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Question of the Thread - What’s the most underrated Pokémon?

Last time on Pokémon general: >>11005207
-Flygon Select showing up in targets
-Golispod Select leaked
-Scizor plamo coming
-morelull merch coming
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this months checklist thanks to the amazing checklist girl
Are Flapple, Shuckle and Murkrow available in any sets other than the ones that only get released outside of the US or the forest set for Murkrow?
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>What’s the most underrated Pokémon?
Castform is a fun little weather guy. Been meaning to get some figures of it.
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Why doesn't Bandai/Jazwares just make bigger versions of the Shodos?
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>Why doesn't Bandai/Jazwares just make articulated figures of these Pokemon
Isn't Jazwares doing exactly that? They've even done many of the Shodo mons already. Lucario, Metagross, Garchomp, Greninja, Charizard, Mewtwo, Ttar, Dragapult.
so what’s the best Ho-Oh and Darkrai figures currently?
Aside from wave 1, Shodo had articulation implemented extremely well, especially despite the small size.
I didn't realize anyone else liked my Trasheap Pokemon. Love them.
>Found this on the Target shelf last week, clearance tagged.
What location? Also just noticed a few other mons are on clearance too. Specifically, Toxtricity, Rillaboom, the Cinderace pack, and the fossil 6-pack
I like how this implies they're not the same fucking company.
>he thinks one-sided elbows are good
>he thinks preposed elbows are good
They're doing it, but disappointingly bad.
-Lucario, Greninja and Mewtwo are decent.
-Garchomp and Charizard don't have as much articulation as their Shodo counterparts
-Metagross is pretty much the same
-Tyranitar is by far the most disappointing. it can barely move anything.
-The only good Jazwares figure is Dragapult because of its cool as tail.
plus, Shodo come with accessories, while Jazwares only has 2 figures that have accessories. It's clear to see Shodo just beats the articulation wise. Jazwares is more accurate, but they're more bricks than action figures, which is what they're promoting with the Selects line.
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lickitung is the most underrated Pokemon and it also just so happens to be my favorite
You know no one wants Toxtricity when even Nostalgicadam (the jazwares review guy) only reviewed Flygon.
I see at least three times more Toxtricity's than Flygons at the stores I visit. It's just not a great figure with how huge it is compared to everything else and the lack of articulation
pre-posed elbows don't detach
Is that 2” going to be a Paldean or normal Wooper?
He's one of my favs too
one-sided elbows aren't static
at least they're secure and how it'd be posed anyway
Wish stores stocked better still.
For real. Basically each wave from each of the lines end up being sold at only one or two retailers. It's a total pain in the ass.

Macy's and Kohl's are the only ones apparently getting the Butterfree wave. The latest environment sets with Torkoal+Croagunk+Caterpie are only at a couple Super Targets and not chain wide. The last 4" wave with Ttar was only at Target for a split second.
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Impatiently waiting for the single Jazwares Clefairy release...
My two pack Fennekin falls over to its right. Was that common? I put another figure next to its red ear part to keep it standing up.
I'm still mad the small Lucario can't stand at all.
You guys can't reposition the limbs? Just use some heat or boiling water and try to set the limbs in a better position.

Wasn't there another single 5below wave shown since then too which also hasn't come out?
>Wasn't there another single 5below wave shown since then too which also hasn't come out?
I think so. I wish 5Below would hurry up and put this stuff out already...
I fixed up a Pawniard with warped legs like that in the past but the Fennekin doesn't really look fixable with heat. The back feet that are basically attached to the body are uneven and it falls over on the side where its head it tilted.
Try heating and leaning the head to the opposite direction. I've had luck doing a similar thing with others when the legs didn't want to stay in place.
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Did this A-Marowak have any balancing issues? Been eyeing this 3 pack mainly for the 2 smaller figures.
No balance problems. The tail rests on the ground and stabilizes it in any position
which of these scales with jazwares and figma
Plamo Greninja, Cinderace, and the not yet released Scizor
No but its bone is still bent, just like the Tomy's
>No but its bone is still bent
Yep, with my solo.
Pic rel for plamo.
The JW Selects are also largely fine, besides oversized ones like Lucario and Greninja.
For Shodo, I remember seeing Umbreon work?
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>What’s the most underrated Pokémon?
Everyone seems to hate Chesnaught. I don't get why. It's a big squirrel in space marine armor. It's aesthetically and mechanically unlike any prior Pokemon and forms a good thematic trio with its generation's starters and a strong visual and thematic throughline for its evo chain. It plays well for the campaign, even if it's kind of dogshit competitively, but then so are most Grass starters. If you want more typically Grass type earthy colors, the shiny exists. Plus, the name is incredible.

