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Vegeta - 24000 Power Level [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Awakened Super Saiyan Blood (Reissue)

Cui [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Goku Effect Parts Set - Teleport Kamehameha
Son Goku - Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Son Goku - Full Power (Reissue)
Son Goku & Son Gohan -Kid- & Kintoun [SDCC Exclusive]
Future Trunks - Super Saiyan [SDCC Exclusive]
Jiren - Final Battle [SDCC Exclusive]

Super Saiyan Son Goku - Legendary Super Saiyan (Reissue)

Full Power Frieza [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta - Unwavering Saiyan Pride

King Cold [Web Exclusive]

Trunks - GT [Web Exclusive]

Super Android 17 [Web Exclusive]

Pan GT & Gill [Web Exclusive]

Tamashii Nations Dragon Ball Series

Tamashii Nations Surveys

Previous thread >>11006878
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ITT: We once again wait for twintails Videl announcement.
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we must dig up the truth of what fans truly want.
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Are you buying him?
Nah. I'll finish the trio, Gogeta and Omega and call it a series.
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How are everyone's displays looking? It's been so long since we've had a bunch of significant additions that I haven't made any changes in months. I did get some new colour changing lights though.
Not interested in Baby Vegeta?
No, I don't buy GT.
Kinda cool, but he doesn't pass the WANT threshold. Maybe if he's reduced to like $50 i'll bite.
Mines' a bit stale right now. I'm wanting for Cui, Vegeta Namek, and Buffza to play around with my display again. I still need to nab Buffku and the Trunks revision.
short on money and being a DB fan they seem to have given up on me. Want to get King Cold though, I like him. Funny how I end up getting only purple/pink figures so far lol
Nope. He looks cool but everything GT is money saved for me.

I haven't had any real growth lately since my Dragon Ball collection's confined to a single detolf and most of the recent releases haven't interested me much. I'm basically waiting for a couple of Buu saga characters and redos to call it complete.
Nah, Baby never interested me.
Bro, come on.
Ragged. Diagnosed with cancer a month ago and haven't cleaned or kept it up. I havent posted pictures in months. Not even sure if I should sell at this point.
It's a bot.
What a useless bot
I just want to see more convention pics of him. Feel like it's too hard to find pics of these figures besides others now.
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I'm very tempted because, while GT was ass as a series, the character designs were some of the best, Super 17 included. I probably won't though, unless bg some miracle he shows up on Amazon on sale like some other figures did.

>How are everyone's displays looking?
Same clusterfuck I've been rocking for a year now.

>Diagnosed with cancer a month ago
Fuck anon, I'm legit sorry to hear that. No point in selling your shit off though. I'm in no position to give useful advice, but I know it's detrimental to your health to essentially give up. Unless I'm reading that wrong. Regardless, all the best.
You’ll be fine, anon. Trust me
Boxed up due a forced move.
I really don't feel like unpacking either as this place is a shithole, hope I find a better place soon.
What kind of cancer?
Got my dragon ball figures in, I have most of what i want. the rest is still a work in progress
I have some of these boxes too but I keep them all horizontal. What are you using to make some of them 2 layered?
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Yeah. I'm really hoping for some exciting new announcements. It's been pretty stagnant.
Sorry to hear that anon. Prayers with you. Hope you are getting the right treatment and make a full recovery.

Neat. I love seeing these full shelves. Been a while since we've had a display thread. Looks like we are all running out of space. Lol
That's what I've been worried about. Selling them feels like giving up.
Thank you all so much for the kind words. Been hard on us here.
Why isn't pan on the OP?
quads knows
>Selling them feels like giving up.
That's because it literally is giving up. Keep your shit and believe that you'll get through it. I'm sure it's tough, but you gotta be tougher, anon.

Best wishes to you, and fight the good fight. Fuck cancer.
I found a version with an optional middle shelf.

I was only thinking about money for treatment and bills. But yes also I considered how my wife is going to navigate selling these things if something did happen.
Sorry to hear that, anon. Stay strong and best wishes during this time.
mama mia, that's a nice collection
Is anyone able to put a SSG Goku head on the 180000 Kaioken body? I'm just curious about how that combo looks.
Fucking Scouter Vegeta when
Nah. I'm only in n it for the SS4 boys. I got Kid Goku and kinda regret it.
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janemba when
that sucks anon, seems like that one has a higher survival rate at least. did you smoke?
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I get what you mean, and I guess if things get really bad you can hurry up and sell them, but you have to keep a positive attitude (I know, easy for me to say, sorry). Keep you shit and just think about beating it and being one of those badasses who kicked cancer's ass. You got this anon. All the best to you and your family. Seriously.

