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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives -
Evil Ryu (SDCC)
Alt Player 2 Ryu (Paulmartstore)
Red Chun Li (Target Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 Pink Chun Li (SDCC Exclusive)
Violent Ken (SDCC Exclusive)

Street Fighter UNKNOWNS
Alt Player 2 Fei Long

Megaman Figures
Wave 1 - Mega Man, Ice Man, Fire Man
Wave 2 - Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Elec Man, Cut Man
Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man

Food Mascots
Franken Berry
Count Chocula
Boo Berry
Chester Cheetah
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Both Pink Chun Li and Violent Ken are SDCC exclusives, however both will be available as online preorders on July 25 at noon EST on the Jada Toys Next Level website. From what I remember, getting last years Evil Ryu which was a SDCC exclusive wasn’t difficult so I wouldn’t worry too much about these going quick.
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Oh yeah, there’s also the flaming hot GITD Chester Cheetah, seems to be a Entertainment Earth exclusive as of now, retail is $29.99 with an august ship date
what you recommend to touch up chipping paint on soft plastic?
>Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man
this is going to destroy the line
>pink chun-li
>sdcc excusive

Huh? I just saw one at target a couple days ago
silly anon did you expect us to do Bomb Man and Guts Man??? We need to make 100% sure we don't complete a single team
that's red, it's a target exclusive
The more spreadshot approach makes sense for Mega Man, but it just makes their initial choices that much weirder. Bubble Man looks great though.
>Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man
well fuck the rest of the Megaman 1 bosses I guess.
Isn't pink Chunners the only way to get the victory pose stuff?
Yep, which it also includes an extra smiling head with the white buns for the original release
SDCC pink comes with 2 laughing alt heads and peace sign hand and a fireball effect piece.
So the only way to get a complete Chun-Li is to buy two figures including an exclusive. That is kind of shitty.
Nope, it's the correct way of doing things to keep out the poor fags.
The original release was complete? I don’t get why you people expect a million accessories with the basic releases, they’re already giving us plenty for the price point compared to Hasbro.
Bad idea, Soi Fighter is the poorfag retard's fighting game. Gatekeep and it won't sell.
They made a new head for the exclusive and said hey lets throw one in for the people who have the original chunners.

people act like they are offended and have been wronged some how.

i'm sure there will be people who just sell the head on ebay, you'll pay alot for it but if you can't stomach buying pinkie it's an option

me i want all the flavors of chun so i am going for the pink and the red
There's no such thing as a robot master team.
Just got my hands on these figs. I did not think I would enjoy them as much as I do, these are pretty damn good value for what they give you. Do we know when the next wave is set to release?
I'm pretty certain he means all the Robot Masters from a specific game.

What I want to know is what's Juhns criteria for picking which bosses appear in each series? Is he going by coolest looking? Personal favs? Favorite stages?
please just fucking kill yourself you useless pedantic fuck. You add nothing to this thread and you add nothing to society.
>Robot Masters from a specific game.

Who the fuck cares
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Does this mean we'll get DMC figures from Jada and even other companies?
Hopefully not as the creator hates toy collectors.
Megaman Fans
the Mega Man line is dead, isn't it? They barely gave it a chance...
>steadfast refusal to complete a team
>"megaman must be in every wave!"
>helmetless megaman pack is literally just a headswap

question: if it's a-ok for chun-li to come with a DLC head cut from other figures, why does Helmetless Megaman have to be his own figure instead of being a DLC head tacked onto another figure?
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It's not a bad idea to re-run a variant of your main character for people who missed out. It also might be a different paintjob, it looks like it might be slightly metallic/pearlescent, or at least glossier than the original (note how much the light blue shines, especially on his thigh piece-that color is very dull on the original).
counterpoint: the sonic the hedgehog line is floundering precisely because Sonic is packed four to one against every other character in the series, leading stores to never stock toys because they have endless pegs of the same figures. four to six pegs of sonics six figures deep and not one other character isn't an uncommon sight.

Most people are just going to want the normal Mega Man and sit out the other clones
Well sure, but that line has been running for a long time now and they kept doing that shit over and over and over. Megaman doesn't even have its second wave on shelves yet. I think this kind of practice is good for the first few waves (it also helps recoup mold costs when the line is in its infancy), then I expect it to be phased out as we get deeper in.

See, Sonic went way overboard, but I can also point out numerous toylines that never re-ran their base protagonist, so anyone who got in after wave 1 couldn't easily get the main character. That is also a negative. The key is balance in the end.
>the sonic the hedgehog line is floundering

Look at th cope of Jada fags
As much as I love the series, I would only care if they did the bosses. Sure I would get a Dante or two, but if he is missing most of his Devil Arms what's the point?