I dunno, I think he's cool as hell, up there with Sceptile and Torterra for my favorite starters.

Great gimmick done amazingly dirty. We need a Sandstorm form since yesterday. And an evo or Mega or something.
>Everyone seems to hate Chesnaught.
I thought everyone hated Quilladin, not Chesnaught.
Already have Garde
The Gyarados and Garchomp are too small relative to the Jazwares
Gengar and Metagross honestly seem like okay-ish alternatives to Jazwares with better articulation
Wish I didnt miss out on D-arts Mewtwo and Lucario, looks so much better than the Jazwares ones
Undecided if I want the Arceus
I'll add I got Groudon and the Rayquazas as well, but they're obviously on the small side.
The Dragonite/Charizard set are also babies by comparison with every Plamo Select.
why would you want to limit yourself to preposed when it's better to pose it yourself? secure as they are, they're not fun
Break it in two, drill some holes and put in a 0.1mm joint in. Now go have fun.
it's still better than one-sided joints that fall off anyway
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Why do Kaijumons get so little love relative to how much they were shilled back in the day?
>still no Aggron
>still no Rhydon
>still no Nidos
>finally got Tyrannitar and he has no articulation
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This kinda reminds me, did Bagon piss off someone at jazwares? I remember a 2" figure was listed at some point but it got replaced with something else. Then the Salamence select also never resurfaced either. With Roaring Moon being a thing you'd think they go with the regular Salamence line like how they did Misdreavus.
He got a 6" and a 4.5". What else do you expect?
In the next 4.5" wave

The Nidos seem really plausible with how consistently they keep going back and giving more Kanto mons every round of waves
Yeah I'm also really sad the listings for the Salamence and Bagon figures at one point still haven't produced anything :(. But they're making all the pseudos so it seems like they'll be made eventually.
We still can there's time left in the gen. If they start popping up in the later parts of anime then things might ramp up.
I actually do love it. I hate all the Paradox designs and the entire concept as a whole. Except for Slither Wing who looks cool. But all the Paldea Pokemon toys feel like they're taking way longer to be made for all companies, not just Jazwares, compared to years past in prior generations. If Generaton 10 is really an extra year away, maybe there is still a chance for Paradox and many more Paldea Pokemon though.
do we have a date for when the kalos sitting cuties will come to the west?
If you really want the Nidos, get the aliexpress statues
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I think the jap side is going at a fair pace for the paradox pokemon. Moncolle did Flutter, Moon and Walking Wake. There's those two metal figures of Moth and Bundle. And there were some stationary figures for Thorns and Slither.
they’re not cute or furfagbait, therefore they receive little merchandise
>What’s the most underrated Pokémon?
Klink or Vanillish, I know it's hip to hate on the objectmons but those two are really funny and memorable.
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I went to Target and they had a few Enteis out, but the system said it was too early and the cashier took it away.
Did you see the street date?
June 23. That's the date the site has had for weeks now.
See you Sunday then
Such an american thing to put wares on the shelf that they can't sell.
>and the cashier took it away.
That will never not piss me off.
This is why you self checkout. Grab one that will scan, put Entei in the bag instead after scanning the other, and tell the worker you changed your mind about the other and don't want it.
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Penny and eeveelutions
Scale world chads are eating good
Yawn. SV has no good characters compared to prev games
Fail World wins again
The Gardevoir in the Pokemon Ovaltique set has a design flaw: the gold pattern on it is not lined up with the cap of the egg so it doesn't fit flush. This is visible even in ReMent's own stock demonstration video.


