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what’s with these low effort OPs
This guy out yet? I bought the Carnotaurus at Target last week and they had the price tags out for the Giga but couldn't find it in the store anywhere.
What’s going on with Therazinosaurus? Its clearanced even though it never made it to the store. I’m thinking it shares an sku with carnotaurus so they are clearancing them out before they order more.
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Nvm it is in stock right now. I got my giga last week. Just missing this dude.
Why do you need more?
Try harder
But why?
I got my Giga this past weekend. There was only one Giga and only two Thera's by the time I got there. I suspect there are only two of each per store for now?
Here's yo Giga, nigga

Zatlit trying to take over the board.
So apparently the Hammond Therizinosaurus doesn't move it's fingers individually, it moves it's FINGERNAILS individually. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
At least link tge previous thread
I like the tail on the giga, it isn't a wire but a segmented base like in the JP3 Spinosaurus but posable
They did that same move with the amber collection raptor Killing claw. Retarded mechanism I tell ya.
it's break up the sculpt too much to have the fingers pose so I don't really mind it.
Remember that time Jurassic Park mega fan reviewers got some toys early and caught a cease and desist from Mattel? I member.
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why not kill yourself?
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why not tho?
Cool dinosaurs
been hearing this guy has a bunch of qc issues. two right arms, holes on the body. that sort of stuff
you had ONE job, david
Fuck no, We want dinosaurs not hens. We gotta stop this trend of adding feathers to every fucking dinosaur, for fucks sake its pseudoscience…
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Feathers are basal to Ornithodira they appear on basal theropods, basal ornithopods, and even pterosaurs and they are a homologous structure nlin all three not analogous. It makes perfect sense for an animal the size of dilophosaurus to still retain some feathering.
Dude, modern scientists are notorious for groupthink and terror of original ideas. I can't be sure whole swaths aren't bough out by the feathered dino lobby. Unless you have held the fossils in your hands and studied them, you're putting too much trust in someone you dont know ersonally. Reason is a very, very limited tool when assessing the complexity of nature.
Holy fucking shit retard, you can't accept a little variety and have this persecution complex because it doesn't care to that oh so precious childhood nostalgia
I get the feathers but why did he have to give it a penis neck?
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For me the problem is not the feathers but how ugly it is, pic related is an example of a feathered dilo that was executed much better in my opinion
Are you the deranged fag from /an/ always ranting about the Chinese faking fossils?
Yeah, I feel you with that complaint. The ostrich-like skin feels weird considering that skin impressions have never shown that kind of scaling. I woud have prefered snake-like scales like Concavenator had or bead scales like Tyrannosaurus had.
i think the cuts for articulation could be smoother looking instead of really obvious
shit, that's pretty gorgeous. I'm so happy to see good dino toys. The feet here aren't even too oversized.
I'm so tempted to get into collecting dinos..
It's nice to hear someone saying this. is it just me or are we getting laughed out of the room a bit less these days?
holy hell and a half, I did not expect to ever see an Eryops toy.
they actually found a way to make therizinosaur not look terrible. Are the claws individually articulated? god damn, very cool.
when it's "dumb generic hadrosaur #46" i'm with you
but I will never be tired of "it's like an allosaurus, but bigger, and it has some cool shit on its back or eye ridges or something"
you never had one of those as a kid? It has a mechanism inside where a plunger pushes down via gear teeth onto a flywheel, which gets it spinning, without being stuck 1:1 with the movement. you can actually build up momentum, and pump at the speed you want. Very freeing.
you retarded Jurassicparkfags are the worst
There are a lot of dinosaurs to which adding feathers is retarded. Dilophosaurus is not one of them
>Double-dilo action

Look closely, the Dilophosaurus with its head on top of the other's neck (seemingly) is missing feathers and has a different crest. Looks like scalefags and featherfags are each getting what they want in this case.
Some had feathers. But I too don't like all of them getting feathers.
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should’ve backed it
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it's never gonna happen, anon. It's time to let go and just make your own.
I did back the gate, because I planned to sell it on ebay afterward but
>back a dumb gate you don't want to get a Tyrannosaurus from a different movie
is fucking dumb as shit.
Therazino and Giga are already on sale on target.com lol
I really hope this fall we finally get a hammond Spino.
I did back you inconsolable prick. I backed the Gates multiple times, even got a few buddies and my girlfriend to pitch in. I was all ready to eat ice soup for weeks.

And guess what? IT DIDN'T. FUCKING. PASS!
All because of cocksucking motherfuckers like you and the other Beasts of the Mesozoic shitiots who thought they were too big to back one of the greatest toy kickstarters of all time.

