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>does whatever a pizza can
Toy Pizza Expo 2024 is Sunday June 16th 11:00 am at The Yard in Beacon NY

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread Challenge
Show off your favorite glyos con exclusives.

>Previous Thread
im orion and every glyos toy i don't recognize must be a new drop
I'm wolfman and here's six paragraphs about the one time i annoyed Matt at an event
he's been going on all day about shit...

>>I have been spouting the same rhetoric. People buying this stuff are so ridiculous and greedy it disgusts me.
>>Like - legitimately I want nothing to do with the subset of collectors that want the exact same toy - but with modern articulation. It feels like the “Final Cash Out By Big Toy” and they are all falling for it.
>>And when I point it out - somehow I’m the asshole? Sorry, but it’s gross. Maybe you’d be happier going to the gym and getting jacked LIKE He-Man instead of sitting on your fat ass and collecting more muscular dudes who would NEVER ask you for help in an adventure.

>>Even with Star Wars - so many “fans” just act the exact opposite of the characters they love. Luke and Yoda would say having all the Star Wars toys is a Dark Side trait. And Han Solo would mock you incessantly.
>>Your childhood heroes would most likely not like you at all. Sucks to suck.
>>Don’t even get me started on Joe collectors. >>Being an actual Veteran that literally did the job - the military fetish neckbeards have creeps me out.
>>Trust me - when you hit your 40s something changes in your brain chemistry. I think you start to view the $ and time spent ammassing a collection in your youth as a burden. And start to wish you had spent that $ on other things in life. Like - going and having adventures yourself. Instead of collecting characters that went on adventures.
daily reminder that this thread is being monitored by glyos tough guys that oppose free speech and dream of implementing an fascist society, they want (you) to accept a hivemind discord lifestyle and abandon 4chan's freedoms, tell them 'post builds or gtfo'
inb4 kys, no u, alternative sexual lifestyle name calling
>oppose free speech
you the anon that tattled on yourself and got salty about it?
post builds or gtfo
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can we bully wolfman into quitting the discord
Is that the nigger faggot with aids?
the one who wont shut the fuck up, yes
just start talking shit, i'll back you up
just block him
that would involve logical thinking, a very rare thing in this community. it has also been noted that users who call for bullying others have in fact been bullied their entire lives and have never embraced the power process, this ties in neatly with their constant shouts for other users to 'kys', the thought is on their minds constantly but they fail to embrace it.
If you were coming to tpc we could stuff him in a trash can
I think the Skate Wars Glyan sucks dick the hardest
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Great post, go show your mom and you'll get to choose a lollipop
Fucking sperg wars in this thread though
This thread is a disgrace. Y'all are disgusting. And here I was thinking about getting back into Glyos after a 3+ year hiatus (and yes, I used to produce Glyos-adjacent toys. And I was thinking of making a comeback because they were really popular, on the same level as the Power Lords and the Callgrims).

But you know what? Fuck all y'all. Not worth spending $500,000+ with my contacts in China to produce more shit since apparently you'll all are too busy being absolute assholes to each other.
good, no one wants your autist reddit spacing ass making toys anyways
I love glyos. It’s so hardcore and I can’t think of a more cut throat toy community than this one.
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a boomer meme, how humiliating for you
Nii, your stuff was never THAT popular
I do like the Outlander though
Unless you're Boris in which case go fuck yourself
Ni wasn't glyos adjacent, he was glyos glyos and I highly doubt he's the kind of person to type out shit like that
Another shit post, how gay of you
>i make financial decisions based on 4chan threads
you sound like a genius
>produce more shit
Lots of people loved my toys (and my collaborations with other popular Glyos designers). Y'all used to post about them constantly back in the day. And judging by how quickly my storenvy would sell out? Yup.

And I will space my verbiage however I please, twat-o.
Wrong on both counts.
And yet you continue to post here, undoubtidly regarding toys. That influences you and your decisions. No doubt they are stupid decisions.

It's a figure of speech, asshole. If they were "shit" my contact in China would not be begging and pleating with me to shell out money. The designer toy community is HUGE.
just fuck off and do whatever you want then, why do you think proving yourself to be an argumentative cunt here is gonna bring you more sales? we're chock full of cunts already
>my real thing is totally real, im gonna keep telling you how real it is
no one believed your dad worked for nintendo either
Yep, ignore you I will.

My father was involved in toy production (he worked with the best and the brightest, just as i later did with Onell Design and Toyfinity). It's in my blood, my DNA if you would. Which is why I became a sensation in the Glyos community. But y'all already knew that, no doubt you assholes own my toys in various colorways.
I know kent fucks dogs but he sure fucked you if you really think it costs 500K to make a glyos figure.
IDK who you are, but as an impartial observer, this smug little temper tantrum is just as embarrassing as the assholes that occupy this thread.
For **A** figure, yes. But I do LONG, MULTIPLE runs of several molds. In various colorways. GITD etc.

Cool beans. Why the shit should I care about an impartial observer, who has no interest in Glyos or the designer toy community?