How would the waves be broken down? We could get a handful of waves per game or it's going to be a grab bag of characters and games.
Man these look so fucking good. Can't wait for them to hit. 4InchNel Cutman was too pricey for me so this feels like retribution.
I didn't even know there was a sonic line
Doesn't Jazzwares have the Sonic license?
I knew it was one of the J's.
I don’t think it would really work as a line with waves, most people just care about the main named characters
jazzwares did the old ones, Jakks is doing the new lines and Sonic Prime
>Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man
this is going to save the line
>the creator
The good games or the bad games?

blue ken fucks
>good games
Wood Man will sell on the meme alone.
Who pissed in your Autism-Os?
Why aren't you supporting the line?
because they haven't released any toys besides the ones I already have
>Buying toys just to "support the line"
Cringe tier behavior. Just buy the toys you're interested in. This brand loyalty nonsense is gay.
Yeh, it's like Sega or Nintendo on the playground all over again.
are people who missed out on the first MM really going to want an unhelmeted MM though
We haven't even seen the accessories yet. They included two heads in the original, the normal and yelling heads. I could see them doing normal helmeted + unhelmeted for this one. Especially since it appears to be a different finish/paintjob, giving people another potential reason to double-dip.
I also think it's dumb to buy things you don't want just to "support a line," but if you adopt this stance you also cannot complain if it dies before making the characters you want. You chose to take an impartial ""whatever happens, happens" stance so you need to face those repercussions accordingly.

I don't even know if you care about Megaman in the first place, just sayin.
What is your problem? When was the last time we had a Megaman line that gave us robot masters? supporting the line is not the same as supporting the company
Why does the Mega Man line attract way more trolls and doomers than the SF line? It’s getting annoying.
Probably because Megaman fans get dicked around so hard. Every line dies right after making the MCs, never any Robot Masters, or if they manage it, it's only one or two before it's dead again. They're traumatized at this point. And the trolls love to poke fun at that.
Megaman lines start and stop fucking constantly and either never go anywhere or make some progress only to make a catastrophically stupid decision and ruin itself. It makes it really easy to doompost.
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My latest pickups from the line. Loving everything I get, especially at the price. Hoping to come across Dhalsim and M. Bison soon, one Target I walked into had like 12 Fei Long. Unfortunately that's been a one off occurrence. Most of them have nothing at all. Also it's weird the Target Chun-Li has no indication it's an exclusive
I don't understand what the thinking was behind Fei Long. He's clogging shelves everywhere and nobody ever cared about him. Why not Ken or Ryu? Now none of my local stores will order any more SF shit because there's so many unsellable Fei Longs.
I’m thinking a couple things, maybe Juhn likes him or they wanted to have him as an indication of “oh we’re gonna do everyone including the deepcuts”, although it seems most people don’t want him.
It's standard practice with toy lines to not blow all your A list characters at once. You pick an A list character (Ryu), B list (Chun Li), and C list (Fei Long). If you did it any other way you wouldn't have a steady stream of revenue later for the back half of the SF2 waves and you wouldn't be able to complete the line. Even if he may be clogging your stores' pegs, the only other option is not to make him at all or have the last two waves clog triple the amount of pegs.
>chun li
>b list
nigga what chun li is the main girl
Female figures in a male focused line sell less than the main male A listers almost without exception by toy manufacturer logic.
That's the logic when selling to young boys. Obviously these figures are for older collectors considering they're using the classic Street Fighter character designs rather than the newest game that drastically changed everything.
Until we have some hard numbers, we have no way to say its any different for collector lines. Do you think Chun Li sells as many units as Ryu or Ken? I don't. Probably more than lesser popularity male characters like Zangief, E Honda, or Dhalsim for example though.
Updated versions of Guile and Cammy at Toycon

How we feelin' about these new faces?
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the new gears of war seem promising, hope the MK line will deliver some great figures and kick start once again vidya figures
Guile looks good. I don't remember how the previous faces look.

I think she looks good, but don't care for this face.
According to your logic, literally anyone but Ryu would be a B list character then. I get the female figure logic but in no way does that apply to Chun Li when it comes to ranking her as a character in Street Fighter as a whole. Just admit you're spouting bullshit and that along with Ryu and Ken, she basicaly forms the main trinity of the entire franchise. It's like calling Wonder Woman b list lmao
i like them, they got better since chun lee
yeah i think they can do edge runners now
> Do you think Chun Li sells as many units as Ryu or Ken?
Considering Chun Li now has just as many variants as Ryu, I’d say so.
Very promising. Now out them up for order already!
Now show us the diaper.
They have limited molds they can do repaints of so far and Ryu and Chun Li were in wave 1.

