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Previously: >>11024820

-Mafex Integrated Suit Spider-Man (No Way Home) teased

-Marvel Legends Man-Thing (Werewolf By Night Edition)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk solicited (Fan Channel exclusive

-Marvel Legends Iron Patriot/Taskmaster/Dr. Doom 3 pack solicited (Amazon Exclusive )

-Marvel Legends Hulkbuster solicited (all major retailers, pre-order)

-Mafex Rogue solicited

-Marvel Legends Carnage (Let There Be Carnage) solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Retro Venom announced (Walmart Exclusive Summer 2024 pre-order)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
Related to the Man-Thing figure: Do you guys think the ML guys did a better job of matching plastic colors in the past than they do now? The lower legs and abs are a noticeably different green here, while it worked fine on the old MT figure.
So what were the skull about?
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Fan Stream this Monday
Poor man's Swamp Thing
Better question, are we going to get a bunch of Midnight Sons or spooky characters?
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Teaser for the Fan Stream
Holocaust confirmed. Based Hasbro.
Man Thing came first.
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Mondo Cyc
Despite what the Rogue fiasco has shown, no one cares about Mondo.
I can tell that's going to be garbage just by looking at the wrist cuff.
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Is Spoder-punk worth it? I’ve found him for an all right price. Or should I just wait for the SHF?
>Or should I just wait for the SHF?
Only if you really want the unmasked head
This was due to some mcu thing so no guarantees of anything
I would buy some if they were smaller or i had more space
I would like to see your critique of Marvel Legends
Why do Marvel Legends also have to suck if something else does? What did Marvel Legends do to you?
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I mean I seriously would like to see your critique of them as it would have to be scathing and I enjoy scathing reviews of figures.
The Marvel Legends unironically look better than Mondo. They can move better too. Deal with it.
Oh ok you're a joke poster
He's right though
Only about moving better
Nah. The heavy line work and shitty proportions kill them for me. Sorry if that twisted your micro penis. Maybe stop making hating on MLs your entire identity.
Mondo Rogue is better than any Marvel Legend ever made
>Shitty QC
>Flaking paint
>Barley moves
>Better than the ML
lol, lmao even.
You forgot:
>Actually looks like Rogue
I don't remember Rogue having a head to rival Headdie Brock in the cartoon. Which episode was she cross eyed in?
You got a QC issue? Use one of the alt heads, sugah
Too bad the real thing doesn't look like that.
You're a moron
It does if you get lucky
What's your beef with wholesome 1/6 chunky tgirl boner kino, chungusfurry?
Kino is a term for films, not action figures, anon.
I hope we get a Marvel Legends Ultimate line soon.
Black Panther
Iron Man
Captain America
build a figure Armor you can stick Hisako in

That would be cool. I'd get the whole wave.
We already got the 1610 Ultimate Cap, I could see them filling out the rest of that squad before they do 6160. Although, 1610 Cap is pretty close to the new one.
Finally a good Cyclops
It's sincerely important to remember most Legends collectors cannot afford 1/6, it explains a lot of the lashing out.
I'm a Legends collector who could afford a few 1/6th but my largest concern would be the danger of getting a qc dud. If it was guaranteed to be perfect there's a few characters I would shell out the 230+ or whatever for.

Also more Legends collectors could probably afford 1/6th if they stopped trying to complete every team ever made
>Paying Hot Toys prices for Marvel Legends quality
I guess I'd rather just be poor?
New U Cap has more straps, no grey armpits, and a different type of scale pattern. That's more than enough for a different figure. Especially considering how fucking similar the different Captains America generalle are.
Stl and Kanji are jannies. I've only been banned when shit posting about them.
We can tell
>Also more Legends collectors could probably afford 1/6th if they stopped trying to complete every team ever made
That we can agree on
>Admitting to trolling the board
Weird look bruh.
I'm someone who builds teams, but only the versions I really like. Like for instance, I have the Jim Lee X-Men team and I also have most of the All New All Different team and am building up the Astonishing team since those are two of my favorite versions. I have a more classic Avengers lineup on display currently, but also have the New Avengers and once Iron Patriot comes out, a suitable Dark Avengers team. I have those teams because I like those comics.

I get what your saying, filling out a team just to fill out, but I think more people complete teams because they actually like them, and aside from this place, actually care about the source material. It's weird to me how some of you spend all this money on these toys and in the same breath declare how proud you are for never picking up an actual comic. Fucking weird.
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So is Zatlit
Does anyone here have this hulk and can tell me if the head scales with the 80th/ 20th body? Considering picking it up and dremmeling the peg hole if it does.
>Dark Avengers
Based. Dark Reign was the last time Marvel was actually good.
Classic Loud House fan moment
Articulated fingers should be standard for guys as big as the Hulk. That doesn't look weird like smaller examples of finger articulation.
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Glad to see that they're making a follow up to "angry marvel legends collector" fig already.
Wouldn't be surprised if this was projection. Don't bother replying, you won't get another response.
This guy is definitely really fat.
TLHfag here. I don't like TRLH and my fave is the eldest one.
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I bought my fourth ever ML today
Don't really know why, just saw hi on a peg and wanted him
Unlike the the other three I have this guy is, like, hard plastic. So that's neat.
The effect parts he comes with are pretty garish so that's fun too. Even if they do need straightening out out of the box
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I spent $4 for this in-box at a liquidation sale. I feel bad for anyone who spent more than I did, this piece of shit wasn't worth it.
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Very nice. Do you know the box cover and effect piece is a reference to this particular pose in MvC?
Okay cool
I did not!
>This figure looks like shit
you guys have brainworms.
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The Hellcharger came in a little over a week ago and I finally set it up. Any suggestions for a figure for Robbie till Hasbro puts one out? I still need to paint the head itself.

