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What the fuck are these things called? And why can't I find a brand name for them? And why are they so cute?
Aliexpress calls them Idols and cotton dolls. I think they're mostly customs. They're cute because asia has spent the last 40 years optimizing their KawaiiFactor(TM) and this is the ultimate result.
>mostly customs
Huh. That's odd but if there's no brand to it, I guess I can expect about any character to be done in this shape.
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>why are they so cute?
They aren't. I was curious as to why so many people like those things, why do they have heart shaped nipples and animal paws? I think the kind of people who buy these things are furry pedophiles.
I'm eh on the nipples but I like the nonsensical animal paws. I know there's no reason for the animal paws to be there, these are not anthros or furries or animals, but they look cute; I think that's all there is to it.
No idea on what the fuck is going on with the nipples, though. Every doll I've seen has something embroidered into the chest. Some have visions from Genshin, others have zodiac signs symbols, weapons, etc. instead of the heart nipples but I agree that they are a weird choice for the "generic" chest embroidery.
this video explains it, sorry for no youtube link i couldn't find it
>kpop fans
Somehow it's always them.
They're 棉花娃娃 (cotton doll) and there's not one brand, they're generally all artist designed and all use different manufacturers. You can do the same!
If you want ones not based on any media, you can use: 无属性 (Non attribute)
The three main sizes are 20cm, 15cm and 10cm.
So if you're looking for one you can search 棉花娃娃无属性 20cm
I had the same thinking. Didn't get any idea why so many people were buying these when they aren't any special.
Why is that considered weird, baby dolls have had sculpted nipples for decades and this is way more innocuous than that.
This is clearly just surface level fembrained cute stuff, you're just too jaded to settle with that assumption.
It's cute and women like it. Same reason dolls have realistic genitals.

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