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Previous thread: >>10999556

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:
>Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Primal Collection
>FuRay Planet Kensai the Nameless One 1/12 Scale Figure
>Abyss Force Sharks are up on 5Ktoys in singles and a 3 pack
>Fury Toys Azure Lion
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Seems these cool dragonborn guys are up on 5KToys and some other places.
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Savae Crucible is having an in stock sale on the 14th of June (unknown time), and they'll have this purple "Shadow Slate" exclusively on their site.
Shit, not that I need more of these guys but...I need more of these guys. That looks slick.
any news about the werewolf by Loose Collector? supposedly the 4 variants were going to be released today
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Syndicate Collectibles 1:12 Pumpkinhead. Supposedly going up for preorder soon.

He got a wee-wee
I thought 5ktoys got taken town
where’s the fur?
They're up right now
On my ass.
Stop being pedantic - the general is for all nonhuman anthropomorphic creatures and you know it. Bird people, lizard people, and so on are perfectly fine.
What's all these dragon figures without wings? That's just bad character design
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Any recent news on replacement feet and/or ankles? Would it be automatic or does one have to ask for them?
Both of those are the same character, but the fire version is the Deluxe. As for why he doesn't have wings, it's because he isn't a dragon - he's a dragonborn, which is a different thing altogether. They don't have wings in lore (and the narrative flip-flops on whether or not they have tails).
lore schmore, it still looks bland without wings nor even an accessory to compensate
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>lore schmore, it still looks bland without wings
Do you even know what a dragonborn is? There is a very specific reason why they don't have wings.
> nor even an accessory to compensate
He comes with a cloak (or a flaming collar, depending on the version you get). Were you in a coma last thread or is this some very weak attempt at trolling?
They SAID that all the Kickstarter backers will get sent them automatically. How well that plays out is yet to be seen.

It ales me wonder what the plan is for these in stock figures.
Seems like weak trolling. But yeah those look super fucking cool.
He's a pumpkin tho
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Nanny getting made.
Okay, I'd fuck him.
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>Do you even know what a dragonborn is?
yes and last time I checked they didn’t look like that
God I wish these were just like $35
Seeing the Silverhawks disintegrate has me scared
They will be in a few months
Well, not with Entertainment Earth, they stopped over ordering them
>Bethesda invented Dragonborn!
>They're supposed to look like pissed off Vikings, not actual dragon people!
You're trying too hard, kid. Even the most casual normie who's only ever played Baulder's Gate III knows what a Dragonborn is supposed to be.
You really are a shitty troll, you know that?
Not finding it searching for "last scion" on the site. Got a link? It doesn't have to be 5ktoys, I don't really give a fuck as long as I can get them.
Here's the base version on amiami: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-171485
Thanks, anon.
Ah shit, I didn't think to ask, is anywhere going to be carrying him that isn't shipping from Asia? If not, where can I get the best shipping prices? I haven't shipped much from Asia since before the pandemic since shipping prices got really high. I used to do EMS or DHL but those're like $50 now if you're lucky.
why is it that Thundercats characters sometimes look like regular humans but then sometimes they also have cat-like faces?
Animaniacs Wave 2 when? I want to see Super7's take on Minerva Mink.

Fuck off that company is a scam
Super cancelled
NTA, but I'm 38 and never heard of a dragoborn before Skyrim (which I never played since I stopped playing video games after 2009). I should add that I never got into TTRP and while I know more nowadays I still haven't played.
I hated these yogurt gargling scum in WoW like you wouldn't believe.
Dragonborn have been around since at least 2006. They were in the DnD 3.5 sourcebooks, where they were originally depicted as being former humans who underwent a ritual to Bahamut and were blessed into becoming draconic in return. The origins would change with later editions, along with the introduction of evil Dragon born; the whole reason they were created was for DnD players to have playable dragons without making them as OP as actual dragon units tend to be.
In contrast, Skyrim and its 'Dragonborn' came out in 2011, and that 'Dragonborn' is very unlike DnD's already established ones (but then, TES doesn't have traditional dragons, either, if you actually know the lore behind what they actually are and where they came from).
Of course, the whole point is irrelevant, since Algar is listed as specifically being a DnD Dragonborn (his placeholder name was even 'Romankey and Cowl DnD Dragonborn' before the name reveal), so there's really no excuse for any confusion.
I have no idea what a dragonborn is. All I see is a dragon born without wings or a wings-like jetpack, and whatever you name it doesn't make it any less bland
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>Pinky and Brain are perfect
>But make the warners be like picrel for no reason at all
Are there any bat people figures?
You mean like Man-Bat?
Arguably the dragonborn are just renamed dragonmen/draconians from Dragonlance which are even older. I don't know the exact year but it was at least the mid-90s.
The Savage Crucible in stock sale is up: https://www.savagecrucible.com/order-page.html#/
It's legit the TMNT pizza Xenomorph.
>I have no idea what a dragonborn is.
Then you really don't have a right to bitch about anything, do you? This is like saying 'I have no idea what a salmon is, but I think it's boring because it doesn't have wings or a jetpack'. If you don't know anything about the thing you're whining over, then don't offer your uninformed opinion - nobody cares what you think.
>without wings
Wings are for true dragons, not former humans. The sky is dragonkind's domain, and even the blessed are forbidden from traversing it. Beings that defy this are struck down swiftly and with extreme prejudice.
>wings-like jetpack
Are you genuinely retarded? This is from Dungeons and Dragons. Why the fuck would it have a jetpack?
>doesn't make it any less bland
Again, he comes with accessories. This is a figure of a creature that's not supposed to have wings (and an actually good depiction of one to boot), so why would you expect wings on it any more than you'd expect wings on an elf of human? If you have no idea what the thing is supposed to be and are too low IQ to do a basic Google search to find out, then why voice your opinion over expectations you never should have had to begin with?
Clearly this figure isn't for you.
Yes something like that
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Mythic Legions has vampires that have some bat features...

