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Jenny Wakeman Youtooz plushie
Oh man, 30-year-old autists are winning
*23 year old autists
No wonder why it never released.
>Jenny Wakeman Youtooz plushie
Aren't these Jenny plushies coming out June 18th?
jenny... lay down the burgers
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whatever they dont sell it to real countrys
They definitely seem to be trying to get as much money out of the license as possible. Is the next thing a Shogun Warriors-style XJ-9?
Super7 does Super Shogun, all be it once every blue moon. I doubt an obscure Nicktoon like MLaaTR would ever get the Super Shogun treatment.
She ate a bee
Super 7 is a faggot company holy shit fuck off with these retarded ideas.
Would Jenny the Flamethrower been easier to understand?
God I love being white
Probably explains why Super7 hasn't even made a 5poa of Jenny Wakeman.
Isn't she about a decade too late for them? In any case, the horny thought is a model kit that has a "skeleton" so you can see Jenny's internals.
I'll never understand why so many of you like this semi obscure, ugly looking character. Her show wasn't even good.
>real countrys
idk all the good ones are there
Fuck you i love MLAATR
>Uk white
Why did Nerdrotic go woke & have his own plushes made?
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i actually drew something like that a few weeks ago. I even included ideas for new jumbo machinder styled accessories along with some of the standard old ones.
Wow you retards can only ever draw shit and never make it
That is how it is for actual companies as well. The person who draws the design and the person who sculpts the products are usually different.
they don't have any proxy services in your "real" country?
Danny Phantom was the better show.
So the face is because of Viacom? Strange.

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