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...in a non-sexual way.

Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)
>Misc. Gashapon (3mm)
>Misc. Shokugan (3mm)

Toys Alliance
>Archecore (3mm)
>Toy Notch Astrobots
>Acid Rain B2Five

>Hexa Gear (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Frame Arms (3mm)
>M. S. G. (3mm)
>HMM ZOIDS (3mm 5mm)

>Beast Box (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Infinity Box AMTS series (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Beastdrive (3mm 5mm)

>Assemble Borg
>Emonster (3mm)
>Forging Soul (3mm)
>Joytoy Dark Source (3mm)
>Maru Toys collabs
>MFT/DMH Diaclone KOs and OGs (3mm 4mm)
>RIHIO MultiAbyss (3mm)
>KEMO No57 (3mm, 3.5mm base joints)
>Earnest Core Robot Build (4mm)
>Snap Ships
>Tecco Toys
>and many more...!
*(Xmm) are peg sizes

Previous >>10999140
going right back to sucking diaclone's dick, I got my Horse and core set today. kinda like how the shades of grey work together. I gotta say tho, the submarine bullet core is kinda trash. the whole thing is kinda loose and rattly, and it doesnt really snap into place. it also doesn't really seat into the mech frame completely. not sure if the original releases were they same, but this is the worst bullet core i've ever seen, including knock offs
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forgot pic
What line is this guy being released in?
I think AMTS is under Infinity Box now
Are there any real life race cars with six wheels? I know I've seen it in fiction a few times
See 2nd last point >>11017074
It supposedly produces less drag by using smaller front wheels, but 4 of them
Tyrell p34.

It turned too well, got banned.
have they released anything about the other racecar yet?
No, but from what I remember the second space combiner came about a month after the first. I bet we’ll see the next race car in July.
Got Horus Versaulter, my first ever Diaclone. It's fun as fuck to fiddle around with and clip on the armour parts, but I get the feeling that there should be a stand since it can't even stand in Gerwalk mode. I guess it's sold separately?

is the fold-out heel spike hidden in the calves not accessible with the Horus armor on? The other versaulters use that to balance in chicken leg modes. Anyway most figure stands have 3mm peg adapters, and there are 3mm holes all over Diaclone, so.
chimelong octopus
Beastbox's community manager streaming tomorrow about the 618 special item
The colors look great, but have they tuned up this mold at all? I had such a horrible time with joint tolerances on the first version, it's just a floppy mess.
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I don’t own either version of the octopus, but the limited release Deep Purple supposedly has better build quality
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Horus has an entire intake block sandwiching over the original mech foot, effectively giving it a triple-jointed leg with heel and toe hinges for foot stability. I can't fathom why it would have issues standing in Gerwalk but not in humanoid. Nevertheless, stands are cheap (if mainly sold by Bandai and dropshippers) and 3mm pegs are fairly universal.
Anyone know if there's any way to grab the new years dragon version of beast box Dio without paying crazy aftermarket prices at this point?
Black Tiger was expected but i didn't expect it to be black/green

Nope. I was actually chasing the YotD Dio but it sold within a minute on their Tmall flagship store, so even if you use a Taobao agent AND have a time-machine, you might not have gotten it.
Reception on weibo seems lukewarm. On paper it seems like something I would like, but the execution is odd. Dunno if I like the green spray on the nose, or the cataract-looking eyes.
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I’m not feeling the black/green tiger at all, I’m happy with my white/purple version.