Thanks. I have more shit on the other side of the room. Sadly, even with LEDa, it's hard to photograph. I probably should have gotten white cabinets.
that combo would look horrible
Very based collection
No I'm actually young and not a smoker/drinker.
Its great to get the encouragement and kind words from you guys. Thank you.
Based dinosaur enjoyer
where and how much for those cabinets?
>GT slop
>Super slop
>Daima slop coming soon
>Yet another literal who Frieza saga figure
>Still reusing 2.0 bodies
>Still no good Vegeta
>Still no good base Goku
>Still no Kid buu or other Buu saga figures
>Still no Cell 2nd form or new Perfect Cell
When did you realize this line is dead? Real Dragonball fans want DB/Z figures. Not the bullshit they've been doing.
Preordered day one. Say what you want about GT, but the character designs are leagues ahead of anything coming out of Super.
Real DB fans don't bitch like you.
>Daima slop
I need them to announce these already. Get them over with.
That's rough anon I'm really sorry to hear that. Hoping the best for you bro. I do have some advice on whether or not you should keep your toys. Definitely don't get rid of them. I also went through a health crisis, though not as severe as cancer, and questioned whether or not I'd still be able to enjoy my various hobbies. I was considering selling off my collection and just giving up but I didn't. I'm glad I didn't because I found ways to still enjoy my toys even with my limitations. I hope you can find peace bro.
SSJ4 Gogeta any day now...
A newfag to collecting, if pre-orders are sold out, this means the fig wont be purchasable at all, or the shops usually get a few more to sit on shelves and get sold in a traditional way? The shops i have in mind are like /tamashiinations.fr or mythfactoryshop.com. I want Bulma's bike, but it seems I'm to late as all pre-orders are sold out...
If it's p-bandai, you'll likely be stuck paying scalper prices. If its a general release, you may find some places with it later after release. If its p-bandai and the orders havent closed yet on the actual site, just order directly from them with a proxy site.
Damn. What's up with that bulma bike. I got it first time round not thinking anything of it, but the price skyrocketed. They did a re-release in April, but it already looks sold out everywhere, both domestically and internatinally and already being scalped on the after market.

Thankfully it's a regular release so I think you only option is to pray they do 2nd re-release in another 4 years.
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While you're fucked if American, Europe's thankfully a bit more lax.
I got Raditz on day of release, and Recoome and Jeice also hung around for a bit to end up as promo bundles with scouters (pic related, ended up getting them all through Bardock and 1st form Frieza lol).
I remember seeing the bike bundled with Bulma as well on TNFR, so that prolly hung around for a bit too.

Alternatively, try looking for local Japan-toy import shops in your country. Figuarts are pretty widely sold among such specialty stores in the EU.
We only really get fucked on EEs now.
Thanks anons.

They're IKEA Bestas with optional glass doors and glass shelves. I don't think those glass doors are being sold anymore though. I bought it about 10 years ago, so the prices may have changed, but I think everything was 400 or 500 altogether. I'd say it was worth it since they're still like new.
No, a few years ago I would have been excited, I'm just tired of the biweekly p-bandai $100 stick up, like I would like a few months of freedom in collecting and catch up, so I just quit entirely and only buy those crazy third party shits
I want it as I just like those diesel-punk vehicles, it contains Goku in proper size and it is quite outstanding piece for a collection and it would look cool in a diorama with chase scene.
It's why I got a 2nd Beginnings Bulma.
One to keep on the bike.
mentally ill trash collectors
All your Dragon Ball collections would be better if every single figure was Cooler
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do you guys think change the plastic furr from something like this would make me enjoy more the figure?
nu broly sucks. Should have gotten the chink broly
I don't know you, so I don't know.
I don't like it though.
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full power broly its kinda disappointing

hes huge but cant fucking pose for shit because the skirt its damn hard to move and no stand can hold him
>no stand can hold him
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They need to stop making figures of women and institute a mandatory buyback program for all female characters.
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>Finnaly got my package from France
>Lunch's smirk face has a dirty cheek
Any good advice to clean that shit? Cheek seems to be dirty with black paint as it doesnt want to come off, it looks like somone dropped it on a dirty Vietnamese floor. If I use acetone, will the face in that part become shiny? I don't know if whole face is painted or just the eyes and the mouth.

Can't attach fotos and I'm in perpetual range ban.
Magic eraser usually works for bare plastic, meaning faces are usually alright to do.
Don't do it on painted parts, like say Jiren's bald head. That's painted and you'll scrub it right off.
Never order from a Frenchman.
I'm surprised there isn't porn of this image, like some instant loss 2koma
Welp, at the recommendation of multiple of you... I got buffku. Was surprised BBTS had him instock, AND cheaper than the JP listings I was checking out. Not often I see BBTS being the better choice to buy from so that was nice.

Tracking says he will be here tomorrow, along with young bulma. Now I kinda want to preorder buffza to go with him... Or get the $30 frieza I see a lot
of the girl using a strapon on him?
>or get the 30$ frieza
don't, its an ancient figure from the 1.0 era (when they started making dbz figuarts) save up and wait for the buff frieza it will be a far better figure to pair with buffku
>I want my shelves full of half-naked men
Just admit you're gay already
So they're going to start doing buu saga character soon....right guys?
Nope. Still need Semi Perfect Cell, actually bulky Super Vegeta, base form Android Saga Vegeta, brand new Perfect Cell. It's gonna be a minute for new Buu Saga shit.
More Namek first
No. Daima and GT slop will fill out the rest of next year. Have to assume we get Nail and Monster Zarbon soon. Then we still have more Android Saga to get through.
Still need our shirtless gi Krillin, Barefoot Goku and Yajirobe first, man.
We need Appule before anyone from the Buu Saga.
Not sorry btw
They're going back to the ToP with Sparking Zero having a bunch of the characters. The budget blue Vegeta was just the beginning.
I've been seeing people put the new Gohan head on Dragon Ball Evolve Vegeta to make Saiyan Armor Gohan. Is it only that head or can the 1.0 and 2.0 heads fit?
I don’t like him enough to pay up the ass for him. if he was a regular release i’d buy him.
>dragon stars nappa
please tell me that’s a placeholder
Namek Vegeta will be here soon, I'm looking forward to cracking him open. I haven't gotten a new figure since Metal Cooler.
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will we ever get a figuarts of this guy?
Probably. They like to make riff raff.
Still need Yamcha and the Pilaf gang from DB :(

