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Sgt. Rock cant have a gun but you Brainiac have a giant detachable scythe the size of a box cutter? edition

previous: >>11026882
Blame WB and buy one of McFarts three accessory packs available.
Since the batmobile hasnt sold out, whats the chances of it going on sale just like the overcharged batcycle thats still sitting in the warehouse?
Hell, even the 89 batmobile is still up on amazon.
McFarlane slightly overproduced the 89 batmobile which is smart because it's really an evergreen product that people will buy for months. 89 Batmobile has already been on slight sale. I'd be skeptical about the TAS batmobile going on sale because Target tends to get less of their gold labels than Amazon
I used the Ramen mod kit on my batmobile. Looks great next to my Neca Keaton.
Is the 89 a good car? Ive never looked into todds vehicles.
What are you doing? The last three is only on page 2
I'm not a man who stands still on a sinking ship, and I prefer OP pics that are taken by regulars over a white background promo pic of the latest McFarlane abomination.
But that brainiac is definitely an abomination as well kek
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>bitches about threads
>bitches about toys
>contributes nothing
Your posts are empty filler, little bumpslave.
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Did you get one?
theyre okay, i feel its a bit overpriced for what theyre worth and its a single seater which annoys me. But you can kinda fudge in two 6 inch figs in the car.
Kek hell no
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>Looks pretty gay
Not gay enough for my tastes


I'd prefer to blame the 60 year old make-up wearing grandpa who thinks re-using a shitty buck of his own shitty ass for a Superman clone makes perfect sense.

Fuck off Athena
>re-using a shitty buck of his own shitty ass for a Superman clone makes perfect sense.
1) it was reuse of constantine first
2) the person who made this decision is jason langston
Just like this anon who is >>11032051
>posing ... figgies
while his
>cum leaks
are staining his garage sale purchased second-hand IKEA furniture, you can be sure his wife also complains because OP orgasms WAY too early and WAY AHEAD of her, just like OP started a new thread prematurely
i'm unpinning this dc gen just like i did the last one. you people are sick in the head. if i woke up as any of you tomorrow in some kinda freaky friday type situation, i'd kill myself.
enjoy the display anon
That's not me homie
i meant it in a good way. Look at the face.
McFart should have really done blank bucks early on. I've past on so much stuff that had visible sculpting where it shouldn't. At least Legends reuses parts decently well.
Blank bucks are boring. Should just uniquely sculpt everything using aluminum tools
Heh. That might actually make first editions more valuable.
Bbts must order only like double digits of mcfarlanes given that even this poor CE wave sold out there while it struggled elsewhere
Yeh, couldn't be that McFarts are actually popular.
They definitely aren't.
>stop liking what I don't like
I like McFs just fine, but I can recognize that they're not as popular as they could be. Why else do you think they switched to smaller production runs?
Well the same figures on Amazon, EE, GS and MTS aren't sold out so...

For ones like Darkseid where it sells out everywhere then you know yeah thats a popular figure.
But todd said they're the number 1 action figure line.
That was because he flooded the market but it also led to massive pegwarming to the point where figures from years ago were still on pegs, which costs retailers money.
nta And now it's the opposite or?
Yes, he cut back on production massively. I assume it's because retailers were threatening to back away due to the pegwarming and discounts, or he could no longer subsidize the discounts they wanted on figures that didn't move.
That's kinda weird. He should know his stuff from the 90s. At least with distribution.
McFart was pretty successful in the 90s. He thought he could replicate that. He could not.
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lol snip snap
You assume I care about that.
Well the issue is he worked with his own IP in the 90s and smaller licenses. He didn't work with anything as huge as DC. Five nights at freddies would probably be more comparable in size to DC than Spawn
Iron Man? Especially nowadays with the movies.
That's kind of why Batman has like 12 related books at any one time going at DC
Sports teams aren't huge?
The market for statues of sports players isnt huge
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>I think Batman is the most popular DC character
watch out, this anon's brain is getting so big it's going to make his skull explode
Nowadays, maybe. People have gotten jaded over the whole sportsball thing.
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Too many seemingly rigged ones eh?
Ironically Todd's figures cannot hit that Spawn pose
>only cool character
They probably don't want to be stuck with slop. I noticed they are also the only online storefront still selling some other DCMV shit that EE, GS or even Todd's own storefront are listing as sold out from older lines.
All they had to do was discount it to reasonable prices for those old McFarlanes (i.e. like 5 bucks each), but they refuse.
>Always, I wanna be with you
And make believe with you
And live in harmony, harmony, oh love
(Always) I wanna be with you
And make believe with you
And live in harmony, harmony, oh love
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Why did you buy her, anon?
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The only thing I bought was Superboy
That's from like 2023
I ordered the new Superboy for his heads to go on him.
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I bought extra SB Prime to use that head. I don't have a photo of that; I don't like the side eye on the Prime head but here he is on a ML Sentry.

