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Does anyone collect these? I remember some anons were excited for the kickstarter back in the day, but I don’t see much talk of them for the most part. They come up every now and then in the GI Joe threads, but I’m curious of what anons think of them.
Ehhhh. They're ok but the proportions are all wacky. The heads are huge, many have huge eyes, and the guns are not compatible with Classifieds so like what's the point?
Wait why aren’t the guns compatible?
They're big. Larger scale than what Joes come with, and they look bad. Some Joes can't even grip these guns properly.
Those dead eyes. Why does the redhead have Joker scarring?
Idk, the strike me like THE CORPS from lanard toys. Kinda cool but just missing something, some of it looks really neat but nothing gets me excited enough to buy in. Im sure action force will hit its stride in time.
>Why does the redhead have Joker scarring?
Because it's SICK bro!!! Bobby Vala has the taste of a 13 year old boy. That's why. This current wave has a japanese inspired samurai helmet wearing gunner too.
The proportions seem to be even worse with the newest wave. These recent ones just look absolutely horrible. Why is this guy's head so huge, so high, and his shoulders so damn low? The legs also look way too tall.
Then this one looks like one of those budget WWE figures. Huge head, no neck, shoulders way too wide, no abdomen, massive crotch, legs still too long. And where did the detail go in the arms? They look so smooth and shapeless.

For as cocky, arrogant, and obnoxious as Vala is, his figures are really looking bad.
I'm getting dollar store vibes from these.
See, this guy is just too busy. Swords, guns, armor and body armor, helmet and some samurai helmet.
Nobody said to use all the accessories at once
But he's ASIAN though. So exotic. The kids will love it.
Are these guys like 1:12 or something to not mix with Classified?
Rough 1:12 but proportions don't really mix well IMO. Heads and weapons are too large
Is it worth getting them just for accessories for McFarts?
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hmm I wonder what this is supposed to be…
also it’s funny how nobody wanted it since classified is so much better so it’s on sale lol
didnt mcfarlane put out cheap weapon packs?
Pretty sure he planned and designed it before the Classified one was revealed. But still, it seems he wants these to go along with Joes so badly, but so many decisions make these look worse next to Joes.
Plus retro gung ho is readily available. There was some excitement for swapping parts between af and classified at that time though.
Qrd on Vala? I know he used to work for Hasbro but that’s about it.
These look like Fortnite bootlegs.
Funny, because that’s what people used to say Classified looked like
No. Classified are far more detailed in sculpt and paint than any Fortnite figures ever were. These Valaverse figs do looks more simple in the paint department for sure though
Nah Fortnite was kino
I meant more people used to refer to the aesthetic as looking more like something from fortnite, at least with first few waves.
Arrogant, ex-Hasbro employee who literally picks fights and holds grudges against everyone that works for toy companies, many youtubers/influencers, liberals, and pretty much everybody else who isn't himself. He did work on some 4" Joe stuff at Hasbro many years ago but got fired it seems and has it out for everyone there.

Always amazing to me that people with endless grudges in their life never stops to think "...maybe I'M the asshole." Victim mentally all the way down.
>Why does the redhead have Joker scarring?
Glasgow smile
Thank you.
Sounds like a bit of a narcissist.
LOL right? He even worked at Jazwares for just a couple months but also doesn't have good things to say about the people there either. But he isn't the problem. It's everyone he's ever worked with, the CEOs of those companies, people online who criticize or critique his figures, people at Fwoosh, people on Hisstank forums, Boss Fight Studio, and I'm sure I'm forgetting many more too. He seems to have feuds with nearly everyone.

Isn't that a scam company? Those shitty skeletons still haven't been released
On a livestream he showed a 12" Legends Deadpool figure where he'd scribbled rude comments about the Hasbro Marvel team all over the box and even put Ryan Ting's phone number there and some comments about being addicted to strip clubs or something.