You would need to shave down the gold plastic to let the cap fit correctly, otherwise it can only sit on top loosely.
Does anyone even like this character? And anyone who's been collecting scale world will already have some or most of these Pokemon. Really not the greatest batch.
I thought Penny was a fan favorite?
Oh they're finally doing Penny? Good, been wanting to complete the trio
>responding to shitposting
One good way to kinda tell is how much their illustration full art cards are worth. Penny's are worth nothing compared to like Carmine and Iono. Geeta's are like the absolute bottom of the barrel.
This generation has the worst characters in decades. None are stand outs. Coincidence Figma isn't doing anything? They all have boring designs too aside from the minor characters who would never get Figmas anyway
Those painted on glasses don't look good at all
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New sleeping Pokémon figure set
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Pokémon VS figure set
Lycanroc is such an inspired choice. But having the super tiny Pokemon like Tinkatink and bigger ones like Lycanroc all the same size really bugs me.
where the FUCK is my Rika figma
I mainly want Aggron
Being a Hoennfag is suffering
>skarmory never ever
>armaldo never ever
>cacturne never ever
>milotic never ever
>salamence never ever
>latis never ever
>groudon never ever
>kyogre never ever
I've been reduced to buying plushies
fuck yes, time to buy a few to scalp in the future. Eeveelution retards eat this shit up every time
SV cast gigamogs BW/2 tbqh but borts and Nfujos aren't ready for that conversation
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Bea figma never ;_;
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I care. and she got a goddamn Fail World of all things instead
jack off schmack off, she's the best representative trainer for fighting type monsters. and since she's a martial artist, she's toyetic too compared to various others
She's not sexy neither but she'd still make a great figma
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Toy of him never ever.
Salamence got an old Hasbro figure, Jakks fig, Plamo, and is rumored for the Select line. Groudon and Kyogre got massive Tomy vinyl figures that scale pretty well with most Jazwares stuff and the Select Rayquaza
There's a Moncolle XL or whatever it's called.
The Tomy Kyogre and Groudon are good. We need more modern versions of the starter evos though.
Yes! That planned 6" Jaz Blaziken can't come soon enough! Sceptile and Swampert would be great to finally have large articulated figures of them too. Hopefully in a wave soon. I wish every 6" wave had at least one starter form. There's too many that need good figures still and most all of them fit that figure size well.
Reminder that Fail World is Bandai's Square Enix toyline. You'll buy it anyway at that price because you have no choice, even the scam site is eating good with it
>First Penny figure
>Scale world
Is it that hard to make figmas or SH figuarts of them? like really. is it that hard to give them articulated figures?
Reminder that at least 3 of them stuck around for years, and now we're down to two. Also I don't think Penny is even that popular, unless she's another Raihan who mysteriously is.
This is why. Also, Penny sucks. Not a visually interesting design
They still have a back log of other characters they can use to make figures out of. At least somebody to represent every game, like Nemona [spoiler]if you hate Penny that much[/spoiler]

They're also to damn expensive, they don't have to be made by Good Smile necessarily, like just release basic figures with no accessories and have them made by another manufacture (Except Jazwares, cause they can't even get the Pokemon right)
>They still have a back log of other characters they can use to make figures out of
No, Poke Center clearly only wants Figmas of the current game's characters. No reason they'd change now.

>they don't have to be made by Good Smile necessarily
They do if they want Figmas. What else is there anyway that's a premium brand? SHF did Pokemon humans already and didn't continue after Team Rocket.
I wish Jazwares would assign their human designers already
>only want figmas of the current games characters.
Nemona, Arven and Kieren then. they're the gold standards right now. If we want to go anime, literally Liko and Roy. they have options

