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What do you do when one of your DC preorders gets delayed, stick it out with that order or try to find it elsewhere and cancel?

Previous: >>11012447
Why can't we have a normal general like the other threads?
Because it's the same 20 people making multiple posts a thread and 3 of them are trolls Jarrett being the worst.
What's a "normal general?" Robot Damashii that goes for days without posts? DC and Marvel tend to be too polarizing to have entirely constructive conversation with no issues. On the other side of the coin they do get more posts.
>What do you do when one of your DC preorders gets delayed
incessantly cry about it online like a big dumb baby who has to have their toys now
Who’s Jarrett?
So you stick it out with that order you mean?
Some really awesome guy some freaks here obsess over. Never met jarrett but im shre he is cooler than that anon.

Found superpowers darkseid at goodwill, been buying ooshie blind bags for the mrs to open while we binge batman cartoons and ive got a few new multiverse figures. Been a dc focused few weeks.
I used to but then some weirdo got upset when someone other than him made them, so I gave up. Funny that he still uses my format and links for the Marvel thread though.
I don't make the DC threads I tried to make one or two a while ago with news updates like the Marvel thread but some autist got pissy about it so I stopped trying.
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>mfw this thread
Anon, you know I'm the one that started doing the news updates again. You just continued the trend.
Yeah, then some sort, most likely the current OP, threw a hissy fit and now has to do shitposty OPs with zero updates. I'm not trying to take credit for the idea, just saying that I tried doing it here for a thread or two when the shitpost OP came back.
The promo images really are deceptive. They made the Riddler likeness look good. Then I see this and What.

online dating
That's the DC line in a nutshell. Those fancy photoshops have hidden so many terrible flaws.

Happens with most stuff really, even higher end. FIGURE PHOTOGRAPHY out there making everything look like a masterpiece but then you in-hand, well what do ya know, just another plastic toy
Usually I cancel the order and get it from ebay. Every figure I’ve preordered has been delayed or the order was cancelled. The replacement for Hush Batman should arrive tomorrow, but who knows if that Mr. Freeze will ever arrive.
Because Superhero toys are the fast food.
What are the take out, pizza places, midscale chains and fine dining equivalents? I'm interested.
I'm surprised at how many they make (and still make) but I'm not about to start buying more toys just because I like another franchise. I discipline myself to stick just to DC.
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>fast food IS take out
the only other option (same for pizza) is local joints
>fine dining equivalents
This one's easy and is probably Mafex and the like.

Speaking of which, did anyone buy the Mezco Superman Mechanical Monster. I don't really like the display diorama and wouldn't really use it, and I wish I could build a Mechanical Monster Army, to be honest, but I'll settle for the one MM, and the three figures even if they are 5POA, now that that you can find the toy at non-scalper prices on the regular.

Did it ever get discussed here and what was the take or should I ask at the Mezco General?
NTA but I think it depends on the vendor; I've gotten my Amazon pre-orders but don't honestly pre-order there that often. Entertainment Earth has never been a problem for me, but I don't really pre-order there since I almost always take advantage of their free shipping and if it's cancelled that fucks up the entire thing. OTOH, GameStop doesn't care about that, but I usually look for those in store since those are convenient to me. I've yet to order from BBTS but it feels like people do get their stuff from what I can recall being mentioned but most of that, IIRC, was in context with BBTS exclusive or non-Todd preorders, like on the Mafex or even statutes. I know someone who actually order books from BBTS, instead of InStock like a normal shelf person.

I don't pre-order from Target or WM personally, but people seem to complain a lot about Target if memory serves, I can't remember if they do about WM but since I would never order anything from there, if it's been discussed, I probably just skimmed over any mentions.
Nah mate, we all have New Frontier Darwyn Cooke Fleishcher Studios Superman figures
Yep, the recreated poster image had me hyped, but these images killed my excitement.

>batman colors are off
>two face likeness way off
>one of the worst baf's in dcm
>riddler sculpt got worst between promo images

