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They see me rollin'
They hatin'
I want that.
Wario's car?
Just rember me
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Sorry, but Beetlejuice's car was miles better
>All those dildos in the back
No wonder Lydia was always hanging around
For me, it was Bob's car from ReBoot.
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The Dick Tracy cars were pretty great.
Very cool stuff here
What ever happened to Crash Test Dummies? It seemed like there were a ton of toys and a TV show one month and then nothing.
>a TV show one month and then nothing.
Ain't wrong. They only had a single tv special
>Strolling in my Caddy
>Strolling in my Caddy
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What am I looking at?
Some Bratz car with a Transformer and two Daleks for scale
It's an OMG car.
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I was thwippin an whippin..
That's so fucking tight
Sorry, honestly, this version of the car sucked.
The new ones and even the Playmobil is much better with a removable top.

If you disagree, it's because you never played with the new ones and you're huffing nostalgia.
It's so tiny.
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based car thread?
based car thread
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this was one of the first toys i saw hang on the shelves as kid where i was like "wtf, that's retarded"
It alwasy stuck with me and now I own one boxed that I'm very fond of.

Can't seat anyone tough.
>ThebestgamersUSA jingle intensifies
10/10 hardcores
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The spring in that was so strong I broke my mom's kitchen window with it
>we'll never get the toxic crusaders repaints of them
it really fucking stings
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You could take an eye out with this thing.
>gets repainted for every subsequent playmates toyline from EWJ to fucking chicken run
hell of a legacy for such a specific vehicle to have
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It's part of Chi- HOLY SHIT.
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For me it was these. Still have mine.
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I don't remember the original Pizza Thrower being able to angle up like that. And the mold does look slightly different.
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Don't forget this one.
The most based car ITT. Probably costs a fortune now.
My sister had pink chevy with white seats and a more sporty looking white car with black details that I'm not sure the model was. My brother and I put vinyl letter stickers across the hood to spell out "POLICE" and used it for our G.I. Joes. Good times.
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>yeah, put my face on the hood so they know it's me coming
Fuck it's funny to think I had all of these. Damn I was spoiled
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It is different, just the same mechanic.

Now thats just a re-issue!
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That thing was awesome.
Where did all the creativity go?
I think they used it all up with "bug that turns into a bug".
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Does a toy series with only cars count?
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this one is a beast that can rip across both carpet and any sidewalk. Takes 6 AAs with an opening trunk for weapon storage, adjustable seat belts, and is a brick when battering into any low T Ken dolls in your way
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They really ripped this right off for Warios car in WL4
Id love to collect this line but its too late
What's up, cunts?
That's the toy version of the Lotec Sirius, isn't it? AM had that car in one of the PS1 games, Operation eXtreme.

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