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toyphotography! post toys! professional, casual, outdoor, desk, diorama, handshot, i dont care. keep the thread alive and comment on stuff u like
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Sure, I’ll post some silly little photos.
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keep going champ
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handposing isnt allowed
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Which one, anon?
I choose FemRanma in the back there.
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haven't taken a toy pic in a few months, might invest in a lightbox just to be a little more professional about it
Catwoman, always !
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i don't know much about photo editing, but what could i have done better with this? all i've really done was adjust the colors a bit so it's not as washed as the original
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with this being the original
Compositionally speaking, there's nothing on the right side to balance it and all the weight is on the left.
>mfw I prefer the original
Edited one looks too yellow.
even if it's paler? i may have gone a bit overboard with the yellow, now that i'm actually looking at them side by side

should i crop it? i wanted to get the bay in the shot too
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Happyness in a single photo
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What a cute family, anon.
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SHF Indy just came in, and he lives up to the hype pretty well.
Try editing out the Crapcum slop, then you've got a nice landscape shot.
I kinda like the washed midday sun look, warming it up would look better if it was taken closer to sunset and the environment reflected that.
>even if it's paler?
Yeh. Gives it a vintage, wistful look.
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Here's what I would have done. Crop a bit on the right (the figure get's lost, the photo is to wide) and just make the colors more dramatic, not more colorful
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There, perfectly balanced with a nautical toy.
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I made it warmer and lowered the contrast on the background to increase the emphasis on Ryu.
It's all personal preference but I like these the most.
Where did you get the gun?
[spoiler]Dick's arm broke in transit, thus the rubber-band, it's been easily fixed with poster tack.[/spoiler]
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ill definitely keep those in mind, thanks for the input

damn, these look great!
Tremors Graboids, very nice.
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Forgot the boat's shadow. But that's great.
Nice job, arcadeanon.
Minor nitpick, there's four payers on screen but only two sticks.
That would make for a great alternate universe Jon Stewart.
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you will never be a female custode
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3d printed+ painted by hand, i downloaded the fil from THEPRINT3D-BOY on cults3d, its a free File.
i had megumin a long time ago and since i get the Doom Slayer i had this Idea on my mind, hope you like it.
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Where the hell did you get those Graboids? I would kill for an adult 1/12 Graboid.
Gashapons from tomy. Called the graboid collection. Got them a year or so ago from Rakuten.
I often wonder what kinda North American content is popular in Asia.
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Got a new re-ment set so I can be the grown ass adult equivalent of a little girl playing tea parties
Spongebob is pretty popular, I think.
Disney in generally is extremely popular. Especially Donald Duck. No real language barrier I guess.
weird question maybe, but any suggestions on how to filter/photoshop/post produce a toyphoto with color correction into a more manga / kishimoto styled look without it looking cheap?
For black and white stuff
Desaturate -100
Filter Gallery -> Halftone Pattern Filter
Size: 1
Contrast: 0
Pattern Type: Dot
Add another effect layer and select Poster Edges
Edge Thickness: 10
Edge intensity: 10
Posterization: 5
Desaturate Again -100
Brightness +150

May need to fiddle around with those settings or tweak the levels.
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There's a number of free shareware or free ware photo programs, try those before you try to download a cracked serial number version of something that could potentially have malware on it. Make sure you download your programs from a safe site - CNET has a good search engine for that: https://download.cnet.com/

And really, just play around with it. Make sure you DUPLICATE your RAW image file and work from the dupes.
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I always enjoy mixed IP shots like these.
Do you use a tripod?
I like those little dudes. What are they?
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Call of Duty by Mega Construx. or Mega Bloks. Unfortunately the line was cancelled in 2023, but they ran since 2013, so there's hundreds of sets and they can be cheap. Here's a size comparison, the larger figure is 6 inch.
Thank you kindly.
NtA, but if you're a Burgerlander, you can check Dollar Generals for small figure sets.
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A few additions to the squad
Just a quick desktop pic cause i cant be fucked to pose and check composition and shit
excelent taste anon, love the power armor people killing space horror alien creatures trope
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I mean you can tell but it's still pretty good.