It's a goddamn shame you guys torpedoed the dino toy community. But what should i have expected from poors like you.
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I don't know if i can live knowing i will never have her...
Thanks ma ape nigga!
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How long until someone over at Mattel decides to cut corners and make a shark toy and label it as Megalodon?
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Nanmu's V-Rex is looking good
Lol, you sound almost as retarded as Collect Jurassic
I'll probably get hate for this; but as a huge JPfag I really want them to make a good indoraptor. Even if the entire premise of it is stupid I've always loved the design and we've never really got a good figure made of it.
Anons what did i saw in a toy store?

it was a huge t-rex from Jurassic Park line toy BUT it was made of rubber.
it looked like one of those 90s jp toys and it was red.
But it's a new toy.
did they release one with rubber skin? I can't find it on amazon.
what figure is that?
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If you're talking about this, then it's a remake of the Red Kenner Rex they made for JP's 30th anniversary.
omg yes it is
It felt great in my hands. I guess i will try to get it
It is really cool. I think you'll like it a lot. I had the original many years ago and I prefer this new one slightly more.
How big is it going to be?
Also it's cool that they included an alternate head, since all 3 of them looked different
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WHEN, MATTEL? I want you to do a throwback for the best rex figure of all time.
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We already got one several years ago, anon. It was essentially a proto-Amber Collection Indoraptor and is still a fun figure.
Very cool
Does it scale well with the Hammond Collection?
not at all
>spots over stripes
Therizinosaurus and Giganotosaurus are 30% off at target.com in the US. Just ordered 'em both!
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I'm interested in the Hammond Therizinosaurus but I already got this one ages ago and IDK how to feel about two of them on the same shelf.
Are there any well articulated Jurassic Park raptors that scale with 6-7 inch?
Yes, the discontinued Jurassic Amber Collection. They made JP1, TLW, raptors along with the JW Raptor Squad and the JP3 Male Raptor. They also made Junior, a few pterasaurs, and the now rape-priced Dilophosaurus. They ALSO made Nedry, JP1 Grant, Ellie, Muldoon, Malcolm, Hammond, Arnold, and Owen.

Be forewarned that the dinosaurs have rubber bendy-wire tails that tore easily.
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>Jurassic Park raptors
I mean there are the old Amber collection figures and I think you can still get them on eBay for like 30 bucks. Their tails suck ass though. Nanmu's probably gonna do some of the original JP raptors, but they probably won't be for a while since they only just put the Carnotaurus up for pre-order. They do that the JP3 raptors available now if you want them, and they are way better quality than the Amber collection raptors.
How rare and expensive is the Pteranodon? it seems to scale perfectly with the Hammond Collection
Acording to goolge it is 12 inches long which would make it about 18 feet in 1/18 scale, meaning it is too small for the Hammond Collection, since the indoraptor is 24 feet long
It was this figure during the Fallen Kingdom line that got me back into collecting JP/JW dinos. I was a bit disappointed Indoraptor was the only posable figure.
I just got the giga and theri, looking at them next to the carno, i think it's crazy to think the Hammond Collection now has better paint than BOTM
I've measured it before myself stretching it out from snout to tail it's about 16.5-17" long.
Ok that would make it be slightly bigger then, but much closer to 1/18
Just got my Theri and he's my favorite HC by far. Giga is next.
How to kill Mattel?
I've managed to acquire the Bullyland Arizonasaurus after long last. Also got their Mastodonsaurus on the way so that's two off my checklist. I just need this elusive fucker and I've got the trifecta of what I want.
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When's the Cyberzoic stuff delivering? Any news?
Hell yeah
They'll be released in waves starting late this year and continuing to the end of next year, but delays have happened before and it could be into the early part of 2026 when it's all out. Your order will be shipped upon the final release of the things you ordered.

The news has been trickling out of various sculpts and package art and stuff. No word on if production deadlines are on track or not. Fingers crossed.
>Your order will be shipped upon the final release of the things you ordered.
>could be into the early part of 2026 when it's all out.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying. It's true what they say, backers get the shitty end of the stick. Imagine going all-in and not getting you loot until twenty twenty six.
So far the Dates are:
Wave 1.(a). ETA late November- Dec. 24
Arctic Dragon,
Allosaurus set w armor & Argentus
Smilodon set with Dragonalia
Achilbator set w Fire clanrider & armour,

Wave 2./ B.) Eta April 2025 (likely late April or Early May)
Wave Assortment:
Troodon set w Desert sentry,
Dryptosaurus set w Gladiator Helaina,
Utahraptor w Armour & Techclan Knight,
Dilophosaurus & Pyrodactal set w Fire Clan Knight.

