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>sits on the DC license without releasing any new product or figures and just rereleasing old shit
When is their license going to be revoked. Things werent this bad even when mattel had the license
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I think they're doing a far better job than Mattel ever did. At least 1.5x better, which sometimes tempts me to actually buy something from them.
The only time i ever actually spent money on a Mattel product was with their Swamp Thing, which couldn't get released at retail because that was way too much for them and they could only get it out at SDCC, because Mattel are nothing but faggots who hate effort.
They're about to release a ton of live action shit old and new.
Spin Master's DC toys > McFarlane's DC toys, and it's not even close. Vehicles are way cheaper yet good quality, and their playsets over the last few years have been awesome. What's that? McFarlane doesn't even make playsets? Ahahahaha.

OP has trash taste.
Source? Are they finally gonna make a 4 inch the batman paul dano riddler?
I like the spin master figures its just they dont make any new ones anymore they just fill pegs with the same old shit
Asking for their license to be revoked when they've been doing quality work reeks of entitlement. Just be patient until they release something that you like.
The issue is probably sales. Kids don't see any new, relevant DC content anywhere so they have much less attachment to the characters than in years past. Low sales=no budget for new product=no new items on shelves
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McFarlane's only good product they've ever made was the 40K line, and that still got BTFO by the JoyToy figures.
Isn't a bunch of DC stuff on Netflix? Sure, it's old, but it's new to them.
Their Spawn stuff is a dramatic increase in quality over the DC stuff. Like, it actually has washes.
Fair, I forgot about Spawn. Those look pretty decent, that godawful scoliotic KS figure aside.
I like the Spawn stuff in that I know nothing about the franchise but some of them make good generic DC grunts and bad guys.
Wow, they both look like shit for toddlers.
The McFarlane one is better than both of those. I mean. that's not saying much, but still...
The thing about trolling is you have to make it sound a little bit genuine. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it eventually.
First day here, huh?
This is just baffling....If their main audience for these cheap figures is kids, why do they think making figures of moves from long before such kids were even alive, or movies that are R rated is a good idea to target that demo?
They used to do stuff like that all the time in the 80s.
No, it was because of online competition from Amazon and smaller, boutique toy stores, and the increased debt load from the company's time as a Bain Capital private equity project in the early 2000s. It closed down in 2018 though there are still some in Canada.
The 80s were different. There weren't dozens of forms of media/shows/games/movies for each IP to pull from like there is today. If the toys of characters from recent content that kids actually knew of didn't sell well, why the hell would figures of movies from decades they were born sell any better?
They do sometimes though. Mutant Mayhem stuff is kinda popular. And you STILL have Mario and Sonic.
You think Boomers made Mutant Mayhem a success? Boomers? I've never seen anything more "Boomers beware!" than Mutant Mayhem.
Mutant Mayhem stuff was insanely hard to find on shelves at one point. You think it's boomers buying that stuff when NECA exists?
Gamers don't buy action figures.
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>Gamers don't buy action figures.
Heck, even the Mortal Kombat stuff is better quality wise than the DC stuff. Does anyone even care about Mortal Kombat anymore?
There is only one action figure there. It's the best selling one, true, but still...
That's the AmiAmi ranking for ALL of their products and Ryu is still #1
The Character Figures section has some more action figures
Thanks for reminding me of that dummy thick succubus statue. That's the kind of shamelessly horny trash that only Japan provides, and I appreciate them for that.
The thing is, I haven't seen anything new from them since about a year after they got the license. I thought with the toys being 1:18 and $10, they'd build a more expansive selection. Like McF, there were alot of Batman variants. I've seen a few Leaguers and a few Batman rogues but that's about it. Did they ever do a Supergirl or Batgirl? Harley or Riddler or Mr Freeze? Reverse Flash? Booster, Beetle, Green Arrow, Black Canary? Luthor or Cheetah or Grodd? I want to like the line but it seems really stunted. I'm tired of seeing Aquaman, Cyborg, and Nightwing everywhere for years on end.
i randomly searched 3 of those and they made them, which means you don't pay attention and spent more time making your retarded post than looking up toys.
this point is bullshit. most people into figures have a passing interest with other nerd media. Do you think toy collectors are exclusively die hard comic nerds and starwars fans? I guarantee you most of them are familiar with the big classic game franchises.
I purchased the 12 inch Flash figure that talked and light up and while I wished I had waited till it went on sale and clearance, now I know better but I don't regret the purchase.

