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(Previous thread: >>11005857)
Welcome to the /40kg/!
>Thread Question
What would Bandai and Macfarlane need to do for you to buy their stuff?
Is that Rusk Lemonade? Goddamn JoyToy is the gift that keeps on giving
Rad-Zone Corps reporting for duty
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how much does the average figure cost? I sold my warhammer minis recently since i had nobody to play with and no gayworksshop in my new town. Are there kriegs yet? You guys think there are people who play full 40k games with them??
Most of the figs available are around $60-$80 for the average unit, with them being slightly cheaper with a few newer molds and more expensive for the big stuff like Primarchs and Dreadnaughts.
I’m fairly new to this myself though, and while I’ve read off hand both here and else where that you could play kill-team with them, but I’m actually really curious how that would actually play out.
Also yes there are Kriegs
how did you make that picture? Green Screen?
Nah, used a stand and tried out the Google photos smart eraser to see what it could do. Original pic looked like this.
Skitarii-Anon, if I had to choose one ONE representative of the Omnissiah for my collection out of the three available, who do you recommend?
I’ve been leaning towards the Data-tether one the most, mainly for thinking his face mold seems the most “default look”, but genuinely can’t decide.
I wouldn't pay more than $35 for any figure thanks to AliExpress
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I think they're all pretty similar, but if you want them to have the most generic look, definitely data-tether. The data tether is a removable module and the backpack underneath it is fully painted, and it's the only skittle that comes with a galvanic rifle. It also has the most normal face, yeah.

The arquebus is fun, but it's HUGE, so I don't think I'd recommend it as your only one.

The Alpha (the one on the skateboard pic) has the one upside of having caution-striped cables on his chest, but he only has the chunky pistol for a ranged weapon, so I don't think he really feels like a good rep as the only one you get. Plus he has the mismatched lenses, which is fine in a group but as your only one, it might be less endearing
Seals the deal for me then, much appreciated!
While I believe it, I’ve heard too many boogeyman stories from Ali to form a valid opinion.
Do the Joytoy lines not have many bootlegs?
I have ordered 99% of my JoyToys from Aliexpress and am pretty sure that bootlegs of them don't even exist. The worst thing that has ever happened to me was that I didn't get one of the Tau crisis suits that I ordered, but the seller immediately refunded me without even asking for proof.
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there are no bootlegs of joytoy (yet)
same here, all my stuff has come from stores in Ali
Well shit, I've been bumming out to Amazon like an idiot then. But how does Aliexpress have low prices if there aren't any hooks attached?
you have such a nice place man
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dunno, maybe the fact the items are produced in China and shipped from there helps
thanks, the terrace allows for some good pics of anything when the weather is sunny
are the chest guns movable?
yes, they can swing in angle of like 200° in total
this dreadnought is quite beefy, I wonder if this upcoming one of the Imperial Fists will be the same size?
Presumably, the game models are about the same
>I wouldn't pay more than $35 for any figure thanks to AliExpress
This is a weird misleading comment I feel. Aliexpress has some great deals, but barring unusual circumstances, they're not THIS good unless you limit yourself to simpler figs, troop builders, and retools only. What I'm saying is the $60-70 guys will pretty much never get that low for example.

You're basically just getting closer to the source. A ton of Amazon sellers are just dropshipping from Ali and pocketing your extra money. You can get even LOWER prices potentially if you buy from China-only websites like Taobao or Weidian, but then you must figure in middleman fees. Aliexpress is about as close to the source as you can get without paying extra fees.
and btw I do know it's possible to get the $60-70 guys down to $35-ish, I have done it, but like I said, it took "unusual circumstances" like the alignment of a very good sitewide sale, the right store happening to offer the item I wanted at a special discount, and me having coins built up + coupons from the event. It's not something you can just do every day or every time, and you shouldn't set people up to believe they can. It'll just sour them to the actual price of the line.
wat is the biggest thing in size joytoy has released so far?
I think your using a strange average number, as ~$40 is closer to the real average. What figures go over $40? A lot do, but by only a few bucks, such as sisters, custodes, even some of the new terminators. What goes even higher? Ignoring the mechs and primarchs, it's usually a big character spike, such as the 10th edition chaplain in terminator armor, but that's a whole lotta unique sculpts, plus some extra paint apps, and even extra accessories (has alt head, and 4 items to go in his hands). The generic terminators are at ~$50 each, with one having a whole extra beacon, while the other has a huge as fuck gun!
And what's on the LOWER end of $40? Every normal human, except for some sisters, a million space Marines, the tau infantry (if you break apart the 4 pack), most of the necrons (including the entirety of the two packs), and now a termagant.
I think you are forgetting how many cheap figures there are. Hell, the super basic intercessors, that still come with a rifle, a pistol, and a chainswords, are like $18 anywhere. Star wars vintage collection figures are now $16.99 retail, and those are usually a guy, their main weapon, and maybe a side arm, if that isn't already their main, and maybe a helmet/alt head.

On AliExpress and their prices, it's a bit of a mix of both, as you do always get the best prices there by default, at any time, you can also get HUGE discounts at certain times, which is sort of accepted as the correct way to use Ali anyways, so it's sort of on you for not doing exactly so.
You're really muddying the waters now and getting off topic, I don't have any desire to talk about most of that stuff. I''m just saying, yeah, there are a good amount of cheap figs in this line, but I mostly buy Space Marines, and nearly any highly decorated/elaborate/all-new mold is in the $50-70 range to start with. You can see this by checking prices at non-Aliexpress stores, to see what their average going rate without coupons and deals and shit is. Check Gundamit or Ailina and you will see a lot of figures in that $50-70 range.
>What would Bandai and Mcfarlane need to do
More accessories/Weapons. A fist for his Power Fist and some Gun effects would of made it a 8/10. What's a good JoyToy to get as a introduction to the line? Preferably Spacemarine
Probably either the redemptor dreads or one of the primarchs, Horus is gonna be pretty big once he ships
The knight coming next month is gonna be like 20 inches tall iirc
Wait, honest to God forgot the dread knight existed, that's like 16 inches tall
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so far must be the Dreadknight and it most likely will end up bwing a dwarf compared to the Imperial Knight, if they release that thing
Forgot about this, and it's a pretty good one!
Bandai? MUCH lower prices, because that gravis captain being $240 retail!? Absolutely ridiculous! Normal intercessors are what, $80 retail? Gotta bring those prices down, or the value up, because they are competing with the MUCH cheaper McFarlane figures that, previously, where just $20, and offered something very close to bandai. They gotta have some bonkers articulation, and or a LOT more accessories than a rifle + knife. Did the mags come out of their rifles? They'd better, at $80. Should also have a functioning holster with removable pistol, that also has a functioning mag, as well as scabbard for the knife, plus maybe a grenade or two that attach to the belt, maybe even a pouch that can hold a mag, or maybe even some charms or whatever superstitious crap that chapter carries.
Up their game!
McFarlane? Hard to say, because I liked them a lot, it was just joytoy offered my preferred scale, and then outpaced them with options. Price hikes definitely didn't help, especially when paired with the drop in quality. Not much McFarlane can do to bring me back, besides maybe do what joytoy hasn't gotten to yet/won't do, as well as being stuff that matches up with them, such as wraith constructs, which could be a guard for McFarlane scale, but a lord for joytoy scale. Maybe make a 7" tall skorpekh destroyer? A generic daemon prince?
One of the dirt cheap, latest basic intercessors, as they offer a good variety of accessories (rifle, pistol, chainsword, in UM, BA, IF, SW, and BT flavors), as the investment is low, and the bar is at the bottom (with a few exceptions), so pretty much everything else is clearly better from there. They're like $18 anywhere. If you don't like it, at least it was less than $20, but if you do like it, there's a whole catalog to try next, and you can't go wrong with most of them. The only figures I'd caution against trying are the ones with a bunch of cables and stuff like permanent loadouts, because not everybody likes one figure to only being able to have one pose. An example is the gravis Marines with melta rifles, or the multi melta,.because their cables don't allow for more poses beyond holding the rifle, one way. But regular weapons like pistol + melee weapon? Great figures, as you can have MORE fun mixing and matching with your other figures!
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I've got a couple of Joytoy diorama sets, but I'm curious: are there any other playsets, dioramas, or accessories y'all would recommend? I've got some Acid Rain World but they don't quite measure up to jt 40k scale. Silly accessories like food and drinks are welcome too.
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Fresh Retro made 4 or 5 of great sets that are modular, but i don't think they exist anymore.
Each set is made up of 4 grid sections, top and bottom.
So something like this is one set.

That AwesomeActionToys guy uses one of the sets for msot of his reviews.

Last time i talked to the Fresh retro guy, he said he was planning on giving their sets a dirty paint look, but that was like 2 years ago and haven't seen anything new released since
Damn those guys look cool!
Spaaaaa-a-a-a-ace Huuuuuuulk!
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Aw yeees
I find this version of Russ a bit disappointing. He looks a bit too clean, well-groomed and faggy. I imagine him looking like a ten-foot Sean Bean with fangs.
anon he's a space wolf
they're all faggy
It's unfortunate but for some reason HH made all of the primarchs cleanshaven prettyboys except for Johnson and Khan (and Khan's beard is pathetic compared to what it ought to be)

If I ran the show, Dorn and Russ would both have facial hair, at minimum.
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Cool car
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Unfortinately, the sarge's arms are just a bit too short to reach the handles
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Quite bigger than the bike
I love how bright and clean the UM blue looks in your photos, what kind of camera do you take these with? I imagine it must be some combination of the excellent natural lighting you have there and the color balance of whatever camera you have.
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in my experience, natural sunlight, especially around 10am to 11am, makes for the best lightning for taking pics
those came out so-so since it is almost 2pm and the position of the sun ends up making the figures casting shadows vertically that obscure the driver's seat

I'm just using the camera of a xiaomi rednote 7 cellphone, which is already dated by current specs so I'm sure any new phone will give you even cleaner and brighter pics... although I'm sure there is certain threshold for which the human eye will no longer be able to tell a difference
technically speaking its an ATV so having him hooked on the bars and leaning forward above the seat a bit isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility
Just got the SoH Contemptor. He's a mite bigger than I was expecting.
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Gotta love those cool summer nights.
He does look pretty good. I was thinking about getting the SoH contemptor, but I have always found their design a little goofy looking, and figured that I would have more than enough big SoH centerpiece models between Abaddon and Horus
I mean he is an absolute UNIT, if you got the money and space to spare, I'd say he's absolutely worth it.
>Grey Knight termie be like "dis traitorous nigga serious?"
>Captcha MARX
One of them is a communist
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I was, unintentionally, replicating this
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Amazing that one-off art is an awesome toy more than 30 years later.
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buy them now, while some stores stil have them in stock.

They were going to make cooler shit, but Fresh Retro doesn't seem to exist anymore.
literally the first time ive ever heard anyone praise this batshit retarded design of a space marine gokart
Okay now I really want to buy a SoH marine
Some guy praised it when it first came out, saying it was amazing and how huge it was

Guy seemingly never owned a toy in his life, considering how small it actually is and how overpriced it is for its size. When i told him this, he went absolutely mad, saying everything else is shit.

First time i noticed how bad the shilling was.
more retarded primaris trash to foul up the setting
>First time i noticed how bad the shilling was.
More like "first time my mental illness manifested".
really like the new releases, but the scale creep is getting silly with some older releases
the skitarii look great, but they look a little funny when they're almost as tall as necrons when they're not even supposed to come up to the shoulder with them
Got the new Chaplain today. It's a really nice toy, but as I expected, it's fucking massive. When I opened it my first thought was "this is bigger than a chunk of my 1/12 figures, especially the imports." The hands have taken a step backward as well. After some excellent 3.0 hands on recent figures like the SoH, these feel unpleasantly hard again, like the 2.0 hands. Really don't know how to feel about the diecast joints either, they feel fine now but I'm worried about how they will age. Diecast joints are notoriously tough to re-tighten once they go floppy.

I dunno. If they keep this up, I think I'm probably done with Space Marines. I don't like how leggy the new promos are looking, and these Terminators are simply not usable in the same setting as the old figures.
what's differents to the other joints?
Diecast joints will not tighten with the traditional plastic joint methods like Pledge or even superglue.
this sounds like bullshit.

Why wouldn't adding any type of friction filler into a joint not work? Hasbro uses rubber cups on their diecast hips and they worked fine.
I'm no scientist man I'm just repeating knowledge that was passed on to me by others who presumably did a lot of testing or something
Man I just saw them and the articulation really isn't much huh. You really don't need them much to do but kneeling properly and turning their head would have been nice. Abcrunch for looking wounded maybe ... shame really. It's ok if bulky armor dudes can't do it but for coomens you kinda want that at least
did they came with a shovel?
these are not mine but yeah they do come with one. They are pretty great just this very specific articulation would have been nice. If they could at least do their mini poses properly I'd be happy too. They are more than good enough for standing poses though
Any recommendation for good and cheap storage boxes for the Cardboard?
For the Kriegers, the issue isn't articulation, its the coats. The bodies are 100% capable of what you're asking for, but the coat is a soft plastic that doesn't allow for it.
Bandai: Either lower prices or higher quality, they are too expensive so I would expect at that price a ton of accesories and detail, or just make them cheaper if they are going to mantain their current quality
McFarlane: More variety, the prices are allright and they even offer blanks so I can easily paint in whatever chapter I want, some more variety like Gravis Captains, scouts etc. would be nice

What figure is that to the left of the termie? Because it looks cool and could pass for a proxie genestealer
I hope that we get more Skitarii. I was disappointed with how few weapon options we got from the rangers. The alpha kit is supposed to have two different ranged weapon options and three different melee options, but we only got the one set, and the data tether seems like such a strange choice for a first wave. GW has been forcing communications specialist figures into the line for a while now for some reason, when they cannot possibly be popular. I hope we get another wave with vanguards or rangers with plasma weaponry.
idk, i like em, for some reason I always buy the comms units. something about the look of them. antennas on helmets, wrist computers, transmission gear on backpacks, i like the aesthetic.
Bandai can't walk their prices back at this point without a huge backlash from the people who already bought them at high prices. And I mean, what huge corporation EVER wants to reduce their prices, especially if fools have demonstrated that they'll pay them? Plus, they gave the job to their shokugan team for some reason, who was woefully underqualified for it. There is simply no way back for them imo.

McFarlane I also can't imagine any meaningful way back to success. I have really soured on my figs from him over time, the more JoyToy I buy, the clunkier and cheaper they look. Only the Genestealer and Flayed One will remain in my collection, as both are very fun to play with. The others I am trying to get rid of.
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Remember, the data tether is also the generic ranger, see pic here >>11026403. I'm not sure why they didn't show this off in product pics.

As far as other weapons, Yeah, it's a little disappointing we got so few, but most of them are limited to the squad leaders on the tabletop.

Skitarii alphas have access to the radium pistol, the arc pistol, the taser goad, and the power sword. The only options missing from the rest of the squad are the plasma caliver and the arc rifle, and I guess the Omnispex is an alternative option to the Data Tether.

I had assumed they were holding some stuff back to give it to the Vanguard I assumed they'd make eventually, since they would share so much existing tooling. The plasma caliver especially, since it's always had the assault keyword, so it made sense to give it to Vanguard who are always advancing. But they really should have given the Rangers a 4th guy with an Arc Rifle, and at least one more pistol option.
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Forgot to finish my thought:
It's weird that we haven't seen a vanguard announcement, given how little it would take to make them happen after Rangers are sculpted. I hope it's not a sign that they've fully abandoned the prospect of any further Admech releases. I'd love to see a Kataphron and a Dominus tech priest. We're missing a big priest to lead them, and I think the Kataphron would nicely fill in the terminator-sized hole between Skitarii and Kastelans robots.
Eh, so far comms guys have been: one of the four infiltrators (which was a good decision, kept it from getting too repetitive), comms ork (definitely the worst comms guy, as he has his weird ass comms gun thingy, and nothing more), comms krieg (one of six, which gives the selection variety, so another good application), comms cadian (I think one of only five? But still a good option in-between his four friends, and came with a standard rifle, unlike work, so good), and then the comms toaster, which was one of 3? Has a rifle, and can remove pack to essentially make him a standard guy, so pretty good figure. So long as they don't repeat what happened with the ork, and do more like with the admech comms guy (potential modularity), then comms guys don't seem like a bad idea.

Now the random three-peat, on the other hand, is a very weird decision. Take the latest three-peat in the primaris jump pack Marines; I understand a sergeant, but why two "different" regular guys? For the head sculpt? Then just include the other head in one box, boom, army builder. Though I suppose that's sort of what they are doing, just putting them in their own boxes? I don't know, still seems pretty weird, why not make the third guy a recolor?
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Comms Ork was cool actually. I like his weird leather gas mask. And I dunno what his gun does so I just headcanon it as some kind of tesla coil electric gun. It even has the little zappy lightning symbol on both the gun and the pack. Come to think of it, he might be my favorite of the orks.
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his shirt and half-mask make me think of a football player. which makes me think of blood bowl. and that makes me happy.
I really didn't like that the tether is stuck to his hand almost permanently. Also, why does he have bullets, when his "gun" (be it some sort of sonic weapon, or electric zapper, or whatever) clearly doesn't use them. Should've come with at least a melee weapon extra, maybe even a pistol, with the hand being just open enough to let go of tether, in my opinion. Mask looked alright, for a big goofy ork head.
>I really didn't like that the tether is stuck to his hand
It's not? You can remove it. His hands are stiff, that's all. They're not fused together.

As for the bullets, blame GW, they're on the original mini so they are replicated here as well. He also does not come with an additional weapon because the mini did not. When are people going to realize that this is not some freewheeling "make what you want" toyline, but strictly beholden to GW's rules?
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the cable doesn't even come in his hand in the package. this suggests to me that you didn't even buy it, just like everyone else i've seen criticize this figure
Yeah, your right, I didn't buy it, but from my criticisms, why would you think I did? I thought I saw it was removable, but from the pic shown in >>11029585 and from what I remember of promo pics, it didn't look like it was, so I was indeed wrong there. I also understand that GW isn't the best at sensible designs, or at least these designs don't translate to figures perfectly, but it just goes to show that there is a lot about this figure that I do not like.
I'm also well aware that joytoy has been adhering to the source minis too much, as I always thought that they should take some creative liberties in favor of making a better action figure, and it seems that they are finally doing so, with the termagant being able to release its fleshborer from its hands (the mini has the hand that holds the weapon grip clearly as part of both the gun and hand. The other hand has this perfect slot to fit inside of, but is implied to be entirely separate. Same with the primarchs and minis that have weapons on their bodies, such as leman russ' knife, hatchet, and shield, as well as horus' knife, and the deathwing terminators' knives; they get to be their own accessories. Lions pistol seems to have been the exception lol).
Am I the only person in here who actually owns all of the Orks? I don't think I have ever seen anyone post pictures of them. They were one of the first things I bought when getting into the line because I wanted a wide variety of adversaries and have never really liked space marines particularly outside of Dark Angels and Grey Knights. Then the line turned into nothing but Primaris slop for a year until we just now finally got some tyranids.
I didn't buy all of any one faction or even wave, but I came close with the orks. I have like 4 I think? They're really nice actually, aside from the ugly elbow joints. Really heavy and dense figures, and they feel nice to handle.
I've been meaning to buy one, but I've just been dragging my feet, though I second the fact that I can't think of anybody posting any of their own orks. Maybe like, one person has? Though I've also never seen anybody post the helbrute, nor the smaller grey knights, either.
Be the change that you want to see, anon!
I haven't unpacked any of my figures yet, I do have all of the orks and all of the grey knight interceptors thoughever. The helbrute is just ugly as shit, I own almost all of the black legion marines but I will never get that thing.
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Look who's here.
Dante himself looks great. Still hate that jump pack though. Time to buy an extra Vanguard so I can donate the pack.
The BA primaris jump captain and crew is dropping too, plus apothecary biologus. Damn, man, that jump captain is WAAAAAY better than the UM one! Has a bare head! Amazing! and TWO melee weapons that aren't the basic chainswords, whooo! Only thing that kind of sucks is heavy bolt pistol instead of a plasma, but I like the heavy bolt pistol a lot, so I'll be getting this captain for sure!
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also BA seargent and captain with jump packs
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and the normal guy
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and smurf doctor because of course its a smurf
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and a rerun of the golden axe boy
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>yay more primaris shit
In lore though, power-swords and plasma weapons are rare and revered weapons carried only by exceptional individuals. Bolters and chainswords for the vast majority.
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we've got nids and a shitload of 30k firstborn you gay homosexual, what more do you want? Joytoy are absolutely killing it.
>ultramarine breachers
I never liked that screaming face helmet Dante and the Sanguinary guard have, but here he almost looks nice imo
Definitely getting this guy, too nad he doesnt have a plasma pistol tho
REEEEEE fucking smurfs ah well, I'm getting him too I guess
I want to like him, but those tiny intakes are just too gay.