Wake me up if they release the blue/orange prototype colors.
The prototype is hot. They're fools if they don't release this.
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>Open in GIMP
>Invert colors
Guys I'm a toy designer now hire me to design your expensive exclusive toys.
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Pilot storage.
I own this guy. He's fun, definitely doesn't have the same issues as the original release of the mold, and has some blacklight sensitive paint apps on him that are awesome. Also, he comes with the preorder-exclusive brain-bot by default.
Semi-related note, but I was wondering what happened to the 52Toys general - I had no idea it had merged with this one. Might show off some of my recent acquisitions later.
He isn't still in their official AliExpress store? That's where I nabbed mine and the Gold Dragon from a few months ago.
I have 100$, where should I start with Diaclone? Preferably a transforming vehicle of some kind. Eventually I will get support vehicles and stuff, but I wanna start with a really toyetic toy.
Also whats the best site to order from so I don't get scalped?
$100 is not going to get you much, especially if that's supposed to cover shipping as well as the figure. Diaclone generally only does one run per set, only producing more of a mold when they do a redeco. As a result, you can only find the most recent releases for retail price. Everything else has to be found pre-owned, which is going to be more expensive.
The Tactical Mover sets are probably your best bet for anything you can get new, though they may not be exactly what you're looking for. Their main gimmick is that they're all the same generic base robot frame, but they come with different external attachments, with most allowing some kind of vehicle form. If you want to browse around for pre-owned sets, I would look for TriRambler, which turns into a big motorcycle and comes in black, red, or blue. If you really want to stretch the definition of transforming robot, the Battles Gridman set seems to still go for relatively cheap, but that's a vehicle that transforms into a mech-like set of armor for an Ultraman-type (though robotic-looking) giant dude.
As for places to shop, Japanese sites will generally get you the best item prices, though shipping will probably be expensive. Hobby Search and Amiami are good places to shop for new stuff, while Amiami and Mandarake are good for pre-owned. As far as western businesses are concerned, I'm not too familiar with all the options, but BigBadToyStore is probably your best bet, followed by The Chosen Prime. TFSource also carries them, but in my experience, that site likes to overprice things. Just keep in mind all the western stores will have much higher item prices than the Japanese stores, but shipping should be pretty cheap (some even offer free shipping in certain circumstances).
Nope, one of the first places I looked.
$100 is not much, maybe try the KOs though they didn't really KO the vehicle ones. Only places with official Diaclone distro is Japan (TakaraTomy) and Hongkong (Hasbro Asia).

Japanese sites will be missing the Takaratomy Mall exclusives, aside from resellers on Manda and whatever at scalper prices.

Transformers sellers in Hongkong will ship internationally, but you might want to check if your local TF dealers are bringing in them cheaper. All shops outside Japan order from Hasbro Asia.
3P Dia-Attacker
Company is "Fans Maker"
Looks like DiaBattles V2 arm slot connectors
It seems to have the bullet core connectors (ring with grooves on the sides) but the head ends up unfolding to the back, not going to work with Triverse/Battle Convoy even if the joints work.
Legs detach at the knees instead of the thighs so leg compatibility with Diabattles is out.
I think Diaclone has nailed the retro yet updated look to their toys art style much better than hasbro has with their g1 remakes. Something about the modern diaclone feels vintage and new at the same time, while all the current modern transformers stuff just feels like chinese bootlegs of official transformers toys.
Did you reply to the wrong post? That's not an official Diaclone release, it's 3P...
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Love me some LEDs

Oh cool bootleg cancer is here, fuck off already
Not usually big on the super robot look but having basically the whole upper chest be a big window is pretty striking.
Just ordered my very first diaclone. I'm very interested in this line. This first figure is mainly so I can see and feel the quality in person, and, I chose it because it gives me massive halo pelican and warthog vibes.

Ordered from BBTS grand total after shipping and tax is $88.07

As someone who's never used bbts before, how'd I do? I saw the same figure posted on a bunch of different sites, and this was easily the cheapest listing by almost $25.
Post toys.
You did pretty good. BBTS's main problem is that they take much longer than everyone else to get stock in, but that doesn't really matter if they already have it in hand when you buy it.

Isn't that a scam site?
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Sounds more or less on target for how long Garuda [Cosmo Marines] has been in circulation. Mandarake's last listed one posted a sale price of 10k yen ($63-ish) and BBTS's cut of the remainder looks like a fair rate for over-the-Pacific freight. For comparison, the Hawk Versaulter in picrel ran me 8700 ($55) out of SAHRA with DHL freight, but ran about 100 grams lighter due to lacking the big turboprops and APC.

Good news is, by picking up a Cosmo Marines suit, you're positioned to snap up any of the Hawk Modular Mode <Orbithopter Unit> Cosmo Marines that shelfwarm at US retailers on account of not coming with a Versaulter frame to mount the Bullet Core and rocket booster pack on.
I do intend to get all the green TM repaints as they mostly match each other. I'm super in to the parts swapping and wanna see what monstrosities I can make when I have a bunch of them.
Well i know what the fuck im buying
Just know that all sets out there are missing a paint app
was it a factory mistake, or was it a visual choice?
Factory mistake, the link posted is a recall/replacement notice but limited to JP.
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What the fuck, this looks amazing. It’s called Realsteel.
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There are 4 more available on eBay for $89 USD, just google “52toys realsteel”

