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So… what does Ashley’s underlying body look like?
I mean it looks like a seamless body, usually they have nipples but nothing down below. If you really wanna find out, just buy it
This thing is creepy
Since when do gamers buy toys?
They prefer statues generally from my experience. Just something they can put on their desk and jack off to
Games are toys
we really need official RE figs
You ever seen your mom naked? Kinda like that.
Did you ever find out how Padme looked like, btw?
>what does Ashley’s underlying body look like?
Wouldn't it basically just be PeachMilky_?
It's supposed to look like an attractive white girl, they all look like they're dead inside.
Since when do gamers buy toys?
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original Ashley toys never ever
Ask jada and storm collectibles.
That's Julianne Moore, who the hell's Ashley?
Pretty sure Ella Freya has photoshoots out there
Let me save you some money, it will be some low detail nips and a body that don't look quite right no matter how you pose it. You can already see there is a skin tone mismatch on the face and body and it's a fucking promo shot. The clothes obscure the fact that the neck and wrists, and feet look awkward as fuck

T. Impulse bought one too many seamless figure
My JoyToy Sniper Rin was made to look comfortable in her multiple layers of clothes. Well, since the thickness of cloth to us compared to 1/12 figures can only be adjusted so much, they make up for it by thinning the body and elongating the neck. Straight up looks like a Kaminoan without her shirt. So it stays on. Permanently.
Sounds kinda chunky when put like that
She looks like she needs a good rest.
>using the face model for the body instead of the body model

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