The Heroes Unite line keeps putting out new figures. The last time they released a bunch of new product was for the Blue Beetle and Aquaman movie, so I suspect we won't get anything until next year.

I wish they would do some My Adventures With Superman toys, similar to the Hogwart toys, with a Daily Planet set or a Metropolis set.

I would also like to see them do more articulating vinyl, even if it's only 5POA.
The checklists I'm seeing are very short, wildly incomplete, and don't show anything after 2022.

There doesn't seem to be a non-gimmick Batgirl.
Harley is the roller derby variant.
Supposedly there's a Riddler and Grodd but I've never even seen the packaging style Grodd is shown in.

So it's still a shit show regardless of your simping for them.
>i can't buy children's toys on collectors sites and can't be bothered to look them up waaaaah
Hi-res images of these just posted.

Still not understanding who the market is for these. I guess kids will just see 'cool Batman', but random Batman variants in the eyes of the kids who are supposed to be buying this line is already what they've been trying to do for the last few years. So what's the point?
So many different scales it makes my head hurt.

You dont have kids going to Netflix to watch 88 Batman. They're hoping their neckbeard father will show them snippets on Youtube so the kids shows a little bit of interest to use as a reason for the father to buy the toy when he should be saving that money for car repair or savings on a home downpayment.
Do you actually play with the playsets though?
Do you even lift, brah?

I don't know what it is with weirdo collectors. They have some peculiar brain rot where they cannot fathom that anyone sincerely enjoys the same hobby they do. They're always on the lookout for "imposters" and "posers," just like crackpot conspiracists paranoid about being infiltrated by undercover agents. Except the stakes are even lower in fandom circles, but who are they to let logic get in the way of their delicious persecution complex?

I recall one incident where I asked a dude to share some obscure music with me. We were bargaining back and forth until, totally unprompted, he asked me, "Do you even listen to this music?" If I didn't, then why the fuck would I be wasting my time negotiating for it? Different scenes, same enemies: "fake fans," "fake gamers," and now "fake toy collectors." I can't imagine caring so much about other people's loyalty to your hobby.

So, to answer your question: yes, I play with my playsets along with your mom after we bang. Happy?
Actually it's the opposite. I'm the fake collector who only buys and poses the figures but doesn't play with them, like most people here. I was looking to confirm whether you're someone actually still plays with the toys he buys. You're not supposed to ACTUALLY play with the toys, man. That's why adults don't collect DC Spinmaster for the most part. They are in it for the articulation and posing capabilities, but not bashing the toys into each other on a playset enacting some narrative or sliding them down the chutes.
NTA, but I never bashed the toys when I was a kid. I never got that. Maybe you were a retarded kid? I would set up scenes and imagine the action in my head. I still do, though I don't use the floor to the ceiling like I would back then.
I do like to set up scenes and yes, make use of the features the playsets and vehicles have. Not necessarily whooshing them around but
I think there's a very primal pleasure in setting up these little scenes and scenarios. Even if the quality of the figure isn't great or the articulation isn't perfect, having playsets lends itself more to coming up with scenes. Remember that people were collecting toys back when the level of accuracy and articulation was nowhere near it is now- toys can have a collect-ability just for being toys.
>You dont have kids
Yes anon, you don't have kids. Those of us who do know that it's not that simple.
Batman 89 was before /my/ time and my son knows of it because he likes Batman. We do family movie nights and he wanted to watch Batman movies and that's one we saw.
I grew up with Showa Godzilla movies. I have cousins who grew up with the Star Wars OT and Power rangers before they were born thanks to reruns and DVD. With streaming it's easier than ever for kids to check out stuff from before they were born.
You guys just think kids just like skibidi circus and tiktok.
H.G. Wells was a toy collector
>Mutant Mayhem a success?
I mean, it wasn't
post pics
It grossed $180 million worldwide, it cost $70 million to make, and received positive reviews for its performances, screenplay, and animation. The film received multiple award nominations, including at the Critics' Choice Movie Awards and the Annie Awards. It kinda was. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean no one else does.
The actual toys outperformed the movie. Most of the toy sales happened before the movie was released. The movie itself pretty much broke even but they made a killing on merch. We no longer live in a world with “the movie” being the point of success. It’s about a franchise now. The movie has green lit a tv series, a sequel, and more merch.
>It grossed $180 million worldwide, it cost $70 million to make
That's actually not that great.
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Are we gonna talk about the fact that Aloy apparently costs $50? That doesn't make sense even within Spin Master's own pricing scheme.


