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For photos and discussion of custom creations made out of Lego and other building block brands.
Bitch, how many threads do you need. You're only on page 4,. give it a rest.
Cool moc bro
Hell yeah my creation made an OP image. Based. I can die now.
SHUT UP, okay?
kys homo
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This incect ship is SICK

This is a tiny Kame House from Dragon Ball I built. Goku is a Super Saiyan early because I had no black pieces but I had gold. Just used leftover parts in my shoebox. This is an old Pic abd I've already taken it apart, but it was a fun MOC
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Fuck me
A couple of castlefags told me to make a dragon mech. Here's the best I could do on short notice. Now hopefully they can get back to blowing each other while their knight minifigs watch
I was busy raw dogging your mom. I like it but the wings need some work baseddad. I fuckin tried participating in the general I really did. Fucking dumpster fire man! Speaking of my firecrotch princess would btfo any of your cucked spacemen. Keep being cool my guy.
I would absolutely do your redhead archer princess.
Very excited. I just made my first pick a brick order. Used up all my points and got $50 off. I bought a bunch of Vikings to fill my Ali Express Ship and some more Pirates to boost my crew. I also got some parts for MOCing and am really excited for it all to show up. I hate that the order is split and I have to wait a month for the stuff from Denmark
Her twin sister came without a gloved hand… I assume so she can more adequately give an old fashioned.
radical. I have a bunch of old Insectoid parts that I need to use, and I should totally try to do something like this.
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Added some stuff to the side tower.
Damn, that’s a big ass castle man
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More space shit bitches! It's a Space Police rover I'm working on. Nowhere near done. The shaping was a HUGE pain in the ass, especially getting the tilted cockpit stable. Looks like I'll have to make a fairly large Bricklink order soon...
looks very organic, especially with those antennae on the nose
Does it have a steering mechanism like 6895?
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It's designed after an ant.

No steering mechanism. The back is an actual jail cell though. A little jet bike can dock on the back of it. Again, colors are all fucked up, and quite a few pieces are missing because I need to place a BL order sometime this week
This looks dope. I like how that curved red part pops out the side-back under the narrow red tower with the red pole. Whole thing looks sick

This space vehicle looks sick. I dig the micro transport up top comes off abd back as seen in >>11032155 it's a real sick design and looks beefy as hell
The prison cell looked like a monster can from the thumbnail.
started my first mech/anatomy build because I found a sweet cape at the thrift store. It might suck
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My brother recently got into mobile frame zero so I built him a squad for his birthday.
You want to generally stick with what works in the human skeleton if you're going for articulation. The hip connections should be sockets with the ball connected perpendicularly to the thighbone, sort of how you have the shoulder set up. Shoulders are a bit trickier because ideally you'd want the torso section of the shoulder to move as well, but since that'd be difficult at that scale I'd say what you have there is fine.
I see Marge Simpson came to train with Master Roshi.

Space Police I sexo. Giga points for including actual play features.

The fuck is that mask?
Looks like a Hero Factory helmet
Oh yeah and the tires to fill space are still faggy. That particular technique has long since gone beyond banality.
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Finally ordered the parts for the first of the Exo-Force mocs I've been slowly working on for the past year and a half or so, went with Sentry first since it was the first Exo-Force set I got back in 2006.
To my surprise it's actually really solid, was half expecting it to be really fragile or end up a floppy mess but it feels pretty nice, pretty much no issues with the way it was built in studio outside of one minor error on the torso that doesn't work irl.
Original torso design on the right, version I ended up building on the left, basically no difference other than the shoulders sitting slightly lower. Need to dig out my original Sentry to take some comparison photos now, I'm not sure where it is.
It does, I just wasn't aware they'd done any of those in gold. Pretty neat.

Cute li'l guy. Glad to see MECA-1 is still getting reinforcements in this day and age.
me likey
cool moc bro
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Thanks, those red pieces are actually upside down.