Not sure how limited/expensive it will be when the “main” sale is (since it think the eBay seller slipped it out early), but I jumped on it. Based on other BeastBoxes, the price seems roughly in line with the extra accessories and limited nature.
It's limited and exclusive to Chinese tiktok, sold last month during 5/20 anniversary stream mentioned last thread. What you're seeing are already the scalper goods.
you did alright. The guarda seems like a solid set. well designed bullet core, lots of play features. And the cosmo marine green is probably the most common colorway, so you will have plenty to mix and math if you really fall into the diaclone sinkhole

I'm sure it's fine. BBTS doesnt sell opened/used merch, so its not like it'll be a return. I think the Guarda is still just in stock in a lot of places because it didnt sell super well
I'm just not a fan of all the black diaclone sets because I feel like the black hides all the details in the sculpts.
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Not entirely sure if this is the correct place to ask, but does anyone know if this thing ever came out? I don't think I ever saw even a prototype, just he artwork of both its forms.
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Is it as variation of Robot Build Medusa?
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They do advertise a "dragon" mode.
It may be, given that it's called the Gorgon and looks somewhat similar. Considering how far back I saw those concept images, it's entirely possible the thing was actually reworked into the Medusa itself; I just haven't checked in on the thing in a few years and kinda forgot all about it until a little while ago. Just thought I'd check and see if anyone knew for sure.
is this the new 52Toys thread? Were different thread topics grouped together because the individual threads kept dying?
This thread is nothing new, these have been around for over a decade. Individual toy lines will have their own threads when interest is high, like any other toy, but why have a dozen threads about the same general topic when you can just have one?
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"VERS Altria Pendragon" is a pun that hasn't been able to leave my head for two days. Trying to hang the entire Versaulter frame onto her back has proven weight/port-prohibitive, though, and I think Hawk might not be the best of weapon fits.

Should I pick up an Argo while they're hovering around 5k on Mandy to use just the Modular Mode VLS as a funny backpack/hip pack? Does anyone print adaptors from 3mm peg to recessed 4mm hole so a 1:12 figure can just sit/curl into a Bullet Core slot?
>This thread is nothing new, these have been around for over a decade.
NTA, but I never would have thought to classify Beast Boxes as 'Modular Toys' even though I've known these generals have been around for ages; The fact that these threads were around even when the 52Toys Generals were up further pushed the idea that the two didn't belong together, and there was really no reason to just assume they were being posted here even after the other general disappeared from the catalog. OP's image is the only reason I stumbled in here after spending ages searching the catalog for a new 52Toys General.
Somewhat, 52toys slowed down their releases around September last year which coincided with the implementation of the "2 week autosage" rule, making it a pain to maintain slow threads.