Sucks these are the only options we have for forever figs
The funny part is the Earth-2 version explicitly doesnt exist according to the included comics. Superman meets up with with black Superman and is like "can your suit do this?" and he's like "lol no". So it's not even a theoretical thing we don't see. Making it even crazier they made so many new parts for it.
Same with the green headed Brainiac drone. Brainiac never looks like that at any point in the comic. First he has a more standard humanoid shape. Then he fuses with ghost Zod, making a form we didn't get a toy of. (Id buy it though)
McFarlane's DC figures are easily the worst quality out of all the licenses he has. Which is weird because you'd think DC would be way more popular than like Spawn or Mortal Kombat.
See, I just get characters I like, not a franchise.
Take out is like the lower end restaurants that are not as crap as fast food but tend to be very call first and pick up oriented like chinese restaurants. I would say neca is the action figure equivalent
Did you see the last articulated Spawn wave with reaper and disruptor? Really, really bad.
Walmart is the worst. The only reason no one complains anymore is because they don't put up new preorders almost at all
Because if the general doesn't start with a female-energy passive-aggressive dig at Todd the OP throws a hissy fit. We all just humor him, autists deserve our sympathy.
Anyone have experience using rite dye for mcfarlane figures?
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Current plan is to dye my Batman v Superman bats all black (might leave belt yellow) and possibly color the eyes white
So real men just put up with being shit on? Not to mention that the delays could be something amazon is doing rather than Todd
If it doesn't say it works on plastic i don't chance it
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Guess I'll just try hand painting it
might as well dye it first then
that said i don't think it would work on the torso
I got the Booster Gold/Blue Beetle two pack coming in the mail tomorrow. Are there any differences in the two pack version and the single card versions?
I’d be worried the bare plastic wouldn’t let the dye stick evenly so you’d have to either spray it with a matte finish first or do multiple layers, which would probably result in pooling and since it’s a dye might make the figure too dark. When I was washing my Gotham by Gaslight figure a lot of watered down paint would start leaking out of the joints five minutes later.
I’d recommend plain ass apple barrel jet black watered down about 50/50. It’s acrylic so you can wipe off the excess or get it wet and redo it if something happens. You can also more finely control the intensity around the seams with acrylic than a complete coat like a dye wash. Get it as dark as you want the seal him with a matte finish. Put the cape in a baggy and mask off the parts you don’t want to spray with tape.
Also noticed painting the skin around Batman’s eyes a grey instead of black gives them same effect as you want but doesn’t make the skin disappear like flat black would. If you’re repainting the eyes use a light grey instead of white.
There are some really cool sideshow collectible videos about how they paint their statues you might wanna check out.
Besides having different trading cards, two pack Booster is his classic costume (the regular release was his modern costume). I have no clue about Blue Beetle.
>There are some really cool sideshow collectible videos about how they paint their statues you might wanna check out.
Links to any specific ones
Not him but how do you find the Apple Barrel stuff is really? I heard its inferior to stuff like Folk Art and Vallejo and it tends to be cheaper than those. Is that mostly nonsense?
Use Rit Synthetic Dye, it'll help hide paintrub when you do paint it. Don't listen to these retards with no experience.
It honestly seems fine, but I've only used it as black for washes and once on a Robin custom, but then it seemed to work fine. My preferred it Vallejo though.
So is there any chance we will get more JLI stuff from McFarlane?

I mean, Fire and Ice just got a high profile mini-series so Todd can't just say they are D-Listers given his penchant for doing predominantly figures from the new comics. Guy Gardner supposedly is in the works and we already got Captain Atom. And Rocket Red is both someone you can army build but also has BAF potential for himself.
This guy's process is pretty simple:

Most Apple Barrel stuff is mediocre but their blacks are really solid. Folk Art and Vellejo are going to have the same problems as Apple Barrel, it mostly depends on the color. Reds and yellows are always really shitty regardless of the company. Apple Barrel makes the best black on the market, and it's like a dollar at Walmart
in case you guys don't know, paint should be thinned down before applying it and you should also paint in layers. The first coat always looks rough and it can take 2-4 layers to get it done

And most action figure plastics dont' take acrylic paints well. You need enamel paint, which requires specific enamel specific thinners.
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Still the best Bruce Wayne head sculpt
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Enamels are more complicated. For a beginner it’d be easier to get used to thinning and removing paint with a cloth or sponge. I’m used to painting tabletop minis so I always forget how tricky thinning and applying paint can be for someone just starting out.
Honestly recommend buying a couple cheap beater figures or using the extra bullshit limbs in baf waves and testing out different methods on them. There’s no one right way to do it but dabbling with cheaper acrylics before upgrading to more expensive paints and complicated methods seems the least risky path.
McFarlane sculpts have incredible detail, pretty hyped to see more anons painting them to a level they deserve. Knightfall Batman arrived today and I’m considering retouching him and Robin.
I appreciate the info and suggestions guys
Good luck, anon! You might want to try a brown wash on the belt after you get comfortable with washing the body.
My Gotham by Gaslight Batman fucked me up. Now I can’t look at a figure without wanting to correct the white that spilled over an eyelid or add some recess shading to the belt to give it more dimension. I’m afraid I’m going to want to modify all my figures and regret it because I miss the simple bare plastic aesthetic…
Knightfall Batman kicks ass by the way, thanks to the anon who mentioned he was back in stock on Amazon.
>Jarrett and his vines
The knightfall buck is terrible and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
>thanks to the anon who mentioned he was back in stock on Amazon.
hey, that was me. glad you like it.
I'm surprised you got yours already, mine's not coming until the 15th I think.
I'm extremely surprised that Todd hasn't done a Gaslight by now. Just, like use the Hush body.
Yeah, enamels are fiddly as fuck and as someone who has been painting for over 30 years, i still hate them, but they are the best for action figures.

Maybe you're right that someone should start off with acrylics though.
I really wouldn't recommend Apple Barrel or any of those cheapshit paints, because they're just worthless. Their coverage is just shit and your toy can look bad no matter how careful you are. It's can be very demoralizing for beginners who want something just to look nice.
Better just to get Vallejo or some other quality paint (see most /tg/ type paints). If you spend the time to do it right and you'll get good to great results the first time. It's not hard, it just requires a bit of knowledge and patience.

Also, no tamiya,. They're meant for airbrushes.

Also also, wash your figures with dish soap first. Most action figures are drenched in various oils (mold release, lubricant for packaging, etc) and prevents paints from sticking on. This is super fucking important.
Priming is another important thing, but i understand people are lazy and don't want to repaint the figure figure or piece, so using a clear matte/gloss spray after finishing your paint job works well in protecting the paint (even if you use acrylic). Most clear sprays will do, like Krylon.
Nice. Mine went out a couple days earlier than expected. What else did you order?