Or when he's written nasty notes on the order slips to paying customers who've bought his products because they posted critiques of the figures online he didn't like.
Hahaha, that's childishly petty. I don't think the Anthony's Customs guy is as bad as that even.
Guess who he’s best buds with? That’s right, Michael French, who’s also known to be quite an asshole that just can’t realize it. And guess who he also hates? Hasbro. Guess who he’s shilled for? That’s right, Action Force.
>Guy is literally named ‘Soldier’
Lel. I do like the idea of using the samurai masks in a more modern context though,
Well obviously all the self righteous assholes are going to be best buds. In their eyes, they are better than everyone else and can do no wrong.
Huh. Would probably love these if I was like 8-10, are they aimed at older collectors or something? They kinda seem like cool dollar store toys to take to the beach or woods or something.
>are they aimed at older collectors or something?
Yep. $30ish and online only so definitely collector aimed.
I can't get over how awful the arms look. The forearms are like cylinders that meet the hands. WTF. The lower body is really detailed and then the arms and head feel like they're from a completely different toyline
Oof. That’s really pricy, but that’s I guess the cost of an internet guy doing independent manufacturing, I assume? If these were like ten bucks I’d pick up my nephews and niece some.
$10, are you kidding? 6" figures even from the big manufacturers haven't been $10 each in at least 20 years.
Are you a time traveller?
I mean, I don’t buy those kids expensive toys, they literally take them outside and ruin them doing elaborate violent roleplay. It’s clearance stuff or dollar store toys to be a part of the Great Toy War.
Where are you finding your toys? Even bst is like $20.
>dollar store toys
>thinks 6" super articulated figures with accessories will only be $10
It's ok. Just say you're poor and can only shop at the dollar store.
Aquaman Volcanic Island 4 Pack is like $7 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/DC-Comics-Exclusive-Collectible-Accessories/dp/B09M55ZV1C/ref=sr_1_6?crid=9K7Q2B7R0O7A&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.TQNw-bdw2Ii_1RXdtLUgbofDRS3v25Xqnt6FWsVtI2Fd7wreUIdnOOT66W_1w-OZz2kKYsSNG2JZUSfxPW2AM8fYlBNmFCdDVPRabHKNjfyzdDP6ycCvFsXhA5SVzzMnZcHaJJH7aGPvd0K1iyvdbq4VkngP0Yys5lLQfNnf3pLAIUeS9B9bhKAUK8aVAwfBx7eZH646zELXYH6vRImsPuxSPkGH5jV4X_adi_w7gw3cGAw6hWGDQs9Fa7fz12GojjMiHIiUzurPIWz4CT1ZgMnR5Xn11z1mERRplQqLJsg.tpMmUmmP10B2zpJkzc1O5WY-WbqG-OKIgCZvhRIVN28&dib_tag=se&keywords=dc+mcfarlane&qid=1718228969&sprefix=dc+mcfarlane%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-6
Anon, you're too dumb to be in this thread. Those are 4" figures. The original price of that 4-pack was about $25-30 too. It's just on clearance now.
I GENUINELY THOUGHT THESE WERE 4" FIGURES. Why are their proportions and sculpts so cartoony? I thought you guys were comparing them to 4" G.I. Joe figures until seeing the comment about 6". Wowwwww lol These remind me a lot of the Lanard CORPS figures that Walmart used to sell with those cartoonish and exaggerated proportions
Neat. I’m sure they’ll be used well.
Literally just locally, goodwill, stuff on clearance at bigger stores, dollar stores. They’ve got a big ass field to play in I’m helping turn into a landfill.
Wholesome. Any construction equipment? I used to love doing stuff like that.
I like them, especially the weapons. I even bought the weapons tin. One problem is the weapons are really brittle. Not "3D printed off Etsy" brittle, but close enough. I've broken some of the rifles trying to fit them in their hands. As controversial as this may seem, I see why Classified has softer plastic. They may warp, but they don't break.