Early BB isn't so much "modular" but the AMTS and Beastdrives series definitely are relevant to this thread. Now BB themselves have 3mm hardpoints all over, detachable wings on pegs and bonus accessories compatible with things here. Then the general died so might as well lump them here.
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>might as well lump them here.
Well, in that case, these guys literally just showed up at my door about an hour ago. haven't had a chance to fiddle with them yet, but I'll be sure to take some pics, especially of Cheetah.
That being said, the one I'm most excited over is Helldiver - he's been a grail of mine ever since he was first announced years ago, but i was never able to track him down until now - the AliExpress store is reissuing him and his armor pack, and they threw in a free storage cube as a bonus.
I got Heatmiser (with their bonus weapons) a little while back, so maybe I'll take some pics of them later as well.
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is $40 for the dragon Dio a fair price or is it going to be reissued?
That's as good as it's going to get - he was made exclusively for the Chinese New Year - the Year of the Dragon, which won't roll around again for another 11 years - and as such won't be reissued. Same with the Gold Dragon Mega Box - Year of the Dragon exclusive goods (and part of the Auspicious Beasts quintet that includes the Azure Dragon, White Tiger, and upcoming Black Tortoise and Vermillion Bird).
>which won't roll around again for another 11 years
I-I can wait!
That's a meme. They just ship from US warehouses, so their base prices are higher but their shipping is a flat rate in the US, and they can take longer to get product in. If you're outside the US they will likely rarely be the cheapest option because you'd be basically paying for the item to get shipped twice.
>they can take longer to get product in
That's my biggest complaint with them. Still waiting on them to get an april preorder in, so i can ship it with the other shit they've been holding for me. I'm about ready to just cancel it already, just to get my other shit already
Finally had a chance to open these guys and mess around a bit.
Helldiver is love, Helldiver is life (actually he's canonically unbridled rage and death, but that's besides the point). I love his transforming Heavy Armor set - If you're familiar with the character lore (and yes, BeastBox actually DOES have a lore and storyline) GhostD09 really went all-out with his upgrades this time around - and apparently won his first and only victory against D10, since the bio for MegaD10 states that he had to be rebuilt from the ground-up after he got completely trashed.
From a technical standpoint, the armor is entirely modular and can be plugged into pretty much any Beastbox's ports; the hook and buzzsaw arms can move around, the tank treads on his back have flip-out cannons , his little radar dish moves around, and there's a port to plug his original gun turret onto for more firepower. The whole set when detached turns into a little rover that can tag along with Helldiver, and can also be attached when he's in box mode.
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The other two sets I got were the Cryomancer/Pyromancer 2-pack and the Cheetah Infinitybox. Cryomancer here uses a similar flame-pattern head tampo and primary gunmetal colors as Helldiver, though the markings on his shin are different; the clear blue looks great in-hand. Otherwise, Cryomancer is just another standard GhostD09 - a cool looking one, but nothing groundbreaking.
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Pyromancer uses the Acidghost headsculpt, and looks freakin' amazing with his black and orange - he can pass as Helldiver's big brother (or as his next upgraded form, given how many upgrades GhostD09 has undergone to one-up his rival D10 since the line has started). The flame effect is the same one that was included with Acidghost (Not the one that was used with Bloodstone and SubZero), and can separate into a bunch of smaller pieces. For those unfamiliar with the MegaD10 mold, the reason Pyromancer and Cryomancer are a 2-pack is because the smaller Cryomancer can be carried around on Pyromancer's back in cube mode, plugging in to he pegs between his rear turrets.
The 2-pack comes with a pair of pretty neat looking Box Chargers - they're bronze with the same 'lava crackle' deco that's on Pyromancer's and Cryomancer's thighs plastered across the front; these are the new boxes with the mini ports all over them, so you can plug Pyromancer's flame effect to the box when he's stored inside. The set also includes a third collapsable 'mini box' for use with Cryomancer - normally D10/GhostD09 is too small to fit in a Box Charger (they were created before the storage boxes were a thing), but sticking Cryomancer in the collapsable box first makes him large enough to snugly plug into the bigger boxes. On that note, Helldiver is also technically too small to fit in the freebie box I got for ordering him directly from 52Toys' shop on AliExpress, but attaching his armor in cube mode bulks him up to just the right size.
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Next up is the one you guys are most likely actually interested in - Cheetah. First thing's first, this is only half of what you need for the combined robot - the other half, Gazelle, hasn't been released yet. You CAN make a robot by combining two Cheetahs (more on that in a bit), but not the exact one from the pictures.
Anyway, Cheetah is LONG - it's easily the biggest Box I have in my collection, and that's including the other two AMTS ones (Landbreaker Elite and Deep One Elite) I own. It looks pretty cool and has some nice tampos all over it; its six wheels roll along nicely (assuming you have everything lined up correctly), and it comes with a little driver. On the note of the little guy, I'm actually fairly impressed at his articulation - he's a bit shorter than a HeadMaster/TitanMaster/PrimeMaster from Transformers (coming up to about where the screw-hole in their chest tends to be, which incidentally means he's about hte correct scale for interacting with those particular figures in alt mode), yet they managed to give him an ab crunch, moving arms and legs (which are separate rather than a single piece), and bending knees (no elbows or rotating head, sadly). he fits in cheetah's driver's seat when its transformed correctly (the head is supposed to pull back and sit in the notch on the hump as seen in pic related, rather than tucking inside the driver's seat the way he was packaged to fit in the box).
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I apologize in advance for the blurriness of the shot, but I'm not in the mood to retake the pic.
Anyway, as stated, thsi guy is only half of the big robot that's advertised. There's actually four combined modes - HERMES, where Cheetah makes up the upper torso as seen in pic related, MERCURY, where it instead turns into the legs and Gazelle gets to be on top, and two unnamed configurations listed in the instructions as '??' - one that looks like a Macross Valkyrie in GERWALK mode, where Cheetah makes up the upper jet half and Gazelle becomes the legs, while the other looks like some sort of super car/tank thing.
Articulation is a bit iffy here - all of Cheetah's joints are very tight, so I was apprehensive about all the bending and rotating needed to scrunch the long car up into a compact torso, and the arms still make unnerving squeaks as you bend and move them. Range of motion is still pretty decent, and he can hold things in his hands, but this doesn't strike me as something you want to be constantly fiddling with.
The actual transformation looks fairly complex at first, but it's not as bad as it seems - most of the actual transforming is in the arms. The driver's seat remains open in this mode, so you can leave the pilot inside throughout the whole transformation.
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Cheetah's alternate transformation as MERCURY's lower torso. It's not too different from the upper torso mode - basically, Cheetah does a handstand and its skirt armor/wheels fold onto the back while a peg flips out as a connector for Gazelle - but it's a bit back-heavy. The picture of hte combined MERCURY shows that the upepr torso is supposed to hunch over, so I imagine all the weight in Cheeta's backside in this mode is arranged as such to offset the front-heavy Gazelle's torso, but as-is the legs don't like to stand on their own very well. While I only have one Cheetah and can't actually confirm it, I imagine you should be able to combine two Cheetahs to make a full robot, though I can't guarantee it'll stnad very well due to the way the weight is distributed.
Also, since this and Box mode are the two modes where the robot head is intended to tuck into the driver's seat, it means the pilot has nowhere to sit in this configuration.
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Box mode looks pretty cool, but again - most of the transformation is in the arms, while the rest just pretty much replicates the torso-mode configuration. It's a little finnicky to get the things to line up just right, and again - not too fond of how tight the joints are (which is probably why the thing comes with a baggy of extra joints, just in case you snap one or two) - but still makes for a satisfying cube more when done. Again, no room for the pilot, but you can still squeeze him into the Box Charger with the cube if you're determined enough. Forgot to mention - in addition to transforming normally, Cheetah is designed to come apart into multiple chunks, meaning you can reconfigure its limbs or atach its bits to other things, especially if you use the included bag of extra joints and connectors.
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All four boxes with all four 'bots neatly tucked away. I always love the little bio cards that come with these things, and hte artwork for Pyromancer, Cryomancer and helldiver is pretty cool-looking; shame that Cheetah doesn't include one (but none of the AMTS MegaBoxes do). I've mentioned it in the 52Toys Generals before, but it would be fun to one day make an archive of all the BeastBox character bios - though that's a project that woudl require a lot of cooperation from people that have a lot more of these things than I do, including the exclusives.
Anyway, that's all that I got; sorry for the spam - I used to dump these reviews in the old General when it was slow, and I'm not sure how it'll be received here.
how long does bbts take to ship?
Depends on where you are and if the item is currently in stock. It takes them a lot longer to actually get the stuff they're selling, but if it's in their inventory and they've already sent you the email that it's shipping out, it should only take a few days - usually 5-6.
I need more Acerby.
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Shit forgot my image.
I built the blue one, the lack of weapon storage is irritating. I keep seeing her as a stealthy solid snake esque character.
her forehead protector does kinda recall Snake's bandana
Honestly I don't like the blue one as much as the other two, it's too plain on its own that's why I put option parts on it.
Yeah if it's a "pre-order" it means they're waiting to get it in stock and that could be damn near any time, but if they have it in stock and you're in the US it should be pretty swift.
>Bbts is just so wholesome you guys