Arale from her cameo in that one episode would be cool too.
I more meant the guy angrily mating pressing her to prove he isn't a faggot... but yeah sure lol
Where'd you get yours from? I've heard nothing from Hobby Genki.
Not even from the episode, just an Arale SHF in general like Sand Land.
Got mine from HG too and havent heard a peep. Ive seen a few on Reddit and YouTube so im getting antsy.
HG's always slow
People are getting Namek Vegeta and he looks terrible. Why do they hate Vegeta so much?
Makes sense his figures would job as much as him
He looked awful in the promo shots. He was an easy skip.
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not our fault if they havent fire the namek kriling guy
maybe even they are sick of making namek figs and made him shit so he'll flop and kill off the Namek line
Looked at some pics, weird proportions his torso seems too wide.

Yea reminds me of this guy.
He looks better than the other scouter Vegeta's but that's not saying much.
The problem is they are using the bastardized version of the 2.0 Vegeta mold instead of finally creating a new mold for him. I just don't understand why Tamashii is so cheap with Dragonball considering how popular it is.
Faces look fine except for the yell face. I hate those shoulders and neck.
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What's wrong with that Krillin? He's one of the few figures I have 2 of. One for that pose and one for pic related. I waited so long for them to make him and Gohan.
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I will be honest. This ones face/head is miles better (other than the yelling face one which looks terrible), but I prefer the body on the old one by a lot. This one just has this weird excessive wideness that bothers me, the neck is awful, and something about the shoulders just looks off. Even if the heads swap it's pretty fucked that you'd need to buy two different figures (one of which has been out of retail for like half a decade now) and take the better parts of each to have a definitive one.

This Vegeta looked pretty bad in promos, but I pretty much accepted this is pretty much the best your going to get for a saiyan/namek Vegeta for the foreseeable future. which is fucked
Does Namek also come with 2 full heads because of the scouter, or did they go with detachable ear like everything since?
Are his ankles the same as the old one?
i don't actually have the figure in hand. just stole the pics from reddit like 99% of pictures that posted here basically are.

but the figure has one head(unless the original). The heads arn't a smothlees swap as the neck peg is way bigger on the new one(sticky tack or filler required). ankles from what i've read its the same as every other 2.0 vegeta. i'm liking the new one a little more though as I read more info and see more vids/pics. still probably the best base Vegeta there is as a standalone figure
the faces are so much better nowadays than ever, too bad they are too lazy to make THE vegeta body/goku
gonna wait for one of those chink kits with skirt pads or whatever they're called before I buy this.
I went p Bandai.
So the legs are the same but they made a new torso?
I actually really dig it. Faces look fantastic . Thought they were gonna reuse everything but this is a step in the right direction.
They suck. It's pretty pathetic seeing how they have multiple games and statues within their company that have proper proportioned 3d models. These fuckers continue to get 2 out of things wrong on this line
just noticed something, bottom portion of the headsculpt greatly resembles the new blugeta face, wonder if they reused the headsculpt and modified it.
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I got him too, he's both one of the best and worst vegetas in the line. I kinda dig the overall shape, but the reused arms look tiny on the wider chest, and don't socket fully. Love the shorter legs but still same shit ankles. The torso cut is awful, loose and doesn't sit well, which is weird considering turtles and the ginyus not having that problem. I do love the heads and the artstyle, so I'm conflicted
Legs, Head and torso are new. Arms, hands and feet are reused. Feels like a custom figure rather than official release
Nu one has it's upper body fucked up. Torso on the upper half is to wide, with crossed arms it looks silly. But head sculpt and color of the shoulder pads are better. Old one has better blue on his spandex.
Part of it is the shit posing, but his proportions look a bit awkward.
Looks way more accurate to vegeta proportions than the lanky 2.0 from years back. I don’t see the issue. It’s a big step forward as a whole.
The head is fantastic, but the body proportions are so weird, even if they are going for frieza saga proportions.