By comparison, Varl comes with two extra hands and a weapon for $30. That means Aloy should cost $30, except they're throwing in five extra faces (not heads, faces), four extra hands, and an extra weapon for $20. Does that sound reasonable to anyone?
Yeah, that kills any interest I had. I want a Jin Sakai, but I don't want a $50 Jin Sakai. I'm not that invested in it.
Like the anon above me said, that's not a good return. Movies typically need to make between 2x-2.5x the budget just to break even. This basically broke even. They still likely made money in the ancillary market and through promotions/other marketing avenues, but this is much worse than past TMNT movies and with toy sales for TMNT down too, this is not a good trend for the brand.
Wait, I thought this more expensive ($50) Aloy set was just that, and there would also be a regular priced ($30) one with less accessories and paint apps? Is that not the case?

Varl looks pretty nice, especially the sculpt, articulation and engineering, but they definitely cut a lot of paint apps. There's a lot of unpainted details on the costume that would have looked much better with paint and it could have used more accessories/paint washes to justify the price too IMO
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Actually, yeah, you're right kinda. at least according to Preternia.
Aloy costs the same as Joel and Ellie + accessories. LMAO!
Why does every black character have the Killmonger hair nowadays?
Damn, but no regular price Aloy does kinda suck. Also like you said, one figure and not a bulky large one mind you, being the same price as a two pack with accessories is pretty wild.
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>Varl comes with two extra hands and a weapon for $30
this being a $30 offering does not inspire much confidence in the Ghost of Tsushima figure getting all the accessories a ninja samurai should.
I still say the Horizon line will crap out for the same reason the Jurassic Park Amber collection did. Not enough interesting human characters and the animals will be too expensive at that scale.
PlayStation must be charging out the ass for these licensing fees. Star Wars and Marvel Legends come with similar amount of accessories and feel overpriced at $24.99.
That sounds like something Sony would do.
Maybe a bit of the cost is due to the license, but I think most likely its the cost of development and production. There won't be any part sharing possibilities here like the other Marvel and Star Wars lines you mention do constantly. This has a ton of unique, dedicated sculpts, all super articulated, and I doubt they're expecting to sell anywhere near the number that Legends and Star Wars sell, so the unit cost won't be as low as those lines can get it down to either.

This first 'wave' includes 7 unique, super articulated figure sculpts. That NEVER happens with any Hasbro or Mattel lines. So while I wish the regular figs were $25 each, I totally understand the $30ea price point. Although there is no excuse for Aloy being $50.
I was a lot more excited when I thought Jin might be like Aloy. Probably be like Varl.
yep. my thoughts exactly. Jin, 2 fists, 2 gripping hands, a katana. $30 please.
Pricing is about getting what you think people will pay, not about giving the customer a certain quality or amount of something. If it looks like a scam, it's a scam.
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Marvel Select still sells "2-packs" for $30, BTW. They even include extra hands and faces, lol.
Shut the fuck up. This is not a MS "2 pack" and that is not their norm at all. That's probably the only time in like 50+ releases that the accessory was like a separate whole figure right? 99% of their releases are a single figure for $30 no matter how bulky, and the articulation is way less and way worse than these Spinmaster PS figs
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This is releasing in the autumn. Large figure, small companion, accessories, still $30.

