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Some of the ones in my ever growing collection
2020. Ford GT $uper t hunt. bought it for $2.00 now it's worth close to $200.00
Here's another from 2020.

No one cares you fuck.
am I supposed to be impressed about some toys that you haven't even taken out of the packaging
what are you doing here! go back to your manga porn jerk off
yes, now fuck off tard face
why didn't you just put all the images in one post instead of posting like a tard?
Cool. Hotwheels is something I admire but don't have courage to collect, I know I'm gonna lose all my money and sanity once I start.
Neat. I race mine on a big track with my son.
Yes. these are different from the other $1 hot wheel cars because there is a stamp on them indicating that they are a treasure hunt and that makes them special
How do you tell the difference between normal and treasure hunt?
How? I have Ford 1934 10th Years anniversary of TH series and it's worth at best 20-30. What makes some random GT40 from random 4 years old TH series worth more than actual 10 years anniversary celebration edition?

TH = rubber wheels and better paint details
wow rubber wheels
legacy cars especially from japan and germany always shoot up in value. nobody gives a fuck about a old ford. the reseller market dictates the value
the GT40 is neither japanese nor german though
STH has the shiny paint and rubber wheels, TH is just whatever car they decide is "teh rare one" of every case
TH used to have rubber wheels as well.
We throw all ours in a giant plastic bin then shove it in a cupboard until we have a yard sale.
exactly, american cars are just not as popular when it comes to reselling unless it is a fast and furious car. i had a foxy body mustang from fast and furious that i sold for $30 bucks years ago
I have several TH from pre-STH era (2007 and older) and they all have rubber wheels and highly detailed paint.
Okay you are the Treasure Hunt Master. Nut not everyone has the time, the money, or the ability to try and fight scalpers to every damn store in town looking for these. In 10 years I've found ONE! So yippee. And yes early TH's were the preliminary versions of the STH's.
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I dont understand how anyone can collect Hotwheels or Matchbox cars there are simply too many of them. 20,000 items along with rare or limited releases that are probably next to impossible to find
I collect 60s and 70s muscle cars from mopar, so plymouths, dodges, chryslers etc...
Only these, don't care about ford or chevy or any other cars and other eras. So far got around 40 mopars in my collection. Including HotWheels or Matchbox and more.
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I found my first treasure hunt today at wal-mart

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