I completed the building for the stables. It also has a gatehouse for thd castle's postern. Allthough that should probably be more concealed. I guess it's just a small sidegate then.
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On the inside, the groundfloor houses the stables. I also wanted to put the castle smithy in there.
Happy Father's day. I had a bit of time today to fix up the Space Police buggy. Added some details, fixed some colors, improved stability. And figured out how to get the jail cell to lock into the main buggy. This will be the last update on this MOC until I get my Bricklink orders in (hopefully by Friday or Saturday). Any critique is always welcome.
Looks great! Space Police 1 >>> Space Police 2 and we don't talk about 3.
3 is the best cause it had aliens which was awesome
The police builds themselves had no soul.
Fuck you talking about? Their big ship was cool as hell. I'm the first guy to nostalgiafag for old sets, but Space Police 3 was great in the context of the era of Lego it was released in. If you want to complain about SP3, talk about the figs, specifically the shit generic grey padded/armoured uniforms.
This is also true.
The biggest weakness of SP3 really was just the Space Police minifigs, aside from the gas station set they were all great sets in their own right. Especially the Space Police HQ, the Skull Twins vehicle, Lunar Limo, some great builds.
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I agree. I really wish I had been into Lego when Space Police 3 was in stores. All the sets look great, but the human minifigs were pretty bland. Linda MOC related, but I got an incomplete Lunar Limo with Brick Daddy for like 20 bucks 5 years ago. I ended up having to MOC half of it, but it's always been one of my favorite sets.
Who's Linda MOC?
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if you have more wheels, make the torso longer to fit another axle perhaps a swivel mechanism and the third axle can be behind the swivel.
This motherfucker doesn’t know who Linda Moc is! Kek!
>Who's Linda MOC
I typed "kinda", but autocorrect turned it into Linda for some reason.

>if you have more wheels, make the torso longer to fit another axle perhaps a swivel mechanism and the third axle can be behind the swivel
That was the original design, but it looked really awkward being that long because the wheels are huge.
Why Bobbie why?!
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Space bomber MOC

1. IT jumps by FTL hyperspace into the battlespace.
2. Deploys it sensor array Antenna to scan said battlespace for tis target
3. releases its Smart guided Ordinance
4. Folds back up Sesnor array antenna
5. jumps back into hyperspace
looks brutish and functional, I like it
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Bored at home with the kids, so I actually got both of them to help me build a small Blacktron jet. I tried to talk them into making something else, but they preferred to play on the floor with some Monkie Kid shit.

This looks good. I'd be interested to see the interior and what everything looks like all opened up.
Looks sweet!! Err I mean you’re a terrible father cuck do more castle! Glad you had a good dads day my guy.
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>Glad you had a good dads day my guy.
Thanks. Hope you had a good dad's day yesterday too bro. One day, I'm going to build a castle MOC, but I'll do it in Blactron 2 colors with space dragons and shit just to fuck with you.

Objectively wrong. You forget to mention that set can literally convert to an undercover spaceship that looks completely different.
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Im sorry to burst your bubble, it's ugly and soulless. Pic Rel is soul, the colors are amazing and the overall design is slick. SP3 looks like technic pod racers.
This fucker had lights and looks like something out of cyber punk.
>Just a real Hunka chunka of a cyber kino

Kek, slt is a Pedo
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I mean, yea, Space Police 1 is obviously the superior theme. But I still think SP3 was fun.
Oh no don’t build an awesome space castle for the best space faction.
>hidden deep in a crater of a shattered moon lies the black tron keep.
Man I wish they wouldn’t have dicked up nexo knights.
sp3 prototypes were better, I will dump a few
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This is basically the Lunar Limo done as a police car

I can't even figure out how this was made. Looks fragile as fuck though

Kino design. Glad they incorporated this vehicle into the large police space ship.