Wave 3./ C. November 2025
Carnotaurus w armour and Dybuk figure,
Yutyrannus & armour set w Qi'Lara fig
Varnas the Forest Dragon.
I didn't know there was going to be a Troodon figure
I don't remember Cyberzoic having a Troodon, because if it did I would have added that to my backer kit. I DO remember BOTM having a juvenile Troodon in a mountain environment set.
I believe the dinosaur in the desert sentry is a deinonychus not a troodon.
>pointless clutter in the OP
Fuck off newfag we never had this shit in the OPs back in the day
>trying his hardest to fit in
this is /toy/ go be a pompous faggot in one of the other boards
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He's in time out
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friar tuck.
Does this guy have a HC toy?
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just this guy so far
>my fee, you can keep it. All I want in exchange for my services is the right to purchase one of the Hammond collection tyrannosaurs. A male, a buck only.
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heh, I took Owen's gun and gave it to Roland as well.
Man The Lost World has so much potential for the Hammond Collection, if only they did vehicles
God I hope we get a Hammond Collection trailer
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We've gotten two great vehicles for TLW in the Legacy line. Why would we need to get HC versions? What could possibly be added? I would be fine with a Legacy collection Trailer.
Better overall quality i guess
A shame we will never have the buck to recreate this scene
If Hasbro can release figures from their failed crowd funded project, Mattel can give us the damn Buck
Because the DOA HC Ford Explorer was much better than the standard Explorer
it wasn't worth it for that fucking gate, most haslabs are insufferably low effort. I'd rather learn to fucking paint than drop 300 bones on that motherfucker and a fence.
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Saw this over in figma general.
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>DOA HC Ford Explorer
Are you talking about the Legacy Collection Explorer that would have come with the gates? If so, I don't believe extra paint apps and two antenna suddenly make that a Hammond Collection vehicle.
It had some extra paint a rear view mirror and some antennas. I guess it's technically better, but I can just paint mine if I want to. The other additions I guess you could look up on Etsy. There is that Jada Explorer coming out that is really accurate if you are willing to spend a lot more on vehicles. I plan on picking one up.
Sucks about the saddle not being able to come off
Exactly what I thought of.
Do we know when the pyroraptor will be avialable?
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So apparently Hasbro Transformers line Studio Series has a series called the “Gamer Edition” which features character designs from the Cybertron games.
What I'm getting at is, what if the Hammond Collection had their own "Gamer Edition" featuring some of the JWE designs?
That would be awesome, i would want a default skin Albertosaurus from JWE1. Always loved that coloration
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that'd be great. I'd love to see the JWE Concavenator instead of the abomination we got
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Why is the HC Concavenator an abomination? it just looks like a normal Concavenator
>goofy oversized teeth/teeth that go too far back behind its orbit
>frog face
>a thumb for no reason
>no arm quills
>no snake belly skin even though the fossil has it preserved.
The HC Concavenator is an abomination because the Fallen Kingdom Concavenator is ugly as sin
Yuck i didn't realize they gave it those stupid JW raptor post-orbit teeth, tho to be fair the giant feet and teeth are a common problem with early HC toys. Really hope they remake the old ones some day
Suchomimus and Archaeornithomimus
Anyone have any information on these. Its a Thinkways Dino World and my 2 year old loves it. Even though the clockworks long gone and the dinosaurs barey move. Is there any modern equivalent.
Is that a baby mammoth?
So, since they decided to not bother with a middle torso cut in big dinosaurs with humps in their backs, does this mean we will get the Spinosaurus?
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I legit thought from the thumbnail this was a pic of the Giga getting crushed by a random log to further highlight his unnecessary suffering.
Damn those women are big...
Crossbow woman seems outmatched against two rockets and a gun man
But her Therizinosaurus breathes fire
I can't believe we haven't got a spino yet. It would sell the 2nd most besides the t-rex.
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SDCC exclusive Jimmy Buffett being attacked by pterosaurs figure.
funny but very strange
Is this part of the hammond collection?
Very fun figure, but what a weird thing to do for a con exclusive. I totally thought it would have been something like a "Firey Mouth Night Attack Giga" with either Ian or Dodgson and some big bugs like what they did with the Tyrannosaurus 2 years ago.
Does the real man have such big hips
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Nanmu Smart Series Fully Articulated JP and TLW Raptors. Theri has been announced too but no pictures at the moment.
He looks a bit too happy about being swarmed by Dimorphodons.
He found his lost shaker of salt
>finally some painted small dinos
>locked behind sdcc $30 exclusive with a bunch of useless shit

Even if you accept the figure choice, what the fuck is with 70% of the plastic being a weird useless stand and margarita glass? Couldn't have given us like, a table with umbrella like in the actual scene? Or better yet something like the merchandise stand that they run by in the next shot?
Does this mean they are finally going to make some compys?
I mean they already did for the Legacy collection
Yeah but Hammond has better sculpts and paint
All those margaritas.
How good are the Nanmu raptors?
They should all be destroyed.
What’s bad about them? They seem pretty good from reviews I’ve watched
I think he's making a Jurassic Park (1993) refference
I own both, they're easily the best Jurassic Park 3 Velociraptors I've ever owned or seen. 100% film accurate. Highly recommended. Only thing I would say is the articulation may be a bit more limited than the Amber Collection Velociraptors but other than that there's nothing wrong with them.
How well does the Colossal T-Rex scale with 1:12 figures? He seems to be about the right size but unsure.
Perfectly actually, it's 41.5 inches long which at 1/12 scale would make it a 41.5 feet long rex
We're gonna get either the Spinosaurus or Indominus next. The Giga serves as a good base for both.
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Give me the Lost World Arcade Carnotaurus and Deinosuchus
No idea but that is pretty neat looking.
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