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Do you like Chinese style packaging?
It okay, all the stuff I've ordered off aliexpress was just wrapped up in a big roll of bubble wrap taped up several times then dropped into a mailer bag and shipped off.
I don't give a fuck as long as the thing inside is okay
I've never encountered the style of packaging in OP's pic, but it looks performative
It's a bit of a chore to separate all the plastic from carboard when they do that.
Make sure to check all over the box, I’ve heard stories of them trying to sneak seeds into the box
You WILL grow vegetables in your garden!
Seeds for invasive species of plants? Not sure I follow.
Bug people eggs.
It's shit, because they use the cheapest packing materials and their shipping of packages is also shit.

Everything is one step away from being destroyed, and even if it isn't, don't expect your stuff to arrive mint in box.

Everything I've always ordered from China comes trashed. 8 out of 8 so far.

not my pic, but literally like this.
that's the fearmongering headline misinformed people like to spread whenever this stuff does the news rounds again, but really it's more that they're mailing random cheap shit (or yes something as utterly worthless as seeds) to random addresses they've bought as a way to artificially inflate their ratings on whatever website they're abusing.
no, because it contains Chinese crap.
Then why are all my KO Transformers so much better quality than officially licensed Hasbro products?
It's all subjective and depends on what site you actually use to buy shit from. Some of the reputable ones use double walled boxes and fully weatherproof the box. Is it a bit overkill? Yes. Do I appreciate it as someone whose had 3 packages fully soaked by water? Yes.
i can't believe my pic is still making the rounds
to be fair however, this was my only big chink shipment that arrived this beat up, and nothing inside was actually damaged thanks to the plastic shells inside

on the other hand, fuck china, fuck those fucking chinks and aliexpress for not refunding me anything on those destroyed fucking boxes
They don't see the boxes as valuable, they just treat them as disposable packaging.
They are correct
Then why do companies ever bother designing box art? Might as well just toss the clamshell into a basic brown box if it isn't worth anything to you.
>they just treat them as disposable
just like their people

>cheapest packing materials
But yes, this.

For idiots that buy to resell, so I would never do that from China, and for idiots that want the boxes and don't open or display their toys.
The warranted fear that the correctly informed use to educate people further, based on fact. We see you, bugman.

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