Ryu, Ken and Guile are A list from SF2. Chun Li is a high B like Bison.
NTA but Chun is absolutely not a B-List. And there's no fucking way Guile is higher than her. Chun's in way more shit than both Guile and Ken. You could even make a bad argument that she's less popular than Ken, but absolutely not Guile. She and Ryu are the literal faces of the brand.
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I’ve never heard of this place, but I was looking up Jada stuff and found these custom heads for Ryu and Ken up for preorder. They look more realistic, but I’m not sure if they’re better for the characters but I’m curious what other anons think. They also have a bearded Ryu as well. Their website seems kinda iffy, but if you wanna check it out:

Street Fighter 2 characters basically have an anime aesthetic. If you like these, fine, but "more realistic" is completely uncalled for
I bought a couple, and the player 2 Ryu head's a shade darker than the body. It's a little jarring.
I literally said I’ve never heard of them, I don’t think their heads are better, and their website looked iffy, how the fuck is that advertising
>I don't understand what the thinking was behind Fei Long

The whole point of the line is to include every character from the roster

Idiot toy collectors not wanting him because he's not integral to their nostalgia does not mean it was a bad idea to include him
Could you take a pic?

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here you go
Hmm it doesn’t look as bad in person, it’s also nice they went with the more accurate to SF2 dark brown hair
>more accurate
>that face

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it's slightly darker, to where if you were just looking at a glance, it would probably not be noticeable, but for pics, it's a bit jarring.
or maybe my eyes are just bad
I said the hair was more accurate, but I still think the Jada is more accurate with the face
Being "in way more shit" doesn't _necessarily_ mean people will be more eager to buy a figure of her.
Chun-Li is an incredibly, incredibly populara and well-known character. Arguing otherwise is pure ignorance or trolling. And even if there's someone that somehow doesn't know her, she has the "waifu" appeal anyway bc coomers love tits and thick thighs. Pointless argument.
this looks gross.
Dude, you are totally out of your fucking mind. She was literally the only female in the roster and even back in the day, she was insanely popular. Are you a teenager or why are you such an inbecile who doesn't understand her impact on the base game in the 90s? If Jackie Chan cosplays as her then she's A list, no matter what you say
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Probably similar to Goku's chest. More noticeable in photos than it is in person.
no, it's pretty noticeable in person too

>Talking about A list characters
>"I-I-I was talking about action figures!"
Even then, you look like a fool because everyone out there is buying up Ryu and Chun Li while Fei Long is the only one who is always in stock. It's hilarious to see how far people here will go to not admit they're in the wrong. Fucking narcissists
Ryu looks more like what Joaquim Phoenix would if he was into martial arts, kek.
It's not 1-to-1 in every situation, no. But you're talking about someone who's not even in every Street Fighter game after their initial appearance, versus someone who is as well as just about every crossover. You're in denial if you think Guile is an A-Lister and Chun isn't.
>A and B list characters sell out while C listers like Fei Long don't

That was kind of the point wasn't it?
Who are you quoting?

Fact is Chun Li is in mainstream shit like Fortnite and all over the place when it comes to merchandise like that Power Ranger crossover. I would get the argument if we were talking about Cammy or Juri but Chun Li? Even Guile wasn't part of the main roster in some of the games and people here act like he has always been A list. What do you call someone who has always been on the main roster then? B? Get the fuck outta here
Guile's a generic white dude, and the audience is white dudes, that's why he feels more A list than Chun Li.
I'm a brown guy and I like Street Fighter because it's not all white dudes.
Those look terrible. Why is Ryu chubby?
That's just mean. If I was a black guy, I would have said I was a black guy.
Because you're looking at it from an inch away.
I'm pretty sure that's how it was in game.
i mean it'd be hard to be worse than SHF's attempt
I wouldve preferred the yellow gi for ken, but I understand why they'd go with blue instead.
no i meant that the skintone for the head is darker than the skintone of the body
What a let down.
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>When was the last time we had a Megaman line that gave us robot masters?
Are you?

Kinda liked how the first wave had completely painted heads. Makes the faces look less waxy.
These designs look like shit
yeah i have no clue how it got worse, feels bad
That's a hand painted proto vs final tampography. Thus it gets worse
Is this the final version or another factory sample? Juhn mentioned on one of the recent toy Migos streams that they still had factory samples which I didnt think they had shown yet where they made her eyes bigger
Didn't they just move to a new factory? Is it so they can do a worse product for cheaper?
where was this pic taken?
These faces only get more insane and freakish as theWait, what do you mean this face was literally taken 1:1 from the game? kek
That pic is the old, good hand painted prototype.
This: >>11034168 is probably closer to what we are getting. You can tell because no visible pins and less paint, just tampography for the eyes
Why does she look Asian?
wait a second where is the fucking scar
this better not be the final product
p sure its philipines toycon
Well if you know her backstory, Spoilers:

she is a _____ of a certain character who you fight in Thailand in SF2, which means that character must be Asian. So it makes sense she too is genetically Asian.
Paint budget please understand
I think it depends on the which version. I have the figuarts cammy and she only has one scar in the same spot as well and this is the sf5 version if i am not mistaken
Leading off with him before building the line up with characters people care about so that stores aren't clogged with a literal who and nobody else WAS a bad idea. Like, we can see that demonstrably where retail shelf space is being taken up by a figure nobody is buying.