The car is nice, I don't have the lights on all the time, but they look neat enough.
My '97 Cyclops and retro Shulkie came in a few days ago. They're both massive improvements over the previous versions, Cyke's less detailed hair notwithstanding. I adore She-Hulk's new Amazonian build.
Isn't this just the old BAF with some new paint apps and an MCU head? Entertainment Earth sent me an email ad for it and advertised it like it's an entirely new sculpt.
I think the upper torso might be a bit different but yes it's almost entirely the same figure
No, it's been brought up here before already. There's a ton of new parts but they're so similar to the originals and the paint job on this new one is so bad that it feels pointless.

The head, shoulders, chest, forearms, fists, waist, knees and lower legs are all new.
Except this is objectively lazy because this was a recolor of iron man. The games concept art clearly shows a war machine that’s different from iron man.

But hey! I guess people only accept reuse laziness when its convenient for them!
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I really should set up a dedicated Hall of Armor display. Especially once the Hulkbuster comes out. It's fun to have this many different suits.
If you have any one of the older Jim Lee Cyclops the blues are a close enough match that you can use the old head on the new body. I prefer the colors of the Love Triangle head but the Warlock wave one worked too imo. Both are an improvement to the ones that came with the figure.
Would you also be crying about laziness if we'd gotten this instead?
Same. I've been thinking about getting a 3d printer specifically to make a hall of armor.
I wish that toybox set was sold in the UK. I would have just bought a bunch of those.
Yeah. There are a couple of files on Thingiverse I'm tempted to try out since I do have a printer. But yeah that Disney Toybix set would've been perfect, pretty mad I didn't know about them until long after they sold out.
Is that head from that body? Doesn't even looks like it matches. I'd also be interested on seeing it on the modern body as it looks like a nice sculpt.
>left side
>right side
Souless slop
>Not liking Extremis, Heroes Return, and Model 20
Shit taste
How can you not like the Alex Ross one? It's pretty retro.
Where is Stealth Iron Man?
I do need him. I just remember hearing about his crotch exploding so I just avoided it. Plus it's technically inaccurate anyway.
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I really like the retro design of the Model 70 and the ML is a decent toy but the head sculpt, specifically the shape of the eyes, and colors really throw of the look of the toy. Had it turned out more like picrel I'd consider it one of the best Iron Man ML
Left: Collectible
Right: Happy Meal Toy
Well that's it for me on Marvel Legends for awhile. What a wild 2 months. The Wolverine that comes with Psylocke is actually pretty good.
Anything from Deadpool 3 announced yet?
There's a fan stream tomorrow so we may see Deadpool and Wolverine stuff.
Cool figures.
Oh, sweet. Thanks for the info Anon.
Thank you
How anyone can like all that armor plating is beyond me. He looks like a pine cone. There's no improving on perfection and IM peaked at model 4.
It's in the photo
I hope we don't have to wait too long for the superior Bob Layton version of model 9.
I can't se- OH!
Can you do me a favor? Can you bend cowboy Logan's elbow as far as it goes? What's the joint look like?
I'm sorry, I just like it when Iron Man actually looks like a guy in a suit.
It's a bad joint.
I'm liking this head on the AoA Wolverine.
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dios mio
Thanks. Yeh, that's like bst level. Bit of a shame.
At least that's actually faithful to the artwork as opposed to recoloring Modular Iron Man (which only happened because devs needed to shit out a character and couldn't use Iron man at the time)
That's a McFarlane joint
>we may see Deadpool and Wolverine stuff.
No. They've reminded people that MCU stuff gets revealed via the trades in exclusive news stories now. Not in fan streams or by Hasbro themselves. Expect just comic stuff tomorrow.
That's actually even worse than the usual McFarlane elbow. I'm shocked it came out of the designers at hasbro.
Truly one of the worst engineered elbows they've ever done for Legends lol. The red inner part going past the bottom edge of the sleeve into the flesh part of the arm from the front is inexcusable too.
How good is the new mk 20 torso range? Is the figure any good? Kinda thinking of grabbing it but curious what anons think.
No hay dios en el país Marvel
Yeah, much shame. I feel like he is more of an accessory to Sabertooth then a figure if that makes any sense.
I have not Seen a Mcfarlane with that bad of joint. More Bst Axn

Any bodies in this color I could swap out? Or some gold boots?
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Totally makes sense.
It's pretty good. I wanna say the limbs, aside from the boys and gloves are reuse. The torso cam crunch forward pretty far and arc back a bit less, but still more than you'd really need. Honestly, if you like the armor I recommend it.
Doesn't it have butterflies too? Seems unusual on Ironman sadly.
Goddamn it I'm retsrded and for some reason confused the Model 20 for the Neo Classic. Doesn't help that the Model 20 figure is technically the Model 24 armor in the comics in the comics but I digress. Anyway the Model 20 is all new sculpt, nothing reused on it. The torso has less range than a crunch but it's adequate enough imo. The fins on the back limit how far is can arc back. Yes, it does have butterly joints, although they can be a little limited in forward movement due to the shoulder pauldrons. I'm a huge fan of that particular era of Marvel so I may be biased but I like the figure w lot, really feels like they put some love into this one. I'll even rebuy it a second time when they repaint it as the Pentagon armor. ,y original statement still stands, if you're a fan of the armor, get it. It's a good figure.
Literally all McFarlanes have that horrible arm joint
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Would buy.
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The laziness was on Capcom's part done 25 years ago. The ingame sprite in the game is an Iron Man recolor, but the concept art, character select, all uses this >>11034362 costume
Model 0 > War Machine > Ditko Suit > DOD armor >>>>>
>No. They've reminded people that MCU stuff gets revealed via the trades in exclusive news stories now.