>what eles is there anyway that's premium
Well Jazwares ain't premium either. Jakks was able to make figures of Ash, Dawn and Brock. sure, they weren't high quality like figmas, but they at least gave dawn and brock figures and with basic articulation.
>You'll buy it anyway
Nah, I don't buy those. You got me on Bring Arts though.
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Is the tail on the Jazwares Slowpoke supposed to be able to go 360? I just got one and it seems to have stoppers when the tail almost hits the ground on the side. I'm not really sure if its just stuck cause one of the back legs was pretty stiff too but I could tell from the other back leg that it could rotate all the way.
of all the characters to finally get figmas why did it have to be the two most boring femprotag designs as well as le indian social media man instead of literally anyone else
where the FUCK is my misty
where the FUCK is my cynthia
where the FUCK is my may
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Gloria is best girl. But yeah, whoever thought Raihan was a good idea in the first place deserves to be fired. It shouldve been Leon
I don't mind Gloria. The only femprotags I don't like are Gens 7 (SM and Ultra) and 9. Orginal May and Hilda imo look the most "Pokemon trainer" to me.
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>Gloria is best girl
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I'm sick of this taco-fest of trainers, but the only guys I want are Ethan and Ray. We also almost got Paul that one time. I love that guy
tfw my wife doesn't get a stupid scale world or her own pokemon card, but the rest of the kanto elite 4 does (no tag team with Misty does not count).
I want to suck on those
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mine 360's. Unless they made 2 different ones
>whoever thought Raihan was a good idea in the first place deserves to be fired.
anon, Raihan is and was incredibly populair in japan, and they seemingly based the figma selection on the japanese populairity.
besides the US center sells a lot worse seemingly anyhow, i bet a lot of people interested ordered from japan and didnt risk waiting for the US to get them aswell.
>It shouldve been Leon
cant argue i wanted a Leon to go with my raihan.
The fem protags make sense cause they're the FEM protags, so it's a no brainer. Raihan, yeah I guess he's popular, but surely japan knows how popular other characters are in the west, right?...
this stuff is to advertise new games. we were lucky to get Red.
Yeah, since Red 8 years ago, they've been only doing figures from current games. I don't see why that would change if the Figma line is even continuing
Thanks just wanted to make sure. There's some weird choices sometimes like select Garchomp's arm rotation has stoppers for some reason.
They want kids to break their toys so they'll buy new ones.
why does pokemon have so few articulated figures? before jazwares’ select line there were zero half-decent articulated figures for most pokemon. figuarts made a few but then stopped. figma made some random ass characters from sword and shield then stopped.
Sales. The most recent Figmas from 3-4 years ago are still available all these years later. The SHF Ash and Team Rocket sets also didn't sell well at the time. The SHF & D-Arts Pokemon sold okay but not great, and then they killed the line by making that Pikachu figure that didn't sell. Fact is, most Pokemon fans just want plush and other stupid cutesy crap like Nendoroids and chibi stuff. Thankfully Jazwares is making some articulated figures for people to enjoy.
It's only really been the North American toy makers that have had good articulated lines up and running. Tomy did many great ones with their 5" Pokemon and now Jazwares with their 6" line. Seems like the premium lines primarily aimed at the Japanese audience just don't sell well.
For the Pokemon the Japanese side seems to be more into like the model kit stuff and I guess they did shodo too. Does anyone know what the japs think of the stuff we get from Jazwares? If I were in their shoes seeing pseudos, Flygon, Tyrantrum and Golisopod getting figures would make me wish I could get them.
u gay?
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is there a compilation of all of the mods to increase the range of motion of all the figures?
>new rhydon leaked
Well post it
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Nta but I just came across it while checking mfc.
Whoever added it to MFC got it from the discord. All the new leaks and images are posted there first and then trickle out to MFC or here later. They found a pic of the next six pack too with Shuckle but it stinks its the only new figure
Whole wave. Just Rhydon is new but Lapras gets a reprint
This is the kind of 4.5" figure I really enjoy. Certain Pokemon have stumpy bodies that can't really support all that much articulation, but because of a gimmick that doesn't impede the articulation it can still get just about as much that makes it works, like Rhydon here and Heracross.
True, these are both solid picks and still have some limb movement. But it stinks how small they are next to other figures.
Dang coming off the last 6 pack that had Omanyte, Kabuto and Cleffa this one really sucks
Rhydon is definitely too small (unless its height is based on its head to tail) but that's just the nature of the line with this being the second biggest size class (aside from Epic) to Selects, plus they're technically unrelated. I think Heracoss's size fits it well, and it could likewise fit a Pokemon like Pinsir who has to be coming with Scyther and Heracross also in the size class. Pinching horns, then articulation done the same way as these two.
How is that Shodo metagross so shit?
Can it even fold up into flight mode?
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Rhydon seems to be measured top to bottom. It and Snorlax should've been in the bigger size if they were to be consistent cause they have about as much volume as Venusaur and Dragonite.
disctroons = redditors
Holy shit, an actual decent Pokemon figure with articulation? Are they finally learning?
Out of all the ones they've made, that's the one you say is decent? This one will also be probably no more than 3.5" tall. So it's sized horribly with everything else.
Are Tyrantrum/ Select Golisopod out yet?
Nope.Target just replaced Tox with Entei, and once they clearance Flygon which could be any week now, that means the next Select (either Golisopod or Ceruledge) is on the way. They also have the Epic Rillaboom on clearance so the next Epic (Metagross or Tyrantrum) should be right around the corner too.
There are other Pokemon figures aside from the ones Jaz makes you know? I got some old Jakks Pacific figures I could use to fit in. I always see Rhydon as big bulky Pokemon, so if he's slightly taller it's fine. What I care about is that he isn't a stiff brick, and judging by the images, he looks capable of at least sitting...
>What I care about is that he isn't a stiff brick
There's an entire line of articulated pokemon that can all move 20x better than Rhydon. I don't know why of all figures, it's this one that tickles your fancy was the point

>There are other Pokemon figures aside from the ones Jaz makes you know?
Well it would make the most sense to scale this to their other figures instead of ones from over a decade ago, right? After all, they keep slapping "Scaled For Battle" on the packaging so we know they're supposed to scale with other Jazwares figs
actually this is a really interesting question.
it seems like a majority of the fanbase likes plush and cute stuff (see the way sitting cuties sell out)