That redhead with the scarring (Pandora) is the best figure in the line. She looks unique and her accessories are cool.
The reason they're proportions are so weird is Vala wanted them to be compatible with most popular similar-scaled lines, at the time mainly being Marvel Legends and One;12 Collective.

The market has shifted somewhat, due to the emergence of Classified and all those 3d party 1/12 lines, which are closer to "true" 1/12 and less superhero-y than Legends and One:12.
Exactly my issues too. These seem most obviously companion pieces to Classified, but the proportions and appearance doesn't mesh well with those at all. He should have shifted gears and changed these so they fit with Classified better. But I think he's just far too cocky to admit he made a bad call and make those changes.
Haha... some people really would rather be right than happy.
The level of pettiness to do this is legendary.
Wouldn't he have just refused the order if he was really angy about stuff like that?
Fucking idiot. If you're going to be petty, you have to at least be smart. It's principLES.
He made some half assed attempt to justify himself in the ps.
That’s absolutely hilarious holy shit
If a business owner has enough time to remember petty crap like this, save comments, print them, and pack them in with a customer oder, they have far too much time on their hands. Jesus christ.
Seems like stuff like this actually demonstrates extreme insecurity.
Yeah, it’s really funny but also you know the guy is genuinely seething and might try and dox you or some shit.
A guy like this actually needs review bombing.
100% Vala is a nutjob and totally unhinged. But ask him, and the entire world is the problem, not him. Rumor was he was fired from Hasbro (and Jazwares too maybe?) for being 'hard to work with'. I can't believe someone as level-headed as this would be hard to work with
It makes it so much better that he got it wrong. Really adds to the petty dumb fuckery.
Plus adjusting to Classified would force Vala to admit that its the superior line, which it is.
holy fuck this is pathetic (but funny)
>. One problem is the weapons are really brittle. Not "3D printed off Etsy" brittle, but close enough. I've broken some of the rifles trying to fit them in their hands.

Can anyone else confirm? Have seen lotsa people make a big deal about how much better action force's weapons are but if they're so far the other direction from soft they're breaking, IDK
He's also claimed multiple times that this line is NOT a complementary line to Hasbro's Joes, yet he makes shit like this >>11029242 and other figures that are clear ripoffs of Joes. You can't believe a thing that comes out of his mouth.

He's just so afraid of implying this his figures are worse than Hasbro's that he can't bring himself to do what the customers actually want.
>makes his own toys
>still makes diversity hires nobody wants
and does anyone genuinely think these are better than Classified?
>does anyone genuinely think these are better than Classified?
No. Just Bobby. These were exciting and better when Classified didn't exist, when there was no 6" Joe line. But now Clasified is better than ever, better looking, more 'realistic' even by Joe standards, and better values than these.
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Already posted this in the Joe thread but they're not bad. The proportions in the new wave pics seem completely fucked, but the few figs I have are pretty good and work well with Classified, which is the superior line.

My issue with Vala is his named characters look too boring to be named characters, the design is too generic action movie stuff, ironically his generic troopers are better.
Would these scale ok with McFarts if you wanted something for your DC guys to fight?
Not at all.
Not at all. I don't have any mcfarlane to compare, but they're way bigger than both vala or classified, these guys are more in line with legends.
I like the villains. They make good Dreadnoks.

