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Every time I go to discount stores all of the toys are black or yellow. There’s never white figures, which is what I want to buy.

Why do companies over produce shit that nobody wants?
They don't overproduce, it's just that no one wants them.
Aren't there any more recent articles
It's been a while... what did Rose actually do? Or does no one like her cause Asian?
No it’s considered racist now to point out that none of the Wish merchandise sold, even at 90% off
She was the "heart" of the team. She kept Finn from killing someone. Anyway, she was useless and the movie was a waste of time overall because nothing actually important outside of Luke's scenes happened.
>She was the "heart" of the team.
Oh, right... yeh, people like conflicted, edgy anti-heroes now.
The problem is she's retarded.
>posts a 7 year old forbes article about toys from a movie that is a decade old
thanks for the hot take boomer
I'm still laughing at disney's suicidal wokeness.
>black guy and yellow girl not selling: NO ONE WANTS STAR WARS TOYS
They release Mandalorian
>NO ONE WANTS STAR WARS TOYS so we won't make baby yoda
Every one wants baby yoda.
Crafters start making baby yodas.
disney lawyers up and shuts down "illegal" baby yodas.
Eventually release baby yodas to a disenfranchised audience. Sells fairly good, but what disney did is stinking badly out in the open now where they can't hide it.
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I thought they just didn't want to spoil it.
>nothing actually important outside of Luke's scenes happened
Let's be real, "Luke's" scenes weren't important either.
>"heart" of the team.
>franchise suffers cardiac arrest, dies.

Checks out.
it's revealed that he failed as a master and gets killed off to be a force ghost. It was important enough. But fuck me anyway for defending a bad trilogy
baby yoda is a shitty bastard.
They rushed out the Baby Yoda slop meaning most things with him following the release of the show was trash. It took well over a year before proper high quality merch of him was released.
Didn’t do anything. I think only Rey and sometimes Kylo Ren actually did stuff in the latter 2 movies so nobody wanted any of the other figures. Only laser swords are of interest to kids unless the character is exceptionally cool like Han Solo.
There was no baby Yoda early on because they didn't want Lego or something to spoil it.
lol wrong, People like compelling characters. Her character has about as much depth as something you'd see on PBS Kids with Barney.
Its an old example but this is a consistent trend thats stronger than ever today. Nowdays its Shang chi merch and that Jimmy Woo glowie fig thats shelfwarming hard as far as yellow characters go.
Blacks are also shelfwarming hard like most WeWuzkanda 4eva figures and the Third Sister. And on the topic of Black series you can literally still find shelfwarming Rose Ticos and Admiral Holdos. Its the funniest shit ever.
Baby Yoda action figures are some of the most egregiously overpriced pieces of shit Ive ever seen.
The character design itself and how it translated to figure form just sucks and looks unappealing. Stumpy woman in baggy pissbrown jumpsuit isnt going to appeal to kids, casual fans, chuds, sequel trilogy haters or non fans looking for fodder figures.
I see some white figures go clearance, especially if its of the suprisingly common old man/woman variety but even then they never shelfwarm afterwards. The only exception is Holdo for very obvious reasons.
I see SO many Saw Gerreras.
I dont know anything about the Star Wars show he is from but his armor looks really cool. I would buy a figure like this if it had a cool helmet or was a headsculpt that resonates with me more.
Its only partially a racial thing, Id prefer to see white and asian characters but its also that this figure is old and has unconventional looks. Since its shelfwarming other people probably feel similarly.
Im really sick of the liberal wests cultural imperialism. They only bring up racism to chastize the masses but their obsession with equity as a whole has killed off depictions of postive, strong and beautiful characters regardless of race and the destruction of an idealized humanity is whats most egregious here.
Which means that the amount made was too much, hence "overproduced" is still applicable.
This was clearly a figure that should have been a one per case, in the second wave or later, even if she was supposed to be a "major" character.

