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Do you skip the current fig for a character you want because proportions aren't perfect for you? Or do you buy it just in case nothing better gets released in the future?
Depends on the character and on the kind of figure, sometimes odds are another will never be made, whether because the character isn't popular or the maker won't ever come back to the character (and perhaps there's a certain stylization you happen to like with this one). Case by case. But if I like the current offering enough to want it, I'll get it. If a better one comes out later that I prefer, I may grab that too.
Depends. If it's someone hugely popular like Superman, Batman, Spider-man, Wolverine, etc., I'll just wait since the next one's not far away. Otherwise, so long as it's not too off or has some big QC issue, I'll usually buy it and just have it act as a stand in until a better version of the same character's released, then sell the old one. For instance, a lot of the Dragon Ball 1.0s are pretty meh compared to the 2.0s, but I wouldn't have wanted to go years without having those characters on my shelf.
I buy what I like, if the proportions are bad enough I don’t like them then I don’t buy it.
>Or do you buy it just in case nothing better gets released in the future?
I hate doing this. If the toy doesn't look good at all, then I hope my withdrawal means one more person can have it instead. I no longer base purchases on love for a character
I get it if it’s rare that anybody makes the figure. Especially if it’s over a decade between figures like that.
If it's a character that gets a lot of figures like Goku, Spiderman, or Wargreymon(since he was posted in the pic) NEVER fucking accept slop because another version is always around the fucking corner. If it's a more niche character in a high quality line, theres a lot of those fuckers where that is likely the best figure that will be available for at least the next half decade so it's a bit more understandable there. There is also the FOMO factor at play. Many figures these days you can't even be sure if the figure won't be shit so It's either preorder blindly or pay the rapetax later on.

Generally though if someone looks like shit or is awful quality I will pass to begin with. I already have enough shit to begin with, so I am being stingier. When I was first started out I was desperate to "fill my ranks" and would literally pollute my display space with stuff like Dragon Stars, Black Series, Chinese third party companies. Big fucking mistake. most of that shit i just ended up getting rid of because it brought the higher quality shit down.

I'm mainly a Dragonball collector and my collection doesn't even have a Cell one of the most iconic characters because there is just nothing out there that meets my standards of the rest of the figures.

I was rewarded for passing on this Trunks. Littered with QC issues, then they went ahead and reissued it with all of them gone. now i got a perfect Trunks.
Honestly, it doesn't happen a lot to me. I'd lean more towards skip.
The only character that I can think of, who I want a figure but I don't like what's available is Tailmon.
Either, they are popular enough to get something I like or, they get nothing at all.

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