I also like the weapon sets but wish they would just due them all in the same deco instead of doing rainbow sets.
>more 'realistic' even by Joe standards

but they don't get every weapon and pouch detail excruciatingly real-world accurate and they're like, too woke to say "gun" sometimes

>The proportions in the new wave pics seem completely fucked
Right, it's weird because the Action Force figures are looking worse and worse as the line goes on. How do the earlier figures look better in this regard and then get worse as he gets more experience making figures? That doesn't make sense.
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Do Classifieds need heating up like Valaverse?
The ones I have are slightly taller than Classified. I dont like these figures too much.
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I feel like it's a case by case thing. Some stuff looks okay, but generally they are a bit large, especially for female Joes
They're a very hard plastic, but I've never felt like I was gonna break anything unless I really tried.
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Unhelmeted characters are just a no go for me at this point though.
>the guns are not compatible with Classifieds
Nope, why does he look so upset there?
The one on the right actually has cleavage?
A teeny tiny bit, but she's also got that Joan Rivers face
I've never broken any of them, but I think they'd benefit from a bit of flex since they're so slavishly devoted to accuracy that the buttocks are often just a skoche too big to get properly shouldered because plastic on plastic and physics. Especially the AA-12.
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They're better at shouldering them without the bulky vests. I've thought about getting the plate carrier sets and swapping those on, but I don't know how well the colors would work out
After seeing all the pictures and discourse online, I had plans to find a better, sexier head for Cover Girl; but after getting mine, I don't hate it. Its not the best female Classified head, but I don't think its unattractive.
I think the discrepancy comes from viewing the figure super up close, blown-up on a screen vs. Holding it in your hand or looking at it on a shelf. Figures seem to look worse online.

I remember the same phenomenon happening 20 years ago when I would visit JoeBatttlelines, GeneralsJoes and other Joe Review/Dio-Story sites of that moment. They would review a figure and it would look weird/gangly/disproportionate, but when you'd come across it in the store, It looked fine and I bought it anyway.

Anyone else experience something like that?
I should take the time to reiterate that if I were running Classified, I would have saved her Jacket/Red Hair look for a vehicle or retro card and used something similar to the awesome and gorgeous gearhead from the War On Cobra mobile game.
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Dammit, for the image
>Anyone else experience something like that?
Constantly. People complain about figures here all the time and I'm like, "no shit, you're looking at it from 2 inches away".
Nah, she looks like an old hag with too much plastic surgery from any distance
Does he live at an Antartic outpost? Why so many layers of jackets?
Looks like he’s wearing his Luke Bespin shirt his Han Bespin jacket. Strange.
*under his
Ordered the android for my Joe unit because GI-Joe androids are ass looking.
These look more like the ninjas from Metal Gear Solid than war androids. Robots are expensive, the BATs look cheap because they are, since they have to be mass-produced.
>BATs look cheap because they are, since they have to be mass-produced
It's a fictional toyline anon
I thought it was supposed to be like the mech suits from the movie. Then again I only really know half the characters/og toys at best.
I'm just waiting for an official Gina figure
The sculpt and articulation looks decent, but man, that's just like 95% unpainted plastic isn't it? God forbid Hasbro did that on a Joe and you know Vala and his people would shit all over them.

It's almost funny how anti-left he just HAS to be. It's in his blood. He intentionally goes out of his way to do everything he can to infuriate the liberals and corporate folk lol. I'm 99.9% certain he was at Jan 6 passing out Action Force figures somewhere.
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I didn't check out their stuff for months. This one guy is neat. I have squad of swarm troopers in my collection, the Valaverse faceless soldiers are the only thing that interest me from this line.
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I loved that 3d sculpt when he teased it and was very excited to see the final figure. But this just looks so underwhelming to me. It's how bare and plain it looks like >>11033214 said. The entire thing looks like bare plastic and cheap. There actually is also some gunmetal at the hips, fingers, and collarbone area, but that doesn't stand out at all. I just think this whole recent wave is just a mess. All the figures look way worse than everything else before them in this line.