Holy Fucking shit here are retards who still use that faggot ass scam site.
>scam site
you're not going to force this meme
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BFB's Frame Arms-like offering.
How long will it take for Diaclone to release a cosmo marines version of the TM-29 jet?
That's so cool what's the name?
52toys finally posting pictures instead of tiktok slideshows.
What is MechaMax on amazon? Is it bootleg stuff? Or just a reseller?
op says the new pig and owl decos might be exclusive to Chimelong Zoo's physical shops
That first one is giving me some serious MGR:R Blade Wolf vibes - it looks pretty close to his original prototype appearance.
the wolf is some unrelated thing by a different company.
You can also look at Robotkingdom, from what I remember they have some past releases that are still decently priced, and they also get quite a bit of new stock in.
NTA, but i've used robot kingdom before, and they're a pretty decent site. I would just add that they do sometimes have a couple items that are marked up or straight out scalped, so you should double check the prices
Yeah true enough, but I also managed to score the big waruder set from them a year after it released, and in retail price too.
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This thing is too cool not to show off.
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Normally, I have no issue with just keeping my BB's on my desktop, but I'm honestly a little hesitant to take him out of his packaging.
Is bbts's pile of loot feature worth it, or is it better to just wait and order a bunch of things at once?
As long as you can be patient, there's no reason NOT to use it. It's not like it costs money to use or anything. You can buy a toy, store it in there, then after 90 days, if you have bought other things, they can all ship together for $4. If you haven't, no harm no foul, you just get your original toy 90 days late. Hence the patience I mentioned.

