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Welcome to Plastic Building Blocks General!
Previous >>11001379
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Here, you can discuss foreign and domestic clone brands. Show us things that you've recently bought, built or discovered!

Top brands (not exhaustive):
>Qman (formerly Enlighten)
>Mould King
Dishonorable mentions:
I'm so excited for this. It looks to have less than perfect changes from the MOC it's based on to use cheaper pieces, but at $16.19 shipped, this looks to be an amazing deal. If this works out, I might go this Ali Express route more often. I'm waiting until this order arrives to check things out before I make another order though.

If anything, I think I'm gonna buy a couple horses and some foliage to flesh out my castle stuff. A shame all the Pirate themed minifigures I see there are flesh colored and not yellow, as I saw a couple lots of 8+ Imperial soldiers for the price of two from Lego's pick a brick.
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Super excited. Literally hours after posting my excitment for my Ali Express knockoff Lego MOC set, it arrived on my doorstep. Came way sooner than I thought it would or it's expected delivery date. I think I'm gonna go head and order a few more things off that site now seeing as it's a bit more trustworthy than I thought it would be at the insane prices. I'm expecting these parts to be shitty quality though
Imma need you to hold off ordering and build that shit and post updates along the way based anon.
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>I think I'm gonna go head and order a few more things
It begins...
Man why does mould king insist on using a billion little rounded pieces for its trains instead of larger plates
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>post updates along the way based anon.

I would, except I just sort of did it all in one sitting. So the update is that I finished.

The instructions and build were mostly good. A few steps were unclear in the instructions because they have piece placement facing away from the camera leaving the model at the same angle for the whole book. It's good for consistency sake, but a nightmare in that steps that are mirrored on each side, they start with the side facing away from you. Does that make sense? There was also a step were they left a piece floating in mid air for like 60 steps before the connector piece was placed to snap it in. Clearly the instructions were made digitally or things never would have been in that order. Kinda head scratching.

The tension on the string rigging pieces was also insane and it's clear this was done digitally without proper testing. It works. But it really really shouldn't. The MOC this was based on/ripped-off was different in a number of ways, all mostly when it came to newer/unique parts and accommodating such. Still, the maker of the MOC this was based on said parts to bricklink his MOC instructions clocked in at around 80-90 bucks without minifigures, which gave me cold feet. Especially because he charged $9 for instructions. This knockoff cost me $16 and change with parts abd instructions.

Even considering this one didn't come with the full unfurled brickbuilt sail and less "loot", plus some less than ideal changes to the build, it was roughly $70 cheaper. I could probably order the 11 Vikings to fill the ship and some of those plastic rigging pieces and proper printed shields and more barrels and another chest and fill everything with loot and I would still be under just buying the instructions off Rebrickable and parts from Bricklink. I'm overall quite please, this was an amazing deal compared to normal Lego.
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Son of a bitch
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>It begins...
I think you may be right. This feels like using cheat codes or a turbo controller. It's wrong, but I absolutely love it.

I'm gonna check Ali Express for now on if there's a MOC or special things I want. I just looked and I can find an old classic dragon for like $3 and some dude selling 5 goats on a small baseplate surrounded by fence pieces as a "set" for $6. My only beef is I see so much cool Castle bootlego, but hardly any Pirate at all. Maybe I'm just searching wrong. I need to poke around more. If nothing else, I have to find me a few classic style Lego monkey minifigs and red parrots. I really wanna get a ship for my Imperials, or a new ship for my Pirates and the Imperials can have the Creator ship.