No Narthecium, no buy.

He's a repaint, the original didn't have red shoulders. And the gold is different.
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>what more do you want?
Orks that actually looks wild and outrageous with each getting a unique sculpt like the Chaos Space Marines. Eldar Guardians, a Farseer, Autarch, or any cadre of Aspect Warriors. Tau Auxiliary such as Kroot or Vespid. More Guardsmen that look like Krieg proportions rather than the heavy handed, tiny headed Cadian mutants. The fact we got Scions before a Commissar is fucking criminal. I'm okay with reuse of sculpts to cut down on costs for new releases but you can't excuse that shit forever. I think the only reason they even did Tyranids was because of how essential it is for customers to army build them.
>And the gold is different.
So the Leviathan box terminators are larger than even Custodian terminators now? What the fuck?
Yeah I'm aware. It's a bummer really.
seems like its just a repaint of the existing model, so they probably didn't go to the effort of making a new mold for giganigga custodes
not yet, at least
yeah yeah there are always gonna be greedy motherfuckers like you. no matter how good things get you're gonna bitch and moan because they didn't do it precisely the way you liked, or didn't make the obscure unit you wanted.

you also seem to be one of those people confusing GW's mandates of what can be made for what Joytoy "wants" to do.
>what more do you want?
Can't wait to see you fags drop 1/18 crap once joy toy start making 1/12 scale
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JoyToy! Do you want to print money?
>confusing GW's mandates of what can be made for what Joytoy "wants" to do
Unless you have insider knowledge that is a baseless assumption. No way you can substantiate your claim that GW is 100% dictating what gets released. Go ahead. Prove me wrong.
Erm actually my heckin super secret insider discord said that James personally decides and approves every single model that gets made and they always have to match the minis except for those times where they didn't match the minis but that doesn't count
I hope that we get destroyer and devastator squads, psykers, and techmarines for the Horus Heresy line before it ends. Techmarines and destroyers would be perfect to release with Iron Warriors, then psykers and devastators with the Thousand Sons and whatever the next loyalist chapter to be revealed is. They could be releasing tons of repaints of existing molds for the Horus Heresy line since there seems to have been a lot less variation between the legions back then in terms of armor ornamentation. We already have molds of all the major armor and weapon patterns, excluding MkV armor and a few heavy weapons, so I'm not sure why they aren't making as many repaints as they possibly can. They could paint the entire Heresy range Ultramarine blue and they would all sell.
Yeah, they definitely were going super accurate to the models at the start, but are, thankfully, starting to deviate a bit when it makes more sense for what a figure should be/do. I liked the feeling of holding a bigger, articulated mini, but I would probably have passed on, say, the termagant if both of the hands were grafted to the gun. At first I dreaded the deathspitter, devourer, or even my all time favorite venom cannon, but now I'm all for 'em!
no more primaris shit?
Dark Eldar.
>Dark Eldar
Surely you mean the Drukhari© Kabalites™?
Is Dante primaris now? Also that death mask and jump pack has zero aura compared to his old gear
not really a SoH fan, but i must say i really do like the beakies
they look good and they pose good, everything you'd want out of a figure
i guess a bonus is of jt does a traitor legion i do care about the soh marines wouldn't be out of place because they were everywhere with everyone
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The SoH beakies are a great release to get into the line on. Pose great, look great. I'm just so fuckin glad to have these avian bros in poseable toy form. I hope we see more from other chapters.

My ultimate wish is some classic Grey Hunters, but this is probably a never-ever.
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With both Blood Angels and Ultras getting jetpacks, what are the chances Ravenguard getting a fig?
Really wanting a fig of bottom right's artwork.
Does that artwork have a mini? If not, there is pretty much no chance. All figures are based on existing minis, and typically move in the direction GW wants to highlight in their own miniature line. They''re not just going to release random shit because it might be cool.
I wasn’t clear, I didn’t mean the artwork exactly. Ravenguard’s main schitck is jetpacks and stealth, and while there’s plenty of minis to rep, in terms of molds, I just really hoping for a Jetpack to come with the beaked Sargent.
>typically move in the direction GW wants to highlight in their own miniature line
I have to wonder why they decided to release figures of the old firstborn assault marines right around the time that the actual "jump pack intercessors" launched and then only just now started releasing figures of those.
Not a rule my dude, as the primaris BA with nipples don't have minis, neither does the IF LT with basically blank shield, nor the primaris SW with pelts, helmets, and wrestling belts, save for the old man with grey hair in a ponytail, but that one is VERY close to a mini, and isn't EXACTLY the same as the mini.
Those EXACT nipple BAs might not have minis, but they are quite similar to some existing ones. They just feel remixed a little.
My advice? Buy the Ravenguard sarge, an UM Vanguard Vet for the pack, and some 3D printed lightning claws off Etsy. It'll take a little painting, but when the materials all exist, I'd rather just go do it myself than hope for it to be made.
WAAAY easier to buy the RG sgt, plus the jetpack and claws off of the printhink guy on eBay/Etsy, as he does sell both, and they are printed in black plastic, so minimal painting required. Should be like, just $45 in total, I believe.
no shade to printthink, I love his shop, but I own his jump pack and the official one and I like the official one a lot better. i would still recommend the vanguard if you want the best jump pack possible. also, the marine it's attached to is great in itself, so you can just pick up a spare backpack on eBay and have yourself a firstborn marine.
In a semi-related pipedream, I'd love it if they made toys based on the old art from before it became solely "you can draw exactlywhat the miniatures look like, nothing more". Those classic Adrian Smith champions of chaos and orks, all the funky Inquisitors and their hangers on, techpriests, Blanche's completely unidentifiable weirdos. The only one I can kind of see actually happening would be that one Blanche sister with the skull bra, because she got a limited edition model.
The BA and the SW are all from the upgrade packs. Don't know about the shield though.
Upgrade packs meant for first born, not primaris, so there's still no "official model" that they are directly referencing, hence, "no mini, no figure" is NOT entirely true. I agree that, for the most part, it's a trend, but like I said,.not an absolute rule.

Just saying that my way is probably the cheapest and easiest. If you want the best, then you'd use the BT sword brother that has power claws, so now you have official everything, with just the jetpack needing a repaint.
>printhink guy on eBay/Etsy
He used to have a website with a discount code, didn't he? I don't remember it unfortunately. Incidentally, is there an actually searchable /toy/ archive?
>Upgrade packs meant for first born, not primaris, so there's still no "official model" that they are directly referencing
You know you are still allowed to glue a bit of plastic to another bit, even if they're not both labelled as primaris.
I hope he is as cheap as the re-released Blood Angels. For 30 Bucks I would get a Custodes even tho he doesn't have a spear.

Looks awful compared to the original model, those stupid fiddly wing bits on the jump pack are especially egregious.
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His old armor was clearly inspired by Mordred in the film Excalibur.
Just unboxed the new Ultramarines Terminator captain. Holy shit, I did not appreciate how big these have gotten.
what's the delay with the Imperial Fists Contemptor?
supposed to ship late june, I heard
I'm well aware of kitbashing, but are you aware of the entirety of my post? The point is that those figures do not have an official model to be based on, so "no model/mini, no figure" is NOT an absolute rule.
Too big. It's just comedic putting them next to anything else.
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Well, this really is the perfect example of GW's switch from simple and chunky toylike proportions to hyperdetailed heroic proportions. The difference is even more apparent in 1/18 than in the minis.
It's kind of weird how the librarian terminator has nice bendy but still firm hands while the chaplain terminator has horribly stiff and hard to swap hands.
You know, I actually think I prefer the older JT Termies. Even aside from scale, they just look better.
It's not even a question for me, I definitely like the older ones better. I gave the new Terminators a fair shot, bought one and just don't like it. I guess I gotta really prize that one wave of UM Termies we got.
BA are the same, save for the head, aren't they? They definitely do have a charm to their proportions, and I really liked the 10th edition sculpts much better. I guess as figures, they got touched up in ways that fixed what I didn't like about the minis.
Yeah, I own a few of the BA ones, but I don't like them as much because they have the squashed looking helmet sculpt. Which the UM ones fixed.
Get your eyes checked.

Neither match the proportions of the models, but closest is on the right.
Can everyone list their usual sites? I want to get the old IF heavy intercessor with heavy bolter. Gundamit has the unhelmed one for $32, which isn't bad, but I want closed helm, hoping to find that one for about $35.
Did anything happend at joytoy? The store I buy my figures just increased the prices on every joytoy warhammer figure by 5-20 bucks. Now literally more expansive than buying off of amazon.
What store?
Does Russ's gun store anywhere on his body like Dorn's?
Just switch to a different store. There are tons of them out there that offer good pricing.
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>you gay homosexual
Wouldn't that be straight guy?
Warning, objects in rangefinders may appear further than they are.
that human looks too fat
He's not a human, he's a Cadian™
I hope that we get 30k Iron Hands and Iron Warriors after the inevitable Thousand Sons
I hope that we get SPACE HULK
I thought no one here is going to buy anything new since they are now too big (for you (tm))
The new terminators are Xboxhueg but I haven't seen very many complaints about the very slight adjustments to regular power armor size
Ahhhh an Aliexpress sale starts today, there goes my fucking money.
what did you buy?
I kind of want to get a few of the 30k Imperial Fists to fight my Sons of Horus, but I absolutely hate yellow. I can't decide whether I should wait and see if they reveal anymore loyalists or just go ahead and get a few piss boys.
just wait
You could always just get Sigismund. His whole thing was going around singlehandedly murdering traitor champions, so you wouldn't need a squad to back him up.
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Mechanicum would be nice. The 30k robutts are much nicer models than their 40k equivalents but would still look fine together with them, and a good number recently got remade in plastic
Why does this look ai?

JoyToy hasn't really done a great job with the robes and tabards IMO. They're too restrictive. Maybe if they start doing the wire cloth stuff like Bandai is doing lately they could pull it off. But any toy with the rubber robes and such may as well just be a statue because they aren't poseable.
Yeah I think that specific tech priest would have really bad leg articulation. Not sure what the solution is.
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They're pretty damn soft as far as rubbery cloaks go. I actually think they're some of the best I've ever seen. You just need to figure out how to work with them for posing. Like for example, for figures with full robes like Azrael or the Judicar, I often have them in striding forward poses, and you can use the kneepad to redirect the direction of the robes just like on this mini here.
apparently this guy is exclusive to Joytoy.com and isn't coming to other retailers
doubt that'll stop some of them, but an interesting development nonetheless
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Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
scale creep is tearing this family apart
>His whole thing was
being a passive aggressive bitch towards his dad
To be fair, the newscale Terminator miniatures are egregiously large even next to other Primaris models, so there is a basis for it, sorta. Still ridiculous but hopefully it doesn't mean future power armour figures will be as aggressively inflated.
I posted the minis next to each other in the last thread, but it wasnt quite the same as the figures, which are about half a head oversized, as in, the new terminators are about half a head too tall when compared to old primaris figures. Haven't seen any next to any of the new primaris Marines, such as the sternguard vets or jump pack Marines.
that's just sad. legitimately afraid to buy anything other than nids now.
NTA, but I've tightened plenty of diecast joints on old Gobots through traditional means - it just took longer/more applications
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Justaerin terminators arrived today. The articulation on these is insane. I got a few IF terminators and Sigismund for them to fight, not sure if I want to get the Justaerin with the multi-melta and power maul as well. I'm hoping that they end up making the 1st company praetor in cataphractii armor who comes with a meltagun and power maul.
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Can he spread his arms this far?
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Johnson! Quit screwing around and get back on the grill station!
My stuff came in today, except for the termagant, which is taking forever for some reason, and I am very pleased with them! I'm fighting the urge to buy a million from the Horus heresy line, and these two being so great isn't helping! Warrior is much better in hand, because reviewers don't seem to know how to pose these guys properly. Even with the scythes on top, as soon as I posed it like the minis, it looked MUUUUUCH better! Ended up swapping the arms like another anon here did, and he is correct; this config plays much better, as well. At first I was meh about Leviathan colors, but I got over it once he started to pose like a proper 'nid. Can't wait for more bugs! He does have a few tiny issues, such as a little too loose torso joint, and the arm/shoulder articulation being a tiny bit limited by the sculpt (the shoulders should have had a bicep swivel lower to pet it swivel more, and the ribs should have ended a bit earlier to let the arms move a bit more forward OR there should have been a butterfly/barbel ball joint at the shoulders to let them clear this protrusion), but they're small stuff, and likely will get addressed later.

All in all, still very happy with these figures!
I just bought a warrior in the Ali sale! Excited for it to arrive. Not to tempt you, but if you want something else this is probably a really good time to go looking. In the aforementioned sale I got the 'Nid warrior for like $38 shipped.
I'm checking, and if I end up buying anything else it's entirely your fault :p
Also, just noticed, the warrior has die cast hips. It's, as well as the justaerians, are metal barbel ball joints, so they aren't using the usual T joint for the pelvis. The rest of the pieces look to be plastic, so let's see how that turns out. I've heard that die cast is prone to tightness deterioration, but I believe that's in the case of metal on metal, so maybe metal on plastic is better?
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Probably should have finished checking before posting, and I don't remember if this was already known, but justaerian has metal hips, shoulders, AND ankles, all barbell ball joints into plastic.
Beaky is clean, and nid doesn't seem to have more.
I don't really understand the switch to diecast, it's not like their old joints were fragile or anything. But I guess it's fine as long as it doesn't make anything worse.
i want to get my first warhammer figure and i saw quite a few tor garadons on ebay but they are all from china. they're labeled as joytoy but i am worried about getting bootlegs. have there been any bootlegs made of him or do i have nothing to worry about? he's unfortunately out of stock at places like bbts and other reputable/well-known sellers.
No bootlegs, so any place, even AliExpress and temu, all provide authentic figures.
There you go, at a good price.

Also, I magnetized their headgear lol
Wha-!? I just realized, my justaerian has the wrong pauldron! It's supposed to be spikey! Well, the fact that I barely noticed shows it's not that big of a deal, but I'll ask gundamit about a replacement anyways, having an extra or some free credit would be nice regardless.
thank you, that is almost half the price.
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Probably because it was a quick pic snapped in poor lighting.

Or my phone is doing filtershit that I haven't asked it to. In my experience phone cameras just lie now.
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Anyone here made a full-on physical return to Aliexpress before? It's either that or a partial refund for me. In this case the shipping fee would be on the store.

How did it go? When I search it up, people say not to do it because the seller might screw you.
returns are always a way to get scammed anon
they'll "never receive it" and dont count on tracking to help whatsoever
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Ordered the RG Sargent, and while one of the Vanguard Veterans tempted me, I ended up deciding against it and checked out the printthink guy's shop.
Couldn't find anything jetpack related, assumed they must've been delisted, but I did order a claw hand, so I'm curious to see how it'll turn out.
Found another guy that does pic related, but the more I stare at it, I begin to question how badly I want a jetpack for my Ravenguard.
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Dante secured, now bring on Sanguinius. God, I don't want to think how much he'll cost... And then we're onto the Thousand Sons and Magnus. I'm torn whether to get both 30K and Rubrics, or just the latter. I don't army build now, but TS are my favourites, so I'm feeling the pull. I wonder if they'll do both or do just the 30K version now to tie in with HH. The roadmap from last year featured the Rubrics though, so who knows.

Question for (you); how are you planning on displaying your figures? At first I was going to break them down to Chapters, but it was too costly and I gave it up. Then I was thinking of pairing all the Primarchs together. Now I'm thinking
>big 40K display, mini-battle types of dioramas, with some Good Guys vs. Bad Guys set ups
A SoB and a Spesh Mauhreen versus some 'Nids and a Templar versus a Corsair or something.
>Loyalist Primarchs + Named Characters
Bobby-G and Marneus, Sanguinius and Dante, the rest of the Loyalists I want.
>Chaos Primarchs
I'll have more Chaos Primarchs so I'm thinking of putting them in their own case. If I get someone like 40K Abaddon later, I'll do the same as the Loyalists.
>Custodes + Big E (if he's ever released)
I have lots of Bananas thus far, and I'm going to display them all together. But I was thinking of maybe expanding it to a general Imperium display, add an Inquisitor or two if they start making them, add Saint Celestine, and so on. Hopefully GW releases a Big E model so that we can get him too.
>Thousand Sons
If I get both 30K & 40K versions, I'll pile them all together, lead by Ahriman, and put them in their own little space.
I think it's listed under an assault bundle? Includes a beakie helmet and some other stuff, but you can always ask him about the jetpack on its own. He also has some other stuff that he doesn't regularly list, like I got a melta pistol from him once, but I've never seen it individually sold (I got it in a bundle on eBay he put up).
Aliexpress doesn't cover the "loss" if the seller doesn't accept the package?
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>but they are all from china
......this is a Chinese line anon.....
what are the odds on more mechanicus? vanguard with some other weapons like the arc rifle and the plasma carbine seem like a shoe in
some tech priests would also be welcome
Sometehing about the focus combined with the number of random items gives this a real "Eye Spy" feel, very cool. The sense of scale too.
Pretty sure my IF contemptor just shipped from CTC
i avoided ali express a while ago because when i added an item into my cart like i just did with tor, it said tracking not provided, so i wasn't sure how i would know when the items arrived or when to prepare to pick them up. i am taking the chance now and just added an intercessor with it (good reviews, so hopefully also not bootleg) but from a different seller/shop it seems. if they both arrive at the same time together and i get notified, i will definitely switch over to using them more. crazy how much cheaper the stuff is.
40k isn't big enough to even get proper bootlegs. they all come from china.
My termagant came in (I don't know why showz/gundamit shipped all 4 figures separately) and I love this lil dude! I wish the tube that connects to the fleshborer was on the weapon, and then pegged into the arm, but whatever, I can mod it that way myself. A swivel on a minor elbow is stuck, but that's not a big deal, either, as I wouldn't be needing to swivel the small claw anyways, other than those tiny issues, I love him!
Fingers crossed for a hormagant and warrior with a biogun (coughdeathspittercough), maybe even in behemoth colors :p
I'm so happy they took their time with the Termagants. They found a way to work in a ton of joints, make the gun not fused to the hands, good balance even without a stand, and most importantly, cheap enough to army build. They even have proper digitigrade legs, shittier lines will remove one joint or fuck up the shape and turn it into a pseudo-plantigrade to try to save money. Bravo JoyToy.
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Unboxed my Termagants, unfortunately one was missing their fleshborer. Contacted showz aftersales service so hopefully in a few weeks another gun comes up.