Also, are you okay? Why are you raging about these toys? Do you not have anything good happening in your life? Just take a deep breath and relax.
Congrats. You found another figure with a completely static accessory. Not a "2 pack" and definitely not two super articulated figures. You're the one obviously stretching the truth so far beyond belief to try to fit your narrative that Spinmaster and/or Sony are evil. What's your point?
And you seriously think someone saying "Shut the fuck up" when you are clearly reaching to make some illogical conclusion to fit your narrative is 'raging'? Holy shit, when did we become so soft.
Never said they were evil, just that Aloy is overpriced, which seems to be the consensus opinion. Why is this conversation getting under your skin? I've never encountered a Spin Master shill in the wild. A Sony shill? Who knows...
Marvel Select is just not good. This Annihilus looks like he was made in 2009, and I do not mean that in a good way.
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as this has become /Spin Master General/ I'll just post these here
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>This Annihilus looks like he was made in 2009
this is extremely fucking stupid considering there was an annihilus made back then and the new one is clearly better
>That's probably the only time in like 50+ releases that the accessory was like a separate whole figure right?
why would you be so aggressively mad about this without checking if you were right first? its happened multiple times
Ehhh. I'm not writing it off yet, but the teaser isn't wowing me.
I was going to make a list, but I gave up because there were too many examples. Some folks just choose to get real weird (and wrong!) over toys for no good reason, lol.
i think the NECA looked better
Man, can you fuck off already? Why are you so insistent in picking fights and shit. These Spinmaster figures don't look bad at all, and certainly look better than 95% of Marvel Selects. They are certainly better engineered than 100% of Selects too. Are they a bit more expensive for a smaller figure? Yes. But you get improved quality and articulation in return (except for Aloy. No defending that)
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I can't believe Aloy was the one that got the accessory budget.
No Blades of Chaos? What the hell bullshit is this?
The Death in that basically a statue. And the hands on that specific one are oddly difficult to swap.
Yeah for real. Include a ton of cool weapons and alternate heads with Kratos and sell as a deluxe instead of Aloy. Seems like such an obvious call. But the figure does look very very nice
>Still not understanding who the market is for these.
Imagine being on a toy board and being this dumb. SO many fucking Bat-toys that were OC and not based on anything. This will easily sell to that crowd, but also to fans of '89. This will be my second Spinmaster purchase after the Flash movie '89 Batmobile.
You do realize that there have been countless Bat variants on shelves for like the last 2 years and they aren't selling well. No reason a different Bat variant will sell any better the the kids which is the demo that needs to be buying these en masse
I know this is hard for some people to grasp, but articulation isn't everything. I'd rather have a nice looking statue (or 2 for $30) than a highly-articulated turd.
>releasing a Kratos figure without the Blades of Chaos
You're entitled to your opinion about articulation, but that still does not make that a two pack. That's still very much one articulated figure and an accessory.

None of these Spinmaster Sony figs have looked like turds yet so idk where this Marvel Select vs. Sony fig thing came from.
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I don't understand why you are arguing this point when you are factually wrong. Diamond Select has released DOZENS of two packs over the years, including the Annihilus figure coming this year. Just because they have limited articulation, or are statues, or you don't like them doesn't mean they don't exist. This isn't even mentioning all the elaborate display bases (which are often larger than a figure!) included with most of their figures.

Of course, anyone can tell this fixation on "2-packs" is just a way to deflect from the fact that Diamond Select regularly provides substantially more value than any other action figure company, which irritates corpo fanboys to no end. It's easy to defend Hasbro, McFarlane, Spin Master, etc. and their insane prices or poor quality (or both!) when you have nothing better to compare them with. Diamond Select shows exactly how much value $30 can get you, and it makes toy weirdos absolutely seethe when you point it out to them.

Case in point: this threxkd8kad.
>Unposeable Ock and barely poseable Spidey
MS just puzzles me. I don't know who these are for.
That's from over a decade ago, don't think too hard about it.

And you, they haven't done proper 2-packs (like the Skrull pack) in a long time. And no, the little Annihilus is not a 2-pack. That'd be like calling that Nova Hasbro released a while back that came with the starfish Nova corp member a 2-pack. Technically, sure, but the intent is as a pack-in to the main figure, and so an accessory.
sup newfag?

McStatues were a standard by collector companies for almost a decade.
More lies and deflections. My point has been made.
I had no idea some brain dead people were so in love with MS.

>Diamond Select regularly provides substantially more value than any other action figure company
Almost all Diamond's MS releases look like shit that should have come out over a decade ago with how outdated much of the joints look. You are absolutely delusional if you think most MS releases can stand toe to toe with properly super articulated figures from so many other companies.
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oof, another newfag.

>Almost all Diamond's MS releases look like shit that should have come out over a decade ago with how outdated much of the joints look
Back in the 00s (and 90s), sculpt and paint >>> joints for collector toys.

