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\afdg\ all azone dolls welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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i so exited for this doll i already put it on layaway dayo
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im back dayo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely love azone dolls. I rescued two of them from eBay and have been having a lot of fun dressing them up and playing around with them.
I do plan on getting brand new ones soon, there's just too many cute options to be able to pick just one. I'll definitely get one of the tiny ones though, Little Fairy or however they were called, they look especially adorable and I'd love to take it around with me to random places.

Wish they were a bit more affordable though. And the price tag becomes even heftier since I'm a europoor.
That good Im one of the doll photographer in the US who really tries to push azone to people because they really good. That good that you got some out of eBay! Trust I'm in la I'm almost euro poor tooo.
Do you have listings for them? I'd love to see more, they look very cute!
I would go on cd Japan or hobby Japan desu or find a azone sales rep on fb
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Hello azone friend!
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Chicken nuggets are back!
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Did you take her on a tour of the Queen Mary?
For fucks sake, Anon...
They're just cute dolls. Some do photography of them, many like to dress them up, others like myself like to just carry them around to nice place like a tiny little plastic friend.
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I always love seeing this doll.
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little chickens are the best
Ignore the board spammer.

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