Right now, Ahsoka, either the "mandalorian" or her own show card, as well as book of boba Fett's girlfriend, are chocking up TVC pegs at Walmarts, which is hilarious because they had JUST cleared out the re'vas and landos. Reva, Ahsoka, and what's her name even had halfway decent designs, as opposed to lando and especially rose tyco, who have very boring and mundane designs, so goes to show how poorly star wars is doing when they don't sell well at all. Lando is a decent character, narratively, but mostly suffers from being pretty minor, as well as the previously mentioned mundane design. Rose is super mundane, and super LAME, as she DETRACTS from the story, and even ruined a characters story arc (Finn), so it's no wonder she flooded stores. Reva is a decent design, but a mess of a character, that ruins the lore with the whole 'survives getting STABBED BY A LIGHTSABER, TWICE! and then FAILS to kill somebody with her own lightsaber stab!'.
Ahsoka turned out boring in her own show, and what's her name is just an accessory to boba, who ended up taking back seat in his own show later, so, that explains why she's peg warming.
Who is arguably the most famous black character? That Spiderman now?
i see plenty of white characters. Ollies has plenty of Eternals figures here
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Eternals as a whole was a pretty bad movie. Also, lot of non-white folks in that one.
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>Rose is super mundane, and super LAME, as she DETRACTS from the story, and even ruined a characters story arc (Finn)
Today I will remind them. Also Rian based her off someone he knew in high school.
Even I don't care about Miles Morales. You took Spider-Man and gave him electric powers. He swings around and helps the hood.

Are you pretending? He was in the Rogue One movie. Ollies has loads of him.
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nice animation there bro
Star Wars can't into interesting characters no matter what. You either need to be a lightsaber guy or have a gun. If something takes place in an alien galaxy, you have to go full alien, like breathe fire or have bulky rhino strength
No I havent followed Star Wars since the prequels.
Are you reminding... Us(me?) that rose was an "improvement" to the story, because the prior version was perceived as worse? Did you even watch the movie? (Never thought I'd criticize someone for that...)
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>gf who isn't a star wars fan watching with me
>she laughs and says he wants to eat the eggs
>me, no he's force sensitive. he probably realizes they life growing inside
>baba yoda just eats them
>feel like an idiot
Any good looking ones or is it all old people and roasties?
Literally the only thing she did in the movie was ruin Finn's heroic moment. That's it. She was completely forgotten about promptly after.
No, even better (or worse, depending on how you categorize these things), she was deliberately put away on the shelf, never to be touched again.
The opposite. A Finn/Poe adventure (no homo (okay a little homo)) is something everybody wanted and almost got. Just another subversion of expectations.
>make Finn a force user earlier
>let Poe actually be right
>just two bros doin stuff away from the fleet just guys being guys
He felt the life, he then wanted to consume the life. Baby Yoda believes in natural selection
Why do black characters have electricity powers so often?
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Funk and disco baby
Asians and asian media in general is only becoming more popular. The idea that a character is disliked purely for being asian is hilarious. the character would be hated no matter what ethnicity she is. The same as pretty much every Star Wars/disney character is pretty much universally disliked. Asians in general is always a mindfuck for the people who bitch about racists. Since the racists they bitch about prettty much never hate asians. It usually comes down to blacks/jews. almost as if certain groups are hated for behavioral reasons rather than just looking different. lol

with that said there is something about asians in the star wars universe that I find unsettling. When you see them its just another reminder that you are watching disney slop because before Disney there was zero instances of those fuckers
You saw that Youtube video too?
Static Shock Miles Morales, black ligtning, static,aqualad, bumblebee , mister terrific, steel, cyborg. War Machine (armor), Bishop (energy absorption), and Blade