Two different ways of making toys and this is what collectors wanted back then.

And don't take me stating the reality of the market in the 00s as me being some McStatue fanboy.
You're right, they don't go toe to toe. Marvel Selects frequently blow Hasbro and others out the water when it comes to paint, sculpt, and value. Beta Ray Bill, Juggernaut, Planet Hulk, etc. are way better than what Hasbro is now charging $60 for. And that goes for everything Spin Master is offering in 1/12 scale too, especially Aloy for $60.

It's fine if you don't like them. You're entitled to your opinion. But if you're arguing Diamond Select doesn't provide more bang for your buck when compared to everyone else, then you're either lying or insane.
Have they released any of the reboot Bakugan that come in two halves since it first came to shelves? I can't really tell cause the half and half gimmick really cuts down in potential variation so they all look so similar outside of like three archetypes.
It depends. Plague Spawn and Nightmare Spawn are in the same wave and Plague has this nice chalky weathering but Nightmare Spawn looks like almost bare plastic.
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Same. The articulation looks slightly better on this one but the paint looks a bit cheap, especially on the accessories.

>But if you're arguing Diamond Select doesn't provide more bang for your buck when compared to everyone else, then you're either lying or insane.
This. You could fucking kill somebody with their Juggernaut just because of what an absolute unit it is. It's probably heavier than several deluxe legends figures put together. My only real gripe with Marvel Select is how infrequent their releases are. This would've been the perfect time to redo the core X-men with 97 airing and all we're getting so far is Archangel.
And they sucked then, and they suck now.
>Back in the 00s (and 90s), sculpt and paint >>> joints for collector toys.
Thank god we've moved on from those dark times.
>muh whataboutism
>they aren't selling well
Do you have the sales numbers to back up your bullshit? Stores don't keep on buying lines that don't sell you dumb fuck.
What's the "bang for your buck" for figures that barely pose and look worse than their ML counterparts?
RIGHT? Who the fuck cares how bulky a figure is or how much plastic it uses if it can't pose for shit. Some of you in this thread are the weirdest fucks. Collect *action* figures but nobody cares about articulation.
Tall figures look neat, generally.
It's an old argument, but do you really expect your Kingpin to be as possable as your Spiderman?
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>look worse than their ML counterparts
If you're blind. Where Legends does win aesthetically is the face printing on their live action figures. Otherwise, modern Selects look better most of the time when they're doing the same character.

Different collectors can have different priorities, anon. I've still got a lot of my DCD/DCC figures with like 11 points since the sculpt and paint on them is better than the versions McFarlane puts out. Marvel Select also comes packed with accessories compared to typically barebones Legends for $5 more.
>permanently screaming
Not disagreeing, but you MS defenders are only talking about the big sized figures. Juggernaut, Hulk, Kingpin, Odin etc. What about the normal sized figures that are the majority of their releases? I think almost all of those always look like shit and have no good articulation. How do you defend those?
A shitload of accessories. Their Iceman just looks neat.
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No, I'm including regular sized figures as looking better on average as well. There's a reason a lot of Legends collectors try to shorten/fudge figures like picrelated into their collections. Articulation, yeah, Legends obviously has the edge, but I've always been a collector that values sculpt and paint over articulation.
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Yes, Iceman's accessory is cool. But that figure is absolute garbage. Just like the Torch.

Psylocke does look nice and super artist specific to Jim Lee's art, but still, that's one out of so many duds. You guys are picking and choosing. The vast majority of their releases are awful, awful articulated figures that only look good in a standing pose, and look like things that were made 15-20 years back. Sometimes they include a really cool accessory like Reed's stretched body or Iceman's slide, but come on. People were just arguing that MS had great '2 packs' and were a great value. Now we're allowing a cool accessory to make up for a horrible figure? Make it make sense.
I much prefer the head sculpt on the Legends again.
MS still has the best Psylocke head sculpts.
Great job comparing one of the best Selects and one of the worst Legends. Also, water is wet.
>Articulation, yeah, Legends obviously has the edge, but I've always been a collector that values sculpt and paint over articulation.
That's why Select sucks.
I'll only get a Select if it's in canon able to be a big guy, like their Apocalypse.
This looks like a 2022 era McFarlane and looks like it'll move about as well.
>McFarlane makes good toys though
Nice joke.