You must've forgotten 2020-2022 when MCU stuff was regularly getting screentime on fan reveals. The only reason Dan said not to expect MCU is likely because Hasbro is under strict orders from Disney to not reveal anything too far ahead of movie scheduling. Especially if the wave is going to have spoiler characters (like Lady Deadpool if rumours are legit). So product reveals probably won't happen until the movie's first week.
Capcom's laziness transferred over to Hasbro. If they had any sense, they'd use in-game artwork, instead of in-game sprites.
Limitation of using the disc hinge system. Not only do you get less range than whatever Mafex and Bandai uses, but it tooks significantly uglier.
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This one looks close enough, buy it and shut up.
>Legs are not black
>Unibeam/Arc Reactor is Blue instead of silver
>White arms and torso instead of turquoise/silver
>Scope on mask when MVC WM doesn't use a scope
>Unpainted kneepads + side panels
Do you bend over for Hasblow's reuse? Are you a reusable slut?
Shut up already, holy fuck.
Cry about it hasblow slut.
Not as bad as this one.
There are better options for sure

You know this Logan kinda reminds me of Mr.Slave. it's the lips
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Regardless of details, the body proportion of Marvel Legends are nowhere near the MvC Bengus art. If a direct to stream service TV show like What If? that noone watches can get a full wave, with fully stylized and never will be reused body parts, so can a true to artstyle MvC specific figures. It would sell gangbusters, people have been dreaming of MvC style collection and have to content with inferior generic Marvel Legends substitute, even for a character that is a specifically an MvC homage like the War Machine with specific effect piece
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Buy the old Toy Biz figures and shut up already.
>stop talking about toys in a /toy/ board
Batroc has gold boots, but aoa cykes boots where usually depicted as black so a black bolt swap would also work and you could even swap the hands as they where usally black too
Select Psylocke really scratches this itch
But seriously, why can't we have an MvC wave? They make cartoon stylized what if jobbers like Star Lord Tchalla and Zombie Cap
I'll be waiting forever for a decent Eddie Anti-Venom, huh?
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The only character there not released as ML is Marrow. Does anyone know any good base figure for a custom?
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Bengus style is god-tier goddamn. So simply and yet so dynamic.
MvC isn't new media, that's why
Yeah, it's not new like AOA or Spider-Man TAS!
Those directly pertain to marvel and aren't tied to a video game with characters from another ip. Quit being a retard
I guess you're right, that's why we didn't get Armored Spider-Man from the PSX game!
Literally as bad and worse than that one.
Armored Spider-Man appeared in the comics. Stop being a fucking idiot.
Not that version, dumb fucking faggot, but yeah continue acting like a blind bigger I'm sure dan will give you a shout-out on his twitter
Only a few hours to go. I am really hoping we finally get a comic executioner!
Please don't make him too big hasbro!
Just because it's based off the PlayStation version doesn't mean the costume didn't also appear in the comics you giving retard. Also, way to out yourself as the anti ML schizo by obsessing about random people on Twitter. Fucking spazoid. Grow some brain cells.
You absolute humongous faggot, by definition that version of the suit was never in any piece of media until the PS4 game. The original spider-armor looked completely different, but continue acting like the fat autistic dumbass that you are I'm sure Hasbro will notice your efforts
Stop being a pedantic ninny. You're wrong, you know you're wrong, and you should stop huffing your own farts.
I also probably own more MLs than you do dumb retard, keep obsessing over anonymous namefags here like a fat faggot surely you'll prove a point
>Spends all his time bitching and moaning about Marvel Legends
>Still buys them anyway
I bet you post on Twitter, like the mouthbreathing faggot that you are, whatever you can do to forget the fact your uncle touched you inappropriately I suppose
Is this some sort of projection or something? I genuinely dine understand what you're getting at here. Maybe take a break from the culture wars, your brain seems kinda cooked.
Huh? I haven't even browsed here in months and was checking in for updates before seeing your gigantically gay post. The sheer way you even type screams youre the type of pathetic fat faggot that thinks if he supports the current thing surely that one girl he orbits on discord for years will notice him
Oh yeah, you're totally not the guy who always brings Dan Yun up out of nowhere. Totally a different person.
You claim I'm here for months as if you know who I am despite the millisecond I replied to your post you immediately replied back, says more about you than me desu
Pot calling the kettle black right here lol
Ah yes the entire internet is one person, makes sense if you have single digit IQ which correlates with the fact that you can't tell two utterly differently designed suits from eachother
You getting this defensive about it doesn't help your point you blithering retard. Shut up already.
Bro is so stupid he just wildly insults everyone instead of looking in the mirror and working on becoming a better person
There's some projection in there too. The discord orbiter comment seems to have come from experience.
I wish we could live in the world where we got both versions.
This is also directly tied to Marvel and doesn't include characters that they don't own. This isn't the slam dunk retort you seem to think it is.
Seems like I was right in my predictions judging by how defensive you are about every single accusation of mine. It's so easy to notice who someone is by the way they type so seeing you type like a ginormous faggot is like answering 1+1 (which is 2 for the record, before you start disputing that too retard)
>local anon upset that no one cares about MvC as much as he does
Lmao the most recent game wasn't even good and didn't even have any X-Men in it. Dead franchise is dead.
So the Marvel doesn't own any of the Marvel characters in the Marvel vs Capcom games? Huh, today I learned something new.
No one is claiming Marvel doesn't own their own characters. They don't own the characters to Street Fighter. This, combined with the fact that most recent game was universally panned, means that it isn't as lucrative for Hasbro to make figures from this franchise over one that is more relevant and popular today. It really does come off as you being retarded on purpose at this point.
Why? The sprite is what you're playing as in the game, which is the actual work people want it from.
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NTA but the whole reason is because Capcom reused Iron Man's sprite when they wanted to make his replacement due to Marvel's retarded rights issue with Iron Man games. As a result, the MIM recolour completely goes against what the in-game art shows as War Machine. Picrel.
I don't care about ingame art though, I care about the sprite that you actually play as in the game.
All those classic simplified nostalgia trash on the left.
All that modern overdesigned crap on the right.
Still no updated Ultimate version. Like the only Iron Man armor wich is matters at all.
Stream is about to start, get ready for some reveals
Lots of Thor stuff in the background. Expect Odin to be revealed.
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First reveal is the final 85th Anniversary collection is Odin
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How many times have they used that staff?
>fucked up warped foot on the display figure
yeah that tracks
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Odin is a standard release, pre-order Jun e 27th.