SW: Acolyte was dead on arrival and Hasbro is still pumping out figures of Osha (main character) and will probably pump out a couple more turds until the show is over.
Sad to see Andor got like 4-5 figures during its run.
Andor's character designs are kinda meh.
No, which one?
Asians get fetishized, I don't know what's worse.
Electricity as a superpower symbolizes energy, power, and control. t can be used to amplify a character's strength or abilities. Themes of empowerment and resilience.
Not really. All the asians, usually females, in western media are being pushed as part of DEI by asian diversity hires. I mean this unironically. They may be good at technical stuff like engineering, but they lack charisma and wide appeal. They belong at google, not hollywood production houses. The masses/general audience don't want asian protagonists. Movies like Shang Chi, while not a total failure, barely cleared a low bar despite coming in hot after the height of the MCU's popularity and wasn't a commercial success. The ugly looking asian girl in the new Star Wars was one of the least liked characters of any of them. Bloomberg reported that Disney Pixar will be focusing on films and stories with wide appeal, instead of auteur films like Turning Red (one they specifically called out). Things like anime and kpop might be popular overall, but it's still mostly in asia where asians are, they're still niche interests in the west, especially the most culturally specific media, and don't represent the tastes of western audience, despite that asian characters are forced onto viewers.
manga beats western comics in sales here at least
Pretty much everything beats American comic book sales thanks to many factors compounding on each other.
>They don't overproduce, it's just that no one wants them.
>Or does no one like her cause Asian?
yes retard that's why and no other reason you retard
I was at Ollie's last week and they had a metric fuck ton of Legends + a good amount of black series. A good portion of it was Wakanda Forever and Eternals but I also saw Cyclops, Magneto, Han Solo, Jean Grey, Rogue, Black Widow, and other honkeys.
I actually didn't think I'd get a fairly reasonable answer to that.
Ollie's is where dreams go to die.
Do the cashiers at Ollie's walk the boulevard of broken dreams?
>me, no he's force sensitive. he probably realizes they life growing inside

Why would you think he felt life inside the UNFERTILIZED eggs?
Like that was the entire concept of that plotline, that Gecko-Girl had to get her unfertilized eggs to Gecko-Guy so that he could fertilize them.
Another episode of Ollies shit
What is the point of these videos? There is an Ollie's about 15 minutes from my house if I wanted to look at unsold crap.
Well for one they still use that retarded system of producing equal amounts of every character in the line instead of doing it proportionally like other, sane, countries. Another more specific to your OP case is that in the Sequel trilogy not only were bad movies (which hurts sales) had bad designs (which hurts sales) but most importantly did not no how to "sell" the toys in the movie itself. Lucas was a genius at this. Kids want toys so they reenact them doing the cool things they saw them doing in the movie. They want an X-Wing so they can do their own trench run. They want a Luke figure so they can reenact his assault on Jabba's Sail Barge. No one and nothing in the ST actually does anything cool or ever succeeds. The "Tech War" scenes are also badly filmed so you can't see what's happening even if it was cool, and are actually meaningless stuff happening in the Background. Compare the "Tech War" scenes of the Lucas films (Trench Run, Hoth, Endor, Podrace, Naboo, Geonosis, Coruscant) all are centrally important to the plot and narrative and have lots of people doing cool exiting things. The Disney "Tech War" scenes on the other hand (Starkiller Trench Run, Crait, Death Star Destroyers) are meaningless. They are completely redundant to the narrative and so achieve nothing (Starkiller is sabotaged and set to self-destruct, Crait they give up and run away, Exogol just turns off an antenna making fighting the Death Star Destroyers pointless) and everything is an indistinct distant swarm of gnats. No kid wants to reenact those things.
And I forgot the biggest one of all : Storm ! ! !
Storm is pretty cool imo. I don't really feel like she has any problems that some of the newer representation characters do. She isn't Spider-Man with Electricity, she is her own character.
>baby yoda
His name is Grogu
Chris Claremont is woke. Like ultra woke. Even in the 70's he was 2020's level woke. But everyone loved him and still loves him because he actually cared about using it to tell stories about real characters with real personalities. So people accepted that he replaced the all white 90% male X-men with a multiracial team led by a black woman (who beat up the previous white male leader) and a Russian Communist. He also had the X-men constantly enact his sexual fetishes on-page but we don't talk about that part.
I thought his name was Yeed
>we don't talk about that part
I talk about that part all the fucking time.
Nudist Storm made me appreciate exhibitionism.
12 year old me was totally fine with CC's stuff. I took what I saw as character development and never felt like some rainbow-haired degenerate was trying to push an identity on me.
Across all generations, Black Panther imo. Maybe Morpheus too but maybe not that recognizable to younger people. Kids definitely are obsessed with Miles rn though. Among girls, it's Tiana.
Nick Fury is unironically pretty popular.
Yeed and Sneed
>people like conflicted, edgy anti-heroes now.
Yeah who the fuck is Han Solo again?