Look how much better this looked in the renders when the grey and black stood out more. Now it just looks like a monochrome mess. For as cocky as Mr. Vala is, he's really dropping the ball on all the most recent stuff. That silly looking mommy wagon vehicle too. Did anyone actually buy that? I've barely seen more than a pic or two.
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Look what happened from render to actual figure. Holy crap everything got worse. Especially the shoulders, chest, neck and head. How did things go so badly?
Wow that’s awful. How does he not see an issue with this?
No idea! He's been shitting on Hasbro and tons of other companies for the most minor things on their figures, and this entire wave of his figures looks really bad.
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Their guns are far from brittle. There are confirmed reports of ppl breaking the figures in the earlier waves, but the guns were always solid physically (proportions, up for debate). SO when ppl say the guns are brittle, they are either suffering from hamhands syndrome or lying to you because they have a hate boner for this company. I haven't broken a gun, but then again I deal with Little armory stuff.

>t. someone who bought all vala weapon packs.
There's about 3/4 of a head-length between the top of the shoulders and the guy's chin. LOL

Meanwhile, this >>11029224 guy's chin is level with his shoulders.
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Does anyone own the ghillie suit snipers? They’re the only thing that kinda stands out to me but they look iffy. Looks like that cheap “grass” stuff you put in Easter baskets
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The scale of the material is just too far off from being realistic. It just looks like massive bird feathers hanging over a figure. Don't like them.
Don't worry, 3POA will definetly not ignore this while they complain about Hasbro.
how big are these guys compared to figma
Too tall to be compatible, imo.
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Looks like I'll have to wait for that figma US marine to release
I forget nice that Tracer is. I have it but never touch it.
Sorry HasBROs, but Action Force DESTROYS classifieds. Watch our lord and savior, Bobby Vala, break down how Hasbro delivers an inferior product compared to what Valaverse does.
Does your snake eyes have wings?
Not gonna watch the video because I can't stand the smug jackass, but does he critique the proportions, lack of paint, or bad head sculpts of any of the other figures? Because he has no room to speak after his laughable current figure offerings.
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God, he's such an insufferable cunt. Lots of comments are ripping his criticism and blatant hypocrisy apart but he just takes it. Doing the whole 'any engagement is good engagement thing' that all the hate/conspiracy channels on social media do now.

The correcting people's grammar/spelling is hilarious too. The idiot has made far more mistakes in the past and even in that petty ass note here >>11029422
I'd be interested to know how much he actually sells. I flicked through another video where he got a delivery of the Legend of the White Dragon stuff, he's pretty cringe on camera but seemed like he had a massive amount of stock piled up, and making figures for a fan movie based on a dead franchise? If he was Hasbro that shit would be dumped at discount stores in a few months, but he'll just be stuck with it.
He's claimed he's made several million dollars worth or something, but I wouldn't believe a word he says. He probably does well enough to stay afloat until the next wave, but he's probably taking the profits from one wave to pay for the next. Doesn't seem sustainable forever.