New Target Exclusive Let There Be Carnage Venom with updated tenticals and deco
Benom and Carnage look like fun. I do like all the tentacles.
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Next up we have Retro X-Men Warlord Professor X
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Walmart Exclusive, no pre-order info. Comes with a smiling unmasked head
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Amazon Exclusive first appearance Rogue, part of a 2 pack
>old hag Rouge but with a sexy body
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Second figure in the 2 pack is Destiny
GILF enjoyers winning again
LMAO no mystique. Recktangular BTFO
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Final sneak peak with no pre-orderL updated Classic Phoenix
Jean looks pretty nice.
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Included Dark Phoenix head. She's on the Warbird mold. Not on a Retro Card. Includes the flaming display stand that was teased last stream
I like how they covered the boobies.
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Also includes the Phoenix that can plug into the stand as well.
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>big fancy stand
>cool alt head
Jean is winning
This is probably gonna be my definitive Jean Grey.
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We're not done yet! We get a whole fucking BaF wave. Strange Tales themed. First up is Bruddah Voodo,
First thought: He's a big guy
Brother Voodoo will be nice to get at Ollies for $10
Rogue was an old woman in her first appearance? What the fuck?
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Comes with an Eye of Agamotto to make him Doctah Voodo. The part is swappable.

Next we have Dracula, King of the Vampires, comes with multiple heads and a sword
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It sucks that that mold can't close its hips together more
Are we gonna get another Dr. Strange?
Never thought I'd see that to be honest.
Good luck, preorders will sell out in 3 seconds just like Warbird.
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Hellverine the Weapon of Vengeance!
>Still using pinned Wolverine Body in MMXXIV
Flamin’ Logan! That’s pretty fun.
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Bloodstorm, vampire version of Storm from an alt universe in the comics
The tool for it hasn't degraded into dust yet
Vamp Storm will be nice to get at Ollies for $8
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Damian Hellstrom
I like how long her legs are.
Uhhh that was in the Haslab... top fucking kek
No but she was drawn ugly. It wasn't until she joined the X-Men that she started being drawn attractively.
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Lilith, Mother of Demons
She's too sexy, she'll probably sell out
Lilith? Neat.
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West Coast Avengers Moon Knight
So cleavage is only reserved for ugly characters I see
Instant pre-order on that moon knight
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Build a Figure for this wave is Blackheart, Son of Mephisto
Maybe they thought you found relatable characters sexy
Strange Tales was on the leaked list, wasn't it?
Wonder why they didn't show any of the deadpool wave stuff
Very cool
As far as I know, that specific sculpt was only used for the old King Thor/Odin Baf and then reused for an old Namor. MCU Odin and the more recent Namor have similar but different sculpted staffs.
I love the wired bendy tail, very cute.
Pretty impressive desu
If they're doing Blackheart and Daimon Hellstrom, then literally everything they said about being impossible to do Mephisto was a complete lie. Just like everyone said in the EoV Haslab KEK