Also I like how Mega Man fans are supposed to put up with Mega Man reissues being stuffed into every wave but Street Fighter fans balk at the idea of Ken or Ryu replacing That's Not Jackie Chan
Who would you have rather had? Honestly.
thing is they have other jobbers they're going to need to carry in later waves. deluxe priced t-hawk is not going to fly off the shelves. hell deluxe priced honda probably isn't going to do great.

They want another line that is Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Chun/Guile/Cammy/Sakura and then fizzles out
But she's coded American with the blue eyes and blonde hair.

fictional character who gives a fuck

on the original select screen she's the most gratuitously anime-styled character

The line is continuing on anyway. The cast is getting made. You can be a victim and bitch and bitch or just buy new figures online if your stores don't have them. Life is only as hard as you make it. And this is, I mean goddamn, this is the shittiest tiniest little problem that you are making into a huge fiasco.
She's british, anon
No one even posts pictures of these Phantom Longs

troll bait
American coded Asian Brit? Still sexo though. Actually don't the Brits fuck Thais like Aussies fuck Flips?
If the updated head is the final product and is missing the scar then yes the original prototype is unironically better for now because it's accurate
fuck off
her without the scar just makes her look like all of those generic photoshopped white women over the years that don't care about her or the IP and cosplay her for coomer simp bucks because they also forget the scar and only care about the high cut one piece
He doesn't know anything about these toys man. Just ignore him.
The scar should be there, but it's something I can easily add myself. I shouldn't have to and hopefully it'll be there come release, but it's not something that would make me pass on her. If her ass is poor THEN I'd be ticked.
Talk all the shit you want about Ice Man, but Air Man still has charm. Guts Man still works too
Can't wait to have him share a beer with the new retro classified Duke kek.
for $25 what do you expect? everybody hated storm collectibles cammy and figuarts cammy when they released years ago too. if iconiq studios ever release a 1/6 scale cammy chances are you'll hate her too. ill buy jada cammy and her on my work bench.
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Maybe I'm seeing things, but isn't there an indent for the scar right here?
Yeah that's why I'm curious if the paint fucked up or something because you can see where it's meant to be. If they ditched the paint on the scar there's at least an indent to follow if you choose to add it yourself. I'll give Juhn the benefit of the doubt and wait for her to release before genuinely being annoyed. The rest of the face looks really nice though.
Is it me or does chun li look like shit?
Everytime I look at it the figure just bothers me because there's something off about it that I can't put my finger on.

The guys look good but when I look at the girl characters their models just seem off
probably the big hands, fag
It's her fat face.
>those lips
i hate shf they are one of the most overrated and overpriced import figures and i hate that i've been forced to buy their garbage for this line, but the jada guile and sagat are definitely the first 2 that are objectively better than their shf counterparts (not even taking price into consideration)
There's definitely something sculpted there. Paint must have missed it on that sample.
why are you shitting on storm sagat?
i got the storm sagat and he's great he's just a little bit out of scale but can work in photography. i was shitting on the shf sagat and shf guile that just came out. neither are worth their price points.
oh my god this dude is in every thread
shf looked at his dog funnny
I can't help but notice all of sudden the epic chungus kino posting that was happening in every thread stopped and all of a sudden we have mr "I hate shf" in every thread now
If it is him, he's back to his old retarded posting style. Just look at the Kaiju thread.
I doubt it’s him, because that would mean he would have to know something about toys.
i don't think i've ever posted on this board. i am not a collector i just got a handful of street fighter figures over the years, so if anything my opinion matters more as i am not biased like collectors such as yourself. shf is extremely low quality and deserves to be 5 maybe 10 dollars more than jada.
She has man hands and she's too muscular overall.
I think it's the eyes. They need to be more slanted and Chinese looking. She looks too white.
Also what other anons were saying about the hands.
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I need Alpha Chun-Li so bad, bros.
They still need to get through the SF2 stuff before they do Alpha.
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Where is he Jada? WHERE IS HE?
>she's too muscular overall
fuck off. her arms are very modest and her legs aren't that big at all compared to the games.
>Is it me or does chun li look like shit?
stfu, absurd overreaction.
>Where's my recolor??!
This is why all Street Fighter lines die eventually. Mega Man will go the same way after the Wood Man wave
>which would people rather have. a generic grimace or the iconic bruce lee WOOOO? definitely the grimace.
I say again it sucks that they are going to keep all the fun heads behind the recolor/deluxe wall. we don't need the angry/scream alt.
what color is this? looks the same as the first release black.
only the BJ face is new?
Probably grey. Grey is a separate palette in game too.
Me too that's why just bought this
holy shit i can FINALLY sell my (unopened/unused) shf chun-li and get a decent 6 inch one that's actually worth its price point and looks respectable on a shelf.
Looks like this is more of a garage kit as opposed to being cast in colored plastic with paint details added. If they are going to paint the joints it's going to be pretty chippy.
Stop shitposting
This is the worst. On the one side, I love the SF2 designs because they're iconic but I played Alpha 3 so much and love those designs to death. And Chun Li's Alpha costume is fucking top notch
Those shoes though...
Nigga, she's stylish!!!
If your happy with shit like this then you must fag hard for hasbros shitty transformers with an absurd price tag