Looks okay, but way too much trans green.
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>awesome space castle for the best space faction.
>Nexo knights
What could have been, anon...what could have been...
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ok I think I'm done.
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>I can't even figure out how this was made. Looks fragile as fuck though

There's a clip attachment on the bottom of the bike shell, between that and whatever it's using for handlebars it could be pretty secure.
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>literally the most original spaceship shape Lego has ever done
it's ugly tho
Original doesn't mean good. It's a mess and the colors are all over the place.
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This is quite possibly my most retarded MOC yet. I turned a Speed Champions car into a sci-fi space police car... now I gotta get a couple more pieces from Bricklink...
It reminds me of something from Future GPX Cyber Formula

You improved on it greatly. Before it was a dumb boring car. Cars suck. Now it has soul and is a car IN SPACE which is way different and now super radical.
Looks great!
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I made a video overview of my small Pirate outpost MOC. Bittersweet because I plan to take it apart this weekend to use parts for another MOC idea I have. I wanted to do a video showing it before it went away.
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And I forgot the link. I must be slacking like Nathaniel over here

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Thanks anons. I did a bit of work on it and I think this is the final design. I placed a bricklink order for some pieces to improve stability, a space police logo wedge brick, curved black slopes for the front of the car, and a proper red windscreen. I'll post final pics when everything comes in the mail to avoid image spamming.
can you switch the side panels on the cockpit with blue ones?
>can you switch the side panels on the cockpit with blue ones
I could if I had the pieces, but I don't snd I just got done placing 2 new BL orders this morning... sucks because I think blue would actually look good there to help with color breakup. I do have some blue pieces coming to put on the antenna though.
Many of 2024's Speed Champion cars remind me of Future GPX. Life imitates art.
You should use a red/yellow cockpit if possible and add siren spoilers.
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>You should use a red/yellow cockpit if possible and add siren spoilers
Yea, in that post I said I had ordered that windscreen in red from Bricklink today. Should be here by Monday. Also, I'm not sure what a siren spoiler is. The car has a spoiler, and I have the siren lights in front of it. I guess you can't really see the spoiler from that angle.
I know it's the whole point of the line but I'm still always impressed by the way they manage to stuff these wack-ass concept car designs into 8 studs
hit and fade attacks, Admiral Thrawn would be proud
I was so excited about this car to moc it into a space car.

But then i saw that this shit has just 1 seat and it opens like a plane cockpit
>But then i saw that this shit has just 1 seat
Just like literally every Speed Champions set

>and it opens like a plane cockpit
Just like the actual vehicle the set is based on.

Seriously, why the fuck were you expecting anything else?
That all makes it more spacy.
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raptor riderz
this is nice
could use a cadillac or two
Looks radical.
NTA but at least a few other SC sets seat two minifigs. Countach and DB5 do for sure. The McLaren F1 LM almost...almost seats 3 just like the real one. Might be able to mod it in. The "side"/back seats are modeled just not quite large enough.

I'm sure the new F40 will seat two.

They're doing scaling really well with the 8 stud format cars, I really like them.

But looking at that Lambo it should be fairly obvious based on the size of the cockpit that it only seats one.
So what you're saying is that the majority of SC cars are one seaters, eith a few 2 seaters being the exception.

Okay, then I'll change my initial statement to: "Just like the vast majority of Speed Champions sets"
All three Space Police themes were good. However, as someone who grew up with 2 and owns the big sets from all three, I'd say SP3 > SP2 > SP1.

This in particular is just the best SP set they've ever done. Transforming it from innocuous space freighter to police dragster is fun every time.
I'd have to look closer, but since they started 8 stud wide format cars have been more accurate to their IRL seating arrangement. If back seats aren't figure-able they're at least modeled. Pagani Utopia is another that seats two.

Again it's fairly obvious looking at the Lambo specifically though, that it only might seat one.