It’d be cooler to get some Doom That Came to Gotham figures. After he finishes the movies I hope he’ll go back to Elseworlds.

All solid advice. Curious what some of your customs look like, got anything DC?
That would be neat but you just know he'd mess it up with bad cel shading.
It's the best Batman buck McFarlane has made...which isn't saying much.
No that'd be Batman v Superman
Yeah no.
Knightfall is too short and too lean to be a Bruce Batman
Nta but batman v superman has way better range. It's up to preference for look really.
Would have worked better for DC 27 Batman imo.
Dude are you talking about a fucking movie figure? That doesn't pass as a Batman figure.
This is a retarded comment.
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It's been over a decade since I've done customs and they're in deep storage, which is to say, I stored them away a decade ago and who knows where they actually are.

Painting figures isn't something i like doing, because their plastics aren't meant for non-industrial paint and can chip off easily. Paint rub is also a huge issue.
Do note that i play with my toys, so they experience a lot of handling. So if you treat your shit like just poseable statues, priming + clear coats will probably be enough. Also avoid bending the limbs themselves and overlays, which can cause cracks to appear when the paint gets old enough.

Anyway, when i said i have over 30 years of paint experience, it's as an artist. Most stuff i do for action figures now are just touch ups, mainly limited to vehicles and weapons, because they 're basically immobile. It's basically shit where you can't really notice unless you're looking, because I'm not a fan of super muddy mad max tier stuff either. pic related.
You really can't tell... but mostly because of crappy camera work.
The Snyder movies are the worst thing that’s ever happened to the brand.
That isn't a buck, it's a single figure.
i mean anon isnt wrong, i get what hes saying, its still a movie fig. As much as I love bale batman, If thats all I had for a batman, I still wouldnt have a batman if you get my drift.
Why do people hoard Batmans like this? Isn’t one enough?
It's three.
If I buy this Batman, does that mean I can no longer buy any others? Where does one draw the line?
>Where does one draw the line?
at mcfarlane.
That's not a traditional Batman and you know it.
Still trying to find a non-platinum Brainiac locally. He isn't short-packed is he? Either that or someone is going around buying multiples to army build. Probably going to just order 2 online and call it a day.
Neither is this.
>Local at on a Friday night
Brainiac is an army builder so yes, people are going to buy a lot.

Is there a reason people buy figures in store rather than just ordering them online when they're readily available online?
Reuse invaded even Page Punchers "original" figures. That is fucking sick. That Mattel guy has destroyed McFarlane Toys.
That's pretty good reuse tho.
Upper thighs and upper arms... is that all they share?
Imagine if these were washed and drybrushed like old school McFarlanes
Why is Todd's DC stuff the crappiest when it's arguably the most popular license he has?

do whatever you want
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Me too, mate - but I'm interested in the Clark Kent and Lois - plus the the MM robot itself. I wouldn't mind having like 3-5 of those robots, actually. But not at $70+ a pop, plus having to re-sell the rest of the stuff left over on the excess sets.
Imagine if Americans weren't so poor and could actually make their own toys.
I'd rather eat at decent or better chinese place family style with a bunch of pals, even if it's a dive. that's what make it fun.

>Apple Barrel stuff is mediocre but their blacks are really solid.
NTA but thanks for this input and other info on the thread

Ditto, NTA but thanks if you're both different anons
>people buy figures in store
I don't necessarily BUY in store but I've just learned after some awful todd releases where promo shots didn't match the 'in front me' or 'out of box' experience that I AT LEAST want to see a toy through the cellophane window in the box in person.
>Mine went out a couple days earlier than expected. What else did you order?
nothing lol. just the luck of the draw, I guess. I can wait.
And hands
Because popular means people will buy it no matter how bad it is. So no effort needed.
Not sold out yet? Come on Todd, youre slacking
>That Mattel guy has destroyed McFarlane Toys.

No, dumbass. McFarlane Toys was always destined to reuse their molds. People like you just had your heads so far up your ass about brand loyalty that you thought McFart would just shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars in unique tooling.
That's literally what he was known for doing, so much so that people wondered sometimes if he was using aluminum molds rather than steel.
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>has a better likeness than McShartlame in you're path
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did twoface always have a beer gut?
Are they trying to show a coin flip?!
I don't know why anyone wants these
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the initial delivery date was the first week of may. this is like my 5th or 6th delay, i lost count at this point.