And its not about the money either. People on the plush community discord are foaming at the mouth to drop five hundred fucking dollars on the big ass plush of Appletun and other cute Pokemon.
unfortunately this is the way a lot of communities are grouped up now.
There are no real group forums or sites any more.
Japanese prefer plush over figures. It's always been that way.
My friend buys squishmallows and he's not into any plastic collectibles at all. For me I always valued visual accuracy for the stuff I get and plush often look kinda weird or stylized. I dislike nendos for the same reason and funko pops goes without saying.
I always thought it's because pokemon has a lot of normie female fans and they buy plushies like crazy, whereas owning figures as a normie adult is more frowned upon
> For me I always valued visual accuracy for the stuff I get and plush often look kinda weird or stylized
Same, it sucks that for a lot of pokemon I like I basically have no option other than buying a sitting cuties plush or a tiny scale world
Rumors of 2" Phantump, 3" Doublade, Select Trevenant and Scizor. If they make Trevenant as a Select I'll support this line forever.
It will be a tough decision between the schizor model kit or the select, time to wait and see what the articulation is like
Interesting. I'm guessing Phantump could be included with a repaint of the Murkrow environment tree. Scizor is a great choice, Trevenant is reallllly odd. Having the whole Aegislash line would be great. Lots of ghosts here I guess they're aiming for around Halloween.
>There's an entire line of articulated Pokemon that can all move 20x better than Rhydon.
I know, it's Shodo Pokemon. Selects is hit or miss, mostly miss. The only good ones being Dragapult, Legendary Birds, Mewtwo and Flygon. They're slowly getting better, but the rest are still duds.

But when it comes to battle figures, they're all so limited due to their gimmicks when they do so much more if they cared enough to put articulation into them.

>they're supposed to scale with other Jazwares figs.
I don't really care for accuracy or scale, I just want them to move more than just a head or an arm. And "scaling with other Jazwares" doesn't really work when the Legendary dogs are not in scale with each other and the battle figures line has Tyranitar, Scizor, Cinderace and Toxtricity being the same size.
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I thought you said 2" Phanpy and got excited because I thought my bro would have a chance to get in
rumors from where? I'd love a Phantump! It never even got a Moncolle.
I think I would've preferred having Aegislash as the Select and Trevenant be the action feature figure. Having an Aegislash on the display stand and able to stance change is something I always wanted.
They've always favored 2" ghost and ice types because they repack them in the halloween and christmas calendars.
>Aegislash as a Select
Why? It only needs a joint at each shoulder, and each elbow. The rest is a solid sword. It would be perfect for a battle feature as long as those joints still work.
i honestly think it's cause most pokemon collectors are women
Mostly for the size, its a bigger pokemon than Trevenant. But also the claw stand and better articulation would likely make it better than the fixed stand and action gimmick of a battle figure.
I'd rather the opposite. Trevenant as the 6" and Aegislash as the 4.5". You can always just use one of the stands from the selects and make a hole on the back of it if needed. Trevenant is pretty wide where his legs are so I think it would need to be a 6". Each segment of those legs could be articulated too which would be awesome. Especially for a halloween themed display
100% this. One or two joints in each of Trev's legs, its fingers, shoulders elbows, one mid torso, one in the head, and that's a great figure with articulation that's hard to mess up.

>rumors from where?
Listings with incorrect descriptions, kind of like that Mega Lucario from a while back. Like with that though, who knows if it's happening or not, hence 'rumour' rather than leak.
Oh I recall the Mega Lucario info. That was from ToysRUs Canada I think. Hopefully these recent rumors are true. The idea of Trevenant as a select figure is far more exciting than the Ceruledge and Zeraora we know are next up. Then again, so many awesome pokemon from listings ages ago still haven't been made yet. We could really use that Blaziken, Zoroark and Salamence!
Yea gona take everything with a grain of salt until there's a picture. I remember there was a Decidueye listing that had a product description that was specific to it and we still never got it.
What I've learned about Pokemon figs around me judging by the selects. Charizard by far the most popular, followed by Mewtwo, then Suicune, and Typhlosion. the rest went on clearance.
You can't compare them like that. The line has changed so many times since the beginning. The didn't use to be exclusive to Target and not all are ordered in the same quantity.
The fact that Ash's team gets very little is sad and mysterious, since they're main characters
The truth is most pokemon fans now are either girls or gays
Well, they're mostly still children. Which frankly is how I prefer it, it does my heart good to roll up to the LCS and see a bunch of tots slamming down their holofoil Charizard ex cards much like we did in the Pokemania days. So many long-running franchises wind up solely sustained by manchildren.
This was true in the 90's too, they just weren't old enough to come out or transition yet.
Either you're a pedo lurking around, or you're lucky to be part of a closed neighborhood, cause kids these days don't care about TCG or figures anymore, it's all just brainrot, tiktok and skibidi toilet.