The other benefit to this system is, let's say you preordered something, and reviews show that it's a bad toy. You can ask BBTS to take it out of your pile of loot, and they will issue you store credit for it. It's a nice way to be able to preorder shit, but still get out of it if things turn bad at the last second.
I just can’t allow myself to buy this mold with the lack of sideways articulation in the body. The color scheme is great though. I hope to see a dragon 2.0 one day.
>is it better to just wait and order a bunch of things at once
Not always an option when it comes to things that sell out on preorder. Pile of loot is pretty handy tho, but it's not exactly a game changer. might save you 4 or 8 bucks sometimes. it's kinda like combining items into a monthly order like Ami and HLJ do, except you can do up to 3 months at a time
So as I'm watching the shipping updates, I look at the locations, and I genuinely wonder if it's on a truck thats driving route 66. From minnesota to new mexico, its been stopping at tiny towns that don't have airports or any big warehouses, so I wonder if its on a sleeper cab truck, and the dude is just taking the scenic route.
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I was thinking about buying Hurrican as my second Beast Box but it seems expensive. Is this guy worth it?
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Yeah it's alright if you like how it looks. Not much problems with the build but one complaint I have is that the front mandible parts tend to pop off when you move the arms.

Other more subjective complaints I've heard is how the tubes and their white holder parts are partsformed, the inchmen integration feeling like an afterthought and how there's no storage box for it yet.
It's expensive because it's a significantly larger box/figure than usual. The recently announced camel is also a larger box, and is also a higher price.
Pretty sensible color scheme, all things considered. Too bad it’s on the old puppet frame.
I presume reseller. They're all over the Diaclone listings; none of it for stuff with KOs in circulation (Gamma Versaulter, Tread V1, Waruder Suits, oldschool Powered/Maneuver Suits) or pending prints (supposedly Dark Cathode clones of Evolved Grappler are taking solicitations on AliExpress for November delivery). Seems to be Asia-fulfilled TT stock with all the delays implied in shipping it out SpeedPAK despite charging you what'd be a DHL rate out of Japan.
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These things are cool. I just keep fiddling with it, trying to find more combinations.
comes with 3 inchmen. I know 52Toys inchmen are not as well designed as official dianatuts. but don't underestimate the little dudes
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My attempt at a submarine.
I do have one complaint about the dianaughts, their heads pop off way too easily, and because they're so small, if you don't catch it before it hits the floor, you'll never find it.
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The two on the right give me heavy halo vibes. Clearly there was some inspiration taken.
>razor blade
>the way the 2 right dianaghts are posed
always good to see a woman joining the hobby
Your jealousy is transparent and immature.
Wish that was the case but Halo is unfortunately not that big over in Japan. Halo's initial designer is an anime fan, so it's more likely that both UNSC and Diaclone's Cosmo Marines share a common inspiration.
What's in the hatch?
Fifty Seven keeps releasing stuff that should be cool as hell in theory, but they keep whiffing it at the very last second with a bad design element or poor color choices. Actually, the latter is a huge problem with the line in general. They legitimately should hire someone to just come up with color schemes for them, because most of them blow.
This anon >>11042772 here, pretty much exactly why I made that post. It’s a surprisingly decent color scheme for that knight, which is an oddity in this line. I’m surprised the police release is even appropriate.
>Oh, it’s a fish mech, aquatic in nature, easy color scheme
>Proceeds to give it the ugliest green, brown, and white colors
>A panda bear mech? Yeah, we’re thinking red and black armor.

But this, is just such a bummer. It’s such a straightforward concept that is completely botched by this stupid fucking choice of colors. Also looking at the feet, it seems like this thing might have the same weak ankle issue as the shark mech. I was looking forward to this, such a shame.
What is the transparent cutaway supposed to be showing us? I don't get it.
Probably a hardpoint for a back-mounted weapon
I think they showed earlier concept renders of the back opening up for a little cockpit in the shell
It’s likely similar to the fossil mech due to the overall construction being mechanical. Which means it will likely have a cockpit for a little turtle.
maybe they really want us to get into painting
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It's obvious they are using the 4 divine beast color code for the turtle
This has not once happened to me on any of my Dianauts.
I literally was just trying to rotate the head slightly, and the little ball and socket just popped apart. It goes together just as easily, and there's no change in the friction, but it does make me worry about losing parts this tiny.
wtf are you talking about? there are thousands of different artistic interpretations of the 4 divine beasts, and there is no unified color scheme among them. and even if there were, there is no reason to make it this ugly.