The hands do look big. I cant not see that now.
I think the problem is the proportions seem off everywhere. The head looks awful (like 90s KO tmnt awful) the plastic looks like cheap shit. The legs and body seem off and all those ugly pins you can see ....
They really must think about demand for the sake of the line. Overpack Ryus, Chunlis, Cammys, Bisons, Guiles and Kens. Underpack Fei Longs, Dhalsims, and Deejays
You say that like it's an easy thing to determine.
It's not just one store you have to think about, it's multiple stores throughout the country, in different states, in different locales, made up of different ethnic backgrounds. You expect them to have customized lists for every single Walmart in America or whatever?
Nah just flat underpack the weirdo characters and overpack the ones we know are popular
going to go out on a limb here and say nowhere in the US is fei long going to outsell ryu
>underpack dhalsim
nah, he's an og world warrior and I think the bendy arms are a cool enough feature to sell on that alone.
Maybe you have a point for Gutsman, but the Airman design still looks like shit. They basically took away the big body-tough guy look the original design had and made him look like a dork with how skinny him limbs and in relation to his circular body (I don't like the colors they used as well, but that's more of a personal preference rather than serious criticism. If they went with the first concept design in the pic you showed I would be less mad (Still don't like his skinny limbs) since it's a better take on redesigning Airman into the fully charged style.[spoiler] Also hate it how they made him into a weak sympathetic character who has "Le self-pity". They did this shit with Bubbleman in the Archie comics and that still didn't work. Just let the evil robot masters be evil without having them be complete losers. [/spoiler]
I kinda want to get wave 1's 2.0s with the better paint from the new factory. Where would I be guaranteed to get them?
Rather than the 1.0s
you might want to try amazon for ryu. i bought one from them last week, and it came as a 2.0
>melt down over a children's show
The post was about why I don't like Airman's depiction in the show, not the show itself. Yes the show is intended for children, but since I like Megaman, I figured why not try it out and see how it is, even if it has elements that I don't care for.
I ordered Chun from Amazon a week or two ago and it was 2.0.
I agree with you, original Airman is cool and all the Fully charged designs suck. Some may suck less than others but theyre all pretty shit.
There are approximately 50 Chinatowns in the United States.
Is there an easy way to tell which stuff is 2.0?
On the back of the box it will just show the character you bought, wave 1 would show Ryu, Chun Li, and Fei Long together
Because Juhn made her.

Bison isn't Thai. His profile specifically states that his nationality is unknown. And in most games his stage is in a different country. In Alpha 2 he was in Brazil.

Not that any of that matters, because her being a "clone" is some convoluted shit that has nothing to do with actually sharing Bison's blood or genes or anything. Bison himself keeps transferring his consciousness to different artificially made bodies.
You don't buy a toy because of its character. As the owner of said toy, it's YOUR responsibility to let it be what you want. And as much as I agree against their shitty redesign decision, the design is still fine for what it is. It's a big, round pac-man/hidden mickey thing that is designed for flight AND blasting air. The original wasnt designed for flight. Also I agree that the cartoon wasnt great, but it did have good ideas like a more participant Dr. Light, original villains, a role for Bad Box Art Mega Man, and other suitable redesign choices for the other masters
>Chungabunga thinks he doesn't sound retarded in every thread on the board.
Fair, but you have to admit that character design plays a large role how successful a toy is, and if given the choice between the two toys, most would go for the original look. I agree on Fully Charged Airman being more practical, but I don't think people are going to care that much on practicality. OG Airman is basically a walking fan who can't fly, but that doesn't really stop people from perceiving him as a strong guy, and for what it's worth, Dr. Light being more involved is cool to see. Some redesings like Waveman and Fireman I personally enjoy. Don't care for Bad Box Art Megaman.
Almost bought it but. Something tells me it won't be worth it.
Same for me and M Bison. His design just doesn't reach that maximum potential like Chun Li.
you might be right, i suppose we will find out when i get her in hand. i will let you know when she gets here.
I mean sure but at the same time he's like 20-30 bucks so it's not much of a gamble to grab him since he is still pretty iconic.
Its more of a space issue for me unfortunately
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14 Fei Longs, is this a record?
That’s sad to see genuinely, especially considering he gets into some of the best poses of the ones so far.
Hopefully the message is clear to Jada and actual characters get made unlike this unsellable trash nobody
Actually it won't. Once they're in the stores, Jada has sold them to the store. It will only make the store reluctant to order more of any SF2 figures, not just pegwarmers.

