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Anyone here have a GPK collection? I just rediscovered mine in the attic and now I'm in the process of reorganizing over 3000 cards in chronological order. Also found some sister series cards too, I forgot I had tons of Wacky Packages and some Meanie Babies cards as well
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here's an AI garbage pail kids card I prompted
Boomer thread. Can't relate. Find me in the Tech Deck thread.
You dont know what a boomer is
You are lucky to have all those. I remember when they first hit. They were awesome. Did you any Cheap Toy and Crummy Candies?
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I got this book for cheap. It has all the card art. Even includes some of the banned/rejected cards as a bonus.
I wish I had more. I found a few at a little con from some lady a year ago and they turned out to be the stickers. I got a bunch of horror characters but I want more just to have them. I might buy some packs off ebay or amazon and see what i get. I'm 31 and i love them. Wish I knew about them earlier.
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No, but I used to watch videos about fail/gross-out toys and these were often included. I like them, I think they're charming. I'm a fan of puns. Here are two of my favorites, I'm a big R.L. Stine fan.

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