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Didn't see one in the catalog so I figured I'd start.

I'm thinking of doing a custom Vergil with a spiderman noir's body and touching up some of the details.
How should I go about getting the head to fit on the ball peg neck?
You could pop some green stuff inside the head and use the neck peg to make a hole in it, then leave it to dry? That way it should fit the neck peg. Movement might be less than perfect though.
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I want to make a custom 1/12 ghost, but I never made one before

What are some good resurces to ger started? Places to find the bits? What kind of body should I consider for it?
Pop on aliexpress and look for 1/12 soldier stuff. Should be loads to trawl through.
Without being able to see and interact with all the parts I'm not sure what exactly I'd do. How does the head connect to its original body? Do you have the original? My first instinct is to consider a full neck joint transplant, sawing it off and attaching with JB Weld or UV resin.
I suppose a more succinct question is "What prevents them from working together now?"
Using a Notaman NT02 for a custom and the neck is too long. Doesn't look horrible but doesn't look great. Still waiting on the suit so maybe that'll help, but what's the best potential method to shorten it a bit? The two dumbell joints at the top and base are already pretty short. It's the actual sculpt that's long.
>How should I go about getting the head to fit on the ball peg neck?

This method is always reliable for me
Anyone know if Lightning Collection legs are compatible with any of the GI Joe Classified figures?
Since OP didn't post it, here's the helpful tips that /customs/ usually includes in the OP:

-Invest in a rotary tool such as a dremel for sanding/sculpting, especially a flexible extension tip.
-Pin vises for drilling holes can be found at hobby stores like Hobby Lobby and are great for making peg holes.
-For soft, flexible parts get Sugru silicone putty and Oyumaru
-Hardware epoxy putties such as Waterweld, KwikWood, and PlasticWeld are similar to milliput, greenstuff, and apoxie, can be cheaper some times, and can be found at local hardware stores such as Lowes, Ace, and Home Depot.
-Bootleg figures make great custom-fodder, especially if the legit figures are pricey.
-Body-chan/kun, Figma Archetype He/She, Romankey x Cowl, and Sozai-chan/kun are great base bodies for import-style human characters.
-For 3D models to use for editing, the following sites are good to bookmark:
cgtrader.com (free and purchasable models)
cults3d.com (free and purchasable models)
models-resource.com (FREE 3D game models)
turbosquid.com (free and purchasable models)
grabcad.com (free and purchasable models)
renderhub.com (free and purchasable models)
Im unsure what to do, should I spend 60 dollars on a new figure that has all the features I want with just a need to swap heads and buy some clothes but have to wait till next year or buy parts for the same price and get building the figure now with the major downside being paint rubbing off and I have to sculpt some shit of course if I fuck up I can just get more parts.
try kitbashing gi joe classified or valaverse figures, and then custom paint job for the skull mask
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For practice I just tried the hotglue method on SHF Mario and it worked. You just gotta coat the ball joint in vaseline so it doesn't stick.

the socket is nice and flexible too so it's easy to pop back on
Hoping someone here might be able to help me, though this is more of a repair question rather than a custom question.
I bought the 2010 Jaba the Hutt throne set with Oola, but her one foot was broken. The peg broke off inside of her leg and I was only able to get it out by destroying what was left. The leg and peghole are fine and the foot has a slight nub from the peg left on it.
Any advice on how I can add a makeshift peg to the foot so that it can keep it's articulation and connect back to the figure? I'm not sure what I can use as a decent replacement peg or how best to attached it given how small it is (3.75" figure)
presumably you could try to salvage the joint by drilling a lego lightsaber rod diameter hole into it, and then placing some modified chunk of lego rod into it before fixing the new makeshift peg in place with some kind of adhesive. It'll be a tricky demanding process but its possible. You could just as easily glue it into place too i suppose.
I'm pretty sure a Lego rod is far too thick, this is a 1/18th scale/3.75" figure. I see what you're saying though. I guess I was hoping to attach something to the ankle joint with maybe a pin and some glue to make a makeshift peg, but I would need to be thinner than a Lego rod I believe. I'll check though
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>I just tried the hotglue method on SHF Mario
Spend the 60. If it's gonna end up being pricey regardless then I say go for the sure thing.
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>I just tried the hot glue method
Whoa, now, buddy, that's not allowed here
Can you use airbrush thinner on craft paint like FolkArt?
What's the best way to do a black wash?
The stuff Citadel does is pretty good. Dilute it it to whatever you need.
What about just black paint and water? How much paint to water, and best method for applying it and removing the excess? I know it's a simple process but I've tried it before and messed up. I think I had way too much paint as it wasn't easily wiping off.
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Here's what I ended up with. Since it's a symbiote character I think it looks better than it did out of the box, but also it just doesn't look like other washes I've seen. I tried various states of runny/thicker and not sure what I did wrong exactly. Like if it's too runny it just wipes right off or doesn't even settle, just beads up like rain. Too thick and it won't wipe off at all. I tried adding just a bit of water at a time and kept trying but there never seemed to be a happy medium. Any clue what I'm flubbing on?
You should probably have thinned it down using acrylic medium instead of just water, I haven't tried to make my own washes but that's what you do with airbrush paint for light glazes
Looks like the wash pooled pretty aggressively in the larger crevices. I can't say for sure without seeing your technique but I think you still didn't dilute your paint enough. You want to be able to almost wipe it all off. The trick is to do multiple washes, letting it dry and wiping away excess so that the black gradually accumulates.