I can't imagine the White Dragon stuff or that ugly vehicle are going to break even after all is said and done. Tooling costs and licensing fees rights for both too.
Yeah he had a Red Bull
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I like the line because it’s easy to kitbash.
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imagine paying the schizo 30 bucks for knock off classified figures
Dude Final Faction is onky $1.25 per pack. Yeah the quality is so so but Jesus for the price they are amazing
Jesus, he took this ugly one and made it even uglier. What the fuck is going through his head? Why does absolutely anyone praise this nonsense? Just because they hate Hasbro that bad?
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Bobby has the taste of a 13 year old lol. So many cliche, corny things
Fuck off with this. You seriously can't be this dumb to seriously compare dollar store figures to a small company's boutique run of super articulated figures can you?
Idk it looks kinda cool
hi bobby
Also, how does this man get on Hasbro's case about lack of paint and other shit, and then churn out figures that look almost entirely like bare, unpainted plastic?
Its too damn busy. A samurai with a gun like this figure has been put together is just goofy.
Fun is fun man, i guess that guy enjoyed final faction and felt it was a good valye. I thought they were just as exciting as a $25 dollar toy.
And the fact he has the audacity to charge an extra $5 for it.
The Fresh Monkey Fiction Monster Force line soldiers all look so much better than the Valaverse figures. For starters, the heads are not oversized, proportions overall look so much better, designs are further in the 'fantasy' or 'sci-fi' realm and not some weird middle ground like Vala's, and the addition of monsters to go along with the more generic soldier looking types is just too cool.
Dude is the Zack Snyder of action figure making.
That's such a good analogy
Ive been on the monster force hype wagon for awhile now, im really hoping these meet expectations. Bbts says they should start shipping in august now, an update from just a 2024 window.
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Ppl on Preternia's twitter are not liking this either lol
They should use Ligier Mallamas as a face model for an upcoming figure if they want ugly.
I dunno that the tsuchigumo kabuki makeup works here. I kinda get what they were going for, though.
Still largely strikes me as Budo with different codename.
Genuinely how are they still in business? Who the hell is buying these?
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I'm buying the latest weapon pack just because of the Socom. I'm a sucker for MGS. The vector looks good too.
>that first comment
Go fuck yourself.
Gosh he should just stick to making masked grunts. They are his best looking figures.
She also has deltoids that would put Arnold to shame
That guy isn't wrong though. Most of Action Force's designs are trying to hard to be like Joe characters but just miss the mark and feel much more like generic, poorly thought out goons
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which one would you pick
Did people actually buy this Action Force soccer mom SUV? I know people were defending it before it was released but I haven't really seen many pics of people that bought it. Bobby also had to pay licensing fees to Rezvani for using the design too. I have no idea why he didn't do a more traditionally tactical/military looking vehicle.
The problem is not that it looks like a mall ninja, the problem is that it shits on Larry Hama.

I preordered the stinger. I like the vanguard for what it is (an urban armored vehicle), but it's too big, and I don't mean the size of the toy, but the model itself, even irl looks just like an oversized suv.
Well yeah, I need it for my Marvel Legends Aunt May so she can help Spider-Man
I bought the male and female Steel Brigade figures because I like them better than the Hasbro ones, and I also bought Blowback so I could do a head swap on my Falcon figure. They're alright although I generally prefer GI Joe because I liek the characters more, and some of the Valaverse faces look weird (though honestly the same can be said about GI Joe Classified).
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I know there's no replacement head that's gonna make everyone happy but I was really pleased with how the Marvel Legends Emma Frost head looks on her. I had to repaint the lips but that was easy.
I don't keep up with GI joe stuff, is there any plans on a vamp re-issue?
Its a bit of an improvement, but the neck now looks way too long. Have you considered the Sharon Carter head? I think it looks a bit prettier and a bit more similar to Covergirl
To each their own I guess. I think her jawline and chin looks a little bit too western video game though.
To be fair, one's a 3d render whose joints and limbs are clipping, with perfect lighting, made of polygons instead of molded plastic, and the other is a real figure where joints add height, width and depth to the molded pieces, plastic overlays aren't perfectly positioned because physicality is a thing, and unpainted plastic is going to look like plastic in strong lighting.

The sculpt looks identical, except for the 3d model looking girthier. Not sure if that's because they didn't anticipate for the shrink that comes from molding (~5%) or if it's just the camera lens. Could be both.

It's all super minor shit that i think you guys are overblowing because you don't like the creator.

... also, does any other company actually show renders to consumers that ancipate what it would look like with that shrink or do they just show the normal render and nobody cares enough to be super critical about the tiny differences?

Disclaimer: i don't own anything from this brand because all these figures are so boring to look at it. Just a passer-by because i saw some cool guns, which i wouldn't buy either, because i'd rather spend $100 for a Mezco figure or vintage McFarlane army figure for their much better weapons.
>It's all super minor shit that i think you guys are overblowing because you don't like the creator.
Wrong. At the end of the day, Classifieds look better so I’m just gonna get those.
>It's all super minor shit that i think you guys are overblowing because you don't like the creator.