There is a fundamental disconnect between the consumer and the giant multinational corporation in that they cannot see details, so they only barely know "SF2 doesn't sell" or SF2 does sell". They do not know "Ryu and Chun Li sell a lot in SF2" "Fei Long does not sell in SF2." And they certainly can't predict who will or will not sell in the future even if we can.
Patiently awaiting to see the photographs show casing the shelves full of unsellable cyberpunk 2077 crap no one asked for.
Right, just like they did with McFarts.
But yet they make the claim that women do not sell.
McFarlane actually sells unlike video game crap. Notice how McFarlane stopped making mortal Kombat yet continues the DC line? Because gamers do not buy toys.
it's always strange to me to see so many people so happy that toys don't get sold
It's always a good thing when American toys don't get sold like woke star wars
oh shut the fuck up athena you don't buy toys either
I like it when toys I want but have not yet bought don't get sold as that means discounts. Unfortunately Fei Long is not one of those.
I'd buy the Cyberpunk chick day 1
Guile is a unit, Imagine Zangief, E Hondo and T Hawk
cool, I just idk I've been burned from customs runs before, though 140 is kinda worth a gamble. But I also see the head with no color correction is way off compared to the arms
I posted the Fei long pic. That's an outlier in the whole of the city I'm in and the targets. Most of these big box stores don't have shit in them and that's the most disappointing part. You hunting isn't a thing anymore. I have to resort to online QC dice rolls or secondary scalpers to get the stuff I want. It's fucking so frustrating to see Fei Longs everywhere. I saw one Ryu at any target. I bought it and for some reason it was discounted down to $9. That was a thrill, but otherwise it's been disappointing to see this real promising line have this shit happen.
I am in a large city and I have never once seen a Jada figure on shelves. I had to buy all of mine online.
Ummmm Fei Long bros what is this? I don't understand we had a whole argument earlier in the thread about how he wasn't shelfwarming and was actually in high demand because Chinatowns exist?

>people claim Fei Long is gathering dust on the shelves because "just trust me, bro"

>yeah, not a single pic, just bullshit.
yeah this is a huge fucking problem because like you said, retailers only see "TOY - COLLECTIBLE - STREET FIGHTER" on their stock sheets. So Ryu, Chun Li, and Fei Long all count under the same thing, with the sole exception being when the retailers tell the toy companies what characters will be in an assortment. So if for some insane reason you stock a box with 1 Ryu and 5 Fei Longs, and the 1 Ryu sells, then the problem isn't with Fei Long to the retailer, it's with the whole assortment.

Jakk's Sonic the Hedgehog is my go-to line for assortment fuckups because every case comes with 5 sonics and 1 of each other character. There was an entire year where Sonic figures weren't stocked at all at Targets because they'd end up with reams of Sonics hanging on the shelf after everyone else has moved, and they refused to move new stock from the back because there were already "TOY - BOYS - SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4INCH" on the shelves. The sole exception to the Sonic Case rule is Wal-Mart, who forced Jakks to make specific cases exclusively for Wal-Mart stores that consist of ONLY Sonic because they didn't want to carry any other characters at all.

So you can go too far in both directions - you can have a line that has too many Literal Whos and doesn't move main character stock, and you can have lines that overinvest in main characters to the detriment of everything else. It's a balancing act, but Jada really doesn't seem to get it yet.
People have been begging for Cyberpunk figures since it came out???
nobody is happy about this. It's just been pointed out for months that this would be a problem and people stuck their heads in the sand about it. Now the chickens are coming home to roost and it's an "I told you so" situation. We all want Jada to do well here but it's increasingly clear that there are some real problems going on.
That looks like shit.
Doesn't look anything like Alpha style.
I suppose it's really cathartic to say "I told you so" to a group of people with no direct influence on how anything is released.
You think everything looks like shit
Thank you but I don’t want this autistic generic Ben10. This is not even Megaman and you know it, you just want to prove yourself right at any costs
unless figma shit out the 3 main characters jada is gonna be the top dog for Cyberpunk
>but it's increasingly clear that there are some real problems going on.
they made a bruce lee figure and he's pegwarming a bit, every major line out there has this issue. other characters will pick up the slack for the few warmers.
Damn. He's a broad mofo. Really excited for guile.

