mowing your lawn on a tuesday in the middle of the day

Almost everyone in /toy/ are trust fund neets aren't they?
Problem is, it isn't a true classic look due to the emblem on the chest and the cape, which are not the standard Darkseid representation in classic comics. Meanwhile if you look at the original Super Powers Darkseid it almost looks 1:1 but larger and with more detail. It is a huge Super Powers figure in Multiverse scale with articulation. Whoever designed it must have really loved Super Powers.
I work from home so I got it done real quick before I logged on for work. It gets too hot around here to do it in the evenings. I did it at 7am my time.
Ah ok, for the time zone it makes sense
I'm laying in bed and can hear at least 3 different mowers in the distance. Why aren't you home on a Tuesday anon?
I took off because we will be flooded with work after memorial day
Some people have to work Saturday and/or Sunday giving them days off during the week.
Yeah, if it went up just an hour or so ago, I was doing other shit and didn't even realize it went up. I just assumed it went up when I was out mowing.
Technically some people have professional lawn mower people mow their grass so one can't say it's the home owners mowing just by hearing it.
Just looked and yes it's all my neighbors. We don't hire Mexicans around here.
Can't wait to see a review to see how ugly Darkseid's knees look bent. They're hiding it in all the promo images. The elbows look decent but they're only singles so it's easier to do.
at least the card art finally matches the figure, right?
his belt sculpt is so soft
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>Making quantities so low that BBTS and Entertainment Earth sell out relatively early.

Oh Toddy, never change.
>They're hiding it in all the promo images.
fucking retard
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>I always mix him up with Steve Dillon
That's some bonafide autism there anon. Also I like how their art look like them.
>Already this ugly when it's barely bent at all

Damn, that gap is gonna turn into a black maw of despair when it reaches 90 degrees
Extra hot take, no toy is worth scalper prices. I never pay more than msrp, even if it means just missing out.
That suit is the Clark Kent (Mattel?) body, they made two - one that does a quick change (and the dress shirt comes off) and one that is just all plastic including the dress shirt.

I forget what the dress shirt looks like.
>- DC MCF Red Hood (Modern)

I hope is not the shitty Mortal Kombat ninja version. I'd rather have the toy armor version
It'd be hard for me to imagine many more DC characters they can make that will sell insanely fast.
Good versions of titans and their main villains, female leaguers better Batman and Superman, movie shit
It's not, for some reason the photos make it seem larger than it is unless I take them like >>11010259

What suit are you talking about? I posted the new Legends Tombstone body.
Just found out my half-brother got me the Silver Age Hal Jordan for my birthday which is later this week. Big Green Lantern fan but haven't really been buying the McFarlane DC figures because of the glut of Batman crap. Are there any Green Lantern related DC figures released by Todd besides this Hal figure?
Some exist:

>>There is New 52 costume Hal Jordan who's in a two-pack with an evil Batman Metal evil-Batman

>>Three different John Stewarts: two in his modern costume with different accessories (one has a machine gun and armor, the other swords) and a Mosaic era John Stewart with generic energy effects and Plastic Man BAF parts.

Sinestro has a figure but in his Sinestro Corps costume

Anti-Monitor has an oversized figure that's pretty cool

Finally there is a Blackest Night wave with Black Lantern Earth 2 Superman, Batman, Firestorm (aka Deathstorm), and Kyle Rayner in his modern costume with crab mask.
You forgot a couple

>>Golden Age Green Lantern Alan Scott
>>Atrocitus, who is the BAF for the Blackest Night wave
>>Nekron, who's one of the oversized figures
The Green Lantern franchise actually has way more DC figures than I thought.

Oh, and they're coming out with Manhunters for grunts, that should be fun.
>Oh, and they're coming out with Manhunters for grunts, that should be fun.
It's going to be real fun trying to get them
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Wow this is the first wide release mega fig that completely sold out at every retailer.
Hal Jordan/Kilowog two pack.
Why is this one so popular? It's not even the look he's most known for.
It’s a version that doesn’t have a bunch of Jim Lee’s faggot ass seams everywhere. If he didn’t have the permanent doll cape I would’ve gone for him

Kek, mind broken haters. Even Robo Don't know kneels to papa toddy
People are just picking vomit over shit, anon.
You mean Kyle/Killowag, with Kyle in his original costume.