We're gonna see Mephisto and comics Goblin Queen within the next year, FOR SURE.
Deadpool stuff is reserved for closer to the movie, probably.
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Size comparison
>comics Goblin Queen
If they censored the 97 version, how bad will the comic one be?
This BAF is the only reason the wave will sell. And that's just because of Marvel vs. Capcom.
Ooo, now that's interesting. Fucking archaic thigh cuts are gonna make the fishnets look like shit when you articulate them, but still.
Almost makes me want to get the Mafex Phoenix and that base.
The All-Father looking pretty good.
Lmao, even.
>Bu-bu-but they're demons! We caaaan't!
Looks pretty nice, though.
Dude looks like a McFart artist proof.
i kind of like that new packaging.
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Fan Channel wave. Pre-orders at 6/20. New style packaging that Marvel Legends will be using.
That's a Disney order.
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One final tease before SDCC
>new Cable coming
I bet you they will just leave it up to painters to make the NSFW version. Aka sculpt the underboob but leave it black to make it look like tights
>in box collectors.
Free them
Continuing the trend of absolutely hideous elbows I see. Those are truly bizarre and ugly arms.
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It’s this version.
>warped foot
It was just rocked sideways you sperg
This is one of the cheapest looking waves in a loooooong time Blackheart and Dracula are all new. Every other figures is like 95% re-used parts aside from a new head and a bit or two. And half the wave is characters NOBODY wanted. Lilith? Vampire Storm? Hellverine? Another Brother Voodoo? WTF
>They changed it because if the leaks

Hasjew got trigged so they throw a hissy fit. Lol
That's every wave
The 97 version better be gold and purple. Fuck this modern rendition of the comic cover colors.
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Nice, I don't need a new one, but nice for those who missed him.
Oh shit.
Maybe we will get a deluxe version that has a throne.
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Seems a bit redundant to me
Pissed because that Phoenix will be $50+, probably exclusive, and sell out near instantly
Is he that rare now?
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Holocaust reissue when?
They have to reuse the mold, anon
They have to make things for the masses. These have to appeal to collectors and casuals. I guarantee you 99% of people don't know these random and obscure characters like Wolverine of Vengeance, Bloodstorm, Brother Voodoo, and Lilith.
Cool Predalien
How did comics get away with this when they were made closer to the actual historical event than we are now?
There was no censorship back then, if they released Holocaust now they'd probably have to change the name like cowards
These designs are all "cool", and "edgy", and they're being revealed in a proximity in time that is close to the length of design time it takes MLs to go through from when DC Multiverse beat them on sales. This is a response to Todd choosing "cool" designs for his figures, whether anyone knows of them or not.
There was censorship. Comics Code Authority was censorship itself.
>if they released Holocaust now they'd probably have to change the name like cowards
They literally had to do the same thing in the 90's. He's called Nemesis on pretty much all merchandising.
I'd buy it if it has a regular head and claws too but it would still have that dumb belt on it. I just want a regular updated brown costume figure Hasbro, stop with this ancillary shit.
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My Johnny Sins custom is finally coming
Regardless, it is literally never used outside of that context
Told you niggas >>11012672
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Would have been mine as well if this wasn't already coming. I may still get it for the bird stand though.
Yeah and Jared Fogle is a common name but if you hear it you're going to think of a child diddling sandwich mascot. Don't be obtuse.
>Yeah and pedophile is a common word but if you hear it you're not going to think of Jared Fogle child diddling sandwich mascot.

Take your own advise, don't be obtuse.
Actual retard
Looks like I'll be buying that WCA set finally.
To say I'm dissapointed would be an understatement
Shitty mcu redeco manthing with bad head
Oversized odin. I dont remember him ever being that tall.
Rogue with zero chest articulation which will make her horrible to pose.
New moon knight right after they just did a retro last year.
Reused haslab hellstorm which nobody wants. Hey want the classic look.
Garbage strange tales wave with no relevance to anything
Blackheart baf locked behind said garbage wave.

Was there anything I missed.
Trust me, you don't want that.
An all new Holocaust though...
Marrow and Shuma-Gorath's eternal race to the bottom will end with the Marvel Legends line being canned first.
I feel pretty similar. Aside from Jean, the rest was meh or bad.

>Rogue with zero chest articulation which will make her horrible to pose
Why the fuck do they keep doing this? Each time there's immense backlash and clearly nobody wants shitty torso articulation, so why do they keep it up?? Classic Marvel Girl, '97 Jean, now Rogue. Stop this shit.
You can argue that for every wave, I didn't want half the Zabu wave
Yeah fuck that faggot
Does anyone give a shit about thos character? The last one can still be found for cheap
Wish he had blue highlights, but looks great otherwise. Sucks you need to buy so much crap to build him
This is what, the 3rd version of him int he same costume after the DR Strange BAF wave, the box set and now this?
You already know they'll re-release it in 2 years as a $50 stand alone release with a more blue hue like the game art.
Did they say when the new comic Walmart Venom would go up for preorder? I might grab that new movie Venom too. Does it come with an alt head?
Hasbro, by the sounds of it
It was ME, DIO
I can't believe this got approved by Disney. Isn't it considered culturally insensitive?
Has Dracula's daughter appeared in anything recently, or did she die of embarrassment when Satana aped her look?
Brother Voodoo's things are so detached from actual religion it probably passes.
Stop exposing yourself as a filthy casual. Contrary to what this place would have you believe, most ML collectors actually do read comics. It's just this place that can't help but be proud of being a secondary faggot.
>random people on Twitter
he's talking about a hasbro employee you retard
>out of nowhere
this thread is literally about the line he works with
Yeah, there wasn't a ton of stuff for me to personally get excited about. I'll grab a few of these when they hit clearance but aside from Jean, everything else is a wait for sales kind of thing, if I even bother with them at all. I'm not upset at that though. I'm able to recognize that not everything is made for me and that other people like different aspects of the Marvel Universe than I do. Plus it gives my wallet a nice break.