Not true where I live. There's a ton of white capeshit and Star Wars toys the clearance stores will never get rid of, like Admiral Holdo.
Are they minorities in your area?
That’s exactly it. Less popular characters should be massively underproduced and more popular overproduced.
>not even a minute in
>woke woke woke woke woke
I hate this schizophrenic shit
Star wars is woke, anon
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These types of videos hit 2-fold:
Cater to those without an Ollies closeby and cater to those AndrewTate-wannabees that are currently howling about The Acolyte.
I laugh at the YTers who are worried about "The Message".

Let's put it this way:
Star Wars is like Japan's Gundam.
You're going to have some good series (Wing, Turn-A) and you'll have some shitty ones (Seed, Build Divers). You just have to let the shitty ones pass until you're content with the "content".
>Star Wars is like Japan's Gundam.

Kill yourself immediately.
Kek, no reasoning?
It's true though...
>before Disney there was zero instances of those fuckers

Except for Jan Ors
And Bana Breemu
And Lyn Me
And Bultar Swan
And others that I don't know about or have forgotten about
And that's not even mentioning the fact that you can give Darth Raven and the Jedi Exile an asian appearance.
>no argument
So the correct way to deal with Star Wars is to not watch it and just look at fanart of the hot mom?
A 1970s science-fiction series with a million imitators and carried hard by merch seems like an okay starting point for comparison.
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>just look at fanart of the hot mom?
If that's your way of consuming content...
I mean sure, as long as it takes more eyeballs away from Disney Star Wars in general

We should start a movement right?
Don't point fingers at any of the puppet masters, don't make hate-YTvideos, just turn away in a passive-aggressive manner and talk about other Sci-Fi stuff.
"Eyes Off Star Wars"
Nah Star Wars being shit will be permanent.
I see most people shit on Wing on the mecha forums, but is it actually bad or is that just people shitting on it because it was more popular than the OG in the US?

I mean, i see you saying Seed is shit, but it seems hugely popular still. I thought it was pretty shit and hated the art style. Some cool mecha though.
Those people have contrarian personalities by default.
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I really dont understand why these retards think that for a sci-fi franchise they should pump out figures of ugly humans, old humans, and humans with purple hair. As a kid I only ever wanted toys of the cool looking droids or the badass dudes in epic looking armor killing shit or the aliens with snail heads
As an adult I realized the entire prequel trilogy was horribly written, but if there's one thing George Lucas understood it's how to make toyetic designs
Prequels were fine, stop repeating rlm talking points
The OT had really good aesthetics from the westerns and pulp sci fi movies it was inspired from and the PT is for all purposes, a live action American anime which arguably makes it even cooler aesthetically than the OT. It makes for a really cool full circle seeing how strongly the OT helped define epic 80s anime sci fi.
Sadly the nu So yWars primary influence seems to be eating its own vfx farts and bad capeshit blockbuster writing plus regurgitated cultural marxism. The already deep set Hollywood rot surrounding nu Star Wars basically guaranteed it would be shit.
It absolutely sucks all these resources get wasted on the lamest subversive bullshit and all these ips with tons of awesome concept designs get utterly squandered. We need a movie and vidya game collapse and reset asap.