Might try to 3d print a different bioweapon as a replacement.
lemme know if you find anything good out there, I am also looking to diversify my Termagant loadout.
Don't bother JoyToy is a shit line in fake 1/18th Scale (which they can't even get right), with shitty plastics that break easily and can't even get the gold color right (looks more like mustard yellow than gold) meanwhile the chink shills in this thread will pathetically try to convince you that its "da best line ever!!!1!!" or else the CIA won't give them burger King coupons so they can afford to eat some decent food instead of eating our garbage once again.
Your subby impersonation is off, as he NEVER acknowledges the absolute blunder that is his BK coupons accusation. I guess even his delusions aren't strong enough to back that horse, lmao.
Also, you need to immediately flip-flop and end with how now that space Marines are 0.6cm taller, that the line is fixed, they are true to scale, and how your now buying significantly more figures than you were before, despite hating the brand.

Post new bio weapons results. I'm tempted to try and find a biovore kit, and then use the other gun as a basis for a joytoy Tyranid bioweapon kitbash. I was gonna do the same with my ghost arks left over doom cannon, but it was redundant.
Also, that termagant identifies as a hormagant, so don't you force xer to hide xer identity!
Mental illness 2; electric kino
Yes, how dare an anon put a toy with his other toys! It's the Holocaust all over again!
Because your retarded, I'll explain that the previous line is sarcasm. That's your last (you), as (you) don't even own toys.
Feed da baby!
>I wish the tube that connects to the fleshborer was on the weapon, and then pegged into the arm
Well that's shit.

Whats the range like on the bigger knifey bug? Arms specifically, since they're so tricky to do.

>only wants to acknowledge the insults about the burger king coupon being given to him by the cia
>not the one about finding it while scavenging a trash pile, because china is america's dumping ground, because he actually idolizes America
The best part was the fact you were trying to boast about using it to buy food, when the coupon was already expired... because it takes that long for the garbage barges to reach your shore.

Pic i shamelessly stole from you when you took it in April 2023.
Lol it was only expired after you took 2 years to repost the pic that, surprise surprise, you stole.

Also, why are you asking ME for advice? Damn schizo thinks that he has a decent reputation lmao.
Also also, thought that joytoy was a cheap plastic, can't get gold paint right, overpriced, non scaled shit toy company? Oh wait, that's right, despite all of this, you still buy their toys regularly.

Mental illness.
>implying i was complaining in 2021
I didn't buy into the toyline until 2022 and only started bitching until the last half when it became obvious Joytoy was fucking up and not improving.

Holy fuck, did it really take Joytoy THREE fucking years to actually start making their Space MArines in 1:18? Fucking damn.
Of course, they still fucked that over by making the original Astartes marines taller than the Primaris Marines. Not that i care, because i didn't waste a lot of money on the Primaris, unlike the people bitching now about the so-called scale creep.

But still, the coupon has dates on them. 2022 print date and expires 1/29/2023. If you were actually America, you know those coupons only last about a month.
Besides, we have an archive and you can find the original post about him gloating about totally going out to BK on April 2023 with his expired coupon
>Meanwhile I'll keep on eating at one of the many fast food joints within a block of me. I'm thinking burger king, because we got some nice coupons in today.

pic is another picture i stole, because it's just delicious that you non-fans cried about their heights not mattering, but now that they fixed the scale, you guys cry that they should "fix" it
>No true scottsmans being American
Subby, you just LOVE being stupid and wrong, don't you? I'd demonstrate exactly how wrong you are on every assertion you made, but you are mentally ill, and are unable to process reality. This your last (you), so enjoy it.

Seeth at my power outlets, that you will undoubtedly dismiss with whatever your schizophrenic episode comes up with.
Eye spy a big blue guy
Ideas manifest
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God damnit...
Are those arms from a mini?

Jeez, I can't wait til the custom parts guys get to 'Nid weapons.
Yeah, from the tyrannofex kit. eBay has both guns at about $15 each, but they could fit pretty well. Bioweapons will be tricky, because the minis all have the hands integrated into their sculpt, so it's not as easy as "import weapon model, upscale, print" like a bolter or power sword.
I think all they need to do for bioweapons is slice the models at the wrists (at a good angle of course), then mold in balljoint cups to match the wrist joints. It will not matter too much if the hands are fused to the weapon, the rest of the joints in the arm will provide enough mobility to adjust the pose.

This is basically what I did with one of my heavy weapons sisters-her hands kept dropping it, so I glued them down. I can still adjust her pose thanks to all the joints in the arms, and it's way more stable and solid feeling now.
Look at the way these bioweapons are grafted, it's a lot more than just slicing at the wrists, but that would seem to work for the devourer, and maybe the others present. Spinefists have the tube that goes all of the way up to the arm, and impaler cannon has the two hands gripping the front of the gun.
Ah, I see. Most of this should be possible, you just need to model the forearm as well to have the connecting bits intact. We know Warriors can swap at the forearm so this should be fairly easy too.
New biopistol lol
Heehee, give the 'gaunt some wings! Pseudo gargoyle lol
>get caught in lie
>I'm not going to talk to you anymore!
A bullshitter stops bullshitting? Good.

I like how you think calling out nonfans who said that height doesn't matter and then goes out and bitch about scale creep when Joytoy is trying to fix the scale issue is no true scottsman.
I know this will fall on low IQ ears, or maybe shitty ESL ears, but no true scottsman is a fallacy when you use "nonfans" as a way to prove something. It's not even an ad hominem fallacy (for retards: name calling).

My entire argument is pointing out the hypocrisy from retarded nonfans saying Joytoy's 2021-2023 Primaris figures are fine for being way undersized because height doesn't matter and now crying that Joytoy trying to make them to scale by upsizing them am bad.

Me saying you're nonfans because you didn't even know what a primaris marine was until i needed to point it out over a year ago is just an observation, like noticing you have a third world-tier electrical socket. ... did you do that yourself just to post it in a picture for me?
wtf dude.
It's straight out of a fucking favela.

pic isn't stolen, because i had to take it my self to show how out of scale Joytoy's Space Marines were when compared to other toylines, which i don't think anyone here could do, because you guys don't own anything.
Do you live in a cellar or something? This is some majorly povvo looking shit.
The mentally ill continues to rant incoherently, continuing on with his beloved 'nintrue scottsman'.

Lol, a corner that I have clearly neglected for far too long, I'll admit.
Also, here's a comparison of a beakie with a 2.0 IF intercessor. Difference in height is a single mm (nobody cares that primaris isn't exactly 0.8" taller than firstborn [and NOT "astartes", as primaris is also an astartes, mr. "You don't know the lore"]) Looks like the terminators are the only ones getting too big. My cataphractii was only half a head bigger than the old UM termy.
>I'm not going to talk to you anymore, but what i really mean is I'll still defend my bullshit without backlinking to you
You can never stop bullshitting, huh?

>trying to weasel out of the Joytoy fixing the scale by nitpicking at the titles
I mean, if you want to go by Games Workshop corporate emails, ok, but it's understood by basically every WH40k fan that Astartes is used for the original space marines (ib4 the original space marines were the thunderwarriors. derp) and the Primaris for nuWH40k space marines. Same way terms like nuns, bugs, and imperial guard are used by fans to denote various factions despite not being the actual titles for those factions.

Still, i'm sure you're not bothered by Joytoy fixing the scale though, since you need to praise their shit no matter what. Eventually you'll be able to afford electrical wiring that isn't going to cause your mudhut to go up in flames.
I mean, WTF at those thickass wires WITHOUT a fucking ground. Seriously, [b]WTF[/b]. Thickass cords like that are usually used to carry a lot of current without causing a fire, so i wonder WTF those cords are for if they're not for that because they don't have a ground pin
Why don't you tell me about how terrible joytoy is, and how much you hate the line, even after asking ME about the Tyranid warrior figure, as if you are interested in buying one for yourself.
You sure do buy a lot of joytoy, despite hating the brand long before they started the Warhammer line, and then you still hated the brand after buying several distinct waves, really makes you think about how bad they really are, if their harshest critic still comes back for more, time after time, year after year, doesn't it?

Also, your an electrician now? I guess when you can't see reality properly, your an expert on everything, huh?

Also also, I literally said I was gonna do exactly what you greentexted, so for once you represented what I said, genuinely. The schizophrenia that bad that it's going full circle, and you see reality again? Lmao
Mental illness, everyone.
why is the tongue of the big one yellow?
It's supposed to be his barbed flesh hooks or something rather. There is supposed to be 3 pairs that also come out from the spaces between his ribs, but they only did the tongue, for some reason, and unlike the termagant, didn't include a normal tongue. It's really thin, really shitty in the rules, and they're super fragile on the minis, so I never built them (couldn't even get them off the sprues without breaking).
Something else a bit off about the colors is that the termagant should have had red hooves and claws, but they changed that for 10th edition, and made them black, and since the warrior hasn't had a new sculpt made, therefore no updated look, so the color scheme is slightly off.
last noon question from me promise. which space marines would you recommend to get. i don't really care about accuracy i am buying them to go along with all my hiya stuff, i don't mind an intercessor or eradicator or whatever, i just want anybody that can hold their guns well. it's difficult to keep up because from the few reviews i have watched, some say that there are ones that grip their weapons better and more naturally while there are others that can barely wrap their hands around the grips or handles, that the hands just slide off due to being too soft and malleable
Can't go wrong with a simple intercessor, just pick a legion/chapter that suits your taste with what's available.
yes i got two intercessors version 2, i am hoping those are the one with stronger and tighter gripping hands. i was going to get the heavy intercessor, the bald dude, but every pic i see seems like they can't get the trigger hand on properly and like it's barely holding on, like the hands are too small to grip them properly.
at least they haven't completed fucked up the normal marines too
>sking ME about the Tyranid warrior figure, as if you are interested in buying one
As a Warhammer 40k fan, yeah, I'm interested in it.
I know, I'm talking to a non-fan, so you have no idea of what fanboys are like.
And since you lack empathy, you also don't understand how someone can shit on crappy product X that Company A makes, while liking GOOD product Y that the same Company A makes.

If a company can make a good product, that product is good. If it's shit, then it's shit. How hard is that to understand? You have all the thinking ability of a bug.
So tell me, what's the range like on the arms? IS it shit like practically every multi-armed figure, or is it actually good?

>your an electrician now?
You're fucking worthless. What's it like not understanding people can learn shit all by themselves? Being able to read isn't fucking magic, hence also knowing you were bullshitting about being able to eat Burger King.
I mean, your fucking mudhut electric socket is a classic example of someone understanding the basics. It's clear they're no electrician either. I have enough knowledge to understand that shit and know you're purposely avoiding answering what the purpose of those thickass cords are for, because it's some embarassing uncommon thing in the first world.

>btw, NOW I'm never going to talk to you ever again. THIS TIME I MEAN IT
Yeah yeah, i called you on your lies and you don't want to embarrass yourself further.
I really like the old style assault Marines, especially the Beakie. The Deathwing Terminators are also great, but they really are massive - the flag for the standard bearer one is longer than a normal human like a sister, and they're easily eye level with a venerable dread which seems... wrong.
like i said i don't really mind about the size or scale or even the paintwork, even though the older ones do look better painted. i am just worried that those hands are still so soft and shit like some of the older army building joytoys. they always have the weapons falling out and never able to hold them properly.
>Version 2
Oof, those are the WORST ones! Their hands are super hard! They CAN hold their guns, but the grip isn't the best, and swapping out some stuff like their melee weapons can get scary. If you heat up the hands first, and don't swap weapons a lot like I do, then you should be fine, but you should have gotten the latest wave of intercessors; sure, they have the lowest paint apps, but they have a bunch of kinks worked out (soft hands again, but they can wrap their hands around the entirety of their weapon handles, and hold well. They come with a rifle, a pistol, and a melee weapon, they have small decals that fit their chapter). Just to be clear, the 2.0s are the ones with hands that have two fingers pointing, plus a wide open hand. If you get/have a similar figure with better hands, you can also swap the spares with the 2.0s to solve this problem as well, it's what I did with my IF 2.0.
My recommendation would be any of the latest intercessor waves, any of the Horus heresy figures, any custodian, any of the non-black sisters of battle, any of the tau and Tyranids, any of the terminators, any of chaos (the red terminator is probably the best of them all), any of the mechs. I don't have any of guardsmen, so I don't know if they all have good hands or not. Krieg are pretty disappointing due to their limiting trench coats., and I've heard nothing but good of the cadians.
That's my comprehensive list of stuff I can say is absolutely great, anything else is iffy, or I haven't heard nor seen much about, either way, or may be just flat out bad.
Subby talks about empathy, while spouting more "no true scottsman", what a guy! And you still have the balls to BEG for a personal review of MY Tyranid warrior, lmao!
Mental illness, at its finest!
>any of the non-black sisters of battle
I thought all of the SoB sculpts were the same? I have some of Our Martyred Lady and Bloody Rose and they seem identical to me.
I've heard the first wave wrists are a bit weaker. I have a silver sister, and have had no issues, so I didn't want to lump together potentially bad ones, especially since I don't have any experience with them. They are pretty small joints, so I wouldn't be surprised if those bad instances are simply ham hands.
The wrist on one of mine did break when attempting to swap hands, but the Aliexpress seller sent me 3 baggies containing probably 30 wrist joints total for free after I messaged them about it. None of the others have ever broken, but I do like the security of having the extras.
i think i got the right one. it says version 2 on barebacktoystore. the 2 pointing fingers hand is the one i nearly got lol. i thought that maybe the harder hands were supposed to be the better ones that actually grip a gun accurately and more natural looking but thanks for all the tips. i will order one of each. it really is confusing with all the different upgrades/downgrades each video talks about. seems like articulation and even some of the joints strength and size were better in older models though not to mention paint. i saw good shoulder range and mobility on those ultramarines infiltrators.
The very first ones were good, they are just bundled together in 4 packs, and I didn't want to recommend spending $100+ on what's essentially 4 of the same figure, when you can get a good, single figure for like $17 right now. Personally I'd recommend one intercessor, and one terminator. If the size gap bothers you, get one of the older terminators (UM or BA).
they're around $50 for the 4 pack on ali express. that's why i am going in quite heavy now lol, i found insane deals after the other anon suggested i use them. am thinking of getting the invader and bike as well and could just use them to fill those out for me.
Ah ok, that is indeed a great deal lol, have fun!
>3 pairs that also come out from the spaces between his ribs
Has it ever been done on a mini though? The tongue barb definitely has, but I can't recall ever seeing rib-spikes in mini form.
The infiltrators are cool looking and definitely worth the $50 for 4 they're currently going for. But I will say their ankles have pretty crappy range, just due to GW's design with that big collar around the foot.
They're not that bad, they are pretty much exactly the same as later ankles, as those also get hindered by the sculpt.

It's official (pic related, top right)
Seeing as the Warrior box set has many possible loadouts, maybe they're saving the rib-hooks and regular tongue for a separate release. I can't imagine they WON'T milk the warrior mold with other weapon loadouts.
No, yeah, I'd LOVE to see more combinations, but like, I was just explaining the yellow tongue to the other anon, and then noting how it was an odd choice due to the rib things. I wouldn't want the rib flesh hooks on my figure, either.
I'm really glad the Tyranids are apparently doing well, I ended up a bit skint when they went up but I definitely want some. That said, if they do Kraken repaints I'd be stoked.
Krakens your jam? Shouldn't be too hard to repaint these guys yourself to get that color, just get some red primer, tape up your 'nids white body, then spray away! Use a darker red, or black, or whichever color you think shades the best to give it a wash, then an orange-ish color dry brush, and boom, easy, well painted kraken! Repainting the body is where things get very difficult, because of joints!
Could also just wait, as well, hopefully 'nids did well enough to get a bunch of recolors.

Btw, in general, I remember somebody said that they would like to see a carnifex as a big unit, and someone else say hive tyrant, so I was wondering, if we could only get a single big unit, which would you all like that to be? If it was the new screamer killer, how disappointed or satisfied would you be?
I ask about the screamer killer, because they have made almost the entirety of the leviathan launch box as figures, so I would sort of expect them to do the same with 'nids, but they went ahead and made a warrior, which I found interesting. I expected a von Ryan's leaper, or the new lictor sculpt, or even the new winged prime even (despite the wing issues). I still want to expect a big unit, and specifically the screamer killer, but now I'm wondering if that won't be the case, and we get a carnifex or hive tyrant, or maybe even the swarmlord.
I would be happy with pretty much any, even a hive tyrant with stranglethorn cannon (though I'd prefer a heavy venom cannon).
>They are pretty small joints, so I wouldn't be surprised if those bad instances are simply ham hands.
or you know, Joytoy having a history of shit plastics, which is still ongoing, but less noticeable because their popular toys are now bigger Space Marine figures.

The fact that some random vendor gave out a a baggy full of extra joints just shows that it's a known issue still. Joytoy used to give out free baggies of joints with all their figures, but decided to cheap out starting in 2020 and includes nothing now.

Tons of 1:18 toylines have thinner figures and smaller joints, and the only toyline that had as bad as a reputation as Joytoy is Microman back in 2003 with their super brittle clear plastic.
And yet you still buy their stuff. Who needs to shill, when your such a loyal customer!
Mental illness.
I love how big and tanky this guy is.
I think what could potentially solve your issues is to heat up the hands with a hair dryer until they're incredibly soft, then add a dab of super glue to the palm of the hand and have it superglued onto the gun grip itself. The only issue you may run into is the wrist peg maybe being a bit too short, so with certain posing the hand might just pop off if pushed too much.
Do those orange container things come with the star wars vehicle?

After doing space romans, joytoy are now doing earth romans. Not a fan of all the masks and the muscle cuirass, would much rather have had a more classic lorica hamata/segmentata look. Signifer and Buccinator look cool though, I'd be tempted to get a bunch of them and the spear and shield guys if I wasn't already out of room.
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your home looks fucking filthy
Yes, but only one of the three opens up to store the small cylinders. They all fit snuggly in the back, as you can see one in the first pic.

Also, got lucky and picked up wolf-man at Wally world!
Calm your tits, that's my board that I paint my minis on.
Clean side, for the baby.
What do you do with toys that come in packages like this? You do have to rip the box appart to get the toy right?
oh lord he's doing the moon walk
It's already in the trash. I have been keeping the joytoy boxes, though I'm not quite sure why. Probably a force of habit from storing the mini's and their sprues that still have bits in them lol
How much natural light do you get in there? Looks really dark.
Absolutely none lmao. Only light source is a shitty little light bulb in a corner. Eventually I got one of those selfie ring lights, and it improved my painting by a LOT!
I don't mind the lack of natural light, as I usually sleep during the morning to afternoon anyways. My body just doesn't like mornings.
So it really is a basement? Well, at least you like it, you little goblin, you.
that doesn't explain the trash and filth in the background
A garage. It's insulated and I have my own AC, so yes, I am happy here, windows are overrated.