Prime is a great head because it's so easy to get an entire even MIB figure for dirt cheap; I think I ended up with three, but no clue what to do with the bucks.
That is one problematic body sculpt.
I’ve been thinking about cutting the spikes off mine, too. There are some nice resin prints of Superboy heads with sunglasses on eBay and etsy that are tempting.
>Mcfarlane goes to all the trouble of splattering that light blue paint on Steel as some science experiment to get him to look metallic without using as much paint
>Everyone who buys the figures just has to remove it because it looks ugly given so many photos I see of it all have it removed
Sharp box cutter works perfectly. I took too much off trying to make it flat. Just do the spikes and leave the raised patches.
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I wish someone would leak the name of the WB exec who keeps stonewalling the inclusion of guns in DC toys so people could harass them
Oh yeah, an x-acto knife wouldn't be a problem. The main thing holding me back is the jacket is a soft rubber and sometimes that material won't cut so much as rip and even with sanding and repainting it could potential tear out chunks, and since it'd be repainted with a glossy finish every bump would show up. So much could go wrong to turn it from a two second snip job to an all afternoon filling, sanding, and repainting job.
Yours looks nice, though. Imma go for it later tonight.
When that Beware the Batman cartoon was a thing, WB animation executive VP Sam Register told them to watch it with the realistic guns. It's probably that guy if he's still there.
Went smooth as butter with no tearing. You'll have to touch up with some black after. Greyish underneath. I used a black gel pen to keep the shine. Surprisingly no rub off.
Probably the guy who made Elmer Fudd use a harvesting scythe for hunting Bugs Bunny in the latest Looney Tunes revival.
The what now? That sounds awful.
>All they had to do was discount it to reasonable prices for those old McFarlanes (i.e. like 5 bucks each), but they refuse.
Tell me you've never run a business without telling me. You can't dump massive amounts of product for half to a third of what you paid for long.
Nice. It’d be an easier project the others I have lined up. I found an old Wonder Woman surprisingly in scale with the McFarlane stuff but it has one of Alex Ross’ ugly female faces. Maybe with some darker lipstick, eyeshadow, and the hole in her left hand filled she might be pretty. I’m not going to pay over $50 for a McFarlane Wondy, and I kind of like how this one isn’t chopped up with joints and pegs.
Movie Ozymandias with his pink super glossy dick sucking lips is my other project. I really want to make the gold metallic parts brighter, maybe push some shadows into his domino mask to make him more intimidating.
He's back to having a gun now
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Todd as superboy feels right.
Mind if I save this super sexy and sassy pic?
Consider it a free digital download on the house, friendo :)
Am I the only one who wants the Green Army Man Sgt Rock variant?
Nope. I now want a whole 7 inch OC green army man line by mcfarlane now. I also wish they'd do OC monsters line. Both those things would sell unlike spawn shit.
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It's fucking sick bruh
>this was seen as a good body mold in 2006
>feminine face with black girl hairstyle
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>Aye zaddy u wanna take me to sum fried chickns n grape drank
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Honestly I think the face is horrifying
Yeah but I got it second hand for my collection of SM expy's and it was $8-10? And the seller (an LCS) had two other figures I wanted, so the shipping was negligible added expense.

He's essentially 1-2 less large pizza slice from Whole Foods I am denying myself to have an extra expy for toy photography.
Yeah I hate those spikes but I've been waiting to grab a used second hand version of this figure for like $10 to do that to, since I'd like to keep a pristine one in case I do fuck up something. Since

I have Xacto knives, I would use those and just make sure I have some clean sharp blades.

Yeah, I ended up with her as well from a lot purchase, it is a nice buck but you're right about the head. I'm planning to sell it off with some other unwanted DC Direct stuff from other lots.

They will likely have to do an animated version of the Creature Commandos by next Spring or else the movie (live action) version for Gunn's Superman.
Bought this today. Haven't opened it yet. That is all.
Is the face as shitty in person?
Those hip joints are not acceptable in 2024. In fact they never were.
Based. You gonna do the build-a-figure?
This is what aliens would really look like
She looks better with a little repaint in the face and some blue drybrushing on the hair.
Now I have a problem.
Now I have a Trinity.
Now I need a League.
I have never seen a wonder woman in a comic with that outfit
Holy shit, really good job
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Anon, it's from Kingdom Come...
oh my kingdom will cum
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>tfw I actually read Kingdom Come and don't remember Wonder Woman looking like that in it
It's usually her gold eagle armor costume that gets featured in the kingdom come covers and tributes, no wonder
Looking good, anon.
Not really, but id be pissed since the fortnite toy solider is cheaper. Itd be kinda cool to get sgt rock in toy soldier colors, i just actually want the standard release more.
I thought McFarts Fornite stuff was trash.
Their headsculpt for Sgt Rock doesn't even look like him though. Needed to be thinner and with less beard.
How exciting was Friday's megadrop of figures for you, anons?
Wasn't interested in any of them this time around, but good to see some interesting variety.