Speaking of, this guy is up for preorder feom Mythic Legions.
Pretty sure that line bombed
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Salmon aren't known to have wings
There's nothing wrong with tech in a fantasy setting
Any toy that has to be defined by its accessories may only be hiding that the toy itself isnt that great
and you can educate any fictional lore you want on why or not a dragon should have wings. It's STILL boring without wings.
>Salmon aren't known to have wings
Neither are Dragonborn.
>There's nothing wrong with tech in a fantasy setting
We're talking specifically about Dungeons and Dragons, the franchise this figure is from.
>Any toy that has to be defined by its accessories may only be hiding that the toy itself isnt that great
It's honestly fine without the accessories - it looks exactly like what it's supposed to be depicting. You were the one bitching that it didn't come with anything. Stop flip-flopping.
>and you can educate any fictional lore you want on why or not a dragon should have wings. It's STILL boring without wings.
A Dragonborn isn't a dragon. Why would it have wings?
You took up a whole post to say a whole lotta nothing, and all we've established is that you're an idiot who wants the toy to be something it's not and never was supposed to be.
Looks like Sandy Cheeks is 20% off on BBTS... and so are The Warners (guess >>11035230 was right).
>Just creaming up a chunky little coom for this beautiful little figure getting me real hot and heavy down there

If only Super7 made a wave three of Ultimates SpongeBob figures. I would like to see them try Mr. Krabs and Mrs. Puff.
Call me whatever you want. I still think tech has some place in a fantasy setting, and dragonborns should have wings to really sell that it's a dragon because dragons still have wings.
>dragonborns should have wings to really sell that it's a dragon
That's the part you keep messing up, though. Dragonborn AREN'T dragons. Like Kobolds, they have dragon's blood in them, but are not actually dragons themselves - they are created BY dragons, hence being 'Dragon Born'. And, as stated multiple times now, the toy looks exactly like what it's supposed to be depicting, see pic related. You want it to be something it never was intended to be, and make it clear with every post that you have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about.
This, not sure why this is still a complaint.
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These guys look cool, but what the hell is grandma doing to that poor child in the background, and why does the kid seem to be enjoying it?
That reminds me, the Savage Crucible in stock sale is still going on. Only until the 21st though.
Isn't there supposed to be an exclusive figure on their site, or something like that?
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Because >>11036626 keeps falling for cheap bait. It's a dumb argument started in bad faith by someone who must wants to shit up the thread.