I go out and all I see is kids on their phones, calling each other the n word or running half naked for some weird ass reason. I never see a kid playing with Pokemon or any other thing if it's not prompted by tiktok, and it's just sad...

>so many long running franchises wind up solely sustained by manchildren.
Honestly the only good thing, cause at least there is an audience, i'd rather see Pokemon stay a float by man children, who have the money to buy stuff, than for it to fall due to gen z's lack of a brain.
These Jazwares selects are such a mixed bag. I got my Entei. He looks good in that neutral pose but that's all he can really do. Legs don't go out. Wish I could get more action poses out of him, recreate the fight between him and Charizard from that movie. He might as well be a statute.
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Kind of disappointing that they didn't even try to make any measure of ankles. There's sometimes little innovations they do with clear stands with the 2" and 3" figures, like the pieces that holds Haunter's hands, I feel like they could have little clear circles with a ball peg that extends to a peg that could then peg into the 'feet'.
This actually looks pretty good to me.
>Kind of disappointing that they didn't even try to make any measure of ankles
What? The Pokemon's lower legs are solid. There should not be any movement at the ankle. They did nothing wrong here.
If you read a bit more of what I wrote you'll see what I mean. The feet are like that, but no reason the figure shouldn't be able to stand on its own.
There's still something wrong. Now the figure can't stand up by itself, which only contributes to bad toy design. Now I have to figure out that myself
can it splay its legs? That's the most i expect from it. any further would be ankle rockers and more
vertical neck joint range
Why does it need to stand on its own though?
The Pokemon doesn't have ankles that move in the games or anime. Why do you want them to give it ankle joints and alter the official design?? Blame The Pokemon Company for the design, not Jazzwares
>can it splay its legs?
No, the joints are more limited than Suicune and Raikou. Neck really doesn't move at all either. It's definitely the most like a brick out of the three
>Why does it need to stand on its own though?
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Neat, Ceruledge.
>Find perfect promo pic of Lucario with the base in the same position

Thoughts? They're supposed to be bigger anyways, but they already made Lucario a giant to begin with.
Like I know they make Charizard bigger in the anime for comfortable riding and whatnot, but dexwise he's still supposed to be a bit taller than Ceruledge. And we know Lucario towers him, so eh.
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Did you match up the bases correctly? Nerdy on the discord posted this overlay that shows it being smaller. This would be a good height
Can no one read past the first sentence? A little plastic stand with a ball joint that plugs into a peg hole in the foot. It isn't an actual foot, the design remains the same, but it can stand on its own. It isn't that complicated.
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Yeah, it was almost a perfect fit.
That Mewtwo one is angled though.
I'm not sure which Ceruledge height will end up being more accurate but it's supposed to be much taller (5ft3in) than Lucario (3ft11in) anyway so this height is not so much an issue like it was with Lucario.
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I think we need to see in hand pics before judging the height. This >>11047510 graphic and this >>11047521 one show two drastically different sizes when the bases are supposedly matched up. The slight angle of the Mewtwo pic's base can't account for that much difference in height.
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Can always pose it behind the trainer figma as a stand/persona lol
I doubt they'll create some entirely new moving foot stand thing like that just for one figure. They seem to put the bare minimum effort into these and that would just be additional items they'd have to create for the figure.
Haunter's hand stands are exclusive to it. The various 4.5" Pokemon with stands for them to sit on like Aerodactyl, Sharpedo, and Pidgeot all have stands built just for them. I doubt that's much of a concern, plus if it's just a peg then it could be used with some other Pokemon too, so it wouldn't be as single use as those aforementioned stands.
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I just put this together now I believe the left overlay should be really close. The trick is to find a base at the right angle rather than trying to match with another human shaped pokemon.
Yeah that's probably most accurate. Also a shame that it looks to be freaking tall. :(. They really need to start scaling this line. They constantly shoot themselves in the foot with this line.
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>The trick is to find a base at the right angle
>>11047510 was though
Its weird how all the fans clearly want these figures to be in scale but they continue to ignore this
They keep pretending this is a collector line and it's just not. Not until they scale them better and make better articulation. To sale better, they wouldn't even have to do any drastic resizing the current figures either. Aside from Lucario, they just need to be a tiny bit larger or smaller to be scaled decently

I've never seen a company make a so called collector line and be so against making the figures in scale which everyone clearly would want. Most would be even smaller and maybe even cost them a bit less to produce too.
How poseable is that thing? Please tell me it can look up, please tell me it can cross its arms. please tell me it can at least sit.
>all the fans want these figures to be in scale but they continue to ignore this
They've been ignoring it for a while, I'm surprised you guys are surprised. And not everyone, some just want decent figures that can hold a dynamic pose no matter the scale.
Like me.
From what source? Like a website for example?
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The scale isn't too far off if it is like this >>11047623 That would be close enough for most I think.