I guess the most accurate would be:
The majority of 8-stud format Speed Champions seat an IRL-accurate amount of Minifigures, with the exception of back seats, or weird arrangements like the McLaren F1 LM, which are typically modeled to some capacity, but may not seat a figure due to aesthetic constraints. Your typical road-going production cars, in 8 stud format, should generally have their accurate two front seats, though.
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Nice anon, I did something similar awhile back
Okay...I know I keep spamming thus thing even though I said I'd stop, but I need some advice. I did some more work on the midsection and am finally happy with it. Now I've added a front bumper and don't know if I should make it black or blue. Opinions welcome. I like how the black flows with the rest if the front, but I also like the splash of color from the blue.
I'd go with blue, in fact I'd add something else blue in front so it's not just the wedges.
I vote blue. Looks like a good contrast with all the black.
this looks like buttcheeks

I'd split those blue/black slopes you're using on the fenders between front and back giving it a more striped sort of look. It'll totally change the flow of what you want to look at.

With it being such a thin waisted car, having two highly contrasting colors makes one side stand out prominently while the other essentially disappears. Splitting colors longitudinally will help break that up.
Go blue. The front looks too bulky and needs contrast. I can tell there are curves im just not seeing with all the black.
How much do I have to spend on Lego to get the free gift of eternal life?
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Makes sense. I think I'll stick with blue then. Thanks!

I dunno man, the front looks good, but with the rest of the side being blue, it just seems TOO blue now.

I'm an ass man, so I'll take that as a compliment.
I know that's what I'm saying,
Take the outer most blue slopes on the back part over the fenders.
Take the inner most black slopes over the front fenders
Swap them.
You now have an inner line that runs laterally that is blue while being black outside, and removed a bit of visually effective blue.

Wait fuck I'm retarded those are different pieces. Is this an alt build of some set where you need to only use X included pieces or can you do the swap that would make the above changes actually possible?
>I'll take that as a compliment
Ah shit, I see what you're saying. Thst would make a black lateral line going across the side if the car! That would look pretty cool, but I don't have enough blue slopes (yet) to do the front in blue. I have a couple of blue slopes coming in the mail tomorrow, and I may be able to scrounge the rest with parts I already have. I kinda like that idea, I'll try it tonight. Thanks anon!

Too late. I already did.
Little dragon I made today with the kid.
This is awesome
Thanks just playing around with some spare white parts but it turned out cute.
Falcor Junior lookin mf
Looking really good! My Black Knight's castle looks naive compared to that!
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I made a couple of mechs while I wait for my bricklink orders to come in. ...then I had to made another bricklink order for a yellow windscreen for the Blacktron 1 mech. Damn this endless cycle!
Can we get a monthly challenger and/or theme going like

September = shiptember
October = spooktober
December = Winterfell
Sounds good to me anon,
what about July and august?
Summer theme
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I asked my AI assistant and it gave me the worst ideas ever

AMERICA for July
I’m down. >>11040964
Let’s see that patriotism!
June- midsommer
I'm going for a ______!
Gumball machine mixel monster?
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anons i want to build a spaceship for my evil space pirates crew.

The ship should be based/modified on already existing set (i dont have that many pieces for MOC).
It should look weird or trashy.
Thinking of picrelated but it's discontinued and dont have that much space inside.

what else?
There was another sw ship (in a form of cube and with big turbines) but i dont remember..it was in 2019
How many people are you trying to fit in the ship? Marvel has a lot of space sets that may work for you
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Instead of making a spaceship into a pirate spaceship, you could make a pirate ship into a pirate spaceship. Like Treasure Planet.
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Post a pic of your naive castle. Naive builds are the best.