Begone, little troll.
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>muh Chinese contacts in China
>muh 5000000000 dollarinos
>muh LONG ones
Great work faggot face
even when you back peddle you are still so wrong I honestly hope Matt doesnt know you personally, you are embarrassing
Keep digging yourself into a hole. Keep quoting me like the little puppy you are, idiot.

I've collaborated with and encountered Matt Doughyert several times. I, like him, have TONS off connections in the designer toy industry. That's how my popular Glyos-adjacent line remained so popular for so many years until I put it on hiatus do to burnout.

I was thinking i'd come back. Y'all woulda loved it because I know they were popular toys here (I read the archives...) but clearly you'd rather be antagontistic. Whatever, I can use my money (that >>11032382 wishes he had!) for something else.
>Matt Doughyert
you fucking burnout
Okay nigger, fuck off already and enjoy your aids
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
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Let's go!
>This is proof that since the start of "sparing the rod and spoiling the child" in the 80's society has managed to created at least two generations of people who have the mentality of children in an adults body. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:11

kek, toy fags btfo
Glyoschuds . . . we're so FUCKING back!
jerk off arm bro - a tribute to /toy posters
thanks jesse, i feel seen
note the gentleman's relaxation zone expression, the hat protects hair from most splashbacks situations
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Limited Edition Dr Stainington
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Special-ed class photo
New arm looks one directional just like the onell one, I know asymmetrical is, like, so hip right now, but why limit build possibilities? Feels like it’s all aesthetics and no function.
>but why limit build possibilities
Jesse likes 5 point of action Chap Mei Chinese shit. All sculpt no function
>Feels like it’s all aesthetics and no function.
KOTS in a nutshell

It just looks like a shittier, stretched out manglord arm
This is based off the psycho arm Erwin sculpted back in 2015. It was the very first piece he sculpted for Toypizza. He also sculpted the manglord for Onell.
didn't ask bozo
It looks like shit
with all these parts why doesn't Toy Pizza just make an actual good looking figure instead of bootleg memes
>why doesn't Toy Pizza just make an actual good looking figure
Doesn't have the ability
kek, back-to-back Fap Lords, based Erwin Fapper
Do you think he didn’t sculpt anything else in between?
in between his legs?
Who is this? Somebody who likes toys but says you shouldn't buy them?
likely wolfmantoys
oh yeah, that was all wolfshit's blither
>Crash with us Friday night! 6-21-24 9pm cst
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Disappointing that the Brynelords hips weren't designed to work vertically on the Phibians.

They do socket in, the peg isn't fully flat in the hole, so there's an ever so slight inward bend to the legs.

Putting the hips sideways works, but I like the look of the longer legs with narrow hips better.
Bio-Masters Drop 23: Crash Land.
Today we start off with two new mutants. The evil Nightmare Mutant and the endless shambling horde of MutaClones.
Onell Design’s last drop included this awesome green combo. Now you can add these mutated baddies to the mix!!
I like the new green, this is good news for me
The slime head photo looks to be the exact same color as the mutant head one.
If they're different figures, I guess this one might have fewer painted details, but not be a total builder or blank figure?
Looks like minimal paint on the clones
>still no cum or blood mutants
yeah, we've already had green, ho hum
Bio-Masters Drop 23: Crash Land.
Next up, are the Scrap Bots. Cobbled together from various cast-off parts, each one is a multicolored unique robotic creation.
Are they benevolent? Dangerous? Find out later tonight.
Drop is Tonight at 9 pm cst!
Neat. Pat ain't fucking around.
Bio-Masters Drop 23: Crash Land
Last reveal for tonight's drop, Pilot 647. This Mutant Pilot is one of the best around, but even the best can be shot down over a hostile world when facing overwhelming numbers.
See you all tonight at 9 pm CST.
it's a little hard to tell with all the colored lighting, but if this is cream, hazard orange, and blue, I will be buying several of this figure.
It's very clearly red white and blue
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>It's very clearly red white and blue
>comic shows it's definitely orange
lol, lmao even
In regards to this guy >>11040836 and these guys >>11040594 he said "different shades of red"
This is why we need Pantone numbers with every drop
i would unironically like this, it would help me determine if new drops would match current figs i own
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Also need panettone with each drop
>still no thank you post
Yeah seems about right
No lore, no vinyl, no option to buy parts that match prior releases.
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There's been an effort with the lore recently to be fair. I'd love to hear Matt talk about his choices on mold/colors for each wave, where future waves are headed etc, he's such an interesting dude to listen to.
Squat looks better to me, small axis joints bug me being male to male
>no lore
people are still saying this after we've been getting lore and comics and shit recently? glyos fans really never will be happy
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I'm special and my balls prove it anon, please don't take that away from me
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Imagine . . .
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interesting stuff from Destasio talking about offering more budget end stuff, this is the beauty (or great sales pitch) of the glyos system - a little here and a little adds up over time
Where did you hear this?
Half my mans figures are already blanks sold in a blind subscription of figures he paid off the molds for a year prior, how much more budget is he hoping to get
>budget end stuff