For me the main 12 will always be the most iconic. I just need to see balrog, zangief and Honda now.
Are guiles shoulder butterflies? I feel like him being that broad is gonna fuck his arm range of they aren't.
Okay, Cammy looks really good here.
no shoulder butterflies? how the fuck hes gonna pull anything
Early on into this line I said Fei Long was a mistake, because he's an absolute nobody, who's extremely niche. The only New Challengers character worth any interest is Cammy.
I'd go so far to say it's not even that, he's just unappealing. He's just an asian guy with no shirt and black pants. Aesthetically, he is boring as fuck. I played Fei Long, but even I didn't buy him because I just don't care for the design, if they at least packed him in with some cool expressions that might tip the scales a bit, but I'd rather save my money for upcoming wave 2. I won't be buying Dee Jay either. I'll be pumped for a Balrog though.
They're there, look harder
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2.0 (new factory) Fei Long looks way better
Someone thought Guile was reusing the arms from Ryu: I doubt that personally
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Is there a way to reuse the Fei long as army build for Customs?
>yeah we're doing ssf2 but only cammie is getting a figure from the new challengers, sorry deejay, thawk and fei long
Would this have been viable? would capcom have agreed to it?
Capcom doesn't care, as long as they get their cut. Do you realize how many bland Chun-Li, Morrigan, Cammy, Felicia, and cute loli-of-the-moment (Sakura, Lilith, BB Hood, Ingrid, Ibuki) statues and figures exists? Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if Chun-Li and Morrigan have more product out there than EVERY male character from both games combined, even Ryu.

That's not even counting all the recent SF lines that didn't even try to clear the very low "12 World Warriors" bar. Remember Savage World? That M.U.S.C.L.E. knockoff line? Those ReAction figures? Whatever-the-fuck Storm and Bandai call themselves doing? Those expensive as hell PCS statues? The bishoujo statues? If anything, Jada not completing the 12 would fit right in.
>Sakura, Lilith, Ibuki
Hope you get the job at Kotaku anon...
Blanka. :)
>ignore the minorities
Yeh, that's a good look.
I'll wait for the deluxe player 2 repaint with the nunchucks, screaming face, and extra hands. I honestly like his purple pants look more than the black.
I know for one thing you wouldn't be able to put the ssf2 selection profiles on the back. me personally I think 3 pegwarmers out of 16 reasonable enough to eat to be able to advertise a complete roster.
Vega doesn't take off his mask, right?
Wasn’t someone saying Deejay looked a little small one time? He’s using this same Guile body so he should be appropriately buff now
I have two issues with whatever this is. One is that her face has a different skin tone than her arms and hands. The other is that she's wearing her hairbuns in the way that she does for her SF2 outfit, rather than for the Alpha outfit that she's wearing. Those two reasons are a pass for me, otherwise I'd be interested.
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>loli-of-the-moment Ibuki
Nigga, what?
oppai loli
Man I wish there was a way to make Cammy's leotard more flush. It's going to ruin her ass sculpt and overall appeal.
Why did they give her revoltech spiderman knees?? XD
Anyone have pictures of the 2.0 Ryu? I have the original and I'm wondering if it looks better enough to upgrade.
The torso color is obviously mismatched. I wouldn't necessarily say that is better...
No, i praise toys that look like they came out of the cartoon/movie/show/game/whatever. Lot of companies can do this.
Toys that don't look like they came out of the cartoon/movie/game/etc are shit.

That Chun Li is the equivalent of pic.
Low effort shit that doesn't look like the actor.

Get yourself some higher standards.
You know, the type of loli that has the body, age and personality of a grown woman. That type of loli.
That does look like Costner tho.
What's the best Jada Universal Monster?
Glow in the dark Creature from the Black Lagoon.
>image is from a Junkman video
oh okay you’re just trolling, got it.
Seems to be only trolling people who watch junkman videos. Those of us who don't watch that loser had no idea until you said something
I don’t watch his videos, but I reverse image searched it on google and it came up from a video of his.
>Low effort shit that doesn't look like the actor.
Do you mean the literal actress Ming-Na Wen or the other one, Kristin Kreuk. Perhaps you are referring to the art ... the one where her appearance varies wildly?

Point being it's hard to look like some one who has such a varied history of different faces
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Deejay is not using the same body, they went all knew on him.
>she does have swappable SFA buns
I'm just saying that in general, having a shit likeness to the game is the same as shit likeness to actors.
People don't excuse shit likenesses for toys of actors, yet will give a pass for generic cartoons/anime despite being specific to a series known for its style/artist.