This is kidna true tho, I don't like the older one's proportions at all also. I guess overall compared to the older one, I prefer the new one sur,e but not enough to get it him lol.
King Cold when
Remove those shoulder pads on Namek Vegeta, and you'll see how stupid he looks.
Super 17 promo pics dropped April 18th, Pan May 15th, maybe there'll be a new figure drop on Monday or Tuesday.
his proportions kind of remind me of the Saiyan Armor Krillin/Gohan. That Krillin in particular is no doubt one of, if not possibly the worst figure in the 2.0+ era.
Head is near perfect but the width of his shoulders is almost the same length as his height.
>A year later
>No new JJK figures announced
I'm guessing they simply lost the licence? I doubt sales was the issue except maybe for nobara and megumi or something.
Wrong thread, buddy
Bought this today. Haven't opened it yet. That is all.
Can someone please post if its possible to swap the top half of the new Namek Vegeta with the bottom torso piece of the Saiyan Saga one? So like, the new figure, except it has the waist armor of the Saiyan Saga version. I want to see if its possible to have a Saiyan Saga vegeta with updated shoulder pads and head.
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My shitty edit, proportions look weird still.
How are those dragon star figures? Kinda want gold frieza and the stock pics look kinda nice. Would the figuarts be a better buy?
Just say that you like naked men...
i wish these existed when i was a kid
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looks like it came from an intense locker room drama
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The dragon stars one is too big if you want to put it with your figuarts. You either have to get the figuarts or get the evolve if you want a cheap one. The figuarts and evolve are the same size.
pre ordered, one of the best designs in the franchise
Aniki Aniki Aniki
Where's Pan?
Apparently a lot of Demoniacal Fit employees splintered off into Blackholetoys which explains why they're using the DF goku mold for future gohan and their own goku, and pretty much doing what DF was supposed to do.
On preorder.
The big question is. Where is Videl?!?
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he was working on. along with king kai.
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Can't believe we actually got that water bottle before videl.
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He looks a little too big next to gohan?
this looks miles better than the vegetas and krillins I've seen posted in this thread, plays better probably.

I don't know why faggots and the retards making toys for them have to get impressed by a Gohan toy with shit proportions >>11033353 just because he looks like that one drawing by a man who doesn't know how to draw.
Videl? Cancelled.
no it doesn't quit shitposting
It quite literally does
should i get metal cooler or mecha frieza?
the arms look like shit but the rest of the figure looks fine
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the super saiyan 3 kong reissues are being sent out to those who preordered, no word on extra stock yet
You should get final form Cooler instead
Thanks for the heads up. Since Kid Buu is coming soon from tonsen I decided to snag the ss3 goku from aliexpress as they have some good summer deals right now so paying the same as I would from 5ktoys with shipping.

Tempted by the vegetto and battle damaged ones as well, but they're just too expensive.
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The shoulders they used are too big for the new Vegeta. They basically make constant contact with the pauldrons. Should've used the smaller shoulders from the scouter Vegeta. Still not bad once in hand, the torso doesn't look as awkward.
already have it
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I dunno. Might be the boots on gohan making him look shorter. Comparing it with the df 3.0 body would probably have them closer to the same height.

Either way I'm really excited for these.
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This dude is brutal. It's so bad. I don't get why they don't just use the 2nd and 3rd form Freeza pauldrons instead of whatever this is. The neck also feels really awkward and loose. He can atleast look up all the way for a really good flying pose. Like to me he looks really good in certain poses. Just if you don't look at him from the correct angle he looks like a broken mess. The faces look really fucking good though. (The neck is super glossy while the face is matte, like wtf?)
Looks more like Gigi than King Kai.
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This is how they have the crossed arms advertised on the box. Simply beautiful.
The pen line kinda hides the shadow, but it was definetly king kai. The guy even said "oh wow, is that god" aluding to it being king of worlds.
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It's how it was advertised on p-bandai as well. No surprises. We all still lapped it up because we are consooomers.
Something new tonight, I can feel it.
hmmm yes, I can see it... new goku....
We need that Monster Zarbon
Staff Officer Black and Commander Red duo. All in proper scale.
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I wonder if those shoulders can be swapped with the cell saga super vegeta. He could do with bigger ones and this one could do with smaller.
Those ARE the Super Vegeta shoulders. They're the same. Armor Trunks and Scouter Vegeta have the smaller shoulders.
Just going to swap Scouter with the new one. And I bet he has the stoppers in his hips again so yet another Vegeta I have to sand his hips out.
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those fucking lanky kong looking ass arms
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How does Vegeta scale with Bulma?
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She won't be released until next year..
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Scales nicely
Kek. He's a giant.
Still nothing from Hobby Genki about my Vegeta. I'm not super concerned, they've been delayed for shit sometimes in the past but they've always come through. They got me my Mecha Freiza just fine most recently.
been using them this year, and it seems they always are the last ones to get shit, but I have always gotten my stuff, so I wouldn't worry.
Cooler when?
Sorry to tell you but Cooler came out a while ago.
He's shorter but still not short enough
the thing is the long arms and massive shoulders issues can be solved by just shifting his shoulders all the way up under the pads EXCEPT the fucking pads arent big enough so you have to wedge them and then they don't move and the paint rubs off instantly
Why is a 3.0 release of a new vegeta less accurate and not proportional and has bad shoulder pads? I thought new 3.0 releases were supposed to be the best of the best in this line. How is this a 3.0 at all?
it isn't
3.0 is a fanmade term. This is just Namek Vegeta
Sorry I'm just confused. I see lots of people calling this a 3.0 and I just thought they all had the same updated articulation like buff goku or whatever. I got this vegeta and I'm happy with it overall. It seems like the shoulder pads and armor just change with different characters slightly.
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not sure who these people are. This vegeta looks largely the same as the previous.When we do eventually get a "3.0" it will likely follow a scheme something like picrel.
we arent getting a 3.0 for the main characters
That's "Beast Deities", formerly "Kong Studios", a chink 3rd party, that's the only 3.0 style Vegeta they're doing in his normal armour, they locked base, SS, SS2, SS3 and SSB behind his dumbfuck Dragonball Heroes design.
>We're not getting 3.0s for the main characters