I might need to get a table to put these on and give my Pirates the full ocean space they deserve. The dresser they sit on gets real cramped and there'll be no room if I put a third ship on there alongside my Eldorado Fortress and small Pirate Island

This Viking ship is gonna go next to my Viking Village, which I have on a shelf that I wish had better lighting. I used to have it next to my boyfriend's Ninjago sets in the well lit storage room, but I had to move it so he could put his new giant Ninjago set next to the other ones.
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The dragons are a good buy.
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The Chinese are always chasing what's popular and likely to sell well, guess they see Pirates trending down relative to Castle/medieval; although you can find KOs of the Barracuda Bay and Eldorado Fortress sets. Wasn't looking for them so much on AliExpress at the time but five years ago the local liquidation centre was stocking quite a few pirate sets from Jie Star and other brands.
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Probably still playing off the PotC franchise success, note the totally not Jack Sparrow fig.
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This series was pretty cheap but I wasn't able to get every available set due to limited means at the time. I believe there were larger ships in the line but I never saw them at the liquidation centre.
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I don't remember the brand for this set but the parts quality was noticeably inferior, comparable to older Enlighten. Great figs tho
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Speaking of Enlighten they also had a couple sets from their pirates line, fragile as hell but with their memorable figs and lots of great classic pirates stuff.
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These rascals are the best.
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For a time that store had quite a bit of Enlighten on its shelves, think I managed to get at least one of almost every set I found there. The little sets for a maplebuck or two were great, though dangerous once you'd filled up a cart's worth heh.
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Incidentally they're liquidating their original location and have moved a little ways down the road to a much larger building, went to both today - the former to grab a few kits on deep clearance for parts, the latter to see the new digs. The new place is much better organized and they've already got new chinese legos in stock, had to restrain myself and settle for only about 60 maplebucks worth heh, all Jie Star. Will be interesting to see what more they get in, the aisle specifically intended for "building blocks" wasn't even half full with signs saying more stuff coming next week.
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Forgot one more little Jie Star ship. Need to find where I stored all these and take a fleet photo, have two other small ships recently received and built as well. I swear that general little ship design was all the rage among the Chinese brands for a while, can think of at least 8-9 different ones and they're all basically the same single-masted, three-man sailboat, sometimes with a skiff or raft, usually with a cannon, often with a particular play feature.
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That base looks cool. Ugly as sin faces though haha.

I do love these body prints though

Very cute fun little sets.

Glad to hear. I just added a classic green to my cart and will grab him next time i make an order.

I'm thinking to order a ship for my Imperials. I wish there was a good ship dedicated to them. I think I might get that enlighten bricks version of classic Barracuda and turn my Creator Ship into an Imperial vessel with a tiled blue and black logo on the Brick sail. Or, I can keep search for a good mid sized ship I can use for them. Or dare I buy the $65 Imperial Flagship that's like 35 inches long and pray I'm not getting ripped off? Seems to good to be true, but I thought that about this $15 Viking Ship too and it's pretty rad.

Here's a picture of my Viking Ship near my Viking Village. I need to buy some Vikings to man the oars
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I got the Imperial Flagship and it's not a rip off. Picrel is it with some extra guys I got and minor alterations like the swivel guns. The brick quality is noticably not quite as good as Lego and the sails are some kind of plasticy fabric instead of cloth, but it all fits together fine. They did something interesting with the instructions too, in each step all the parts already built were greyed out so it's easy to see all the additions. There was one mistake where they put 3 round bricks on the bowsprit instead of the correct 4 and then it suddenly changes after you put it on.
Damn bro, that really IS huge.

I'm so sad, I just checked and the knockoff pirate ship links probably (you) shared before. They are now out of stock on Ali Express. Hella lame, I was "THIS" close to ordering that Barracuda knockoff. But that and seeing your photos of that Imperial Ship is just pushing me closer to wanting that instead. It's just so... big. In a bad way. I just want a small to medium Ship for my Imperial Soldiers and Eldorado Fortress. I've been planning out an Imperial Outpost MOC and that Flagship would just be way to big to even dock at it OR Eldorado.