is there a way to Karen my way into some store credit or a refund? almost 2 months of delays has got to be worth something?
can i report target to the better business bureau?
imagine my shock when I read someone say Batman Forever was their favorite movie a few threads back. we have reached "actually the prequels were good" levels of delusion in the DC fandom, I guess.
McFarlane definitely wasn't doing quantities back then like he does now. And the cheaper price of metal meant he could afford molds.
Rising costs of licensing, and raw materials meant he was always going to have a difficult time catching up without resorting to more reuse.
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Do you think it would do anything? If someone replies to your complaint at all, even just to say "Sowwy 2 bad" that counts as a response and they keep their A rating. The actual thing to do is boycott businesses that wrong you. Unfortunately you'll find you will have nowhere left to shop quite quickly.
Anyone know if delays from Target tend to eventually be fulfilled or if they mostly just cancel them? I've got a cheap Kriptonite Doomsday backordered and I assume it'll probably be canceled but they have delayed it twice now.
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i have received half of my plastic man wave so far after multiple delays and approvals.
I hate that era of comic book art so fucking much, worst Batman faces ever
I've never been the biggest fan of the super long ears and the shoulder spikes but I have to say this looks fucking good. I'm tempted to add in the black outline to the oval myself. There's sculpt for it, but Mafex opted to make the whole thing yellow.
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I got gifted some Kenner Legends of the Dark Knight figures from this era as a kid and was so fucking mad lmao. hated these looks
I’m the anon who said Batman Forever is the best Batman movie.
The Burton movies are okay but Keaton is a pretty aimless Bruce Wayne.
Batman and Robin was too over the top and ridiculous.
The Nolan movies tried too hard to ground him in reality, only making the obvious places you have to suspend reality more glaring. Dark Knight is solid but the third one is boring as shit and Tom Hardy is a great actor but whatever character he was playing wasn’t Bane.
The Snyder movies are the dumbest, most repulsive retarded shit ever made.
Forever has Bruce dealing with trying to set aside the Batman shit while also being a mentor for someone also dealing with the same issues as him. The villains parallel the arc Bruce and Dick go through, with one of them already balls deep in the crazy shit and the other just starting out. Yeah it’s gaudy and silly in some places but the Batmobile actually has fins and isn’t a tank from 40k, Robin shows up and has a purpose, and the actual crisis in the plot revolves around Bruce deciding he needs to be Batman not just him defusing Bane’s bomb or stopping Joker’s parade. Batman Forever is solid and holds up as well as the first Superman movie and Spider-Man 2.
It's almost impressive how misguided your opinions are on Batman movies. Let's start with your inexplicable praise for Batman Forever. Claiming it's the best Batman movie suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes a good film. The Burton movies, while not perfect, actually capture the gothic, brooding essence of Batman, something Batman Forever with its neon absurdity and campy villains fails at spectacularly.
Your criticism of Keaton’s Bruce Wayne is laughable. Aimless? Keaton brought a depth to the character, portraying a man haunted by his past in a way Kilmer could never manage with his wooden performance. And Batman and Robin being over the top is obvious to anyone with basic movie literacy, but that doesn’t make Batman Forever good by default.
The Nolan trilogy’s attempt to ground Batman in reality was a deliberate and mostly successful stylistic choice. The narrative depth and character development in The Dark Knight and Batman Begins are something "Batman Forever" can only dream of. Calling "The Dark Knight Rises" boring shows a stunning lack of appreciation for nuanced storytelling and thematic closure. And while Tom Hardys Bane might not be comic-accurate, his performance was undeniably compelling and added a layer of complexity to the character that Batman Forevers villains sorely lack.
Your comment on the Snyder movies is just an immature, baseless rant. Regardless of their flaws, they attempted to bring a darker, more complex vision of Batman to the screen. Comparing them unfavorably to Batman Forever only highlights your poor taste in cinema.
Finally, your defense of Batman Forever rests on shallow analysis. The themes you mention are handled in a far more superficial and ham-fisted manner than in better Batman films. The movie’s gaudy, silly tone undermines any serious exploration of Bruce Wayne’s duality. The idea that it holds up as well as Superman The Movie or Spider-Man2 is not just wrong; it’s embarrassingly so.
Good to know, thanks anon.
They need to make chases their own sku so retailers stop randomly giving them in place of a figure people ordered
You're stupid and don't understand how any of this works and that's why you're a wagie.
Todd needs to pull his head out of his ass and realize it's not the 1990s.
The Nolan movies sucked and always have. You're as brainwashed as any Snyderfag.
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to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate the prequels
The prequels are good, however.
I'm super jealous. I always wanted the blue version of the figure.
based and kissed from a rose
In my experience all the delays and back orders get fulfilled... eventually
Ordered the whole platic man wave
Got John and Superman after 2 delays, Batman just shipped after 4 and Aquaman was delayed again.
Maybe by 4th of July I'll have the complete set
Its just people wanting to feel special
But im sure there are people genuinely like forever, especially if they grew up on it

Its kind of how like No Way Home managed to revise history and get everyone to pretend they've always liked TAS
All the rightful TAS slander completely disappeared after NWH
NTA but the Nolan's movies biggest crime is that they are not about Batman. And - except for parts of Begins, they aren't even about Bruce.

It's very obvious Nolan hated the source material, hates comic books and didn't care for the character.

Also, all three movies suffer from shitty writing and truly absurd and genuinely nonsensical plot contrivances.
Batman Forever has long had a huge cult following. Val Kilmer was great as Batman, had chemistry with Nicole Kidman, and Christopher O'Donnell was great as Robin. Tommy Lee Jones was great if you wanted a pure evil Two-Face and Carey was a good Riddler. And it had a killer soundtrack.
the build a fig should have been seal
>shitty writing and truly absurd and genuinely nonsensical plot contrivance
so comic accurate
There's comic book logic and things like toon force and comic book physics. I spent a summer in Chicago (2011?) and a bunch of people I hung out with and I went to see an evening showing Transformers movie on discount day that destroys the Chicago skyline, drunk after a happy hour and didn't care about the plot.