So what were those 3.0s for Gohan and Goku huh, or Krillin, or Trunks. That's HALF the main characters right there, so it's just Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien and Piccolo.
trunks, krillin and gohan are side characters in the goku show

where is this goku 3.0? i can only see in my display SSJ4 and LSSJ
How's it a "3.0" (dumbass term) if we've never had a version of this Vegeta made before?
If you check your recent orders it'll even tell you they dont expect to get them until 6/30. Annoying but what are you gonna do.
Picked up Metal Cooler. He’s pretty great. Does the chrome paint rub off though? My fingers feel slightly damp after touching him.
Nah, Bandai used they high tech machines to make it so Cooler never chipped or scratched. He's the perfect chrome toy. Looking at you chrome silver hawk.
These faces are immaculate
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Not really a fan of this face.
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I think they captured the likeness decently well in 3D.
agreed though his other faces look spot on and im diggin the new base hair sculpt, I like the longer spikes.
His huge ears are throwing things off on this one. Also they really need to just make kid head sizes smaller.
>no Sword of Hope effect like the og release
Wow, normally the sddc is a slightly better repaint then the original but this is bad. Lame paint job, only half the accessories from the original , easy skip only interested in Goku.
I love the face but the neck is just too bulging to make it work
Jiren gonna have redder tights in person according to this promo shot
They could have given him a multi colored aura effect like the kaioken blue Goku. such a missed opportunity.
Would have been cool if this had the Toriyama yellow gi.
This face is amazing.
I dont understand why bandai wont give us manga colors for goku.
>wasting amazing faces on 2.0 bodies
God I hate Bandai.
He should've had a blue pearl to him instead of purple.
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Standing option Gohan confirmed
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Such a dissapointment.
Also kek.
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>no janemba
>best looking goku face stuck on that old ass mold
goddamn it, and you just KNOW tamashii will release a 3.0 mold version of this very soon after
They fucked his arms up so bad. I haven't even opened mine.
The same faggot designed/modeled all 3 figures. These are so bad the remind me of 2019 demonical fit shit. I'm done collecting this line. I might dip back in 16 years when they finally start putting out definitive versions of these characters - these all remind me of rough drafts these lazy fuckers just green light. Like you have 3d models in games and statues that bandai already has and these faggots are free handing this shit and it looks like they've never designed a figure before or have any source material. It's really pathetic
Damn. In was hoping to skip this like I did raditz, but this gohan looks better than the last so might have to cave and import.
actually this might be a good sign that a 3.0 base goku is coming soon.
god they better, its fucking sad tamashii is still using that mold when random chinks are getting ahead with their own 3.0 molds
No idea why they made that Goku sdcc exclusive. First saiyan saga version and the faces look fantastic.
they're milking the mold for all its worth before going all in with a new mold, same happened with teen gohan, awakening ssj goku and other sdcc figures before
Once again they made the neck to short. Their sculptors suck ass and can't create own refs when needed. They are pure mechanical bug-men it seems. Ones who do 3D models but can't draw and lack creativity and imagination.
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I won.
Oh, well that's good to know. Thanks
definitely tempted for the faces...
This one had to be anime colors cause the faces and accessories it comes with are all for recreating shots from the anime opening and eyecatchers.
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Any in-hand pics of the new Beast Deities SS3 Goku yet? Mine just shipped, but scared the faces will turn out as bad as the original.
So far we only have this promo to go on.
I ordered all 4 so ill post pics when I get them
this looks awful like every other 3rd party figure. none of them have been good.
why are all the gokus slightly different skin colors
Same reason why 1-time villains generally look better.
Neat. I only got this one, so will post as well. I was tempted to get the battle damaged body, but the Blue SSJ3 head would have been wasted. Less fussed about Vegetto.
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Well looks like this guy was right...kinda. Real "new" reveal next week maybe...
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>Not putting him in his most iconic pose on Namek when they give you the face for it.
this Trunks looks like one of the worst fucking figures. like something from 10 years ago. like seriously compare it to the Boy from the future which was perfected with the rerelease. Just as a figure, not even mentioning that its the Onions Trunks from Super.

tempted to get this goku. clear upgrade to Base Goku, but I already have like 9 or 10 fucking Gokus, and like others have mentioned there is probably going to be a standard release that is on par or even better soon. 3.0?
It may be the same Goku but they put the Nimbus and Gohan to make you want it. You know you want it.
And if they want my money, they gotta make it available here. Which is a low chance as EEs became a PITA again after covid ended.
I've had the battle damaged ssj3 blue for months. I got rid of the head and modded the neck so I could put normal 2.0 head's on it



