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I've got a hankering to build some lego, but I feel odd about it because I'm 28. How do you get over this?
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There used to be website called mocpages, where kids and AFOLs would build the most simple to extremely intricate models ever seen. It's gone now, but there are still strong communities as seen in forums, conventions, and even small businesses based on Lego that carry on the "AFOL" culture. Lego Ideas is also a theme based on highly voted ideas/creations that make it official sets, despite final changes on release. There's even that game show on Fox. And lastly there's this place called Bricklink, which is not only a marketplace for very specific parts, but also one of the large communities that make AND sell the aforementioned small/large scale creations. If this doesn't make you feel confident or rebellious, then look up a different hobby and see if that works better for you
By getting into plamo instead.
You get over it by not being a normie faggot. Liking something isn't restricted by how old you are. Anyone who tells you otherwise is fucking wrong. Just have the discretion to realize when you need to hide your power level and when you can be open about it and you should be fine.
LEGO is same as jigsaw puzzles. If adults can assemble them, they can do it same with LEGO. My dark ages were from 2000 til 2023, now I'm back at LEGO and finally collecting sets I couldn't get as a kid.
>banned in england for being a weapon
Hilarious but not true
If I miss, I miss.
Only buy the sets that say 18+ on the box. The instructions have Playboy centerfolds.
I’m 28 and I just built a new set a few days ago. Really, as long as you’re only spending within your means and keep things clean, it’s just a harmless hobby. Basically model kits but not.
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I also built this up-scaled minifigure, inspired by the official set but based on my main minifigure, as previously shown, along with additional articulation. One day ill use it for some final battle with something
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imagine having a cute autistic gf to build lego with
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OP here, I got this creator set and just went for it
Good choice. Just remember that after you build the camera, you can add and change up whatever you feel like. You can even build something else with it. More importantly, have fun

Lego is a pretty normie hobby now. It's on par with buying board games. A third of the sets currently offered are basically just hobby models for adults since all of the Millennials that grew up with it have a soft spot for it.
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>LeGilf Cunny
don't buy the lame sets aimed for adults who think they're too cool for lego. Get something cool like the new lego city sailboat, or a comfy minecraft set, or buy the big box of Lego Classic and make your own shit.
I'm 30.
I have an entire walk in closet dedicated to nothing but Lego.
I'm using my young adult pre-kids money to buy all the sets I wanted as a kid, because I'm sure as shit not going to have the money later.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, other than you, can prescribe what your life needs to be.
For a moment I actually thought you were serious
It's mostly adults in the hobby now, so you've got nothing to feel weird about. Shit's become too expensive for most parents to buy for their kids. It's why it's mostly not even marketed at kids anymore but rather collectors.
>the new lego city sailboat, or a comfy minecraft set, or buy the big box of Lego Classic
what terrible set suggestions
Reminder that there are news stories about Lego retail thefts. Hopefully that means something
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When I got back into Lego last year, at the age of 32, it started when I saw pic related at the grocery store, and I figured it'd be something I could have on my shelf without feeling too weird if anyone saw it. When I went to pay, the cashier (who I'd guess was in his early 20s) offhandedly mentioned that he also owned that kit, and that he'd built it together with his girlfriend as a date.

So, I suggest maybe starting with a "decorative" kit or two to get used to Lego again. Hell, I've even brought a few of the botanical kits with me to work, to decorate the office, and I've only ever had positive responses from my co-workers.
go back
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Everyone loves botanical, this is 2 orchids and the first succulent set for the main 2 builds plus some other stuff on the side. I probably came out of the dark ages around 25, once I had more space and could afford more, tho I never went truly dark ages. 31 and looking forward to more Lego

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