Just as a general thing about McFarlane, it seems like all their action figure lines have dried up outside of DC, with occasionally some 40K or Demon Slayer (and seemingly Bleach coming). They're back to making their statues and lightly articulated figures as a big part of their inventory. I wonder if it's a creative choice or financial one.
Judging by how quick the statues drop in price it's not a good decision. They're almost like DC Multiverse year 1-2, although maybe it's again because he's over-producing these to try to capture buyers. But I don't see how he thinks there is as much of a market for statues as action figures. There just isn't.
Is his hat removable? It doesn't look like it.
Steaming dog shit. I'm out of multiverse.
Yeah, im just thinking if you want a toy solider figure that there is already one available
I think sgt rock is pretty cool. Disappointed in fire.
How is it a troll? Objectively everything that went up yesterday for multiverse was awful and I have yet to buy any multiverse figures since completing my justice league.
Why are you here then? That's all we really talk about.
>still no Power Girl
>still no Zatanna
>bald Superboy and green Sgt Rock instead
Todd has many a conversation about DC Multiverse with wholesome Youtubers like that guy named after a bodily function and a Transformers character.
stop talking to yourself about this shit
go make a faggot general for toy youtubers
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I enjoy talking about the DC Multiverse brand and information surrounding it, anon, even if it's silly.
ya caught me, btw im trans
>That's all we really talk about.
That's all you talk about faggot. DC isn't just Todd shit.
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So true
This thing makes me want a Mask of the Phantasm figure
Nowadays it is.
I'm liking this thing the more I see it. Does his weapon split in two?
No but it's ass splits in two when you pair it up with catman
Yes, it splits in two. It's definitely worth more than 20 bucks. I saw it on sale for that at Amazon
You're thinking of Ghost-Maker. That figure is a different character: Abyss.
Objectively false. We get Mafex Bane in a week or so.
I wish I could find my old Rorschach and Comedian
todd shouldve swallowed you.
Something tells me that Metallo isn't the look anyone wanted since it's so reuse heavy and is going to pegwarm hard
mop is one of those things i hope normys never get into im ok with never getting figures
>stop liking what I like
MoP is already a cool design so it's clearly normie bait once it releases.
I'm fine with my Mondo one.
The fourth member of the league is the Flash. He’s horrifying but with some work he’ll look cool. Why are there giant holes in his wrists, calves, and back?
It's taller than knightfall Batman
That Superman is so ass, I'll never understand why people like it
the shiny S hypnotizes them while the frequent reuse of the horrible infected supes buck brainwashes them into accepting anything as long as it isn't another terrifying reuse of that mold.

And to think, people actually lauded the infected buck at first and begged McFarlane to reuse it for normal Superman figures...
Who will the other three be?
>Why are there giant holes in his wrists, calves, and back?
The buck originally came with lightning pieces that slotted into them
you suck at posing, stick to statues.
Yeah! You tell 'em anon! We don't want your kind around here, ya hear!? Now go on, shoo!!
Is this guy any good? I thought he looks pretty cool. Does he pair well with Injustice 2 brainiac or Rebirth Zod?
>She looks better with a little repaint in the face and some blue drybrushing on the hair.
Not bad, but my Trinity is the New Frontier Superman, WW but a different DCD Bats. I also have the Red Son WW and the one with the blue star skirt that matches her Sensation Comics appearance so I am good because I'm not a fan of any of the modern takes. I only miss having one that highly articulates but I'll live.

I keep seeing those at rock bottom prices at Ross and keep passing them buy even for minion armies.

I may get the Connor TT figure if I come across it cheap but I'm not pre-ordering it or buying it new. I'd like a Tim Drake and I don't hate the sculpt the way most people do but that uniform just sucks ass and I have absolutely no attachment to it. I may just wait and see if his Red Robin condom uniform ever gets made and if not, just buy the Alex Ross one, minimal articulation and everything.

He might look good with Zod. He would probably pair well with the Atomic Skull even if you didn't bring him up, or the Biz that McFart popped out.

People who like the armor like it and supposedly it comes off, and for a Superman head sculpt (you need to find the promo pics that show that figure without that crap on his face), its not as awful as those usually are for DCMVs but I honestly don't like how the figures looks in just the traditional blue and red uniform so I have no reason to get him. There will probably be plenty of Superman figures next year with the movie and now that My Adventures With Superman was renewed, we might even gets toys of it.
thanks, someone has to say it. ill take up that sword.
Thanks for replying. I saw some videos with height comparisons, he's a lot taller than Zod but just a bit taller than Injustice Brainiac.

