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Welcome to the 1:18th general. All 1:18th scale lines are welcome including larger scales that may work with 1:18th. Post pics of your latest purchases, dios, customs and whatever else you feel like posting. We encourage mixing lines. Let's keep this general fun and help each other out.

>1:18th lines
Acid Rain(post apocalyptic soldiers, mechs, robots, vehicles)
Boss Fight Studios(Fantasy, Zorro, Tarzan, Zombies, The Phantom, horses)
Dime Novel Legends(Western figures)
GI Joe
Fresh Monkey Fiction Eagle Force
Hiya (Aliens, D.C., Predator, Robocop)
Indiana Jones
Jazwares(Halo, Fortnite)
Joy Toy(Warhammer 40k, Modern/futuristic military soldiers, mechs, dioramas, vehicles)
Jurassic Park
Marauder Gun Runners(Modern military, WWII)
Marvel Universe
Palisades: Army of the Dead
Planet Green Valley(Futuristic military females)
Schleich(Fantasy, civilians, playsets)
Shodo Kamen Rider
Star Wars TVC
The Corps
Beasts of the Mesozoic/Cyberzoic

>**Protip: Because of the slow nature of this thread it has been entering autosage prematurely due to the new implementation on the board. It is recommended to pin the thread in the catalog if you want to keep better track of it

Previous Thread: >>11004715
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Where are them
I hate BBTS shipping for being so slow. Knowing Black Dynamite is en route but will take over a week to arrive is suffering. I just want him to beat up some Red Shadows
Scammed again.
Not scammed, it'll arrive like every order I've placed. It's just the last few have been exponentially slow to arrive. Ordering directly from Fresh Monkey isn't much better to be fair, always takes a while.
I'm hoping the start putting them out soon
I really hope Hiya does a 1/18 version of the Major
I had a dream that this figure got a big upgrade before release.
I do too and just based on their recent history of making figures in both scales from the licenses they've got, I think there's a really good chance of it happening. I hope we not only get Motoko but other members of Section 9 to go with her. I want Saito especially.
And a Tachikoma too
Wasn't there a line of 4" scale Tachikomas made years ago? I remember seeing something like that on AmiAmi
There was this from SAC_2045 GitS, but I want the Stand Alone Complex era design
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This one is my favorite so far.
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And I gave a Frankenstein a try.
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Good Smile made a 1/18 Tachikoma that came with the Major. It has diecast parts, so the joints can't support it well.

Bandai also made one for their Robot Spirits line, which is basically 1:18 scale. It came out 4 years ago, so you can find it for way cheaper than the Good Smile verison (~$100). Nothing opens up, btw.
I heard a rumour Boris Ping was doing legally-distinct one.
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I hope so, and this Regina as I have a bunch of Hammond Collection for her waiting.
God I hope so
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>a Centurion
>wearing Greek cuirass
>wearing a cavalry officer's ceremonial mask
>using a bow and arrow

what the actual fuck, I don't expect 100% realism but this is just way out.
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Signifiers looks good
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A 3.75" Pennywise coming from 52toys. No leg articulation but he has interchangeable heads and arms (with some kind of action feature)
Feels like a miss without a bit more articulation. Can't even do the goofy dancing poses. Like, the claw action is cool and all but were simple joints on the limbs too much to ask?
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And they also released this image
The prelude to a romance with the thing in the trash compactor.
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I fucking hate their shipping prices to Canada.
I always get fucked and find it easier sometimes from H.K. or secondarys. I mean BBTS is a DEAL compared to these motherfuckers.
That being said. thank fucking God for some different sized people.
- but we will not save money.

So hot the last few days ankle rockers are not helpful. figures just slump in the warm.
love the diorama.
Lots of old shit that still holds up, but somehow the new shit doesn't. Hah. Says a lot about how quality matters.

this looks like shit. I can't understand what's supposed to be going on here. It almost looks like AI images from a couple of years ago.
Why does the male dwarf get an alt head but not the black chick?
They really seem set on forcing her blackness on you, despite wearing gloves .... at least i think they're gloves since they're not the same color as her face.

The halfling even gets a fucking masked head too. wtf.