Cell when?
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Gohan just has more brain power than Goku. It's from all the bugs.
I'm expecting a battle damaged version at some point. Most of his iconic moments were in the damaged armor.
The beast dieties or the original kong release? Thought the BD versions were new.
Has kong made a bootleg of Bandai's Sh Figureart's legendary pictures and Toho Monsterverse 2024 Godzilla vs King Kong King Dong? (Super arm fister edition)
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You're right. Kong released a SS3 last year, but it was heavily criticized for it's faces, some saying the DF ones were better.
They announced a set of re-releases, but sculpted new face plates and from what I can tell the gi is a brighter orange. We won't know for sure until people start getting them in hand.
Thanks for beta testing.
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New faces. Whilst they're still not perfect, they are better than the bandai release, the DF and the original Kong.
>Thanks for beta testing.

I didn't buy it for the head retard, I bought it for the body, and it's still the same. Sorry you had to wait months while I've had it on my shelf this entire time.
>claiming to only get the more expensive kong ss3 just for the body when the cheaper df goku exists.
buyers remorse is one hell of a drug
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xeno vegeta prototype from bd/kong, this was before torso correction so probably not recent
What's a good figure to get back into the DB S.H Figuarts line?
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frieza or the LSSJ goku (hes the best deal ever for the cash they ask)
Every child deserves a Ginyu.
If we can get this shrunk down into an updated regular fourth form Frieza Id bust
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Super 17 orders are closing on the 30th.
Not here they won't.
I wonder what it is that makes them do this. I don't understand how they don't compare head sizes to make sure they look normal next to each other.
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I'd say start with some of these. They're general releases of core characters that are currently pretty easy to get cause of rereleases.
I didn't preorder him.
These look like shit. Impressive they swung twice and completely missed.
Same, I never liked Super 17, GT Trunks, or Pan. I'd get Baby Bejita or Syn/Omega Shenron. I hope Bandai does the dragon balls in a similar style to their clear orange balls. Would look sick.
Yeah. I've never bothered with Kong before for this reason. Broly will be exactly the same, they just aren't very good at making faces.
If it wasn't for the fact that the SHF was so bad, I wouldn't bother, but as it stands we still don't have a good official version of the main characters more powerful canon form.
Hoping Tonsenarttoys or another competent company make a version one day. Until then this will have to do.
First set is unironically better
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Kek, I like how you make assumptions only to be proven wrong. I never said I got the SS3 version; I got this one—the body that DF didn't make. Lmao Retard
Oh cool. No worries. Thanks for beta testing anyway though.
Shocked and shouting faces look vastly better. The neutral and smiling ones not so much.
Jeez, they're terrible at getting the hairline and face plates even sort of flush.
that's just the retard taking the pictures. Other images online actually show it connected properly.
Would throw in
SROE Goku,
SSJ Gohan
CC Jacket Trunks
SSJ Vegeta
SSJ Trunks Armor
1st form Freeza
1st form Cell
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cant wait for the next saga of figure no one asked!!!
should i track one of these down over the original release?
im not a big fan of the red pants but idk if its still possible to find the original nowadays for a good deal
Might as well get the black hole toys version if you like the OG colors
HOW do I get clout on Instagram? I badly need clout. Fuck improving my shitty toy "photography".
honestly it doesnt matter how good u are, you gotta follow trends. So get that hand ready baby boy.
Every DAY I come to this thread, waiting for SS4 Gogeta to be announced. What is it? Are they doing Baby first? Omega Shenron? Is doing his hair with the fusion clothes making it difficult?
Learn Spanish.
make something funny like that cooler frieza pod pic
theyre doing least interesting characters first before gogeta, omega and baby, if they released those no one would give a fuck about the GT line after
Everyone is waiting for moustache Vegeta and Bulla
Why did Toei HAVE to do this shit again? I'm happy Toriyama jumped on board to help, but Toei are the ones who wanted to do this shit AGAIN. Is kid Goku even as marketable as just normal ass Goku? Didn't Toriyama want Goku to be an adult just so his little kid limbs wouldn't have to stretch to punch and kick properly? They really thinned him up too. You can tell this Goku isn't eating as much fish as OG Kid Goku. That kid was built like a truck.
Dragonball is in marketing rights limbo, toei and capsule corp tokyo want DBS to continue but no network will air it because they want it to have enough content for a few years before they air it and shueisha aren't inclined to help with the anime talks since they make more money off the manga
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>DF so irrelevant they're charging 50$ total for 2 figures
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For anyone with that namek vegeta you can take the dragonstars vegeta skirt and put it on the figuarts version and it'll fit.
Im on the fence of buying him even if he is manga wide styled. Can you or someone post him with his screaming face? I want to see if the final version looks good. The promo photo made him look weird with that.
Interesting. Is the skirt easy to remove?