But we also did go around calling that silliness the Best Cape Shit ever or get all pissy because it wasn't nominated for an oscar or some such.
Nolan movies are an embarrassment and ruined the Joker for an eternity.
try harder
I understand i order one specific paint job on a figure and get randomly sent one i don't want. That's enough for me.

If I tell a car dealership i want a silver car of a specific model they don't randomly sell me a green one
Nolan should have tried harder not to ruin Batman, I agree.
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Pre-order June 14th, select retailers
I'm not seeing any reuse
Mademoiselle Marie when?
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By surprise, I noticed that Staractionfigures has several figures up for pre-orders but without pics. I guess all of them were leaked already but here goes
>DC McFarlane Collector Edition 7 Inch Action Figure - #15 Super Boy (Conner Kent)
>DC McFarlane Collector Edition 7 Inch Action Figure - #16 Batman (Manga)
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Batman (Flash Movie) (Blue/Grey)
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Batman 1966 (Adam West)
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Classic Wonder Woman (Gold Label)
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Cyborg Superman
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Reverse Flash
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Sportsmaster
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Superman (1978 Movie)
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - The Manhunters
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Tim Drake (DC Rebirth)

Really curious how they captured Reeves' likeness. There really will be no inbetween, will there?
If that Classic Wonder Woman is a 1940's version I'm all in.
>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Classic Wonder Woman (Gold Label)
Isnt the collecters edition wonder woman already a classic wonder woman?
And gold label? So retailer exclusive? Why does todd love to fuck us in the ass raw like that?
Its going to be a flash point flash situation all over again, but worse.
See >>11023791
You don't need it anyway. Probably one of those anons who keep them in boxes. Leave this one for people who play with their toys.
No guns = top kek
The OG Superman and Batman came out a while ago so Wondy would be the next in line

Yeah, it's fucking annoying at this point. Also really wondering what Super Boy is going to look like. Hoping it's the Death of Superman version but he'll probably be snagged up in a hurry by all these fucking scalpers
What rock have you been living under? They've already shown him off, its the black tshirt and jeans version
>I smell gooks
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Wow how fucking boring
Now I'm remembering that I've seen them all. A huge nothingburger as always then, wow
The Summer of who gives a fuck
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also we already got the superboy you wanted, they aren't going to make another
The promo for that looks so dumb. It looks slightly better in person.
Blame WB.
unknown soldier when?
Now I want some Blackhawks stuff.
He’ll have a shooting hand, right?
Next WB mandate: no trigger finger hands. They are a gateway drug
Why don't companies listen to the people buying their products over those not buying their products? How many PTA meeting moms buy dc action figures?
because we need constant growth. people who buy product are secondary, how can we expand and attract those who do not buy product?
WWII soldiers didn't have Crye combat pants Todd.
Batman might be too woke for school mom's now.
should do a Lynda Carter WW
there are YT videos about using Rit Dye on figures
The African reboot from around 2009 was excellent. I'm probably the only person in the world that remembers that series.
I don't think an unsheathed knife is standard issue.
No there aren't.
Nevermind it's Bane
I was asking for personal experiences
Can anyone suggest a more traditional head for my Endless Winter Aquaman?
Neca Defenders of The Earth Flash Gordon perhaps.
Added some light brownish orange to the edges of the capsules and buckle on Batman’s belt then painted them with a bright gold. It’s tough finding a balance between wanting to define everything and letting the figure breath enough so it still looks and functions like a toy.
Used a medium green to define the bars on Robin’s shoulders and gloves, a red wash on his body, the same brown and gold as Batman’s belt with a thin wash of the same red as his body on the inner part. Drybrushed some dark blue into his hair and used the same color to hit the recesses in his staff.
Super excited for Mr. Freeze to arrive in a couple weeks, there are a ton of interesting textures and bits in the sculpt.

Just ordered the Brainiac from that set.

You should do more custom DC figures.
Is Zod's armor removable too?
Ha! They're literal Crye combat pants. Knew it.
Nice job, anon
That Robin looks dope
That actually doesn't look bad and I wouldn't mind a Robin dick but I have no need for more batwank in my life.

Yep, except the hair looked worse in person, actually, and the stupid spikes from Gleason's redesign are annoying in person AND in the promo shot.

I actually do want the black tee Conner; it might actually be a DCMV I preorder although I noticed while I was on EB last night that the Superman Blue can be had at reasonable enough price now.

And that ugly ass 85th Anniversary SDCC is down to below McFarlane store prices.
looks really good anon. but I will say that robin's legs look a little plain now in contrast with his torso armor.
That cowl sculpt sucks. Looks too smooth/flat and the ears are lopsided and too curved in. Just doesn't look like the Knightfall art at all.
Right, looks more like 70s Batman. The blue version especially. Black one looks like something out of Legends of the Dark Knight.
Ayy thanks, guys!

I’m going to look for a lighter green or experiment with a blue. I don’t want the knee joints to turn super dark, and they’re really tight so anything that goes in there will rub off and look messy.
Thinking about going with a really subtle medium grey or blue was on Batman.
it has the texture of a melted tootsie roll.
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Steel molds are a standard for toy manufacturing, because high pressure injection molding wears shit out fast if it's not steel.
And it has to be quality steel too, because it's that intensive.

