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File: cube_world.jpg (27 KB, 894x430)
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I miss them so much bros
I don't even know what this is.
I vaguely remember commercials for this.
Kino toyline. Too expensive at the time though
oh man I have a bunch of these guys. all of line 1 and 2 and several in the 3 4 and 5 lines. the 2x2 extra large cubes were the best. I should make sure the batteries are out of them since they've been in storage for so long.
I missed them too. They were 2x the price of a Marvel Legends so I never bothered. Hell, they're practically the same aftermarket on ebay
Same, I think I had 6 cubes but it was fun nonetheless. You feel like a little God observering the tiny people and rearranging the cubes. Just felt so tactile to pick up and play with the cubes.

I need to switch out the screen polarizers on mine, they have that lcd sun burn going on. They also burn through batteries crazy fast iirc.
You can buy lots of them on ebay for reasonable prices. You could even look for ones listed as not working for even cheaper, it's usually something simple to fix like scraping corrosion off of the contacts, or soldering something that came loose inside.
Kinda like a Tamagotchi, but you can put them together and they would all interact, and the more you linked together the more it became a living world, kinda like an electric ant colony.
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He is so fucking cool
I gave these to my friend and he had them for years and asked if I wanted them. Looked them up on ebay and they went for shit prices, so we threw them away.
My favorite thing to do with these was connecting two of them together, waiting for one of the little guys to hop into their neighbors' box to hang out, then pulling them apart. Both of the stick figures inside would turn into dust and blow away; fun times.
If you showed these to zoomer/hypebeast types they'd go crazy over them, they're the perfect desk toy, they're retro, idle, colorful, aesthetic, all the qualities these people with "streamer rooms" look for
when did you start killing animals?

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