Articulation looks better than McFarlane but the real killer is not including the Blades of Chaos. They're going to release them as a DLC, aren't they?
McFarlane hasn't made a single good toy.
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They were going for a very specific look for that Cap. Not my thing, but many others liked it. The Blade sucks because it's not an iconic look for him, not because of the look of the figure itself. It looks better than the Legends version of the same costume, though to be fair it's from 2017. Even ignoring accessories, which Mr. Fantastic looks better than the Select? I haven't seen one. Torch...yeah, that translucent plastic's not ideal and even most Select collectors weren't thrilled with it. I know it's an absurd thing to say on a toy board, but the bottom line for me is Legends usually look too much like toys. If Select released with more frequency they'd be my only Marvel line except for Legends I could fudge like Galactus, Kitty Pryde, etc.

If it's because of the expression, Psylocke comes with a second neutral head sculpt. If you prefer the level of paint and detail on the Legends, I don't know what to tell you.

>You're talking about big figures
>Posts regular one
>Not that one!
There are plenty of other examples.
Statues are a better option than Select.
Why are Selects even being brought up in a Spin Master thread.
>Gloppy paint finish
>Useless articulation
OK hamhands.
Legends Psylocke is better than Select. Select's legs are way too long.

>But Jim Lee drew them that way

Don't care. It doesn't work on an actual figure.
Okay, faggot.
Marvel Select Psylocke be looking like a McFart with those legs.
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It started because someone compared the value of what a Select comes with to what the $30 figures of this line will. I think we were all hoping for Aloy to be $30 and other figures to follow that accessory count. But I agree, further conversation on Select vs Legends can move to the Marvel general.

>Character looks too accurate to the source material
>This is a bad thing
Regardless, plenty of people shortened them to fit in with their Legends collection so that's a non-issue.
>>Character looks too accurate to the source material
>>This is a bad thing
It is? Cel shading is usually terrible on a 3D action figure.
Jim Lee's designs work on a comic page. They don't work on an action figure without modifications. Select Psylocke looks terrible with those legs. Hope that helps.
Why are 7-inch scale figures always so hideously deformed? It's like every company that makes figures at this scale doesn't know proportions. Very strange.
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Can you teach me how to make McFarlanes poses look natural, anon?

What if I like long legged women?
That's not bending enough there. Not taking advantage of the double joints, ankle rockers and hardly any torso stuff. People don't hold their arms like that.
The ankle rockers on some mcfarlanes (like that one) dont really work because theyre covered by an overlay and you can't get to them to adjust them
After everything anon said, ankle rockers are the thing you focus on?
That's a promo image for the figure, anon, not something I specifically posed, although I notice that mcfarlanes tend to look unnatural when trying to pose them, something that promo picture has as a quality as well.

Everyone takes advantage of the double joints when the pose calls for it, thats kind of a given.

The torsos on most mcfarlanes can't bend forward, (or at all in rarer cases like White Knight Bat Armor Azrael) so that is often not fixable without modding.

The ankle rockers are just the biggest annoyance I have with them because they're frequently covered by overlays.
Shut up, retard.
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>Enter this thread interested in talking about Spinmaster's new offerings
>It's just people arguing Marvel Legends vs MS
Shut up, retard.
Wish they'd just unveil them all already.
Let's talk about it.

Aloy - do people actually care about this character?

Kratos doesn't have the Blades of Chaos. I'm assuming they're selling them as a separate purchase to nickel-and-dime their customers because not including them at all wouldn't make any sense.
>because not including them at all wouldn't make any sense.
His main weapon in these games is the Leviathan Axe, so it isn't that odd that he doesn't come with them. Kratos would be well suited for a deluxe release though, so I wouldn't be surprised to see one for him where he includes everything.
She's the new Grrl Power hotness that all the tweens like.
I wouldn't recommend Spinmaster's PS offerings as they are an attempt to increase the standard price of action figures from $25 to $30 for poorly made domestics. McFarlane has already tried and if Spinmaster gets there too you'll be paying $30 for every figure from here on out and they'll still be skimping on paint and accessories.
That's a fair argument. I buy toys from all over and domestic toys are just not scaling well with the prices they're asking lately.
except for maybe Jada. They're the only ones offering what feels like a deal anymore.
neither of those things has anything to do with feeling like they provide a good value for the price
Distribution has nothing to do with value?
I didn't like it when Hasbro went to $25 and I sure as hell don't want them going to $30 because I know the quality won't increase.
What if every figure in this Spinmaster Sony line is a new sculpt as we've seen thus far? I'd argue that justifies the $30 price. If we start getting repaints and cheap head swaps/new accessories with old figures, then they can fuck themselves but so far I can definitely see he value in these figures.
Jesus christ, please learn English and learn to write.
No, the level of effort put into these just isn't worth the price even if its a unique sculpt. Just look at that shiny base plastic finish and the sculpt on that knee>>11022630