Lucario was more of an issue since it's not even 4ft tall by the pokedex height.
Ya I have it in-hand, it can do all those things.

How tf should we know? Head probably won't look up that well, if it has bicep swivels it could probably cross its arms given the double elbows, but if it doesn't, then no. It looks like it can put its legs up but that front armor will get in the way. You could have inferred all that yourself btw.
Not really since I don't see hinges or joints on the armor. And bare in mind that Jazwares for some god foresaken reason intentionally limits joints, so even if it looks like one part can move a certain way, it doesn't mean it will. The waist joint looks like it's on a ball joint, but what if it's only and ab crunch? what if it doesn't swivel at all???
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And we don't know how the waist/shoulders are.
Entei isn't as much of a manlet as I thought
What bugs me of Entei is how his entire head's a sockpuppet and he can't move his legs sideways for a more battle crouch..

I only ended up getting Suicune of the beasts.
>pokemon fans would rather spend $40 on a tiny crappy plush toy than $20 on a nice articulated figurine
why are pokemon fans so retarded
I wish that scyther figure wasn’t garbage
Why hasn’t Canada gotten anything new all year
Well, Canada..
>What bugs me of Entei is
Is how shitty the articulation is done? Just like the others in the trio, but somehow even worse?
There has been some new stuff but its just been sprinklings of the smaller figures at various places. Some black box single 2" figures, enviornment sets, the 3 packs with A-Muk at GS, the Slowpoke Beldum 3 packs at Walmart. We really need Entei and Metagross to show up.
Didn't you steal our Metagrosses and solo Select Garchomps?
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New Moncolle pics
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That's it? Did we really waste three spots on variations of the same sushi mon?
where are these pics from?
I haven’t seen Metagross in stores anywhere here
we were getting new stuff semi-consistently last year. we got the suicune wave a month before the US did. I check my local toys r us every week and the pokemon aisle hasn’t gotten a single new product in months.
>Not even gold
Tomy pls

stuck together like Maushold or really 3 separate releases?
These look disappointing as with all recent Moncolle. What happened to this line? Damn
In the US, some Gamestop stores got like 2-4 Metagross each, and it was listed on their site for about 3 weeks. After that, nothing. It's weird how no stores in the US have it listed for sale at all.
any Ho-Oh figures that scale well with Epic Lugia?
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Tomy DX
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If you paint the rings grey, you can get your very own shiny Gholdengo!
Yes, it's that bad. Not even the superfans of the string cheese man defend it.
I get they wanted to keep him gold cause that's his thing but they could've changed the strap or the chest color. This guy's probably getting a battle figure at some point and it doesn't need much articulation.
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I was about to get the pack on the left online then I noticed the Haunter was colored differently from what I usually see in collection pictures. The promo image is accurate to its real colors? The colors of the Haunter on the right is what I'm used to seeing and it seems to match the Gengar I have.
Yeah, recolored like some other figs in the past.
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I got the one on the right from its Pancham/Scorbunny bundle.

Left I guess is modern sprite colors.
Also one of few who'd benefit from the pearly paint.
Left side (lighter purple color) is the current Haunter coloring they've been doing the last two years or so. The main loose image here shows the current color: https://jazwarespokemon.fandom.com/wiki/3%22_Haunter
Think Gengar and Arcanine were also recolored
Lots have been. All Bulbasaurs and Squirtles, Growlithe, Wartortle, Espeon, Flareon, Oddish, Ditto, 4" Greninja
Some of these I never really noticed outside of Ditto that had a really obvious change from pink to purple. I guess its nice for long time people when they get repacks its in a different color.
>some just want decent figures that can hold a dynamic pose no matter the scale
and you don't get that for most of the recent figures in this line
Exactly, which is why I'm disappointed. when will a third party make proper articulated Pokémon figures? they can easily escape copy right by calling a Pokemon a different thing

idk, third party Garchomp, call it "Jet Sharker"
>they can easily escape copy right by calling a Pokemon a different thing
That's not at all how it works. TPCI/Nintendo/Creatures are insanely litigious about this IP too. Any 3rd Party figure manufacturer knows better than to make unofficial Pokemon figures. If we were talking stuff thats cheaper to produce like the small 2" solid plastic figures, that's one thing. But highly articulated larger figures are so much more costly to manufacture and it's a much bigger risk.