I'll see if I can help you out when I get home.
yes just pop the torso off and the skirt around it can be taken off the legs
>Using the Gohan mold with the terrible ankles
>Greased up Goku
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Thank you anon.
That looks much better than the promo pics.
I will be picking him up.
why is everyone looking for ways to give nu-Bejita some Sayian saga skirt pads? do retards just want the same figure for the 3rd time
sure, 2.0 Scouter Vegeta was mediocre at best and needed an upgrade, but this one is also shit for different reasons so at the very least we got some outfit variety for a change
People like options. Who knew?
Anno... it's an anniversary series. Relax. We'll be getting Super too. For now let me just enjoy the return of the original's more adventure-centric stories. Toriyama himself said he was surprised at how invested he was on this project and how much he enjoyed working on it.
because it looks much better and having scouter vegeta without the pads looks wrong to me.
I'm not even upset about super. Just that Toei thought doing kid Goku AGAIN was a good idea. He's so awkward when fighting. GT team literally bullshit a form to make Goku not a kid anymore because it was such an issue. Toriyama himself disliked using kid Goku for fight scenes and insisted on making him am adult. Daima would be way more appealing if Goku wasn't a kid.
>do retards just want the same figure for the 3rd time
I'd agree if the first 2 Saiyan saga Bejita's didn't look like shit.
Maybe some people are new and don't own scouter vegeta??
There is no evidence Super will ever return.
both saiyan saga vegetas are pretty outdated by now like others have mentioned, the new one despite it's flaws has a way better face and kinda better proportions (in some aspects at least) so hey if you prefer that specific look why not?
Who cares? I just wanting the fighting not to look like ass. Thats pretty much guaranteed with Kid Goku who has to use gimmicks and sticks to make his fights interesting. Idk I guess I just miss when Dragon Ball was hand 2 hand with some ki blasts mixed in.
That's a movie
DB should just be movies from now on. Have one come out every two to three years.
When will they make adult Chichi but wearing her child clothes?
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And? Daima isn't going to be a full series and the animation itself looks great. Just the fact it's little Goku having to swing a stick around in most his fights because he's so small. Again look at GT and what the staff had to do to keep the fights interesting.
You buy the Gals figurine.
God this is so bad
Worlds Strongest was badass. I wish they'd have more martial arts and less looped punching and kicking in fast forward.
Anon.. im sorry to tell you the truth.
Modern dragon ball figthing will always be and look like shit. Because everything today is done rushed and in digital format. Back then everything was drawn by hand on paper and always came out good and they cared. Today they dont give a shit. They just want to push it out to the little kids as fast as they can. Also Dragon ball today is for 5 year olds. No blood and toned down violence.
idk, the fight in >>11042225 is pretty shit
in what way? This had nice impact frames and was well drawn,
The animation is good but the coreography is really bland and boring
Hopefully never. She's a woman and they shouldn't get action figures.
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Bro why the FUCK can't they ever get Kid Goku right? He's too skinny. Goku was a short pudgy kid with fat arms. How do they keep fucking that up?
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even Jakks did a better job proportionately over 20 year ago.
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They got goku's pants color completely wrong. It's suppose to be a light orange and the figure has him in that dark shit orange which is not accurate to the movie. The hair is also wrong as well because it was the era of pale SS hair instead of the generic piss yellow they do now.
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It's literally the Dragon Ball 40th anniversary animation project. The whole point of it is to celebrate it's history by going back to it's roots instead of more of the same tiresome multiverse busting god nonsense we've been sitting through for years now. Plus the show looks incredible compared to Super which not only was lazily written but looked like shit.
>They really thinned him up too. You can tell this Goku isn't eating as much fish as OG Kid Goku.
That's simply how Toriyama drew Goku by the late 90's. His art evolved and because of that, Kid Goku became thinner. I don't prefer it, but it was his choice, not Toei.
>Again look at GT and what the staff had to do to keep the fights interesting.
You mean by not having ANY interesting fights at all? I rewatched it recently and the fights were fucking terrible. Not only did the animation suck, but they introduced no interesting techniques to add variety. Keep in mind, Toriyama didn't write GT which means he wasn't involved with the fight choreography like he had been previously, so instead is was retards over at Toei coming up with them and they failed miserably. Even when Goku became SS4, what did you do? Punch and shoot a ton of kamehamehas. That's it. Not even any cool hand-to-hand combat just to showcase some decent looking martial arts. No crazy reversals or blocks. Just the most mundane shit imaginable. Even Super delivered when it came to the fights compared to GT.
>The whole point of it is to celebrate it's history by going back to it's roots instead of more of the same tiresome multiverse busting god nonsense we've been sitting through for years now.

It would've been nice if they had found a way to do that without retreading an already lackluster plot of nerfing Goku just to facilitate the adventure.
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>a way to do that without retreading an already lackluster plot
We literally know nothing about the plot itself
>literally know nothing
We know
>"Due to a conspiracy, Goku and his friends are turned small.
>In order to fix things, they'll head off to a new world!"