I'll never understand why some of you get so mad when there's a stream that doesn't cater to your specific wants.
I think anon was talking more about racial stereotypes.
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So the Haslab render are on the menu. Figures can be released with the 14+ on the box. So there's nothing stopping the ML team from releasing Comic Goblin Queen on online retailers with underboobs.
Go away now
The cut should follow the tits. That looks awful.
why dont you all shut up they haven't made any mvc toys yet
Which is clearly bullshit, but is still parroted endlessly because dorks take corporate PR as gospel truth.
Hope that one anon is finally happy.
Tits. Sweet
Tits. Sweet
Looks too scrawny.
Sculpted tits. Sweet
Where titty?
Yikes. This does NOT look good
Comic Moon knight does not work in action figure form. They need to try the comic shading they did on animated daredevil with him.
Guess the price of that Phoenix
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Lots of female action figures don't have the upper torso end along the bust line, as it should. It's a problem you'll see with many different companies, and I just don't understand why. Hasbro still does it sometimes, but less frequently than before.
$49.99 plus tax.
>should’ve backed the Haslab
"Should've let yourself get reamed by Hasbro if you wanted a decent product!" LOL. Chris Cocks, is that you?
You guys take these things weirdly personally.
It's weird to me that this dude is salivating over Jean's titties when they've been downgraded to Warbird's proportions, then complains about Lilith when hers are bigger. Maybe cranking your hog really does make you go blind.
Why don't you suck my fat vascular cock the way you suck Hasblow
Lilith is an omega-hag.
Honestly, it looks kinda bad and awkward. Like it’s a flesh toned crop top.
Hags are an essential element of any evil army. Not every female figure has to be beautiful. Also, you can always swap her head if it bothers you that much.
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"Don't Talk To Me Or My Son Ever Again!"
For anyone wondering, this Odin is the exact same height as the 20th/80th Hulk.
Anthony Hopkins was a good choice to play him
I love, love, love how Odin looks, but I'm terrified of what Hasbro will price him at.
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That image is edited. Even the Haslab version didn't have the exposed boobage. That's why people boycotted it in the first place.
Literally just look at Skar/Hulkbuster/Deluxe figure prices.
There's a $20 difference between Skaar and Hulkbuster. Where Odin ends up hasn't been established yet.
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I'm probably going to get this set on clearance. Destiny has been on my wishlist for a long time and they've done a pretty good job on the head. Rogue's gonna need a hooded head to salvage that terrible articulation.
-from first appearance in avengers annual #10 (1982)
I know that image is fan made, but there are arguments still being circulated that certain costumes can't be sold in toy isles (next to pro wrestlers in bikinis, mind you), even when half of Marvel Legends no longer even make it to retail these days. Hasbro can absolutely make figures with revealing costumes whenever they want to. It just so happens they rarely do.
You really gotta wonder what the point of all those joints are when this is the extent of his movement.
Why does she look like that hooker from Breaking Bad?
It's not about the toy isles. It's about the community as a whole. If Shartimus is reviewing a figure with big exposed conchitas and little 5 year old johnny who collect legends is caught watching it affects disney's pg-13 friendly image with parents who have been indoctrinated into thinking that seeing a naked lady before you are 18 is tantamount to child abuse.
I'm not encouraging you to buy anything at MSRP you don't want to, but everyone keeps talking about "buying it at clearance" or "waiting for Ollie's", when we don't live in that world anymore. Hasbro has slashed production runs. That's why some figures are selling out at launch and going for double price (or more) within 6 months. Almost nothing released in the last year has gone to actual clearance prices (40-50% off). The best you'll find is the occasional 25-30% sales, but even those are becoming increasingly rare.

Haven't you noticed how most new releases are retailer or fan channel exclusives? More store exclusives, more online exclusive, more direct-to-customer sales - it's all part of Hasbro's plan to make clearance sales obsolete. I'm not saying you'll never find anything on sale again. Items will always slip through the cracks. But just understand, toy companies have gotten wise to the fact that collectors are the primary audience for certain toylines, and they will never sell those toys the way they used to ever again.
But this passes. If there was actual nudity then it would be an issue for such a rating.
Disney is releasing R rated Deadpool movies, theyre long past having a PG or PG13 image
Has a single fan channel wave gone on sale yet? It seems Hasbro's gambit on these waves has paid off.
Phoenix will be pulse exclusive wont she?
Yeah better get that premium sub
Disney licenses their characters (in this case, Marvel characters) to companies who make sexy / revealing statues and images all the time. They are not puritanical when it comes to merchandising (in most cases). All these stories about what Hasbro can and can't do are mostly hallucinations conjured up by corporate bootlickers to defend disappointing products.
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>mfw dwight says they gave rogue a solid torso because they didnt want to mess up the design of her costume.
I hate how ML treats female torso articulation like its the fucking toe hinge. Only one or two characters have it and its not a standard as it should be.
Are there any other female figures with just a ball joint at the waist for comparison?
It's funny that they go through the trouble of sculpting a new overlay and gloves, but then just paint the boot cuffs on.
Didn't they get the fucking hint when MCU Odin hit $2.99 on Amazon?
EXXXCLUSIVE, Mondo west coast shit
It's the litmus test for what the mutts will also buy as as a comic version.
That skull can look great on a Spirit Spider custom
Does it kinda feel like all the Brotherhood of evil mutants get odd releases
They made it look like a ape. Why?
Was she always planned to join the good guys or was it just a whim
I think when people talk about waiting for Clarence, it means that they're willing to pass unless the figure gets cheap. If it doesn't hit clearance then let it pass.
lady deathstrike has a ball joint at the waist.
Deathstrike as the anon above said, Xmen 97 Jean, Marvel Girl from Tri Sentinel wave. This type of torso joint is always awful. Bad range, and can't get them into good poses. I wish they'd fucking stop.
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Brace yourselves for my very good and very brave opinions:

1) I'd rather figures have a solid torso than a split torso that looks ugly. For female figures, if they can't hide the break in the upper torso by cutting it to end along the bust line, I'd rather have a solid torso.