I bullt another connectives tructure between two rear towers. But I think it looks too modern for a castle. What do you guys think?
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Here's how it looks from the back.
I think that specific fence piece has enough vintage aesthetic for you to get away with it. You'd only really notice the snot from the inside. I don't have an opinion for historical accuracy if that's more the question - I think it looks great.
Looks more like old 80-90s castle MOCs!
Yeah, I actually meant too modern as in something that's later than Renaissance. I think it reminds me more of something that could fit in Pirates.
Right, looks great is all I look for in a lego castle.
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I think it fits with the medieval era. It looks good except the yellow clashes with the colour scheme, are they just placeholders? The fence pieces could work as a different colour if you want more variety.
Also for the back some of picrel would be a cleaner way to connect it.
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Helicopter fighter moc
The M class TK429
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Front view
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Also tried it with a couple of different windscreens. They all look pretty good
dark trans blue windscreen would look kino. Like this
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Trans blue looks bad ass too
I like the lamp posts as guns
This would look sick with a trans yellow windscreen and some yellow peppered here and there. But that's just my space faggotry bias. Very clever use of the technic pieces as guns.
Technic? Anon those are Fabuland gatling cannons.
This is my favorite version, needs some contrast and this helps that the most.
>no pilot
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>How many people are you trying to fit in the ship? Marvel has a lot of space sets that may work for you
Around 4. Thanks, I'll search for it even if i found a solution for now.
>that set
I don't like that set at all.
>brick built sails
>boring minifigures
It looks more like a cheap AFOL set.
Alternate cave-build is nice.
Unironically the only fun pirate set during modern lego in 2024 is this Vidyo set.
It has lots of space to play, it's on discount (because people didn't care about vidyo) if you find it, and it can be modified into a space-pirate ship.
and it comes with really cool minifigure of a squid-man

But I don't want to build a 1700s inspired ship.
doesn't look like "evil pirates" ship but nice alternate build
>Unironically the only fun pirate set during modern lego in 2024 is this Vidyo set.
I agree. I'm one of the few people who loved the Vidiyo theme. I started to do something like picrel, but I didn't want to dive down the pirate rabbit hole when I'm already so heavily invested in space.

>tfw 4 big bricklink orders are coming in one day so you can finish 5 space MOC's at once
I'm moist, anons.
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omg it looks awesome!
It's like Time Cuisers theme but done in 2024 and this is one of big sets
fucking awesome!
this is my favorite by far, looks like the copter jock flies in deus ex
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>have 4 packages "out for delivery" from USPS
>mail lady drops off 3
>ask where the 4th I'd
>she doesn't know, but it's not on her truck. Says it may still be at the post office
>post office is a 3 minute drive away
>drive there and ask where my package is
>"hurr durr, it's not here! We don't know where it is. But it'll definitly, most likely, probably get to you tomorrow! Lulz"

I fucking hate the post office. I was able to finish most of my 4 of MOCs, but im missing some pretty important pieces for the last one, plus 2 extra minifigs to complete the team
Dog shit usps
Post what you have finished do far
Yea man, I hate USPS. I was more pissed at myself for actually believing I'd get all 4 packages in one day. I've literally only ever gotten 3, tops. I don't know if there's some hidden maximum number of packages, but I've never gotten more than 3 without some random bullshit happening to the rest. Anyway, here's some of what I got done so far. Got a decent little bike for the Blacktron faction, and got the red windscreen and other pieces for the space police car. Im extremely happy with how these two came out. Other MOC's in the next post
I also was able to finish the two mechs (new windscreen for blacktron along with black fin pieces) and gave the space police mech sturdier ankles and better blue thigh pieces. I totally reworked an old Space Policr jet, put some new details on the Blacktron jet my daughters and I built, got some Blacktron minifig pieces, added more details to the blacktron truck. The last MOC is this damn Space Police ant truck. It's missing the red jail bars, another space police logo foe the other side, and 2 more space police minifigs. I'm so close to being done, and nothing triggers my autism like staring at an unfinished MOC for almost a week and a half now.
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Finally got around to making a pilot
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And details for the inside
Man, these look great. I've always been a fan of your mechs, and the car looks way better with the red cockpit and blue bumper. I can't wait to see the finished product of the SP ant rover. The blue hubcaps and antenna pieces give it good color breakup. Oh, and fuck usps.
These are all great. I really need to start making MOCs of retro Lego themes instead of random cars and tanks. I like the team aesthetic of having multiple sets with the same color scheme. Did the mailman fuck you over again today anon?
Your place looks so crisp. Are you autistic or rich? Tell me what you do for a living right now.
>Monkie Kid team van
can't blame ya kids desu, it's a great set
the vidiyo stage sets were actually pretty cool. They were absolutely dirt cheap. I bought two of the pirate ship sets for 15 each
>I can't wait to see the finished product of the SP ant rover. The blue hubcaps and antenna pieces give it good color breakup.
Thanks. I'm glad there was enough blue in the vehicle so I didn't look solid black. I was worried about that.