My trashcan is literally right there, so that explains that. Board has paint from washes, because I paint minis. Don't make me invoke no true scottsman!
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>Don't make me invoke no true scottsman!
>Subby doesn't realize that he's getting made fun of
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Tyranussy arrived today. I absolutely love the gants, the warrior is alright too. I'm not even a massive fan of them but I'm just glad to have more xenos. I have another warrior and two more gants on the way from other stores.
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Two more of the termagants arrived while I was making that last post. I love these little niggas.
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Looks like there's going to be a BA recolour of the giganigga new edition termies.
where is the swag? where's the blingbling? this is literally just a red ultramarine.
I do like that they finally start to color switch figures but compared to the old ones this looks quite sad.
Blame James, every problem with the line is entirely his fault. I trust these Chinamen more than some members of my own family.
who is James?
James Workshop, the tyrannical ruler of Games Workshop.
I could definitely do it myself, I'd just rather not, lmao.
And I'd be happy with a Screamer-Killer, the design is cool as fuck and I think he'd make a great toy.
I hope that they end up rounding out the Leviathan box soon and give us the lieutenant in phobos armor (one of my favorite nu-marines sculpts) and some more tyranid bioforms.
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My heart is sad but my bank account is rejoicing
Finally a Shooty BA termie, I do agree with the other anon that says he should have more bling, but I'm at least getting my BA termie
James mama... jk
Its a pun on "games workshop" calling the Ceo James Workshop
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James? fuck that guy
Same. I really dislike the direction the line is heading in. Wondering if I should stock up on old Termies while I still can.

Also really bummed that basic BA Termies (which is all I wanted, to recreate some iconic old art) are gonna be on this massive new mold. I don't like it.
I'm excited about this, as I wanted a shooty BA termy. They should be cheaper, too.
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A 25%-50% defect rate is completely shit, but as long as they gave out 6 extra joints with every figure, that's manageable, but now that they don't? That's horrible.

Needing to deal with customer service from 2 different places, and the fact Joytoy is in China, is completely shit. Who knows if they'll even answer you and needing to wait a month to get your extra joints is fucking retarded.
The fact that Joytoy KNOWS their plastic is shit... you gotta be drinking the kool aid or a shill to defend their business model.

If Joytoy had continued inluding extra joints, I might have continued buying their normal sized figures. As it stands, fuck them and fuck everyone who defends this horrible business model. So I'll wait until it's 100% sure on what breaks from whom on the larger sized figures and never buying their smaller ones.
So despite Joytoy fixing their scale on the Space Marines, I still haven't bought any of their Horus era figures, because I'm still monitoring if shit starts breaking or not.
>supposedly hated joytoy for years
>Buys figures from at least 4 distinct waves after
Subby, the loyal customer
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Should I? It's not like McFarlane nor Joytoy are gonna do Eldar anytime soon.
Do it, because after you get too invested, joytoy will announce elder. Accelerate the time table for the rest of us!
Jokes aside, I would say don't bother because joytoy should do elder soon, as I think (hope) Tyranids did well enough that they might try a new xenos faction again. Also, that would be some really hard custom work to do, but I can be a bit lazy.
I like this, stripped down, not dripping with bling. Just needs hazard stripes on the powerfist for Space Hulk vibes. Should be pretty cheap too.
they didn't even change his chest and shoulder heraldry/emblems. This really needs to be significant cheaper since it's less effort than even the intercessors.
>they didn't even change his chest and shoulder heraldry/emblems
Erm, why would they? The mini it's based on has that exact chest and shoulder emblems.
>ham hands subby
never change subby. hahaha!
and to expand on this, this is because GW has not made chapter-specific 10th Ed Termies yet (asider from Deathwing). Which is why the BAs are the exact same mold as the UMs.

This brings up many questions, like if GW signed off on this, does it mean they don't intend to do chapter-specific termies at all? If they did, why not delay this JoyToy release until then, to avoid making a non-canonical and generic looking release?
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>retailers having bags full of extra joints at the ready surely doesn't get a ton of complaints from Joytoy figures constantly breaking and customers complaining
>Joytoy themselves having warning labels packed with their toys surely don't have problems
>Joytoy themselves used to include extra joints with every figure
Sorry, but these companies don't do this if they didn't know Joytoy has huge issues with shit breaking. No other company does this and no one on /toy/ has anywhere close to as many people constantly talking about their figures break.

... oh wait, Transformers USED to, because there were issues with transparent plastics, which Hasbro fixed after so many people bitched. Same with DC Direct, who also fixed their problems.
Did Joytoy fix their problems? Nope, because their brains are fucked and would rather just send out extra joints. This business tactic is as fucked up as subscription services who hope you forget about it and continue paying without using their service, like gyms, dating apps, and tv streaming
Oh, your toy broke? Oh, I'll do that at the end of the week. Oh, their customer service email is hard to find? Another delay. Finally made a complaint? Wait, but they haven't got back to me in a week. Oh fuck i forgot about that that email and it sure is coming closer to the end of their return policy, better send another email. Any forgetfulness and you're fucked.
Oh, your toy broke a year after you bought it? You're fucked.
Sketchy Chinese store doesnt exists? Fucked.

The weird thing is that the most disgusting anons who have ever posted on /toy/ can be found in the WH40k threads. Ive never seen anyone else be so disgusting, not even autists who were proud of using their entire autismobux on toys, so they had a single shelf "full" of imports that were caked with dust.

Pic is anon from Asia.
The guy with the disgusting table, disgusting walls, with cobwebs and dust covering everything is from a favela in Latin America.
But if I'm in a favela from latin America, then how do I have burger king coupons? How'd I have a cup from farmer boys?
How will your schizophrenic delusions answer these challenges to your alternative reality?
No, because they've done some pretty weird releases that contradict this, such as the initial terminator releases, as the 10th edition models were at least known at the times, and then they released the deathwing terminators at about, or right after, the new sculpt models released. And then there is the firstborn jetpack veterans released at around the same time as the models got discontinued, and shortly before the new primaris versions came out.
In summary, there is no correlation between joytoy figure releases, and GW model releases.
No promo pics of the BA 10th terminators?
>Pic is anon from Asia.
I'm from the UK. Sorry that having paint on my fingers from painting models offends you; you'd know what it was like if you had painted a model in your life.
Go on, prove me wrong. Post a model. Doesn't even have to be painted.
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found this guy at target
Wash is nice, looks pretty good. I'm generally done with McFarlane 40K, but the Genestealer was a great fig and I was too lazy to paint my own Ymgarl, so if I see this I might pick it up. Ditto for the Iron Warrior, I'm sick of McFarlane's Space Marine molds but the metallic plastic does a lot of heavy lifting for it. It just looks great.
lame as fuck
but i'd buy one if they did that leper crusader king from kingdom of heaven
why do they all wear those masks? Was that really something rroman legionaries did or do they try to save 0,00001 Cent on paint per figure?
Because the mask is cooler and they don't have to paint some ridiculously the top expression on each and every one of them
>Was that really something rroman legionaries did
Yes, but probably nowhere near all of them. There have been many masked helmets found e.g. Emesa helmet, Nijmegen helmet, Kalkriese helmet, Ribchester helmet. They used to be thought of as just for parades or cavalry exhibitions, but then one was found at Kalkriese, where 3 legions were lost at the Teutoburg Wald massacre. Given they were marching off to put down a rebellion, they were likely to have practivcal things with them.And later heavy cavalry like Clibinarii certainly did.

There's also a tombstone of a signifer, Quintus Luccius Faustus that might show a masked helmet, but is disputed.

So, cavalry, yes, infantry, perhaps.
A chaos lord in terminator armor has a combi weapon made up of a chainsword bayonet, bolter and what is the other barrel for? A flamer, melta? I has one ammo clip on top and an ammo belt on the bottom, so I can't tell for certain.

It's a combi-melta.
I wish that one of the chaos terminators had come with the bottom left combi-bolter that is included as an option in the kit. I love this design, it just looks like classic chaos to me and it reminds me of Dawn of War. For some reason both of the chaos lords in terminator armor came with the same weird oversized combi-melta thing in slightly different colors.
I wish they had the sword gremlin, the weird little dudes are the best parts of the Imperial, Chaos and Ork armies. You're right though, it was an odd choice. They're also brutally mogged by the more recent terminators, both in terms of mobility and just plain size.
If those figures had been made today, I'm certain they would have included the little guy. It's been so long since JT has made a new chaos figure, I feel that with the improvements they have been making recently, they would absolutely blow me away. I'm impressed with how well the Black Legion and Crimson Slaughter marines still hold up, but they are too squat now due to scale creep. If JT made some Death Guard right now with the level of quality they have shown in recent releases I think they would print money.
in theory the chaos boys should be smaller than all the primaris dudes, because they fucked off with Horus before primaris tech was invented.
I just don't see how such face masks would be practical in a battle, surely they massively degrade your vision while offering little real protection.
Not really, Arrian writes about them performing elaborate horseback manoeuvres in masked helms, if they can do that they're probably good to fight. Though for example, the Emesa helmet seems to have been modified with extra openings below the eyes to enhance the wearer's vision when looking down. Can't find the text right now, but I'm pretty sure there have been experiments done with replica masked helms and they weren't too restricting.

And don't forget, it wasn't necessarily all about protection, but also looking imposing, impressive, terrifying to your enemies.
On the other hand they could also benefit from original strength purestrain geneseed, Fabulous Bill and friends' homebrews, and of course Chaos roids. Abaddon's the most obvious juicer, but you could justify almost any size in the Legion ranks.
World Eaters when?
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Which alternate weapon option would you like to see made with the termagant?
I like all of them, except for the over the shoulder spike cannon or whatever it's called, because that has BOTH hands grafted inside of it.
Horse cock is lol
Spinefists or devourers would get my vote, but I'm leaning towards devourers. For the heavy weapon I think the strangleweb looks best. Spike rifle is kinda dull looking and barblauncher doesn't look terribly fun to pose.
>The fact that some random vendor gave out a a baggy full of extra joints just shows that it's a known issue still.
That doesn't even make sense logically. The fact that a vendor gave out replacement parts after being asked for replacement parts proves that they knew ahead of time that the plastics were bad? If they knew that the plastics were bad from the start, wouldn't they have included the extra joints with all of the figures by default?
Yeah? Should I screenshot this?
Bro don't even bother, that guy is legitimately insane, you cannot reason with the insane. He calls everyone a shill, but then asks about the Tyranid warrior figure, because he's considering buying it, and then goes on a rant about how the company is the worst toy company ever.
>Toysrus carries extra joints and arms for Marvel Legends and Jurassic Park figures that break
>Big Bad Toy Store carries extra canopies and joints in case Transformer figures break
>AmiAmi carries extra joints for Figma and Revoltechs in case their figures break.
>HLJ carries extra joints in case Mafex and Figuarts break
This makes logical sense?
>vendor X is given bags and bags of joints because JoyToy doesn't have the capacity to supply thousands of customers replacement joints because Joytoy is too cheap to fix their plastic
Again, Joytoy used to include extra joints with every single figure's package. from 2015 to 2000.
They stopped doing that, instead included a paper warning people about their cheap plastic and how to fix it with glue when it does break.... and giving vendors extra joints.

This doesn't happen for any other brand, because they're not subject to randomly breaking, and when it does, the toy company FIXES their plastic issue. It happens so rarely that vendors/brandmaker will give you a FULL REFUND or a NEW FIGURE instead.

^^mental illness

Oh my, has subby been identified?
>>Toysrus carries extra joints and arms for Marvel Legends and Jurassic Park figures that break
>>Big Bad Toy Store carries extra canopies and joints in case Transformer figures break
>>AmiAmi carries extra joints for Figma and Revoltechs in case their figures break.
>>HLJ carries extra joints in case Mafex and Figuarts break
>This makes logical sense?
I have no idea what you are even trying to say here.
>>vendor X is given bags and bags of joints
I don't think that you understand how this process works at all. Did your discord tranny friends tell you that this is the case or something? More likely the seller contacts the manufacturer as needed, who then supplies them with replacement parts. Since there are replacement parts other than joints which may be required due to damage during shipment, paint misapplication, etc.
>Joytoy used to include extra joints with every single figure's package. from 2015 to 2000
>They stopped doing that, instead included a paper warning people about their cheap plastic and how to fix it with glue when it does break
None of my 150 Joytoy figures came with such a warning paper.
>This doesn't happen for any other brand, because they're not subject to randomly breaking
Are you seriously going to argue that no other brand of toy is capable of breaking? I only collect one other line, Star Wars TVC, and have received several figures that were broken from the factory, damaged during shipping, or had missing/mispainted parts. Hasbro and resellers usually refuse to replace these figures or provide replacement parts though, unless you buy from somewhere that guarantees undamaged cardbacks.
>i don't understand why no one else acts like Joytoy
>I don't understand that most companies fix their plastic issues and don't need to give vendors bandaids because so many customers ask for them after their Joytoy figures breaking
>i don't understand that Joytoy has been skimping out, thus not even including the extra paper to warn people about their shitty plastics, when before they included the extra joints with every figure

>lemme point out the rare issues other companies have (that they fix and offer full refunds/replacements for, but i choose to ignore this) to defend joytoy's constantly fucking up and refusal to fix their plastics
double retard
>>i don't understand why no one else acts like Joytoy
>>I don't understand that most companies fix their plastic issues
Can you cite some examples of these other companies fixing their "plastic issues?" Since you bring it up so often, I'm sure this won't be a problem.
>>don't need to give vendors bandaids because so many customers ask for them after their Joytoy figures breaking
So good customer service is now a bad thing somehow? You would prefer to buy from a company like Hasbro that tells you to go fuck yourself when you get a damaged or mispainted figure?
>>i don't understand that Joytoy has been skimping out, thus not even including the extra paper to warn people about their shitty plastics, when before they included the extra joints with every figure
Why would they need to include a warning paper when their plastic is perfectly fine, and on the rare occasion that something does break, it's replaced for free with no questions asked? You also never provided proof of that last statement.
>>lemme point out the rare issues other companies have (that they fix and offer full refunds/replacements for, but i choose to ignore this) to defend joytoy's constantly fucking up and refusal to fix their plastics
I already told you that Hasbro doesn't offer replacements for issues like this, only certain resellers that you pay a premium to for special extra protective packaging and shipping. Joytoy also offers free replacements or refunds for damaged items too, so I'm not sure what your point is.
>please repeat everything you've already said this thread so i can continue ignoring it because i need to defend Joytoy refusal to fix their shit plastics
backlinks exist for a reason, retard

Nothing but misconstruing shit and ignoring context, because you need to come up with excuses as to why Joytoy is justified in using shit plastics
If you have no problem spamming the same shit every thread, then surely it would be easy to prove me completely wrong with some hard evidence that JT uses "shit plastic?" Go ahead and do it, or I will be forced to accept your concession. The 150 JT figures that I own all have good plastic, and your collection of pictures from various sources with no context does nothing to disprove my experience as someone who actually owns a significant number of the toys. I think it's funny that you accuse others of "ignoring context" when none of your stolen images have context. For all we know, some retard like you manhandled that toy in your pic. I have the same figure myself and it's never broken, and I have never seen anyone aside from you (who doesn't even own that figure) complain about it before.
>already ignoring and misconstruing context
>I totally wont do it if you post it twice, i swear
LOL, what a retard who needs to justify Joytoy not fixing their shit plastics by literally ignoring all the posts within this thread
>>already ignoring and misconstruing context
What context am I ignoring and misconstruing? Please correct me if you are able. Show the entire thread how correct you are and how wrong and retarded I am.
>Subby cries about ignoring and misconstruing context
>Subby ignored a coupons valid expiration date, just to post it two years later to lie that it was always expired
>Subby also invented narrative that the coupon is paid out to Chinese shills by the CIA
Mental illness
>i don't want to click on the backlinks no more than 5 times thus you're wrong
sure is insincere retard.

You just refuse to actually quote what i said and misconstrue it, because you want justify that Joytoy shouldn't fix their shitty plastics.
>>i don't want to click on the backlinks no more than 5 times thus you're wrong
How exactly would "clicking on the backlinks" 5 times prove that I am "ignoring and misconstruing context?" Why don't you just go ahead and tell the thread what context I am ignoring and misconstruing so that you can own me in front of everyone?
>because you want justify that Joytoy shouldn't fix their shitty plastics.
Joytoy has never had shitty plastics, and they also show a much greater capacity for improvement (and at a much faster rate) than other companies, like Hasbro. It took Hasbro 10+ years to implement ball jointed hips into TVC, meanwhile Joytoy is updating or iterating on joint designs multiple times per year, and have been doing a really good job recently with excellent articulation systems like those on the new terminator sculpts.
If you actually quoted what I said, almost everything you're asking would be answered, hence you needing to misconstrue what I've said

>Joytoy has never had shitty plastics
lolol, again, the image of a paper that Joytoy needed to include with their figures that was already been posted proves you wrong.
Nevermind the extra joints that were included with every figure/set. if you search this image in my post, you'll find exactly that... but since you need to be spoonfed (and since I'm not repeating myself here): https://www.tiktok.com/@curlyb0i/video/7091664654543490331

>b-b-but whataboutism that has nothing to do with the argument!
lol, sure is desperate retard who can't defend Joytoy refusing to fix their shitty plastics.
>If you actually quoted what I said
I have been quoting what you have been saying this entire time.
>the image of a paper that Joytoy needed to include with their figures that was already been posted proves you wrong.
A piece of paper that says you should heat up parts in order to more easily remove them proves that they use "shit plastic?"
So one of your examples meant to prove that Joytoy uses "shit plastic" is an Indian tiktok that tells you how to fix a broken joint? How does that in any way prove anything? I can post a video of a Joytoy figure with intact joints that would disprove this video instantly.
>>b-b-but whataboutism that has nothing to do with the argument!
You're the one who keeps comparing them to other toy companies, all that I did was prove to you that your comparisons aren't even correct using facts and logic.
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>joytoy inserting warnings about handling their toys and instructions on how to fix them isn't a literal sign of a common problem with Joytoy figures
>retailers having a bunch of extra joints isn't proof either
sure is retard
You love ignoring shit that's right in your face.

>How does that in any way prove anything?
well, if you're going to ignore the fact that Joytoy needed to include a pack of extra joints, specifically the ones that you commonly see being broken....

If you were a McDonalds fanboy, you'd be telling me that their coffee isn't hot and the lady with melted genitals was wrong to sue them.
>Abaddon's the most obvious juicer
Isn't he just like huge to begin with?
>>joytoy inserting warnings about handling their toys and instructions on how to fix them isn't a literal sign of a common problem with Joytoy figures
None of the figures that I own came with any such warning so I'm not concerned about that at all. You would know this if you owned any of the figures yourself.
>>retailers having a bunch of extra joints isn't proof either
You have yet to prove that retailers just have bags of joints for every figure lying around. The existence of replacement parts does not in any way imply that the originals are poor quality. Do you bitch like this every time that you have to get a car part replaced?
>if you're going to ignore the fact that Joytoy needed to include a pack of extra joints
What are you even talking about? Do you think that all Joytoy figures come with bags of joints? You would know that they don't if you actually owned any yourself.
>specifically the ones that you commonly see being broken
I have had one joint break out of the 150 Joytoy figures that I own, so I'm not really sure what you are referring to when you say "the ones that commonly break" since that isn't a real phenomenon.
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>I never bought Joytoy figures when they included warning pamphlets to treat their figures with extra care or came with extra joints, thus they never did
ok retard
>You have yet to prove that retailers just have bags of joints for every figure lying around
... why would i? According to Anon in this thread, a retailer was given extra joints by Joytoy. There's only one reason why they would have something like that laying around to hand out.

pic of me getting an extra transparent capsule to hold all the accessories, induding the dozen or so extra joints
Guess how many i needed to use? More than half. A 30% defect rate is pretty shit.

IF they didn't expect that shit to break, they wouldn't need to include them and retailers wouldn't be given extra joints to give to customers.
IT's pretty clear Joytoy was losing too much money from including them with every figure, so they stopped that, and just hope people are such retarded fanboys that they don't complain when they do break or it happens after their warranty expires.