2) In most cases, there's no functional difference between having a ball joint at the chest or a ball joint at the waist. The only way for a torso to be highly articulated is to have both a ball joint and a hinge joint (see: the Target Black Widow, Warbird, etc.).

3) Obviously, the ideal scenario is for torsos to have two points of articulation. However, if figures can only have one torso joint, having it at the waist is preferable to having it at the chest.

Thus concludes my thrilling lecture on plastic torsos.
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already got comic Kang so I hope this is a 3 pack deal with Immortus/Rama Tut and Iron Lad
I think I'll get Dracula as a Kain/Elric expy.
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>another fan channel wave
>rebecas won't bring the whole wave and only take preorders for individual figures
never saw anything from the Mindless One wave except Luke Cage, which is the only one I wanted, but still.
The same person who cut those knee joints also cut Power Princess' knee joints.
I just want female legends to have the same POA as male legends. #FemaleArticulationMatters
Let's face it, ML as a brand is on the downswing, most waves are going to be online only now. McFarlane is also in the same situation now. No one but the hardcore collector is buying super hero figures anymore, probably because the MCU and DCEU both collapsed.
NTA but that's not what you want with female figures. You want the articulation scheme that makes them look the most beautiful. If a cut gives the character a diaper, you definitely don't want it. That's why Hasbro's handling of female figures has been better than McFarlane's since if there is no way to hide the waist cut, they dont have a waist cut.
If I want to ejaculate I will porn. I want action figures to action. As long as the design is close to the comics or whatever then give me articulation.
>mcu tirade
You know, usually I shit on low POA figures, but when I handled the Jean figure, she still ended up being fun regardless of the lack of ball jointed chest.

That said, I wouldn't mind if we got a classic comic on the Warbird buck in the future (although having Phoenix now basically makes it useless unless I wanna do specific shades of Jean Grey displays).
NTA but appreciating beauty =/= gooning you articulated asshat.
He's not wrong, reception to new media has a direct effect on what we get. Look at how bad the Black Series is from where it was a few years ago.
I thought it was retail
I wouldn't exactly call 3 sentences a tirade.
Thats because no one gives a shit about Star Wars, nor cares enough to collect for it except for the Gen Xers and maybe a chunk of millennials. Of all licensed toy properties we got, Star Wars was always at risk of aging out. New generations don't give a shit, especially after how terribly the sequel trilogy did.
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Exactly, these "just watch porn" tards would be happy with a fucking stick figure at this point
Online waves are far less likely to go on sale than in store ones because the space being used by them is warehouse space rather than store space--which is far more limited
Actually Power Rangers was far more at risk than Star Wars, and did.
So did they replace Mystique with Rogue to spite the leakers, or did the leakers get that part wrong? You would think they have some pride month shit considering it’s Disney.
They probably had no idea that old woman was Rogue and thought it was Mystique kek
If people were serious, they would've seen Power Rangers' writing on the wall since like 2015. Bandai just artificially extended the lfiespan with the Legacy collection, at a time when people were huffing for nostalgia.

The overall decline of each successor series, and kids not really latching onto the series (except maybe Dino Fury), made me lol when Hasbro spent that much money on the brand. What an L purchase for them.
Good reveals today.
She was meant to be called Mandarin Psylocke. This is proof they cannot use the name Mandarin.
What proof?
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>Jack Kirby Odin
Instabuy...now if we can just get a damn Warriors Three set like we should have in the 2017 SDCC set.


pass although that evil head might have promise as a custom

I've wanted THAT Rogue since the beginning so it's an instabuy. Two-packing her with Destiny makes sense since she rounds out the BOEM and she'd probably warm the pegs.

Soft pass but the 'power' head might work for Goblin Queen

Is this even a new sculpt? They could have at least given us an Astral version and called it the ghost of Daniel Drumm or better yet given us first appearance Blade by reusing the Wonder Man safari jacket.

Hard pass...I'm all about the classic Tomb Of Dracula version but I know for a lot of anons this is THEIR Marvel Drac so enjoy.


Well there is no way they were going to do his super hero look so I think I'll just put his head on a generic business suit and call it a day.

Eh...why not?

I actually LIKE the Fist Of Konshu Moon Knight run so I'm down for this!

I got the TB version and I'm cool with it.