I don't know about the sales for their McStatue-phase in the early 00s to mid-00s, but once they got back into mass market toys (Prince of Persia, Halo) in the late 00s, they definitely needed to use steel molds.

Also, Five Nights at Freddy's was their biggest line when they started making their legos from 2015 til 2019. Bigger than 90s Spawn, bigger than Halo. And making lego definitely needs steel molds, because 98% for blocks is reuse.
And the money they made off of FnaF is how they were able to afford the DC license (even after using part of that profit on Game of Thrones, Call of Duty, Fortnite, etc).
I would have settled for it being Nicole Kidman's character since Two-Face's girl henchmen (one of which was played by Drew Berrymore) would work as a two-pack) and the fact that I doubt most people would want to buy Kidman's character on her own. But making her a build a figure character would solve that issue.
I don't want a bunch of women all using that crappy Catwoman buck.
Hope to Christ Sportsmaster is the classic cloth face mask/Umpire costume version that McFarlane drew in Infinity Inc. Alan Scott needs a villain to fight and more to the point, we need guys from Todd's Infinity Inc run so as to build up demand for DC to finally reprint it in full.

Most likely it's a re-issue of the previous impossible to find version but minus the sword as to represent Silver Age WW.

Not quite. She has a sword, which was something she only started using post-Crisis. Remove the sword and maybe toss in a real rope lasso of troop and you have a proper evergreen WW.
Paint makes figures look good. Why doesn't McFarlane get partnered factories to africa where paint isn't 3 pennies per app and start allowing paint again
Has Africa ever exported toys? It seems like you'd need to spend a lot on education for that.
Got lucky at Target today. Went to see if they had any Brainiacs and spotted an Azrael. Not sure if I should take him out of the box and repaint him or sell him for $80 on ebay like a scalper bitch.
That's the good one. Open it, anon. You know you want to.
Imagine that people have to get lucky to buy your product. Imagine a business that thinks this is a good idea.
I really fucking do. I’ve never opened an $80 Batman toy before.
It's only worth $80 because a select few are willing to pay that much.
I like this one because the ammo bands are actually long enough to not restrict arm movement.
We live in a system where the most insane people set the prices on goods.
The Toddfather has seen your efforts and blessed you.
This Brainiac is pretty rad. All the limbs are interchangeable. Wonder if the tentacles from the Injustice Brainy would work.

>dubble dubs
Indeed, it is a sign.
There's so many half-measures and partially reused bucks that I don't really even know what is worth buying from mcfarlane anymore.
He is rad, not to mention the articulation is so unimpeded that he can do a far wider range of poses than typical figures.
They do not. I think you can swap the head though. It's weird how many McFarts would look way better with a simple black wash.
Does it need the stand?
You buy figures based on that and not it being the character you like?
You have a lot of autistics on this board anon.
I’m going to try some blues to darken him up kind of like the old Super Powers version and some silver drybrushing to bring back the highlights.
All my Superman villains are grey and black. Doomsday, Zod, Ursa, even Livewire is a dark blue that reads as black. Want a Parasite next, maybe.

He’s a little top heavy but he can do the previous pose and a Spidey crouch no problem. The shitty ass Marvel Legends body has a harder time standing upright than Brainiac. You could use the hook arm like a scorpion tale and it’d counter balance wider poses.
For like $20 he’s surprisingly fun to play with, just popping the arms into different spots to see what looks cool was worth it alone.
Cool, grant morrison got a toy?
no its his shitty manlet lex luthor
Not really surprisingly -- as long as you have him in a hunched over position. Now standing straight up might be a different story (but he doesn't really look right standing straight up anyway). I've mostly kept mine in poses with the knees bent like >>11024591
it's almost like that's how all pricing works, retard
If I bought figures based on characters I liked I'd have like 8 figures total as most of the characters I like don't get action figures or they're imports only.
You buy what characters you like. Simple as.
I'm kinda digging your weird Lex Luther kitbash now.
I wonder if you could do the "Brainiac on Luther's head controlling him" thing.
You say that like it's a bad thing. Why collect characters you don't like/know?
I also want to see Brainiac's head on a business suit body.
I mean in like a hypno Toad kinda way, as he's been known to do.
So, you buy figures of characters you don't even like or know about just for the sake of buying a figure? This is called shopping addiction.
Blame Todd

Thanks. He isn’t perfect but he was my first project like this so he’ll always be special.

Might be able to work but the joint would be a bitch to pop out and I don’t want to mess with it.
Why would I blame Todd for your lack of impulse control? It's cringe as fuck when you guys bitch and moan about these toys and then in the same breath admit you don't know anything about them. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we should've gatekept this hobby better from people like you.