Maybe I'll keep looking for the Atomic Skull pack or the Lee Bermejo Superman. Do you think the new movie costume is going to translate into a good figure?
It's worse than that. It's mixed in with the plastic. So it can't be removed. You have to paint over the whole figure.
I hate anoms that shit on OC pics. Like fuck off dude. These anoms aren't here to pose like "prose" from gay ass acbba
So it's like a composite plastic? Weird
Isn't Todd ever going to stop with those ridiculous card stands in the collectors editions and just add more accessories or something useful?
To be fair, it is a McFart.
I buy a lot of mcfarts and they move about as well as MLs. The only problem is the lack of a thigh cut to get the type of leg poses you want.
>I buy a lot of mcfarts and they move about as well as MLs.
Pfft... hahaha. They don't even have thigh cuts, anon.
Their torso range, butterfly, and thigh swivel is shit compared to Legends. And that's not saying much.
>He blatantly didn't read the whole post
>Todd listens to consumers!
Apparently not. Only Superboy got a proper flight stand.
Ah sorry, I thought you just meant how they LOOK not necessarily how they SCALE - I personally never care too much about scale depending on how and what I have posed near each other.

Zod and the Superman you asked about are BOTH meant to be 7 inch but Todd reuses bucks so some are bulkier and have smaller or no necks, etc., plus other things like head sculpts and hands make a difference.

I'm not a huge fan of what we've seen so far of the new movie uniform but actually expect a plastic toy to look better since some of the problems (the lines and shoulder pads) in the movie costume won't translate to plastic. I have no problem with the shield, which some do.

I actually also think the new shield can look better IF McFarlane does it like this >>11034828 and
doesn't do what he did to the Val Zod (Black Superman where it literally looks like someone stuck a sticker on a piece of plastic - or stamped out a piece of painted plastic, and just slapped it on the figures chest.

I like the Lee Bermejo Superman and it often pops up at a discount on EB. I got an extra one new in box for $10 in auction, since I was buying two other things the shipping was done as priority in the big box and added negligibly. You should still be able to get it for about the MSRP even paying for shipping. You should now that while I like the paint on this one and the head sculpt, a lot of people here (and elsewhere, bitch about about those two things, especially the head sculpt).

The Atomic Skull is still price - over MSRP pretty much anywhere you look, but I suspect McFarlane will eventually release it by itself, instead of two pack. So I've been holding off, personally.
Why would McFarlane re-release an obscure character like Atomic Skull by himself? The way mcfarlane seems to do 2 packs now is its subsidizing some new tooling on less popular characters (Atomic Skull) by packing in a popular character (Superman). Some of Atomic Skull is reuse from Luthor, but the rest is new.

Now they might re-release it as one of those weird exclusive $30 repaints, but at $30 vs $40 for the 2 pack, it'd be better to just get the 2 pack and sell the Superman
Sounds a lot like what Hasbroke does
That's because Mcfarlane hired on his own evil reuse genius from Mattel to plan out all the reuse to save money
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Would the Drifter motorcycle look ok with 6 inch stuff?
too big
At least it makes sense. The solid gold shit was never in demand.
Depends on the "6 inch"
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How long before mafex does it bros?
Quite a hefty six incher if you ask me.
Does what, stops painting their figures to keep costs down?
Does anyone have custom painted figs like this and actually play with them? Or do they just leave it like a statue cause of paint chipping?
Posing painted figures isn't an issue if they paint it right (take the entire figure apart, sand, apply primer, apply paint with the proper ratios in 3 layers, apply sealant), but most casual customizers don't do that, especially with low cost figures.
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I can tell people are really eager to get those digital DC figures by how they're selling out like mad.
The one two pack I purchased, new, was less than MSRP (Ultraman/Superman). The two solos of Ultraman I got, one was MIB, one was used, off EB, I paid no more than $10 for either, plus postage in one case. So both were less than MSRP. And one was only to have the head as a spare.
Ultraman/Superman two pack was after the solo Ultraman release if I recall, and the Ultraman/Superman two pack wasn't an exclusive like Atomic Skull vs Superman
Got an Aquaman and Green Lantern picked out. Not sure who number seven will be. Martian Manhunter looks pretty rough, no good Green Arrows, might just find someone who looks cool and would be fun to paint.

Chipping wouldn’t be an issue as long as you’re careful and seal it. You also have to accept it isn’t something a four year old can smash against rocks anymore.

