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can we have a discussion about vintage and modern animal brushables, anything from figurines, soft vinyl to heck even styling heads, no mlp btw
I always thought the hair on things like that had a horrible texture, and they were incredibly difficult to style. If you wanted Barbie to have a new haircut, fuck you.
i am just an autist who likes when toys have variety of texture on them, it makes them interesting both the visual and tactile department
The only toys I used to have like this were the G1 ponies, sadly, so I don’t think I can really post here about them. It was definitely a fun gimmick though, I like watching restoration videos of old toys like that cause the plastic hair always ended up mangled in some way.
It’s kind of easy to do nowadays cause we know now not to use shampoo and use dish soap instead l, use straws as curlers etc. When I was a kid barbie got a chop or a shitty hair dye and it all poked out in every direction no matter what I did with it because I didn’t think ‘oh it’s plastic so I’ll treat it as such’.
>no mlp btw
I hate this rule because My Little Pony and knockoffs were some of my fav toys as a kid long before the G4 and brony movement.
Same, I used to watch the stupid movie with the evil centaur king over and over on VHS and play with them on the carpet, had a huge bag of secondhand accessories from a car boot sale and had the time of my life. Fuckin bronies, man.
He looks like he's taking a massive weirdly-textured shit.
Anon those are tapeworms
I love these. I collect shit like this. Having trouble finding simba beauty friends. :,((
>no mlp
No reason to gatekeep your "niche within a niche" hobby. Is MLP so popular that it's kind of like the funko pop of brushable toys to you people? Is that why you dislike it? I mean, I dislike it because furries are all freaks, but I imagine that's not a concern for you.
its caz back in 2010 when g4 came out a lot of bronies started spamming pony content on other boards along with gross porn of them, this resulted in a world wide ban of all pony content so if you post pony stuff you will get a ban, depend on the moderation but i seen anon get away with lore pony talk back on >>//co// by using the term ''pastel equine''or ''horse'' about 7 years ago, i dont know how the rules are now since moderation changes so much over the years as the board culture """"evolves"""
i really like darlin dinos along with their clones, they are so adorable
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Unicorn academy is the new brushable line.
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Ok. Keypers.
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They also had a secret stash for secrets.
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Hasbro stole the 80s ponies from another company.... right, Hasbro, what didn't they steal?
Plus, MLP posts were never a problem on /toy/.
see >>11041310
First time I’ve seen a /toy/ mod do anything and it was move a thread we may as well have kept somewhere nobody will use it lel
these are so cute, how come i never head of them
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Maybe because it was very niche and made by Tonka?
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>not posting literally best toy

God, these things pop on eBay like once in a blue moon. Last one I saw was going for like, upwards of $400. I just want the white one with the pretty purple tail…
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Castle Keeps Gargoyles.

Look ‘em up, insanely rare and have a cult following.
I love how tweaked out of its mind this thing looks lol. I’ll keep my eye out at secondhand sales for one.
It's because >>/mlp/ exists

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