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Discuss all things shonen!


SHF Naruto
SHF Bleach
SHF One Piece
SHF Demon Slayer
SHF Sand Land
SHF Kenshin
SHF Kaiju No.8


Buzzmod Demon Slayer
Buzzmod Kenshin
Buzzmod City Hunter


Figma Demon Slayer
Figma JJK
Figma CSM
Figma Guyver

SC Baki
SC Sakigake Otokojuku!
SC HnK 1/6

GSC Guyver 1/6
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Several threads back this new third party company had revealed this Chrollo, well he’s out now and now they’re teasing a Hisoka. Looks like we might finally be getting new Hunter x Hunter toys… finally…
>still no Leorio
Leorio is one of my favorites too, but I doubt we’d see him until they tackle one of the other mains. They were pretty quick with the Chrollo, he went up and then like a month or two later he was out. So hopefully Hisoka comes out in around the same time and we get Gon, Killua, or Kurapika revealed and then after that I’d say it’s fair game for Leorio. I’m hoping they’ll include both their Hunter Exam looks and then also their more fighting outfits going forward for the main 4. Which they included alternate outfit pieces for Chrollo so it seems likely.
If they decide to re-release Croco-boy and Newgate with the same terrible softgoods they are giving shanks then I will be very pleased I own the first releases!!
Let me guess. These are on those hulking NECA sized bodies that the Chinese like to use aren't they?
I’m not sure of the height, but it’s advertised as 1/12 so I don’t think so
I was looking at the Chaihezi page for it, and I *think* they say it's ~15.8cm.
Oof, if that’s true that’s a little bit bigger than 1/12, makes it more marvel legends size. Since he’s supposed to be 5’10 and that’s 6.2 inches.
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When is next convention or announcment thingy? Need more storms.
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Thinking of shelling out for figma Gon (and Killua) after missing out and initially being unwilling to pay the latefag tax, anybody got him? I was kinda hoping for a reissue or another company to make him, but I don’t have a lot of love for all soft goods stuff like Solowing does.
shocked there aren't KOs of those figures, that seems like such an easy money maker
Definitely, but I think some part of what determines KO availability is the factory used. You have to get lucky with a factory that either has sneaky employees who will steal or copy molds or just sells their B-C grades/bad batches as KOs.
I've got him and Killua. Honestly, they were good for their time, but they're limited by today's standards. Two faces each, no effect parts since it's Hunter Exam versions before they get nen, and the articulation's a bit dated. I also vaguely remember the stand not pegging in properly into the back of one of them, though they stand solid without them. Not sure if that was a widespread issue or just mine. I got them together for like $70 back when they released. I definitely wouldn't pay today's aftermarket rape prices. I'd wait to see how the YYH line does for SHF since if it's a success, HxH might not be far behind.
Aight, cheers anon, I’ll take your advice. Unless I happen across a great deal I’ll just play the waiting game, I just hope SHF roulette doesn’t end up goofing them.
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Just picked up my 2nd Naruto figure. What am I in for? Looking forward to expand my collection, but sad there aren't that many figures from the original series.
They’re all pretty good figures, as far as I know. I have Rock Lee, kid Naruto and Kakashi, all super solid. Jiraiya’s one I’m looking to get soonish. Line sure does need a Hinata, though.
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Nice. Im rewatching the original show at the moment grabbing characters as they appear. Kid sakura is obviously a massive gap. Id also like a kid Rock Lee, Gara and maybe even Neji. Looking forward to Itachi, but would be cool to get a Kisame to go with him.
guys why don't we just pay SEA people on fiverr to make the /safg/ toys we want that bandai won't
The quality is good and they're well painted. Articulation isn't that greatest. I have the regular Nami and the hips suck, she can't kick forward very much. Maybe the swimsuit one is different. Probably the biggest downside for most is that its 1/10 scale so she'll tower over the figuarts figures.
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Just make your own
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>shelf is getting dangerously close to being cluttered
>yusuke and kenshin coming later this year, as well as a few more planned
What's the play, /safg/? I really want to keep the core (Goku, Ken, Kinnikuman, Luffy, Naruto) in the middle and I'd rather not get rid of any of them.
>Poor Ichigo ignored again
Nice set up. You could maybe squeeze another figure or two in by placing smaller characters like Beelzebub and Dai in front of larger ones, but it looks like you'll need a second shelf for your shonen heroes.
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What Nami heads do you recommend? I’ve got a bikini Darkness figma I think would be perfect.
I'd be totally down for Ichigo if he was base form or bankai, I just don't really care about TYBW. I was looking at the Dasin Model releases but they're not doing it for me.
The Dasin scale really ruins it. Base or bankai is the Ichigo I want, too.
>I'd be totally down for Ichigo if he was base form or bankai, I just don't really care about TYBW
Same. Post Aizen I just completely stopped being able to give a fuck.
NTA but the WCF figures are pretty standard for headswap customs
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Jesus what an example to choose. I was thinking about them but the hair will be a little short for Nami.
You should get the upcoming rerelease of the amazing yamaguchi Deku
I do have that on preorder, but I haven't read MHA since Deku started getting extra powers, so I'm not sure it will fit my particular autism with this.
I also dropped it around then and only read the final chapters. I saw they gave All Might a Batman suit cause he doesn’t have a quirk, I think it’d be a cool toy.
whats that shaman king one from?
No SHF Spike?
That's the Rio:Bone Yoh Asakura with an arm I chopped off of a cheap statue to give him OS:Amidamaru. The Rio:Bone comes with parts for OS:Byakko and an Amidamaru soul, but Byakko was too big and I didn't like posing Amidamaru.
JUMP shelf only, man. Not that I have the figure anyway, but still.
>bandai had him in the shf polls last year
>he has a VAH
We can hope…I’ll forgive Guts entirely if they deliver Gin-san.
Toriko, Bobobo, and Gintoki. Those are all I ask, I'd even be okay with the lines dying after one each.
Same, I will accept a single Gintoki (even though I think we should at least get Kagura, Glasses-kun and Hijikata) and be happy to have him hanging out with my other figures.
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Could use a female