>comparing tires to toys
LOL, you really are a retard.
Tires wear out from moving around a 1-5 ton car for 50k miles. There's millions of cars out there and get their tires replaced every 3-5 years, so of course they have a shit ton of tires. They're expected to wear out, but they're not failing. A toy shouldn't wear out in 3-5 years and no one has talked about their joints loosening; they're talking about their joints breaking.
There is literally no modern toy i've owned that breaks in 3-20 years. Almost everything, such as Microman and Joytoys, broke within the first year.

I own thousands of toys from at least a hundred makers and i can count on one hand the ones who constantly used shit plastics: Takara (only back in the early 00s, limited to transparent plastic). 4 Horsemen (first ogres in the 00s and Mythic Legion (2015-today). Joytoy (2016?-today).
3 toy makers out of a hundred.
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>see in the catalog that the thread picked up a lot of new posts since I was last here
>"oh boy must be a new cool release, announcement or rumour that's come through!"
>it's just autism again
>thus they never did
Can you quote where I said that? The fact that they don't include them anymore indicates that the plastics are fixed now.
>a retailer was given extra joints by Joytoy
At the request of the customer.
>There's only one reason why they would have something like that laying around to hand out.
Yes, the only reason why a replacement part would ever be produced is clearly that they knowingly used "shit plastic." There is no other possible reason why replacement parts could be necessary.
>pic of me getting an extra transparent capsule to hold all the accessories, induding the dozen or so extra joints
Those don't look like Warhammer figures, which is the topic of this thread. If you want to bitch about whatever line that is then you can take it to the 1:18 general. We talk about Warhammer figures here.
>IF they didn't expect that shit to break, they wouldn't need to include them
They don't.
>retailers wouldn't be given extra joints to give to customers
The existence of replacement parts does not imply that the original parts are poor quality. You seem really attached to this weird fallacy that you invented in your head.
>they're talking about their joints breaking
You are the only person doing that, but you don't even own any of these toys that supposedly break so often.
>I own thousands of toys from at least a hundred makers
Right, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
>Can you quote where I said that?
>None of the figures that I own came with any such warning so I'm not concerned about that at all
Again, the only reason they came with that warning is because they have a long history of shit plastic and needed to warn people to treat their toys like glass, but since you don't care, it didn't happen?
>the only reason why a replacement part would ever be produced is clearly that they knowingly used "shit plastic."
literally, yes.
If it's a known issue, they're going to have them at the ready.
Everything you're saying is just to deny deny deny.

Yeah, I've noticed this pattern that you just want to deny Joytoy has any issues, because you can't actually defend their terrible QC. You just ignore it and makes you completely worthless to argue with.

Other people have noticed which Joytoy figures are the most likely to break in these threads and elsewhere. It's a shame the anons in pic didn't post images of their broken sisters, so i could add it to my stolen images collection.

>Right, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
Are you really this much of a poorfag that you can't believe people can own more toys than you? You've seen me take pictures of random shit to show how out of scale Joytoy's Space Marines are, and you think i don't own more of every single line that's in those images? Fans tend to buy up as much as they can, not just 1 or 2 figures from a series, but i guess you're not a fan of anything, eh?
>since you don't care, it didn't happen?
That's not even close to what I actually said. And you were the one who complained about being misconstrued earlier kek. I'm not concerned about it since they have removed that note, which means that the plastics are fixed now. Not that you would know, since you don't own any of the figures.
>If it's a known issue, they're going to have them at the ready.
You keep insisting that every seller has bags of joints "at the ready" but have never actually proven this. If they had them all at the ready, why wouldn't they just include them with the figures? That way they wouldn't have to pay to ship another item when they inevitably break. Maybe because you're just making shit up and it actually takes a special request from a customer for them to receive replacement parts like that?
>I've noticed this pattern that you just want to deny Joytoy has any issues
Can you quote me denying that Joytoy has any issues? I have stated at several points that they are much faster to fix issues than other toy companies and that their customer service is much better than others like Hasbro who refuse to make replacements or give refunds, either of which you can get with no questions asked from Joytoy.
>Other people have noticed which Joytoy figures are the most likely to break in these threads and elsewhere
So you just take a single statement made on an anonymous imageboard as a fact that can be extrapolated to apply to an entire range of figures?
>Are you really this much of a poorfag
I own more Warhammer figures than you.
>You've seen me take pictures of random shit to show how out of scale Joytoy's Space Marines are
I have no idea what you are talking about. I do know that I own more Warhammer figures than you though.
>i guess you're not a fan of anything, eh?
So am I a fanboy blindly defending Joytoy, or am I not a fan of anything? Make up your mind. I own more Warhammer figures than you, by the way.
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>talking about history of shit plastics
>mention paper to treat their toys like glass
>>that doesn't prove anything and i don't care
More denial
>never actually proven this.
>random retailer having Joytoy joints to send to customers doesn't mean they have them at the ready
More denial
>Can you quote me denying that Joytoy has any issues?
>ignoring all the times you've made denials
More denial
>So you just take a single statement made on an anonymous imageboard
>everyone who says negative things about Joytoy is samefag
More denial
>I own more Warhammer figures than you.
Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but you're in denial i own thousands of toys.
>So am I a fanboy blindly defending Joytoy, or am I not a fan of anything?
a shill, hence pretending Joytoy doesn't have a long history of shit plastics and shit plastic issues still affecting Joytoy's Warhammer figures.

A relatively new shill too, since you weren't around when they had warning messages and instructions on what to do when your toy breaks. Or before that, when baggies of extra joints were being given out with every figure.
>that doesn't prove anything and i don't care
Can you quote me saying that? I seem to remember actually saying something different and think that you might be trying to misconstrue what I said.
>random retailer having Joytoy joints to send to customers doesn't mean they have them at the ready
Can you prove that this is actually the case? Or are you going to keep crying about how good customer service is actually a bad thing somehow?
>ignoring all the times you've made denials
Go ahead and quote all of the denials that I have made to totally BTFO me in front of the entire thread. Really drive the final nail into my coffin.
>>everyone who says negative things about Joytoy is samefag
Kek that is the most insane reach you have made so far, how are the two of those things even slightly related? You're not even trying anymore.
>Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but you're in denial i own thousands of toys.
Why don't you go post in threads about toys you actually own then? This thread is for Warhammer figures, and I all I see you doing is bitching about off topic shit like figures that Joytoy made before starting the Warhammer line. This isn't Joytoy general.
>hence pretending Joytoy doesn't have a long history of shit plastics
Which was fixed for the Warhammer line, which is why none of the Warhammer figures include any sort of warning and don't break regularly in the experience of anyone who actually owns them.
>shit plastic issues still affecting Joytoy's Warhammer figures
Which you wouldn't know about since you don't own any of them.
>Or before that, when baggies of extra joints were being given out with every figure.
So what you're saying is, they no longer need to do this because their plastics are fixed now?
this isn't a denial?
>Joytoy has never had shitty plastics,
>None of the figures that I own came with any such warning so I'm not concerned about that at all. You would know this if you owned any of the figures yourself.
Because that's nothing but denial, just like everything else you're saying.

You're a worthless retard who can't defend Joytoy's shitty plastics with nothing but "nuh uh"s

pic of when you shills were in denial about Joytoy's shitty paint job that matches brown mustard and a wicker basket than it does gold.
You have no evidence of Warhammer figures having "shit plastic" and you will apparently never produce any. You don't own any of the figures yourself, but you take random Indians on tiktok and posts from over a year ago as proof that the entire Warhammer line has some imaginary ongoing plastic problem. If you want to bitch about the plastic quality of some other line that Joytoy made years ago then you can do that somewhere else, because that's not on topic. This is a Warhammer thread. I accept your concession.
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>including extra joints isn't evidence of shit plastics
Joytoy only included them, just because? Retard logic to deny reality.
>including papers to tell you to treat your toys like glass isn't evidence of shit plastics
>same paper tells you how to fix your broken joints
So they're only telling you this, because Joytoy thinks everyone is as retarded as you or because they know they have an issue with shit plastics?
>retailers being given bags full of joints isn't evidence that they have issues with shit plastics
So retailers only have these bags of joints... just because? Amazing logic, retard.

Man, your post to defend Joytoy's constant fuck ups sure isn't made up of nothing but "nuh uh" after "nuh uh", huh?

Tell me, were you one of the retards who said this isn't Engrish because Joytoy is this careless with sculpting as they are with QC? I mean, we already know they didn't give a shit about scale either, since it took them about 3 years to make their Space Marines 1:18 scale.
>Joytoy only included them, just because?
Do they include them in their Warhammer figures?
>including papers to tell you to treat your toys like glass isn't evidence of shit plastics
Are those papers included with their Warhammer figures?
>same paper tells you how to fix your broken joints
I can't seem to remember receiving a paper like that with any of my Warhammer figures.
>So retailers only have these bags of joints... just because?
Waiting for you to provide a source that retailers have bags of joints for every possible Warhammer figure "on hand" in the event that they get a complaint. Using your own retard logic, they would be including those bags in the boxes if they actually believed that the joints were going to break.
>Man, your post to defend Joytoy's constant fuck ups sure isn't made up of nothing but "nuh uh" after "nuh uh", huh?
Where am I saying "nuh uh?" The burden of proof is on you since you're the one making outlandish claims and massive illogical overreaches.
>were you one of the retards who said this isn't Engrish because Joytoy is this careless with sculpting as they are with QC?
What does that have to do with the quality of their plastic?
>anon posting about a retailer giving him a bag full of joints isn't proof of anything and just another american lie to bad mouth president pooh
Cool denial, retard
>also, ignore my posts where i originally claimed they never had shit plastics!
more denial.

>doesn't know what "nuh uh" means
sure is third worlder

>What does that have to do with the quality of their plastic?
Because if they're fucking up in one area, they're likely fucking up in others.
They fucked up with the scale? Check.
Twice checked, since fans with older figures now fucked too.
Fucked up with plastic? Check.
Fucked up with paint? Check.
Fucked up with fucking spelling? Check.
Fucked with the style in the middle of the toyline? Why???, but also checked.
Fucked up with retarded shills? Also checked.

Joytoy is mess and the best defense you've come up to defend Joytoy is: "nuh uh"
You've proved you're a retard with that.
>>anon posting about a retailer giving him a bag full of joints isn't proof of anything
It's proof that he asked the retailer for a replacement part and they sent it to him.
>>also, ignore my posts where i originally claimed they never had shit plastics!
Sorry, I was under the impression that we were in a Warhammer thread talking about Warhammer toys. You were for some reason making off-topic posts about some other line having bad plastics. This is a thread about Warhammer toys though.
>>doesn't know what "nuh uh" means
I asked you to quote me saying "nu uh" and you interpreted that as me not knowing what it means? Sounds like third-worlder.
>Because if they're fucking up in one area, they're likely fucking up in others.
That statement is illogical.
>Twice checked, since fans with older figures now fucked too.
Wait, I thought that Joytoy never fixed anything? Now you are bitching about the scale being changed slightly on a line of figures that you don't even collect?
>Fucked up with plastic?
How was the plastic of the Warhammer line fucked up?
>Fucked up with paint?
How was the paint of the Warhammer line fucked up?
>Fucked up with fucking spelling?
How was the spelling of the Warhammer line fucked up?
>Fucked with the style in the middle of the toyline? Why???
They make toys based on the miniatures. The miniatures have multiple distinct styles. You would know this if you knew anything about Warhammer and if you collected the toys.
>Fucked up with retarded shills?
Prove that there are shills defending the line.
>Joytoy is mess
Sounds like third-worlder.
>the best defense you've come up to defend Joytoy is: "nuh uh"
Can you quote where I said "nuh uh?"
It's hilarious how all of his arguments are massive assumptions based on outdated information, but he acts as if he has found some kind of smoking gun evidence proving all of his delusions to be correct.
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>more nuh uhs
Just making contradictory statements isn't an argument, retard.

>needing to include extra joints isn't a smoking gun that the plastic is cheap
>needing to include written warnings with every figure on how to handle your toy like glass isn't a smoking gun that the plastic is cheap
>needing to give written instructions with every figure on how to fix something that broke isn't a smoking gun that the plastic is cheap
>giving retailers extra joints for the historically most common parts to break isn't a smoking gun that the plastic is cheap
They know how cheap and prone to breaking their figures are, otherwise they wouldn't have wasted the money in giving out those extra joints.

And of course, you can see how Joytoy cheaped out over the years in how they handled their shoddy plastic
2016-2019: extra joints in every package
2019-2020: a piece of paper
2021-today: nothing. no doubt, they're praying people are dumb enough to fix the problem themselves or it breaking after the warranty expires
I'm tired boss
>writes novels about how terrible joytoy is
>Asks about a joytoy figure because he wants to buy it
Mental illness
That is neither engrish nor poor sculpting. It's supposed to be fancy gothic font. Sorry you know nothing about the franchise.
can't you two fuck each other already instead of spewing your aids here?
>nothing. no doubt, they're praying people are dumb enough to fix the problem themselves
Or they fixed the problem themselves and none of that off-topic posting about warnings or bags of joints (that was never a part of the Warhammer line) is relevant anymore. You wouldn't know though, since you don't own any of the figures.
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2nd SoH MkVI and 1st MkIV came in. I definitely prefer the MkVI. Did anyone else's MkIV come with a bag of extra joints? Kind of weird, I haven't seen that before. I wonder why they included that?
Lol, you'll encourage the psycho, who will fail to notice the sarcasm, and take it as absolute proof that the brand is terrible, but then ask you questions about your mk IV figure, because he wants to buy one.

Nice grab, but I am curious, and want to see what it would look like if you swapped the plain shoulder of the mk IV with the studded shoulder of the mk VI.
Do you mean putting both studded shoulders onto the MkIV body or putting both non-studded shoulders onto the MkVI body? The MkVI shoulders are noticeably thicker and are a slightly different shape than the MkIV shoulder. They remind me of the shape of terminator armor pauldrons while the MkIV are the more traditional recessed shape and a smaller size. I'm afraid to take the arms off to swap the shoulders though since I have a limited number of extra shoulder joints and don't want to blow through all of them immediately.
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I do like how the MkIV marines come with the right open hand so that you can set them up holding a bolter left-handed. The MkVI marines come with a left handed trigger finger hand of course, but the two that I got at least didn't include the opposite open hand.
>i guess you're not a fan of anything, eh?
big words coming from the biggest fucking secondary shitting up these threads on the daily

personally my latest figure (the tyranid warrior) came with three expired BK coupons, one valid McDees coupon and 2 sugondeez coupons, all valid too
is this a bribe for me to say only good things about joytoy from now one? idk, id've expected something toy related, like an extra head or gun or something
There's no "fancy gothic font" where a D looks like a B, that's just them fucking it because they couldn't see what was under the watcher's arm on the sculpted mini piece. It doesn't really matter because it's going to be under the watcher arm.

Subby and the other faggot should both fucking kill themselves.
You seriously think that GW would approve a design that features Engrish? You're as retarded as Subby if you believe that GW didn't quadruple-check a figure representing a new primarch model they are trying to sell before it shipped.
Both studded on the mk IV, but if they are of significantly different shapes, then nevermind. I did notice that the mk VI pauldrons were a slightly different shape than the earlier primaris figures, but I assumed that was a new shape for Horus heresy. Thanks for letting me know, regardless, and I hope I haven't cost you too many joints lmao

That's really interesting! Ty

GW isn't some perfect company that quadruple checks every tiny detail of every media, thinking like that is what leads to subby, who believes that every piece of artwork is exactly measured to perfect proportions, but somehow the minis are held to a different standard. If anything, it probably was just an oversight on joytoys part, because their reference is the mini, of which does have that part hidden within the watchers grasp, so yes, it was a simple case of "engrish".
I whish he would come with a beakie. Or the bakie version with a melee weapon. Anyway, can you take off the banner?
I mean they did make a MkVI vexillifer but he doesn't include a melee weapon. None of the MkVI marines except for the sergeant with power sword come with one since they all have bayonets. And surprisingly, no, the banner is actually fixed to the backpack, which I wasn't expecting since most of the time they are packaged detached in order to save space.
Man you really are making me reconsider getting one of these the next time that a sale rolls around. Space is just a big problem for me at the moment since I'm already at a massive deficit and need to buy more shelves, and I think part of my brain deep down is telling me to wait for a Thousand Sons contemptor and get that instead.
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Those look fantastic. My only wish is for a McFarlane style "paint your own" version for a lower pricetag, I'd love to paint some beakies up in RT style colours.
You can get basic Intercessors for as low as $17 shipped during Ali sales. Beakies are not a basic mold so they will be pricier, but you can still get the price down by a lot during these events if you coupon smartly and find the right shops. I got my last two beakies for $29 and $31 shipped, both during sales.

Basically, it makes no sense to offer unpainted versions for this line. The painted basics are already dirt cheap, and they release figures so quickly and in such volume that it would muck shit up immensely having duplicate unpainted releases as well. It's never going to happen. Learn how to use Ali.
No no, good point. I already get most of my figs from Ali so I don't really know what my point was.
Jointbros... it's fucking over... we're going to need some bags of replacement joints along with the next drop of BK coupons...
Jokes shitting on our local schizo aside, yeah there are a few tiny issues that the sculpts should update to innovate, but there's also a few that are inherent to the sculpts that were never meant to function beyond a tiny statue. I'm still happy with what we did get, and I would like more, flaws and all.
>fixed the problem
but they still need to give the bags of joints to retailers?
Doesn't sound fixed, hence the smaller figures still breaking, just like their figures from 2016-2020 when they were including joints with every figure. Hence the anon in this thread who complained to the retailer who he bought his WH40k figure from and received a baggy of extra joints.

Again, no other toy maker does shit like Joytoy.
Making extra joints and giving them out is expensive, but seems to be less expensive than using higher quality plastics. Companies like Hasbro, Bandai, Medicom, etc spend the money on higher quality materials and toys breaking must be rare rare for them, because they'll give you a full refund or a replacement if something breaks. They don't have extra pieces lying around, because they know their shit doesn't break easily.

You know what company does have extra pieces laying around? 4H. A tiny shitty company who bad mouths their customers if they bitch about their toys breaking in public.
Joytoy is at the same level as a tiny indie company. They dont work at the same level as even midsized companies like Good Smile, McFarlane or Jada.
>they still need to give the bags of joints to retailers?
>hence the smaller figures still breaking
>just like their figures from 2016-2020 when they were including joints with every figure
Off-topic and not relevant.
>Hence the anon in this thread who complained to the retailer who he bought his WH40k figure from and received a baggy of extra joints.
I agree, Joytoy's customer service is great. Hasrbo doesn't provide replacement parts or refunds when their products arrive to you broken or break after you open them.
>Again, no other toy maker does shit like Joytoy.
>Making extra joints and giving them out is expensive
>seems to be less expensive than using higher quality plastics
>Companies like Hasbro, Bandai, Medicom, etc spend the money on higher quality materials and toys breaking must be rare rare for them, because they'll give you a full refund or a replacement if something breaks
I've already told you multiple times that I have been outright ignored every time that I have attempted to contact Hasbro or a retailer for a replacement of a broken, damaged, or mispainted TVC figure.
>They don't have extra pieces lying around, because they know their shit doesn't break easily
They don't have extra pieces lying around because they're massive companies that have no interest in providing good customer service, they just tell you to fuck off if you get broken shit from them.
>You know what company does have extra pieces laying around? 4H. A tiny shitty company who bad mouths their customers if they bitch about their toys breaking in public.
I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, but it's irrelevant and off-topic anyways.
>nuh uh
Why are fanboys always retarded? Can't you at least provide ANY proof for the contrary, instead of "nuh uh?" but i guess you can't find proof when Engrish isn't found in real gothic script.