How do people avoid paint rubbing off in the joints? Or do they put up with loose joints? I’ve only dabbled with modifying what already exists as a base layer where if something rubs off it would barely be noticeable, like right now I’m just adding red layers to the ribbing on Flash. No idea what the fuck I’d do if I wanted him to be green that wouldn’t involve eternal maintenance.
I'm starting to believe that mcfarlane truly is the number 1 action figure line. I say this because i just noticed the number of online ppl on the mcfarlane subreddit is almost triple to that of ML or even the actual action fig sub reddit oh and obviously this thread is the most active aswell.
Anyways, bless todd.
It's probably one of the most popular, due no small part to the budget price.
12 years aprox
The ONLY thing I would ever attempt is a simple black wash or something.
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i can feel lthe black paint rubbing off onto my hands just by looking at this
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How do you grip your toys? I always imagine anons who make posts like this have hands covered in sweat and cheeto dust and do that shit in youtube reviews where they crack a figure in half and go, "nope, can't suck his own dick! shit toy!" Did you never figure out how to handle things with care?
I wish hasbro had Todd's plastic instead of their gummy bullshit. I wish multiverse had Hasbro's engineering.
I wish mattel made dildos for my tight butthole
DC's characters are better than Marvel's.
Simple as.
I wish my butthole could still fit a regular dildo. Only mcfarlane bad dragons for me from now on.
This must be the most posted toy in the history of DC gen
The same retard posting it over and over doesn't count
Total Justice was when DC toys peaked. All my other toys are posed to mimic the Total Justice figures.
Wow you sure love confirmation bias huh? Moron.
He good, I prefer Black Supermans Armor though. Don't own the 2 figures you mentioned.
I've not had a problem getting any exclusives. I never bought the original Ultraman when it first came out because I lived someplace where I had no space. So unless I already owned the toys and they were boxed up OR someone bought me something (and those also pretty much stayed boxed up until last year when I finally moved), I didn't go out and buy anything.

Some of Todd's stuff is equally if not more so gummy or greasy or whatever you want to call it. To be fair, I only own four older Hasbro toys and a bunch of ML from this year and last year, and those seem OKAY, it seems to be an age issue with some plastic.

Ah there's the unmasked head. I wonder how many of those I'll end up seeing being sold as "loose fodder" for $8-12 each?
Not really saying it'd be hard to get, just that it's all going to be up to if one place (Amazon) wants to put the 2 pack on sale, whereas figures with wider releases are more likely to have a place that will put them on sale.
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>Some of Todd's stuff is equally if not more so gummy
NTA, but when people speak of gummy MLs they typically mean the joints are too soft and bendy. None of Todd's DCMV figures' joints are gummy, they're always hard plastic. Some of the added glue on pieces like armor is soft.
Ah gotcha.

I've had people buy me toys from Amazon, from a wish list, but that's it. Unless I'm given a gift card, I don't spend money at Bezolandia, on principal.

I did some research trial for some UC grad student and recruited about 20 other local people for his virtual study, and netted 2 different $25 gift cards for that, so I ordered some $9.99 Super Powers with free shipping and some replacement electric razor blocks from China [Braun knock-offs most likely]. But otherwise, I don't give them my money. And I refuse to buy from MTS unless I'm getting enough of a sale price and discount to make up for the lack of free shipping options. That's where I got that two pack on sale.
name one.
>Armor though
It looks the same? Except for the wrist 'gauntlets' or forearm pieces? And the paint wash on them?

I think I would prefer a more metallic look but I really need to see a well-lit video or see them in person, even through the display box.
How does a digital figure sell out? Are they the new nft?
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I have no idea who this guy is but I'm liking it way more than I thought I would. I wish more McFarts had this level of detail.
>I don't spend money at Bezolandia, on principal.
But it's ok for other people to do that for you...

McFarlane is the best company in the price range when it comes to Movies and Games ' SCULPTS.

Sadly, most of the time those great sculpts are lost behind terrible paint apps.
Is the Spinmaster 4 inch line dead? I just dipped my toe into it and want to get more, but I don't see any in stores anymore.
I would get her, but not for that retail price. Maybe discount. If they come out with a regular one that was a new mould (not the catwoman reuse) I'd be way more interested.
Every Piece is different except the waist armor.
Hes the evil underwater emperor frozen in ice for who knows how long from AM2. And yes the sculpt on him is insanely detailed, and he's selling for under msrp now as they try to get rid of AM2 movie stock
Preorders already sold out because most collectors don't have standards like you do
They've got so much legacy bat shit coming bro
Gonna try giving Superman some kind of wash. Unsure what color I should use? Black or a lighter blue?
When in doubt, black it out!
They look very identical from a distance, not sure I would either get both (although I want a Val Zod eventually) that I would ever notice it in one of my rooms at home DESU.

I appreciate that several people here like stuff like this but it doesn't interest me or really make much sense in the way some other accessories would for any Kryptonian. But thanks for the clarification and the clear comparison in the photo. I'm sure others who do want these will appreciate that.
I don't make my friends do that - in fact, I don't actually exchange gifts with family or friends any longer - save for those with young kids.