As detailed as
>Old enemies turned Goku small.
>In order to fix things, Goku and friends head into SPACE!
but we don't know why everyone is small nor was it like this in GT where Goku was the only one who was specifically wished to be a child again by a gag character which only failed because the writing was terrible and had no involvement from Toriyama. Also you said space but the rumor is the new story takes place in the demon realm which sounds pretty sick. Idk I just feel like you're judging the aspect of the characters turning into kids too quickly when it has a lot of potential not just for interesting fights, but also a refreshing story that gets away from the OP bullshit we've been seeing as of recent. Literally if we look at the events of Super for example, there's NOWHERE else for them to go. Characters are universe busters, fighting gods, as well as other OP people from other universes. They've already done the struggle of protecting their own universe and having to battle others in a tournament style competition. The story has reached the pinnacle of what these people with incredible power can do. It's hard to introduce newer stronger enemies for them without it seeming ridiculous which is why we haven't had a truly memorable villain in years. To slow down on that and return to form is something they can only do by making the characters young again because there's no other way to strip these characters of their power. Not to mention in terms of plot, we still don't know shit about it. In GT they had to travel across space to search for Dragon Balls, but here we don't know anything about the motives, where they need to go exactly, why someone would do this to them, or why it was necessary. It could end up being cool plot in the story but we just don't know.
>It could end up being cool plot in the story but we just don't know.
Was it really so hard to type one sentence and leave it a that? There's no need to rabidly defend a show that's not even out yet when they've given us little reason to believe it's worth it, even with Toriyama's involvement.
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>Was it really so hard to type one sentence and leave it a that?
I would have but then you say something like >they've given us little reason to believe it's worth it
which is literally the opposite of what I am doing. All we've seen from the show is two 30 second clips with no audio. In that time, they showed us some great art and animation while highlighting the action. What else do you need in a teaser trailer for a battle shounen? What is the little reason you refer to when they did their job with more to come? I only defend it because you keep undermining it.
new thread when?
For all the problems in this line, they are doing faces better than ever
I know they gave up on the Dragon Ball OG line but I'm upset we never got Tien at least. He was the first real GOAT of the original show
It almost feels to me like a story with a dragon ball skin placed over it and if you removed the dragon ball parts it wouldn't change anything. Like once you've got small Goku and Shin exploring the new place without the main cast, they're interchangeable with basically new characters. And then once you start adding new cast members it might as well be like another Sand Land or something. That's how I feel right now with what we're given.
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if anyone didnt buy the gammas for gohan accessories ekintoys is doing their own base/supersaiyan gohan, dl customs has their own already but those faces look like ass
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new photos of BD Xeno and regular Vegeta
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Imagine trying to charge money for something that looks that awful.
Namek isn't faring Vegeta well
>Like once you've got small Goku and Shin exploring the new place without the main cast, they're interchangeable with basically new characters. And then once you start adding new cast members it might as well be like another Sand Land or something.
They've ALWAYS been interchangable though. How is that any different than Goku going around with characters like Oolong, Bulma, and Yamcha and then later Gohan, Vegeta, and Piccolo? New characters are introduced and become part of the crew/adventures and has been a staple since always. Also Shin coming along for the ride probably serves a purpose that will be explained. For example, Goku is a kid again and probably can't access all of his abilities such as instant transmission for example which is something Shin himself could be helpful with. Maybe he has to go along with Goku because this conspiracy related to everyone turning into kids is related to the Kais. Maybe the rumor about the demon realm being where it takes place is true which would explain why he's with Goku since it could be related to Majins and if you remember the Buu arc, the whole reason Shin and Kibito came to Earth was to stop Babadi so it makes sense he's curious about a potential new threat.
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>SS3 Vegeta
Making figures based on literal fanfic garbage is a waste. What's next, SS4 Broly? Absolute waste of money
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Why is it so difficult for vegeta to have a decent figure? Is the ss4 vegeta the ONLY good vegeta so far?
It's only a good figure if you like that shit design
I like all of vegeta's designs. ESPECIALLY when he has the moustache at the beginning of GT.
Scratch that, I like all of his designs up to and including GT.
Why do his arms look so bad?
Most likely straight up reuse instead of original sculpt. He did not have those big ass shoulders in this outfit.
Whoever posed that for this promo shot is a mad man.
what the fuck they actually are doing both within a year?
So the only Namek saga character not done now should be Zarbon in his ugly state? seems 2025 will be filled with Android Saga stuff if thats true
I see you completely ignored the normal Vegeta right next to it.
Apparently they're doing Nail and Ugly Zarbon to round out the Namek Saga.

Monkey's Paw strikes the line once more...
Bandai likes to release figures in duos right? hoping we get a new Frieza mold reveal very soon
Nail, Monster Zarbon, Appule, and the Grand Elder
guys we need 3.0 of the ginyu force before we do any cell or buu characters again
>seems 2025 will be filled with Android Saga
Don't care unless we get Super Android 13.
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blackhole toys updated their sculpts for goku, gohan and future gohan releases
fuck 3d render teasing, show protos to see how mushy they end up
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prototypes of them were made before they made the new changes
young adult Gohan with that hair and that outfit never appeared in any show. Like when the fuck did Gohan with bangs have the turtle hermit gi? Makes no sense. Also the crocthes look like shit.
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>Like when the fuck did Gohan with bangs have the turtle hermit gi?
bait used to be believable
You are a retard, but even if you were right, what would be the problem? it looks cool

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