1. Dilute paint until very thin (beading up is fine)
2. Apply liberally to one area at a time
3. Immediately blot/smudge the area with something like a paper towel or your thumb
4. Let dry
5. Repeat until satisfied

If the figure barely looks different after running through the above steps once, that's good. You get more control and subtler shading.
Well the back of his neck and thighs was paint that was on the figure already. Thanks for the input. Next time I try a wash I'll give that a shot. I lightly sprayed it with some matte clear coat after I was done. That the ideal way to finish?
Anyone know of for sale custom heads for ML riot and phage? Something to replace their stupid expressions.
You guys might be able to help me out here. So for a figure I'm making I need some wire or some such as the core for an articulated tail. I can't seem to find anything that's both relatively easy to bend when necessary, but also able to hold its own weight up. Everything I've tried is either completely unrealistic to bend in this scenario, or just eventually droops down because it can't hold up any weight whatsoever. I'm sure there's some kind of nice middle ground, but I'm thoroughly out of my depth in regards to material like that, so I have no idea what to even look at.
I'm new to all of this. Can anyone provide links to reputable people printing custom parts?
You might have some luck on Shapeways.
Depends on exactly what you're using to make the tail, but I would look into jewelry wire. I run it through scarves and shit I sew for figures so I can pose those, and I haven't had any of it break on me yet.
is there s site to make some custom DC MULTIVERSE stuff
I've heard people say use dish soap in your wash mixture. Would that help? What exactly would it do?
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I don't have a steady hand by any means but I took a crack at getting Vergil's body ready. I even sculpted some of his vest but I didn't want to hinder the ab-crunch.

Currently waiting for the headsculpt to come in the mail
An attempt was made. It's MvC2 Hulk head I tried painting. I don't think it's god awful and the greens are close enough to the Selects body. Still I haven't done many heads so if I ever do more at least I'll have more practice.
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Forgot pic. One thing I don't understand is I bought some matte clear coating to spray on the head when I was done. After I did it looked really glossy despite the can saying matte. Is that normal? I put mixed a lil mod podge matte and water to cover it and that has it looking better. Any idea why the spray looked more glossy than I expected?
fucking fantastic bro
I think it's ok. Thinning the paint way more than I normally did as well as priming it helped a lot. I didn't go crazy with the primer though. In hand looks much better than in a close up photo. The main issue I have with how it came out is the dry brushing of the yellowish green. I'm not sure exactly how it should have been done to mimic the shading on the rest of the body, but it's good enough.
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Now I'm just waiting for his sword
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Broke my Mafex Steel’s wrist joint a couple weeks ago, finally got new joints in to replace it but I need to mushroom out the end of the new black joint. Any ideas on how to accomplish that?
I kept applying super glue when I had a similar situation with an *ron Man hand having the wrong size peg. Dunno if that'd be ideal though. Just don't try putting it in the arm until it fully dries. Hell, maybe you could cut off the original peg and super glue it? If it breaks off in the arm you'd be shit out of luck though.
If I did that and it broke off in the arm I’d fucking kill myself or just buy a new Steel since he seems to only be fetching MSRP plus overseas shipping on the second hand market currently
How loose is it as is? If you can get the peg to friction fit enough then you'd not have to worry about the peg breaking off.
It falls out if I try to move it at all but it stays in for the most part otherwise, I will try applying superglue and letting it dry to see if the added mass creates enough friction, probably my best bet to be honest
Yeah that's what I was thinking. Doing it that way won't risk breaking whatever kind of peg you'd hobble onto the joint. If you put too much glue on you can easily file it off. Worst case scenario you have a spare joint?

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