That guy is looooooong sold out, pretty much went instantly. It was just a slightly purple army builder blank figure.
Yeah, the purpleish Shadow Slate. It was only $20 and yeah, sold out later the first day. Bare bones variant...they'll have some at cons though.
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Super7 doing Busy Town now?
Need a sexy Mr. Fixit
why the fuck is super7 picking up all those IP and do the worst job possible always? they never fucking did a single female character
looks like there doing a female character now, Hilda Hippo
yea, they need to do more reaction figures for Busy World if that's what their planning on doing. perfect for that size.
I never argued that it was inaccurate. If the toy has it what it does, then I hope you enjoy it. It STILL looks bland without wings. And there still exists works and ideas of humanoid dragons with wings anyway. If those mean nothing in anything fine. I still stand that it looks bland without wings and hope they give that one a pair one day.
>It STILL looks bland without wings.
Do you think that SandyCheeks figure above needs wings, too? She sure looks bland without them...
>And there still exists works and ideas of humanoid dragons with wings anyway
That's cool, but why do you keep bringing up humanoid dragons? Dragonborn are lizardmen made by dragons - basically just bigger, smarter kobolds. Why would a lizardman have wings?
>If those mean nothing in anything fine.
Then why even bring it up?
>I still stand that it looks bland without wings
I still stand that you're mentally retarded, and I mean for that to be taken in the most insulting way possible.
>hope they give that one a pair one day.
Why would they? There's no reason for them to ever have wings, so why would the company waste the money and plastic to make an accessory that doesn't actually belong with the figure? If someone made a TES Argonian figure, you wouldn't expect it to come with wings, would you?
My order shipped. Nice.
That's still not an argument, because there are no common squirrel or salmon hybrids in fiction that are associated with wings
That's not a counterargument. Wings belong on a Dragon born no more than the do on a squirrel or salmon. They are lizardmen born from a dragon, not actual dragons themselves, so whether of not dragons in fiction are associated with having wings is irrelevant to the discussion. Stop arguing in bad faith - you have no legs yo stand on and nobody here who agrees with your stance.
Wouldn't it be funny if he pushed you against a wall and started burping in your face? Haha, that'd be awful haha.
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Kitty! Big fucking kitty.
What company?
So you're saying "dragonborn" is in actuality the wrong term, because they are actually "Lizardmen". Fine. I actually like the latter term better because lizard is a less spectacular but broad source for character design when playing/researching the depth of features. But regardless and more to the point, I'm not asking anyone to agree with me, and your facts are facts. I STILL stand on the leg that says that figure looks bland without wings.
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SDCC exclusive Gay Bar Ripster
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Man, your still trying to argue? You've been lost dude, accept your L.
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DOn't instigate him - I've already said my piece to him, and everyone in the thread already knows there's no point in continuing the discussion. That's probably the closest to a concession we're going to get from him, so leave it at that instead of dragging this out and cluttering the thread any further.
On a different note, has anyone heard anything about Wave 3 of that Animal Warriors of the Kingdom line? I vaguely remember hearing talks a few threads ago about us getting some female birds to go with all the males. I'm hoping they stick to the beastly aesthetic and make them look a bit like picrel (but with clothes) - some monster harpies would be pretty cool.
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>It's just the same new figure with more accessories instead of a new mold with a bigger jaw
I was never arguing anything. I still think it's bland no matter the fictional yet factual statements you've stated. You're just overreacting because I can't stop hating what you don't hate.
That guy (>>11039200)
isn't me (the one you were arguing with). Just sayin'.
probably FISH TOYS (D20STUDIO), same one making those WoW mounts
what's the name?

spanking him, expression seems neutral to me
yeah, this doesn't bode well for the future of the line, tells me they're going to cheap out wherever possible. that cheap pleather jacket is also going to brutally limit his poseability. He looks stiffer than frankenstein.
I dunno
Seems like the perfect thing for a convention exclusive
Unless you're telling me you would rather it actually be something you would be pissed off not being able to get
Savage Crucible
1/6 scale man-bat from Mondo.
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I have the SDCC version
We don't know what kind of poseability they'll even have
I'd be more interested ifb8t had an alternate head or movable jaws so it wasn't constantly pogging
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Monster Force: Kiloworg is up on BBTS for order. $85.
Very cool
Got my savage crucible lizard man, I like him.
Was that from the in stock sale?

>furfag general
>post reptiles

Are you mongoloids blind? This is only for FUR FAGS, no scale/feather faggotry. Fucking hell what is wrong with you people…

They wont make any of the sexy characters. Or if they do, prepare too enjoy them with masculine hips and flat chest like they did with caveman april in the tmnt line.
Last day for AWOK 2 Backer Kit, I think. They didn't put a date and/or time as far as I'm aware. Also not sure what it closing means, if no one will be able to add anymore. I'm going to guess they'll leave it open for a bit since the elephant is now 'unlocked'. I couldn't really decide what to get, and I probably got too much. Hopefully these turn out really well, cause I don't feel great about getting all this so far. The birds definitely look like the best of the assortment so far.
'Furry' is an umbrella term. Both scalies and avians fall under the terminology, as do insect girls and basically anything that isn't a primate. You can technically classify all forms of furfaggotry as Xenophilia - a love or attraction to anything that is sentient, sapient, but isn't human.
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Thrilla Gorilla is getting a ReAction Figure!
hey thats not bad, I'd get that
Oh my God, I was actually trying to remember what the fuck game this was from last week! I just had this ape in my head, but I couldn't remember... I just know I rented the NES game all the goddamn time as a kid.
Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage. That takes me back.
Isn't it the same old werewolf we already saw but recolored nth time?
The ammo belts, minigun, and forearm blade are new, otherwise yes. It's a recolor.

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