I don't know what that bullshit is but they have consistently worked hard in creating small skin tone differences as well.
like tan vrs "champagne"
I find it frustrating that they don't put out a line of alternate heads that would also really help their army builders.
But I am also concerned that if they did they would all be sculps based on these people's spouses.
I have NEVER understood the disconnect with HEROIC figures and banal headsculpts.
The dwarf doesn’t get a new skintone when he gets a new head, he turns old. You can see the halfling’s skintone as well. I think you’re just trying hard to get offended, anon. The gloves are supposed to be leather as they’re the same colour as the boots, so you can really just swap another head on if you’re that upset.
Why did they limit the amount of heads she get? Everyone else got multiples. She doesn't even have the most accessories from this release either.
She should at least get a masked head.

> But I am also concerned that if they did they would all be sculps based on these people's spouses.
To be fair, most toylines bas their sculpts on real life people. This has been going on since at least the 80s with the GI Joe line and still happened in the 00s and 10s GI Joe line. Even the Marvel lines got into that too. Pic is one of the people in charge of the MU and Marvel movie lines.

Still, the fact that they have been extremely defensive about their uggo wives/friends and doubled down on it might be why this fem dwarf doesn't get an alt head.
If you want 1:18 cats and a cooking pot, HAHAH!, you need to buy their girlfriend's girlfriend.
I got a MISB Hiya 1:18 Predator off ebay. How do I know it’s original? I know ali sells them too. Not sure because it says Jungle Hunter V2 but also Battle Damage on the box, and it’s not battle damaged version. I think the mask is a bit darker than what I’ve seen in reviews.
too gaudy. looks like it would belong in a rap video.
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What's all this stuff that comes with the new Joytoy Romans? Is there a board game associated with them or something?
How do I check if an item is new or second hand on Ali Express? Ice used thr Fireflies store and the other one Wewi HLTH, so I assumed they're brand new. Condition just says "In Stock Item"
Why are people so retarded?
yeah, the gold is too bold. I really would have rather the gold have been brass or bronze.
Is this going to be Rome in specific or history in general? Because I'd drop some money on some 1:18 knights.
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gold here and there is fine. it's the fact that it looks like it comes from some ghettoass Michael Bay movie, instead of something a little more historical.
Way too much gold.

Shit like Sparta having gold-ish looking armor is fine, because they had bronze but not a lot of steel.
Rome? High tech as fuck, so they used steel.
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So who's getting Jimmy Buffett?
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I hope to get one as I kinda like having more mundane figures for laughs.
this is awesome.

i love this photo. It doesn't look like you added any paint to the figures, but you somehow managed to make them not look like they're made from cheap glossy plastic.
... or did you add a coat of satin or matte spray paint to them?
lol, what a weird figure for a con exclusive. I'm absolutely gonna get it, just like I got Spielberg last year, but it's still a pretty silly figure.
>The mini Dash Rendar
Fucking based
I would love to have him chilling in the HasLab Cantina
Anyone know where I can get a 1940s gangster type figure? I’d like to make a post-War Yakuza using heads from Marauder and such, and I just need the right suit and body
I wish the orc was a little big bigger
I love the "stuffed" Tarzan leopard
What are some non-1/18 figures that (You) think work well in 1/18 scale? for me it's the Papo articulated dragon, it works as a smaller dragon
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How has no one posted these yet?

Nice. Love these crossovers.
Anyone here buy 52toys' captain commando figures?
HLJ just charged me for baby and ninja commando, and i have mummy and cap at home.
Havent opened cap and mummy yet, i want to open all four at once. Im very much looking forward to it.

This style will go with my other 4 inch figures. I was afraid if they went too cartoony, they would look really out of place next to my other figures.

Cobra shock troopers will make some nice enemies for the turtles to beat up.
They look fucking great. I want the whole set
Are these just going to be for sale in China?
Yes but you can order them from ltcave
I don't love or hate them. It's not my ideal turtle design but they look really good all posed up. I am also getting way more into 1/18 these days, so that's tempting too.
New Jeep and Rex coming through
I think this version of Arnold makes a good background dino wrangler
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Liking the new head and paint but really wish it wasn't using the same body with the fuck huge legs/feet as most other rexes. I think I would have preferred something like the new ceratosaurus body with new head and hands.
Yeah it's weird that they went out of their way to give it the Young T-Rex headsculpt but still kept the same Extreme Chompin body. It really needed a new smaller body to go with that head.
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Need some helps guys. I think there was a fellow toy soldier who posted their Joytoy Death Korps figures and he used some custom heads similar to pic related. I think he provided a link to the STL files he used. Any have those files or link?
ZAMN! have not collected toys in almost ten years, but I gotta have those
Has there been any updates on the Planet Green Valley blanks? I remember seeing a photo going around of a male sculpt and three female sculpts.

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