>You're as retarded as Subby if you believe that GW didn't quadruple-check a figure representing a new primarch model they are trying to sell before it shipped.
I'm not asking for GW to check their licensors out anally.
I'm asking that Joytoy to produce figures at the same level as a modern toy company.
For fucks sake, childrens toy companies like Hasbro producing budget toys can make their 1:18 scale figures in 1:18. They've proven they know what gold looks like. They charge $25 for 7" figures instead of $150 like Joytoy does.
Yeah, their 7" does have a lot more paint on it, but only as much as collector companies who charge $60-90 for theirs, but those collector companies know what gold looks like.
Nevermind every other company out there uses high quality plastics and actually fixes their shit if something does go wrong.
>I'm not asking for GW to check their licensors out anally.
Nobody said that you were, retard. GW is a notoriously overbearing control freak towards their licensees. They would not allow a figure that important to be shipped out with Chinese Engrish on it. I guarantee that a GW committee had to approve the prototypes and final production copies before it shipped.
>childrens toy companies like Hasbro
Hasbro's primary Star Wars lines (TBS/TVC) are explicitly aimed at adult collectors.
>budget toys
TVC are now going for $18-25 for exceptionally skinny 1:18 figures with very limited accessories.
>can make their 1:18 scale figures in 1:18
Kenner Star Wars figures (which TVC is a modern extension of) are responsible for the creation of the 3.75" scale, which technically isn't even the same thing as 1:18, just close enough that people use the terms interchangeably.
>They charge $25 for 7" figures instead of $150 like Joytoy does
Deluxe TVC figures cost $25, which you would know if you actually owned any yourself. I don't buy BLACKEDseries but I think they're approaching $35 each now, and they have very few accessories and shit articulation compared to Joytoy's Warhammer line. You have already established that you are poor and don't own many toys thoughever.
>Nevermind every other company out there uses high quality plastics
Can you actually qualify what makes a plastic "high-quality?" I have a feeling that you don't actually know anything about plastic composition, and since you don't even own any of the Warhammer figures, I'm not sure where you are getting the idea that they use some kind of inferior quality plastic. I actually have money and can afford as many Warhammer figures as I want, and mine don't break.
>but i guess you can't find proof when Engrish isn't found in real gothic script.
Are you seriously complaining about "authentic" gothic script/text in fucking 40K of all things? Way to out yourself as a secondary AGAIN.
>can make their 1:18 scale figures in 1:18.
JoyToy figures are in 1:18. Space Marines are like a full head taller than the normal humans, who are definitely 1:18 scale. If anything they've been oversizing the recent figures, though as has been mentioned prior caring about scale with 40K is completely pointless given it has NEVER had consistent scale beyond "Space Marines are bigger than regular humans". Try fitting 10 Marines in the back of a Rhino for instance.
>Bitching again because JoyToy uses weathered gold similar to what's used on the studio miniature paintjobs instead of gaudy gold chrome
Have you ever, like, SEEN a GW miniature, let alone bought one? Also holy fucking shit if you think that C3PO gold looks better than the Custodes.
>Everything should cost $10 reeeee!
Yes, Subby, we know, you're a massive poorfag/Starbuck's socialist who can't comprehend that better toys cost more.
Seriously, why the fuck do you even come here? The only company still making 40K toys is JoyToy, who you obviously hate, and you clearly know nothing about 40K, hence your inability to show a single model or anything other than panic-bought books. There's nothing for you here. Unless you're just here to argue and troll?
>JoyToy figures are in 1:18
Kek I didn't even think to comment on this, if I remember correctly didn't Subby say before that the Warhammer line is something insane like 1:22 or 1:24? For someone who supposedly has thousands of toys this would be incredibly easy to disprove by simply looking at them. The absolute scrawniest 40k figures are the Sororitas and the Kriegsmen, and they're still significantly bulkier than Star Wars TVC figures, which he is treating as the gold standard for 1:18 despite them not even being true 1:18.
Yeah, he thinks because the Marines aren't double the height of regular humans that they're "out of scale". He even said the McFarlane Marine is closer to 1:18 than the JoyToy ones.
Just watch, he'll repost the "source: my ass" fanart "scale chart" again. Dude thinks Marines are supposed to be Kaiju sized.
And I also forgot to mention, he's still using those C3P0 figures as if they are somehow proof that "budget children's toys" have "real gold paint," when in reality all of those figures are hated in the TVC community because they look like shit and don't represent the character at all. The legacy collection and earlier vac-metallized C3P0 figures are prized since they actually look like him.

To go on a tangent, as much as I would love to see a vac-metal Custodian, that technique isn't used anymore for a number of reasons. It's expensive, the metal coating shows fingerprints really obviously and is very easy to scratch or flake off, and apparently the process produces some kind of toxic byproducts that are hazardous to the environment. I think that Joytoy does a good job of representing how the minis are actually painted with their Custodian schemes though, which is something that has to be taken into consideration like you said, these are ultimately based directly on the minis.
Right? One of my favourite things about these guys is they really look like a Warhammer miniature blown up in scale and poseable. The Vanguard Veteran I have (beakie with chainsword) is one of my top favourite figures in my collection honestly.
>a dozen points of contrarian bullshit
What's the point of typing all that shit out if it amounts to "nuh uh?"

Look at how easily it is to provide proof that Joytoy doesn't know how to paint gold, yet a Mexican with his cheapshit diorama can. Look at how small Joytoy's "GIANT" primarch is, despite being teh same size as McFarlane's $24 figure.
Again, yeah, the Primarch has way more paint, but it's not painted properly and most collector companies offer the same amount of paint for a figure just as big for $60-90.
Shit, the aforementioned 4H have the same amount of paint AND know how to paint gold for only $40-50. Sadly, their engineering is stuck in the early 00s and their plastic is just as shit as Joytoy's.
>nuh uhs two entire 1000+ character posts
>proceeds to accuse everyone else of nuh uhing him
It must suck being stuck inside a toy board when you're poor, retarded, and don't own any toys.
>What's the point of typing all that shit out if it amounts to "nuh uh?"
So you can't argue any of our points and are just being a contrarian. We accept your concession.
>Look at how small Joytoy's "GIANT" primarch is, despite being teh same size as McFarlane's $24 figure.
1:18 is considerably smaller than 1:12. Or 1:10 really because McFarlane makes his toys oversized to be special. Actually if we're talking badly scaled 40K figures, the Sister from McFarlane is the same fucking height as his Marine.
>Muh size
Guilliman has far more parts and work put into him than that McFarlane figure.
>Nooooo muh gold! A character who fights on a battlefield is weathered rather than spit-polished shiny! WHY ISN'T IT CHROME?!?
We get it, you're a secondary. Don't have to remind us every 5 seconds.
>Randomly bitching about 4H out of nowhere
Meds. Now.
The funniest part of all of this is that I'm the person who made that post nearly a year ago now about one of my battle sisters' wrists breaking. That's still the only time I have ever had a 40k figure break, despite receiving multiple defective, broken, or mispainted TVC figures over the years.
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>no u
>nuh uhs
>Guilliman has far more parts and work put into him than that McFarlane figure.
Whoa, is this a real argument?
Again, there's collector companies who provide the same level of work for $60-90... except they use higher quality plastics and know what gold looks like. Batman being there is just to show the Primarch isn't that big and nowhere close to being worth its price.
>you're not allowed to compare Joytoy's level of quality control to 4H, who also stocks spare parts like Joytoy because they know their plastic is shit quality and are too cheap to offer refunds or full replacements
... or is this just you being so retarded you think comparisons and analogues aren't allowed?

Whoa, so it wasn't me just samefagging talking to myself? Then that other poster knowing they're the most common figures (at that point) to break is me then!
i love how you try and say another company is worse, yet you don't complain about it in the Star Wars general. It's almost like you want to lie to defend company, but why would you defend a company who produces inferior goods that charges way more than what a high quality Japanese collector company offers?

I seriously don't understand the mentality of fanboys. If something is shit, why not say it's shit? I like Warhammer 40k, but I'm not so desperate to defend Joytoy for releasing undersized Space Marines and normal sized humans that are prone to breaking.
I can see that other companies put in MORE effort into their toys and don't even charge as much, despite being higher quality too. I complain because i want to see Joytoy IMPROVE, yet you guys defend their shit efforts, like you like rolling around in shit. Why?

>you smell
wow, you sure proved me wrong. name calling is more retarded than just being a contrarian.
>Then that other poster knowing they're the most common figures (at that point) to break is me then!
Not sure how you would know that, since you don't own any of them.
>i love how you try and say another company is worse, yet you don't complain about it in the Star Wars general
Probably because you brought up Hasbro as a point of comparison in the first place. I don't give enough of a shit about a couple broken figures out of the 300+ TVC figures that I own that I find it necessary to cry about it in /swg/.
>why would you defend a company who produces inferior goods that charges way more than what a high quality Japanese collector company offers
Show me the "high-quality Japanese collector company" that produces all the same Warhammer figures as Joytoy and I'll start buying them.
>If something is shit, why not say it's shit?
It's not shit so I'm not saying that it's shit. Since you want to keep bringing up Hasbro, I actually have been calling the cantina Haslab shit recently since it looks like shit and provides a terrible value to the consumer. Joytoy's 40k figures look amazing and are a great value for what you get.
>I can see that other companies put in MORE effort into their toys and don't even charge as much, despite being higher quality too
Again, show me the company that produces all the same figures as Joytoy but in higher quality.
>I complain because i want to see Joytoy IMPROVE
You don't actually buy any of their figures, so all of your bitching is just pissing in the wind.
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>More conceding
We get it, you've given up and are just trolling (outside of /b/) to try and save face.
>Again, there's collector companies who provide the same level of work for $60-90
Such as?
>except they use higher quality plastics
Citation needed.
>and know what gold looks like
Unlike you apparently.
>Batman being there is just to show the Primarch isn't that big and nowhere close to being worth its price.
He's big for a 1:18th figure, and is a much better and more complex toy than that Batman, so whatever point you were trying to make, you failed.
>Still ranting about 4H
The worst thing I can say about 4H is that they do have antiquated articulation. They have some of the best paint in the business (only really matched by JoyToy ironically) and incredible sculpts though.
>Providing replacement parts is...LE BAD!
Actual retardation. Or should they be more like Hasbro and send you a replacement "of equal value" in the event of a QC dud (which is FAR more likely from Hasbro than JT or 4H, which you'd know if you bought toys).
> who produces inferior goods
They don't.
>that charges way more than what a high quality Japanese collector company offers?
They don't? You can get basic Marines for $17. Heck, the most I've paid for a JT Marine is about £40, and still got much better value for money than, say, a modern Figma of equivalent size (which would cost MUCH more).
>I like Warhammer 40k
Clearly, hence all the models you've posted OH WAIT
>undersized Space Marines
Space Marines are not kaiju.
>and normal sized humans that are prone to breaking.
>I complain because i want to see Joytoy IMPROVE, yet you guys defend their shit efforts, like you like rolling around in shit. Why?
Why do you bother? Clearly JoyToy are going to listen to people who actually like their toys rather than one moron who makes up nonexistent problems to troll.
Now post models, shitposting secondary.

come hang out in my new subjectanon-free zone
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Holy shit even the robots are mocking Subjectanon now.
Very homosexual behaviour. God, I hope there's new toy news soon so all these double-niggers shut the fuck up.
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>if you don't respond to my hundred nuh uhs it means I'm right
lol. saying nuh uh isn't proof of anything
>every company is worse than Joytoy
as if there's any question as to if you're a shill or not

pic of something you can only ignore and/or change the topic about, like that'll prove Joytoy didn't fuck up on a $150 figure.
That's my ML knee joint pic you posted, and they replaced the whole leg with no questions asked, because I reported the issue through their customer service. That was the only break I've ever had from a ML figure, and the only reason I posted it on the 4H thread was to discuss the fix I did (so I could display her until the replacement shipped out. I actually haven't swapped in the replacement leg yet, since the repair has held up).

It's bizarre that you're schizoposting about the companies that readily replace any broken parts, for free no less. Plastic isn't some magic material, and we're not dealing with critical devices meant to have zero QC failures. These are toys, they're inherently low-stakes. You can afford to wait a week to receive a replacement part.

>Making extra joints is expensive
No? It's a single piece of injection molded plastic, it costs them essentially nothing. Figmas often include replacement wrist joints, because it's a small and delicate piece of plastic that costs them next to nothing to give you a couple more of.
Why did no one here buy the HH Imperial Fists?
I bought the contemptor
he's waiting at my post office right now
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Here's the lad, and he's a big one, almost as big as the redemptor
Gun arm spins and came detached in a separate socket in the packaging, but it was a simple round peg round hole to put it together, and it does spin, but not as loosely as Bjorn's
Only real quality error I saw was that a bit of his laurel on his helmet was a bit detached and flapped up over the upper cowl above his helmet, but that want down flat easy and doesn't seem inclined to pop back up
I only buy smurfs
>they replaced the whole leg with no questions asked. ... readily replace any broken parts, for free no less.
Whoa, for FREE??? What an amazing company to produce toys with shitty plastic and then do what 100% of companies should do if their shit breaks on you. Fucking BARE MINIMUM service and you act like they're doing you some amazing favor.
Holy battered wife syndrome.

Why do the worst companies have the most fucked up fanboys with shit standards?

You know what most toy companies do? Offer better plastics, that are less likely to break, so you can enjoy it worry free for the rest of your life. And this is why these companies can offer you a full refund or full replacement, because it happens so rarely that they give a free toy away or your money back if it does.

>it costs them essentially nothing.
IT costs them the same amount as the first parts, fuckwit. Toy production isn't free. They're not making shit on demand and they still need to paint those pieces. All those extra pieces add up to a significant amount.
Nevermind they need to mail it out to you, which means that individual piece they're sending to you actually cost them 20x more than the piece that broke on your figure.
If it cost them nothing, then Joytoy would still be including the joints with every figure they sold like they did before.

This is why Joytoy just started inserting warning pamphlets that you need to treat your figure like glass and even that piece of paper costs money, hence not including a pamphlet at all now.
what do you mean they replace parts for free? they out extra joints on the boxes or do they send out parts to individuals who email them?
>Offer better plastics
You have yet to prove this.
>that are less likely to break
You have yet to prove this.
>And this is why these companies can offer you a full refund or full replacement
What companies offer you a full refund or replacement for a broken joint? I have never been offered a refund or replacement from any toy seller other than Aliexpress retailers.
>They're not making shit on demand and they still need to paint those pieces.
You don't need to paint joints, you fucking retard.
>Nevermind they need to mail it out to you, which means that individual piece they're sending to you actually cost them 20x more than the piece that broke on your figure.
>If it cost them nothing, then Joytoy would still be including the joints with every figure they sold like they did before.
So which is it, are they too poor to afford sending extra joints with every figure, or are they rich enough to mail out thousands of individual bags of joints to all of their customers when their shitty weak joints inevitably break? The cognitive dissonance is pretty astounding.
>This is why Joytoy just started inserting warning pamphlets that you need to treat your figure like glass
Prove that statement.
even that piece of paper costs money, hence not including a pamphlet at all now
Prove that statement.
Imagine writing multiple novels about how bad joytoy is, but still asking about their figures because you want to buy one.
Subby, the loyal customer.
Shit, forgot to include an actual discussion; we've seen the flamer in a mk IV, so which other special or heavy weapon would you like to see in the Horus heresy line?
I'd like to see a volkite caliver.
Definitely a heavy volkite weapon or a full-size plasmagun next. I was also really hoping to see the double barreled autocannon with the Justaerin but unfortunately we didn't get it. I thought it would be really cool to have a 30k figure right next to a chaos terminator using the same weapon 10k years later but chaosified. I have been looking at the "official" painted models on GW's website trying to think of what they will do next. I'm guessing some Space Wolf marines in MkIII armor equipped with bayonets, power fists, and lightning claws. I am hoping that Thousand Sons are the next traitors made and that they bring some heavy weapons with them. I especially want to see the Osirion pattern contemptor dreadnought with a plasma or volkite cannon and a power kopesh.
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>lol. saying nuh uh isn't proof of anything
Which is exactly what you're doing. Discounting actual arguments as "nuh-uh" because you lack the capacity to argue back.
Now post models.
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>no u
Retailers having extra pieces at the ready
Toy companies producing those extra pieces
Having the exact pieces that broke
Cost of manufacturing/production
Cost of shipping.
comparison to companies who do better jobs
Lying about scale
Inattention to details
Mustard brown instead of gold.
etc etc etc and the only argument you guys can do?
>nuh uh
Or being desperate retard like >>11046330 who has no concept of what context is
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>Retailers having extra pieces at the ready
>Toy companies producing those extra pieces
That is literally a good practice that more companies should adopt. Regardless of how good a toyline is there'll always be breakages or QC duds (maximized with higher production numbers as more items = higher chance for a dud to slip through the cracks), but most companies don't bother to offer any kind of replacement parts. Hasbro will at best send you an unrelated toy of "equivalent value".
>Having the exact pieces that broke
As opposed to pieces that aren't even on the toy?
>Cost of manufacturing/production
>Cost of shipping.
Yeah, what about them? JoyToy is ridiculously good value for money. $17 Intercessors, man.
>comparison to companies who do better jobs
Such as? JoyToy is the only company still MAKING 40K toys. McFarlane I'm pretty sure packed it in after their disastrously bad Terminator.
>Lying about scale
Where? 40K's scale is notoriously inconsistent, and the only really consistent element is that Space Marines are bigger than regular humans...which JT Marines are. They aren't Kaiju size.
>Inattention to details
They're almost 1:1 recreations of the minis, except poseable. Which you'd know if you weren't a FILTHY SECONDARY who has NEVER touched a mini in your life.
>Mustard brown instead of gold.
I swear you're actually blind at this point.
Wait, weren't you endlessly denying that the Mezco Gladiator Hulk had HIDEOUSLY mismatched greens even though it was blatantly obvious? Maybe you really are blind.
>etc etc etc and the only argument you guys can do?
You've been completely disproven over and over again, but because you're a contrarian troll who is only here to shitpost you refuse to acknowledge the arguments and just deny anyone has said anything other than "nuh-uh". Let me guess, you'll start barking next.
Now post models.
>a good practice that only companies who have histories of shitty plastics follow, instead of companies with history of good plastic (and fix their problems) who give you a full refund/entirely new figure if something breaks
yeah, you're a retard
>muh uncle changs deeply discounted prices, but don't you dare use uncle changs deeply discounted prices for non-joytoy figures because then other lines are even cheaper
more retardedness
>all these other nuh uhs
smartest retard on /toy/

You've constantly shown you're not above lying, so how come you haven't shooped any of these examples of Joytoy's brown mustard they call gold? Is it because you have no idea what gold looks likes either, lazy, or you have no idea how to do such a simple color swap?