This with Medaka.
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Killua figure when? Surely the return of the manga means we're going to get more merch right?
Never read Medaka Box and I don't really have any desire to. Off the top of my head, the only girl I'd want to add is pic related, but I think the nendo would be weirdly scaled.
>the return of the manga
>thinking it won't return to hiatus soon
Regardless, the chances are pretty good I think. It's been getting more statues lately like the Pop Up Parades, Banprestos, and noodle stoppers. Maybe figma will shock everyone with rereleases or 2.0s, but otherwise just keep voting for it in the SHF polls.
>Sees the word statue
>Vision goes red and ability to make logical connections plummets
Holy shit. Learn to read, you dizzy cunt.
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If you faggots are going to start arguing about shit that doesn't matter, at least post your toys while you do it.
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Just paid for Guyver I at amiami. Anyone else here have it ordered?
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based kojima is the first to post it on twitter yesterday! can't fucking wait to get this!!
No, it doesn't. women shouldn't get action figures
Nobody else getting this? Too big or too expensive. The Figma was phenomenal.
Never got into Guyver, can’t justify it just because it’s cool looking mecha bug armour right now.
Damn now I gotta have it too. Gonna get it once it shows up at the GOOD store that I won't tell people about.
Good luck finding one now.
I mean the figma is up so the big one might come up eventually too. Might get the figma in the meantime I guess.
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The figma was general release and only 100 bucks at retail.

The big one was made to order webshop exclusive and cost 700 bucks. I doubt they'll be many going cheap on the after market, but you never know I guess.
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Fuck. ThreeZero got the Jojo licence for 1/6..........my poor wallet.......
Of course it’s the worst part too. If only they made SBR figures.
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I think globally Vento Aureo is the most successful arc of the franchise. It was the best recieved throughout Europe in particular and helped Jojo build a fanbase outside of Japan.

That said, my first introduction to Jojo was the '93 ova so I'll always have a soft spot for SDC. None of the other jojos hold a candle to Jotaro in my eyes.