Dunno, guess we'll see in time, he said it was Matt's idea, but I think Matt already does a good job offering low end stuff. Maybe they've realized this general trend towards figure $30+ isn't really what glyos buyers want. Or I could be talking out my butt, don't shoot the messenger.
you think 20 is alot? have you left your house in the past decade?
>reading comprehension fail
One of your best builds yet. I love it.
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I was going to use that as a head, but I liked it so much as a little critter that I just added the "foot" to it and called it a day.
neoweaponeers on thursday you ungrateful shits
Low end?? Are you stupid??
I want Matt to step it up if anything.
60$ travelers, 100$ intruders, 200$ Delphis.
Fucking try me Matt I dare you
One of those things will be happening soon.
I can slap some paint on those and sell you custom corps for those prices no problem anon
Is it the reissue of the vinyl Wraith and Jumbo Callgrim that Moore showed off at Game Of Hope?
Whoever said Matt was going to be on the pizzaboy stream lied
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left sort reminds me of pic related, but I guess it's gonna be a drill head
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right is galactus? mfw when they're both 'trans'formers
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there's a good amount of japanese drill jets from the 70s
>clearly based on the old resin kits that they dropped to chase the MOTU audience with armory kits, which were dropped to sell Weaponeers, which were dropped to sell Battle Tribes
The Spy Monkey wheel turns inevitably
Couldn't find them but IIRC
>human head, robot head, alien head
>drill hand, tentacle hand other hand?
>no paint apps
why is that a bad thing? a lot of the glyos figs we have now started as resin one-offs that eventually hit the big time.
fap hand?
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Doesn't sound like anon was saying it was a bad thing.
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You're focusing on the "resin" part and not the "SMC abandons old thing to make new thing" part
I abandon stuff all the time anon: TV shows, glyos threads, hope
>weaponeers abandoned
They made a weaponeers like 2 waves ago and then cappy made some right before that.
No, it seems like you're the one who misunderstood my post. The resin part was not important to me either, I was trying to say that a lot of Glyos projects have long development times, and that sometimes leads to projects being shelved for a while, or only brought to production once the creator finds success with some other project.
>"SMC abandons old thing to make new thing"
This is just weird as hell. People need to move on from old projects at some point and start new stuff. Did you expect them to just keep doing the same shit forever? Would you tell me I "just gave up on high school" after 12th grade? Spy Monkey is a small company. I don't expect them to be able to keep multiple irons in the fire at once. It makes sense for them to focus on one line at a time, then move on to a new one.
wolfman updates

>>I have been sharing my love of glyos a bit more in other Social Media groups and explaining that it’s High Quality 1:18 Legos. There have been a few people I have gotten to order stuff and they like em! I also try to get Toy Pizza more Patreon members (as someone who resisted joining for so long - I feel it’s my duty to explain to naysayers why their $5 a month gets them so much more than they could imagine). The pay wall can be offputting, I get it. But - it filters out bad actors and it’s only $5. The community is worth $5 a month to join. Especially with the hook ups in trades I have gotten from all the Squires.

>>I remember the first time I spoke with Dr Kent about manufacturing and he said - you need to have $50K that you are willing to never see again to produce a Glyos figure. The amount of extra $ needed for re-dos and unexpected costs balloons quickly. It made me realize I’ll never make a Glyos toy. I’ll have to take the Pendragon route and do a 1 color Mexican Bootleg. But, that works for me and my personal ideas. Glyos is “my fun time.” I would never want to mix having fun and business. At least at this time. However - Carolina Cool Cat’s ideas are PERFECT for KOTS/Glyos. I’m hoping he figures out a way to make Anchorfist Parts (like a limb/head pack) - and then use the sales $ from that to fund a full Samurai Koi figure.

>>The Kenner Blue Armor matches the original toy’s armor. I have zero attatxhment to the story lol - but i had to have him because my non glyos collection is 1:18 Ready Player One - i have all the leads from all the 80s Sci Fi/Action movies

drink every time this mfer says Kenner
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Who's wolfman?
>The community is worth $5 a month to join.
lol. lmao even
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I'd rather $60 worth of axis joints.
>Pizzaman got rid of the diver drill for the beat-off arm
apprentice to the shit lord robertassinass
based fap bro
Where was this posted?
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pizza circlejerk secret club
did trilo alien head replace jellyfish?
>>First time I met Matt Doughty I impressed him with my color matching - i actually had my eyes tested - i’m REALLY good at it. (Unfortunately it’s oftentimes a curse more than a gift)
>>I’m loving the bald dude with the beard……I wish i was a better sculptor (i am NOT ready to share my attmepts yet) because I want to make a Bald bearded head of myself - it’s such a popular look RN too. Bald faded into a full beard. It’s just that when it’s used in toy sculpting - they reserve it for roided out characters. So the facial characteristics are a little more intense than i’d like. Roid face is a thing, and i’m not a fan of it.
kek, this is gold
I'd rather $60 worth of favors from a local trollop
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