Overall not bad...
A lot of normies are malding at the Strange Tales wave
What were they expecting? Manphibian?
My brother from another mother, may your culture never perish.
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Yeah, but delicious tits tho. I like to look at pretty figures with pretty figures.
Unless the leak was from a year ago there wouldn't be enough time to change it

There was no mention of the actual name of this look for Psylocke by Hasbro, i.e. Lady Mandarin Psylocke, because the term Mandarin is banned.
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Looks great, but I'm not into a whole Thor collection.
This could be better.
Probably the best figure of the character you could ask for.
It's not that great of an update.
FINALLY, I have been asking for this for such a long time. But I still want picture-related.
Silly book and figure, okay.
Oh, I'm about to coom! But easy pass.
Out of all his costumes, they pick the easiest one.
I have the other two, I'm good.
Need in the worst way, but I do love the TB version. I could see blue-ish repaint in a two-pack with Mephisto in a future timeline. Either that or Mephisto will be the SDCC exclusive.
This might be the SDCC set as well. >>11035250
I want Destiny, but I don't want that Rogue.
What did they want?
Pretty much every "Beyond Earth's Mightiest" release could be found half price for months. Ironman, Hulk, Hawkeye, Doom Cap Marver 2pk, Skrull 2pk. Hopefully Destiny and Rogue will be the same.

movie content is treated differently to toys which most normies think should be suitable for kids. regardless of the property they are based on. Why doesn't bandai give us blood on dragon ball figures?

disney/marvel/hasbro, it doesn't matter who's ultimately calling the shots, the fact is that companies are purposely censoring toys for the reason above, because there is a financial incentive to do so.
Maybe that version is harder to copywrite or something
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I mean
Yeah, the likeness rights for that version might be owned by that company
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Not sure what you mean
>Jack Kirby Odin
Jack Kirby died in 1994
Odin didn't lose his eye in the comics until 1998
This is definitely not Kirby Odin. Once again they mash elements from all era's into a single release and create something inaccurate to all of them.
They did it in 2006
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True, Kirby always gave him both eyes, but this design is very evocative of his style IMO but if you want to argue semantics that's on you.

>Odin didn't lose his eye in the comics until 1998
You are so fucking wrong
Call them whatever you want, just release the figures. I would buy The Small Orange figure, or Lady Orange. Silver Claw and Red Fella.
nice catch. I thought it must have been earlier than 98, but that's what you get for trusting google. pretty sure the eye comes back some point in the early 90s and then he sacrifices it.
Maybe it had to be in a four pack for a reason
Or maybe they FUCKED UP
That new movie Venom figure, do we know if the tendril heads can pop out and fit into the Knull 2 pack Venom?
Where the fuck is the Blob reissue/repaint?
Blob aint never fitting on a retro card. You know how deep that figure is?
And you know that's just a fan created thing right? same as the Beast one. It's not even a convincing photoshop job
They didn't make a new torso so the holes should be exactly the same.
He looks good but I'm not a huge Thor guy. Maybe if he hits Clarence

Pass. I'm happy with my first Venom, don't need another.

Meh, probably a pass. I don't really care.

Near, but not something I'm clamoring for. Another wait and see if hits discount.

Yes yes yes. Take my money.

Tempted until I remembered I have the Book of Vishanti set I got at SDCC back in the day. I don't need a new Voodoo.

Tempting. The sculpt looks good.

Lmao pass, and I collect Wolverines.


Eh, maybe if he hits discount. Hellstrom always annoyed me in the comics.


I already have the Target and modern versions. Easy pass.

Looks good. Annoying that he's a BaF. Glad I don't care about mystic <marvel too much.
>being this upset
Take your meds spazmo
We had a Legends stream today. No one cares Mondovirigin
I'm already rather sad that I will miss out on that Phoenix because it'll sell out before I can ever order it.
Absolutely, especially not allowed on characters who maxed out charisma in their powerstats.
With this wave they know they don't even have to bother because the BAF is friggin' Blackheart.
So we get cheap cosplay Lilith and leftover nuMarvel creep Hellstorm.
It's classic DEI fascism, nothing new but they learned to glue that shit to a popular comic character so it'll sell regardless.
It absolutely sucks but here we are.
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru.
what the fuck does this have to do with dei
This looks completely different

That's about right for Odin. Homie is not a ninja
It's not about how much he can move, it's about how it moves. Hasbro needs to stop throwing their rudimentary engineering onto any and every figure regardless of size and shape. That motherfucker won't even be able to sit down.
>Marvel Select articulation.
>but without Select detailing.
>You're welcome.
I don't own any hefty characters that have more than basic articulation. I've come accustomed to them being limited due to size. How do you properly give them adequate articulation? I'm genuinely curious since I'd like to see what it looks like. Like I wish the deluxe Monster Venom had more range.
Storm collectibles are a good example of big figures with great range. Look at Sagat. Obviously naked characters are easier to do than those in armor, but the same principles apply.
Or Marvel Select pricing. Diamond would sell this thing for $30. I'm just hoping Hasbro doesn't charge twice that.
You guys are dumb. When was the last time a Select came with that many accessories?
I'm overseas presently, but I've got the Warlock wave one in storage Stateside. Could you share a pic?
Hasbro will NEVER change their articulation schemes or do anything more innovative because we still have FAGGOTS that buy everything they shit out. So no dumbbell waist for you sir enjoy your 15year old articulation.
should i make a new thread??
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>Brother Voodoo
>random and obscure
It's a little early, but here ya go:

Fucking faggot
You have no idea how often Marvel used that word in the 60s and 70s just to refer to the latest superhero battle of the week. They were closer in time to WWII, some of them fought in it, but they were using that word in other contexts regularly.

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