It happened for an online gift exchange. I would rather do it another way, but since people wanted to do it anonymously and any rando can order from an Crapazon wish list, that's what the group settled on.
McFarlane: Master of wasting new molds - He did unique armor tooling for a PLATINUM
Yeah, I agree that it's nicely detailed and if you wanted figures just for the appearance of the figure, it wouldn't be bad to have.

THAT doesn't interest me and having toys particular to AM2 doesn't interest me so even FREE, I wouldn't want it.

I also agree it's kinda a dull, bland color which is another turn off - although reasonably accurate to the movie.

A lighter blue would work really well on that purple, and perhaps on the red, but I suspect the black would look better on the red and definitely on the gray/silver parts. Either blue or black should work well on the pieces that have that yellow/gold bit.

Black is easy and safe >>11037024 like this anon says, but IF you already have both, test a small area with the blue - you might really like it.

Target and other stores keep putting fresh merchandise out, even in the stores that aren't currently stocking McFarlanes. The might end up doing toys for My Adventures With Superman, like they did for Justice League Action, now that it's been renewed, or for Creature Commandos since that's coming out soon, or other stuff.

And yeah, some Batwank is incoming. But that may be the stuff larger than 4/5"
okay, and?
Better spent on something more than 300 people will ever have
Looks like he's from a Guillermo del Toro Hellboy movie.
And that's a good thing.
Black is really harsh and makes it look darker than you probably want. It's better to start with thin layers a little darker than the base coat then pick out the deepest parts with black.

Do a test on a small part like the back of a leg before you mess with something like a chest piece. Colors always dry darker than when you paint them so let your test dry before you go all in.
Could you use grey?
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I dont get how mcfarlanes are considered budget friendly when us canadians have to pay this much. I also looked at gamestop prices, theyre a 100 dollars for the two packs and 50 for darksied.
Why are you buying two packs? One is almost always shit.
Amazon.ca is horrendously overpriced for some stuff.
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Ah, so this is why prices keep creeping up. Todd knows people on the same continent will pay over $40 for Fire.
Those high prices are what is making it so you can actually still order all that sold out stuff. Here in Murika, the Batman vs Bane 2 pack is sold out everywhere, Fire is exclusive and sold out there, and the Batmobile is also exclusive and sold out
>this is a $42 figure in Canada
>USD 22.99 = CAD 31.53

Why are they inflating the price so much on Canadian sales of the figures? Is it due to hidden VATaxes or something?
I’m fine with foreigners having to pay more for our products.
Isn’t Canada huge as fuck with crumbling highways that are covered in snow for most of the year? The logistics of shipping across the barren tundra of the frozen north seems like a pain in the ass compared to being able to get it across the States in like two days.
Once you get outside the major cities in Canada it’s like ice mad max on jet skis. Eskimos and snow gangs will rob passing toy delivery trucks. Sometimes polar bears will tear into a sleeping trucker’s cabin.
Canada: Frozen Australia
Aren't they technically China's products?
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You may like to check Wayne Barlowe. His art is in a ton of movies, including that shitty new Hellboy.
Just go to gamestop bro. Legit cheaper then the good ol USA considering the exchange rate.
Pic related price in Canada.
So it looks like it's just a case of Amazon.ca inflating prices out of greed.
This goes all the way to the top
Who are the cheapest pegwarmers with flight stands? I need a couple and don’t want to pay $20 on ebay when there’s probably something from a blue beetle movie out there selling for $5
Tamashi Nations stands on Amazon are good. 13 at the moment for 2.
Rebirth Superman and Jonathan Kent are pretty cheap nowadays. Lost Kingdom Black Manta for an actually decent figure.
Jon Kent and the black regeneration suit Superman are the cheapest on amazon right now
Superboy-Prime also comes with a stand.
Prime would be good. But if you mean actual in retail stores ATM, yes, your best bet might be any Blue Beetles if a store has any; the Gold Label Power Suit Lex Luthor didn't sell well at Walmart and it had a flight stand.

It's nonsense that Rebirth Supes peg warmed and that it might even be available but for a while you could get two Future State Superman's at Crapazon for about $10 each - but that's no longer an option.

Game Stop is another place to check if you really want to try local; I would call around.

You're better off trying to bargain with someone who has more than 3 for sale on EB, IMHO, or wait for a few more figures to peg warm this summer.
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I always find cheap, even NIB version, Mcfarts from Canadian storefronts on EB but shipping (USA) makes it prohibitive - if all these comments about transport within Canada are true and depending on how group postal is in your country, but I'd check it out at least?

You can use anything, it depends on what you what to finish with.

You would think anyone would think to do a test unless it was washable paint.