But that's a lie, considering how anal people have been over anime and cartoon designs....
So what gives with SF? Despite a hundred million SF figures from just as many companies, no one is anal about their sculpts

It's OK... for the fucking 80s. For today (2002-2024)? It's pretty awful.
Is this Subjectanon? Reminds me of his spergouts
When the fuck is this coming out?
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>SNES proportions MMX figure never
>Perhaps you are referring to the art ... the one where her appearance varies wildly?
NTA, but in fairness, this line is specifically Ultra SFII, so that's the specific look Jada should be aiming for. It's even what's shown right in the front of the box.
>MK line
Did Jada get Mortal Kombat?
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eh to me those were more stand alone caricatures meant to look cool more so than be exact look of the fighters. do you really think gief is meant to have a delicate pointy nose like this?
Mario Kart
Ah, back in the pre-3D era where Chun didn't look like a FAS mutant downs baby.
Will it be more vehicle based then?
Ended up getting the 2.0 Chun-Li from amazon and she came out near perfect. I notice that her face is a lot more sharp and accurate to a sort of combination of her select screen portrait and SF5 appearance. Also her head matches her skin tone a lot better this time.
was kinda teased on Instagram when Storm lost it
maybe they will show something at the comicon
post a pic.
I thought the Storm losing the license thing wasn't a thing and actually just WB halting all MK stuff for a year or something? I could be completely wrong but I thought I read something to that effect.
>WB halting all MK stuff for a year
Why would they do that?
No idea, it's just what I thought I read. Maybe it was just merch or something?
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Apologies if the quality is shit. 1.0 on left, 2.0 on right.
Wow, huge improvement actually. Face is a lot cleaner and looks brighter and sharper. Her eyes also feel like they were moved down a tiny bit maybe? I thought her face looked kind of long in the original but it looks fine now.

If I want the newer one, what do I look out for when shopping online? Is it easy to tell?
Maybe something to do with MK11 moving on to MK1?
It's an easy way to say the newest version. What would you like it to be called?
It's their faggy way of saying it's not enough of an improvement to be considered a 2.0
I imagine a lot of the variance in paint application will be on a per unit basis, but the shades of plastic do look a little different.
It's literally just better quality paint application.
It seems like amazon is primarily stocked in the wave 1s from the new factory. I don't know about bbts or entertainment earth but amazon, it seems almost guaranteed based on my purchase and many other collector's.
Also a change in the box with brighter colors(i think) and a single figure on the back. It's so if someone is looking out for one of the first wave figures they'll be told look for 2.0 if you want the better quality version.
Its because all of WB Games are in limbo as WBD haven't decided if they wants to keep it or sell its. A lot of the value in WB Games are licences like Lego, Harry Potter, LOTR Trilogy and DC Comics. Potential buyers don't want it if they're not included. Outside of them, its just Mortal Kombat and a bunch of old arcade IP they haven't used.

I heard potential buyers want some kind of discount or exclusivity baked into the sell. WBD wants to sell those licenses to the highest bidders they can find. So everything is at and impasse.
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I bit the bullet and bought a Marvel Legends flame fist for Ken off of eBay. I don't know why he doesn't include one out the box but fukkit, I have him in a shoryuken pose on a stand and it just looks wrong without the flame.
Hmm, will it fit?
Bison and Dhalsim are now in stock at BBTS
waiting for a crumb of mega man news
so basically you're fucked if you bought them day one
The only significant difference is the QC lottery being more favorable. If you got good copies the first time the newer batches aren't noteworthy.
Is the new factory Ryu still orange? Or does it look more like the gray gi version?
In the context of what I was saying yes it's relevant there because that's what people are calling it. If someone wants the newer one people are going to say "look for the 2.0" instead of "look for the box with brighter colors, only the character on the back of the box, better face apps, some altered color, etc". What would you suggest? Alt factor version? Revision? I ain't typing up a list of differences each time.
I own a shit load of these and they do now, Ryu's fist is bigger.
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man i wish we got one off figures from jada under "capcom brand heros"
I feel like you should be able to get they license of everything Capcom that's not Mega Man, Street Fighter, Resident Evil or Monster Hunter for cheap. Its not like they're doing anything with them.
Are they going to make Chun-Li's black dress color, or should I buy the default one?
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I really hope MVC Collection bumps up some SF and MM figure sales and we get more cool stuff
Got my purple gi hyper fighting ken clothes and white gi ryu
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crazy to say about a show that got the game to peak player numbers lol
Any chance Jada might someday pick up a Konami license? Capcom maybe has the more toyetic designs, but I've always liked Konami/Hudson's older games better. I would kill people for decent toys of Castlevania, Metal Gear, or Bomberman.
No mentioning anywhere of the black dress but that would be real tight. We're probably only getting blue, red, and pink classic looks for now. I have a slight feeling they're gonna do the Alpha look after they finish releasing all the sf2 characters but we shall see. Dan and Juri will probably be the first two characters after this run.
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I'd love an official Simon. My cobbled together kitbash isn't the best thing, but I can at least tell what it's meant to be.
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If fits although it fit a lot better after soaking it in boiled water for a few minutes. Stylistically and scale wise it works great with the figure and now he looks way more complete.
That fits perfectly. I gotta remember this if I get a Ken. Which I might, I have never found him interesting but the figure just looks so good.
If you get Ken do yourself a favor and also get an stand with an arm to display him with. He looks great flying through the air.
new thread
Yeah and those people are going to buy Nendos and Pop Up Parade.

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