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I miss these lil niggas like you wouldnt believe
I do
My local comic shop got in a bunch of them from a collection he bought and had shit like the Jim Lee Rogue three pack for $40 (sadly I waited too late and someone bought it).

I want to kind of get back into them but the line missed a LOT of core characters (no Polaris, no proper Invisible Woman that goes with the Secret Wars 2packs of the FF), no proper classic furry Beast (just the Grey variant) or even black/red human Beast figure to complete X-Factor, no Tigra for WCAs, no Wasp, no proper classic Venom, no Thunderbolts, no Under Siege Masters of Evil, several characters only available in multi-packs (see Taskmaster and Dark Phoenix), and a lot of unfinished teams in general.
Its a shame that no one is doing these, jazwares or jakks could probably do a real nice job if they had the license.
I can't think of a more stark example of the decline of the industry than comparing these to the epic hero figures.
Is that the new line ive seen?
I just like the scale of these next to each other. I don't care about the overall size, but it's be nice to have an ironman, thor, and hulk that are all the same height.
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But that's incorrect scaling... Typical kid.
Fucking loved the Marvel Universe line. I wish we could have it back and at the quality it was hitting at its peak. I'd be more excited for that over any Legends release. To hell with the Epic Heroes line.
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please just go away zoomer.
selling them at 17$(tvc), they'd be doa. hasbro either is unable or unwilling to sell a quality 3.75" figure at a competitive price.
If they kept them with double joints and accessories like Legends and used the photo real printing for doing faces and whatnot, I'd be fine with paying $17. I already pay more than that for imported 1:18 figures anyway and collect TVC so I'm used to the price. Fuck I'd pay that even for Hasbro to do 4" G.I. Joes again if the could match the quality of Classified.
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I regret not getting Death's Head
I thought they were pretty alright. I had the Fantastic Four on my work desk for a while.
Fantastic Four was among the worst figures they made....

Human Torch and Thing were the only ones available as single card release and Thing came out after they released the Secret Wars 2-pack Thing

Single card Human Torches all suck, one is super nova black plastic and the other is non-flame Johnny Storm but his hair is literal fire so can't have a normal looking Johnny

Secret Wars has Thing, Reed, and regular torch Johnny Storm so the logic would be to release Sue as a stand-alone figure.....

Psyche! She's only available in a three pack with Sue and Reed and Thing and Reed/Sue have their Hickman costumes, so fuck you if you bought SW Reed and Thing since they have their classic costumes.
I just got the HERBIE set and a loose flamed on Johnny I got for cheap. It's not ideal but it was fine for my desk.
I found this guy at my local comic shop and now I've got the itch for more, but these things are getting expensive in the aftermarket.
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Marvel Universe was when Hasbro was at its best for toys. It's a damn shame they wanted to strip the value from them at the end. The Spiderman subline was a personal favorite. This pic's from like 11 years ago and it was a fun time.
Everytime i see a new ML being announced, i look at its engineering and think: Hey, are they finally restarting the MU toyline?

But nope, still the same old shit since Hasbro's high point.
Well, that's a lie, because i guess the new MLs have double jointed shoulders now? That's nice of them.
I can't believe people accepted the Marvel Universe bucks as they were the first several years. The parts they added to them we generally just lazy and sloppy and loose.
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Its a damn shame, im a 3.75 chad so seeing hasbro completely sideline and eventually abandon the scale practically over night broke me. Itll never go back to what it once tho since normalfags prefer 1:12 scale more anyhow. Toy collecting was so much more fun 10 years ago
>at the same height

You're blind AND stupid.
Huh. I saw those orbs in clearance at TJ Maxx anf wondered if yhey would go good in a figure display, maybe even painted.
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Just posting some ancient pictures from better days
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Soul. I miss when 3.75 inch was the dominant scale.
Wish they had made a Milano ship for the Guardians in this scale
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best hulk coming through
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These guys kept me in the toy maze
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I had to make my own cosmic ghost rider

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