I've got Amazon.ca Prime but pretty much all McFarts are one day delivery for me within Canada.
What's Edge Platinum? Like a loyalty card? Is it really worth it for a few dollars off?
Just order a pack on Aliexpress. You can easily get 5 or 10 for cheap and they are durable plus way better than the McFarlane ones
True or false, all the Doomsday figures Mcfarlane has released so far are deeply flawed
Who gives a crap about Doomsday?
Nta but id like a big bad guy on my shelf. Bane, doomsday, darkseid, anti monitor w/e. Im not a mega fig fan per se but id like a figure who could mop with floor with my heros. Mongul or despero would be cool, just some big mfer thats scarier than the riddler or penguin.
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Consider Mongul. It's dirt cheap.
ew fuck no
Why specifically? Just curious.
Damn, thanks for the suggestions. I feel bad throwing a toy away even if it is Jon Kent so I might try the aliexpress angle
looks like he had jaundice, the neon green gauntlets look like shit next to the mustard yellow skin, the boots look like something a cheerleader for the dallas cowboys would wear
it’s an ugly toy
at least doomsday looks like a monster, that mongul looks like a he-man or power rangers villain

McFarlane has only really done 1 Doomsday, the one in the 2-Pack. And other than the arms having torn sleeves painted over to pass as skin the figure is pretty cool. It has a relevant flaw, but deeply flawed? Nah

The others are Devastator and All American Boy, not Doomsday even if one is erroneously labeled as him lol. The first one is too short sure, but the other guy is just fine; his only problem is no one gives a f*ck about that character.

My main problem with him is that they chose to adapt a Mongul design no one gives a crap about only because of it being recent.

And to add salt to the injury they adapted it wrong giving him a weird eye crushing neon green to his gauntlets. Those are both inaccurate and horrible.

I hope it doesn't take that long for them to properly remake him in a more classic look.
>acting like this on a wednesday afternoon

imagine being a schizo toy collector on a welfare budget
I noticed that Mcfarlane tends to be going with more light colors recently. It may be the preference of the newer design team on dcmv or perhaps some kind of market research has led them to go in that direction.
He is the Bane of 90s Superman comics. He is infamous.
AY spawn never ever
Wait for the MAFEX.
Did anyone else's Mafex Bane get delayed to next month by Amiami? I just go and email about it. I thought it was coming out the 24th.
There was a fire at one of the warehouses so they’re checking Banes for damage before they ship them. A few orders are going to be cancelled.
I liked how distinct they look so I got the Lex in the extra large power suit from the Public Enemies wave, the DCC Parasite, the DCU Signature Mongul (as the McFart Megafig looks gross) and the Starro BAF from Todd.

I haven't decided what to do about Doomsday but I'm a lot more tempted to get the Beast Kingdom Darkseid than anything I've seen.
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How do you know?
Japan is always getting hit with tsunamis, nukes, and buildings are burning down in samurai duels. Checking local Japanese news is important if you’re buying imports.
You forgot Kaiju attacks.
The yakuza skim figures off shipments and sell them on ebay everyone knows this
Just opened cassandra cain, you guys were right about her being a pretty good figure. The cape is cool, no real problems with her imo.
>#hit like and subscribe
I can suggest a few issues even though I generally like the figure :

-Her hands do not match how Cassandra's hands are normally drawn (often claw-like) due to the reuse; they should've taken budget and corrected this given how much reuse is on the figure.
-They could've done 2 extra alternate hands, one style pose hand + one fist and nixed the reused huge gold Batarang which looks bad.
-The belt and boots are inaccurate due to the reuse but this isn't as bad as the issue with the hands.
-She is too tall, if they had fixed the boot or belt reuse they could've shortened her a bit in the process.
I might have some cool stuff to show you guys tomorrow.
>cool stuff
It better be.
Are Marvel Selects the same scale as the McFarlane DC stuff?

Thinking about getting some Marvel figures that scale with Todd's DC stuff, especially as my local comic shop has a TON of Marvel Select stuff for sale.
Yes, they're both around 7 inches and scale pretty well together. Same with Neca. I would recommend big guys like Apocalypse or Crimson Dynamo that are supposed to be big so they won't look weird next to Marvel Legends if you ever get those.
I only buy what I consider perfect mcfarlanes. But what is a perfect mcfarlane?
There is none.
The 89 Batman that came with the Batmobile, Captain Carrot and the Rises Catwoman are probably the only McFarlane figures I bought and didn't modify in some way.
Ironically I would say the cheek blush on Rises Catwoman is too heavy to be perfection but it may vary per figure due to qc and I got the short straw on that for my preference
Nah, it's a little heavy :(
Why is that Catwoman the only one in the line that has a thigh cut?
I agree with you on the hands, but im quite behind on current dc so im unaware of the inaccurate parts except the height. I thought she was kinda spoiler sized in the comics.
The body is meant to use the batpod, so as they do with any figure designed to be using something like a motorcycle, mcfarlane added thigh cuts.
I’m in Cleveland today and they’re filming in front of the Daily Planet
Lots of rubble and busted cars out in the street
Only toy pic in front of the Daily Planet I could take before security told me to fuck off
The actor for superman looks so plasticy. Who would have thought.
you know theres a literal superman muesem in metropolis right
oh wait is this the movie set
of fucking course
Wow didn't even realize this was filming yet
Damn, that’s pretty cool, anon.
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>bringing a Fleischer Superman to a Superman movie set
>taking an $80 figure to pose in the street of a major city
Reverse Flash, Manhunter and Sportsmaster are going to be stealth dropped as chase-only figures.
How horny does this make you?
All the work just for it to get cgied into oblivion. nice job though
has the two things i hate the most, full black costume and the yellow oval.
I need it
There was a rotating crowd of 20-30 people with Superman shield tattoos on their arms, everybody was leaning over the security fences to try to take pictures.