I need henchmen, not army soldiers like anon uses >>11029613 >>11029638, but stores like Big Lots are great for finding a bunch of these (inexpensively) for crowd/army shots.

I've been trying to score vehicles that might work for 6 and 7 inch figures but finally scored the ML Cap with motorcycle and Peggy two pack at a really decent secondary market price (under $30 + tax) but I still want some other things, like a jeep, and a taxi cab, etc.

It's also worth checking if you ever want stuff like plants or animals. Also >>11029650
I would suggest GIMP, since its free, and messing around with waterpixels, canvas, newsprint, and other smilar filters until you get something you like. It most likely won't look drawn but you can get it pretty close to looking like something out of a comicbook or a photo on older newspaper. As its already been said, make a duplicate layer to mess with so you don't mess up the original. You can also make a new layer everytime you filter it so you can go back and forth on which layers screwed what up.
holy shit, what are these octoroks from?
Sakura looks like she’s about to start stranglin’
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Its called Octorock Popper. Gamestop sold them a few years ago, you might find some on ebay

now that you say it, a different faceplate might have helped
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What's that motorcycle that Eddie's riding?
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NTA - but I like wide shots - it depends on what you use an image for.

Some of the people who do toy photography might do one thing for a site like this, with the limits and layout it has, and something else for something like discord or another site that has PHP type forum and something totally different for say Instagram or twitter.
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That Matt might make a good Clark Kent with the proper head swap! I should check what he prices out at on the secondary market.
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Can someone post that Jack Kirby beating the crap out of Stan Lee? I like it.
Tighter crop. There's too much blank space on the left.
I always love pictures of toys playing with toys.
Amateur toy photography forum sounds fun, but elitists would probably slowly ruin it.
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Yes, it’s a same VA joke.
Yep, I bought some wood tables made of like balsa wood that are unpainted and looked like pine when 99 Cents Only was having their going out of business sale. But I want to either make or find some chairs to go with them.

But it gave me loads of other ideas to make little cafe scenes or dinner table scenes, etc.

I'm only familiar of the comment (forum type) that go with one of the custom figure sites I like, but I know they exist, I just have never gone to one other than grabbing pictures from the web for ideas/reference, etc.

It would be cool if we had a regular thread like this as an ongoing general - even with all the idiots who make shitty comments about people not knowing how to pose their figures - or even worse, their 'shit taste' in toys they buy. No idea what to do about those since it's an anonymous board and the janitors suck.
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Yeah, I think we should just keep it up as a general. Kinda like the Thread About Toys, cause I haven’t seen that OP in a while and I miss those threads. Be good to have a general where anons can just take amateur pictures and talk about stuff related to it like camera settings, photoshopping, props and effects etc.
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I'm completely fine with /toy/ as it is. These threads are my favorite place to talk and post toys, rather than acba on facebook or these scummy hashtag & follow for follow fags on insta. /toy/ is unapologetic and honest and its also not about likes or whatever. the only thing breaking my heart here is to witness how this is slowly dying over the years. toyphoto threads here have been the reason i started this hobby in the first place. i remember banners from perv face woody on other boards that made me check this board out. ugh i'm getting nostalgic man
If we had some better moderation, this would still be a great board and get popular again, I think. As it is, trolls and schizos are an issue that drives people away.
I want some more older users to come back, and I think there are a good few decent newer toy collectors who might enjoy posting here, sure. Plenty of people don’t like plebbit and ig for toyposting, especially since ig degrades images and has a popular poster with followers format and reddit is almost 100% DBZ posting.
Wicked pose dude, looks straight off a comic book cover.
Yep - that was my idea. The last Toys About Threads was good because the Video Arcade anon was nice enough to post photos and others did as well, plus he provided PDF files for people to make their own video game machines like >>11027378

I'm not complaining about /toys, I keep hearing it was better - last holiday was the first time I started coming here regularly. But I skim a lot due to some of what anon >>11033244 here is saying and fully agree with me that - for the boards I did use to visit regularly years ago, the moderation and participation was better.