Look at Beastbox, they're doing the divine beasts too and theirs aren't ugly.
What's wrong the dark brown? I think it looks alright unlike the bear's initial red.

3 out of 4 Celestial Beasts have literal colors in their names (Green Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger). Xuan Wu doesn't but it's often depicted as a Black Tortoise.
It's just really dull overall. This isn't an isolated incident. most of their shit is like this. They pick ugly ass colors, often desaturate the hell out of them too. Their sculpts are not bad, they just cannot pick nice colors to save their lives.

As for the second part of your post,
>and even if there were, there is no reason to make it this ugly.
To give you an example, "green" encompasses over 300 identifiable shades, and our eyes are capable of perceiving even more. There are so many different ways to represent a given color scheme, and they chose ugly ones most of the time.
Red on the Bear was too bright, now this dark brown is too dull? Sounds like you're nitpicking, anon.
This is why I took care to try to say stuff like "most of," because I acknowledge that the dullness problem does not apply to the entire line. In fact, I also feel like they sometimes oversaturate things as well. The shark for example was very garish. Ultimately my point is not that their colors are too dull or bright, but that they tend to make a lot of bad color-based decisions in one way or another.

It wasn't this bad before, early on in the line they had some great color picks like the original puppets, ninjas, etc. As the line went on I just noticed that the color picks were getting worse and worse.
In contrast to that anon’s argument, I just think both color schemes are bad.
Based on previous Manhunter designs, probably a cute tiny turtle
>the panda
Normally, I don't like it when Chinese companies get self-indulgent and nationalistic, but the panda design would have been much better if they went with a brighter red plus gold accents
next Ex Core set? neat, but i'm more interested in what they do now that the core sets are caught up with the TM sets. they will have to come up with some new way to not make robots
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C-Grasper palette frames. Make everyone scramble to backfill the last preorder slots of Wacky Wibbly Worker Core and/or exhaust Verscheddar-03 reseller listings.
Wait, what is this? I don't remember a black Ricochet repaint being announced, nor do I see it on AmiAmi, HLJ, BBTS, or any of the other usual places, yet he's popping up on AliExpress right now (though not through 52Toys' official store). Was he some sort of exclusive? I like the colors a lot better than any of the previous Ricochet mold's so far.
Check >>11031562 >>11031557 >>11031550
I guess it was an anniversary exclusive
>$89 USD on eBay
Damn, guess I was right to jump on the one I saw on AliExpress for $55 - the thing isn't going to get any cheaper than that.
On a diaclone set I have a single attachment peg that's slightly too loose. What could I put on it that would make it ever so slightly thicker so it holds better? I'm thinking I could use a toothpick to brush on a tiny coating of cement...
water based acrylic or polyurethane coats, same thing you tighten ball joints with
Styrene or ABS cement melts the plastic and not all of them have filler added, avoid.
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Flying cheetah
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like that other anon said,a bit of acrylic clear coat paint/nail polish generally works. if you just plan on displaying it, you could probably also just use a dab of nontoxic glue, like good old elmers. doesn't really stick well enough for a permanent hold, and it shrinks as it dries, so it should come off easily whenever you want
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Does it do Striker Packs?
got free chinese dragon keychain buying two things from 52toys aliexpress store, very cool
I just had a thought for anyone interested in table top games. Diaclone is within the correct scale for the game Gaslands, which is a table top mad max kind of game, and I really thing some of the smaller vehicles would technically be legal for play.
Never heard of Gaslands before, but after looking into it, I kinda agree that some of the <D> Vehicle sets like the armored cars or dune buggy would probably be perfect. Not only the vehicles, but the boxes and side panels would make great terrain obstacles. Might be a bit overpriced just to use them as /ttg/ pieces. But if you already have them, you might as well get some more use out of them
I don’t understand the question
Got my Beastbox Kirin. Pretty cool
but ... do they not come with trading cards anymore?
Mythic Beasts were under Megabox and now Infinitybox, they never had character cards unlike BBs.
I've got the book for Gaslands coming in the mail soon, so I'll let you know when it gets here anon. I've heard the game's scale is generally pretty loose too, you just have to scale everything (terrain and table size) to match. Some people apparently play it with RC cars in their back yards.
ohhh okay. a shame, but glad i'm not missing anything. this fucker is gorgeous. it doesn't even have any of the usual "well it has to fold into a cube" compromises in anatomy. literally only thing is the primary 'wing' flames having a big obvious hinge through them, and being able to hyperflex
what's wrong with a black turtle? It's Genbu.
it's blue dragon, but yeah
i mean asian languages don't distinguish between blue and green
Japanese uses 青 for blue and green but in Chinese 青 is firmly green.
If you're asking if it comes with a sticker sheet, 52T boxes are generally all paint apps, no stickers.