>Did the mailman fuck you over again today anon?
Thanks anon. The mailman showed up yesterday morning. I still have a couple space police minifig pieces that should be here Friday to help fill out the ranks. But for now, my autism had settled.

>Are you autistic or rich? Tell me what you do for a living right now.
I work in education, so definitely not rich. Just a typical Lego autist.

Definitly. I'm a huge MK fan. I've tried to get my kids, nieces and nephews to watch the show. Only my youngest daughter is interested.

I remember that. But like I said, I was trying to avoid going down a pirate rabbit hole because I would have wanted to make a base, smaller boats, etc. I still kind of regret passing on those ships though.

Anyway, I finished the Space Police ant buggy. I'm extremely happy with this. This might be the best vehicle I've built yet. I used to only build mechs, so vehicles have always been a challenge. I've learned some really cool building techniques recently, and even figured out how to do sloping cockpits.
>but they preferred to play on the floor with some Monkie Kid shit.
based kids and their boomer dad obessed with black blocks
Good one.
based monkie kids
The printed windscreen from the midi falcon inspired me to redesign my small TIE Phantom. Kind of loving this scale, a lot more playable than my bigger one.
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making a car 6 wide and fitting 4 minifigures leaves little room for design, but I tried.
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My city has built a school! I honestly feel like I designed a better school than most Lego designers
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Class lineup
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love the dojo and music room.

>all the other kids with their pumped up kicks
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Closet anon checking in.

I am not dead just doing other shit like collecting bonkles, playing vidya and lurking as I haven't had shit to post.

I am now in a creative vein of female bonk thingies right now. I have a few ideas. I don't normally do Bionicle MOCs, nor technic, nor female forms or really anything remotely humanoid so this will be a change of pace for me and a challenge.

Nothing here is final this is just her frame for now. I want all arms and legs fully articulated. Feet are very likely getting changed.

The whole goal of this one is to use some of the purple bits from a Technic Boba Fett that have been sitting in my bins unused forever.
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Just got these sweet baseplates
Nice! I got two of those Islanders ones, but still want the other one. Almost got that Adventurers set last year. Got some moc ideas for those?
Gonna make the pirate lad a jungle dwelling, and gonna add the adventurers one to my larger adventurers layout
It gonna have big tiddies? Still waiting to see some of those sets you had on backlog my guy.
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I finished her I'll post pics in just a sec but here's all I have on backlog rn, ain't much.

She's got tiddies but not massive ones.
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Here she is in all her glory.
I think I did OK for my first time:
-Building a custom bonk-alike
-Building a technic humanoid
-Building a female form
-Trying a sexy bonk

I think her name is Jessika yes with a k.

Here she is being tsundere.

Yes I know the feet aren't great I ran out of mental stamina.

Plan to rework them and also plan to give her a BFG of some sort because what's better than a giant sexy robot? A giant sexy robot carrying a gun that could have just as easily been mounted to a tracked vehicle.

And yes, giant. Her scale to minifigs is 1:1, not just a dust collector she's meant to be a combat machine.
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Even with her hastily thrown together feet she can still balance for a high kick somehow.
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Splitz articulation test.


From some angles her legs look too low and small, in others and irl she looks perfectly proportioned. I may move them up in time and remove the ball joint extension I used to tie her legs to the upside down Toa torso. Oh yeah that's her main structure is an upside down black Toa torso.
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She is getting tired of me taking her picture but she doesn't realize how proud I am of her.

>Target antagonization mode test successful.
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Stretching what? I don't know. She's made of actuators and biomyomer. Maybe that.

I know she doesn't have much of an ass, but I didn't have many pieces to do a big fat ass and still have her be articulated like I wanted.