I don't even waste time with IG since they made it so that non-registered users can barely look at a handful of posts without having an account. Plus I have so many javascript blocks, pop-up blockers and Ublock that if I go to a page, most of the embedded social posts appear as blank areas on the webpages. I'm not going to take off those guard rails just to look at someone's social media posts.
Hey, how can I do fancy lighting on the cheap? Something like a really budget Lume Cube?
Cheap ring lights are always useful.
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I think there’s an anon who posts a lot who uses LED lights and diffuses with tissue paper? That always looks nice. I also need to get off my ass and get some lights.
You can get something like a knockoff Lume Cube for like $20.
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This was several months ago, I took Rimuru Azone 1/6 to the local conservatory and botanical gardens. I'd like to go back.
I'd be too embarrassed to take pictures in public. Props for that.
He’s surpassed shame, we can only wish to ascend too.
I try to do it more often so I can shed my embarrassment. Hardly any shame about it. There's a garden near me that an older woman whose lonely, mentioned I'm allowed to take pictures in there as well. She's decorated like a kind anons grandma. I'm going to try to go more often, maybe leave her hand written notes of thanks each time.
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That’s so cute, anon. I guess she likes having a friendly autist around. I’ll bring a figure next time I go to the botanical gardens near me.
I love that you asked for her permission.
Look into what you can get at IKEA. They make stuff for cabinets and book shelves. Once you find something you like and can use, see if you can get it second hand on Next Door or Craigslist, etc.

I scored all my book cases/shelving units that way. They weren't free but they were dirt cheap. I paid more for the moving van to go and get them than I did for the three units I ended up with, plus a free credenza for dragging it away.
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Fujiko. She'll betray you and steal all your stuff, but she's got that expert back arch, so 11/10.
Shut up, retard.
Love this Luffy
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Lillie beneath a lily.
That's adorable.
Bendy wire like Jada Dhalsim?
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Nice. Is that a model kit? How tall is it?
Based sylvanianposter
He's a fun one to carry around
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Sing along with Kermit, now.
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They’re perfect to take on little adventures.
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Any wide LED brick with a tissue paper rubber banded around it will work >>11033334
That's me! I have both lumecubes and dollar store lights and use them interchangeably.

I haven't had much time this year, but I can repost some old stuff.
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I love these little dioramas and setups you do, anon.
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Thanks! I've got a tactical set, a witch set and a mecha hanger ready to go, but it's so much work keeping everything tidy and organized and takes up so much space :c I've got the fixings for a hospital/clinic diorama but just don't have the space to leave it set up.
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And I love your photo, recreating memes/poses is kino.
Very nice - lots of great accessories really help to sell this.
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and yeah this was aiming to try to give the impression like the unmasked heads were schooped in but they weren't
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Got the newest wave of Cosmic Legions over the weekend and I'm slowly opening them up, started with the red pilot, gave him a spare head and gave his extra blue alien head to another figure.
I really need to get me a Kermit
>Thread About Toys, cause I haven’t seen that OP in a while and I miss those threads.
I wondered where that was, I haven't been around for a couple months, sad to see it died, hope the OP is okay.
What is that, a Diamond Select?
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>Video Arcade anon was nice enough to post photos and others did as well, plus he provided PDF files for people to make their own video game machines like >>11027378
Halfway to my goal of 20 arcade cabinets. I am almost tempted to see if ollies has any left since I have enough room for another 3-5 of them.

The new cabinets, x-men and graboids are on in the drive, 10 cabinets on available at the moment
I love that you actually have the Jamiroquai guy.
My middle kid got me him for father's day. They knew I wanted him but didn't want to pay 100 for him so they got him for me. It was a very sweet gesture.