$150 and Joytoy gives you 90s Kenner quality
>ib4 Joytoy is LOL XD fun for being kitschy
>nuh uhs my entire post because he can't refute a single one of my points
I accept your concession.
>a good practice that only companies who have histories of shitty plastics follow, instead of companies with history of good plastic (and fix their problems) who give you a full refund/entirely new figure if something breaks
Most companies that do that only do so because you CAN'T replace individual joints due to the design of the figure. Replacing just the bit that failed makes far more sense than replacing the entire toy; if your wing mirror on your car gets clipped, do you write off the entire car or just get a new wing mirror?
Also what are these companies that always send replacement figures for breakages, no questions asked? Because most companies make it pretty tricky to get replacements or refunds. And again, they often just send out "equivalent value" figures as a consolation prize.
>muh uncle changs deeply discounted prices, but don't you dare use uncle changs deeply discounted prices for non-joytoy figures because then other lines are even cheaper
I mean, for Chinese-original toylines, it's usually a better idea to order from Aliexpress, yeah. 3P TFs, JoyToy 40K, etc, it makes sense to order. Figmas and the like not so much because they'll inevitably be bootlegs, whereas there AREN'T any JoyToy bootlegs. It's not rocket science.
>You've constantly shown you're not above lying,
Citation needed.
>so how come you haven't shooped any of these examples of Joytoy's brown mustard they call gold?
Because I don't need to? The gold they use looks fine, it matches the studio paintjobs. Is this projection from those times you photoshopped Figuarts faces to look worse because their faceprinting tech being good broke you that hard?
>all these other nuh uhs
You really have no idea how to argue, do you?
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>CAN'T replace individual joints
>ignoring there's a billion different toylines
>ignoring people had been swapping out limbs and joints for decades for a billion different toylines
>this isn't a "nuh uh" because i typed a lot of words despite amounting to just "nuh uh"

>my uncles chang discounts for toys can only apply to chinese products because everything is bootlegs there except for my exception

amazing job at defending Joytoy fucking up for almost a decade now in delivering fragile toys with shit paint jobs, despite costing 2-5x more than even high end Japanese collector lines, with your nuh uhs.

pic of how Joytoy saves money by no longer including extra joints for the commonly broken parts, warning pamphlets to treat their figures like glass, or even info about customer service.
>ignoring people had been swapping out limbs and joints for decades for a billion different toylines
And most of those toylines require dipping the figures in boiling water to flex apart joints, rather than the modular design JT goes for. Try replacing the joint on a NECA figure without doing major surgery.
>this isn't a "nuh uh" because i typed a lot of words despite amounting to just "nuh uh"
Yes, we know, you're illiterate.
>my uncles chang discounts for toys can only apply to chinese products because everything is bootlegs there except for my exception
Are you dense? Are you retarded? Do you know ANYTHING about buying from non-American sites or has all that corn syrup destroyed your ability to comprehend the existence of stores located outside the US?
Seeing as you're clearly inbred, I'll explain it to you- if it's a Chinese product on a Chinese website, it's probably legit, because they stand to gain nothing from making a cheaper imitation of something they're already making for low prices in decent numbers in their own country. Meanwhile, a Japanese figure from a Chinese store is guaranteed to be a bootleg, because there's a large market for getting cheaper (if crappier) versions of expensive products from another country.
>amazing job at defending Joytoy fucking up for almost a decade now in delivering fragile toys
I've not had a single JT figure break. The early SoBs did have fragile wrists, from what I understand, but future releases fixed that very quickly.
Sounds to me like you're a hamhands.
>with shit paint jobs
Dude. JT has some of the best paintjobs on the market right now. Edged out slightly by Four Horsemen, ironically enough.
>despite costing 2-5x more than even high end Japanese collector lines
Wasn't aware Japanese collector lines went for less than $17.
>...customer service
Are you SERIOUSLY complaining about a toy company having a customer service department? Jesus, you really are the other sister, Subby.
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>so many nuh uhs
amazing argument, retard

>Are you SERIOUSLY complaining about a toy company having a customer service department?
Learn how to read compound sentences, retard
>pic of how Joytoy saves money by no longer including ... even info about customer service.

MAn, it's bad enough that you just just making contradictory statements is actually an argument, but you haven't actually been misconstruing my posts and are truly at a 2nd graders level of education?
Fuck man, no wonder you have no idea what gold is supposed to look like and defend Joytoy's shit paint jobs. You just never learned what gold is supposed to look like and Joytoy's was the first time you gave a shit about it.
Gold armor shouldn't be able to blend in with pale wood and beige window blinds.

You're like a child who grew up thinking wrestling was real and are just being a mong because you learned the truth.

Toy companies shouldn't make brittle toys like Joytoy. Most toys /toy/ talks about don't suffer from brittle plastics. They also do a better job with colors, like making gold look like gold. They also even take the time to find out if they're spelling words correctly, instead of Engrishing it up on a $150 figure.
Somehow Joytoy fails at all this shit, yet prices their stuff 2-5x higher than even Japanese collector toys.
Joytoy is an aberration and nearly every toy maker does a better job.
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>Still refusing to actually engage with arguments and just reducing anyone disproving his autistic complaints as "nuh-uh"
Trolling is against the rules, you know.
I'll concede I misread that last sentence, but consider that your current track record for blatant retardation makes the possibility you thought having customer service = "toy must be bad durr" not an unlikely thing for you to say.
>Still bitching about JoyToy 40K figures being made to look like 40K characters and not C-3PO
Genuine, profound mental retardation.
>Toy companies shouldn't make brittle toys like Joytoy.
OK hamhands.
>Most toys /toy/ talks about don't suffer from brittle plastics.
And neither do JoyToy unless you're being a complete klutz.
Huh, this is making a lot of sense...you defending chewing-gum consistency plastic on guns (chewing gun?) because "hurr if it's hard it'll break when I force it into a shouldered pose with my sausage fingers durr" lines up with you accusing JT of being "brittle". Nice to know we can dismiss any complaints you make on fragility of any toyline as just you being a massive hamhands.
>They also even take the time to find out if they're spelling words correctly, instead of Engrishing it up on a $150 figure.
Again. Stylized pseudo-gothic illuminated text. You'd realize this if you knew anything about 40K.
>yet prices their stuff 2-5x higher than even Japanese collector toys.
They literally don't. You're buying from importers/middlemen who bump up the price and take a cut for themselves.
First 3 results on AliExpress for a "Joytoy 40K" search. £15 for an Intercessor. What a fortune!
>nearly every toy maker does a better job.
They literally don't, and if you're after 40K toys there aren't any that do ANY job. Bandai barely started, McFarlane fumbled the ball hard and have stopped after their shit Terminator and his wobbly waist, and JoyToy is still trucking along.
Why are you even here? Just to troll?
>saying nuh uh is an argument because i typed a lot
>blaming 2nd grade level reading skills on others
>blatant cherry picking to defend brittle plastics and costing more than Japanese collector toys
cool story, retard

You know what i don't have to cherry pick? Any and every image of Joytoy's figures where they (and you) don't understand what gold is supposed to look like
Shut your fucking mouths, cunts, new toys.

30k Space Wolves, nice that everyone has an axe, two guns, helmeted and unhelmeted heads. All but one gets a shield too. Might get one, but they're far too samey for multiples for me.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Not interested, but neat.

Blank base bodies. Not interested, but neat.
>30k Space Wolves
I'm getting pretty good at this, I guessed Space Wolves in MkIII armor earlier but got the melee weapons wrong. I was really hoping for something more interesting than just a bunch of axes again.
I'd like to see more frost-weapons, like the claws and axes the Wulfen have, but I feel like the paint-job is a bit too demanding for joytoy to do on mass-production. Geigor was supposed to have a frost claw iirc but joytoy's one is really just an ordinary one with some squiggles on it. Dreadnought Bjorn's is okay I guess. Spears and halberds are always cool but can't think of a model off the top of my head where space wolves get them.

What options do you want?
The Phobos pattern bolter used by the MkIII mold can fit the same bayonet as the MkVI kit, so it would have been nice to see something like that to differentiate them a bit. But mainly lightning claws, they fit so perfectly thematically for the Space Wolves and I find them far more fun to pose than another axe. Honestly at this point I would take a chainsword over more axes.
Turtle-xenos about to get fucked up.
Rumours from discord, supposedly from official source, said by a chink who's been pretty accurate so far

Daemon form Angron coming
Official Titus coming near the release of SM2
More nids
Crimson Paladins
30k Thousand Sons and Blood Angels
>saying nuh uh is an argument because i typed a lot
Yes, we know, big words frighten you.
>Thinking one single misreading absolves you of any of the rest of your blatant bullshit
>blatant cherry picking to defend brittle plastics
>and costing more than Japanese collector toys
Japanese collector toys cost less than £15 now?
>Any and every image of Joytoy's figures where they (and you) don't understand what gold is supposed to look like
How many times do we have to tell you that they're aping the official studio paintjobs? Are you fucking dense?
No, you're a troll. You are only here to shitpost and derail conversations. You don't care about 40K.
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Thousand Sons would be an obvious next step given all the wolves, but its nice to see that the Nids are also doing well.
That's a very unique effect part on Leo. Dunno if I like it, seems like this sort of afterimage effect should be reserved for things with repeated motion, like nunchucks or thor's hammer. It's a little weird.
>furries eating good
what happend to the Ultramarines? I thought they were the space romans but now 99% of their stuff is more knight than roman.
I think it comes with being the poster boys. Since they’re used to represent the entire space marine range, this includes all the generic accoutrements and heraldry in lieu of a specific aesthetic like Space Wolves.
Pretty cool looking, but man, this is the third, 30k wolves wave that is basically just the same figure, four times, just with different heads. At least this wave is decked out with helmets, bolters, and pistols, so they compliment their unique axes and shields. Hopefully they're about the same as the other mk III wolves.
So far, SoH has the biggest variety, with a mk IV and VI wave, plus tartaros AND justaerian waves, plus their primarch, dreadnaught, named character, and two other generic characters. Arguably they're tied with fists, I think, but fists have 3 waves of mk III armor, and a single terminator armor wave, whereas SoH has 2 normal, but different, armor waves, for.both regular and terminator.

Hopefully that angron release is flanked by berzerkers AND blood letters.
I'm most excited for more nids! I'd probably want to see hive guard next.
>Crimson Paladins
why? That's even more random than the White Consuls
The BA termies, not the chapter.
They're just the BA cataphractii unit, so it looks like every legion will be getting a cataphractii special unit. Do IF have none, hence they got the generic unit?
They have Huscarls, but I don't think there's an actual mini of them.
Just give me Alpha legion already dammit!
They'll do cata termis with the IF shield kit on em.
Which ones look "knight-y" to you? The only one I can really think of is this guy, with the relic shield and flip up mouthguard. Everything else either seems like vanilla space marine stuff, or roman-looking, like the brushtop helms and leather strap loincloths.
You don't think the normal blade guard look knight like? There's also the deathwing terminators and the BT sword brethren dudes. Throw in the blade guard ancient.
Definitely getting the vexillifer and the blondie. Not a fan of the mouth sculpts on the others. I am glad that they all come with helmets though since that cowl on the vexillifer looks ridiculous.
>oh he's retarded
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Had a crazy idea for getting some of those cheapo Chap Mei vehicle toys and heavily remodelling/repainting them into "set pieces" for the JT 40K figures. Not recognizable vehicles like a Rhino or Chimera of course, but rather the sort of "everyday" vehicles you'd find on a forge or agri-world, like the kind of vehicles you'd kitbash for flavour for an INQ28 board. Arbites vehicles, PDF light tanks etc.
Bro, what? You started talking about Ultramarines and now you're bringing in Deathwing (Dark Angels) and Black Templars, which are totally different chapters? What the actual fuck are you talking about? Also, every chapter has Bladeguards, and they all essentially look the same except for chapter sigils and shit.

Go learn about Warhammer before speaking, you are embarrassing yourself
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>but man, this is the third, 30k wolves wave that is basically just the same figure, four times, just with different heads
Blame GW. The minis they're based on have near-identical loadouts and armor, with very little variation. They don't have a ton of ornamentation like some later 40K stuff either, it's basically just vanilla armor, maybe with one unique feature per dude.

I don't think JoyToy is trying to cheap out or get lazy or anything, recall that during their 40K run they made tons of unique parts that nobody would even notice, like slightly different forearm or pauldron variants. And given the costs of molding, that's not exactly some throwaway decision, it means they're passionate and want to do it right even if it costs them more.
retools aren't expensive. This is why most budget toylines do them in the first place

Considering the price of Joytoy figures being almost twice as expensive as other collector lines, that's enough to pay for a completely new mold for the entire figure.

>my nuh uhs are serious and not desperate attempts to squash criticism about Joytoy using cheap plastics and not fixing their other fuck ups like continously using kenner brown instead of gold
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>retools aren't expensive. This is why most budget toylines do them in the first place
They still require additional tooling, which is expensive, and the sheer amount of variant parts JT has created for their various Marine bodies is absurd. Yes they were kinda working on easy mode with Marines being inherently retool friendly, but you'd be an idiot not to acknowledge how much new tooling they've done for the line.
>Considering the price of Joytoy figures being almost twice as expensive as other collector lines
They are literally not, this has been explained over and over.
>that's enough to pay for a completely new mold for the entire figure.
Which they regularly do, at least within the reasonable bounds of "these guys are all wearing a basic standardized armour suit".
>Joytoy using cheap plastics
Citation needed.
>B-B-But muh hamhands
Be more careful with your toys.
>kenner brown instead of gold
This is all you have. The fact they went with a worn gold matching the studio paintjobs rather than the gaudy gold chrome you wanted, which you've repeated ad infinitum as "evidence" that they have "shit paint" despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary (see pic related; he even has a subtle glow effect around the bionic eye).
also, i like how you say to blame GW, yet those plain vanilla minis you posted have way more color than Joytoy's.
If they're too cheap to mold more variations of the armor, why not give them more paint to make them more distinguished from one another?

It's so lazy.
The pic he posted wasn't of a studio paintjob, dipshit. It was a random player's minis. You'd have realized that if you weren't a colossal fucking secondary.
>yet those plain vanilla minis you posted have way more color than Joytoy's.
Anon, I don't usually get involved in this shit, but you do know its the CUSTOMERS who paint the minis, right?
They come unpainted and unassembled so you can customize them to your liking, and so that GW can sell expensive pain as well as expensive plastic
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One of these figures cost me $21 and the other cost me $26. Can you guess which is which?
To be fair, GW does do "in-house" paintjobs to showcase the minis, which is what the JT figures are based on. But Subby has never held a 40K model in his life, so...
^^And yet you still buy their stuff, ever the loyal customer!

Oh, I'm a different anon, sorry, I thought you were generally asking which figures are knight like because you wanted knight like guys, I didn't read your post as a reply to the other guy, my bad.

Yeah I know, I'm just saying the end result is a bit lame. I've passed up a lot of figures who's minis I love, but their designs do not translate well at all. Like, anything with a tube or cable or whatever, needs to have it extended by about double to work for the figures, so I'm glad that joytoy has begun to make compromises to the original design in order to facilitate a better action figure (such as the fleshborer being removable).
true, butt I don't think the image in >>11047723 in particular is one, I don't think they line them up like that
looks more like, y'know, a fan lining up his minis to take a picture rather than an ad
I must admit my own secondary status myself though, so I could very well be mistaken
Kek, too bad subby will just link some dumbass random UK site that has that wolf listed for £65 as "counter proof".
How is that jango? I'm fond of the character, but I do have the previous version still, and I'm a bit tired of more mandalorian figures, so I've been dragging my feet to get him, am I making a mistake? For ref, I have the newest single card TVC beskar din djarin, the "deluxe" paz visla, the original armor din djarin, RotJ boba, BoBF boba, armorer, and bo katana.
>How is that jango?
It is definitely a massive improvement over the previous version, which I believe still has swivel hips. It is kind of insane that this "deluxe" figure doesn't even include his poncho like the previous version though. I still greatly prefer him over many of the modern Mandalorian molds like Din and Boba since he actually has ball-jointed hips. (something that Joytoy has had in its 40k line since its inception) It's also quite insane how Hasbro is charging $18 for retools/repaints of figures that still have that godawful rotating swivel joint at the hips, or even worse, repacks of Legacy Collection figures from the early 2010s that still have swivel hips. The "deluxe" accessories that he comes with are just some garbage fire effects for his gauntlet flamethrower and jetpack boosters, even fewer accessories than the "deluxe" Tatooine Boba that was maligned when it released for being a poor value. I think that Jango must have sold better than some of those other "deluxe" figures though since I wasn't able to find him for half off through the usual sources like I have with the others.
Black templar's and dark angels are SUPPOSED to look like knights.
>retools aren't expensive
You were lied to. They are CHEAPER than a full new mold, cause duh, more means more expensive, but as a baseline, mold cutting is simply expensive no matter what.

I'm not gonna reply to the pricing part cause it's based on vague assumptions and flawed logic, and I can't logic you out of a position you didn't logic yourself into.
Like the others said, that's a CUSTOMER paintjob. Which you are free to do yourself on the figures as well. When will you stop taking Ls?
>Like, anything with a tube or cable or whatever, needs to have it extended by about double to work for the figures
Really? This hasn't been my experience at all. Heavy weapons figures are generally made to stay in variations of one pose, and I have no trouble manipulating the cables into those poses. Other things like the Terminator's arm cables or thunder hammer cables pose no problems at all, they're very soft and flexible.

If you really feel broken up about the tubing (I assume you mean on heavy weapons), you can just yank them out in most cases, they're glued but it's not difficult. Then you can replace it with longer tubing, just need to buy the same diameter.
Yeah, it's clearly not GW's house painting style, and they would never take such an ugly, unprofessional photo on a scratchy fabric backdrop, they'd use a lightbox.
I'm really hoping that we get some Space Wolves in Tartaros armor as well, since they have a named HQ character who wears it and one-hands a heavy bolter. He does unfortunately come with another fucking power axe though.
>>11047820 >>11047822
I said they were vanilla, as in plain and simple paint jobs. Note i didn't say anything about the different bits (likely from other models) in the image.
There's no reason they couldn't be painted differently to make them look different from one another. There's a reason why there's so many color guides.

IT's just Joytoy being cheap and lazy.

>i already said nuh uh a hundred times and cherrypicked examples so you're wrong
fuck off retard
>There's no reason they couldn't be painted differently to make them look different from one another.
There is a reason you retarded faggot: JAMES. JAMES HAS THE FINAL SAY ON EVERYTHING THAT JOYTOY MAKES. What part of that do you not understand? How many times does it need to be repeated that these are based off of specific GW designs with very limited leeway for slight adjustments and not just whatever the Joytoy engineers feel like making? At this point we need a fucking pastebin in the OP explaining how the 40k line works.
>everything is always GW's fault
Yeah, it's always your go to.for Joytoy's failures.

Id post a picture of someone's post about the engineering being shit and from pieces falling apart on Joytoy's figures and blaming that on GW, but we've hit the image limit.
Somehow other companies making smaller figures with smaller joints have no problem with that shit.

If Joytoy were supposed to literally copy everything GW did, then their proportions would be that of the midgets and nevermind neither McFarlane nor Bandai don't either. Nevermind McFarlane has done color variants before, so there obviously isn't an issue with the license.

