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Where can I get a Raven figure that looks like her GO design or her 2003 design hooded?
When Go first came out, I believe there was a figure made of her. But this was 7 years ago before Romneybot murdered Toys R Us. I have a Starfire from that line and you're not missing much.
Ideally I’d want a Nendoroid type thing but I can’t find one other than old cheap stuff that is now overpriced
Did you fuckin google it man? Why do people do absolutely nothing on their own when it would take 15 seconds for a google search and want people here to give them all the info instead?
Bandai's old 3.5" line had the initial Raven figure, a white repaint, and then an updated sculpt one towards the end of that line. Jazwares also made a 'GO' 4-5" figure in the chibi style like the show, plus a static 2" figure in a multi pack as well.
Forgot to add Jazwares also had a 3" Raven with basic articulation from a two pack with Trigon.
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I had this one as a kid along with all the Titans and some of the villains. They weren't great even back in the day, but they were all we had. Too bad McFarlane dropped the line after just Cyborg or we could've had the complete team by now.
Yeah I saw that one, I would prefer her eyes to be shadowed
OP, how hard is it to google "Teen Titans Go Raven figure"??

I agree with this anon >>11024486 Don't be a lazy ass.
She cute
She looks retarded and I hate that her eyes aren’t shadowed
I'm so happy that Bandai of America is dead

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