The whole block has facades and physical props. When I drove past the rubble I thought it was real, like they were tearing up the street. It wasn't until I was watching them move stuff and saw some guys tossing whole blocks of rubble onto cars that I remembered, "Oh right, movie."
The coolest part was seeing the scale of destruction. When Superman gets punched down the street and tears up the road and waterlines start spraying everywhere the camera or the panel usually only focuses on him and maybe a quick wide shot of him hurdling through pavement, but to see that street torn up in person and thinking about the amount of force it'd take to do that was something I wasn't expecting.
Seeing a Daily Planet globe in person was awesome. Regardless of how the movie turns out this was a really fun experience.
Very cool
Did you see Gunn or any of the actors?
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gives me hope, but man that one promo picture that was officially posted of supes sitting was ass i hope they try and lean towards practical effects while they still have the budget
No, they were filming people walking in and out of the Planet when I found it then by the time I was done driving in circles to find a parking spot they were adding more debris to the street.

Yeah the suit is garbage and the S is a hard pass but I didn't have to see anything with that Superman on it so it was like walking through the white gutters between panels in a comic after a fight and when Superman is flying away, when people are cleaning up and getting back to normal everyday life, there's just a bunch of broken shit from a superhero fight everywhere.
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to monotone for me. do u still have a blue cape and head to put on it?
Did you ever try washing them?
I don't think you know what "monotone" means.
The other one is better.
>Cleveland is a major city
New York and LA aren't the only cities in the country you cuck.
Flyovers aren't real
>Being proud of living in a liberal hellhole
>ESL anon is back
We don't accept you.
Lmao then stop letting them in to your shit hole.
This self hate you people got going on is part of why we won't accept you.
>Hates ESLs
>Lives in a city that imports them en masse
Really gets the noggin jogging.
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You are correct.

There's also San Francisco.
And Seattle.
And Chicago.
All terrible places to live. It's a shame too, San Francisco was a beautiful city once upon a time.
>San Francisco was a beautiful city once upon a time.
Nobody on this board has been alive long enough to know when this was true.
I mean first of all, it wasn't bad at all in the 80s and early 90s. And second of all, you need to be 18+ to post here. I'm 35, I remember when it wasn't faggot central.
why do i even comment of this faggot board
You mean when Tom Ammiano was the president of the Board of Supervisors, and almost won his write-in campaign for Mayor - that then?
I didn't live there, but I visited every few years. It wasn't until the 2000s that I remember the trash piling up, the homelessness getting out of control, and the general disarray that the city is in now. I haven't been back since 2016, I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten.

I wish I could say the same about New York, have family there. But it's always been a depressing shitsville.
>trash, homelessness
Any big city has that.
Dallas and Houston, both.
Atlanta, Cleveland, St. Louis.

You can find nice clean, manicured suburbs within anywhere from less to hour's drive to barely more from San Francisco, or New York or LA.

It's this type of nonsense >>11041614 which is detrimental since it assumes that people aren't people and wants to 'other' others for different opinions.

It's how armies are taught that killing another human being is a solution, often taught it's the only solution.
>Defending living in modern day liberal hellscapes
You should be ashamed of yourself.
>making logical points
wtf you know where we are right? Now lets coom on some 6 inch batman.
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I wasnt aware he was already done. Just how long has this series been going? I got back into toys like 4ish years ago and i dont recall any dc stuff till around death metal.

So that manhunter looks pretty great, sportsmaster is kinda odd since wild dog would make a better looking figure imo. Still, i guess any golden age hero is neat, even if it just looks like a generic casey jones.
Stupid nigger.
>You should be ashamed


>You should be ashamed


>You should be ashamed


>You should be ashamed


>You should be ashamed


>You should be ashamed
Yeah, they like, drew on the paint lines from the animation. It looks weird.
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Saw a Treasure X playset on clearance at Target today for $8 and thought it would make a lovely home for Swamp Thing.

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