Being a spin-off (no pun intended) I'll never consider Steel Ball Run a true Jojo arc. It's the equivalent of Baoh to me. That said I love both Baoh and SBR.
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Damn. Pushed back again. What is going on with ThreeZero.

They have announced a new Guts and a Zodd as well.
Cursed franchise, I’m afraid.
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Yeah. It kinda sucks. I paid for it last July so I'll have been waiting over a year by the time it drops.
On a brighter note, I was able to find the RAH Jagi for $50 which was a steal. I know the scale isn't right with Storm and the pleather sucks, but it'll do until storm announce one.
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They look pretty good together.
Is that pleather flaking? I would apply some of the stuff that can help preserve it. If it’s already flaked you could try acrylic paint to make it not as noticeable.
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Yeah. It literally comes off in your hands. I was prepared for it, luckily with the dystopian style (he has scratches and chips in the helmet and armor) it almost feels like it's by design.
Its a figure from 2009 after all which has been sealed in a box for 15 years. I just had to break it out for the first time :P
Out of interest, what product would you recommend for treating pleather and helping it last?
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I’ll admit, I have a lot of 1/6 figures with pleather and have never had an issue, although I’ve been looking into it recently because I got a good deal on a Sheva ($130) and she’s about 15 years old as well and her boots are peeling pretty badly. I’ve heard different things, I know a lot of people use 303 protective wipes, I’ve heard of people using leather conditioner as well. There’s a lot of posts about it if you just look up pleather hot toys.
If it’s already falling apart, there’s not a huge amount you can do with pleather, as it’s plastic coated fabric. There’s specific pleather moisturisers and conditioners available for pleather furniture that might help though. You could almost definitely pay an artist to recreate the suit in the same size, too.
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Kek. The neck peg just broke.
Thanks. Yeah, I was honestly expecting it to be bad quality, which is why I waited 15 years and only paid 25% of the retail price. Medicom RAH are notorious for cheap material.
Reminds me of my Jotaro, which I never bothered to replace the body on. Add to that, a broken neck goku, a deteriorated rubber torso goku, a broken ankle piccolo and now this.
Only Storm and ThreeZero can save us!
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Meh. Imma just call it a feature.
Damn, how’d the neck peg break?
It just came away. Like I said I've had half of my RAH's break similar. No force, you don't even hear a snap, it's just together one minute and then it lifts away the next. It's like the joints are made of rice crackers.
There are screws in the torso and neck, so I could conceivably take them apart and replace the dumbbell joint, but from experience it's only a matter of time before the arms and legs go to :P
I'll consider this my $50 stand-in until Storm release one. He'll make a good punching bag for Kenshiro.
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Holy RIP. I still have the RAH Lelouch/Zero somewhere, who is still good but the gold printing’s rubbed off his clothing super easy over the years.
Nice. I don't know if those Project BM! releases were better than the Real Action Heroes ones. Hopefully so and yours lasts. My Jojo Part 6 figures seems to the the only ones that have stood the test of time.
I was considering getting the Attack on Titan ones, but didn't fancy taking the risk as I like to pose my figures.
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I was gonna get KQ 2nd and Kira 2nd from amazonjp, I assumed they were the rereleases. KQ 2nd ended up going out of stock, but then I was checking the reviews and they were mostly really bad, like people with the wrong boxes, awful qc etc.
Is it really that much of a luck of the draw? Should I cancel my Kira order and just try to get one from mandarake or something
nvm feel like a bit of an idiot, I saw the origin of the figures was from china and cancelled immediately. Got KQ from hlj though.
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It arrived. 2024 is the year for 1/6 boomer anime!
The detail is fantastic. Overpriced for sure though when you compare it to Threezero and Storm. Should could with a Sho half face and megasmasher effects at this price.

I'm glad you managed to cancel it in time and get an official one.
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I haven't kept up on SAS releases in years but Medicos still hasn't release this colorway for D4C? MFC shows a 5 year timespan since the reveal.
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Yep. Same for Funny. I guess they figured they'd wait for the anime. We're finally getting hot pants and a 3rd gyro along then 2 other antagonists, so suspect these will come in the next couple of years.

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