The worst part of all is that Jazwares is so close to making these figures great but they continue to disregard scale and good articulation which should be the two most important points they focus on when making a collector line
How does Transformers get away with it then? isn't hasbro/takara tomy just as litigious?
Not a TF collector, but doesn't Takara and/or Hasbro have some loose agreement with those 3P manufacturers? Something like as long as they change the names and not use specific logos on them, it's okay. I know the TF figures have weird rights and lots or murky legal standings between Takara and Hasbro so that's a very unique situation.
I lost complete interest in the Select Line. It started out pretty good with Charizard, the bird trio, and Rayquaza and then it immedietly went to shit. Seriously if you compare those first 5 with everything else it's almost like a different line. Those figures were really good value for what they were, but since then it's pretty shitty. Tyranitar is probably the next best and dude has no fucking articulation. looks nice though.

the epic figures(Metagross + future releases) are the only things I even remotely have interest in at this point.
>It started out pretty good ... and then it immediately went to shit. Seriously if you compare those first 5 with everything else it's almost like a different line.
SAY IT LOUDER so Jazwares hears. How have the people making the line actually not learned to make decent figures and how have they in most cases gotten even worse as the line has gone on. Who the fuck is in charge of the decision making for this line and why do they still have that job?
Makes me wish Nintendo/Pokemon had a loose agreement, I feel like a lot of people/ third parties could make really cool Pokemon figures compared to what Jazwares can do
Totally! Jazwares just doesn't care about the line. They don't care about scaling things even close to being right at all, they don't care about making the articulation any better, they don't care about the distribution issues.
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Feels good to have all three
They praise themselves on Twitter on doing a good job, just like anyone involved with Disney Star Wars.
There's no convincing them.
Gross. This is what happens when you hire people not based on skill, but because of other factors. There is no way anyone working on the line actually messed with or had experience making articulated action figures before landing the gig. There is no way.
Moushold is not stuck together and neither are these
Is she the same height as tomys Ash ?
really tired of dusting all my figures, any recs on displays? I would love some cover for my figures rather than entire shelves
What about 3P Scale World and 1/10 picrel?
idunno, she's 14cm.
Valid point. Not sure why they don't go after those. Maybe because they're smaller operations than some true mass produced 3rd Party stuff? Most those knockoff Scale World things are hand casted and hand painted resin or polystone right?
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The more recent Jazwares Gengar seems to match the Journeys colors and some of the 3d models. I kinda miss the older really dark colored Gengar design that had a shadowy feel.
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Current Pokémon collection
Looks really nice. But some like Chingling, Drowzee and Seaking gotta go.
Nice trainers. Looks like you're running out of space
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Nice collection. That Onix's is huge.

Got some new mons.
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Look for acrylic boxes on amazon. There's some with a divider and some without. You can organize your pokes by gen, type or teams. If you have environment sets you can theme boxes around those too.
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Where's the phone from?
Raihan Figma
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>Stuck with shitty ball bundle
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Permanent jazzhands isn't appealing either.
inb4 we just don't get Tinkatuff for some reason
I'd say that's pretty likely to happen, I just assume they don't make middle stages unless they do. Drizzile and Thwacky got skipped and those are starter lines. Still waiting on Gabite too.
where is that deoxys from?
Raikou is way too big.
Almost every figure in that line is either slightly too big or slightly too small. Idk why they can't just make things sized better
You know they repack each figure in a ton of other packs. It's only a matter of time

And you know all the recent 3" ones have ball shoulder joints. You can pose the arms so they aren't up like jazz hands.
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Hey 4chan, checklist guy with the updated one through the end of June. We've seen pics of everything on here aside from the 2" figures from Darumaka on to the end, which are the holiday pack figures for this year.
still no info on that witch hat pika I see
The what? What is that rumored to be from?
some leaks showed some figs we assume to be in halloween two packs. A Pikachu with witch hat, Eevee with magician hat, Hoothoot and probably Skorupi leaks in those packs too.
XL Raikou :)
Genuine question: are the shell halves stitched to the body or can you actually close and open him?
They def look stitched to the body there which wouldn't make the thing able to be closed
I figured but that still sucks. Imagine a figurine or plush or whatever of Pecharunt where you can actually open and close the shell.
thanks for the picture, I ended up buying a set of 3 and set up my figures in them. I think they look great and helped me organize them. I’ll snap photos of them once I get a chance to.

I just need to find some that are tall enough to hold the bird trio and Lugia
I hate how easy it is to get a plush than a figure

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