Hate to break it to you but your opinion means less than zero.
Mostly no, I buy figures that look cool. That was basically McFarlane's whole schtick for awhile. Buying McFarlanes for characters will just lead to you buying botched figures, because a large amount of the figures are botched. Like how Steelbros got done dirty by that botched Steel figure or how BvS Batman is only half painted.
I actually don't mind the Steel. Beggars can't be choosers and all that. The hammer is crap though, right.
I don't wanna defend McFart here too much, but I'm pretty sure perfect action figure doesn't actually exist. You can find a fault with anything if you look had enough.
I will accept little issues like the elbows being ugly when bent. I'm talking about things like the two figures I mentioned.
Just buy figures of characters you like. Buying something just because it looks cool is horder tier behavior that leaves with a bunch of shit you don't actually care about.
Sounds like you should just take pictures of your family and buy nice frames and decorate with them. Fictional characters are not meant to be much of an emotional attachment
What's so bad about the back of a figure not being painted? How often are you going to see the back?
Someone's a little defensive aren't they?
Why buy a figure if you're only going to look at it from the front? Pictures are free.
>never tasted an import
Typical McFart poster.
Most really aren't worth it
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I thought it may actually be a prof x since that anon mentioned marvel legends. Lex is a pretty boring idea for a toy, id get one of luthor 2 though. I thought he was pretty neat.
Are you retarded?
after all the try hard repetitive, "dark, grounded, and gritty" shit we have been getting I don't blame them looking back and thinking that they miss a less serious Batman.
This goes to show how MID the Mafex is vanilla. I wish it looked like that.
Brave and the bold animated is a good take on non super cereal Batman
Nipple fag shit is not.
They're cost cutting and giving you a blatantly incomplete product.
Why do you think McFarlane went from having great distribution in 2020-2022 to now having a lot of delays?
Because you retards don't know what a street date is.
I order my toys online, anon. The websites literally say they order is delayed. It has nothing to do with street dates. They were never delayed before 2023
>They were never delayed before 2023
troll harder neca bitch
You sound like a dumb asshole
>Brings up NECA AGAIN out of nowhere
Absolutely delusional
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Only 2 of 5 DCMV BBTS exclusives sold out. The other 3 are digital pegwarming. Do you think this venture will continue at this rate or is the sell through not enough?
If he'd made em look like statues with washes and metallic drybrushes it might have looked cool. In person they just look unpainted.
Todd can't afford that kind of paint anymore unfortunately, even for 30 bucks a pop.
then what the fuck is he using Jim's kids for? I for sure thought he was using them as a cheaper method to manufacture his mcfarlane figs.
Some good finds over the last couple days.

Gave Brainiac a blue tint to make him a little darker and push back places like his shoulder area and under his rib cage. Darkened up parts of his skull but left the raised parts of the face completely untouched except for around the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Don’t want to do much with Azrael, but next to Brainiac his legs and pouches demand a wash at least…
You think flat-chested aging actress Harley Quinn from the runny makeup Joker sequel will get a toy?
Try that in English next time
Harley Quinn get toy for Ivan, yes comrade?
>DC even acknowledging this character for any reason
Joe Quesada honestly thought his tryhard character as going to take over as Batman permanently then got mad when Bruce came back.

Considering what he did at Marvel, it's safe to say Quesada is a complete moron who only got hired by affirmative action. He accused all his critics of being racist, too. WB should bury his shitty character as punishment.
Azreal was never Quesada's character. He was 100% Denny O'Neil's creation and O'Neil is why Jean Paul Valley fell off the face of the Earth.

O'Neil wrote a hundred issue Azrael series in the 90s and ended the run with an ultra ambiguous ending where Jean Paul Valley was mortally wounded and fell into a river. No body was ever found. It was later stated in the early 00s that DC had an embargo banning writers from using Azrael and that the character's fate was explicitly left ambiguous per O'Neil's orders. IE he was both dead (no one but O'Neil could write him so everyone in the DCU thought JPV was dead) and alive (IE he'd turn up alive and well if O'Neil ever wanted to write him again).

It wasn't until Blackest Night that Geoff Johns said "fuck it" and outright confirmed JPV was dead by having him show up as a Black Lantern explicitly talking about being Batman and hating Gotham "for not appreciating him". Morrison then moved to have the last surviving Batman impostures created by Dr Hurt (the black guy who was "Devil Batman") become Azrael after he broke free of Hurt's control.

But it was not until Batman Eternal that JPV showed up back as Azreal, out of the blue, to beat up Bane and save Jason Todd and Tim Drake from getting killed by Bane. He then showed up in Grayson and Detective Comics and ultimately Justice League Odyssey.

As for Quesada, he got fired/blackballed from DC Comics because he was told, after submitting a bunch of costume designs for Azreal as Batman, that he was not allowed to show ANYONE outside the company the rejected Azbat costumes.... then gave the designs to Wizard Magazine, who published them as part of a puff piece hyping him as the next hot thing in comics.

It's why Sword of Azreal has been buried and only saw a reprinting as part of a failed launch of a series of TPBs reprinting O'Neil's Azrael series.
>Considering what he did at Marvel
Biggest revival of Marvel since the 60s, both commercially and critically? He set up so many amazing creators into Marvel in the late 90s and 00s. Yeah, the event crossovers became too common, but they were hugely successful and some were still well liked. The retrospective hate just comes from the later ones being completely unnecessary and almost all bad, but those weren't under his watch.
Nevermind it was under Quesada and the movie creative committee that the MArvel movies were successful and not complete shit.

Don't forget that Quesada shit talking DC (when Marvel relations with DC were actually respectful) and their creators while he was EiC cemented that blackballing.
Also, would Azrael even be that popular if not for the design? Comics are a visual medium and design is probably the biggest part of it.
Pic related.