If we are hanging out and having a few beers I always end up putting on the virtual insanity video. My kids hated it at first but ended up loving the song.
I wasn't a fan, but I'd be a liar if age and nostalgia hasn't softened my stance. He a good figure? I've got the Wembly Freddy Mercury and Hide, and musicians are something I wish Bandai would do more often.
He's mostly fine, his left leg likes to pop off. But it goes right back on easily, it's not loose or anything so i don't really have any complaints other than that. I like the way his hat comes off and i am wondering if i can put it on other figures for a fun pic.

I am kicking myself for not getting a freddy mercury. I may check him out and see what the aftermarket looks like on him. Wouldn't mind the micheal jackson smooth criminal either, not sure if he's figma or figuarts
are these those shoeboxes you can find on amazon?
Or are they something else?
It looks like they're two stacks in one. Can the middle shelf be removed?

I was planning on buying those, but decided not to after laying out real shoeboxes to get an idea of how things would fit in them. Too cramped, which your image confirms.

Great idea, but they should be longer and deeper. Buildable/stackable bookcases like barrister bookcases, but cheaper and transparent.
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They are multi purpose acrylic boxes with a magnetic door.

each shelf has 3 of them and yes the middle component is removable.
They could be deeper, but i bought the boxes before i bought the metal shelf.
they aren't perfect but they keep the dust off my figures and since i have dogs i have to constantly fight the dust and hair they bring
They can fit 4-6 rows of figures depending on how crammed you want to get but it does get hard to see the ones in the back as you can see.
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Definitely a lot of wasted space on larger figures but you can get creative with stands and you can get more out of the space. I plan to do another one of these shelve set ups with my masters of the universe collection and i am going to try putting them on their sides and maybe getting/printing some risers
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smooth criminal is figuarts and thriller is figma
I'm also regretting not getting either of the two freddies
They look good together.
I see a few Freddies on mandarake at the moment
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It is! He comes with Miss Piggy and Robin and a bunch of accessories. I’m probably looking to get Waldorf and Stadler next since they come with their booth.
You do need him. Though thr paint job is fairly sloppy, one arm on mine is loose and they painted the head hinge into place, but he’s probably the best we’ll get for Kermit action figures. He manages to balance and stand on his own though, which is a feat with those spindly legs.
We just had one less than 4-6 weeks ago?

Very cool.
I love the sofas and the entire square up there reserved, like it's some green room for the better arcade players to hide from their adoring fans. And Garfield just sits up there wait for lasagna.
glad its dead
I've got the Bunsen & Beaker two pack. Pretty neat figures, though the range on Beaker's arms isn't great. Lot of neat science accessories and a table.
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The Swedish Chef is pretty great if you want to make a kitchen scene.
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How's the transition, Tad?
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Oh yeah, definitely gotta get the chef. Always kicked myself for not picking up the Palisades set at the time.
I'm not preparing for a transition, Krissy. I know you really want your Orange Jesus to win for a third time (and I'm sure you and will will screech that he did), but I see no reason to prepare for a transition that won't ever happen.
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Why the fuck do you 50 mcu spideys
It’s Zendaya, she posts here.
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That's a awesome set
What am I looking at?
"Sphexxian Mine Worker" from Cosmic Legions
That's pretty neat, share a few more pics i'd like to see him from a few angles please
Let me guess, you also watch the weekly streams?
Sorry anon I do not know what you are referring to. I just thought the figure looked neat and wanted to get a better look at him.
I don't follow much of the 4 horsemen's lines these days. I am aware of them and i do have some of their work waaay back on the motu 200x line but that is about it.
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Sure I'll take some in a bit, I have a full body picture too I can post for now
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All that cost me probably less than $200. If you can't afford to spend that kind of money on a nice dinner or a night out or one night vacation, I feel for you son. I do all that plus buy some stuff I like.

I'm actually selling a few of those and will probably end up making some of my costs back; some of the heads are literally extra heads; I also ended up with extra figures and wanted to see what heads might work - most don't but I still thought it was funny.