Also, i don't get your james meme.
>>everything is always GW's fault
More like the specific thing that you are bitching about is GW's fault and you don't fundamentally understand how this line of toys works. Not that it matters since you don't own any.
>Id post a picture of someone's post about the engineering being shit and from pieces falling apart on Joytoy's figures and blaming that on GW
Why should I give a fuck about an anonymous post that may or may not exist? How would that prove any of the nonsense that you are shitting out all over our thread?
>Somehow other companies making smaller figures with smaller joints have no problem with that shit.
So other toy lines never have any problems with joints breaking? You're really going to continue to repeat this after I have told you multiple times that I have more TVC figures with broken joints than Joytoy figures with broken joints? And that the one time I did break a Joytoy figure's wrist it was immediately replaced for free when I was given nothing in return for any of the broken Hasbro figures?
>then their proportions would be that of the midgets
The firstborn marines and CSM have very accurate midget-like proportions, I don't even know what you're crying about here. Primaris marines, which are 80% of the 40k line, don't have midget proportions. I am begging you to even just LOOK at a fucking model for once.
>Nevermind McFarlane has done color variants before, so there obviously isn't an issue with the license
Joytoy has done color variants too. All of the designs have to be approved by GW. Those two realities are not mutually exclusive. What are you even trying to say here?
>Also, i don't get your james meme.
Cry about it?
>nuh uh
>nuh uh
>nuh uh
>nuh uh
>it doesn't matter if these threads constantly blame GW for Joytoy's failures, because this time it's true
>Joytoy has done color variants too.
Oh ok, so Joytoy is being cheap and lazy
You can cherrypick anyone saying anything. I could give you screenshots of numerous people saying the sky is polka dotted, doesn't make it true. The vast majority of reviews being positive on every JoyToy-selling website does not back up your assertion as this being the majority experience.
>store websites totally don't have problems with bots giving 5 star reviews and reviewers totally don't receive products for free, hence multipe reviewers still giving toys that break on camera positive reviews
>implying you haven't been lying to defend Joytoy's cheap shit plastics, cheaping out on paint, and saying every other toy maker is inferior since these threads were created
ok retard
Completely shutting down your argument and disproving it objectively is not a "nuh uh." Responding to an argument with a bunch of "nuh uhs" and refusing to engage with it is, in fact, its own form of "nuh uh."
>>it doesn't matter if these threads constantly blame GW for Joytoy's failures, because this time it's true
The classic "everyone who disagrees with me is the same person" argument
>Oh ok, so Joytoy is being cheap and lazy
Every toy line has recolors. This is a good thing, generally. It's especially good for the 40k line since it reflects how the actual miniatures work. The vast majority of repeats in the 40k line are also slight retools as well, giving an even greater variety to the line than just repaints. You would think that someone who owns "thousands of toys" would know this.
On every single website? In between making toys at an absolutely breakneck pace, JoyToy managed to hire enough people to hit all of Amazon, Aliexpress, Taobao, ShowZ, et al, including all the hundreds of third-party shops on some of those, and not only suppress thousands of bad reviews, but also insert hundreds of their own good and/or shill ones?

Look me in the eye and tell me that is feasible. I dare you.
Older ones had some issues, but now it looks like joytoy is finally taking creative liberties in favor of a better toy. Some cables and shit that were bad were the aggressors ammo belts being too short, as well as the eradicator marine's melta rifle's cable's being barely long enough to pose exactly like the models. but like I said, they've gotten better. I guess I should have clarified that not ALL tubes/etc NEED to be extended, but I did say exactly that lol, so my mistake there. For the record, I did take off the ammo belts to the aggressor I have.
The fact is that these toys are as high priced or more as other collector companies, who put more effort into their toys, like using brand new molds.
Like you said, they're rushing shit out and that's why they're not putting as much attention into the details. Breakneck speed. They're just shitting it out for a quick and easy buck, hence not even bothering to test their plastics either. Better just to give out a bunch of joints than stopping production.

And yes, it's very easy to farm reviews and you can get some super cheap ones from third world countries like India. Practically every company does it. You even see "legal" shilling on Amazon, where their reviews have a green label on top that says "influencer" or some shit.
A lot of reviewers get their toys for free, like Awesome Action Toys guy, who also gets wined and dined. That's why he's overly positive even when he's reviewing sketchy as fuck toys. Those "legal" shills or whatever you want to call them also got that shit for free.
I'm sure you've even heard about stores on eBay and Amazon putting a piece of paper saying that you can be refunded your money back without returning your order if you give them a nice review.

This is why i generally consider store reviews to be worthless. I actually trust 4chan's word, but when you have people like >>11047974 denying that Joytoy doesn't have a history of shitty plastics, that everyone who complained about their joitns breaking as samefag, and that mustard brown is as good as gold... well, something suspicious is going on here.

>my fallacies should be taken seriously
ok retard
You didn't reply to the fundamental premise, which is the sheer impossibility of even tracking down every 3rd party store that sells on Amazon/eBay/TaoBao/Aliexpress/Temu/Wish to fuck up their reviews. You just babbled nonsense about how easy it is to farm reviews. Sure, maybe for a given platform, or item, or even brand, but across the entire fucking internet? Stop ducking and dodging around that, and give me an answer to how that's possible.
>like using brand new molds
Are you retarded or something? What does this even mean? Joytoy doesn't make new molds? Do you think that the new 30k marines are all retooled primaris?
How autistic are you being in that you think some reviews on MattsAmazingComicToys.com matter? Aggregate matters more, because you get a shit ton more experiences, because statistics are a real thing. And of course, markerters know this, hence shitting up the bigger stores. Literally every marketer knows this, so either you're ten years old for not knowing how common they are or you're a retarded shill who thinks he can lie about it.
If you see one roach in your house, it likely there's more in the house. There is never just one. When you see a dozen, like on amazon and other places... I seriously don't understand why you'd waste your time even trying to figure out what review is real or not. Shit just needs to be burned down.
It's why i always have used forums to get opinions about X. Most boards have enough people that you'll get a couple dozen opinions and obvious shills/trolls get called out.

Again, these threads have proven how dishonest people are about Joytoy products. Not just with lying about how brown mustard is perfectly acceptable or saying scale doesn't matter (until they fix the scale, then people who bought the old figures cry), but like that guy who posted his tyranid just shutting down when i asked him to show the range of motion from its arms.

On other threads, you'll usually get a couple of people being honest about that shit. The worst that happens in those threads is that after someone posts an example of a toy's range, some troll creates a new goalpost and says another example must be made or it's shit.

see the original post and what was being talked about. learn how to use backlinks.
Why do you treat some posts made here as gospel but then handwave away others that don't agree with you as "dishonest?" Why is it always objective 100% smoking gun proof when you can twist it to support your retarded views on a line that you don't even collect, but it's always dishonest shilling when it doesn't?
>see the original post
>learn how to use backlinks
I did read it, you're just fucking retarded. You think that Joytoy should be creating brand new molds for every single figure for some reason. Retooling, repainting, repacking, etc. exist in every single toy line are all good things for various different reasons. Again, you don't seem to know much about toys or their production despite owning "thousands." (but not any of the ones that are actually relevant to the thread that you're shitting up)
I realize now why this guy is so annoying. He never stays on topic, he just strawmans and strawmans, hoping you won't notice.
>Why do you treat some posts made here as gospel
Because people posting pictures after being asked is... actual proof?
I'm not sure what you're trying to get at.

>it's retarded to expect a toy costing more than competitors (who offer more value) to not have the same level of value
>but muh cherrypicked example that everyone also thinks is a rip off and compare it with the lowest of the low prices on uncle chang's store which you can absolutely not apply to any other toy brand
gee, why would i call people like >>11047823 dishonest and a shill?

Same shit when people defend obvious brown mustard as being as good as gold.

Dishonest as fuck.
>Because people posting pictures after being asked is... actual proof?
You admitted yourself that you don't have a picture of the supposed broken Sororitas wrist that led to your initial spergout but you still treat it as an objective fact that all of the Sororitas figures have weak wrists because of it, and you have gone further to insist that Joytoy knows about this and "keeps bags of joints in stock at all times" to replace these as they break. The absolute peak of delusion, and it's all based on an anonymous comment that you yourself have admitted doesn't have a picture to prove it.
>>it's retarded to expect a toy costing more than competitors (who offer more value) to not have the same level of value
Do you even proofread the word vomit that you spew onto this board?
>muh cherrypicked example that everyone also thinks is a rip off
Deluxe TVC figures cost $26 now and regular releases are $17. That's just what they cost. I'm comparing the two lines that I collect. If you want to say that you can't compare anything to TVC because it's a ripoff, that says more about TVC than Joytoy. I went with a deluxe figure since they're the only figures that have a (loosely, since they have way fewer and are lower quality) comparable amount of accessories to the average 40k figure. I could compare a $17 normal TVC release to a full price (from a western retailer) $30 intercessor and it doesn't do anything to change the fact that JT is perfectly good value for what you get.
>compare it with the lowest of the low prices on uncle chang's store which you can absolutely not apply to any other toy brand
What is this even supposed to mean? You can't compare Joytoy's prices to other brands' prices because they're cheaper and they regularly go on sale? It's a bad thing that you can buy Joytoy figures directly from the source instead of having to go through additional middlemen that slow down delivery and add cost?
>a discussion between two anons is fake because anyone who says anything negative is fake and samefagging. you also samefagged in this thread by pretending to be the anon who talked about that image of those posts
>more dishonest cherrypicking and rules about what should and shouldn't count based on what favors my defense for Joytoy the most
oh look, the nuh uhs has begun again
>my fallacies aren't!
you're a worthless retard.

>ib4 pointing out fallacies is a fallacy
it isn't.
>>a discussion between two anons is fake
You just said that pictures are "actual proof" and then admitted that you had no evidence of that post being real beyond the screenshot of it, which includes your own reply to it claiming that everyone knows the joints are bad. You fabricated the "proof" that you now spam here.
>>anyone who says anything negative is fake and samefagging
Are you quoting yourself now?
>>you also samefagged in this thread by pretending to be the anon who talked about that image of those posts
More incomprehensible word salad from the number one samefag on this board.
>>more dishonest cherrypicking
What would you consider honest then? I offered to compare a basic TVC figure to a basic 40k figure, and that comparison does not look very good for the TVC figure. You do the exact same thing by pretending that figures like Guilliman cost $150 and comparing them to other lines that supposedly produce the same figure but with higher quality and for less (that you refuse to name when asked).
>>ib4 pointing out fallacies is a fallacy
Articulate the actual "fallacies" that have been used.
>nuh uhs
Are you the guy who was posting his tyranids or are you a completely worthless retard?

Still waiting to see what the range of motion is like on those arms.
Articulate the "fallacies" that I used. "Nuh uh" isn't going to cut it.
oh look who has outted himself
>these threads have proven how dishonest people are about Joytoy products. Not just with lying about how brown mustard is perfectly acceptable or saying scale doesn't matter (until they fix the scale, then people who bought the old figures cry), but like that guy who posted his tyranid just shutting down when i asked him to show the range of motion from its arms.
>like that guy who posted his tyranid just shutting down when i asked him to show the range of motion from its arms.
Instead of trying to continue to saying nuh uh to everything, how about posting something real?

Are you scared of being called samefag because the range of motion isn't good, because anything negative comes from samefag?
I'm not that person, so I'm ignoring your red herring (an actual logical fallacy). I'm waiting for you to articulate the "fallacies" that I have supposedly used.
has anyone tried to put the old terminator helmet on the new terminator body?
Dollar says that even if i named them, you're just going to say "nuh uh" to it, because you have no idea what a red herring is either.
Red herring is exactly what you're doing, because you want to argue about definitions instead of the actual topic on hand: toys

so you're not the disgusting poster who has no shame in showing off how disgusting his room and table are and needed to switch topics because he didn't want to show off the horrible range in motion on the tyranid figure?
What worth are you to this thread then?... apart from mindlessly defending Joytoy.
>Dollar says that even if i named them, you're just going to say "nuh uh" to it, because you have no idea what a red herring is either.
>I could totally prove you wrong but I won't because... because I just won't okay???
>Red herring is exactly what you're doing, because you want to argue about definitions instead of the actual topic on hand: toys
A red herring is when you accuse the other party of something, and when asked to elaborate on your retarded accusation, you bring up some unrelated post that someone else made in order to derail the argument and avoid answering the question.
>so you're not the disgusting poster who has no shame in showing off how disgusting his room and table are and needed to switch topics because he didn't want to show off the horrible range in motion on the tyranid figure?
>What worth are you to this thread then?... apart from mindlessly defending Joytoy
What worth are you to this thread apart from mindlessly bitching and whining about a toy line that you don't even collect? What is the worth of any of the off topic garbage that you post about 4H and Joytoy's non-Warhammer lines? What is the worth of all your samefagging over supposedly bad joints on figures that you don't even own?
>asking someone about toys is unrelated to the topic about toys because we should talk about definitions instead
>this isn't a nuh uh
>this isn't a fallacy
ok retard
>whining about a toy line that you don't even collect?
>all your pictures you took don't exist
>not a nuh uh
>not a fallacy
ok retard

>What is the worth of any of the off topic garbage that you post about 4H and Joytoy's non-Warhammer lines
Because Joytoy's history of its toyline proves they don't give a shit about improving the quality of their plastic. Didn't do shit in the 10s. HAven't done shit in the 20s.
Comparing them to 4H shows how shitty companies who don't give a shit about plastic quality spend the least amount of money to react to customers suffering from breakage issues: have extra pieces produced to send to people who complain. The fact that they have extra pieces at the ready shows they know they have an issue. Compare that to companies who produce quality toylines: they don't stock extra parts, and just refund you instead or give you a brand new figure instead. They take a bigger loss from this, but because it's actually so rare, they don't take future precautions (unlike Joytoy and 4H).

And my contribution to this thread is to point out that shills like you exist, who need to lie about the quality of Joytoy's figures, in order to get people to buy more products. Everyone who talked about breaking their sisters or imperial guard breaking isn't samefag, but actual real people.
You want to deny they exist and those posters should recognize the obvious shill that you are... if they don't, well, there's more retards than you in this thread.
Nevermind the ridiculousness of saying brown mustard is perfectly fine substitute for gold, but there's a lot of people in this thread who eat that shit up... despite few people owning the regal figures that are shat up with the metallic brown.
>this thread is filled will shills!
>Please tell me about the Tyranid warrior so I can buy it!
Subby, the loyal customer!
And do they deliver the items directly to your door like Amazon do or do you have to go pick it up at your local post office like Ebay?
To your door, but I mean, I don't have to go to my local post office for ebay shit either.
3rd worlder here. The only time anything gets delivered directly to my door is with Amazon, they will always include an estimated customs fee in the final checkout, whereas Ebay will always state that import fees might be charged when item arrives in your country and then my local PO contacts me to come pay the import fee and collect it. Amazon probably organizes a local courier to have it taken directly to your door when it arrives in your country, and I'm assuming that's part of the final charge. Ali Express seems suspiciously low in price and it's free shipping, so to have it cleared through customs (without an import fee??) and use a local courier to have it to brought directly to your door without any extra costs seems a bit too good to be true. But I've never seen anybody make a legitimate complaint against Ali Express in regards to joytoy purchases so I don't know what is happening.
>>asking someone about toys is unrelated to the topic about toys because we should talk about definitions instead
What are you even talking about? You accused me of something, and you you are being asked to explain yourself. You decided to bring up some completely unrelated post to deflect because you can't explain yourself. This has nothing to do with "definitions."
>more nuh uhs
Do you not understand how pathetic it makes you look when you don't even try ro respond to the actual argument and just pretend that saying nuh uh means you win?
>Because Joytoy's history of its toyline proves they don't give a shit about improving the quality of their plastic.
You don't collect the 40k line so you know nothing about its plastic quality.
>The fact that they have extra pieces at the ready shows they know they have an issue
It's been established multiple times that you have no proof of this being true. Even if it were, the existence of replacement parts does not mean that the original parts are known to break easily.
>and just refund you instead or give you a brand new figure instead
Multiple people in this thread have told you that isn't true.
>And my contribution to this thread is to point out that shills like you exis
And what does that actually accomplish for the sake of the thread? It seems like nobody appreciates your contribution since nobody ever believes you and simply tells you to shut the fuck up if they reply to you at all.
>Everyone who talked about breaking their sisters or imperial guard breaking isn't samefag
The only people who have talked about breaking sisters are you and I. I actually broke one and the part was replaced immediately, and you literally just invented a lie that they are known for having weak wrists, and you now spam your own post as proof that "everyone knows they break easily." You admitted to this earlier.
>You accused me of something, and you you are being asked to explain yourself.
If i was talking to a normal person, i would. Instead, I'm talking to a retard, so any explaining is worthless.

I even tried to make it easy, by specifically pointing out what youv'e said is the fallacy, to make it as plain as day what fallacy it is. But here you are, either playing the retard or an actual retard, not understanding at all.
You're nothing but a worthless retard who needs to defend Joytoy at every point like a shill. I wonder if you even own any toys that aren't Joytoys.
>If i was talking to a normal person, i would
So we're going back to
>I could totally prove you wrong but I'm not going to because... because I just won't okay???
again? We've already done this once.
>I even tried to make it easy, by specifically pointing out what youv'e said is the fallacy, to make it as plain as day what fallacy it is
No you didn't. I asked you to quote what I said and articulate what fallacy was used. You haven't done any of that. You just reply to my posts with
>nuh uh
>nuh uh
>nuh uh
over and over, but you cannot actually specify what you mean.
>I wonder if you even own any toys that aren't Joytoys.
I wonder if you even own any 40k toys. You pretend to know a lot about a line that you don't collect.
>I wonder if you even own any 40k toys.
This is exactly why you're a worthless retard.

I've provided proof of everything I've said, but you deny reality.
Whether you're playing stupid or actually a retard, it amounts to you being a worthless retard.

All because you want to deflect criticism about Joytoy using shitty plastics that makes their figures prone to breaking, were falsely advertising their toys were in 1:18, cheap out like budget toys despite costing 5x as much, and use brown mustard colors instead of gold on toys that cost more than japanese collector toys.
Pic limit reached, we should probably start a new thread, hopefully the mentally ill loyal customer doesn't find it.
>I've provided proof of everything I've said, but you deny reality.
You have not provided any kind of proof to any claim that you have made. The only time that you have even attempted to provide "proof" of anything was when you posted a screenshot of your own post from a year ago in which you lied about the fragility of a figure that you don't even own.
>Joytoy using shitty plastics that makes their figures prone to breaking
You have yet to prove this.
>falsely advertising their toys were in 1:18
Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true. It's a fact that the line is 1:18 scale.
>cheap out like budget toys despite costing 5x as much
What are you even comparing them to that costs 5x less? Is this another one of your cherrypicked examples where you pretend that 40k figures all cost $150, and you're comparing them to some Hasbro shit with no paint and no accessories that costs $30?
>use brown mustard colors instead of gold on toys
The toys are painted to match GW's official paint schemes that they use to advertise minis. I don't know why you cannot comprehend this after it's been told to you multiple times. You can keep crying about it, but it's never going to change, because that's obviously what GW wants this line to look like.
>nuh uh
sure is worthless retard who can only deny reality that Joytoy uses brittle plastics
If it were an objective reality, then you would be able to easily provide proof of it. You wouldn't have to lie about it and produce fake "evidence" if it were reality.
I don't know why i keep clicking on this thread, as if expecting actual warhammer toy discussion to magically materialize
I tried making actual discussion earlier but people tend to just ignore actual pictures of toys and speculation of what we might be getting in the future
at least you tried. the energy has been sucked out of these threads by these two morons going at it.
I don't really understand what I'm supposed to do, I make posts encouraging discussion and they get ignored in favor of just complaining about there not being any discussion
make a thread that's either no shilling allowed or circlejerking only

It's impossible to have a discussion if people are going to argue over a photograph being fake.
Nobody "shills" or "circlejerks" in any of these threads. Nor is anyone arguing over a photo being fake. What are you even referring to?
there's been at least 10 examples of what you're saying didn't happen.
way not to follow the thread
Are you referring to the photo that Subby spams here of his own post from a year ago? The one that he uses as "proof" that "everyone knows Joytoy uses shit plastic?"
>photographs aren't proof if they were used yesterday or comes from samefag
Way to prove that the threads need to be CIRCLEJERK ONLY or NO SHILLING ALLOWED
Subby... a screenshot of your own lying post is not proof that everyone in the thread believes in your delusions.

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