Also, there is a DCeased Hal which has a cool one-off design where he's on fire with green flame.
Actually it is the look he's most known for as it's Darkseid's classic Jack Kirby design that was the character's default look for the bulk of his existence, before New 52 came along and pozzed him up.
I mean he doesn't usually have the cape, the white belt, and the stupid D.
No, Bane also sold out
True, but it looks like more like the Darkseid people enjoy than the New52 version that looks like a WoW character.
Obsessed retard
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Nah, the blue is usually darker, he has a skirt, and he doesn't have the cape of big D on his chest. I'm annoyed I missed him but at the same time I have a feeling Todd will eventually do a version closer to the one I want. The missing skirt, while technically accurate to some looks, bugs me.
He didn’t sell out at the specialty shops
>Hotter Take:
If NECA can release a Vincent Price figure with a bunch of accessories, including extra hands, that articulates enough for the type of figure it is, and is under $40 MSRP, then Toddy has no excuse for the shit he pulls.
>new Legends Tombstone
My BAD - I thought you had used a different (DC) body of reporter Clark Kent - it looks very identical to what you posted.

I didn't read through the entire convo, sorry.
Darkseid in a skirt is weird, anon
If you're gay, maybe.
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Why are mcfarlane collectors so antisemitic?
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There is clearly some reuse from Mogul, like the arms. The knees and lower legs inside the boots seems the same too.
That was doesn't work on Darkseids skin when the face is clean. Going to acetone it off and make the general seethe.
Wouldn't it be easier to give the face a wash instead? Bit of bad reuse given his normally rocky skin though. I guess technically the old toy had smooth arms, so skin like every other char, so it matches that.
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We did it boys
#1 best seller
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It's cool, I was just confused.

FUCK I forgot
>finally a 'classic' darkseid
>oversized super powers
fuck this
This, I was initially a little miffed I missed it but I really would prefer a more comic accurate look than to an homage of a toy I never owned.
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Scarecrow joins the ranks of customs I'll never finish. Anyone else have this problem? I just can't find a decent torso.
Just put my order in for the big man. I have the Mattel C&C who's a great figure, so this one being a bit different might be a good thing for me. I'm sure they'll release a regular one another time. This version of DS can be a more typical villain, what with his villainous mini cape and his big D embossed on a medallion.
What are you going for there? Aren't there enough Scarecrows?
He seems like he'd go up against Bizarro and stuff like that.
Heroic Darkseid is actually an interesting Elseworld for this guy and his cape. I'd have to think they'd make him in some different color if there was actually such a thing though.
>in toy-parachute figures
Sounds like a fun custom project.
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A big bat as the baf is funny. Also really well done poster.
Darkseid is up at Gamestop if anyone missed him yesterday.
A BTAS inspired figure in the McFarlane style. I don't think there's been a decent Scarecrow in a long time.


Got em, thanks.
i can't wait to buy Batman and Robin so i can make them kiss
If that was the panther suit I'd have grabbed the whole wave. 3/4 aint bad.
Riddler's hand looks so bad like that.
I like how this doesn't really show us the figures.
You mean the teaser image is just a tease? Retard.
The other ones have at least shown some of the body. This one is coasting on pure nostalgia.
You're actually stupid
Where's muh damn comic book Two Face?!
Darkseid is a toy parachute now?
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSfOOYpDunM
Theyre waiting for the gun ban to be removed
Just got my Plastic Man wave John Stewart and holy crap the face sculpt is amazing
if Mcfartland has the ability to do sculpts this good why do we still get dog turd head sculpts?
Because it's a crap shoot depending on which sculptor gets the job. You could get a good one or a shit one.
What are they gonna do for Forever? Did he even use anything else?
He's oddly really good at doing black people for some reason.
Doesn't he just do those accessories packs to get around that?
There hasn't been a pack for quite awhile. Todd was still talking about being bothered about the gun ban in a recent (late '23, early '24) interview mentioning a specific character from the leak lists (Sgt. Rock) stating that you couldn't make him without including a gun. It may be DC has already caved.
This is actually pretty cool
sickening ain't it?

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