See also Jack Kirby's Spiderman (as visualized by Ditko)
>Order Brainiac on Amazon
>Get the Platinum
God dammit I bought on Amazon because the stores around me had nothing but the platinums
You're telling me the older ones sold out before the new ones? Damn, that's crazy. Retard.
>Nevermind it was under Quesada and the movie creative committee that the MArvel movies were successful and not complete shit.
I got burned like this before. It should explicitly say STYLES MAY VERY.
it does
Then you should have recognized that it was a gamble.
I knew there was a chance, but come on. I do like how all his limbs can be switched around. The search continues..
>Take my strong hand!
i didnt buy the toy, i was pointing out it does.
Damn that sucks. Are you going to buy another one? At least he’s only 20 on Amazon. Since you have the green face version you know you should order two drones. Maybe three.
How did he end up bald again after this? I've never read any of that stuff, just one moment he was an Australian gigachad and then he's back to normal.
nta but it was a clone or something.
>same pose
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That Flash BBTS has been sold out for over a year.

As for the other ones, the other Anons are right, they look like shit. I inadvertently bid on the BBTS and paid a decent price for what I might be able to flip it for (but it's missing the stand and the effects) and it's one of the few auction bids that was below scalper prices I ever won that I do regret - because it does look MEH in hand.

I hate that it's tiny and a 5POA, but I'm glad I got the white suited bald version since it's pretty distinct (and comic book iconic).

I wouldn't object to a Toddslop version of him.
I'd rather buy figures of characters that I LIKE that also happen to LOOK cool (by my aesthetics).

McFarlane's biggest flaw as far as looking cool is way too many shitty head sculpts.
Who fell apart, and he had to go back to the main/real body (who was supposed to be in prison?)
This brief description hurts my head.
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Sorry, but you're dumb if you didn't notice the drop in quality after actual comic creators were dropped from coming up with ideas and vetoing typical hollywood "adaptations"

But if you didn't notice because you dropped Marvel movies and their shit that was released in stores, then i give you major props.
His clone body fell apart plus, to get out of his funk over not being the one to kill Superman, he tried to murdered a karate instructor but got sloppy and didn't confirm the kill so she alerted Lois Lane and Lex tried to destroy Lois's good name by hacking into the daily planets computers to change the story she wrote exposing him. But his cloned body started falling apart faster than expected and with Supergirl turning on him and Superman going berserker mode to clear Lois's good name, Lex got outed as evil and rather than be arrested burnt metropolis to the ground before he became locked in paralyzed in his decaying body.

Then Neron happened as Lex sold his soul to be cured, resurfaced during Final Night to help save the earth, then went on trial where he claimed a renegade Cadmus Scientist held him prisoner and produced a dying clone as the Lex who claimed to be his kid and Lex got acquitted.
People here don't read comic books, anon. You know that. No one would have wanted me to type this and most no one will read this: >>11025855
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>DC Multiverse 7 Inch Action Figure - Tim Drake (DC Rebirth)
If you were going to buy only ONE version of Tim would you go for this or for the 2023 "Robin Reborn version?

I kinda would prefer to see a Red Robin with more articulation than PICREL but would probably end up waiting a few years on that and it would like be some $40 platinum chase stupidity.
false magat
I am gonna wait until Toys R Us gets the wave. The little Gremlin is growing on me.
I can't really say I really WANT this figure, but it is oddly compelling. I keep coming back to stare at it.
He does look scarier which imo is cooler.
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>wait until Toys R Us gets the wave
Only in Burgerland, anon.
Thanks anon, as the person who originally asked I now understand how I missed out on some of this.
That's a Macy's. They just call their toy section Toyr'R'Us.
they still sell DCMVs
and MLs
If it's Target, I just resign myself to probably not getting the figure. When they oversell, they'll send a couple ofvdeksy approval e-mails. If they're still oversold after that m, they'll "forget" to send another e-mail and immediately cancel claiming you didn't respond.
They don't at any one I've ever seen, they just sell junk kids toys and weird fake hotwheels and LEGOs.
I've seen DCMV at the one at my mall. It's not like it's a good selection but they do carry them. People were finding the 89 Batmobile at those little TRU setups in Macy's first if I recall correctly.
The camo tumbler is going to pegwarm so hard. I can't believe Amazon accepted it.
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McFarlane's joint cuts just do not lend themselves to good looking plain leotards.
It's not a Toys R Us
Nah, the comic riddler has the same issue.
I wanted disco Robin but the way he does shoulders ruins any outfit with shoulder stuff.
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I'd rather grab the New 52 Red Robin than either. It's the only one of Tim's costumes McFarlane managed to improve instead of fucking up.
Mcfarlane tends to do well with complex outfits and poorly on simple ones.
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How is this Wave Rider?
He's a hot head
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Thoughts? Looks good to me but paiting would be a pain in the ass.
Bit small.
Hasbro headsculpts mog McFarlanes
why do you own multiple homosexual lantern figures? are you gay?
Your pick up lines need some more work
Noticeably too small. I wouldn't mix ML and mcfarlane headsculpts
Are you guys just saying that because it's green now and drawing more attention to it?
It's pretty noticeable that her neck is the same size as her head. Only 'roided out people tend to look like that.
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This figure looks so cheap with the question marks not being around the whole body.
Well, it is Wonder Woman, to be fair...
And, big surprise, it sells for cheap...
That's the Atrocitus buck, right?
No, its BATrocitus. Atrocitus is much larger.

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