If they're going to make new sculpts at least make them look good, but they can't even do that.
aww look at his cute little baby arms
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>$50 Aloy
>$50 Joel and Ellie set
>Atreus is same price as the other standard figures
What the fuck are they doing
>sculpt on that knee
What's wrong with it? All figures that have double jointed knees and large baggy pants looks like that, no?

I do agree, these could all use a lot more paint. The $50 Aloy looks good in the paint department, but it sure as hell better at that crazy price point. I think they budget cut these after probably getting less retailer interest and less orders than expected.

I doubt these will see a mass retail release. I can't see any Walmart or Target selling these in the toy aisles, and they don't seem 'collector' enough for the collector section at Target.
This entire line feels like they were all 2-packs to begin with and then they had to make a ton of changes behind the scenes and switched things around, fucking up the pricing.

$50 2-packs of Joel/Ellie, Aloy/Varl, Kratos/Atreus seems like what this should have been from the beginning. They are almost all large figure + smaller figure too
Kek they use a picture of the figma jin sakai rather than just a stock image.
I wonder if that is the case. Maybe Jin was going to come with his horse or Khotun Khan
Horse seems like too much. But I'd agree all these feel best suited as two packs. The pricing is really all over the place which is odd.
Bro she's fat and the head looks even worse
It doesn't look like a real knee with baggy pants, it just looks like they cut the sculpt where they needed the knee without making sure afterwards it looked good in any pose, not just neutral. Mcfarlane does the same thing.
I don't know why more people don't do the "half and half" style of joint when it comes to baggy pants. It's the perfect solution. Max Factory did it back on their Love Machine (and IIRC the knees can even swivel a little, I think there's a Figma joint inside there).
Yeah that knee definitely works much better but it's not as common a style off joint used for domestics i would say which is probably why they don't do it. Domestics seem obsessed with standardizing figures and not being too different from one figure to the next and it often results in a worse product due to not tailoring solutions to the design of the character
I think it might be because a lot of people have a knee-jerk reaction to it, assuming it's super outdated tech. That pic shows me it's easily possible to make it look good though. You just have to be more creative than an idiot.
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>Mcfarlane does the same thing.
Interesting, what's the range on it?
That's one of the few exceptions where Mcfarlane did it right. Usually they just do a cut out. It's also one of the few actually good Mcfarlane figures. It does lose some range in the knee but I'll take that over >>11022630
I always get the impression it's not so much "they sat on the license" but more "the licensor wouldn't let them do jack shit". It's blatant with Jakks & Nintendo- non-Mario stuff barely gets made. Zelda has lots to make, Metroid could make the enemies but can't(we got a couple metroids, big deal). Mario won't even re-release rare stuff like Wario or Waluigi & 3 of the 2" koopalings exist but are so rare you have to pay $100+ to get them, yet won't get a new run. Meanwhile Mario is in so many sets I have to throw them away. Konami was extremely bullshit about their licenses & WB is now insanely picky with even McFarlane. No guns because it might encourage violence? How about WB stop making movies that appeal to violent right-wingers instead? Neca gets a license, makes 1-2 characters, calls it quits.
>WB is now insanely picky with even McFarlane
Are you fucking kidding? McFarlane is out there making the most random, obscure characters and looks for them. WB will let the DC licensors make whatever the heck they want.

These Spinmaster figures have been rotting on shelves for years now. They simply don't move. That's got to be the reason for the lack of new items.
>WB will let the DC licensors make whatever the heck they want.
Unless the character has guns as he said, then its a huge no-no

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