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File: exploded detolfs.jpg (265 KB, 960x1280)
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Well, I finally had my first incident with my detolf after a good 4 years. I’m not sure what happened.
I was working from home when suddenly a heard a big bang and the glass fell everywhere! It was very scary.
I live in an apartment with central air conditioning so my apartment’s temperature is kept constant. I have a dog but he was crated and sleeping peacefully at the time, so I don’t think he could’ve caused it. I thought maybe the door fell off the hinges but the hinges are still there. There is also glass in the shelves. I think if it had fallen or something like that there wouldn’t be glass in the shelves like that, only on the floor.
I guess it just exploded? Anyone encounter this before? I might replace my other detolf because I’m nervous of this happening again…
>Statue faggot fell for the meme

Rightfully deserved, fucking retard
sorry i was trying to steal your figures
The tension on the glass from the screws was too much.
Yeah they'll explode
It says so on the instructions, they're gag gifts basically
This. Next time get something with Plexisglass. Or don't tighten your screws so much. No need to pressure the panels by tightening those screws when gravity does enough to keep things together.
Maybe over tightening the hinge screws? I hear that's usually the cause when just the door goes. I've got 7 detolfs, the earliest ones going back over a decade and have yet to have any breaks, but then again now that they're discontinued you don't have much choice about going with something else. It sucks but are your figures all okay at least?
>I have a dog but he was crated
Sounds like a faggoty, incompetent owner just got a taste of karma.
>I have a dog but he was crated and sleeping peacefully at the time, so I don’t think he could’ve caused it.

This was only a test, you're next!
Keeping him imprisoned in the crate was anon’s undoing.
>$400 in shelves
>hundreds in statueshit
>$75 dollar TV
The statues broke it when they came to life. Who's the strongest character that you displayed inside?
Statues are not toys you fucking retard op needs to fuck off
Sounds like you over-tightened the screws. Loosen the screws a touch on the other one.
Dogs aren't statues, Athena.
Your kind isn't welcome here.
The thread seems to be far more about a case than can be used for action figures, rather than statues. There's way too much autism on this board.
Looks like its besides your air handler, maybe the vibrations just built up.
Don't laugh, some rescues are schizo tier with bad anxiety and cannot be trusted.
We had a German Shepard that actually liked her cage. It was her safe place.

Theres not many ways you can teach a dog not to do things when you're not there.
>detolf closest to the window
>next to a 101.5° heat source
If you train a dog right, they'll view the cage as their safe space like your German Shepard. It's almost like their own bedroom. I crate trained my miniature dachshund and whenever she isn't feeling good or wants to be secluded she goes and hangs out in her cage. It helps that it has a ton of blankets and a shirt of mine in there for maximum cozy.
Your dog clearly manifested psychic abilities, congrats OP
Hope your figures are a-ok
>shirt of mine in there
awww cute
She likes to lay in my dirty laundry so I figured she would appreciate an old shirt that smells like me.
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It’s nice when they’re not locked in and it’s like a comfy little bedroom for them to go chill in. I know this retard who lives in a tiny house in London and crates his Australian shepherd and she fucking hates it and cries all day.

Maybe we should have a toy pet thread
>detolfs use tempered glass which is cheap garbage
Would you like to clarify, because if you are saying that tempered glass is cheap garbage in general, then you’re a fucking retard. That’s like saying steel is cheap garbage. It really fucking depends on the steel, doesn’t it?
rule 1 covers statues
More modern detolf glass seems to be more prone to explosions than old ones, mine is about 18+ years and has survived being taken apart and reassembled through several moves, but whenever I hear about one that detonates it’s a newer one.
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The first time I put my first Detolf together the middle shelf just exploded when I went to set it in place on the little plastic bumps that go on the metal. I distinctly remember that I didn't bang it or hit it against anything but as soon as it touched the surface of the plastic the whole thing just exploded into popcorn. They were cool and sent me a new shelf. This is just another reason it's unfortunate they are discontinued.
these guys are right this happens from overtightening the screws that hold the door to the hinges.
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The old ones exploded all the time too.

We used to have exploding detolfs on /toy/ at least a couple times a month, especially after Ikea had their sales.
Retarded white people can't make anything kek

...how's my chungusfurry impression?
It’s more like Americans can’t make anything and they’re not even white anymore.
>current Europe
As opposed to them and all their new non-white migrants taking over? Europe is just as much shit now too and you ain't doing shit to reverse it either. It's over for whites.
>cage for pibbly wibbly
Probably a combination of overly tightened screws and, given your picture, expansion from sunlight exposure.
I'm fucking dying, that's good
Put a drop of silicon on the screws before you put them in.
I did a window repair job not long ago where I took one of those small attic windows out, removed the rotted casing and took the glass pane out and repeated it into a new casing. Used a table saw to cut open a slot for the window pane, seated it in there and used a nailer to secure all 4 sides. Then caulked it. Do you guys think I could use this method on a larger scale to build my own kind of detolf? The corners would no doubt be thicker than these detolf ones and there'd be some view obstruction, but I could avoid the ssue of it shattering. The next issue would be how to do the shelves. What fo you guys think?
But chungusfurry, you’re proudly brown and hate white people.
Detolfs just do that and they're slowly stopping selling them.

Get the billy with a glass door instead. Less sunlight exposure that way too.
I had the same issue and I traced iy back to one figure I should not have put in the case. Damn rowdy Irishmen...

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