The PT has pretty clumsy dialogue and execution but damn is the actual lore peak and the subtext of a shadowy cabal puppeting both sides of a galactic war to further their own despotic power base is extremely based.
Yeah I hate how some people try to say that the prequels are bad, too. The worst of the PT is a 6/10 (EP II), and that's debatable. The best ST is a 5/10 (VII), which is also a generous score on my part, and they just get worse from there. Of the non-movies, only early mandalorian is good, but even that falls off quickly. Andor is also reportedly good, haven't seen it yet, because everything else being such shit has me dragging my feet.
I REALLY like everything in Attack of the Clones except for the romance part. That's enough to drag it down for me. Lucas should have really gotten other people to direct the prequels.
Haha, yeh. There was absolutely no chemistry between them.
I kind of wonder what George was thinking. Were there just no better options? Or does he still think this fit his vision perfectly?
Hasn't he gone on record as saying that he hates the directing part?
I was thinking more like the casting
> Scorcese, Coppola and Spielberg, but everyone refused, I don't know why.

Do you think big directors like that would want star wars nerds hounding them because they "ruined" George's vision if the fan didn't like the prequels? They'd get blamed and they wanted no part of it, they were already too big to take that risk.

Small up and comers are the only ones that have to take risks like that and deal with the fallout, like the people working on these new Star Wars TV shows who signed up for ruining the IP on purpose and are ready for the backlash
>signed up for ruining the IP on purpose
Explain how someone can think like this.
Watch 4 eps of the Acolyte and you too can think like this
Ok, I haven't seen the show but I do know that it has a lot of minorities and women. Does that make it bad?
>the prequels were meant to have no clear heroes
The Jedi were the good guys, but were completely misguided and complacent by that point in time. Stop that gay "UUUH DUH JED-EYE ARE ACKSHULLY BAD" reddit shit.
Have you not seen that guy's Nazi speech in Force Awakens?

In any case, I'd actually prefer to have things not so black and white. But that's more difficult for a child to understand.
The Jedi are morally grey also. It's a cautionary tale about bureaucracy or something.
>children's media

Is this the new advertising technique replacing the toxic male racist bigot one?
You think this'll work out better for your lot?
Anon says on a board dedicated to children's toys...
Hasbro can't see into the future to know which characters suck or not in the movies
Hasbro knows helmets and robots are their core sales. That's why they sold you every version of Mando and his brethren they could. Bad Batch could've done better but they mucked that up too....
>Hasbro can't

Could've stopped there. Everyone knows.
Its more like the most recognisable symptom of something lead by poor writers and producers who are apathetic to the lore and legacy of the franchise.
Women and minority characters can definitely be a enjoyable thing, you just need to enjoy anime instead. That Future Avengers anime actually managed to make Captain Marvel the likable, compassionate and strong character she always should of been.
>but everyone refused, I don't know why
Lucas needs to stop taking directors to salad restaurants.
Lucasfilm had a mandate to Hasbro that they had to ship an equal number of male and female characters in every case. During the POTF2 line, Princess Leia was shipped one per case because Hasbro thought only collectors would buy her, which turned out to be wrong so they corrected course on subsequent shipments and waves. Female figures were still made in smaller quantities than male figures but they dialed things in to where the market was.

Kathleen Kennedy believes it is inherently unjust / unfair that there are more male Star Wars fans than female, and believes they should produce for the audience they want, not the one that exists. In her perfect world there are more female Star Wars fans than male and she's been burning down the franchise for the last 12 years because of it.
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Articles? no.

because the narrative now is to DENY that the brand is failing. But if you want recent examples, you need only go to cheapo stores like Ollie's or Ross or whatever is in your area. You'll see plenty of Marvel and Star Wars crap no one wants for dicounted prices

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