If you can't find anything funny, then again, son, I feel bad for you not being able to get any pleasure from life.
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Posed are pretty crappy but here you go
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Hands in the air like he just doesn't care
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Here's what the back looks like
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And here it is with the other two bugs from the line.
It comes with wings too, which look pretty nice, as well as a closed mouth head, but I like the look it has now.
These guys look cool. I love stylish and unique monster toys.
Is there any company that puts out generic stuff like Cosmic Legions but for cheaper?
that's mainly why I've been into cosmic legions despite being meh on the mythic line, it's largely just cool alien monsters and I dig that kinda stuff
You can find a lot of good random alien toys in 90 toylines, like the Men in Black, Independence Day and Star Wars lines, but articulation is going to vary.
thanks for the look, they look like a fun group of fellas
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Bruh, I gotta strong hankering for lasagna
I mean, if you aren't particular or specific, there's always hitting stores when they have the deep sales (or hitting a Ross/Big Lots/Ollie's type store.

I've been needing to hit one of the larger Targets for some of their house brand large (50+) boxes of fruit snacks for my sister's kids - and I was in a different part of the county than normal while running around today - so I grabbed what I needed and still looked at the toy aisles anyways and loads of different merch - from Lego to SW to what MLs or wrestling they had was 30% off.

I only buy specific stuff so nothing in my wheelhouse that I wanted was on sale. But someone who just wanted SOMEthing could find some stuff at good prices.

I think if I just wanted some basic generic army builder type characters, someplace like Big Lots would be ideal.
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Wish Miles luck at his new mascot-walking job. I was going to do a dog walking thing then realised I only had two dogs. Bond is kinda underrated, honestly, he even has articulation for his silly little mouth.
I read it in his voice. 10/10
Needs some roller skates
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Neat, I didn’t know you could get these for figures.
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DBZ SHF need more funny meme faces plates.
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Some stuff is harder than others, especially if you want to really match up with say a comic book, like sun glasses, or a particular motorcycle. And some stuff is sadly over-priced. I'm still trying to find a pair of red plastic boots to complete a soft goods 12 inch (not a Mafex, something different) that I ended up with as part of an auction lot and all I find is something for Mafex's so of course they are like $20-30 a piece, or hard to find.
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Shut up, retard.
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>print this
>mount on a stick
>take photo of action figure hammering it into the ground
>Sorry, spend all spare money on toys so don't have any for a printer....
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No unregulated fun, anons.

All my fun is highly regimented and regulated!

Restricted, even.
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I lucked out and found my Freddie in Gamestop of all places and I had like five bucks off.
I did get the Muppet Labs one from a local shop that had it in their basement and knew I liked Muppets.
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So glad I found Kachō on there.
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and Aniki...
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man I love the kachou figuarts
his regular smiling face looks off though but his other faces are great
Exactly as Ultra Magnus likes it! Carry on, citizen.
Game Stop is actually great for bargains. I've gotten things like wallets there even. Even if I am not in the market, I always wonder in and check out what they have on clearance if I stumble across a store, like I did last Wednesday when I literally just stopped in a strip mall to grab a wrap and a drink for a late lunch, and saw they had opened a new GS.

Was surprised since in my area, they only seem to be closing locations. The one in my neighborhood closed last year and the next one nearest me did as well, so it's now 5-8 miles away or a mall 10-13 miles away.

Alright fine.
but why?
Don't you like pictures of toys?
Do you feel toys should be invested in and not played with or looked at?
Or are you just a twat?
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Ignore the troll, he's just trying to antagonize people that give a shit.
Wonder if Goodsmile will ever make the fertility idol in their Table Museum line.
It's a great candidate for the Annex subline.
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The wall clock is maybe a bit too big but otherwise that's a great picture. I wish the floor and the walls were not both white, you need a fake wall to wall office type carpet.

You could probably get free remnants from a store to get something that's nice and clean for photos, or inquire at a local thrift store.
Cute! Love the colours and posing.
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thank you anon
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feeling cute, might delete later
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picked up a LEO and dhalsim
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what did i miss?>>11042010

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