Would love to see more photos of your knockoff ships if you feel like sharing. That Flagship in particular is quite beautiful. The size is just so imposing, it's a double edge sword(fish).
I'm not that other Anon, I just have this one. As far as I can tell it's an exact copy of the Lego set.
You can probably still find the other ships in another Aliexpress store, just shop around.
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Unfortunately in the case of the razée-style one it appears that ship has sailed; pic related is still available at multiple stores including here:
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I did a very short review on these Make-It Blocks light up brick sets. They were real fun and have lots of great transparent parts for MOCing, but the lights are blinking colored, not static or regular colored, so it knocked away my idea to use these for lighting up dark spots. Still real cool parts for MOCs and I really like the car build.
Is this the knockoff Lego thread?
I'm looking at the star wars minifigures to go with the Mandalorian ambush sets and I'm wondering why they went all in for the Ahsoka series but didn't for the Mandalorian. You'd think coloured mandos would make money and that the villain characters would have been done.
Why didn't they touch any of them?
>you can have season1 mandos like paz, armourer, bo katan
>you can't have koska, axe, shriek hawks,
I'm pumped my dudes! Just got notice my pick a brick order from Lego is arriving today, should be waiting for me when I get home from work.

I got a bunch of Viking minifigures to fill up my Ali Express Viking Ship with characters, 10 oarsmen and a Viking to steer the ship (plus a couple extras to put in my Viking Village set). I also ordered a bunch of shields because I didn't like the shields the knockoff set came with. Lastly, I ordered like 20 extra minifigure heads to replace all the weird out of place inclusive faces in sets I own (and future sets) with with classic smiley face heads.

Even after buying all those pick a brick stuff and combing it with the price of the ship, the Viking Ship ordered on Ali Express still is cheaper than 50 bucks which is pretty insane.

Very excited for it and I can't wait to share it. That said, with out active this alternative bricks thread is, I get the feeling I'm doing a lot of talking to myself here.

Did anyone even check out those light up Make-It Blocks I showed off? I thought they were pretty rad with cool parts, but it's getting crickets here.

Do people not care about alternative bricks because they have no branding? I know a lot of Lego 'fans' are just fans of licenses that like Lego versions of things, but lots of other brands have licenses too. And if you like the building aspect, the bricks not being Lego brand shouldn't matter if the quality is good
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Shipping has been really fast lately. ordered these last week and they just came in. Very good printing quality and the parts fit nicely. I'm always happy to find more sexy minifigs.
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Here are some other minifigs i got. These are from the new john wick movie. Decent quality as well but the arm hole on the samurai guy is too big and the hand just falls out.

I dunno why its been so slow recently. Knockoff legos just keep getting better. But even though normal lego is getting worse quality and more expensive, the knockoffs don't seem to have much traction in the west. I guess I shouldn't complain too much though. More exposure for knockoffs will probably make it harder to get them in the west.
show their asses
Haven't seen these here yet, or anything new at Dollar Tree for a bit. Got some more sets in from AliExpress and the liquidation centre but haven't had much time for them.
They seem to be doubling down on Ashoka, good chance they'll get to it eventually.
>Got some more sets in from AliExpress and the liquidation centre but haven't had much time for them.

What sets did you grab? I've been a bit busy because I'm fucking around with the Creator Castle set right now, but I have 3 Bird sets from Dollar Tree still to put together
How do I buy the keepley naruto sets for legit and not get scammed?
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From Ali I have three of the newest Panzers from Quan Guan (Mark I, Mark IV, Tiger I) and the rest of the sets from the Kazi line of Chinese military vehicles I've been collecting; from the liquidation centre I have a quartet of naval vessels and a couple military vehicles, all Jie Star. Got those Dollar Tree bird sets somewhere too.
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Well I built the Tiger I today and to my considerable consternation the one piece I can't replace from my stockpile is missing - the piece that holds the top hatch cover. Have ordered a smaller tank that includes such a hatch in (hopefully) the same or close enough color scheme, couldn't be bothered trying to get a replacement part. Other than that the tank is a pretty nice build, need to pull out their previous iteration for comparison but I think it's better designed this time around.

Here's that Tiger at center with Cobi's equivalent alongside (the grey one is a Kazi). Both Tigers are meant to be the famous 131 of Fury fame - the Quan Guan version has a slightly longer hull which spoiled it some, this newer Tiger is better proportioned I think.

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