Play value still trumps all else. If she can't function, she might as well be dead.
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All laid out so you can see every inch of her.

See what I mean about the leg positioning? I'm really thinking I might move her legs up to what would be the shoulders of a Toa if the torso was being used as it was originally. Right now they're on a....Barraki? Spinax? pelvis section secured in a very scary and janky manner and it almost makes her torso just a bit too long.

Plus moving her legs to the Toa torso directly would widen her hips a bit and help her feminine form out a bit

Maybe I'll play with making that happen tomorrow.

For now I need to go the fuck to sleep.

Hope you like her; don't be too hard on her - she's sensitive, and also she's my first try at something like this.
Imagine trying to find a dropped piece on that carpet.
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frontier anon here, i bring a little update to the snowy mountain village. it's a small one, but i finished constructing this little log cabin meant for the woodworkers :)

the little purple 1x1 brackets will eventually be replaced for black/brown ones, but i don't have those pieces at this moment.
there's also a little attic space, i'd love to hear some suggestion what i could put there! if you wanna see more feel free to ask :)
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this is also new, the second part of the mountain. i feel a little iffy on the rock work here but i'd love to hear your feedback
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the other part looks like this :)
You mother frogger! That's the Islanders baseplate aint it!? That's my dream set you bastard haha. Give that to me, I want to MOC with it hardcore

This is so awesome friend! I love this so much. You are super skilled in the art of MOC, like really rad
It's not that bad, happens fairly often. While something like a white or flat grey would have been better, that's not what the rest of the room has and would have been custom to that little area vs the rest of the house.

I take my phone, turn on the flashlight, then have the side with the light/camera bump hug the ground, then move it around in various directions, anything that isn't flat like the carpet ends up casting a very long shadow and you find stuff pretty quickly.
ahh thanks man that means a lot to me, thank you very much for the compliment !
You should post more pictures, or a short video clip or something. Looks very detailed and super cool
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Revised my female bonk and made her do fun stuff for an hour. Her torso looked too long before so I redid her hip area and her proportions are far better now. I don't feel the need to make any further major changes to her.

She could stand to have her head joint redone as she can't look down very much right now.

Her knee joints there are some improved parts I need to get that can slim down the cylinder detail parts to add sleekness.

Some of the bonk joints could stand to be upgraded to later molds that may hold a bit better. Her hip joints especially could stand to be much stronger. They work for now but that is the first place I'd improve on.

Some of the violet lift arms have micro cracks in them and I don't have spares.

She could really benefit from some midsection articulation. Though I don't know how I'd do this without making her very weak. I have some ideas. I'm sort of enjoying her strong rigid back right now though.
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Balance test. Improved foot design helps a ton.
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Articulation limit test.
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T-pose test.
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Big rig mudflap test.
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French girl test.
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Kawaii test.
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Push up boob clearance test.
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Obliviousness test.
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Target antagonization mode test.
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Narrowly avoiding fetish content test. (They got away, I need a spaceship crew.)
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Thigh crush test.

No Bionicles were harmed in the making of this technology demonstration.
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Fine motor dexterity, texture-sensing, gentleness, and softness test.
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Actuator limit / biomyomer strength test.

I told you I was enjoying her strong back.
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Sasha test.
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Shooting the ground 50 yards in front of her test.
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Repurposed unsuccessful war machines as agricultural and construction vehicles test.
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Playground equipment test.
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Just absolutely thrilled to have been helpful test.
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Thanks for reading my blog post please like and subscribe test.
Your builds always look great, especially the interiors. Just how do you have that stove attached to the ground? Looks like a round plate with a hole and one with a single stud.
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I posted in the other general it's been years since I've been on /toy/ forgive this anon for being dumb.
I also hope peeps don't mind that I post digital stuff since I really don't have the parts to build some of this stuff.
Also the 4MB limit can suck my fucking nuts.
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These are awesome anon. I wish you did have the parts to build them as they're my favorite blend of sci fi and realism design.

They remind me heavily of something from The Expanse. Look like some of the Martian warships.

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