I've always wanted to find a super modular robot toy like diaclone that could also be used for a ttg, but haven't really found anything for it. But I just was playing with this little warthog jeep thing and was like pew pew and then it just clicked- "oh yeah, gaslands". There are some rulesets online that exist for using 1/144 gundam figures in a one on one or squad based battle game, but not really what I'm looking for either.

I wish I was smart enough to do all that math stuff, because I would love to make a ttwg that actually used posible figures and you could pose your figure, kneeling, prone, standing, for different effects like better cover or some weapons are better for different poses. But I also know if you make a game too complicated, it takes forever for anything to happen. The reason warhammer is popular is because its really simple, roll dice to hit or miss, then roll to see how much damage is done.
The idea of gaslands is you buy the book, then kitbash hotwheels, and build vehicles within the points limit of the games, and you build a little army with X amount of points, then there are a few different game modes, but basically you draw out a race track on a table with some obstacles and its basically a death race / mad max sorta thing.
You should check out Gamma Wolves. It's a miniature agnostic mecha wargame. The rules are anything super special, but they're functional & decently balanced.
You could slap pretty much any mech figure/model/mini on a base and use it so long as everyone playing is using the same general base sizes. I've seen people play it with gunpla before.
aren't anything super special*

>ttwg that actually used posible figures and you could pose your figure, kneeling, prone, standing, for different effects like better cover or some weapons are better for different poses
That would be neat, but also would filter the majority of ttwg fans cuz they like to customize and paint their dudes, and doing that to a posable figure is a lot more complicated than a static one.
that's what I gathered. seems kinda interesting. kinda tempted to order a rule book myself. It's just too bad there are no car-type waruder units. might be pretty fun to play Diaclone vs waruder games

>pose your figure, kneeling, prone, standing, for different effects like better cover or some weapons are better for different poses
yeah, that seems like way too much. if it was me, I'd probably just try a variation of Mageknight rules, with different terrain types and abilities that affect movement and attacks. just gotta figure out how to use points to buy stats and abilities, and stick your units on bases. you can re-pose them for fun if you want. but it'd be more about positioning and strategy
>they like to customize and paint their dudes
I mean, that's also a huge part of the gunpla hobby, so they arent entirely incompatible
Absolutely, just pretty different approaches. There's definitely some crossover having done both but there's some things that you can't get away with on an articulated model as easily.
You will have to improvise one out of parts.
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The Kirins are awesome - I have all three - the standard green (not in the pic), the limited black one, and the even harder to find Tianma.
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Of the three, Tianma's my favorite - she's just gorgeous!
>People buying the armor set just for 1 part.
lol, it's kinda funny. almost no one uses the shoulder stickers that come with TMs. but they will buy an entire extra armor set just for a s9ngle epaulet
Diaclone official has this empty banner for the past few days, leading to the following url
ehh, the URL spells it out. it's just the EX core set 3 that they teased before. >>11045553
some one probably just fucked up by updating the home page before they were superposed to.
Seems like they are indeed exclusive to physical shops in Chimelong Zoos. There are already scalper listings on Xianyu and Taobao, and the taobao ones are quite reasonable at 135 138RMB each.
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What OP pic should we use for the next Modular Road-vehicles General thread?
Got the book in today. What kind of vehicles are you looking at using? Vehicle types come in 2 categories and they are pretty broad groupings so I think you can make just about anything work.
Performance Car
Heavy Truck

Drag Racer
Bike (+ variant w/ Sidecar)
Ice Cream Truck
Monster Truck
War Rig
new thread >>11055047
neat, I didn't know they also used bikes and helicopters. seems like you could definitely make some interesting diaclone teams for gaslands

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