The issue is Vala himself shits on Hasbro for stuff like this constantly. It's no exaggeration, even in his videos presenting his figures he unprompted shits on Joes for any reason, it's actually weird. So him being so overly critical of Joes opens his stuff for criticism, and it just so happen his figures are inferior.

They are not bad, though, I have quite a few and enjoy them, to the point where I may get the tan vanguard.
Put it perfectly there. I have a boatload of the figures and like them a lot, but they are objectively lesser figures compared to much of Classified. Especially with all the weird qc issues on wave one. It seems like they still have trouble with the sonic welding of the torsos for the basic male buck, too.
This. Bobby Vala is such an insufferable prick and literally cannot stop shitting on Hasbro's figures for the most minor things when his figures have all the same problems and then some more on top of it. This latest wave of Action Force also looks like the worst one yet so he has no room to speak.
What figures did he design when he was with Hasbro?
The 80'th anniversary Thor I know for a fact.
Not sure. Several of the 4" Joes from the Pursuit of Cobra era, and some 4" Marvel Universe figs I believe. And I think I recall him posting about designing some figs from the Marvel Legends Kingpin BAF wave that had Red Goblin, Black Cat, etc.
The 12" Captain America they turned into Super Adaptoid, as well.
Bobby Vala is an arrogant shit who took a series he didn't create, then re-named it after himself while trying to merge classic GI Joe and Metal Gear Solid without actually coming up with any new ideas.
But nooooooo. He claims this is NOT a GI Joe rip off and Mr. Vala would never lie to his devout fans. And even though he literally scooped up an expired GI Joe trademark and has figures named after the GI Joe character, this is not a rip off. And the name of the line? Yes, GI Joe was branded as 'Action Force' in some regions, but again, Mr. Vala swears this is it's own thing and not a rip off or homage to GI Joe.
Then why is he always comparing the two?
Not yet, but plenty of people want one. Gotta remember, classified still hasnt re issued serpentor, dr mindbenderor even an old figure like major bludd. We only just got a beach head retro figure after years of waiting while firefly got a basically new figure instead of a re issue. Vamp will come back out, but who the fuck knows when and what will be changed. These are all exclusive figures btw, vamp was pulse only.
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This is such a deranged thing to go through with. Like shouldn't your first thought be that the customer had a change of heart? Shouldn't your second thought just be gratefulness that you didn't lose a customer?
SDCC Cobra Missile playset remake and the figures. TERRIBLE kit bashes off Cobra Commander, Officer and trooper.
You don't know what sarcasm is I guess
>Zack Snyder
There's one similarity I wish they both had. It would hopefully humble and serve Bobo Vala a sobering, humbling experience he has earned for being the ultimate prick to the world.
I like that head! Only problem right now its she's in a $75 box set filled with figures I don't need. If I could find a way to get her and all those guns for a decent price, I would.
IDK what anyone says, Kimboblock is the coolest motherfucker in Classified.
Did you just insinuate you'd like his kid to unalive themself? That's brutal lol. But I mean, I guess he shouldn't be a dick to everyone and create so much animosity then
Stuff from the new vid just so you don't have to watch it.

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New headpack
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Exclusive dirty Vanguard. I actually like it in gray.
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Some con exclusive robot. The translucent bits look neat.
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New weapon with effects
Upgrade kits for vanguard
Cancer charity stuff
Edgier pandora
Hand packs, this is actually a fantastic idea
The next vehicle is a giant mosquito
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Random experiments with vac metal and realm facial hair at 1/12.

That's it. Video here:

Can he not afford to paint his figures any more? Stuff like this looks awful. As much as he makes fun of Legends for not having any paint, a lot of these recent figs are so plain looking when they are almost entirely bare, unpainted plastic. Pandora is also cringey and not nearly as badass as he seems to think.
Clarification, only the Steel Brigade is a charity piece.
Was hoping it was going to be a Little Bird, but I could probably do something with an orinthopter.
Kill yourself.

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